Turquoise and chocolate wedding presidium. Mom's outfit. Wedding in turquoise color: images of the young

A turquoise wedding is tenderness, romance, inspiration and hope for happiness. After all, turquoise is the color of the sea wave with all sorts of shades of blue and green, and it means love, tenderness, calmness, harmony, spiritual purity and faith. Agree that this is perhaps one of the ideal color options for a wedding celebration.

A turquoise wedding is often associated with a nautical or heavenly celebration. According to the chosen theme, decor and accessories are also chosen ... However, a wedding can be simply in a turquoise style without additional thematic clarifications.

The celebration begins with the invitations, so they need to be done in accordance with the style of the wedding. In their design, a turquoise color must be present, they can also be decorated with flowers, ribbons, lace and beads.

Images of the bride and groom
The good thing about turquoise is that it matches any skin color. As for the bride's dress, it can be completely turquoise in color - it looks very beautiful and original. Or just a belt of this shade and the same shoes, earrings, necklace, bracelet.

The groom can also have a completely turquoise suit or accessories to it: tie, boutonniere ...

The bride's bouquet
A bridal bouquet for a turquoise wedding is not an easy task. The fact is that there are very few flowers of this shade in nature, so florists often simply paint flower bouquets in the required color.

There is another very common option - a brooch bouquet. Here it can be decorated as soon as your heart desires! These are very beautiful and expensive looking bouquets.

Bridesmaids Looks:
Everything is simple here: short or long turquoise dresses and accessories of the same shade.

Basically, a turquoise wedding venue doesn't matter. However, if there is a refinement to the style, for example, a heavenly theme, then it is better to hold the celebration in a restaurant located somewhere on the top of a hill or mountain. This will allow you to be closer to the sky, to admire its beauty. Well, if a marine theme is declared, then, of course, it is more appropriate to hold an event in a restaurant near the water.

There is a rule: at such a wedding, the ratio of shades of turquoise to white should be 40 to 60. At the same time, anything can be turquoise in the decor: tablecloths, curtains on the windows, dishes on tables, lighting in the hall ...

The color of turquoise is often compared to the color of the sea wave, and a nautical wedding is associated with turquoise.

The color of turquoise is often compared to the color of the sea wave, and a nautical wedding is associated with turquoise. But this is wrong, since turquoise is a land stone and is even afraid of water. However, the topic of treasure hunters and pirates becomes relevant in this case.

Turquoise wedding

One of the most beautiful legends about turquoise is the one that tells about people who died of hopeless love. It is believed that their bones over time turned into precious turquoise. Chemists very simply explain the origin of this stone, for them it is hydrous aluminum and copper phosphate.

Turquoise at weddings of the peoples of the Caucasus and Ancient Asia certainly had to be present among the accessories and jewelry of the bride. The bride was supposed to give the groom a weapon decorated with turquoise, a ring or other jewel as a sign of love. And if turquoise faded over time, it was believed that love was fading away. Those who knew that turquoise tarnishes from contact with water and fats, saved the stone from damage.
It is believed that if the feelings of lovers have faded away, it is enough for them to hold each other's hands, holding a turquoise stone in their hands.

Turquoise is the stone of true romantics!

The name "pyruz" (or "firuza") came from Persia and meant "bringing victory." Turquoise is considered a powerful talisman for seafarers and entrepreneurs. It is believed that the stone is capable of punishing dishonest people. Not surprisingly, the desire to have a wedding under the sign of turquoise is not as easy as it might initially seem.

For some nationalities, a wedding is considered turquoise if people have been married for 18 years. It is customary to celebrate this date, to conduct it as a turquoise wedding, the husband and wife should give each other jewelry made of turquoise or inlaid with turquoise. The bride should be wearing a dress slightly lighter than sea-green (this is the color of the stone), the groom can have a vest or tie of the same color.

But sometimes the very first wedding chooses turquoise shades and it is very beautiful. And after 18 years, the spouses will be able to repeat the action, confirming that all this time they cherished their love and jewelry presented to each other.

The subtleties and details of a turquoise wedding

So, what can be a turquoise wedding for newlyweds and how best to organize it?

Many wedding moments can be associated with the search for part of the treasure, and by the end of the wedding, all the pieces should be found. The groom, bride, girlfriends and witnesses do not have to be dressed in turquoise-colored clothes, but the same ribbons (for girls) and scarves that look out of the pockets of suits (for boys) can be used as elements of outfits. The photo session can begin with the arrival at the wedding, which can be held outside the city, in nature) of the bride and groom on a carriage with horses. In countries with developed horse breeding, it is still customary to decorate a horse bridle with turquoise: it is believed that no one will fall from the horse that carries it, and the animal will become a faithful friend of the owner of the bridle.

At some point after the photo session, the bride can be kidnapped by evil "pirates", and as a ransom from the groom, a song, dance, or any other number of amateur performances will be required. After the bride is found, she is presented by the groom with a turquoise gift, and this can also be played in a certain way. A beautiful legend about stone and love can be told as a toast.

Games and contests for a turquoise wedding

When the wedding begins to gain momentum, you can play the game "Get a herd", the essence of which is as follows: the witness and the witness choose the same number of participants in the game. Then the first two members of each team are given a spoon with a thin long rope tied to it. The task of each team firmly "string" yourself, passing a spoon with a rope under your clothes. The winner is the team that performs the procedure first and at the same time can move with the whole team, for example, dance a dance without breaking the ligaments. Each of the two "shepherds" of the herd must manage their own team. The winners will receive prizes wrapped in turquoise paper.

Any contests and games can be carried out, supplementing them with "turquoise" elements, and the wedding will be performed in the same style. Of course, the design of the pavilion (or picnic meadow) should also include turquoise colors, let it be napkins, boutonnieres, ribbons, balls. Turquoise wedding invitations should also have teal hints. It should be borne in mind that in nature turquoise is whitish-blue, greenish-brown, apple, blue and other colors. And "mesh turquoise", which is considered the most beautiful, has dark veins in its structure.

The most beautiful gifts

For guests, a turquoise wedding is a real expanse! Newlyweds can be given bed linen in turquoise tones, a leather wallet with a turquoise pebble inside (it is believed that a pebble will bring wealth), jewelry, and not only for women, men adore daggers in a sheath inlaid with turquoise and other stones, design items and the like. The pale turquoise kitchen set is the pinnacle of sophistication this season. Any designer figurines with imitation of turquoise will perfectly fit into turquoise gifts!

If the wedding is not planned to be magnificent, it can still be turquoise, just all its elements need to be well thought out. It is not at all necessary to give expensive jewelry, shiny blue packaging, small imitations of turquoise, unpretentious turquoise keychains, a new scarf for a lady, bright turquoise socks for your husband - so you have figured out how to celebrate the “coming of age” of your wedding.

Sometimes young people also arrange a modest wedding in order to escape later on a stunning honeymoon trip under a turquoise beach umbrella! The main thing is that the color of turquoise always brings new shades to the chosen style, it is in fashion and goes to almost everyone.

A stylish modern wedding is the dream of many newlyweds. Wedding in turquoise color suitable for those who want a bright and delicate, unusual and beautiful wedding at the same time. Turquoise is an amazing magic of nature, the depth of this color is amazing, and the options for combining with other shades give endless possibilities for experimentation.

photo: Wedding in turquoise color - bright, unusual, modern!

Turquoise is a combination of green and blue hues, looking at it, we immediately recall the sea blue or the bright sky illuminated by the rays of the sun. The meaning of turquoise is very favorable - it is the color of poise, truth, faith.

When creating amulets, many peoples strove to have a turquoise color in them - it protects a person from problems and frees him from unpleasant troubles. In oriental culture, turquoise shades are associated with emotion and creativity, it is a color that combines mind and feelings at the same time. In Asia, the bride and groom exchanged turquoise rings on the day of the betrothal, and the bride's wedding dress always included outfits or jewelry of this shade. It was believed that this color brings happiness in marriage and protects a young family from troubles. If you are planning a wedding in turquoise color, the original move would be to give each other jewelry made of turquoise for the engagement: for the bride - earrings, a necklace or bracelet, for the groom - cufflinks, tie clips, key chains and other elements.

Turquoise can be called unique as it forms harmonious combinations with many colors. Classic tandems are turquoise with black, white, gold or silver. Turquoise with red, yellow, orange, green, chocolate, dark blue colors will look original and bright.

photo: A wedding in turquoise is the perfect choice for any season

As for ideas for weddings in turquoise, is in the lead. Striped print, seafood decor, stylized outfits and dishes - you can create a unique sea mood at the celebration. Turquoise with gold is perfect for a retro celebration or an imperial wedding. A faded turquoise shade in combination with pastel tones is a great tandem for a celebration in country style, Provence, vintage. Finally, turquoise with white and silver is a suitable color for a winter wedding. Light snowflakes, stylized frosty patterns, original decor like snowmen and New Year's toys will help create a unique entourage. Purple and turquoise tones are perfect for a romantic outdoor wedding.

Invitations, cards, bonbonnieres for a turquoise wedding

It is customary to warn guests in advance that the wedding will be themed. This means that invitations to a turquoise wedding should also be stylized: it can be postcards, elegantly decorated with shells or painted by representatives of the marine fauna, cards with the image of the azure sky, decorated with lace, ribbons, beads, fresh flowers and other decorative elements.

photo: Turquoise wedding accessories

Seating cards can also be made individual: use fruits, bunches of wildflowers, marine-themed accessories, as a gift you can give guests candles, miniature turquoise boxes with sweets or themed souvenirs, shells, blue sachets with aromatic herbs and other interesting things.

Turquoise wedding: images of the bride and groom

A bright and extraordinary wedding requires original solutions. The undoubted advantage of turquoise color can be considered the fact that it is suitable for owners of any skin color type. However, if you want a traditional white dress - this is your choice, complement the image with turquoise-colored accessories: a turquoise necklace and earrings, bright shoes and a belt, a small handbag will perfectly fit into any wedding style.

photo: Wedding dresses for a wedding in turquoise color

Manicure and makeup are a special topic of conversation. In modern salons and shops, you can find dozens of turquoise varnishes, makeup in a turquoise tone emphasizes the depth of the eyes, giving them a magnetic charm. Turquoise eyeshadows are interestingly combined with black or brown eyeliner - you will add a touch of the East to your image. Turquoise color goes well with pale pink, blue, lilac, silver eyeshadow palette. Delicate turquoise flowers can be woven into the bride's hair or decorate her hair with all kinds of hairpins and combs. Experts from the section will help you choose the right hairstyle, make up and manicure for a wedding in turquoise color.

The image of the groom does not have to change drastically, you can choose a dark or white suit and complement it with matching accessories: a shirt or vest, a pocket square or tie, elegant cufflinks. If you want to dream up, find unusual shoes and a belt and decorate it in turquoise. An interesting option for summer celebrations will be a hat with a soft turquoise ribbon - it will perfectly complement the wedding look. As for jewelry, do not choose overly flashy accessories: let it be small and elegant pendants and earrings - they will give the bride tenderness, emphasize her femininity. By the way, the Tiffany brand has not changed its colors since 1900 - white and blue. If the bride loves their jewelry, the entire wedding ceremony can be arranged in a Tiffany style.

photo: Attire for the groom for a turquoise wedding

Bridesmaid Dresses for Turquoise Wedding

The color of the bridesmaids' outfits should contrast with the bride's dress. If the bride has chosen the traditional white color, bridesmaids can be dressed up in turquoise dresses: they can be of different cuts, but always of the same shade. You can do differently and choose dresses of the same style, but in different tones of blue. If the bride is the owner of a beautiful turquoise dress, bridesmaids can dress up in pink, cream, yellow, orange, red dresses. Choose for them elegant bouquets and shoes of the desired color - and their image will be perfect.

photo: Bridesmaids at the wedding in turquoise color

As for the groom's friends, most often they are limited to light suits with bright turquoise ties and vests. And the style is sustained, and special expenses will not be required.

photo: Suits for the groom's friends at the turquoise wedding

Bridal bouquet and groom's boutonniere

Let's start with the fact that there are not so many flowers of a turquoise shade in nature, therefore florists most often paint the flowers chosen by the bride in the desired shade. You can combine turquoise flowers with white, pink, beige - this composition looks very elegant. If you wish, you can even make a monochromatic bouquet, complementing it with a bright turquoise ribbon and beads. If you want unpainted flowers, pay attention to simple but delicate cornflowers, delphinium, forget-me-nots, blue hydrangeas.

photo: Bridal bouquets for a turquoise wedding of fresh flowers

Artificial bouquets are still at the peak of popularity: vintage brooches, fabric flowers, bright ribbons and buttons will surely appeal to brides who are looking for something creative for their wedding. It is worth noting that the groom's boutonniere should be made in the same style, however, it can be replaced with an elegant pocket square.

photo: Artificial bouquets in turquoise color

If your choice is not made in favor of fresh flowers, you should think about a light bouquet-backup.

Wedding decor in turquoise color

It is not at all necessary that the turquoise color should be the main one, it can also be accentual. You will bring bright colors to the celebration and at the same time do not risk overdoing it. The classic version is white tablecloths on which bright napkins are laid out, white chair covers tied with wide turquoise ribbons.

photo: Examples of the basic design of a banquet hall for a wedding in turquoise color

It will be great if you pick up decorated glasses and plates, unusual turquoise coasters, funny soft toys. Delicate vases with bouquets of flowers will bring freshness to the decoration of the hall: field daisies, cornflowers, daisies are perfect.

photo: Table decorations in turquoise color

If the marine theme is appropriate, you can lay shells on the table, arrange containers with candles, starfish, pebbles and other paraphernalia. Do not give up on heavenly motives - the ceiling can be draped with a delicate turquoise fabric - it will seem to guests that there is an endless sky above them. Stylishly arrange your wish book, wedding albums, ring cushions and other celebration elements - and the wedding will be amazingly harmonious. By the way, you can buy similar accessories from companies from the heading of our catalog

Don't forget about the culmination of the evening - the wedding cake. It can be a big sweet masterpiece or a few dozen cupcakes with turquoise cream, all kinds of donuts, cookies, sweets wrapped in a turquoise wrapper will also come in handy.

photo: Wedding cake at a wedding in turquoise color

The cake is decorated with icing, flowers, figurines in turquoise outfits and other decorative elements. A degraded cake (ombre) is in fashion - one color smoothly turns into another, in a turquoise design such a sweet masterpiece will look very stylish.

Wedding cortege in turquoise colors

If we stick to the theme, then in everything. Of course, not all newlyweds are able to find a turquoise car, so focus on the decor. This can be temporary airbrushing, stylized stickers, small balloons, artificial flowers, ribbons and other decorative charms.

photo: Retro cars of turquoise color

A creative approach to organizing a turquoise wedding is very important, so don't be afraid to bring your ideas to life - and your celebration will be unique and memorable!

Creative stylized wedding is the desire of modern brides and grooms. And this is not surprising, since it is not banal events that are remembered, but bright and extraordinary ones. A celebration in turquoise color will be a wonderful holiday for those who are waiting for brightness and tenderness, singularity and beauty at the same time. Turquoise mesmerizes with its natural magic and depth, and the color combinations are so varied that they give room for creativity in design.

Turquoise wedding: decoration and palette

To decorate the holiday, you can choose a marine theme. Striped prints, decoration with shells, pebbles, nautical-style clothing, appropriate food design will provide the holiday with an unforgettable mood. An original approach to the marine theme will create a combination of coral and turquoise shades. Compositions of flowers and a festive table will decorate ceramics, imitating a sea lagoon.

See also

A turquoise wedding, especially if you choose a combination of gold and turquoise, is a great way to celebrate in a retro style. Dim shades of turquoise combined with pastel colors are a great option for decorating a country-style holiday, Provence or vintage wedding.

Bright turquoise in combination with lilac looks very sophisticated. Lush lilac flower “clouds” will add weightlessness and grace to the overall wedding decor. The smooth transitions of these shades will be a wonderful backdrop for the theme of the sea and water elements.

The peak of nobility is a combination of turquoise and silver. The silver color will appear in a new image in the form of mirror surfaces, silverware, decoration of invitations, the style of the young, decor of a cake for a wedding and a table with desserts.

A wedding in turquoise colors involves the use of special accessories that can highlight the fresh and natural style of the celebration. First of all, these are objects made of wood, ceramics, cotton, velvet, paper and cardboard. Vintage elements can also be used: leather accessories, furniture made of wood or metal, items with fabric decoration. And of course, elements are used that give the design lightness and weightlessness. For example, transparent plastic or glass.

The venue for the celebration should be carefully selected. It can be a beach or loft spaces. For example, the building of an old factory, hangars or spacious, light rooms.

Turquoise Wedding Invitations & Placement Cards

Guests should be warned about the theme of the future holiday as early as possible. Invitation cards must be decorated in the appropriate style. For example, you can decorate them with small shells, painted or glued, choose paper with clouds as a background, use ribbons, beads, flowers of the appropriate scale in the decoration.

Landing cards are also made separately for each invitee. You can decorate them with bunches of flowers or candles, small seashells, small boxes with sweets, aromatic bags.

Wedding in turquoise color: images of the young

A thematic celebration in everything requires extraordinary solutions. An important advantage of the color of turquoise is considered to be that it is able to emphasize the advantages of almost any type of appearance. Of course, no one forbids wearing a traditional white outfit for a celebration, but in this case, you should add turquoise accessories to your look. Turquoise shoes will look great on the bride, since it is very easy to choose the right model now.

It is important not to overload the image with an abundance of colored accessories, otherwise the appearance will be trivial. If the choice fell on turquoise shoes, then the rest will be enough accent in the form of a ribbon on the bouquet or jewelry to match. You can wear a turquoise veil.

A matching bow tie worn on top of the suit can combine the style of the groom with the look of the bride. The groom dressed in a loose-fitting blazer in a light turquoise shade or bright moccasins will also look unusual and spectacular.

Dress code for a turquoise wedding

Bridesmaids can dress up in turquoise dresses, especially since this is a versatile color that suits everyone. As for the groomsmen of the groom, then the measure should be observed. One accessory of such a bright color will be enough. These can be socks, boutonnieres, a tie, or colored cufflinks.

Wedding in turquoise color: decor elements

Turquoise does not have to be the dominant color in the design; it can be added as accents. So you will bring bright colors to the design of the hall and not overload it with a concept. For example, a classic white tablecloth can be decorated with bright colored napkins, and milk chair covers can be decorated with turquoise ribbons on the back.

The style of the table should be emphasized with pre-prepared and decorated glasses and dishes, spectacular serving items, unusual figures, toys. Tables can be decorated with compositions of fresh flowers, for example, cornflowers, daisies, daisies.

The nautical theme can be expressed using shells laid out on tables, floating candles, starfish. It's good if you can drape the ceiling with a light blue fabric, thus depicting an azure sky.

Do not forget about the book with wishes for the young, coasters for rings and other elements of the holiday decor. Then the wedding will acquire amazing harmony and style.

Turquoise bridal bouquet

Floristic compositions for this style of wedding have many variations: from classic roses, orchids, tulips to extraordinary anemones, poppies, amaryllis. It is better not to use flowers with simple shapes, such as gerberas, in the design. Succulent plants can also decorate the turquoise bouquet of a newlywed, of course, as details. Blossoming of a stone rose will look very impressive.

Turquoise wedding: sweets

The main decoration of the holiday, a wedding cake, will look spectacular if you decorate it with turquoise cream. You can also decorate the delicacy with fresh flowers, silver or gold beads. It is best to organize a candy bar for guests, where they can enjoy cake pops, macarons, muffins and other confectionery masterpieces. All sweets will need to be ordered from the pastry chef in advance.

Welcome cocktails for guests can be drinks based on Blue Curacao liqueur. It is also used to prepare cocktails such as Blue Lagoon, Blue Moon, Blue Temptation, Raquel.

Do not forget that the key to a beautiful wedding in turquoise color is well-chosen accessories and decor elements.

Make your wedding a vibrant fairy tale full of color and mood. To do this, you just need to decide on your favorite color, which seems to you especially suitable for your celebration. If you are still in doubt about which color scheme to choose for your wedding, consider a turquoise option. This color will not leave anyone indifferent, because its brightness and juiciness are immediately striking!

The meaning of turquoise

It is difficult to say for sure which color turquoise is closer to: green or blue. Most likely, this is a combination of both colors in its bright version. However, there are many shades of turquoise. This color symbolizes harmony and freshness of spirit and thought. It is suitable for cheerful people, full of energy and fervor. However, turquoise is also good for lovers of privacy and silence. It is associated with the waves of the sea, which give us peace and tranquility.

Wedding decoration in turquoise color

If you dare to add turquoise to your wedding decor, you will get a splash of vibrant colors! The most important thing is how well turquoise and white work together. Pick up a white tablecloth and top it off with turquoise satin or another sheer fabric. You can also choose an exclusively turquoise tablecloth, which will become the background for creating a wedding table decor. Place plates and glasses to match over the tablecloth. You can use bright turquoise napkins in white coasters. You can also add a little freshness to your banquet table by placing delicate vases with bouquets of flowers on it. These can be white roses, lilies or chrysanthemums. Even if you pick up field daisies, your image will retain its originality and uniqueness. You can find a lot of tips for decorating a banquet on the website www.site.

Wedding dresses for a wedding in turquoise color

The bride can become a real queen if she gets a dress in turquoise shades. Such a dress will make you a real mermaid, add mystery and sophistication to you. The dress can be either lush or fitted. The main thing is that it contains details of luxury. It can be a long train or jewelry in the form of rhinestones or embroidery. However, if you are a lover of traditions and white, you can safely choose a snow-white wedding dress. You can use a satin belt as a turquoise element. Also, elements of turquoise can be in your wedding bouquet. Guest dresses can also be made in turquoise tones to match the style of your choice. Match the dress with bright shoes in turquoise colors. These can be bright, comfortable shoes that you can wear after your wedding. Sandals in turquoise tones are also suitable for a summer celebration.

As for the groom's style, white should be preferred. These can be white pants and a white shirt. Choose a bold turquoise tie to spruce up your look.

Bride and Groom Style

In order for the bride's image to look complete, it is necessary to think over a beautiful make-up. Turquoise shadows can be found easily on store shelves. They look original in combination with black eyeliner and bright mascara. Use rhinestones or false eyelashes for a more expressive face.

The groom's style will also be complete if you add a touch of carelessness and lightness to your hairstyle. Hundreds of more tips for creating hairstyles and makeup can be found on the site Svadebka.ws.

Flowers for a wedding in turquoise color

If you dream of a turquoise bouquet, you can contact a flower salon, where any white flowers will be painted turquoise for you. However, you don't have to do just that: you can choose a snow-white bunch of flowers for the dress, which can be decorated with a bright turquoise ribbon.

Wedding accessories for weddings in turquoise color

Almost all details of your decor and interior can be permeated with turquoise beauty. These can be figurines on your table, little bonbonnieres, invitations and thank you cards, guest name cards, toys, decorations, and more. You can also arrange the cake in turquoise and white shades.