Application of military equipment primary school. Crafts on a military theme from different materials

Both in schools and in preschool institutions, teachers try to make crafts for all holidays with children as gifts to parents or simply for the purpose of implementing creative ideas. On Victory Day or February 23, most often, military equipment becomes the object of creativity. Crafts are made from a variety of materials, exhibitions and competitions for the best product are organized. When such a homework assignment is given, parents are at a loss as to how to help the child, not make a mistake and cope with the task as "excellent".

The article gives several different options for making simple crafts of military equipment with your own hands. The description of the work and the attached photos will help you quickly understand the principle of the product. Examples of the manufacture of tanks and airplanes, helicopters and machines made of paper and corrugated cardboard, waste material and origami folding are given. We hope that this material will help schoolchildren and parents of toddlers complete the teacher's task and get positive feedback at the exhibition.

Cardboard plane

For such a simple craft of military equipment, you will need a sheet of colored thick cardboard, PVA glue, scissors and an empty box of matches. Along the length of A4 sheet, cut two identical rectangles with a width of a matchbox. These will be the wings of the aircraft. The corners are rounded off with scissors. The screw is glued crosswise from two thin rounded strips of equal length. We spread the boxes with glue and attach the wings with the central parts. You can leave it that way, you get a corn plant, or you can, as in the photo below, fasten the wings along the edges.

The body is also assembled from 2 strips, and the tail has a loop on top, glued on the edges. The boxes can be wrapped with colored paper. If you make the craft out of green cardboard and attach red stars with applique on the edges of the wings, you will get a craft of military equipment. Can be carried to the exhibition.

Aircraft from waste material

To perform the next version of the aircraft, you will need two wooden rounded sticks, which were left after eating ice cream or examining the throat with a disposable instrument from a doctor. For the body, take a linen wooden clothespin, and for the tail - a smaller stick, for example, for stirring coffee in the vending machine. If it is too long, cut it off and round off the edges (you can also use your dad for this kind of work).

Attach the parts to each other either with transparent superglue "Crystal" or with a glue gun. After drying, the craft of military equipment is painted with gouache, you can then additionally cover the surface with acrylic varnish.

Helicopter made of plastic

In order to create a helicopter out of plastic, prepare one small container of juice or water with a wide screw cap, three cocktail tubes with an "accordion" for bending the top, a ball that fits the size of the bottle, a bead, scissors, an awl, a stapler with paper clips and good glue (a glue gun is better).

In the photo above, you can clearly see the step-by-step making of military equipment crafts with your own hands. In a kindergarten, such a helicopter can be given to a child even to play with friends. Having made such an aircraft together with his parents, the child will treat it more carefully, as he made efforts to create it.

Command paper jeep

By folding the paper in the origami way, you can make the option of making military equipment in the garden. Following the step-by-step drawing, you need to act in the order of the numbers. For work, take a sheet of A4 paper and fold one of the corners diagonally to form an even square. The excess strip on the side is cut off with scissors.

To collect the initial figure shown in Figure 1, you need to bend the square in half from top to bottom and from left to right, then repeat the procedure again, only making the folds diagonally. It remains to bend the triangles formed on the sides inward on both sides. The resulting shape will be the starting point for folding origami. Then they act clearly according to the picture above.

After manufacturing, the jeep is painted with pencils, wax crayons or paints. It is better to do the craft together with an older preschooler, as it requires constant monitoring. The folds must be ironed carefully to make the work look neat.

How to make a corrugated paper tank

A tank made of thick corrugated paper will be an excellent craft of military equipment for kindergarten. If you are familiar with the quilling technique, then you can easily cope with such a simple task. Novice masters can be reassured, they will succeed in everything the first time. We take any three colors of wavy paper, you can use the data in the sample below, it is interesting to choose the colors of a military tank - green, marsh, sand. The tracks of the car are made black in any case.

To twist the rolls of paper, you need to use some kind of rod for convenience. This can be either a special quilling hook with a slot at the end for inserting paper, or any substitute, such as a toothpick, a ballpoint pen or a wooden skewer. Wheels of different sizes are wound, reducing the diameter to the edges of the caterpillar. The edge is attached to the PVA to the last turn. The created parts are fastened together and wrapped in two layers of black corrugated paper. In order for both tracks to have a base, it is necessary to place a cylinder twisted from a wide strip in the center between them, on which the tower with the gun will subsequently be located.

For attaching the long barrel, it is best to use a glue gun or insert a rod, such as a piece of wire or a toothpick, into the turret body. The tank serves only as a craft, it is inconvenient to play with it, since the wheels do not rotate, and children prefer mobile toys.

Airplane from a plastic bottle

Having packing cardboard, green plastic bottles and a glue gun, you can make another craft option for an exhibition in a kindergarten or elementary school. In the absence of toys, such a plane can be made in a few minutes in nature or in the country.

Two oval holes on opposite sides are cut out in the container, corrugated cardboard rolled up in a tube is inserted there. These will be the wings. For the tail, three cuts are made in the neck. The nose of the aircraft can be made from the remaining lid by gluing it to the bottom with a glue gun.

The article gives the simplest options for crafts of technology that can be decorated like military vehicles by adding emblems, stars, painting them in suitable colors. Happy creations!

Any equipment, especially military equipment, always attracts the attention of kids. It arouses their genuine interest and awakens the desire to make some not very complicated model with their own hands. DIY military equipment can be made from both traditional and unusual materials.

Most often, such crafts are made from paper, cardboard boxes and plasticine. But you can invite your child to find a more original solution and make the most popular example of military equipment - a tank - from a green foam rubber household sponge with a hard surface.

In addition to her, you will need:

  • rounded cream jar;
  • plasticine;
  • lollipop stick;
  • scissors;
  • dark marker;
  • polymer glue or glue-moment.

Let's get started.

The first step is to round the bottom of the sponge. To do this, draw a semicircle on one of the narrow lateral sides.

Focusing on this semicircle, cut off the "excess" foam rubber with scissors. First, cut it off the sides to outline the desired contours.

Then we cut the foam rubber all over the bottom of the tank.

It turns out a semicircular sponge with a hard top.

Cut off a piece of foam rubber near the very top so that a protrusion is obtained on it. First, we cut the foam rubber from the outside, and then we cut it, guiding the scissors away from the hard surface.

With a marker, draw two parallel lines along the entire bottom of the tank.

We cut a ledge opposite these lines.

Remove some foam between the cuts.

Lubricate this area of ​​the sponge with glue.

We bend the oiled part inward, pressing it against the bottom of the tank.

It turns out a neat notch.

Draw caterpillar tracks on the sides of the sponge.

Now let's start creating the tank turret. For this we use jars of cream or bottles, preferably green. You can take a jar of a different color and paint it with acrylic paints, glue it over with self-adhesive film or stick it with plasticine.

We stick a rolled paper tube to the jar using a piece of plasticine.

Glue the jar to the sponge.

It turns out a tank with a turret and a muzzle.

We make a hatch from plasticine and paper.

Such a craft "military equipment" for a kindergarten is well suited - kids can easily cope with it, it is enough just to show them a master class and help in difficult moments.

Craft "military equipment" with your own hands

You can make a lot of corrugated cardboard.

Military equipment "tank" corrugated cardboard

Watch how to make a beautiful corrugated cardboard tank in the video:

Mixed plasticine produces an interesting color of plasticine in the "military" style. Such plasticine can be used to make a very beautiful military plane.

Military equipment "airplane" from plasticine

A very simple military craft - a plane from a kinder surprise.

Military equipment "tank of socks"

A tank made of socks, sweets and pens will be a bright and necessary gift for any man on February 23rd.

Military equipment "tank of socks"

You can even draw military equipment. We bring to your attention a children's drawing with a tank.

If desired, such a craft "military equipment" can be put up for the competition, especially if the theme of the competition is making crafts from unusual materials.

Watch the video on how to make a tank on a pedestal using various techniques and materials:

In contact with

Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered to be a men's holiday. On this day, gifts are given to boys, youths, men and grandfathers. DIY crafts by February 23 are suitable for any age category, if they are made with a sincere desire to please a loved one or acquaintance.

Features of crafts

  1. Military theme. In this category, the choice is wide enough: figures of soldiers, powerful equipment and weapons, military uniforms and paraphernalia, awards, etc.
  2. Technique. It just so happened that civilian technology is more associated with men. Images and models of cars, ships, airplanes, etc. are popular.
  3. Male hobby. If the gift takes into account the individual hobbies of a boy or an adult man, then this will be especially appreciated. One can single out such main trends as sports, fishing, and hunting.
  4. Crafts with a practical bias. Even small trinkets become useful trappings. You can note bookmarks, simple stands for pens and pencils, shelves and boxes.
  5. Decorative crafts. They can simply reflect your aesthetic and artistic abilities.

Crafts for dad on February 23 can be made from a variety of materials - paper, cardboard, plywood, wood, plastic, fabric, plasticine, dough, clay and much more. Various improvised means are used - driftwood, branches, stones, cans and plastic bottles, matchboxes. If you apply a little imagination, then almost everything that fell into your hands can come in handy.

You can find out how to make an original craft on websites or from magazines. The manufacturing technique depends on the age of the child and the presence of certain abilities. Simple manipulations are often carried out - gluing, cutting, drawing, painting, stitching, modeling.

Certain skills are required by sawing with a jigsaw, wood carving, burning, embroidery and knitting, sculpting from clay or plaster, assembling models from wood or plywood. Such design methods as applique, decoupage, quilling stand out.

You can find out how to make an original craft on websites or from magazines

Paper crafts

Paper of various types is the most common material for children's creativity. Plain white paper, whatman paper, cardboard, corrugated and colored paper, glossy sheets will come in handy.

Paper crafts for February 23 can be made flat or voluminous. In the latter case, glue or origami technique is used.

The following ideas can be distinguished:

  1. Flat crafts - drawings and postcards. The military theme prevails here. The pictures can depict whole battles. It is important to accompany everything with sincere and warm wishes. An original postcard can be made in the form of an officer's tie. A figure resembling a man's tie is cut out of dense, but thin enough colored cardboard. 3-4 stars (red, golden, silver) are glued on the front side, which should stand out well against a colored background. In the upper part of the workpiece, 2 slots are made, and a ribbon or paper strip is inserted. Congratulations and wishes are written on the reverse side of such a postcard.
  2. Volumetric postcard. For its manufacture, a square sheet of thick paper is taken and bent along the middle line. On the fold, cardboard attributes from a military plot are vertically fixed - soldiers and tanks, sailors and ships, airplanes. When folded, all the figures are inside the postcard, and when it is opened, they take a vertical position.
  3. Bookmark. On February 23, such a necessary craft must be associated with a military theme. The dashing general's mustache will look original. To do this, it is enough to cut out the characteristic shape of the famous cavalry (Budennovsky) mustache from colored cardboard. The bookmark looks beautiful in the form of officer (better than general) shoulder straps. It is cut from thick gold or silver paper. A thin edging is glued around the perimeter, and 1-3 stars are glued in the center (depending on the "rank").
  4. Bonbonnieres. For boys in kindergarten, gifts are suitable - sweet bonbonnieres. They are easy to do. 2 stars are cut out of colored paper. Candy is placed between them, the elements are glued together. Having made the required number of such crafts, you can make the same gift for all the boys in the group.
  5. Origami. This technique allows you to make a variety of figurines. Even the familiar paper airplanes and boats can become elements of beautiful compositions. A whole squadron of small airplanes or a squadron of ships can be fixed on a sheet with a blue background. It is better to make them out of multi-colored paper.

Different types of paper are the most common materials for children's creativity.

Cardboard technology

Cardboard crafts, like paper, are available at almost any age. Even very young children are able to make a gift from it for dad or grandfather. This material is suitable for older children, preschool children and those who went to grade 1.

Only a small part of the many ideas can be offered:

  1. Airplane. As a fuselage, you can use a cardboard cylinder or a cardboard roll from toilet paper. It is recommended to wrap it with a sheet of colored paper, on which to draw portholes and the necessary inscriptions. 2 elongated rectangles are cut out of the cardboard for the biplane wings, which are glued to the bottom and top of the cylinder. Jumpers are fixed between the wings. The tail unit is also cut out of cardboard, and a longitudinal slot is made in the fuselage to install the vertical part. The front end of the cylinder is closed by a disc on which the propeller is mounted. It can be mounted on a screw so that it can rotate. After finishing painting the plane is ready.
  2. Airplane from a matchbox. The box plays the role of a cabin. The wings are made from two strips of cardboard, equal to the length of the box. The edges of the wings are rounded. The strips are glued from the bottom and top of the box, and the ends are connected to each other. The body of the aircraft is formed from 2 cardboard strips with a width equal to the width of the box. One end they are glued to the top and bottom of the box, and the other ends are glued together. The tail is also made of cardboard. At the end, it is enough to fasten the propeller, and the plane is ready.
  3. Cabriolet. It is made on the basis of a fairly large, deep, cardboard box. The box is closed and secured with adhesive tape. A windshield is formed on the upper surface. For this, a long transverse cut and 2 short cuts are made, after which this element is understood upward, tilts slightly and is fixed in this position with tape. Cut out a rectangle to fit the car's interior. Inside, 2 rows of seats and a steering wheel are fixed. The base of the machine is painted with acrylic paint. Wheels are made from disposable plates. For the headlights, you can use the bottom of the ice cream cups. Sidelights and emergency lights are made from plastic bottle caps. The radiator is made by gluing 6-7 even wooden rods. They can also be used to make windshield wipers. The salon is decorated with colored paper. Final painting and installation of logos and other distinctive elements is carried out.
  4. Cup. The Champion Dad can be gifted with a homemade goblet. To do this, a characteristic cup shape (a bowl with a stand) is drawn on a sheet of cardboard and then cut out. Its base can be made in the form of a cross, which will give stability. It is enough to make a vertical slot in the lower part, and fix the cardboard element in it perpendicularly. Decorating is carried out using decoupage technique. The basis can be a photo or an expressive picture in the center of the goblet bowl. Decor of pasta, coffee beans, jewelry, small buttons, beads, beads are glued around. You can use everything that the master's fantasy indicates. Finally, everything is varnished.

Advice! All kinds of souvenirs can be made from cardboard. If you help the kid, then even a child of 4-5 years old can make simple products.

Cardboard crafts, like paper, are available at almost any age.

Crafts in the technique of modeling

For young children, plasticine is a familiar material. Children's pens can be used to sculpt original figures from it, which delights parents. Crafts from plasticine for February 23 can be taken to kindergarten or presented to dad, grandfather, uncle. The theme corresponds to the event: tanks, planes, ships, cannons, submarines, soldiers.

For older children, salt dough can be recommended as a sculpting material. It is similar in pliability to plasticine, but after hardening it becomes solid. To prepare it, you will need flour (1 glass), salt and water (half a glass each) and a little (1 tsp) vegetable oil or hand cream.

Crafts from plasticine for February 23 can be taken to kindergarten or presented to dad, grandfather, uncle

Idea! A popular option is a figurine with a magnet for attaching to the refrigerator. To do this, it is enough to place a magnetized plate inside the dough, and make the back of the figure flat.

After mixing, you can mold any figurine from this mixture. Hardening in the oven is provided at a temperature of + 65 ... + 70 С for 40-45 minutes. After painting it with acrylic paint, such a craft can be taken to school.

Plywood crafts

For schoolchildren, sophisticated crafts are possible, where you can show your abilities.

Plywood is the material that makes great gifts. The following directions of creativity stand out:

  1. Burning out. This technique is familiar to many children. With the help of the device, real pictures can be depicted on plywood.
  2. Cutting out. For teenagers who know how to use a hand jigsaw, plywood becomes an excellent material for creativity. The required ornament or pattern is drawn on the workpiece, and then sawing is carried out with a jigsaw. This technique allows you to make beautiful frames for photographs and paintings, details for jewelry boxes, etc.
  3. Volumetric figures. Combining plywood parts with wooden beams, slats and other profiles, you can make models of military equipment and cars. This is a rather painstaking work that requires accuracy and patience. It begins with drawing up drawings of all parts and a diagram of their connection. Typically, typical projects are used.

All plywood crafts look solid, are varnished, which allows you to show the structure of the material and tint it. The connection of the elements is most often provided with glue, but small nails and self-tapping screws can be used in the supporting parts.

All plywood crafts look solid

Use of unconventional materials

In order to surprise with a gift, the child seeks to use unusual materials.

There are such non-standard solutions:

  1. Stone. Multi-colored, small, river or sea pebbles allows you to create an original frame for a photo or painting (drawing). First, the frame of the frame is assembled from a wooden lath. On top of the wood, pebbles are fixed on the solution in a chaotic or specific order. Another option is a candlestick made of stones. A pebble base is assembled on a cement mold, and the shape can be very different. It is important to form a candle cup on top.
  2. Gypsum. Figures with a magnet can be made from plaster. You can even use toddler sand molds to mold them.
  3. Wooden blanks. From a round log, by sawing off a segment 10-12 cm long, you can make an original and practical organizer for pens and pencils. It is enough to drill as many holes as possible with a diameter of 10-15 mm in it, and varnish the craft. Walking through the forest, you can find interestingly shaped driftwood. With a little fantasy, you can make a craft out of them by February 23rd.
  4. Plastic bottle caps. Their bright color makes it possible to fold colorful mosaics and create original paintings.

In order to surprise with a gift, the child seeks to use unusual materials

It is difficult to list all the possible options for crafts. Both classic craft materials and improvised means are selected.

Attention! You should not be afraid to make fun of your gift. Any craft made with soul and love will be to the taste of a loved one.

Crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day are distinguished by their specificity. The military theme predominates, and regardless of whether the recipient of the gift served in the army. This day is recognized as a men's holiday, regardless of age. DIY crafts express sincere attention and care.

Every year in the kindergarten on the eve of February 23, children are bustling about. Everyone wants to make a gift for dad on February 23 with their own hands. Adults do not lag behind children. Let's see how you can surprise your colleagues at work, what gift to prepare for men in the family and what to do to please dad on February 23rd.

For men's holidays, bouquets are also appropriate, especially when they are practical and do not fade. It's about the sock bouquets that have become popular. Looks original, cheers up and will always come in handy. We assure you that such a present will be remembered for its original design. We advise you to pay attention to the quality of the socks. The color doesn't matter. A beautiful bouquet will turn out from socks in white, black, blue, red. It is appropriate to make a medley of different shades. For a simple but original gift you will need:

  • kebab sticks;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • gift wrapping ribbon;
  • wrapping paper.
  • socks.

The number of pairs can be completely different, but odd. Separating the socks by the piece will help to increase the bouquet.

  1. First of all, we remove labels and tags;
  2. We roll each sock or pair into a tube.
  3. Turn the edges a little to make the petals.
  4. We fix each flower with a pin. Can be tied with a ribbon.
  5. We put the buds on barbecue sticks.
  6. We wrap the bouquet in wrapping paper and decorate with a ribbon.

By the same principle, you can make a bouquet of panties. But you can only give such personal gifts to the closest ones. If your man loves sweets, add some candy to the bouquet.

An unusual book holder will decorate your desk. Even if a man does not work in an office, but loves to read, he will definitely appreciate this kind of gift. In order to build it, you need two identical objects or two parts of one. You can take two wooden figures and attach them to wooden boards, leaving space for books in the middle.

A gift that is always relevant can look completely new if you approach the process creatively using the most unexpected materials. So, the frame can be made out of pencils. A craft made of pencils in black and white will look strict and elegant. It can even be placed on an office desk. You can also use to design a photo frame:

  • CD mosaic;
  • paper rolls from old magazines;
  • wood;
  • threads;
  • buttons
  • keys from the old keyboard.

Pasta applications

Gift ideas made of paper, buttons, matches and even cotton swabs are popular in kindergarten. Children will definitely master our master classes. For this you will need:

  • some pasta;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • paints.


  1. First, draw a contour on the cardboard. It can be a submarine, helicopter, airplane, or car.
  2. The drawing is filled with pasta. They are glued chaotically.
  3. We paint pasta creativity.

What do they not come up with in kindergarten in order to interest children. Ask your child to sign a card for dad. Even if it comes with errors, it's still nice.

Salt dough magnets, key rings and pictures

Crafts for February 23, made from salt dough, can be presented to colleagues at work, classmates, friends and acquaintances. This is especially true when the figures are funny and funny.

Salted dough is easy to prepare. From it you can make a volumetric figure, a memorable fridge magnet, a keychain and even a picture. Here is one of the recipes for making salty dough.

  1. Mix 300 grams of flour with 300 grams of salt.
  2. Add 200 grams of water.
  3. Makes the dough more elastic 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  4. The salted dough is ready. Cut out the details from it. Even children will cope with such a task, and the process itself will seem more than exciting to them. Be prepared that in the future they will constantly ask you to cook salty dough.

Dry the finished parts from salted dough in the oven. It is better to paint with acrylic paints. They shine and add elegance. their own. You can make a keychain or frame for a photo from the same material.

Paper gifts

If you can't choose a gift for February 23rd, make it yourself out of paper. Such crafts have long become a separate type of creativity. Knowing how to make the desired figurine using the origami technique, you can think of so many things. So, even an adult man will like a postcard with voluminous details or an original paper craft. Especially if it is made by skillful children's hands.

Using the origami technique, you can make a shirt with a tie for your dad. Even made of paper, such a gift will look like a real one. Sometimes it's enough to make a tie and paint it beautifully. You can use candy wrappers to decorate it. No man will remain indifferent if a son or daughter hands over such crafts on February 23.

The origami technique allows you to make different parts from paper for original postcards. Even the simplest can be turned into an original craft if you paint it brightly and make a sail from straw and paper.

Modular military origami

Modular origami - the ability to create a three-dimensional and realistic paper figure. The technique differs from ordinary origami, since all the figures are not made of one sheet of paper, but of the same modules. In this article, you will learn how to make military crafts, using the modular origami method: an airplane and a ship, which can be used as a visual aid in history lessons or presented as a do-it-yourself gift to grandfather and dad.


  • origami paper;
  • scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil.

1. A4 sheet can be cut in two ways, depending on which rectangles of 53 × 74 mm or 37 × 53 mm are obtained. The first method is to divide the length and width into 4 equal parts, and in the second, divide the width into 4 parts and the length into 8 parts.
2. Cut the sheet along the marked lines and start folding each piece. To do this, fold the rectangle in half, turn it over and again in half. After that, unbend once to form a visible fold line.

4. Lift the edges of the triangle up and bend their corners through the large triangle.

5. After that, unfold and fold these corners into triangles along the marked lines.

To assemble this airplane, you need to make 89 modules according to the scheme described above. To make the product more original, use paper of different colors, for example, you can make 18 blue and 71 yellow modules. Starting with 2 blue modules, add yellow and blue again. You can watch a more detailed master class in the video.

Another aircraft model requires more modules. You will need 1142 modules of different colors: 40 gray, 242 black, 166 white, 694 red. You can choose the color yourself. A detailed master class will help you assemble an airplane, even without special skills, watch the video.

1. Make the first row of 47 modules and add another 47 modules for two rows in the same way.
2. In the fourth row of models, there should be 51, since four additional modules need to be fixed on the sides of the bow and stern of the future vessel.

3. In rows from the fifth to the seventh, you need to attach 55 modules each, and do not forget to give the craft the shape of a ship. Squeeze the sides lightly so that the sailboat comes out not round, but slightly flat.
4. Then attach 55 modules, while forming the bow of the ship so that it is slightly sharp. In the ninth row, elements of a different color are worn on short sides to keep the structure of the ship strong.

5. On the side parts of the sailboat in row 10 there should be 8 modules each, they are inserted between adjacent modules (the long side is inside, and the pockets are outside).
6. At the stern, you need to make a rim of a different color. To do this, insert the modules in the usual way, not like in point 5.
7. In order to design the bow, put on symmetrically modular blanks in the extreme part. It turns out 9 modules in the 11th row, 6 modules will be in the 12th row and 3 in the thirteenth.
8. You will need about 140 modular triangles for the bottom. Start with three modules and add one in each row until there are 8 modules, but remember to try the bottom to the ship. After that, you will need to make 9 rows without increasing, alternating 7 and 8 modular rows. Starting at row 17, reduce the number of modules from seven to one.
9. To make a sail, take 252 modules, and you can independently choose the color and ornament. The first row should consist of 17 modules, in the next ten you need to alternate 16-17 modules, and starting from 12, reduce the number of modules (minus one for each side). It will turn out 16 rows, but in the last one, fasten the modules on the contrary and slightly bend the sail.
10. Take a wooden barbecue stick 20-25 cm long and glue it over with colored paper. It will act as a mast, so fix it in the center of the ship and attach the sail to it.
11. Collect the flag, and also make portholes.

We hope you enjoyed our article Origami DIY crafts on a military theme. Also go to other sections of the site, where you can find many interesting master classes.