10 largest dog breeds. The largest dog in the world, who is she

Dog to dog strife. There are tiny mini-dogs, which are carried in handbags by secular young ladies, and there are real giants, in size not inferior to small horses. Giant dogs.


The seven largest dog breeds in the world are discovered by the Scottish deerhound or deer greyhound. This breed of dog was bred for unarmed deer hunting. Possesses a powerful bone, strong jaws and a calm, friendly disposition. The coarse blue-gray coat protects the animal from the harsh climate of the Scottish mountains. The breed was not widespread due to its size. Males reach 81 centimeters at the withers, and sometimes they are larger. The weight of dogs reaches fifty kilograms.

Russian hunting greyhound

The sixth place is rightfully taken by the legendary Russian hunting greyhound. The breed is first mentioned in the 17th century. Hunting with greyhounds was popular at court; dogs were presented to high-ranking guests as an expensive gift. The breed standard was formulated in 1888.
The Russian greyhound has well-developed muscles and is intended for hunting wolves. A greyhound can grab a wolf by the scruff of the neck, press it to the ground and hold it until a hunter drives up. The growth of a dog at the withers by standards reaches 82 centimeters, but the weight is rarely more than 50 kilograms. This is due to the addition of the hound, because this dog on the hunt develops a speed of 70 km / h, while the speed of a wolf does not exceed 56 km / h. Differs in willfulness.

Tibetan mastiff

This is not only the largest, but also the most expensive dog in the world. Last year in China, a red Tibetan Mastiff puppy was sold for $ 1.5 million. The value of the dog is due to the fact that the Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient breed of dogs that live in the Himalayas. For their resemblance to a lion, these dogs are an object of worship. Mastiff puppies were also presented to Alexander the Great. The traveler Marco Polo wrote about these dogs and indicated that they were the size of a donkey.
The mastiff has a straight back, well-developed shoulders and a wide muzzle. The height at the withers reaches 71 centimeters, and the weight of some individuals is 99 kilograms. At home, they graze and guard livestock. Unlike other mastiffs, the Tibetan mastiff is not distinguished by a fierce disposition, but it will stand up for the owner.

The age of the Alabai breed or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is more than four thousand years old. Since ancient times, Alabaev has been used to guard the house and graze livestock.

Alabai is smart, independent, wayward, prone to running wild. The largest Alabai lives in Russia, in the Stavropol Territory, with the breeder Alexander Khudyakov. The dog's name is Bulldozer, his weight exceeds 125 kilograms, and his height (if he rests on the shoulders of the owner) reaches two meters. At one time, Bulldozer made a splash in the dog ring. Bulldozer is now retired and on a special diet. The dog allows the children to ride on him, but if he is stubborn, an adult man will not budge him. For several years he was considered the largest dog in the CIS, he has numerous awards and titles. Bulldozer's children and grandchildren guard dozens of houses in the North Caucasus and graze livestock. Unfortunately, none of the Alabai puppies have reached the size of their fathers, but still many "kids" reach a weight of 90 kilograms.

Mastino Neapolitano

Dogs of this breed are strong, majestic, of a rude constitution, in their ancestors they have Molossian dogs, which the Romans bred for baiting and fighting with wild animals, bulls and lions in the arena. They are not pugnacious, but they are distinguished by their resilience in a fight. Unfortunately, there are known cases of aggression towards people in Russia. These dogs should not be kept in apartments because they need space and movement. At the withers they reach 76 cm, and the weight of dogs can be over 70 kg.

English mastiff

The weight of dogs of this ancient breed reaches 113 kilograms. Breeders believe that the ancestors of the English Mastiff were the Tibetan Mastiffs. For several millennia BC, powerful dogs guarded dwellings in Asia and participated in the hunt for large animals. This is a massive dog with a large head and the obligatory black mask on the muzzle.
The largest English mastiff, Hercules, who lived in England, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog in 2001. It was owned by athlete Joe Flynn. Hercules weighed almost 128 kilograms, and his neck circumference was 96 centimeters. Earlier, in 1989, the largest dog in the world was the English Mastiff Aikama Zorba, owned by Chris Iraklides living in London. Zorba's height at the withers was 94 cm, and the weight reached 155.58 kg.

German dog

Great Dane is the pride of Germany. Sometimes this breed is mistakenly called the Great Dane. It looks like it is the largest dog in the world.
The breed is distinguished by its balanced constitution and elegance. Great Danes have common ancestors with Neapolitano Mastino - Molossian dogs. In the past, Great Danes were used to hunt wild boars. There are two known representatives of this breed, entered in the book of records as the largest dogs in the world.

This is the blue Great Dane Giant George, who lived in the United States, Arizona, which had a length from the tip of the nose to the tail of 221 centimeters, and the length of each paw was 110 centimeters. At the same time, George was distinguished by a rather harmonious physique and enjoyed walking and playing with other dogs living in the house. Its weight was 113 kilograms. Because of such a large pet, the owners were forced to change their house. George died at the age of eight.

His successor Zeus lives in Michigan (USA) in the family of Kevin and Denise Durlag. He was 2.5 cm taller than George. Despite being thin, Zeus does not suffer from loss of appetite. He eats 12-14 bowls of food a day, loves chicken and steaks. The dog has a lot of responsibilities: he visits hospitals and nursing homes, where he participates in dog therapy, and also earns money to save animals by taking pictures with the public.

Large dogs also include Irish wolfhounds, Russian terriers, German Leonberger and some other breeds. Those wishing to have such a puppy should remember that large breed dogs are capricious, intelligent, independent and do not allow themselves to be controlled, and - alas! - live very shortly. The only exception is the Tibetan mastiffs. They live up to 15 years.

A large dog is a big responsibility. Almost all owners of large pets know about this, and often they come across this already in practice. The group of large breeds of dogs is quite extensive and here you can find both good-natured individuals and serious fighting and. But, in any case, the owner must know in advance what can grow from a funny puppy and evaluate his own capabilities.

Today this Turkmen breed is gaining popularity, because its representatives are excellent guards and watchmen. These are powerful, large dogs with a frightening look, which, in fact, corresponds to their character - it is better not to meddle with strangers.

At home, these dogs are considered a national treasure, in addition, there is a ban on the export of purebred individuals. But - this is not only a prestigious, but also a difficult animal, requiring a firm hand and serious work on socialization and education.

Dogs of this breed are the result of crossing the Japanese Akita with larger representatives - mastiffs and a German shepherd. It turned out to be a large, proportional animal, with the appearance of its relatives from Japan.

She has a balanced psyche, but at the same time she has not lost her vigilance. She is used for protection, service, as a watchman, guide. In addition, such a pet is an excellent companion - faithful, calm and most often silent.

A large representative of huskies, which has all the qualities necessary for a working hunting dog. Indana is a hardy, fearless, physically developed pet, capable of working even in harsh conditions. Yes, he needs intense physical activity, but at the same time the dog is cheerful, companionable and sociable.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world. Once used to hunt large predators and ungulates, as guards and watchmen. Today, this dog is mainly a companion, and does not like excessive activity. He will be happy to walk in the park, and then relax at home.

Despite the formidable appearance, kind and sympathetic, he nevertheless shows suspicion of strangers, therefore early socialization is required.

The breed appeared when falconry was at the peak of popularity, dogs accurately found and marked the nests of birds. English Setters were immediately distinguished by their pretty appearance, they are still considered the most elegant representatives of the gun breeds.

Today these dogs are more often purchased as a companion and for an exhibition career. It doesn't matter if your pet is a work dog or a pet, it needs regular exercise. Experts still do not advise buying a puppy from the working line for an apartment - their excessive activity can cause a number of problems.

A versatile animal that is capable of performing a wide variety of work - a guide, search engine, watchman, hunter, rescuer, is used for police and guard duty. It is not for nothing that a monument was erected to this healthy white man in his homeland, and this is given the fact that the breed appeared only in the first quarter of the 20th century. For her breeding, representatives of various purposes were used, and the dog took from each of them the best qualities.

The breed was bred on the territory of the Soviet Union in the 30s of the last century. In breeding work, German shepherds were used, trying to get more hardy dogs capable of working in any climatic conditions. The breeders did it, and in the 60s the standard was approved.

The East European Shepherd Dog is a large, hardy animal, infinitely loyal to its owner, performing almost any official job. It has pronounced guarding and watchdog qualities, but in vain does not show strength, avoiding groundless conflicts.

The oldest breed with a history of over 5000 years. Like most, they kept aristocratic, wealthy houses that could afford to hunt with a pack of these sophisticated, beautiful dogs.

If the representatives of hounds most often need hunting, then this cannot be said about the English greyhound. The pet needs 2 hours of walking a day and a couple of longer walks a week to get enough exercise. Do not trust the speculation that Greyhounds are difficult to train, they learn the program well if you approach the process correctly.

At home, the breed is considered the property of the country, and in Great Britain its representatives serve at the royal court. descended from the Celtic greyhounds - huge dogs wandering with tribes across the territory of modern European countries.

These dogs are aristocratic, but at the same time they have a harsh character. It is not recommended to train them for guard duty, as the Irish are capable of showing excessive aggression. For their own - this is a favorite and a sweetheart, for strangers - a potential threat.

One of the most common breeds is a huge, massive dog with a powerful bone and rich coat. It belongs to the oldest shepherd breed, and today it successfully plays the role of a watchman and guard. Already at one glance at such a colossus, the attackers will lose the desire to invade the territory entrusted to the dog.

Those who want to have a Caucasian Shepherd puppy should evaluate their own strengths and future prospects, the dog will jealously guard the courtyard, and any stranger, be it a person or an animal, will pay if he inadvertently comes in, even say hello to the owners.

Italian universal dog, with a developed territorial instinct, handsome and self-confident. For his family, he becomes an excellent friend and shows patience with children, but does not take his eyes off strangers, assessing their behavior. In order for the dog to only look after the guests and not show aggression in situations he does not understand, early socialization and education is required.

You should not isolate the puppy from society, he should master the territory and get to know who is a stranger and who is his, and how to behave. About the Cane Corso, we can say that he will not spare his life to protect the owner and household members.

Quite a colorful representative of shepherd breeds that commands respect. Its appearance can hardly be called ordinary, since the dog has long hair, twisted into dense bundles resembling ropes. He is somewhat similar to a lapdog, but too large, voluminous.

Modern ones are used as watchmen and guards, they do an excellent job of their duties. They are excellent shepherds, lost in a flock of sheep, they suddenly attack predators who hunt for robbery. Like other guard breeds, these giants require socialization.

The breed was bred in order to become a symbol, a "visiting card" of the city of the same name, and one of the requirements for the breed is related to the appearance of dogs - they had to be as similar as possible to lions. The breed has undergone many ups and downs, but breeders still managed to preserve it.

Is a large, powerful animal that evokes awe and admiration. By nature, the dog is calm, balanced. Despite the pronounced protective qualities, he will not show aggression towards people who have come, if the owner made it clear that these are friends.

These descendants of warlike mastiffs look impressive, which is only their large head with multiple folds and luxurious flews. Once they fought in various arenas with bulls, gladiators and other dogs, but over time, their appearance and character have changed somewhat.

Mastino Neapolitano makes excellent guards, watchmen and bodyguards, in addition, they are not alien to the hunt. Once they went to big game, and one such dog could cope with a large boar or bear. Only, it seems that these dogs are slow and clumsy, at the slightest danger the dog reacts with lightning speed and inflicts severe injuries with its teeth.

One of the young working breeds, obtained by crossing several breeds of different types. Participants included St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Greyhounds, Pied Hounds and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The work was approached with all seriousness, and the result is worthy of attention. The dog borrowed the appearance of the St. Bernard and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, turned out to be very mobile, hardy and efficient.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog is positioned as a family dog, such an independent and large pet is not suitable for everyone and requires serious training and early education.

A stately handsome man, Apollo among dogs, the Great Dane never goes unnoticed, appearing in a crowded place. Their ancestors were real fighters, brave and fearless, but the modern dog has a more good-natured character and is devoid of that primitive aggression. But, despite this, the owner must teach the pet "good manners", because it is a large enough animal that can cause problems.

Such a dog can also be started by inexperienced dog breeders, but on condition that a professional dog handler, taking into account the breed characteristics, takes part in its education.

Canadian breed of dogs, whose representatives are distinguished by a balanced character, endurance and an unusually cute appearance. When you look at them, there is no feeling of anxiety or fear, but only admiration.

Once they were excellent helpers for fishermen, they could dive even in icy water and get not only nets, but also people who got caught. By the way, modern dogs have a weakness for water and have not lost the membranes between the toes.

Perhaps this is one of the most common large breeds bred in Germany, but won fame all over the world. How could its representatives deserve it? First of all, its representatives are very intelligent and intelligent, amenable to training and can perform both official duties and guard, guard.

Such a hardy pet, as, does not require special care, however, he is able to show cunning, testing his master for "weak". The dog needs training and education, otherwise you can get a dog that will not obey.

The breed got its name because of the wavy, silky coat, before it was called "dog". Like other greyhounds, these are graceful dogs, not devoid of aristocracy, very fast, with good hunting qualities.

The stories that these are absolutely unlearned animals with low intelligence have long since sunk into oblivion. In fact, they have a certain narrow specialization - they are pickling dogs, and it is difficult for them to find equals here. Naturally, Russian greyhounds are not universal dogs that perform many functions, and it is foolish to demand the impossible from a pet.

- large dogs, with thick hair that even covers their eyes, intended for guard duty, need special training, since without this they are dangerous animals.

They are considered the pride of Russian cynology, because the breed was prepared for a special mission - to participate in military operations. But, when wars were in the past, the dogs were still useful. In addition to the army, they began to be used for agricultural work.

The ancestors were rescue dogs who lived at monasteries in the Alps and could find people buried under thickets of snow. Such responsible work taught the animals to act independently, according to the circumstances, not to hesitate and not to be afraid.

Many St. Bernards are considered the standard of philanthropy, calmness and devotion. Despite the large size, the representatives of the breed are not aggressive, not only love, but adore children and understand the owner perfectly.

One of the most expensive breeds that appeared in Tibet several thousand years ago. Due to the fact that the Tibetan monks lived in solitude, the dogs practically retained their impressive appearance, because due to their voluminous coat and large size, the dogs resemble lions.

This is a serious breed that requires a special approach. tend to dominate, have powerful protective instincts and are able to show aggression even to those who accidentally wandered into their territory. In the house, he will find a common language with all family members and will fiercely defend them.

Already at one glance, it becomes clear that these powerful strong men had fighting dogs in the family. Yes, they inherited a frightening appearance, but the character has undergone a lot of changes. Today it is a phlegmatic, calm dog that loves its family. It is very difficult for him to endure separation, he is wary of strangers, but he will not attack without a reason.

When teaching, it should be borne in mind that this giant will not briskly run and carry out the command, he will initially think over the solution to the task given to him, and it is not worth pulling him unnecessarily.

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals. However, large breeds are known to be friendly. They get along well with children, love to hug and frolic on the street. A rare passer-by will not pay attention to the shaggy animal.

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals.

The concept of "the largest breed of dogs" cannot mean one species of these animals. The fact is that the size of a person's tailed friends is determined by the combination of the height at the withers and weight. Often, some individuals violate the standards of their breed, competing in size with those who theoretically should be larger. Therefore, giant dogs are often included in the ratings. Below you will find information about which breed resembles a horse and is the leader in the number of large representatives.

Nurse dogs

Newfoundland has a thick dark coat, unlike other dogs, he is absolutely not afraid of transport. This majestic dog swims beautifully, carries weights, and thanks to its calm disposition, it can look after children. The breed originates in one of the provinces of Canada. The average height of the Newfoundland reaches 70 cm and weighs 68 kg. However, there was a real record holder in this family, who weighed 126 kg, and his height when standing on his hind legs was 198 cm. This is the largest dog in the UK named Samson.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deer Greyhound, also called the Deerhound. In weight, it reaches 50 kg, and in height - 76 cm. It is these elongated, muscular beauties that have constantly accompanied hunters since the Middle Ages. And for good reason: this type of dog has a subtle instinct and an amazing reaction. Therefore, in the past, animals belonged only to influential families, who considered hunting the best entertainment. Today the deerhound is a consolation for the home. They catch the mood of their owners, are attentive to children, but the guards are bad: they rarely bark and are almost indifferent to strangers.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deer Greyhound

Another bright, powerful and impressive breed is the Leonberger. Its name comes from the German town of the same name, the symbol of which is considered to be this dog. It is the result of crossing several large breeds, therefore it itself has an impressive size. Leonberger's average weight is 75-76 kg. Can be an ideal guide, sociable, obedient, kind to children. That is why this shaggy companion is called the "family dog".

Another bright, powerful and impressive breed is the Leonberger

The most giant dogs in the world (video)

Gallery: the largest dogs in the world (25 photos)

Guard dogs

Among the hairy giants, and occupies a special place. This is a service breed, which was bred by crossing several breeds in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR. The height of the dog at the withers is 72-76 cm with 60 kg in weight. This large fluffy dog ​​is confident in himself, if necessary, he immediately takes a defensive position, but can quickly return himself to a calm state. She is unpretentious, smart and friendly.

Among the furry giants, the Black Russian Terrier also occupies a special place.

The next representative of large dogs is the Russian hunting greyhound. It has been known since the 17th century. It was popular at court and was considered a worthy gift for important guests. This giant dog is designed for hunting wolves. The height of a dog at the withers is 82 cm by standards, but the weight rarely exceeds 50 kg.

Russian hunting greyhound

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). This breed is more than 4 thousand years old, it combines the blood of the oldest dogs in Asia and the dogs of nomadic shepherds. Such shepherd dogs were subjected to serious natural selection, the best were used to guard livestock and owners' houses, to escort caravans. Being in constant battle with predators, these shaggy animals have become stronger, more resilient, have ceased to feel fear. The height of the dog at the withers is from 70 cm, weight is from 40 to 80 kg. The largest Central Asian shepherd dog is considered a dog named Bulldozer. It weighs over 125 kg and is 2 meters tall. This sturdy man lives in the Stavropol Territory, for several years he was listed as the largest dog in the CIS.

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Dogs-record holders

One of the longest-legged friends of man is the Irish wolfhound. Growing up to 80 cm, it has a strong, muscular body. The first written mention of this breed dates back to 391 AD. NS. In the Middle Ages, wolfhounds were present in every kingdom to protect livestock from the attacks of wolves. Today these dogs are of great interest as living evidence of Irish culture and a legacy of the Celtic past.

One of man's longest-legged friends is the Irish Wolfhound.

St. Bernard looks very defiant. This is the heaviest dog in the world. She can weigh 120 kg, which makes her incredibly strong and resilient. A striking example of this is the record recorded in 1978. Then an adult dog moved a load weighing 3000 kg from its place in one and a half minutes. Stubbornness, kindness and playfulness are characteristic of this breed, but obedience needs to be trained.

St. Bernard looks very defiant

George, Zeus and Major

The Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world. Belongs to rocks of gigantic size. Males grow up to 80 cm and more with a weight of 55 to 90 kg, which is why this breed is called a horse-sized dog. Representatives of this species are friendly, balanced, love to look after others and play. This is dangerous for people, because animals do not realize their size and can easily knock a person to the ground. With proper upbringing, Great Danes grow up not only as reliable protectors, but also as true friends of the whole family.

Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world

For a long time, the title of the world giant belonged to Dog George. By the fourth year of life, this huge dog has grown to 110 cm, and when it climbed on its hind legs, it exceeded a 2-meter tree. In 2010, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records named him the largest dog in the world, in 2013 this title began to be worn by the Great Dane Zeus, who surpassed George by only 1 cm.He was so strong that, accidentally hitting someone's hand, he could leave a bruise on her. Amusing photos of Zeus with his owners have spread all over the world. Against him, they looked like kids from the story about Gulliver. Now another representative of this breed, a British named Major, is claiming the title of "The largest dog on earth". When he stands on his hind legs, his height is 213 cm. This giant lives in South Wales. His diet is predominantly chicken and rice, and his schedule includes games and prolonged sleep.

Family of giants

The most gigantic dogs often come from the mastiff family. They are distinguished not only by their size, but also by their origin. This is a very ancient breed, bred for several centuries BC. NS. Dogs were then used as guards, fighters in the arena, and also took with them to hunt. Today, the most prominent representatives of this breed are the Neapolitans, Tibetans and British.

Neapolitan mastiff

- a descendant who participated in battles and performed in the arenas of Ancient Rome. This is the best watchdog in the world. He has a good reaction and powerful muscles. In size, it reaches 75 cm and weighs 70 kg. Its constitution makes it easy to scare unwanted guests, but with familiar people the mastiff is sociable and friendly. At the same time, he has developed a strong sense of affection, so other pets can cause jealousy in him.

The greatest interest among dog handlers is the Tibetan Mastiff. This is a dog that looks like a lion. Incredible strength, power, intelligence - these are its main features. The neck and shoulders are covered with a long thick coat that resembles a mane. Even Aristotle wrote about the Tibetan Mastiff, which speaks of the antiquity of the breed. According to legend, such a furry friend belonged to the Buddha himself. Previously, these animals guarded the monasteries of Tibet, helped nomads, today they are rightfully considered the most in the world. The price for a puppy varies from 2 thousand dollars to 10 thousand euros. If we talk about size, then most often the representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed grow up to 85 cm with a weight of 80 kg. However, there is a real giant among them - he weighed 120 kg.

The greatest interest among dog handlers is the Tibetan Mastiff

The English Mastiff is the largest dog in the world. It grows up to almost 80 cm with a maximum weight of 100 kg. Among this variety, Aikama Zorba is recognized as the largest, weighing 155 kg. It is a large animal with a sturdy body. Despite their formidable appearance, such dogs are quite docile and friendly.

Those who wish to acquire such a pet need to know that giant dogs are a huge responsibility. Due to their physique, they need dietary nutrition. Often in animals, the left side swells, which indicates stomach problems. Therefore, large breeds more often than others need to be examined by specialists. The largest dogs in the world, although friendly, love freedom in both grooming and lifestyle. Therefore, it is impossible to keep them in the apartment: they will be cramped and uncomfortable there.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the past, breeders have tried to breed dogs of large size and strength. These qualities were useful for hunting and guarding. However, there is no universal height or weight at which a breed is officially classified as "giant". There is only an unofficial opinion that the biggest dogs in the world- those that weigh 45 kg or more. However, their height can vary greatly, as some breeds are strong and heavy, while others are tall and thin. The heaviest dog that ever lived is a St. Bernard named Benedictine, he weighed an incredible 166 kg.

Despite menacing body proportions, most of the largest dog breeds are good-natured, easy-going pets. If you are thinking of getting yourself a really big four-legged companion, we are happy to make your choice easier by compiling this list.

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 50 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 70 cm and 35-43 kg.

These greyhounds were bred to hunt deer. The predecessors of the Deerhound were the Scottish and Pictish dogs that helped people in hunting ungulates. For a long time, the breed was unknown outside of Scotland, and only in 1892 it was officially recognized. Deerhounds are very hardy, have an instant reaction and a very keen sense of smell. They rarely bark, and are very trusting of people, so they are unlikely to be good guards. But this is a great dog for a hunter.

9. Irish wolfhound

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 86 cm and 55 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 86 cm and 48 kg.

A very ancient breed of hunting dogs. Written mention of Irish wolfhounds is first found in the records of the Roman consul in 391 AD. Unlike other members of the top 10 largest dogs in the world, Irish wolfhounds have a diverse range of personalities and are renowned for their individualism. They are rarely stupid or aggressive.

8. Komondor

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 60 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 70 cm and 50 kg.

Hungarian Shepherd Dogs are one of the largest dogs, the photo of which looks like “oh, live mop!”. There is a version that they appeared as a result of the crossing of ancient shepherd dogs and wolves. Komondors helped shepherds, protected livestock and other property. Easily recognizable for their long, cord-like coat, these dogs are one of Hungary's national treasures. They perfectly adapt to urban conditions and are good guards.

7. Leonberger

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 75 cm and 68 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 70 cm and 52 kg.

Sometimes these dogs are called "gentle lion", although the name "Leonberger" comes from the German city of Leonberg. The Leonberger is easily recognizable for its luxurious waterproof wool. These dogs are generally very loyal, intelligent, and playful, making them ideal companion animals. Unfortunately, the Leonberger do not live long - on average, 7 years.

6. Tosa inu

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 82 cm and 100 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 65 cm and 90 kg.

Originally, the Tosa Inu was bred in the Japanese principality of Tosa as a fighting dog. Representatives of the breed vary significantly in size. The Japanese breed as a whole weighs between 36 and 61 kg, while breeders outside of Japan have focused on breeding dogs that weigh between 60 and 100 kg. The Tosa Inu was crossed with large European dog breeds such as the Mastiff, St. Bernard, and Bull Terriers in order to produce a larger, stronger animal.

5. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 81 cm and 110 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 76 cm and 76 kg.

A popular dog breed in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus region. "Caucasians" are very capricious and smart, ideal guards, but they require a strong hand. It is enough to watch any video with a Caucasian Shepherd Dog to understand how dangerous such a whopper can be for an inexperienced dog owner and those around him.

4. Newfoundland

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 71 cm and 120 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 66 cm and 55 kg.

Originally, these fluffy beauties were bred as a working dog for fishermen. Huge, intelligent Newfoundlands are known for their excellent swimming ability. A relative of the Newfoundlands is the longest dog in the world - the Boomer (213 cm long and 90 cm high). Boomer belongs to the Landseer breed, bred from the Newfoundlands.

3. English Mastiff

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 156 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of bitches is 70 cm and 91 kg.

On the third position of the rating - "on the face of the terrible, kind inside" giants. The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world in terms of body weight. The first reports of these massive dogs date back to the 6th century BC. And during the Roman conquest of England, the loyalty and strength of the mastiffs impressed even Caesar. The heaviest mastiff in the history of the breed was a male named Aikama Zorbo, who weighed 156 kg.

2. St. Bernard

Tall dogs cause fear in many, but in vain. It has been proven that large animals are usually very gentle and good-natured. That is why big dogs are often found in families with children. We bring to your attention the top 10 tallest dogs, which will help you make a choice if you are in search of a pet.

Bred in ancient Rome to participate in battles with wild animals in the arena. This essence explains the rare cases of aggression towards people, therefore, before you start a Neapolitan Mastiff as a pet, think about it. In addition, they are not suitable for keeping in apartments, not only because of their size (males at the withers from 65 cm, females from 60 cm), but also because they need space.

The breed of dogs inhabiting the Himalayas, similar in appearance to a lion, is an object of worship in the Celestial Empire. There is an opinion that a mastiff puppy was presented as a gift to Alexander the Great. Has a straight back and broad shoulders, males - from 66 cm, females - from 61 cm, the weight of adults often reaches 100 kg.

Tibetan Mastiffs are considered not only among the tallest, but also the most expensive in the world. So in 2012 a red mastiff puppy was sold at auction for one and a half million dollars!

The age of the breed is at least four millennia. In the past, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs (the name is the only correct one, since Alabai is only a type of color) were used to guard the house and graze livestock. They have a massive physique, smart, independent and wayward. The minimum height of a dog is 70 cm, girls are below 65 cm, they weigh on average 50 and 40 kg, respectively.

Leonbergers are named after the German city where they were bred in the middle of the 19th century. They are famous for their balanced temperament, they get along well with children. Despite their solid size (males - from 72 cm, females - from 65 cm) they look elegant. Today, they are increasingly used as watchdogs, but they do an excellent job of playing the role of family dogs.

Terriers were bred in the middle of the last century in the USSR. They are distinguished by an athletic physique, have a massive skeleton and strong muscles. The growth of males at the withers is from 72 cm, bitches - from 68 cm, weight - up to 60 and 50 kg, respectively. They lend themselves well to training, which is why they often become participants in various competitions.

For the first time they started talking about greyhounds in the 17th century, when it became popular to keep them at court and present them as a present to distinguished guests. They are excellent assistants for hunting wolves. The constitution is such that the animal can easily reach a speed of 70 km / h, catch up with the victim, grab it and press it to the ground. The growth of a dog at the withers is from 75 cm, of a bitch - from 68 cm. Please note that the Russian canine sighthound is rather capricious.

Another strong and majestic of the mastiff family. Some experts are sure that in the references to large dogs dating from the first century BC, we are talking about this particular breed. In ancient times, they were used for military service, looking after slaves, taking them to hunt for a large game. With its minimum height - 75 cm, "dogs" weigh at least 70 kg.

Aikama Zorba, who lived in London, is considered one of the record holders among the representatives of this family. Just imagine, his height is 94 cm, weight - 155 and a half kilograms.

The breed was developed in Scotland for hunting deer without a gun (hence the second name - deer greyhound). Representatives have a strong skeleton and strong jaws, so they can easily catch up and kill a deer. But, despite their size (males - from 76 cm, females - from 71 cm, weight 45.5 kg and 36.5 kg, respectively) and the essence of a hunter, they have a friendly disposition.

Wolfhounds, whose homeland is Ireland, are inferior in weight to Lenberger, but much higher in height. So, the average height of adult males is from 79 cm, girls are shorter, but at least 71 cm. They say about these representatives of the hunting family that they are sheep at home, and lions when hunting.

First place - Great Dane

Finally, the Great Dane is considered the tallest dog breed in the world. It is sometimes mistakenly called Danish. They are distinguished by their harmonious physique and elegance. In the past, such Great Danes were taken to hunt wild boars, but today they are used as pets. However, keep in mind that if you put such a "doggie" in a small apartment, the owners will not have enough space, because males grow up to 80 cm, female - up to 84 cm.

Record holder

The absolute record holder among the tallest dogs in the world is the Great Dane Zeus, who lived in Michigan (USA). The height of the dog at the withers is 111 cm, weight - 75 kg. If the namesake of the ancient Greek god had decided to stand on its hind legs in the Khrushchev apartment, then it is possible that he would have rested against the ceiling, because in this position the growth of the animal was 2 meters 23 centimeters. Unfortunately, the dog died at the age of five. Alas, short life is one of the features of large breeds.