What is celebrated on October 1st. Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation

International Day of Older Persons
The first to celebrate were the Europeans, followed by the Americans, and now the events are taking place all over the planet. Within the framework of the celebration - radio and television broadcasts, festivals, evenings, meetings, contests, scientific forums.

International Music Day
The festival was initiated by the International Music Council in 1973, two years later the first events were held, of course, all of them are somehow connected with music.

Large concert programs are organized, in which famous musicians of the planet and beginners take part.

World Vegetarian Day
The North American Vegetarian Society came up with a proposal to add such a day to the calendar in 1977.

The main goals of the events are to inform the population about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, the need to limit meat products in the diet. Tastings of vegetarian dishes, master classes, discussions and conferences are held.

World architecture day
The International Union of Architects has decided to introduce a new world holiday, the initial date is July 1, since 1996 it has been celebrated on the first Monday in October.

Every year a new "architectural" theme is announced, around which the events are built - scientific, educational, entertaining. The best architects of the year are awarded in Russia.

International Doctor's Day
Another world organization (WHO) also announced the first Monday of October as a holiday, only for the doctors of the planet. Words of gratitude from patients, educational and festive events, rewarding the best in their field.

In addition to an international holiday, different countries have their own holidays in honor of workers of the most peaceful profession.

Russian holidays October 1, 2019

Ground Forces Day
The holiday of infantrymen appeared in the Russian military calendar in 2006, the date was chosen symbolically, it refers to the events of October 1550, when Ivan the Terrible actually laid the foundations of the first permanent army. The holiday is celebrated by tankmen, engineers, missilemen, infantry, reconnaissance, signalmen.

Holidays around the world

Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers (Azerbaijan)
The decision to celebrate was made by the President in 1998, since that time Azerbaijani prosecutors, assistants, and other specialists of the system have been receiving congratulations, extraordinary titles and awards.

Day of teachers and mentors (Uzbekistan)
The holiday is similar to that which is celebrated in Belarus, congratulations are received not only by secondary school teachers, but also by teachers of technical schools and universities.

Education Day of the People's Republic of China
Participants of the rally, organized in 1949 on the main square of the Chinese capital, supported the proclamation of a new state - the PRC.

Today, in any major city of the country, mass festivities take place, squares and streets are decorated with fresh flowers, garlands and lanterns. The events stretch over several days, and the Chinese themselves and numerous guests from abroad take part in them.

Independence Day (Cyprus)
The island of Cyprus is located in a very convenient location, at the crossroads of economic and trade routes, so there have always been those who want to make it their own.

Independence was achieved only in 1960, so the holidays in honor of this important event are distinguished by a special scale - a parade of the Cypriot army takes place, theatrical performances, concerts, entertainment events, exhibitions and festivities continue until the morning.

Independence Day (Nigeria)
The African state gained independence in the same year as Cyprus, in 1960, before that it had been in the status of an English colony for many centuries. The main event of the holiday is the address of the President of Nigeria to the people, followed by military parades, concerts of folk music, student performances.

Unification Day (Cameroon)
In the middle, there were two Cameroons, French and English, in 1961 the British "let" the colony float freely, and reunification took place. Popular festivities include sporting events, marathon and national wrestling.

Coffee Day (Vienna, Austria)
There are legends about Viennese coffee, its taste and aroma, and since 2002 tourists and locals have been able to celebrate this noble drink. The main event, of course, is the tasting of Viennese coffee, or with various additives, including liqueur, cream, chocolate and vanilla.

Holidays according to the national calendar October 1, 2019

Arina Shipovnitsa
The national holiday is dedicated to the memory of two great martyrs - Sophia and Irina (her name was changed into Arina). "Rosehip" reminds that it's time to harvest delicious and very healthy berries.

The Orthodox have Sophia, Irina.

Events in the history of this number

1661 - the first English regatta, the English king won, as expected, his brother took second place.

1869 postcards go on sale in Vienna.

1924 - the opening of the Moscow Theater of Satire.

1930 - the Bolsheviks undermined the Chudov Monastery, which was founded in 1365 in the Moscow Kremlin.

Celebrities born on this day

1794 - writer Sergei Aksakov.

1881 - William Boeing, aircraft designer, founder of the famous American company.

1927 - brilliant actor and director Oleg Efremov.

1975 - one of the most famous Russian actresses involved in charity work, Chulpan Khamatova.

The list of Russian holidays for October 1, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and find out its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays October 1

On October 1, Russia celebrates 8 holidays, including 5 international and 3 professional.

International Day of Older Persons

The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated annually on October 1 all over the world. It should be reminded that it was established on December 14, 1990, initiated by the UN General Assembly.

It can be said that the establishment of this holiday became, as it were, a continuation of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Aging, adopted in 1982. And in 1991, the UN Principles on Older Persons were adopted.

During the Second World Assembly, the Political Declaration and the International Plan of Action were adopted. It is safe to say that they have contributed to a change in the attitude of society towards its older members. At this event, for the first time, governments around the world comprehensively studied the issues of aging. Problems of providing employment for the elderly, improving medical care, increasing their income, and improving social security were considered.

Great attention was paid to the problems of older women, who make up the majority in this age group. After all, as you know, all over the world the average life expectancy of women exceeds the indicators of the average life expectancy of men. In addition, the significant increase in the number of older people in the world required a serious revision of their role in society and attitudes towards them in general.

One of the most important points of the adopted resolution is the recognition of the fact that older people are able to contribute to the development of society. Therefore, they should not be deprived of this opportunity. Unfortunately, our retirees cannot yet afford such a life as American or European grandparents lead. It is hoped that this situation will change over time.

The Day of the Elderly was originally celebrated only in Europe, a little later it appeared in the United States. And since the end of the 80s, the holiday has already been celebrated in other countries of the world. It is customary to celebrate this holiday on a special scale in Scandinavian countries.

Seniors day

In Russia, the Day of the Elderly is also celebrated on October 1, but in our country it has a slightly different name - the Day of the Elderly. The decree of the government of the Russian Federation on the appearance of this new holiday was issued on June 1, 1992. Since then, this holiday has appeared in Russia and has become quite popular.

World architecture day

The construction of any structures, buildings, structures is preceded by the design stage. It is based on the terms of reference. The appearance, operating conditions, a list of materials used, and the functionality of objects are determined. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists engaged in such activities.

When celebrate

World Architecture Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday in October. In 2018, it falls on October 1 and is not a national holiday in Russia. The action was founded by the International Union of Architects (UIA) in 1985.

Who is celebrating

The celebrations are attended by architects, regardless of length of service and place of work. They are joined by engineers, builders, heads of design bureaus, workshops, and support personnel. The event is celebrated by their relatives, friends, acquaintances, close people. World Architecture Day is considered by students, graduate students and teachers of specialized educational institutions, as well as their graduates.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event dates back to 1985. At a meeting of the International Union of Architects, it was decided to establish a professional holiday. 11 years later, the 20th General Assembly approved the postponement of the event from the first Monday in July to the first Monday in October.

The selected date has a symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with World Housing Day, held under the auspices of the United Nations. Both holidays are ideologically very close, profess the common goals of improving the comfort and ergonomics of settlements and places of residence. They have themes installed in advance.

International Day of Architecture is marked by exhibitions, symposia, seminars and conferences. Participants make presentations on industry issues. Proposals for improving legislation are being put forward. The possibilities of using new technologies are being considered. Particular attention is paid to environmentally friendly materials used in the construction of structures, as well as improving energy efficiency. It allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing heat carriers and electricity.

In early October, the head of state issues a decree on awarding the honorary title "People's Architect of the Russian Federation". It is awarded to people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the industry. Festivals are held, which have become a gathering place for leading experts of the region. Excursions and exhibitions are arranged, models, photographs of objects are demonstrated. You can personally see outstanding works.

At the festive table, those present say warm words, wishes for health and success in responsible work, and exchange gifts. Congratulations and toasts are heard, followed by the clink of glasses.

Ground Forces Day

The ground forces have always been the most massive and important branch of the Russian Armed Forces.

The history of the creation of the Land Forces goes back centuries. It is safe to say that the ground forces of our country have always played and continue to play a crucial role in achieving victory over the enemy and protecting national interests. Until recently, in Russia, so rich in all sorts of dates, there was no holiday dedicated to the ground forces. And only by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549, October 1 was established as the Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation.

history of the holiday

And this day was not chosen by chance. It was on October 1, 1550 that a historically crucial event took place in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On this day, the Tsar of All Russia Ivan IV (the Terrible) issued the Sentence "On the placement in Moscow and the surrounding districts of a select thousand service people", which laid the foundations of the first permanent army, which had signs of a regular army. In accordance with this decree, rifle regiments and a permanent guard service were created, and the artillery detachment was allocated to an independent branch of the army.

The riflemen were armed with improved artillery, mine explosives, hand firearms. In addition, the system of manning and military service in the local army was streamlined, centralized control of the army and its supply was organized, and permanent service in peacetime and wartime was established.

International Music Day

According to the new direction of prenatal education, the perception of the world by a small creature begins with sounds. The human embryo receives its very first impressions through the thickness of the amniotic fluid, capturing the slightest vibrations and sound vibrations.

If you dig deep into the centuries, when a person did not yet know how to speak, music already existed in the form of sounds: lulling mooing, frightening roars, and so on. She is part of life on earth. We are surrounded by a huge number of sounds and melodies, most of which are not caught by our ears or are perceived in certain periods of development (children's sensitivity to ultrasound).

An international professional holiday is dedicated to this type of art.

When is it

International Music Day is celebrated annually on October 1st around the world. The event was approved by the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council at UNESCO) in 1973, and the official celebration began in 1975.

Who is celebrating

International Day of Music 2018 brings together everyone who wants to join the great and eternal art: professional musicians, artists, teachers, student vocalists and ordinary people with their direct participation.

history of the holiday

One of those to whom modernity owes the existence of this international date is a citizen of the USSR, Russian composer, pianist and well-known public figure D. D. Shostakovich. The most famous musician of the last century and doctor of art history at the end of the 40s. became a political exile, was stripped of the title of professor at the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories and fired from there.

His "vacation" lasted more than 10 years, but in 1955 Shostakovich's career was restored, and a new creative upsurge began. The musical legacy he left is performed in various countries. Like many of the world's classical masterpieces, it has received a new direction in modern popular rock processing.

Probably, any medieval festival or carnival, like palace balls, can be confidently attributed to the prerequisites for the emergence of the holiday, if not to the event itself.

World Habitat Day (World Housing Day)

Problems with housing and living conditions are among the most acute in the political and economic life of any state. The situation is changing for the better every year (new houses are being built, new lands are being developed), but the shortage of square meters per capita is still great. It is with the aim of providing all the inhabitants of the world with housing by the year 2000 that World Habitat Day was established. Despite the fact that the goal for the set period was not achieved, the celebration of this date continues annually.

When passes

World Habitat (Housing) Day is celebrated every first Monday in October. The date was set at the 119th plenary meeting (40th session) of the UN General Assembly in Resolution No. A / RES / 40/202 of December 17, 1985. In 2018, the events are held on October 1. Russia joins the celebrations.

Who notes

World Habitat Day is celebrated by those who, having housing, remained not indifferent to this problem, especially due to the current situation in undeveloped countries, as well as those who are worried about the living conditions of people: land and air pollution, the growth of diseases in cities and much more. Celebrations are dedicated to a new theme every year.

history of the holiday

In 1976, during the Vancouver UN Conference on Sustainable Settlement Development, the issue of housing and related living conditions was given a key position. The Commission on Human Settlements has worked out this issue and made its recommendations to the 40th session of the UN General Assembly. The result of their consideration was the adoption of a decision on the approval of this holiday.

The event received the name “Habitat” as a result of the translation of this word from the Latin language (habitabilis - “an area that has a population and is suitable for living (habitation).” Translated from English, this means “living conditions.” In addition, this is the name of the UN Center by settlements.

World Vegetarian Day

Vegetarianism is not just a way of life, but also a kind of philosophy that people who eat meat products flatly refuse to accept. However, at the moment, vegetarians are about 10% of the world's population. This is a rather significant figure, so it is not surprising that they have their own significant date, called World Vegetarian Day.

It has been celebrated every year for several decades and falls on October 1. Moreover, a wide variety of events dedicated to this topic are held in different countries for a whole month and end on November 1 with International Vegan Day, that is, a person who adheres to the strictest principles and does not eat not only meat, but also fish, seafood , milk and dairy products.

The history of the appearance of the holiday

In 1977, representatives of the North American Vegetarian Society took the initiative to declare October 1 World Vegetarian Day. In 1978, they were supported by the International Vegetarian Union. The main goal of all these people was to spread the ideas of vegetarianism among the world community and the desire to prove the enormous benefits of this lifestyle for human health.

Therefore, they organize all sorts of actions and flash mobs, which are arranged both on the streets of cities and in social networks. Participants in these events make calls to stop killing animals for food, share their own experiences and try to attract as many citizens as possible to their side.

Arina Shipovnitsa

The folk holiday Arina Shipovnitsa is celebrated on October 1, 2018 (September 18 is the date according to the old style). On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyrs Ariadne of Promissa (Phrygian) and Irene of Egypt.

In honor of which of the saints the holiday is named is unknown. After all, Arina is both an abbreviated form of Ariadne, and a variant of the pronunciation of the name Irina.

About the martyr Irene of Egypt, it is only known that she, being a Christian, opposed the pagans during the reign of the Roman emperor Aurelius. Like many others, in particular Sophia (who is also remembered on October 1), she was tried, subjected to numerous tortures and beheaded.

Martyr Ariadne lived in the city of Promissia, Phrygian region. She was the concubine of the head of the city until she refused to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods and publicly announced that she was a Christian. For this they beat her, tormented her body, pulling out pieces of meat with sharp hooks, and threw her into a dungeon. After a long hold without food and water, Ariadne was released and left the city.

Traditions and rituals

Rose hips are harvested and dried on this day. According to legend, the berries collected on Arina Rosehip have the wonderful property of double power to heal from various ailments. They are also used in cooking.

Seeing a crane wedge in the sky, knowledgeable people certainly wish them a good journey and a quick return. Among the people, this bird symbolizes the arrival of warmth and is considered the messenger of God. According to legend, in the fall they take away the souls of the dead, and in the spring they show the way for the souls of babies who are soon to be born.

Birthday postcard

It is customary to celebrate the birthday of a postcard on the 1st of October every year. Despite the fact that such printed and colorful souvenir products have practically disappeared from the everyday life of most people, the date is celebrated all over the world. Indeed, just a few years ago, for every holiday, millions of families received dozens of beautiful cards with thematic drawings, on the reverse side of which were written in calligraphic handwriting wishes and congratulations.

history of the holiday
On the last day of autumn 1865, it was proposed to create a postage open card. This idea was introduced by von Stefan, who was then the head of the series of postal clothes of the North German Union. Unfortunately, that year the proposal did not find much support and approval from the direct participants of the specialized conference.

The possibility of an open card was safely forgotten, but after 3 years, Pardubitsa and Friedlein, who were booksellers, proposed to issue postcards with several printed phrases on the reverse side. Customers only had to underline the correct expressions. But this option was completely rejected.

In 1869, a Vienna newspaper published the idea of ​​a professor of economics named Hermann. He suggested creating postcards that closely resembled the previous versions. But the innovator pointed out the need to reduce the signature on the back to 20 words. This creative and useful idea was approved.

So that the activities of the Austrian Post Office were not impeded, the space for the message was made strictly limited. On October 1 of the same year, the so-called correspondent card was issued. That is why the date of her birth falls on this number, which has been celebrated all over the world since time immemorial.

Name days on this day:

Alexey, Ariadna, Arkady, Boris, Veniamin, Vladimir, Ivan, Hilarion, Irina, Konstantin, Mikhail, Sergey, Sophia.

Nigeria Independence Day

Nigeria gained independence from Great Britain, whose rule lasted for years, in 1960. At the time of independence on October 1, 1960, Nigeria was a federation of the former federal capital Lagos and three large, largely autonomous administrative regions: Northern, Western and Eastern.

After the proclamation of Nigeria as a republic in 1963, the president became the head of state, elected for a five-year term. His terms of reference were very limited.

Independence Day is celebrated today in all 36 states and in the capital, Abuja. The holiday begins with an address by the President of Nigeria to his people, which is broadcast live on radio and television. An integral part of the festive events are military parades, a parade of students and unions accompanied by folk music and songs of famous performers.

International Day of Older Persons

On December 14, 1990, the General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as International Day of Older Persons.

This holiday originated in the 20th century. First, the Day of Older Persons began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and at the end of the 80s already all over the world. Day of the Elderly is celebrated on a grand scale in the Scandinavian countries. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast programs tailored to the tastes of the elderly.

On October 1, there are various festivals organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day.

Excerpt from the speech of the UN Secretary General:

“On International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated today, I call on governments, the private sector, civil society organizations and all people in the world to focus on building a society for all ages, as outlined in the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging and in line with the goals in areas of development articulated in the Millennium Declaration, as well as the broader global development goals. Together, we can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their life is better, more diverse, fulfilling and fulfilling. "

International smile day

The world owes the existence of this wonderful holiday to the artist Harvey Bell. In the middle of the last century, he lived in America. His work was not distinguished by anything remarkable: critics were not particularly interested in him, his paintings were hardly threatened with immortality ...

But once the representatives of the insurance company "State Mutual Life Assurance Cos. Of America" ​​approached him with a request to come up with some bright memorable symbol - the business card of their company.

Harvey did not think for a long time, took and offered customers what now all Internet users, without exception, call a smiley - a smiling yellow face. The customers accepted the work, paid Bell fifty dollars, made badges with this face and distributed them to all the company staff ... The success of such a "business card" exceeded all expectations. The company's customers were delighted with the innovation - in just a few months more than ten thousand badges were released!

Very soon, a cute face began to appear on T-shirts, baseball caps, envelopes, postcards, matchboxes. Even the US Post Office has issued a stamp with this symbol.

Bella was literally bursting with pride. “Never before in the history of mankind and art has there been a single work that, having spread so widely, would bring so much happiness, joy and pleasure. There was nothing that was done so simply, but that became clear to everyone, ”he said in one of his many interviews.

Later, Harvey Bell even invented a holiday - World Smile Day, which is celebrated on October 1. He believed that this day should be dedicated to a good mood.

International Music Day

One of the initiators of the establishment of the International Day of Music is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. The holiday is celebrated annually all over the world with large concert programs with the participation of the best artists and art groups. On this day, compositions that are included in the treasury of world culture are played.

But humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. In the caves of Africa, rock carvings of long-disappeared tribes have been preserved. The figures show people with musical instruments. We will never hear that music, but once it brightened people's lives, made them happy or sad.

Music has tremendous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers have tried to express through her the state of their soul. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by descendants. Music does not age, it will live as long as a person exists.

Day of the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation

The ground forces, as a service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, are intended to conduct combat operations primarily on land.

In terms of their combat capabilities, they are capable, in cooperation with other services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to conduct an offensive in order to defeat the enemy grouping and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy's invasion, its large airborne assault forces, firmly hold the occupied territories, areas and frontiers.

The ground forces consist of combat arms (motorized rifle, tank, airborne, missile and artillery troops, air defense troops of the ground forces), army aviation, special forces (engineering, chemical, radio engineering, communications, automobile, road), units and institutions of the rear.

The Day of the Ground Forces of Russia is celebrated on October 1 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 N 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Education Day of the People's Republic of China

The most important public holiday in China - the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China - is celebrated on October 1. Before, in the 50s, an indispensable part of the celebrations dedicated to him was a grandiose military parade on Tiananmen Square in Beijing. After 1959, it was decided to hold parades only on "round" dates, but because of the outbreak of the "cultural revolution" they were canceled altogether, and only in 1984, on the 35th anniversary of the PRC, troops and equipment marched in front of the stands.

The main streets of the capital, the central squares for this holiday are always decorated with huge compositions of fresh flowers. Under them, a platform and frames are first built from boards, rails, pipes and wire. Then, in the center, a skillfully made figure of green branches and flowers is placed: a dragon, a peacock, an elephant, etc.

Tiananmen Square is designed with special imagination. Here, in October 1987, millions of Beijing residents admired the fountains and pools, among which rose the Great Wall of China, woven from branches and flowers, a pagoda in Yan'an, a double pavilion from Taiwan, a boat that hosted the first congress of the CPC. At the same time, for the last time, the square was decorated with huge portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, henceforth only the portrait of Sun Yat-sen at the monument to the People's Heroes will be exhibited.

The celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China lasts five days, and this almost a week off is one of three "golden weeks" held annually in China (along with the holidays timed to coincide with Chun Jie - the traditional lunar new year and May Day). On October 1, in the central parks of the capital, festivities are held according to the same scenario as on May 1; in the evening, sometimes a large fireworks display is held.

Day of teachers and mentors in Uzbekistan

Each of us has our own Teacher and our Mentor. These are people, without whom we would not have taken place as individuals, did not receive vital skills, knowledge and skills. You can express gratitude to these great people on their professional holiday - October 1.

This holiday has been celebrated in Uzbekistan since 1997 in accordance with the decree of President I. Karimov of December 27, 1996.

In his congratulations to teachers and mentors last year, the head of Uzbekistan highly appreciated their work.

“To teachers and mentors of Uzbekistan Dear teachers and mentors! It gives me great pleasure to sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate you, generous, selfless and kind people who have devoted their entire lives to such a difficult and noble work as the upbringing of the younger generation, on a wonderful holiday - the Day of Teachers and Mentors.

For ten years now, it has become a good tradition in our country to widely and solemnly celebrate this bright day - October 1 - as a national holiday. This is a vivid testimony to the high respect and recognition of our people for worthy work of teachers and mentors who, without sparing their knowledge and experience, talent and skill, warmth, strength and energy, showing the best human qualities, wholeheartedly serve the cause of education and enlightenment. Thinking about teachers, naturally, each of us, regardless of where and by whom he works, what position he occupies, recalls his school years as the best time of life, his carefree childhood, which left an indelible mark on our memory, feels a sincere sense of respect for the teachers who gave not only knowledge, but also the lessons of humanity. "

Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus

This holiday in Cyprus can be compared in mood to our Victory Day! Independence Day is a holiday celebrated by the whole country with great respect and no less scale.

In 1960, Cyprus received the long-awaited independence and became a sovereign state, in which Archbishop Makarios played no small role, with whose era so much significant, but also contradictory, is associated in Cyprus.

Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus is a public holiday and another day when the family gets together and guests are invited. Preparations for the holiday start early in the morning.

Towards evening, cafes are filled to capacity, as some, tired of home gatherings, move on to conversations at the table of the restaurant they like.

By the way, it would be appropriate to say that Cypriots always have their favorite places, which they do not change. They bring friends and guests there, it is advised to come only to this place, since it is considered already proven and becomes "your own".

Day of Workers of the Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan

On October 1 each year, employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan solemnly celebrate their professional holiday.

The celebration of this day is due to historical necessity. On July 17, 1998, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Heydar Aliyev, signed a decree on holding a professional holiday for employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 1 of each year, based on the fact that by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 1, 1918, the prosecution bodies began to operate within the Baku District Court.

Unlike the judiciary, the existence of which has been known in many states since ancient times, the prosecutor's office as an independent institution emerged much later.

The history of the prosecution authorities in the independent Azerbaijan state begins from the day of the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. On November 18, 1918, the Council of Ministers approved the "Statute on the Judicial Chamber of Azerbaijan".

After the restoration of the state independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, our Republic entered a new period. However, in the first years of independence during the reign of the Popular Front Party (PFPA), internal strife, anarchy and chaos that engulfed the entire country caused enormous damage to state building.

After the return to power of Heydar Aliyev, a new period began in the activities of the prosecutor's office. During this period, it was the employees of the prosecutor's office who professionally investigated such serious criminal events as crimes against independent statehood, terrorist attacks committed against prominent public and state figures, appropriation of state property, grave criminal acts committed in the banking and financial system, including mass misappropriation of savings of ordinary citizens and the perpetrators were punished.

During this period, attempted coups and military coups in October 1994 and March 1995 were averted in the country. In the investigation of criminal cases on these events, a group of prosecutors was particularly distinguished.

Unification Day of Cameroon

Day of Unification of Cameroon is dedicated to the anniversary of the founding of the Federal Republic of Cameroon in 1961.

In the 11th century AD, the Muslim empire of Kanem-Bornu flourished in the lands where today's Cameroon is located. Kanem-Bornu was a medieval state. At the end of the same 11th century, Islam penetrated here.

The state of Kanem-Bornu reached its greatest power at the beginning of the 13th century, when it subjugated a number of neighboring territories. In the 14th century, the center of the state moved to Bornu, located west of Lake Chad.

According to historical surveys, back in the 15th century, the Portuguese, who then dominated the endless expanses of the sea, discovered the majestic coast of Cameroon to the world. Already in the 17th century, the first trading settlements were founded here. Cameroon at that time had a very widespread system of slave and ivory trade. In the middle of the 17th century, the subjects of England began to show great activity here, however, the Germans were the first to call Cameroon their colony.

Sake Day in Japan

"Kampa-ah-ay!" - you will certainly hear if you find yourself in a company of celebrating Japanese. "Campai" can be translated as "drink to the bottom", and this call is heard at all events before the first sip of sake, beer, wine, champagne and almost any other alcoholic beverage.

Today is Japanese Wine Day *. For foreigners, a huge number of whom know about this drink no longer by hearsay, the name of the day can be simply and clearly translated as “Sake Day”.

Immediately, I would like to make a reservation that Sake Day is neither a national holiday, nor a nationwide day off in Japan. For all their love for various types of sake, most Japanese, in general, do not know and will not remember such a day if they inadvertently come up with a speech.

Sake Day was established by the Central Japan Winemaking Union in 1978 as a professional holiday. It is no coincidence that the day of October 1 was also chosen: by the beginning of October, a new harvest of rice ripens, and a new year of winemaking begins for winemakers. By tradition, most wine companies and private winemakers start making new wine from October 1, marking the beginning of the new year of winemaking on this day.

Some celebrations are designed to honor people, events, and other facts. The article below provides some examples.

UN celebrations 1 October 2019

International Day of Older Persons

The UN General Assembly in 1990 on December 14 decided to adopt a resolution and establish such a celebration. From the very beginning, the Day of the Elderly was celebrated in Europe, then in America, and only in the 1990s did the event spread to the whole world. This holiday is celebrated on a large scale in the Scandinavian countries.

Also, in other states, various festivals are held that are created to protect the rights of older people, you can see actions and conferences, and so on. The UN calls on all people, organizations, government to focus on creating a society for all ages. Together, countries can and should ensure a good and long life for all people.

World events October 1, 2019

International Music Day

Every year, International Music Day is celebrated on October 1 in all countries. One of the initiators of the holiday is a composer named Dmitry Shestakovich. The celebration is celebrated with large concert programs, with the participation of the best art groups and artists. On this day, you can hear compositions that will enter the treasury of world culture.

And then there are creative meetings with performers, composers, musicians and so on. Our humanity has been familiar with music for a very long time. Rock paintings of long-disappeared tribes have been found in the caves of Africa. In the pictures you can see people with musical instruments. Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to hear the music that helped people to be happy or sad in those days.

World Vegetarian Day

The world community celebrates Vegetarian Day every year. The founders of the holiday are the North American Vegetarian Society. They proposed their idea in 1977 and a year later it was supported by the International Vegetarian Union.

This annual celebration should raise awareness among the general public about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle. Vegetarianism is a dietary system that excludes animal products from food. Vegetarianism has a very old tradition. Some believe that it originated in Asian countries in ancient times. At the beginning of the 19th century, vegetarianism appears in Europe - in England. By the way, such a country today is considered the state where most vegetarians live.

Russian Holidays October 1, 2019

Day of the Ground Forces of Russia

In our country, such a holiday is celebrated annually on October 1. Ground forces are needed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. The troops played a very important role at all stages of the existence of our Motherland.

Troops often played a decisive role in achieving victory. The history of the creation of troops takes us back to the middle of the 16th century. In 1550, October 1 was a historically turning point in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On such a day, the Tsar of All Russia Ivan IV issued a decree "On the placement in Moscow and the surrounding districts of a selected thousand of service people."

It was such a decree that laid the foundations for the first standing army, which showed signs of a regular army. Another important stage in the development of the ground forces was the reforms of Peter I. He also created a decree on the admission of free soldiers to the service. The technical component of the army began to change by the end of the 19th century. At the same time, railway traffic, aviation and aeronautics began to develop.

Other world events 1 October 2019

Day of teachers and mentors in Uzbekistan

Every person in life has their own teacher or mentor. Without such people, we would not have taken place as individuals, and would not have been able to acquire important skills or abilities. It was decided to express gratitude to such outstanding personalities in Uzbekistan, therefore, we created our own holiday for them. This celebration has been taking place in the country since 1997 by presidential decree.

The head of state, in his address to all mentors and teachers, spoke about the assessment of high work, and also noted the importance and complexity of the work of each teacher. Schoolchildren, students and all other local residents on this holiday congratulate teachers, professors and mentors of educational institutions.

Folk Calendar and Holidays October 1, 2019

Arina Shipovnitsa

People of this number celebrate the memory of two martyrs - Irina and Sophia. They lived in the 3rd century in Egypt. During the time of Emperor Aurelian, girls were executed. In Russia, on such a holiday, it was customary to collect and dry rose hips. The peasants believed that only those berries that were harvested after Arina's day would be useful. Our ancestors used rose hips not only for culinary purposes, but also for the treatment of diseases.

For example, vitamin drinks were prepared from rose hips, which perfectly raised the immune system. Jam, jelly and jam were made from berries. Tea made from rowan and rose hips was also very popular. In such a celebration, the ancestors watched the cranes. If the birds began to fly to warmer regions, then the first serious frosts were expected on Pokrov.

But if no one saw the cranes that day, then it was assumed that there would be no frost before Artemyev's day. In the folk calendar, you can see three celebrations dedicated to Arina. According to this celebration, the weather for April 1 was also judged.

Name days of people October 1, 2019

Alexey, Ariadna, Arkady, Boris, Veniamin, Vladimir, Ivan, Illarion, Irina, Konstantin, Mikhail, Peter, Sergey, Sophia.

What was in the history of this number

  • 1550 - Ivan the Terrible laid the foundations for the Russian regular army.
  • 1869 - The world's first postcard with a stamp was issued in Vienna.
  • 1879 - The first International Polar Conference opens in Hamburg.
  • 1887 - The Odessa Opera House, rebuilt after the fire, was reopened.
  • 1949 - The People's Republic of China is proclaimed.
  • 2007 - a solemn ceremony of transferring the Pashkov House to the Russian State Library took place.

Birthdays and people

  1. Paul I 1754 - Russian emperor.
  2. Sergei Aksakov 1791 - Russian writer.
  3. William Boeing 1881 - American aircraft builder.
  4. Lev Gumilev 1912 - Soviet ethnologist historian.
  5. James Carter 1924 - 39th President of the United States.
  6. Oleg Efremov 1927 - Russian actor and director.
  7. Richard Harris 1930 is an Irish actor.
  8. Nina Usatova 1951 - Russian actress.
  9. Chulpan Khamatova is a Russian actress.

Exhaustive characteristics - calendar numbers 01-10.

  • Astrological zodiac of people who were born on 10/01/14 ::: ›› Libra (from September 24 to October 23).
  • What animal is the year according to the Chinese calendar ›››› Blue Wooden Horse.
  • Element of the zodiac sign of the horoscope of Libra, who were born on 10/01/14. >>>> Air.
  • The planet ruler of people who were born on a day on this date is Venus.
  • Today is week 40.
  • According to the calendar, there are 31 days in this month of October.
  • Day length October 1 - 11 hours 37 minutes(the length of daylight hours is indicated according to the average European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.).
  • The Mother See of Orthodox Easter is April 20.
  • According to the calendar, it's autumn.
  • According to the current calendar, # ›is not a leap year.
  • Better to wear zodiac colors, for people born October 1, 2014= ››› Aquamarine, Burgundy, Gray-blue and Light cherry.
  • Plants suitable for the combination of the zodiac sign Libra and 2014 according to the eastern calendar of animals ~ Tick, Yew and Ficus.
  • Stones are protective amulets for people born today ›› Malachite, Calcite, Rhodolite.
  • Unusually the best numbers for people who were born on the day of October 1, 14 - One.
  • Particularly good days of the week for people with a birthday October 1, 2014#> Tuesday.
  • The true features of the essence, the astrological sign of the zodiac of Libra, born in this number are exemplary and outstanding.

Characteristics of men born on the day of October 1.

Man October 1, 2014 Whose Year is Chinese Zodiac birth - Horses, may show interest in you, but your secrets do not interest him, and if you look closely, he often does not notice what is happening under his nose. There are cases when they divorced their wives due to the lack of thrift in them. The characteristic according to the horoscope suggests that he is a born seducer. To take any serious action, he needs someone's approval and support. Falls into periods of depression or nostalgic about times long gone. They may seem self-righteous and callous without reason. Men according to the Chinese calendar for 2014 (Horses) are generous - both with money and advice that not everyone can follow. Several mistresses, a relationship can last for years until the deception is revealed and one of them decides to leave.

What does the horoscope say about women born today, 10/01/2014, according to the eastern animal horoscope.

A woman born on the calendar on October 1, 2014, is often a hard worker and pays great attention to work. Famous Libra by horoscope sign - Gwyneth Paltrow, Linda McCartney, Sigourney Weaver, Marina Tsvetaeva, Chulpan Khamatova and Brigitte Bardot. Intellectual, like her other air sisters, she views sex as a mental exercise. A man with a knightly character impresses her sensual nature.

To take possession of a woman's heart according to the calendar on 10/01/2014. birth, a man will have to make an effort and be creative. The husband gets the support he needs and the love he needs. She is ruled by Venus, and they strive for an agreed partnership. This airy woman is ruled by Venus, so the art of seduction is in her blood. They love foreplay and seduction and do not like sudden movements and violence. Her approach in the bedroom is to combine her desires with the desires of her lover.
In sex, women whose sign of the eastern zodiac was born on October 1, 2014 - Horses, give full initiative to male experience and fantasy. In communication, they are quite pleasant. For a successful life together, they need to learn how to make decisions - jointly or separately. All differences between the personalities of a woman born on October 1, 2014 and her husband can be easily reconciled if both show respect and tolerance for each other. In order for a relationship to become long-lasting, it is necessary to warm up interest and show signs of attention in them all the time. There is always order in their house.

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Famous people were born under the sign of the Libra horoscope:

actress Brigitte Bardot, writer William Faulkner, Pope Paul VI, musician George Gershwin, politician Lech Walesa, writer Miguel Cervantes, musician Giuseppe Verdi, musician John Lennon, writer Jean Lafontaine, Cliff Richard, writer Thomas Wolfe, writer Graham Greene, poet Mikhail Lermontov , Marcello Mastroianni, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher Nicholas Roerich, writer Oscar Wilde, businessman Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Louis Aragon, Camille Saint-Saens, Philip Noiret, writer Ivan Bunin.

Monthly calendar October 2014 with days of the week

Mon W Wed NS Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31