Chocolate storage. Refrigerator banned: how to properly store chocolate. When to Use the Refrigerator

Chocolate lovers rarely stock up on them for the future, because the bar brought home just asks to be in the mouth. But sometimes it is necessary to save this magnificent dessert until a certain date. Then advice will come to the rescue where to store chocolate so that it does not melt and deteriorate.

Where to store chocolate?

How to store chocolate: expiration date

Even if all storage rules are followed, chocolate becomes unusable over time. The shelf life is always indicated on its packaging. It depends on the type of confectionery.

1. Dark chocolate bars will be usable for 12 months from the date of manufacture.

2. Dairy varieties should not be stored for more than 10 months.

3. If you purchased the product in powder, then you must use it within three months.

4. Chocolate with various fruit fillings should not lie for more than two weeks.

Do not use an expired product, even if outwardly it still looks appetizing. This can lead to indigestion and serious consequences, even if the product does not show obvious signs of spoilage.

At what temperature should chocolate be stored?

How to store chocolate in the heat? Chocolate melts quickly at elevated temperatures, in order to preserve the taste and texture, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. Do not lay the tiles in the place where the sun's rays fall. Under their action, it will not only melt, but also lose its taste.

2. The optimal storage temperature for chocolate is +16 degrees.

3. Can chocolate be stored in the refrigerator? The answer is unequivocal - no. After the product gets into the cold, the water in it begins to freeze. Because of this, sucrose crystals appear on its surface. As a result, the tile is covered with an unpleasant white coating. In addition, there is too much humidity in the refrigerator. These factors have an extremely negative effect on the taste of chocolate.

4. Do not store chocolate near products that emit a strong odor.

5. Before storage, it is best to wrap the chocolate in foil or thick paper.

Based on the foregoing, the best place to store chocolate is a dark pantry. If you do not have one, then remove the tiles in a kitchen cabinet located at the maximum distance from heaters, stoves and windows.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can keep the purchased chocolate bar for a long time and enjoy its divine taste at the right time.

Chocolate storage

So that chocolate does not deteriorate, it must be kept in a dry place at a temperature of 16--20 ° C, in tight packaging, as it absorbs foreign odors. The optimum storage temperature is 20 ° C, at this temperature chocolate retains useful and gustatory qualities for a long time. If the storage temperature exceeds 21 °C, the cocoa butter begins to melt and "fat bloom" forms on the surface of the chocolate - spots of crystallized fat, which causes the chocolate to acquire an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste. Do not store chocolate in the refrigerator, as this can lead to "sugar bloom" - the appearance of white spots on the surface of sucrose crystals that form as a result of freezing water.

The shelf life of chocolate is determined by the amount of fat it contains. The more fats (creamy, light varieties, chocolate with fillings), the shorter the shelf life. To extend the shelf life of chocolate, Russian manufacturers add preservatives to its composition (for example, sorbic acid - E200).

It is necessary to distinguish between the shelf life and the expiration date. Thus, the minimum shelf life indicated on the package means that the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the product (for example, taste, smell, color) during this entire period. Its slight excess does not exclude the suitability of the product for consumption. As for the expiration date, it is put on perishable products. An expired product is considered hazardous.

Guaranteed shelf life of chocolate from the date of its production:

Dessert and ordinary without additions - 6 months;

Dessert and ordinary with additions, chocolate with filling and in powder - 4 months;

without additions - 3 months;

· by weight with additions, not wrapped - 2 months;

· chocolate white and in powder with addition of dairy products - 1 month.

Useful properties of chocolate

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, chocolate drink was considered a panacea for hay fever, stomach, lung and many other diseases.

Modern scientists have not come to a consensus on the effects of chocolate on the human body. However, most doctors are of the opinion that chocolate is an extremely healthy product that must be included in your diet.

On average, an adult can eat no more than 3-4 chocolate bars of 100 grams per month. Eating chocolate in large quantities sometimes causes an allergic reaction.

If the body is intolerant to chocolate, acne may appear.

Chocolate contains a lot of useful substances.

Tannin regulates the digestive system, helps to remove toxins from the body, and has a laxative effect. But, on the other hand, tannin constricts the blood vessels of the brain and can cause headaches. To avoid this, choose a type of chocolate with a minimum content of cocoa liquor.

Potassium and magnesium stimulate the muscular and nervous systems, so chocolate is good for people involved in sports. Magnesium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the rhythm of the heart. Potassium normalizes blood pressure.

Glucose increases efficiency, improves brain activity.

Scientists have found that chocolate is an excellent antidepressant. It contains the substance phenylethylamine, which stimulates the activity of nerve cells, as a result of which a person's mood improves. In 2000, American scientists conducted research, thanks to which they found that people who consume chocolate 2-3 times a month feel better than those who do not eat it at all.

Phenols have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. They prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the blood, constriction of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots. Phenols promote more efficient blood flow, reducing the workload on the heart.

Iron is found in small amounts in dark chocolate, so it is especially useful for growing children and people suffering from anemia.

Theobromine and caffeine, contained in large quantities in dark chocolate, increase the body's resistance to stress and have a tonic effect. Theobromine increases blood pressure and speeds up the pulse, that is, it is a natural stimulant of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The caffeine content in a 100-gram bar of chocolate is about 20 milligrams. This is an insignificant dose compared to the fact that in a cup of natural coffee it is 6 times more.

The more cocoa products in chocolate, the stronger its stimulating effect.

Therefore, dark chocolate has the strongest ability to relieve fatigue and increase efficiency.

You should limit the consumption of chocolate and chocolate products to people suffering from hypertension (chocolate can increase blood pressure), diabetes, liver disease, metabolic disorders (as chocolate contains up to 4% oxalic acid), and heart disease. However, some doctors claim that eating chocolate can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack in patients.

Scientists have found that even the aroma of chocolate has a beneficial effect on the human body. In most people, it causes an increase in the production of secretory immunoglobulin A, which is necessary for antiviral and antifungal protection.

Chocolate does not lead to obesity if consumed in reasonable amounts. Also, chocolate does not cause acne. However, some people are allergic to chocolate. By the way, due to the high calorie content (400-550 kilocalories per 100 grams of product), even a small amount of chocolate can replace the use of other products, keeping a person feeling full for a long time. That is why doctors often include dark chocolate in diets, which promotes weight loss.

Eating several chocolate bars a day can lead to weight gain, high blood cholesterol levels, allergic reactions, and even liver pain. In addition, the consumption of chocolate in large quantities can cause bad mood and depression.

Japanese scientists have found that eating chocolate reduces the risk of developing stomach ulcers, hay fever, cancerous tumors, and also improves immunity.

The statement that caries occurs due to the use of chocolate is incorrect.

Chocolate affects the teeth in the same way as any other sweets. But it is worth noting that chocolate contains an antiseptic substance that suppresses the action of bacteria that form tartar. Especially strong are the antibacterial properties of the shell of cocoa beans, which is removed during the production of chocolate. Japanese scientists have suggested adding other oral care products to toothpaste, such as an extract made from cocoa bean shells. Dentists believe that chocolates are less harmful than, for example, caramel.

But the benefits of chocolate are not so well known. It has long been disputed that chocolate is very nutritious. During the Second World War, chocolate was part of the food rations for pilots; only this compact and most valuable food product (450-600 kilocalories per 100 grams!) was able to support a person who was at the limit of strength for many hours.

However, in addition to powder and cocoa butter, chocolate contains a lot of other ingredients.

Science has finally discovered another reason why chocolate is such a great stress reliever. Milk and cream, which are part of it, also contain an effective natural tranquilizer that calms the nervous system, improves mood, and helps to cope with insomnia.

Especially for those who love chocolate, but are afraid of excess fat and sugar, dietary varieties are created - the so-called dark chocolate.

Scientists even recognized the smell of chocolate as useful. Its unique, refined aroma, familiar to everyone, is due to a cocktail of almost 40 volatile compounds! Probably, there is no person to whom the "sweet", appetizing smell of chocolate would be unpleasant. Physiologists have established that this fragrance has a beneficial effect on the psyche: it relieves irritation, pacifies, then returns peace of mind. This happens, apparently, because the most pleasant memories of our childhood are associated with chocolate delicacies. But it is with smells that the longest and most stable associative memory is associated.

Many people think that storing chocolate in the refrigerator is the right thing to do. However, it is not. Low temperatures lead to a change in the composition of the product. When stored in the refrigerator, the taste of chocolate deteriorates, it becomes hard, and a white coating forms on its surface.

Why not?

Chocolate is quite capricious in storage. He is afraid of literally everything: heat, dry air, direct sunlight, cold, odors. The tile easily melts, weathers, hardens, loses its original taste and aroma. That is why it is soldered in an opaque and sealed package, wrapped in aluminum foil.

In the refrigerator compartment, the temperature is much lower - from +3 to +6 degrees. Under such conditions, freezing of water occurs. As a result, sucrose crystals appear on the surface of the chocolate bar. It becomes firmer and fresher.

Where is the right place to store chocolate?

According to all the rules, chocolate confectionery is kept cool, but not in the refrigerator. Recommended storage conditions:

  • temperature from +15 to +21 degrees;
  • air humidity up to 75%.

It is important that the tile is not exposed to direct sunlight, even if it is in sealed packaging. The fact is that in the radius of their impact, the temperature is always higher. And even if the room is +15 degrees, chocolate will melt under direct sunlight. You should also keep chocolates away from sources of strong odors (fish, sausages, ready meals, etc.).

It is correct to store chocolate in a pantry, cellar, in a kitchen cabinet, located away from the stove and other heating appliances.

When can a refrigerator be used?

If we compare the harm of high and low temperatures for chocolate, then the heat is definitely more destructive for it. At a temperature of +21 and above, it begins to melt and looks unattractive when you open the package. If exposure to high temperatures is long enough, the confectionery product begins to taste bitter, loses its cocoa flavor, and acquires an unpleasant taste. This delicacy should not be eaten.

And if the melted chocolate bar is again placed in the cold, then the fat contained in the cocoa butter crystallizes. A whitish coating is again formed on the surface of the tile, but this time it is fatty. If before that the chocolate has not had time to deteriorate, you can eat it. But her taste will never be the same.

If it is not possible to maintain a temperature of +18 degrees for storing chocolate, then it is better to initially place it in the refrigerator on the side shelf. High temperatures harm it much more than low temperatures, as well as temperature changes.

Shelf life

The shelf life of chocolate depends on the amount of fat it contains. The more of them in the composition, the faster the product deteriorates.

The maximum content of cocoa butter in white chocolate, and it is stored no longer than 1 month.

Shelf life of different types of chocolate:

  • white - 30 days;
  • dessert with filling - 3 months;
  • without filling and additives - 6–12 months;
  • weight (without packaging) - 2 months;
  • homemade chocolate and sweets with additives and fillings - 2 weeks.

In the manufacture of chocolate bars, manufacturers often add the preservative E-200. This is sorbic acid, which improves the safety of products. It is considered relatively safe for human health. But still, it is better to choose varieties of chocolate without synthetic ingredients and with a shorter shelf life.

The shelf life can be found on the packaging. To prevent the product from spoiling ahead of time, it must be stored according to the rules.

Freezing chocolate

Freezing chocolate is not recommended. As already mentioned, low temperatures negatively affect its taste. However, when making homemade sweets or chocolate figurines, freezing is indispensable. Finished products are placed in the freezer for 30 minutes, removed from the molds and then stored according to standard rules.

You can also briefly place the melted tiles in the refrigerator or freezer to solidify.

But freezing chocolates to increase the shelf life does not make sense. They will not be as tasty and will lose their attractive appearance, although they will not deteriorate.

More or less justified is the storage of chocolate in the freezer, which is planned to be melted. It must not contain additives. Use a sealed container for storage.

So, can you keep chocolate in the fridge? According to the storage conditions in accordance with GOST, the refrigerator is not a suitable place for chocolate products. The temperature in the refrigerator is much lower than required by the regulations. It is optimal to keep the tiles in a pantry or cellar with a constant temperature of +18 degrees and air humidity up to 75%.

Most often, chocolate is eaten instantly, but there are times when this delicacy has to lie down for a while. How to properly store a chocolate bar at home so that it does not lose its taste? First you need to figure out what chocolate is and what it is made of.

Types of chocolate

There is porous chocolate, milk, black or bitter and white. There are chocolate bars with various fillings and fillings.

The most natural product is dark or bitter chocolate. It is made only from cocoa. Powder may be added. The more powder in the products, the lighter and sweeter it will be. Without these ingredients, the tile will be very dark and bitter, which not everyone will like.

In addition to cocoa, milk is added to milk chocolate. Usually take low-fat milk about 2%.

There is no cocoa in white chocolate at all, but there is a lot of vanilla and milk powder. Usually such a product has a caramel flavor.

Any chocolate can be made porous. Simply, the tiles are placed in a vacuum, and thanks to this technology, bubbles appear.

The basic recipe of the product may not change in terms of the percentage of cocoa, milk or other ingredients, but any chocolate can be made with filling, nuts, raisins, jam and other “goodies” can be added to it.

And, finally, a confectionery bar, in which there is no chocolate at all, but we are still accustomed to calling such a product chocolate. Such tiles are much cheaper than natural tiles and glazes are most often made from it.

Best before date

If the chocolate is wrapped in its original packaging, then you can easily find the expiration date on it. However, these terms are not always indicated by manufacturers or even sellers truthfully, and moreover, storage conditions in a store may not correspond to those recommended by the manufacturer. On the wrappers of the sweets, the dates are not indicated at all. How long is chocolate good for eating?

In general, under suitable conditions, the shelf life of a chocolate bar is a year. But this is true only for a natural black product without additives.

You can keep a bar of milk chocolate for about six months. The fact is that milk powder as part of a dessert bar significantly reduces its shelf life. However, many modern additives, such as food stabilizers, allow you to extend the shelf life up to a year.

With additives, chocolate can be stored for only two to three months. The ideal shelf life of white chocolate is only a month. But since there are a lot of stabilizers in the composition of such a bar, very often manufacturers recommend a shelf life of white chocolate up to a year.

Only two weeks - that's how long a chocolate candy with filling can live. Of course, we are talking only about a 100% natural product.

Storage rules

Chocolate spoils very quickly under the influence of oxygen, moisture, odors and, of course, sunlight. That is why the tiles are so carefully packed in foil, cardboard, film.

Under the sun and with high humidity, the delicacy will become unfit for food much faster if it is without a wrapper. The oxygen oxidizes the cocoa and the sweetness becomes bitter. It is worth considering that the more powder and less oil in this sweetness, the longer its shelf life.

Moisture is also very harmful, causing mold to appear on the surface of chocolate. In addition, chocolate absorbs all odors very quickly.

Therefore, if you have to store chocolate for a long time, then it is better to purchase it in a completely sealed package. An airtight wrapper is a kind of guarantee that the chocolate bar will not go bad in the near future.

The ideal temperature for storing sweets is + 18-20 degrees. If the air heats up to +30, then the chocolate will simply melt. Chocolate that has less cocoa powder will melt the fastest.

It is advisable to store chocolate in its original packaging. After opening the package, it is advisable to use the tile within the next few days and keep it wrapped in foil.

Do not store chocolate, even in sealed packaging, next to strong-smelling foods, for example, in the same condiment cabinet. The smell can even penetrate inside the sealed wrapper.

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to store dessert in a domestic refrigerator. Under no circumstances should chocolate be stored in the refrigerator. Low temperatures will cause the cocoa butter to crystallize and cause a whitish coating to appear on the tile. Even after being in a warm room, chocolate will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

There is one hint. It has been proven that chocolate can be stored at -18 degrees, which is the temperature of the freezer. But you can store chocolate in this way only on the condition that after defrosting it will be consumed immediately and will not be re-frozen. So chocolate can be stored even for several years.

Checking the quality of chocolate

If you are not sure about the quality of the purchased dessert, you can evaluate it according to several criteria. You don't need to be an expert to do this. The tiles need to be at room temperature.

  • If the chocolate is real, it will always crunch if it is broken.
  • At the break, a real chocolate dessert should be matte, without shine. There should be no treats or bubbles inside.
  • Natural chocolate, as everyone knows, melts in your mouth.
  • If chocolate does not melt well and resembles plasticine, then fats were used in its manufacture, which should not be in a real dessert according to technology.

In the end, we can say that in an airtight wrapper and under proper conditions, a chocolate bar will retain its taste for a long time. However, the advice should not be neglected if you need to save a few chocolate bars, for example, for a children's party or as a gift. And, of course, the fresher the dessert is and the faster it is consumed, the tastier it will be.

Chocolate is a very tasty product, but capricious. Many people know that it melts at high temperatures, and tend to hide it where it is cooler. Today we will figure out whether it is possible to store chocolate in the refrigerator. It turns out that the benefits that it will bring depend on the right choice of delicacy. If the conditions are not suitable, the tile will lose not only its presentation, but also its taste.

All the best for children

Often we buy this delicacy for kids. So, we must choose the highest quality product. First of all, you need to pay attention to the packaging, which must be neat, contain information about the manufacturer, release date, expiration date and other data. The tightness of the packaging is another important point. It is she who allows the chocolate to retain its properties throughout the entire shelf life.

Last check

If you bought a dessert, but are not sure of its quality, then simple steps will help you evaluate it. You don't need to be an expert to do this. You will need chocolate at room temperature. If you just returned from a hot street and brought the tiles with you, then postpone the experiment.

  • Real chocolate always crunches when broken.
  • On the break it is matte, without too much shine. There should also be no air bubbles (unless it is porous chocolate).
  • Natural chocolate melts quickly on the tongue.
  • If it does not melt well and behaves like “plasticine”, it means that extraneous fats were used in the manufacture, which should not be in the tile.

How long does dessert last

If the tile is wrapped in branded packaging, then such questions should not appear. It must have dates of release and storage. But they are not always correct. Often artificially inflated. This is one moment. Second: they can be interrupted at retail outlets. At the same time, storage conditions at different stages of implementation are far from ideal. And on wrappers for sweets, the shelf life is not indicated at all. It is only on the box, which remains in the store. Let's define the terms that the buyer can focus on:

  • A bar of dark chocolate will keep for up to a year.
  • High-quality dairy is usually able to lie for 6 months. But modern stabilizers allow him to "live" up to 1 year.
  • If sesame, nuts, raisins or cookies are added to the tile, then the shelf life is reduced to 3 months.
  • Natural white chocolate keeps for 30 days. But special additives can extend this period up to 12 months.

That is, you need to buy sweet tiles in specialized departments, where you can be provided with quality certificates and documents on the timing of delivery of goods to the outlet.

Attention to packaging

Before we get straight to the question: "Can you store chocolate in the refrigerator?" Let's say a few more words about the packaging, because this is the key point. Have you noticed that each tile is sold in a foil wrapper. In addition, on top it is closed in a box made of thick cardboard or special paper. Why such difficulties? Definitely not for beauty.

Chocolate is afraid of direct sunlight and oxygen. It can be spoiled by high humidity, and an extraneous smell is also harmful. Sealed packaging allows the dessert to lie for some time even in direct sunlight without consequences.

We draw a conclusion

All of the above is directly related to the question of whether chocolate can be stored in the refrigerator. Packaging is designed to ensure the safety of product quality at room temperature. In the refrigerator compartment, the temperature regime and humidity are completely different. But there are certain requirements that still have to be met.

  1. Ideal conditions are indicators in the range of +18 ... +20 ° С. That is, you don’t need to store chocolate in the refrigerator at all, it lies perfectly and just in the closet.
  2. It should be stored wrapped in foil. After breaking the integrity of the package, you should use the tile within a few days.
  3. Never put a sweet bar on the same shelf with spices and fragrant herbs. Even packed, it is able to draw in extraneous odors.

Keeping warm

The sweet treat loves to melt in your mouth. But in the hot summer it is best to remove it from the table if the direct rays of the sun fall on it. Under the influence of heat, the tile softens and begins to flow. Her taste changes quite a bit. Connoisseurs say that if chocolate is melted, it must be eaten immediately, otherwise the product will deteriorate. Of course, it would never occur to anyone to throw out chocolate, rather it will be put in the refrigerator. But if you repeat such a trick several times in a row, then the deterioration in quality will be obvious. And if the hot summer has come, is it possible to store chocolate in the refrigerator?

cool place

If you brought tiles from the store, you can put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Nothing bad will happen, especially when it is very hot outside, and +2 ° C in the selected compartment. But if the recommended temperature is maintained in the room, then it is quite possible to leave the treat somewhere away from direct sunlight.

Worse, if the tile has already melted, and you decide to remedy the situation by putting it in the refrigerator. In this case, the cocoa butter that is included in the composition melts. This leads to the formation of a whitish coating on the surface of the tile after hardening.

We have considered two points. But today, not everyone has refrigerators with a temperature control function in different compartments. And older models often produce much more cold than is required for domestic needs. Is it possible to keep chocolate in a refrigerator where the temperature is maintained at -10...-12 °C? Not recommended as this will also result in a white coating on the surface. In this case, it is due to crystallized sucrose, which, after freezing the moisture, appears as a plaque.


“Excuse me,” you say. “If we have considered in such detail why it is impossible to store chocolate in the refrigerator, then everything is already clear with the camera.” But not everything is so simple. During fast freezing, several other processes occur. Therefore, if you place the tile in a freezer where the temperature is kept within -18 degrees, then it can safely lie there for several years. The main thing is to gradually lower the temperature. First, we shift the tiles to the refrigerator, then to the side door, then to the windowsill and onto the table. Important! Chocolate can only be frozen and thawed once.

Instead of a conclusion

Let's now sum up. Why shouldn't chocolate be kept in the refrigerator? The photo above shows us a tile with a white coating that looks unappetizing. There are two reasons for its occurrence:

  • "Fat bloom". If the tile thawed, and then you put it in the refrigerator, the fats recrystallize. As a result, an unpleasant soft coating appears.
  • "Sugar bloom". It is caused by condensation that forms when chocolate is taken out of the refrigerator. Humidity condenses on its surface, and when moisture evaporates, a white coating remains. Often, the taste of chocolate deteriorates, as well as its structure, especially if the product is not of very high quality.

That is, chocolate most of all does not like strong temperature changes. Therefore, store it in an ordinary cabinet, protected from sunlight, at +20 °C.