Anime hairstyles with long hair. Japanese hairstyles. Anime girls with braided pigtails and curly curls

The culture of Japan is one of the most popular on our planet. Sushi is considered to be ubiquitous dishes, the music of this country is great for outdoor meditation, anime for children and teenagers is a kind of cult. This genre gave birth to Japanese anime hairstyles for girls, the image for which they take from the plots, where the brightness of the inner and outer world is in the first place.

Creating an image requires the choice of appropriate clothing, and it should resemble one or another character, repeat his makeup and hairstyle, the photo will allow you to more closely repeat the work in reality.

Fans who choose anime style try to be unique and at the same time look like the character they like.

If you want to be like your favorite anime character, then grow your bangs first. Most often, the anime hairstyle is distributed exclusively to women, and in magazines you can find a huge variety of images with long bangs and no bangs.

The Japanese make their characters long-haired, and the color is defiant and even acidic, so that the hairstyle makes the hero mysterious, almost half of the face is closed.

When the image is decorated with a bang, it fits beautifully, and some strands casually fall. Anime hairstyles for girls might look like this.

The image of the long-haired Sailor Moon. If you decide to be like this heroine, then it is enough to use a comb, hairpins, two rubber bands, hairspray. In the middle, make a straight parting, and with the help of elastic bands, fasten two ponytails on the sides, but do it higher. Bagels are twisted from ponytails, such hairstyles are often called with ears. A couple of strands are made hanging, and the bagels themselves are buried with hairpins.

Ponytail for long hair. The same hairstyle can be done on medium hair, so the spider turns into a ponytail and the higher it is, the more beautiful it will look. The hair of the tail is braided into small pigtails or left loose. A similar anime hairstyle for girls looks playful and attractive.

Anime girls with short hair

No matter how chic long-haired beauties look, not everyone likes such hair in everyday life, they prefer a shortened version, but an anime-like hairstyle will turn out great for a short hair length. Unlike a long length, special care is not required.

In anime, girls with beautiful hairstyles look no less attractive, and there are many such heroines. Styling is carried out in a chaotic manner, in order to do this, clamps, a comb and a hair dryer are required. Apply the gel along the entire length of the hair, and when it starts to dry out a little, tousle the hair well. Using a regular comb, the strands must be distributed on different sides and the hair dryer turned on.

The second option is the hedgehog hairstyle, it is very bold and conspicuous, to create you need an iron and the tools listed above in the previous hairstyle. In the back of the head, we comb the curls and fix them in strands so that the effect is hair sticking up. Strands of the front part are straightened with an iron and combed onto the face. After the hairstyle is ready, sprinkle it with varnish.

If you look at all hairstyles, they are made simply, they look interesting, the main thing is to choose the appropriate outfit suitable for fashion trends and you can safely express yourself. Eccentric anime hairstyles for girls with short hair are considered the most popular among young people.

Before you start doing a haircut, determine a work plan for yourself, because some heroes wear simply incredible hairstyles on their heads, which means that it will take a lot of time, knowledge and skills to make the appropriate hairstyle. Artists, inventing images, use their unsurpassed imagination, and sometimes something improbable turns out.

It is best to have an image that will be easier to work with. In real life, the hairstyle will be much different from the anime picture. Usually the hero has thick and healthy hair, but in fact, when using acid paints, the hair turns into a whole mop. Not everyone will like the long bangs that are constantly in front of their eyes and interfere, this is fraught with the appearance of diseases such as conjunctivitis and decreased vision. Are risks always justified by desires?

Cobra knot - beautiful anime image

This hairstyle is suitable for both school and work, it looks original, but first you need to use tinting dyes. Although they are washed off when washing the head, they do not spoil the hair. If the hair is a pity, then you can buy special strands, they are made on a hairpin. The hair is combed on its side, on either side, and the bangs are pinned on invisibility. Two strands are separated, the rest are closed in the tail, and silicone rubber is put on. The right strand is drawn under the tail and placed on the left, after which you pass it through the hole and the left strand will be in your left hand. The knot that turned out must be tightened, respectively, do the same with the right strand, pass it into the hole and tighten the knot.

See how to do this hairstyle in the next video.

How to make cat ears

This is a common anime hairstyle that allows you to make a real cat out of any girl, and it will take no more than five minutes to work. The hair must be divided into two sections, while the parting is done straight. Each side is divided into two parts, lift the upper hair and sprinkle with varnish, twist the tourniquet and transfer the strands to the shape of the ear. The hair is fixed with invisibility and sprayed with varnish, the same is done on the other side, but so that the bouffant does not fall apart, do not spare the fixer. The rest of the hair on each side must be combed behind the finished ears and fixed with a silicone rubber band. In the resulting ponytails, it is necessary to make curls with a curling iron or ironing. If you put bright Japanese-style hairpins on silicone rubber bands, the hairstyle will look even more beautiful. Anime will appeal to any girl, the main thing among the sketches is to choose a suitable and uncomplicated one and repeat the hairstyle.

How to do this styling, see the following video material.

Today, young people, wanting to stand out from the general crowd, often experiment with their appearance. Anime hairstyles for guys are no longer considered something special, but they allow you to create a vivid image. Fans copy not only the haircuts and styling of their favorite cartoon characters, but also their behavior and clothing style.

It is not difficult to repeat the stylish hairstyles of your favorite Japanese anime characters, but the main thing is to know how to choose the right shape and how to care for it so that the image remains stylish, not ridiculous.

This type of men's hairstyles are copied from the characters of your favorite cartoons or games. Most often, boys need to grow medium length hair to create an anime look. If you are the owner of curly curls, then they will definitely have to be aligned. Almost any shape requires an elongated bang. If the place of study allows and parents do not mind, then you can paint some curls in bright colors (blue, purple, red). In order for the hair not to lose its shape and acquire the necessary volume, young people will have to get used to the use of foams and hairsprays.

Advice! Men's anime style haircuts look good on medium hair lengths. At the same time, with the help of an elongated bang, you can hide asymmetrical facial features or scars.

Styling options

The whole point of anime hairstyles for guys is proper styling. If the hair is short, they can be styled in a chaotic manner using a gel. It is important that before the styling agent dries, thoroughly tousle the hair in different directions. Next, the hairstyle is dried with hot air from a hair dryer and sprayed with a strong hold varnish. This styling implies the presence of randomly protruding tips that look in different directions.

Laying "Hedgehog" is also used for short hair. The occipital area is combed and with the help of hair gel, voluminous protruding strands resembling thorns are created. All hair in the parietal zone and bangs need to be pulled out with an iron to achieve perfect smoothness. The final touch is fixing with varnish.

Do you like anime hairstyles?


How to make an anime hairstyle for a guy?

Regardless of the fact that men's anime hairstyles in cartoons look casual and simple, in fact, the technique for doing them is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Not every stylist will be able to make such a haircut with high quality, given the individual features of the structure of the face and its shape. After all, even the perfect hairstyle can spoil the overall image if it doesn’t suit the guy at all.

Anime people do not limit themselves in hair colors at all. They are constantly experimenting, which can manifest itself in the most unusual color combinations.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

If guys can try to style their haircut on their own, then only a professional stylist will create the perfect anime hairstyle for guys. An experienced specialist will select the optimal thickness and length of the bangs and work out the occipital area in such a way that it will be easy to style.

Who will suit?

Men's anime style hairstyles are not for everyone. For guys with round faces and a heavy chin, this solution will not be the best. Such a puppet image on a bulky body will look at least funny.

Ideally, a male otaku (fan of Japanese cartoons) is a slender young man with fine features and pale skin. To ideally understand the most suitable appearance for a cartoon image, it is enough to open Japanese fashion magazines.

Important! If a young man works in an office, then he must strictly adhere to a certain dress code, which implies not only a restrained style of dress, but also a neat haircut. Bright anime-style male hair will be appropriate among student-age youth or creative individuals.

Anime hairstyles for men: photo

Most modern guys love to amaze others with their unusual images. However, before doing an anime hairstyle for a guy, every stylist should pay attention to the features of his appearance. The hairstyle should hide the flaws and show the dignity of the young man. Below are photos of the most successful images.

It can be seen that the standard hairstyle of an anime character is very similar to the style of the emo culture that was very popular in the 2000s.

In the end, I would like to add that all anime style hairstyles require careful maintenance and regular styling with strong hold products to create clear and sharp lines. Only in this case they will look bright and unusual. If a guy belongs to a creative person, then this way of manifesting his inner world will be more than justified. Among the girls who support the love of Japanese cartoons, bright boys will have a special success!

Anime are Japanese cartoons with a specific style. In Japan itself, the anime craze has captured not only the children's audience, but also all adults from teenagers to very old people. So to think that only teenagers are addicted to anime is fundamentally wrong. Many Russian young people dream of becoming similar in appearance to their favorite characters and make men's anime hairstyles for themselves.

In fact, such hairstyles are significantly limited within the same style.

Many hairdressers are baffled by requests for anime haircuts. However, there is nothing innovative and extremely unusual in such hairstyles.

The standard hairstyle of the hero from the anime is in many ways reminiscent of the emo stylist, who was extremely popular in the mid-zero years.

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Correctly done male anime hairstyles should copy the style of young people from anime. It is better to bring with you a printout with a specific hairstyle you like, so that the hairdresser can better understand the order. The main feature of a hairstyle in anime style is tousled curls, strands of different lengths, bangs, and general negligence.

Also often anime people experiment with hair color. There are absolutely no color restrictions.

Since the Japanese themselves are predominantly dark-haired, many young people in anime have coal-black hair. As a rule, such heroes are courageous and strict. Partially colored bangs in dark blue or emerald green are combined with black. However, it is not necessary to make such sacrifices and change your natural blond hair color, since there are many male characters in anime with brown hair. The most passionate male characters in anime wear curls of red and purple. Hair can be dyed in these hot colors, both completely and partially.

However, it should be understood here that these shades are by no means natural, and red should not turn into plum, chestnut or red.

If a male otaku (anime fan) is naturally red-haired, he can shade the natural color with a bright carrot or sunny orange toner. Often in anime there are blond characters. Moreover, both ashy and with a golden hue. Well, the most daring fans should pay attention to such pigments, popular among anime characters, as green, blue, purple, turquoise.

Despite the fact that in the cartoon all hairstyles may seem elementary in appearance, in fact, men's anime hairstyles in the barber chair are quite difficult to perform.

Therefore, you should not trust an unfamiliar master, but it is better to find an experienced specialist. The main thing is the correct shape of the bangs and work with the back of the head. Anime haircuts, by the way, are more suitable for young people with fair skin and sharp features. It will be easier to pick up a specific model from Japanese men's fashion magazines.

Anime haircuts can visually divert attention from some unfortunate features, as lush and sharp bangs literally curtain half of the face.

But such a haircut always emphasizes the beauty of the eyes. It is best to do an anime haircut on the original hair of medium length. Torn asymmetrical strands must be made all over the head.

Of course, anime-style hairstyles are rather the lot of artistic youth and students.

Such an appearance rarely fits into the standards of an office dress code. But such a bold look will help you easily pick up an otaku girl at any fan festival.

Japanese culture is rich in its original hairstyles and is famous all over the world. They are distinguished by subtle beauty, aristocracy, elegance and grace. Japanese hairstyles are in perfect harmony with various types of clothing and jewelry, they can diversify the image and enhance its attractiveness and grace.

It is impossible not to admire such qualities when looking at a special caste of Japanese girls - geishas. In addition, the characters of Japanese anime cartoons find many admirers and fans who want to be like their favorite characters. Therefore, modern hairdressers have long mastered the haircuts of this culture and are happy to experiment with new variations.


In the classic version, Japanese haircuts were modeled for people with fair skin and dark brown hair. However, modern Japanese also choose lighter tones - up to blond.

Much attention is paid to the bangs - part of the face is covered with it. This gives the image an intrigue, mystery, mystery.

This trend is observed on short and medium hair. To maintain the correct shape of the hairstyle, various jewelry and accessories are used: brooches, combs, special hairpins and other items. Japanese hairstyles are characterized by creative asymmetry and mystery.

Also, it is customary to paint the strands in various colors and shades, emphasizing not only a rich imagination, but also the originality of the hairstyle, creativity. Japanese hairstyles can be performed on hair of any type and length. They are equally chosen by both boys and girls.

For long curls

There are many varieties of Japanese haircuts for long strands. Most of them you can do yourself.

Another option that is easy to perform and is a strictly Japanese way is to collect all the hair on the top of the head in a ponytail. This hairstyle has, in addition, an extravagant and aristocratic look. The tail must be pulled in several places with elastic bands or special hairpins. This hairstyle is very comfortable and does not require any maintenance.

You can collect strands in a bun and roll them into a loop with hairpins. Additionally, you can spray the loop with varnish - for a better fixation of the result. The loop can be collected in any place you like: in the back of the head, on the crown or on the side.

anime haircut

Cartoons and anime games have replenished the variety of Japanese haircuts with new hairstyles. The examples of Rinoa, Yun and many other characters inspire fans to create such unique styles.

For girls with medium length hair, layered hair styling with twisting the edges to one side is ideal. This hairstyle is complemented by a long dense bang that hides part of the face. This anime haircut is one of the most popular among Japanese women.

Japanese hairstyles with short hair are great for both genders. Hair is dyed completely or selectively in different shades and stacked in sections. The image is completed with a long ragged bang. This option is distinguished by its brightness, saturation and energy.

The male version of the anime features torn ends hair and thick profiled bangs. All hair is dyed white or some other bright color. Of course, such an image does not go unnoticed.

There are many other popular Japanese haircuts. There are extravagant and exotic, simple and creative options.

Japanese caret is loved by many girls and women in Japan and all over the world. Kare has many styling options and its implementation is not limited to the length of the hair. If the back of the head is covered with strands, then this will only decorate and diversify the haircut, bring a special style and taste to it. You can make a ponytail at the back and decorate the strands with flowers, hairpins. This haircut is comfortable and unpretentious.

There is a variant of another caret - with long strands in front and shortened in the back. The closer the hair is to the crown, the shorter it is. It is also easy to take care of such a square. All bob options look good with bangs. You can safely experiment with colors, shades, volume.

It is very easy to recognize the countries of the Rising Sun by their make-up and their hairstyles. Geisha styling does not leave anyone indifferent. At first glance, they seem easy, but they have many features, so not every one.

Japanese hairstyle is original, but difficult to perform

Features of Japanese-style hairstyles for girls, girls and women: using a tail, a bun

When imagining a Japanese girl, the first thoughts that come to mind are kimono, black hair, and the presence of floral hairpins and wide combs in the styling.


They wore such hairstyles, and outfits back in the 17th century, now they dress up like this only for a traditional holiday. Their laying is laborious, it is not easy to lay even the second time, the technique is rather complicated. It is best to do it on long hair.

In everyday life, Japanese women do simple styling and even allow themselves short haircuts. But they also have nuances, not every hairdresser can ideally fulfill them. Japanese hairstyles for guys are not much different from women's. They are suitable for bold and creative people. The curls are painted black, red, or small strands are painted in a bright shade.

A feature of these hairstyles is bangs and asymmetry, they give the image a mystery.

Japanese traditional hairstyles for long curls with sticks: how to make a national image of a geisha with your own hands

To create Japanese hairstyles for girls with long curls, you need to prepare:

  • Origami.
  • Strokes.
  • Sticks of different lengths. They are made of wood, tortoise shell or bone.
  • Clamps.
  • Flowers.
  • Hairpins.

The bouffant updo is versatile and popular among female students in Japan. To make a Japanese bun hairstyle with Kazanshi (wooden sticks) you need:

  1. Collect and fix it with an elastic band, while leaving strands on the sides.
  2. Then twist the tail into a tight tourniquet and wrap it around the elastic band.
  3. Gently hide the ends of the hair under the bun and fix on the sides with two sticks (Kazanshi).
  4. Smooth hair with gel or wax.
  5. Leave two strands hanging on the sides.
  6. The styling can be decorated with flowers, hairpins or other decorative elements.

Girls with long curls can make another styling option. To do this, you need a bundle, wrap them in the shape of a loop, then secure with hairpins and fix with varnish. This loop can be laid on the side, at the crown or.

For every day, you can make easy styling: divide the curls into two parts (upper and lower). Twist the top part into a bun, and leave the bottom part fluffy. And a thick and even bang, with strands left on the sides, can complement the image. Each Japanese woman independently makes such traditional Japanese hairstyles.

Japanese anime haircut for girls and guys: the image of a schoolboy

Anime is the most creative haircut in Japan. Heroes of Japanese cartoons are gaining fans even in other countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Belarus, etc.), which imitate them in the style of clothing and haircut. They make such styling for themselves.

Japanese anime is performed in the same way as for girls with short hair. But the process of creating styling is quite complicated and difficult for the curls themselves. After all, they need to be painted in bright colors (you can even combine them), use various means for fixing, so they will need to create a special and timely care. Japanese-style hairstyles are made by young people who are interested in anime cartoons or unusual images.

The peculiarity of Japanese haircuts for girls is layered hair styling, twisted at the ends, dense, long and sometimes torn bangs. By the same principle, anime are made on medium and short hair.

Japanese bob haircut with bangs for short hair

The simplest hairstyles for Japanese women are bob. The length of the girl's hair is not important, the main thing is the bangs. Hair can be cut evenly, then collected, if necessary, in a ponytail. You can get creative with this haircut and cut curls, lengthening in front and gradually shortening to the back of the head. But it will not work to assemble such a styling in a ponytail, and hair in everyday life will interfere. You can decorate a bob haircut with flowers, hairpins, or dye the strands in a bright shade.

Japanese caret looks exotic

Japanese haircuts and hairstyles will attract attention. They are bright, extravagant, bold and at the same time very interesting.