What to do if you have a cold during pregnancy. Treating a cold during pregnancy is not an easy task. How to avoid getting the flu when pregnant

If the main time of pregnancy fell on the autumn-winter period, then sooner or later a woman will think about how to treat a cold during pregnancy. In the cold season, people's immunity decreases, and expectant mothers fall under a double blow, since the main resources of their body are aimed at the child, his protection and development. How to recognize a cold in yourself? How can pregnant women treat it? How to strengthen the body so as not to get sick at all? All this in our article.

The main symptoms and causes of colds

Manifestations of a cold are detected quite quickly, knocking a woman out of a rut in 1-2 days. Headaches appear immediately, which increase over time. Along with this, there is a strong weakness, lethargy and impotence. The most famous and characteristic manifestations are rhinitis (runny nose) and cough. Moreover, rhinitis manifests itself earlier, and then the infection passes to the larynx and down into the bronchi. This causes a cough, the nature of which (dry, wet, with or without sputum) may vary depending on the initial health of the woman and her immunity, as well as the degree of infection in the body. A woman loses her appetite, which worsens her health even more, as she stops getting the vitamins and other microelements she needs with food. The temperature ranges from 37.1°C to 38°C. However, if the temperature rises above this mark, the disease is more serious than you might think. This is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible, in extreme cases - call an ambulance.

Everyone knows the symptoms of a cold - nasal congestion, sore throat, fever

The main cause of the disease are viruses and bacteria, which cause inflammatory reactions in the body. However, factors that reduce immunity and give impetus to the development of infection are hypothermia and small enclosed spaces. If everything is clear with hypothermia, then what do small spaces have to do with it? Let's explain with a simple example. You travel in winter by public transport. There are a large number of people around and some of them are sick, even a small one. Someone sneezed, someone coughed. And now you are already in the zone of destruction of bacteria and viruses.

The fact is that viruses and bacteria after the act of sneezing or coughing in a closed space (and in winter all windows are closed in public transport) continue to circulate in the air for about an hour or two. Thus, during the day, pathogenic microorganisms circulate in buses almost all the time, looking for a potential victim. The lower your immunity, the more likely it will be you.

If you have found at least part of the list of symptoms while in a position, then we advise you to contact your doctor. The infection tends to spread, and therefore not fully cured simple diseases can eventually flow into more serious or even chronic ones. Remember that your health is now first of all, since the health of your baby directly depends on it.

To be afraid or not?

The body of a pregnant woman is most vulnerable during the first trimester, when all the forces and resources of the body are directed to the fetus. It was at this time that one of the main processes takes place - organogenesis in the fetus, that is, the laying of organs and the organization of their systems. At this time, any disease can directly or indirectly affect the development of the baby, and therefore is potentially dangerous.

Do not confuse a cold with rubella - at the initial stage, the diseases are similar

One of the most insidious diseases is rubella, since its first symptoms are very similar to the usual symptoms of a cold. A woman has a slight runny nose, cough, lymph nodes increase. Sometimes rashes on the skin are added, but often only a dermatologist can correctly characterize them.

Another particularly dangerous disease for the expectant mother is the flu. One of the characteristic manifestations of this disease is a high temperature, which disrupts the metabolic processes of the body and can affect the development of the fetus. In exceptional cases, even congenital malformations in a child or miscarriage can be the result.

If you notice any symptoms of colds, then you should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, as pregnancy is not the time to experiment with your health. Be sure to consult a doctor, take the tests prescribed for you. Only after the doctor makes a diagnosis, it will be possible to talk about the severity of the disease and its danger to the baby.

Some sources claim that in the second trimester, colds are less dangerous or do not pose a threat to the health of the child. This is wrong. Complications of many diseases suffered during pregnancy can be no less dangerous and difficult to treat diagnoses. Polyhydramnios may develop, inflammation of the genital organs may occur, and much more, which will complicate the process of bearing a child and childbirth.

However, this is not a reason to panic if you have a runny nose or a slight cough. In no case. Just take care of your immunity at the stage of pregnancy planning and continue to support it throughout the nine months. This will minimize the likelihood that the body will not cope with the infection, which means it guarantees you the absence of a cold during the entire period.

Rhinitis - the first and main manifestation

The first thing a future mother will face is a runny nose. This is an annoying and extremely unpleasant symptom, indicating that the infection entered the body through the nasal passages. With the course of a cold, rhinitis can first bother with excessive secretions, and then with unpleasant dryness (sometimes vice versa). To prevent infection from entering the body in this way, it is worth using oxolinic ointment. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a small price or find it in your first aid kit. Apply this ointment every day before going to work or just for a walk. It will become an additional barrier that traps pathogenic microorganisms, as well as moisturize the nasal passages and relieve dryness.

Rhinitis is an unpleasant symptom of a cold, especially during pregnancy.

If you are already sick and you need to get rid of an annoying symptom, vasoconstrictor drops are a good solution. Modern pharmaceutical companies provide a large selection, and therefore every woman will be able to choose something for herself.

However, it is worth approaching the choice responsibly or considering other options for treating the symptom, as scientists have long proven that vasoconstrictor drops are addictive. This means that each time you need more and more drops to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. At the same time, their effect will be proportionally reduced. Eventually, you will have to pick up more drops, and then more and more. Sounds like a vicious circle, right?

That is why, first of all, it is worth attending not to the treatment of concomitant symptoms, but to the treatment of the main cause of the disease. In the case of colds, viruses are often the cause and antivirals are the cure. Start your fight against infection by choosing antiviral drugs with your doctor, and only then start treating symptoms.

Do you want to avoid this vicious circle with drops and is it really necessary to use them? Choose any folk remedy. Regular washing of the nose with a weak saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm boiled water) or instillation of aloe juice (1-2 drops in each nasal passage) will be effective.

Do I need to take vitamins?

Vitamins are an integral part of our life, even if we do not notice them. Every day we consume a certain amount of vitamins and minerals with food. The question is, does your daily diet cover the daily requirement for vitamins? If you managed to get sick, then most likely the answer is “no”, since the body's immunity is supported by vitamins and other substances, which for the most part enter the body from outside.

Synthetic or natural vitamins - decide this issue together with the doctor

It doesn't matter if you want to prevent the development of the disease or support the immune system in the fight against an existing cold - vitamins are necessary. Moreover, for pregnant women, the daily norm of each vitamin increases slightly, since the calculation also takes into account the consumption of body substances for the development of the unborn baby.

Try to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and oils in your diet, because all these foods are rich sources of trace elements. Each product contains a certain set of vitamins, and therefore the best option is to introduce dishes into the diet that will consist of a small amount of different products. This ensures that as many different vitamins as possible get into your body.

If you live in a region where access to fresh vegetables, fruits and meat is difficult, then just start taking vitamin complexes. They are no worse than the "natural" version. Their dosage is correctly calculated by scientists, and therefore, with the right selection (always with a doctor!) Of such a complex, an overdose is almost impossible.

Hyperthermia: danger and methods of elimination

Hyperthermia is simply a “high temperature”, which is also a characteristic symptom for most colds.

The average temperature of colds ranges from 37.1 ° C to 38 ° C and means that the body is trying to cope with a foreign infection in the body on its own.

High fever can be dangerous during pregnancy

A temperature above this mark indicates that inflammation is spreading throughout the body and the immune system cannot stop this process on its own. Such a temperature can be a real danger and often signals that you need to urgently see a doctor or call an ambulance, as this condition can threaten your health and the health of your baby. When high temperatures appear:

  • Open up and allow free access of cool (not cold!) air to the body. Natural heat exchange with the environment will lower the body temperature.
  • If chills are observed, then cover (do not wrap tightly!) 1-2 layers of a blanket.
  • Provide plenty of fluids - water, tea, juice, milk, etc.
  • Perform regular wiping the body with water at room temperature or a little cool. You can also use a solution of water with table vinegar (not essence!).
  • Give a simple enema using cold water.
The use of any antipyretic drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women. Exceptions are rare and only as prescribed by a doctor with an individual dose calculation.

Colds: features and treatment options during pregnancy

If we talk about how to treat a cold during pregnancy, then it is worth understanding and remembering a few simple principles. The treatment of any disease (including the common cold) is a whole complex of various measures and methods. But they all have two main goals:

  1. A destructive effect on a pathogenic bacterium or virus that is the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Maintenance during illness of immunity and the general forces of the body, which are weakened.

As we said above, you should first start the fight against the main cause of the disease, and only then with the accompanying symptoms. The only exception is hyperthermia, since this symptom can pose a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother.

If possible, if you notice the first signs of the disease in yourself, contact your doctor, as only he can quickly and accurately diagnose, prescribe treatment, choose drugs that are acceptable for use by pregnant women. If in the near future you cannot see a doctor, then we offer you several folk remedies to combat colds.

Cold compress

Allows to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman during a short-term fever. Soak a towel or gauze in cold water, wring it out thoroughly, and place it on your forehead. Change the compress every 2-3 minutes as the material warms up. The total time of such a procedure can be from 15 to 40 minutes.

You can also use a special ice pack, but be sure to put the same towel or gauze folded in two layers under it.

Another option is to place small bottles of cold water or towels on the areas where the major arteries of the body pass - on the neck, on the elbows, on the stomach, under the knees.

Acetic rubdown

Wiping the whole body with a solution of water and vinegar is carried out only if the high temperature is accompanied by reddening of the limbs of the body and they are hot to the touch.

Do not rub down with vodka! The alcohol contained in it quickly evaporates from the surface of the body and is inhaled by the woman, after which it can go directly to the fetus through the bloodstream.

Plentiful drink

Plentiful hot drinks are encouraged in the fight against colds, since in this way you sweat intensely, that is, remove excess toxins from the body through sweat and activate the body's natural thermoregulation.

It can be teas or infusions on various herbs. Hot milk with honey and a little butter (drink gradually, in short sips). You can even drink plain water, it will be no worse. The main thing is to drink a lot and regularly.

Chamomile infusions can be effectively used for washing the nasal cavity and gargling, as they have a disinfecting and soothing effect. In the room where the expectant mother is located, you can simply put a hot decoction of chamomile, letting the steam rise from it and humidify the air in the room. Remember that the air near the patient should always be fresh, slightly cool and humidified.

Delicious cough drops are effective, but many of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. Exceptions are lollipops based on lysozyme. It is an antibacterial agent found in saliva in small amounts. For medicinal purposes, it is extracted from the protein of chicken eggs. It is lollipops based on this enzyme that will be harmless to the expectant mother at any time and even during feeding, since normally it is contained in all of us in saliva. A good and proven example of such lollipops is Lysobact.


Prevention always goes hand in hand with treatment, since the disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. There are several types of prevention.

Specific: prevention of a specific disease by creating immunity through the introduction of a vaccine. Most likely, you have come across the annual flu vaccination, which is always given to the public. It is carried out every year because the flu virus is very changeable and mutates into new strains every year when we have immunity to one of the previous strains. Thus, the vaccine allows you to quickly create immunity that protects against the disease.

Vaccination is possible during pregnancy, but only for a certain period

Most vaccinations for expectant mothers are done no earlier than 14 weeks, since before that any pathogenic effect on the fetus can cause a violation of organogenesis or miscarriage.

Non-specific: some of us carry out this type of prevention every day without even noticing it. Non-specific prevention of diseases consists in the general hardening of the body and ensuring the best immunity. Such prevention can be provided:

  • A good and balanced diet that will provide the body with a complete set of vitamins and minerals.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air and minimal physical activity (these two options can be combined or carried out separately), which will significantly speed up your metabolism (metabolism).
  • Complete exclusion of bad habits.
  • Healthy sleep (at least 7-8 hours daily), which will help the body to gradually recover and develop.

Autumn and winter are wonderful times of the year, if they are not overshadowed by colds and other diseases that unsettle a pregnant woman. Eat right, walk more and say "no" to all negative emotions! And be healthy!

While waiting for a child, a woman's immunity decreases, so you often have to think about what you can take for pregnant women with a cold. It is important for a future mother to understand the basic rules of treatment. A rash step can have serious consequences.

If you have a runny nose Consult Gargling
Bring down the temperature Chamomile Application of a folk recipe
Chamomile Traditional Medicine Recipe Healthy Tea
Treatment for gargling in the treatment of colds

Many medicines that are prescribed for sore throats and flu are prohibited for women in position. Therefore, the question of what can and cannot be drunk by pregnant women with a cold is especially relevant. Use only proven medicines that will not harm the fetus.

If you get sick, you should immediately postpone all work and call a doctor. You should not go to the clinic on your own, because there you can get even more infected. Let's see what can and should be used by pregnant women with a cold.

Actions at temperature

You can bring down the temperature with linden tea

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • complex preparations.

Means such as Antigrippin, Fervex, Coldrex are contraindicated because they contain preservatives and flavors that can cause allergies.

Also, these medications often include the banned caffeine, pheniramine maleate. Therefore, you should not even think about whether pregnant women can take Theraflu for a cold. No and no again. Also find out and.

Despite numerous positive reviews, refuse to take this drug, especially since the instructions indicate that the expectation of a child and the lactation period are a contraindication to taking. It is best to immediately consult a doctor who will advise which pills pregnant women can drink with a cold.

Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen will not hurt, but it is important to maintain the dosage. A maximum of one tablet per dose is allowed.

There is a lot of controversy about whether pregnant women can take paracetamol for a cold. Despite the fact that this is an excellent antipyretic and analgesic, it is only allowed to be taken in the second trimester of pregnancy.

If a very high temperature is accompanied by severe chills, you need to lie under a warm blanket and drink 1 tablet of no-shpa with 500 mg of paracetamol, and then immediately call a doctor. Cold compresses can be used to reduce headaches in hot weather. Soak a clean washcloth in cool (but not cold) water, wring it out, and place it on your forehead. Turn the compress over as it warms up. You can use an ice pack, but be sure to wrap it in two layers of cloth.

If you have found out which medicines can be used for pregnant colds, but still decided to exclude them, try wiping with vinegar. They are harmless in any trimester, only vinegar should be taken no more than 5%.

You should not use vodka, because the alcohol will begin to evaporate and enter the bloodstream through the lungs, and from there to the baby. Wiping with vinegar can only be practiced when the hands and feet are hot at a temperature. Try also to put cold compresses under the major arteries: ulnar, popliteal, abdomen, chest.

With a runny nose, pregnant women should not use vasoconstrictor drops.

At a temperature, tea with lime blossom is useful. The grass must be brewed in the same way as tea, or you can simply insist in a thermos for about 15 minutes. The drink should be consumed cold. Hot linden tea opens the pores, helps to reduce the temperature, sweat. It is worth knowing that raspberries can be used only after 36 weeks.

Ways to eliminate the common cold

Expectant mothers need to know what medicines in the form of drops can be taken by pregnant women with a runny nose during a cold. It is contraindicated to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These include.

  1. Oxymetazoline;
  2. Nazol;
  3. Tizit;
  4. Naphthizite.

While waiting for the baby, these drops will quickly become addictive, so an overdose may occur. In addition, large doses of these drugs adversely affect the fetal heart, which begins to beat faster. Subsequently, this can result in heart disease in a child.

In the question of what safe medicines pregnant women can drink with an annoying cold, you should turn to traditional medicine.
Try rinsing your nose with salted water.

  1. To do this, you need to buy a special washing device - Dolphin or Aquamaris.
  2. You can try to build a device yourself, for example, a small porcelain teapot will do.

For an optimal solution, you need to take no more than 2 grams of salt per 200 ml of water. You will get a 1% solution. If you don't have a scale to measure 2 grams, just take half a teaspoon of the ingredient. The water temperature must be heated to at least 35 degrees. Washing is carried out about five times a day. Do not blow your nose strongly after the procedure, otherwise the infection can get into the ear from the nose.

If you put in less salt, you may get the opposite effect:

  • fresh water will penetrate the mucous membrane;
  • increase nasal congestion, swelling.

A strong solution, on the contrary, has a drying effect. If the nose is very blocked, when the nostril does not breathe at all and it is impossible to rinse, you can use a spray with a high salt content. For example, two bags of Dolphin or Aqua-Maris-Spront.

A strong solution will help open a new move by drawing water out of the swollen mucosa. After that, you can rinse your nose in the manner indicated above. Irrigations should not be used for nosebleeds and acute inflammation of the ear.

It is also worth knowing if pregnant ladies can soak their feet in water for a cold, as many use this method to cure coughs. The procedure is strictly prohibited, because not only the vessels of the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, but also other organs, including the uterus, can react to the high temperature of the water. When carrying out the procedure in the early stages, a miscarriage may occur, and in the later stages - premature birth.

Treatment for severe cough

Consult with a specialist about what exactly pregnant girls can take with a cold accompanied by a cough. There is no need to self-medicate, because the cough begins due to many diseases that can be very dangerous for the mother and fetus. The doctor will determine the type of cough and prescribe appropriate medications.

Talk to your doctor about treating a cold

The following drugs will not harm:

  • Broncho-gran;
  • Stodal;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Eucabal;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Althea root (syrup).

When treating a cough, you should try to drink more warm liquids and keep your back, chest, legs, and arms warm. Do not walk barefoot or drink cold drinks. Try to breathe calmly, with restraint.

Doctors constantly talk about how pregnant women can be treated with a cold that has arisen, and they have nothing against traditional medicine recipes. Especially if one of the ingredients is honey. For the simplest recipe, you will need 2 teaspoons of fresh honey. It must be held in the mouth for several minutes, and then swallowed.

Lemon has a good effect.

  1. Half a lemon should be cut into small cubes, add a couple of tablespoons of honey, mix.
  2. The remedy is taken three times a day for a teaspoon.
  3. It can be used to strengthen immunity, prevent SARS.

It is useful to drink warm milk with a spoonful of honey and butter at night.

Sore throat relief

Sore throats are caused by bacteria and viral infections. Ask your doctor what medicines to take for pregnant women who have a sore throat with a cold. Sprays containing alcohol are strictly prohibited: Stopangin, Yoks. Do not use tincture of propolis or calendula for rinsing.

Gargling will relieve inflammation

A 0.1% solution of Chlorhexidine is considered a safe remedy. It is slightly bitter, but is almost not absorbed into the mucous membrane, so it does not enter the bloodstream. Miramistin is useful - a colorless transparent solution. It is also not absorbed into the blood and does not harm the baby. Many women in position are interested in whether pregnant women can use ginger for colds, because it has beneficial properties.

You can make tea from it. Get a delicious and healing drink.

  1. 2 tbsp. l of ginger root should be finely grated, pour a glass of boiling water, and then steam for ten minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
  2. 2 teaspoons of honey are added to the resulting drink.
  3. Tea should be drunk in small sips before or after meals.

Brew pharmacy chamomile, which is ideal for rinsing. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, softening effect, copes well with mild forms of pharyngitis.

Not everyone knows what drugs for sore throats can be taken for colds in pregnant women and they buy harmless, at first glance, throat lozenges. Although they are an effective medicine, women in the position are strictly prohibited.

Only Laripront and Lyzobakt, made on the basis of lysomycin, a natural enzyme, will not harm. These tablets need to be sucked 4 times a day, 2 pieces each. They will help both with ordinary pharyngitis and with tonsillitis.

Many women experience colds during pregnancy. After all, the period of carrying a child lasts about 40 weeks, which means that it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid cold weather when everyone around is sick. Reduced immunity due to hormonal changes makes the body of the expectant mother very vulnerable, which increases the risk of contracting the flu or a cold significantly.

During pregnancy, dress appropriately for the weather.

Cold symptoms in pregnant women

Before saying what you can drink for pregnant women with a cold, the doctor must find out what exactly worries the expectant mother. Usually this:

  • severe headaches, general weakness;
  • increased blood pressure (observed in women who are prone to hypertension);
  • runny nose, swelling of the nose, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • hoarse voice;
  • barking or wet cough (if this symptom is pronounced, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, as coughing overstrains the muscles of the uterus, which is undesirable during pregnancy);
  • elevated body temperature.

You need to understand that these symptoms can speak not only about a cold, but also about a serious viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, acute pharyngitis. Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the therapist of the antenatal clinic.

If you feel unwell, the doctor should be called to the house

What to take for pregnant women with severe cough and sore throat

Not all lozenges, sprays and aerosols for inflammatory diseases of the mouth, throat and cough are safe for expectant mothers. Many of them can harm the health of the fetus, so you should consult your doctor about taking drugs in this group.

If the cough is productive, wet, expectorants should be used, if dry, barking - bronchodilators and reduce the number of attacks. You can use during the bearing of a child such medicines as:

  • Sprays for sore throat Geksoral, Ingalipt. The former contains antiseptic compounds that reduce inflammation. It must be applied within 3 days. The composition of the second includes oils that reduce sore throat. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
  • Spray Miramistin. It has a destructive effect on many viruses and bacteria, stimulates local immunity. A pregnant woman can treat her throat with medicine 3 times a day.

The best way to treat cough is inhalation. But during their implementation, you can use extremely safe means, for example, Borjomi mineral water or saline, bought at a pharmacy. Herbs, hormones should not be added to the solution for inhalation by pregnant women. Also, the procedure is contraindicated if the body temperature is elevated.

With a runny nose and cough, you can do inhalation

Well help to cope with the pain in the throat gargle. Their doctors are allowed to carry out in any trimester of pregnancy. You can rinse the sore throat with a solution of sea salt, soda, herbal decoctions. It is important to prepare the composition shortly before the procedure. Its temperature should be about 36 degrees.

What medicines to drink for colds and fever during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman's temperature during a cold rises to 37-37.5 ° C, nothing needs to be done. It is important to drink plenty of water and stay in bed. If the thermometer rose higher, there were severe headaches, aching joints, you should immediately call a doctor at home. There is a high risk that the virus will cross the placenta and adversely affect the condition of the fetus. In addition, at high temperatures, it is important to exclude the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis.

There are very few medicines for fever with colds that are allowed during pregnancy. Or rather, it is one thing - Paracetamol. Only this antipyretic is considered safe when it comes to treating expectant mothers. But doctors do not recommend taking it more often 3-4 times a day and longer than 3 days.

When you have a fever, you need to drink a lot. Fluid removes toxins from the body. Due to this, recovery comes faster. In addition, drinking plenty of water is the best way to prevent dehydration. But if, against the background of the disease, the kidneys began to disturb, edema appeared, you should immediately seek medical help. Before talking with the doctor, the amount of fluid consumed should be limited.

When the temperature is high, don't wrap up. Even if a woman suffers from chills, she should not cover herself with five blankets. This will make the fever worse. It is better to take a No-shpa tablet to normalize blood circulation.

An antipyretic for a future mother should be selected by a doctor

At a temperature of 38.5 ° C, you can wipe the body with vinegar. This will help bring down the temperature. If all the attempts made were unsuccessful, you do not need to stay at home - you should call an ambulance team and go to the hospital.

What can be used by pregnant women with a severe runny nose during a cold

Due to severe and prolonged nasal congestion, the well-being of a pregnant woman worsens. She constantly complains that she does not have enough air. Cannot lie down for a long time, walk quickly. This situation also negatively affects the condition of the fetus - less oxygen can begin to flow through the placenta. Then the feelings experienced by the mother are transmitted to the baby. And this is unacceptable.

Therefore, you should not treat a runny nose during pregnancy as a symptom that does not require attention. For a speedy recovery, you can use:

  • Solutions for washing (Dolphin, Aqua Maris, Salin, saline). Their regular use accelerates the excretion of mucus, eliminates its accumulation and stagnation, and reduces swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • Ointments based on mint, eucalyptus for rubbing the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. They need to be applied with light massaging movements.
  • Juices of medicinal plants. They can cause allergies, so you first need to find out the opinion of your doctor. Aloe juice helps with a runny nose. It should be diluted with boiled water (1:1) and instilled into the nose 2 drops 3 times a day.

To prevent sinusitis, the bridge of the nose should be warmed up. To do this, you can use hot sand placed in cotton bags, boiled eggs. The compress should not be very hot, otherwise you can get burned.

As for vasoconstrictor drops, they are prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases: if a cold is complicated by otitis media, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is pronounced. Considering the well-being of the expectant mother and the duration of pregnancy, the therapist can prescribe Nazol Baby, children's Nazivin, Tizin for children. Why are these drugs preferred? It's simple: they contain a smaller amount of vasoconstrictor substances, which, with prolonged use, can lead to fetal hypoxia.

It is advisable to refuse the use of vasoconstrictor drops

Are colds and flu dangerous for a pregnant woman?

Complications can occur if colds and flu during pregnancy are not properly treated. These diseases are especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the vital organs of the fetus are laid down and any negative external influence can lead to serious pathologies.

A cold can cause intrauterine infection of the baby, provoke his death in the womb. But there is no need to panic: death from viral diseases is quite rare. Therefore, it is necessary to tune in to a quick recovery and visit a qualified doctor. If the mother is treated correctly, there will be no serious violations in the development of her child.

Often, colds and flu affect the health of the woman herself. So, she can develop sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. With all these diagnoses, gentle antibiotic therapy is selected.

In the second and third trimester, viral infections are no longer so dangerous for mother and child. Nevertheless, against their background, polyhydramnios, intrauterine hypoxia may develop.

Eat more fruits and vegetables during cold season

Prevention of colds and flu during pregnancy

In order not to have to think about what cold medicines you can take during pregnancy, you need to pay special attention to preventive measures. To reduce the risk of contracting viral infections, the following rules help:

  • Preparing for the conception of a child is desirable in advance. You need to drink a complex of vitamins and minerals. If necessary, improve the functioning of the immune system with an immunostimulant. You should also give up bad habits, start leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • As soon as a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby, she should immediately review her diet. You need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily, lean meat and fish, cereals. From muffins, sweets, fast food to refuse. As a result, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the symptoms of toxicosis (if any) will become less pronounced, and excess weight will not be observed.
  • A pregnant woman should dress according to the temperature and humidity of the air outside. You can not walk in windy weather or frost in thin tights, without a hat. The general hypothermia of the body creates favorable conditions for the spread of a viral infection.
  • If there are people around the pregnant woman who have the flu or a cold, she should try not to contact them. If this is not possible (for example, an older child, spouse), it is necessary to buy protective masks in a pharmacy and change them every three hours, ventilate the room in which the patient is located as often as possible.
  • During the cold season, you should avoid public places, travel in public transport, wash your hands with soap as often as possible.

If the gynecologist prescribes a complex of vitamins and minerals, a pregnant woman should buy it and take it according to the scheme indicated by the doctor. Expectant mothers should not prescribe immunostimulants and vitamin preparations on their own.

Pregnancy is a wonderful state of every woman. On the other hand, the period of bearing a baby is a very responsible time. Now the expectant mother should pay special attention to her health. The course of pregnancy, and in the future, the health of the unborn child, depends on how well a pregnant woman feels.

A cold during pregnancy (especially an infectious one) is not so uncommon. If, nevertheless, the pregnant woman could not avoid the disease, you need to know what needs to be done in order to recover without harm to yourself, and most importantly, the health of the unborn baby.

Causes of a cold in pregnant women

The causes of a cold in expectant mothers can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • viruses and bacteria.

Hypothermia as the cause of a cold during pregnancy

Colds during pregnancy caused by hypothermia most often occur in winter or early spring. But, you can catch a cold in the summer, if you are in a room with drafts. Car and room air conditioners are a fairly common cause of colds in women during pregnancy.

Wet clothes or wet feet are more likely to cause a pregnant woman to get a cold. During this important period, it is necessary to carefully monitor your clothes, the correspondence of upper things to seasonality, and prevent hypothermia of the body.

Viruses and bacteria are the main cause of colds in pregnant women

The most difficult course of a cold in pregnant women is caused by diseases such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, which are caused by viruses and bacteria. The epidemiological peak of viral and bacterial infections occurs in autumn, when the weather outside is characterized by dampness, temperature fluctuations, strong winds and early snow.

In the medical sense, such diseases cannot be called a cold, but young mothers often confuse them. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are similar, but the treatment depending on the cause will be different. Not every pregnant woman can distinguish bronchitis from sinusitis or pneumonia, and SARS and acute respiratory infections generally proceed in the same way. It is very important to know before starting treatment and prescribing medications what causes a cold in a pregnant woman.

Cold symptoms during pregnancy

A cold during pregnancy does not differ in symptoms from the signs of the disease in all other people.

The first symptoms of the disease in pregnant women:

  1. malaise;
  2. fatigue;
  3. pain (headache, joint);
  4. runny nose;
  5. sore throat;
  6. temperature increase.

Usually, with a cold in pregnant women, there is a slight increase in temperature, or none at all. Less commonly, body temperature can rise very significantly - up to 38-39 ° C.

Later, secondary symptoms may appear:

  • cough;
  • a sore throat;
  • intoxication of the body (drowsiness, lack of appetite, weakness).

The treatment of a cold in pregnant women should be started immediately, even when the first symptoms of the disease appear, otherwise serious complications are possible:

  1. bronchitis;
  2. sinusitis;
  3. pharyngitis;
  4. pneumonia.

As a rule, the first 2-3 days of illness are the most difficult and uncomfortable, then, if the correct treatment is started in time, the cold quickly subsides.

How and how to treat a cold during pregnancy

The treatment of colds during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that "ordinary" medications are used very limitedly or are strictly prohibited.

When using therapeutic agents, it is necessary to evaluate the benefits that they will bring to the expectant mother, and combine them with harm to the fetus and with the impact on the health of the baby in the future.

What should a pregnant woman do at the first symptoms of a cold:

  • Firstly, it would be best to stay at home for a few days. It is necessary to lie down in bed - this is a prerequisite for the successful cure of pregnant women from a cold. The transfer of a cold on the legs is fraught with complications for the mother and child.
  • secondly, a balanced diet is a very important element for a speedy recovery;
  • thirdly, it is necessary to consume sufficiently clean drinking water. It removes toxins and pathogens from the body of a pregnant woman;
  • fourthly, the treatment of a cold must be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

In the midst of epidemics, immunity agents that are more effective should be used. For example, ordinary horseradish is one of the most effective means in the fight against colds during pregnancy. Among folk methods of treatment, the following recipe is very popular: ground horseradish root is mixed with the same amount of honey, refined sugar in this case is not recommended for use. The resulting mixture is removed in a warm place for a day, after which 1 tablespoon is taken every hour.

Inhalations with sage or chamomile will help to cope with a cough. They help relieve inflammation in the nasopharynx and relieve a runny nose. In order to carry out inhalation, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of unpeeled potatoes, add a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves or chamomile to it. You need to breathe over the pot with the finished broth, covered with a towel.

Pregnancy is not the time to self-medicate. Only a specialist will be able to see in time the signs that threaten the mother and the unborn baby in the state of the pregnant woman.

Treatment of the common cold during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman suffers from a runny nose and stuffy nose, then this can adversely affect the condition of the fetus, since the oxygen received by the baby is insufficient for normal growth and development. For this reason, a runny nose in a future mother should be treated immediately.

Even if a pregnant woman previously used drops in the treatment of a runny nose, then in the current special situation, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the possibility of their use. Moreover, drops can be used only if the pregnant composition is well tolerated by the drop, since during pregnancy the reaction of the woman's body to the medication is exacerbated.

To rinse the nose, it is best to use a weak saline solution: dilute half a teaspoon of salt with a glass of water. You can buy nasal drops at the pharmacy, which are based on sea water, for example, Aquamaris. Perhaps instillation into the nose of aloe juice, a few drops.

Another good remedy for a runny nose is the Asterisk balm, you can simply inhale its smell, or lubricate your nose with it inside. The ointment based on herbs "Doctor Mom" ​​has the same effect. It should be observed that an allergic reaction does not appear, in case of its occurrence, refuse to use the balm or ointment.

Hot hand baths are very helpful in making breathing easier. It is necessary to immerse your hands (up to the elbow) in a bath of hot water. A tangible result will not keep you waiting, after a few minutes it will become much easier to breathe.

It is strictly forbidden to warm the legs, as this can cause a miscarriage. In the treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women, menthol oil is also used, they smear the forehead, temporal region and bridge of the nose. You can also put a drop of oil into your sinuses.

How to treat a sore throat

You can cure a sore throat during pregnancy by periodically rinsing or inhaling. Inhalations should be carried out with the addition of mint or eucalyptus oils. When rinsing, you can use:

  1. Gargle with saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water). Use warm, not hot water.
  2. Rinse with a solution of water and baking soda (dissolve 1 teaspoon in a glass of warm water, you can add a couple of drops of iodine) - this solution can relieve inflammation and get rid of viruses.
  3. Rinse with herbal infusions: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus.

No need to get involved in taking decoctions of herbs inside, very often herbs and their decoctions cause severe allergic reactions during pregnancy. In any case, before using them, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Gargling should be done about 4 times a day.

A safe drug for pregnant women is Geksoral aerosol . It has an antiseptic effect, fights inflammation in the throat. Method of application and dosage: spray into the throat for 2 seconds (corresponds to a single dose) 2 times a day. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Ingalipt is considered an effective remedy, the components of which are: eucalyptus oil, glycerol, peppermint oil, sulfanilamide, etc. This is an aerosol with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Contraindication is intolerance to essential oils.

  • aloe;
  • anise;
  • barberry;
  • elecampane;
  • sweet clover;
  • oregano;
  • St. John's wort;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • viburnum berries;
  • Melissa;
  • liquorice root;
  • celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • lovage.

How and what to bring down the high temperature?

Most often, a cold during pregnancy is accompanied by body temperature, up to about 38 ° C degrees. An increase in body temperature above 38 ° C is an infrequent phenomenon. If the body temperature does not exceed the limit of 38 ° C, it is better not to use medications. At higher temperatures, an antipyretic drug such as paracetamol can be used.

There are also several folk methods that help bring down the temperature during pregnancy:

  1. lime tea;
  2. raspberry leaf tea;
  3. a decoction of dried apples (pour half a glass of dried apples with a liter of boiling water);
  4. drink from cranberries mashed with honey (2 tablespoons of cranberries, mash, rub through a sieve, add honey - 1 teaspoon and pour 2 tablespoons of water at 60 ° C. Stir everything, cool a little and drink in small sips);
  5. beetroot or carrot (you can add 1/4 of the cabbage juice).

Colds during pregnancy should not be treated with aspirin! A side effect of using this drug is miscarriage!

The same applies to antibiotics. Their use during pregnancy is highly undesirable, since as a result of the treatment of pregnant women with antibiotics, malformations of the child may develop.

How to treat cough during pregnancy

No cough tablets can be used during pregnancy, and this is usually written in the instructions for the drug. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent coughing very well:

  • warm (even hot) green tea with lemon and honey;
  • natural linden tea;
  • fruit drink from cranberries or rose hips;
  • warm compote of dried fruits.

The following recipes will help prevent coughing:

  1. it is necessary to periodically gargle with this solution: in a glass of water (warm), dilute a teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon (about two tablespoons)
  2. warm a glass of milk and add a teaspoon of honey. You can add a little butter to a glass of milk. This infusion should be drunk before going to bed, it will relieve a sore throat and prevent coughing.

During pregnancy, a lemon with a peel, cranberries are very useful. Honey in the treatment of colds of expectant mothers is a storehouse of useful properties, especially liquid.

Expecting a child is a period when a woman needs to be more attentive to her health, especially during viral epidemics. The expectant mother needs to limit visits to places with a large crowd of people to a minimum: avoid traveling by public transport, shopping malls. Of course, you cannot completely protect yourself from getting the flu virus and SARS into the body. But if you still get sick, it is recommended to use natural medicines, which not only will not harm the baby, which is still inside the belly of a pregnant woman, but will also improve the health of the expectant mother.

Bed rest

The simplest and easiest way to treat a cold during pregnancy is bed rest. During illness, a pregnant woman feels fatigue, weakness, increased irritability, and a decrease in blood pressure is possible. All this is due to the fact that in the body of a pregnant woman there is a restructuring of internal organs, and the body is doubly difficult to fight viruses.

If a pregnant woman falls ill and continues to work, then this is highly undesirable, as it can adversely affect her health and the condition of the fetus. In this case, it is necessary to go to the clinic and issue a sick leave to avoid possible complications. If a pregnant woman's illness occurs at home, then she should not do too much household chores, on the contrary, it is advisable to devote more time to her health and lie more. Treatment of viral infections takes place in stages and lasts for several days, and sometimes weeks. Unfortunately, there are no medicines that can help to cope with the ailment immediately and safely. If you still decide to be treated with drugs, read the instructions for use. It indicates the necessary doses and conditions for taking the medicine during pregnancy.

Treatment without antibiotics

Taking antibiotics during pregnancy is undesirable. But if there is a need to take antibiotics, then this should be done with caution, after consulting with your doctor. It is the attending physician who will be able to give a reasonable prescription of the drug and indicate the necessary dosages of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. The action of antibiotics is directed against diseases caused by bacteria, they do not affect viruses, so the treatment of SARS and influenza with antibiotics will be meaningless.

We are treated with folk remedies

  • The appearance of a runny nose, sore or sore throat, heaviness in the head are the first signs of progression in the body of the influenza virus or SARS. It is necessary to be treated immediately. Plentiful warm drink, hot tea with raspberry or honey.
  • Lemon juice squeezed into a spoon will help eliminate or alleviate pain and sore throat, or it is recommended to cut off a piece and put it in your mouth.
  • A light diet will also ease the burden on the body during illness. Do not overload your diet with fatty, spicy or salty foods.
  • During illness, a pregnant woman should limit her salt intake. Excessive consumption of salty foods can cause severe swelling as well as nasal congestion.
  • Onion and garlic have a strong antiviral effect. It is necessary to cut the onion and garlic into several pieces, while the phytoncides contained in them will spread indoors and have a detrimental effect on influenza and SARS viruses.

Throat treatment

Gargling is considered the best folk remedy for treating a throat, ideal for pregnant women.

For the preparation of solutions, you can use the following recipes:

  • collection of apothecary chamomile, calendula (marigold), eucalyptus oak bark and sage insist and mix with sea salt;
  • if a sore throat has just declared itself, it is possible to alleviate pain and cure the throat with a mixture of salt, soda and a couple of drops of iodine dissolved in warm water;
  • in warm water dissolve a spoonful of propolis, infused with alcohol.

In diseases of the throat, it is necessary to rinse it very often, preferably once an hour. Only in this case, rinsing will give a positive effect.

How to cure a cough?

  • Very warm milk with goose fat dissolved in it (internal fat layer) helps to soften a dry “barking” cough, if such an “exotic” is not observed at home, you can use a piece of butter with a high percentage of fat content.
  • Remember your mother's advice from childhood - when coughing, eat raspberries and honey.
  • You can brew a ready-made pharmacy breast collection, for example, Elikasol. Just before buying, carefully read the composition of the collection - some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • When coughing, it is desirable to carry out inhalations with essential oils of chamomile, eucalyptus, rosehip, thyme. If the house does not have an inhaler, you can add essential oil to a pot of boiling water, bend over it and cover your head and neck with a large terry towel. You need to inhale the steam with full breasts until the water cools down. After the procedure, you must immediately lie down in a warm bed under a blanket.

There is one small "but" - the procedure is contraindicated for women who have an acute sensitivity to odors. Such inhalation can cause nausea in a pregnant woman, so it is better to replace it with some other folk remedy.

How to cure a runny nose?

With a very severe runny nose for 2-3 days, you can use the simplest vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They cannot be used for a long time even for a healthy person - the drops greatly dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. There is nothing to say about expectant mothers, it is better for them to “pierce” a stuffy nose with garlic and onion phytoncides.

An excellent remedy is a cake made from honey and flour. It is applied to the maxillary sinuses, and the lymph nodes are also treated for inflammation and postpartum mastitis.

How to relieve fever and headache?

Ordinary SARS can cause fever and severe headache.

To improve your health, you can use the following recipes from the piggy bank of traditional medicine.

  • Using wet wraps to reduce the temperature (to do this, you need to wet an old sheet, wring it out and wrap yourself in it, and then wrap yourself in warm blankets). The temperature decreases due to profuse sweating caused by the temperature difference.
  • Our ancestors saved themselves from headaches with the help of a white cabbage leaf applied to the temples and forehead.
  • Post-temperature weakness is best overcome with fluids (herbal teas, fruit drinks), which quickly remove toxins from the body.

Pregnant women should be especially careful, because their water balance must comply with the rule - the amount of fluid drunk should correspond to the amount excreted in urine and sweat.


During pregnancy, all the forces of the woman's body are aimed at creating a new little man. Therefore, its resistance to viruses and microbes is significantly reduced. A cold that occurs during pregnancy and its improper treatment can affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Expectant mothers who, before pregnancy, were actively hardening (for example, doused with cold water, walked barefoot in the snow), of course, get sick less or do not get sick at all. There is no need to completely abandon these procedures during the bearing of a child.

What to do if a cold caught you by surprise?

Treatments that are suitable for other people will not work for pregnant women. Treatment of colds of expectant mothers must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Many drugs in this case are contraindicated.

Pregnant women who have previously hardened can be helped to cope with a cold by the method described in Kneipp's book "My Hydrotherapy". It is necessary to stand barefoot in a bowl of cold water for 1 minute. Then, after drying your feet and putting on woolen socks, walk around the room until your feet are completely warm. But this method is only for hardened!

What treatments are contraindicated

  1. In no case should you warm your feet with hot water and take warm baths.
  2. Many herbs used in folk medicine should not be taken by pregnant women. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use. It is better to refuse herbal treatment altogether, so as not to accidentally harm the child. The throat can be gargled with infusions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort.

How to prevent colds

Large doses of vitamin C are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. It is enough to take a mineral-vitamin complex prescribed by a doctor and natural sources of nutrients. Shop juices are not such a source. But freshly squeezed - quite.

It is very useful to eat steamed vegetables: beets, cabbage, carrots. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

During influenza epidemics, it is best to avoid crowded places, and if not possible, wear a mask.