What's inside the breasts of women. Internal and external structure of the female breast: the norm and anomalies. Formation under the influence of hormones

Sociologists have revealed a striking fact - the overwhelming majority of modern women know practically nothing about the anatomy of the female breast, one of the important parts of the female body.

A woman's breasts are a sign of femininity, attracting the attention of the opposite sex and giving the opportunity to nourish new life. But given the increasing number of breast cancers, this organ can be considered and capable of taking this life. That is why any girl or woman needs to know well how the female breast works, what the mammary gland in women consists of, its functions and how to properly care for this important part of the body.


The mammary glands are present not only in women, but also in men. The anatomy of the female mammary gland is initially completely identical to the male anatomy, since the mammary glands are formed in both sexes during the period of intrauterine development.

Until puberty, the difference is completely invisible, and only during the period of hormonal changes do the size, shape and structure of the female breast change.

The form

The mammary glands in women look like two symmetrical convex hemispheres. The location of the mammary glands in women is at the level of the third to sixth pair of ribs. Just below the center of roundness is the nipple surrounded by the areola.

There is also a generally accepted classification of breasts depending on the shape:

  • discoid - a small height gland with a wide base;
  • hemispherical - diameter and height are approximately equal;
  • pear-shaped - the height significantly exceeds the base;
  • mastoid - similar in parameters to pear-shaped, but the gland itself is more lowered, the nipples are located lower and directed downward.

The size

It is impossible to take any specific size as the norm, since it develops individually for each woman.

The average is considered to be a girth of 80 to 85 cm. A slight asymmetry can be considered the norm, when one gland is slightly larger.

The size of the mammary glands depends on several factors:

  • amount of adipose tissue:
  • the size of the gland itself;
  • fullness of milk.

The weight of the mammary gland in a nulliparous girl is on average 200 g, during breastfeeding it can reach 800-900 g. After the end of lactation, iron decreases in size. The size does not affect the amount of milk and the possibility of lactation.

The hormonal background of the female body affects the size of the mammary gland, its appearance can change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and change with age.


The areola (pigmented round skin with a diameter of 3-5 cm) is located slightly below the middle of the breast, approximately at the level between the fourth and fifth pair of ribs. In its center is the nipple, which has a flat-cylindrical or conical shape. The color of the areola and nipple ranges from light pink in nulliparous and fair-skinned women, to dark brown or brown in those who have given birth, or in women with darker skin. In lactating women with a large bust, the diameter of the areola can exceed 10 cm, the pigmentation of the areolar-nipple region becomes more intense during this period.

The structure of the nipple: the milk ducts go out and form the nipple, around which the areola is located. Under the skin of the areola are 10 to 15 rudimentary areola glands and a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands. There are small holes on the surface of the nipple, which are the exit of the milk ducts, through which milk flows.

The skin on the nipples and areola is very thin and covered with small folds that resemble wrinkles.

Bundles of smooth muscle cells located on the areola and nipple contract when exposed to (cold or touch), due to which the nipple contracts and slightly increases in size.

Internal structure

What are female breasts made of? The structure of the mammary gland in a sexually mature woman consists of the body of the mammary gland itself, adipose and connective tissue. The size of the breast and its shape depend on the amount of adipose tissue. Changes in a woman's weight will certainly be reflected in the size of the bust.

Glandular and adipose tissue

The body of the mammary gland consists of 15-20 separate hollow cones. The structure of the female breast resembles a vine with an abundance of bunches, since the lobes are divided into small lobules by layers of fatty and loose connective tissue. The lobules are made up of alveoli, a kind of bubbles that produce milk. The structure of the female breast can be palpated, it consists of small bumps or nodules. The lobes are arranged in a circle, their tops directed towards the nipple.

The gland is surrounded by adipose tissue, it protects the gland from external influences. Fat helps maintain a certain temperature for milk production and contains nutrients needed during pregnancy and lactation.

The ratio of adipose and glandular tissue for each woman is individual.

The size of the glandular tissue is influenced by the hormonal level, which is especially noticeable by the change in breast size at different periods of the menstrual cycle. The amount of glandular tissue increases during lactation, and at the end of feeding, part of the glandular tissue is converted into intraglandular fat.

In young girls, glandular tissue predominates in the structure of the breast, so the bust of young girls is more elastic.


Milk ducts extend from the tops of the lobes, which go to the end of the nipple (milky pores), and in front of the mouth they expand, forming the milk sinuses, where breast milk accumulates.

Blood supply

Three large arterial vessels are responsible for the blood supply to the mammary gland:

  • branches of the internal thoracic artery;
  • lateral thoracic artery;
  • medial thoracic artery.

Nerves, lymph nodes

The connection of the mammary gland with the central nervous system is carried out mainly through the branches of the intercostal and supraclavicular nerves. The nerve plexuses reach the greatest density in the areolar-nipple region. Since the nerve endings are located close to the surface, it is this part of the mammary gland that is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones.

The structure of a woman's mammary gland is quite complex, especially the lymphatic system. Due to the anatomical features, the chest is quite mobile, this is reflected in the structure of the lymphatic system of this part of the body. The paramammary system is the main group of lymph nodes that are located on the pectoralis major muscle.


The structure of a woman's sternum consists of muscle tissue located around the mammary glands. The pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles are located under the gland and adipose tissue. The serratus anterior muscle passes around them, the biceps muscle of the shoulder passes next to it and part of the latissimus dorsi muscle is located, supporting the bust from the side and from above. A small number of muscles are located in the nipple. There are no muscles in the mammary gland itself.

How hormones affect breast development

The structure of the breast in women directly depends on the level of hormones. About 15 hormones affect the entire cycle of breast development, from puberty to menopause.

Let's consider the most important ones:

  1. Estrogens - stimulates the growth of connective tissue cells and the development of the mammary glands.
  2. Progesterone - increases the number of alveolar cells, affects the growth of glandular tissue.
  3. Prolactin - causes division and growth of new epithelial cells. It plays a very important role during lactation, ensuring the full value of milk.
  4. Insulin - stimulates the growth of new cells caused by the action of prolactin, glucocorticoids and progesterone.


The main function of the mammary glands is to produce breast milk and supply it to feed the baby. At different stages of pregnancy, lactation and the menstrual cycle, the functions and structure of the mammary gland change significantly.


All changes in the female breast are directly related to changes in hormonal levels.


Before puberty, the mammary glands are composed of a small number of lobes, connective and adipose tissue, and are in an underdeveloped state. During puberty, there is a branching and growth of the milk ducts, as well as the proliferation of adipose tissue.

Birth of a child

Intensive growth of glandular tissue with branching and lengthening of the ducts, development of alveoli, production and accumulation of milk in them, intensive growth of glandular tissue lead to a significant increase in the bust during gestation and lactation.

After the end of feeding, the size of the breast decreases due to the contraction of the secretory sections. With the onset of the next pregnancy, the entire cycle is repeated again.


During menopause, the reverse development of the mammary glands begins - senile involution. The body of the gland disappears, and only connective fibers and adipose tissue remain.


There is anatomy of the breast with congenital or acquired pathology.

Macromastia is a pathological increase in the size of the mammary gland that has arisen after malfunctioning of the endocrine system during pregnancy or puberty.

Polymastia - a failure in the intrauterine development of the fetus leads to the appearance of additional mammary glands, which can be located on the chest and abdomen from the armpits to the groin area. With polymastia, there is a great chance of developing oncology, so it is recommended to remove its manifestations.

Polytelia is a congenital genetic pathology, expressed by an increased number of nipples located along the nipple lines of the body. Accessory nipples are often mistaken for moles. This anomaly can manifest itself in both women and men.

Amastia is a rare abnormality in which one or both breasts do not develop. This pathology can be found in infants of both sexes. It does not pose a threat to life, but if the pathology is found in a girl, then in the future it will be impossible for her to breastfeed.

A flat or inverted nipple in a woman is not a pathology, but it causes some inconvenience when breastfeeding. A small plastic surgery will help to correct the shape of the nipples.


The female breast is a very important and very sensitive organ of the reproductive system that requires careful care and increased attention.

  1. Regular hygiene procedures, especially important during breastfeeding, can help keep your breasts healthy. For breast skin care, you should choose cosmetics on a natural basis, without overusing hormonal agents.
  2. Contrast rubbing and air baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast.
  3. The bra should be chosen according to the size, giving preference to products made from natural fabrics, with flat seams, without protruding bones.
  4. Protect the chest even from minor injuries. The smallest damage can lead to future malignancies.
  5. Regular self-examination and visits to a mammologist will help monitor the health of the breast and detect the disease at an early stage.

Proper breast care and timely examinations will help you maintain your beauty and health for years to come.


Cognitive material on the structure of the female breast - see our video.

The female breast is not only one of the secondary sexual characteristics and an organ intended for feeding offspring, it is also an important component of female attractiveness. Therefore, the fair half is so passionate about its size and shape.

To answer the question, what determines the volume and type of bust, you need to understand the structure of the breast and the factors affecting changes in it.

The female breast is a paired organ consisting of glandular tissue. The gland itself is composed of lobes located tops towards the nipple. They are separated by connective tissue, which also lines the anterior surface of the gland and is present between the deep skin layers.

It forms special mesh cords that attach to the clavicle. This mesh gradually expands and forms a capsule that houses the mammary gland.

In addition to connective tissue, the breast includes glandular and adipose tissue. The components also include a branched network of blood vessels, milk ducts, sensitive nerve endings. Between the mammary glands there is a depression, otherwise called a sinus.

Considering the structure of the breast, it is worth mentioning the nipple, as an important component of it. It is located in the middle, surrounded by the areola, which is a pigmented area of ​​the skin.

The surface of the nipple is covered with fine wrinkles, and at the top there are milky pores, in other words, the ends of the milky ducts. As a rule, the nipple rises above the breast surface by an average of 0.5 - 1 cm, but sometimes there are flat nipples or even retracted, as if deepened into the body of the mammary gland, which sometimes causes difficulties in breastfeeding.

The type of breast is genetically determined and varies from race to race. So, the breast of European women has a hemispherical shape, Asian - conical, African - pear-shaped. Even within the same race, breast shapes can vary greatly.

In addition, the mammary gland can have an erect or saggy appearance, depending on how strong and elastic the capsule of the connective tissue is. This, in turn, is determined by age, physical fitness, health and hormonal levels.

Breast volume

The weight and size of the mammary glands directly depend on what type of tissue prevails in the structure of the breast. If the preponderance is on the side of the glandular tissue, the bust will have relatively constant dimensions.

But in the case where the main component is adipose tissue, a decrease or increase in total body weight leads to changes in breast volume. On average, 1 kg of a figure as a whole equates to 15-20 grams of breast mass. Therefore, after gaining or dropping 5-7 kg, the young lady can change the size of the bust.

There are other factors that play a key role in breast characteristics. It is worth talking about them in more detail.

Age-related changes

Over the years, the structure of the breast undergoes major changes. This leads to a decrease in adipose and glandular tissue, a slowdown in the production of estrogen. As a result, the fullness, elasticity and size of the breasts decrease.

The shape of the mammary gland is smoothed, it sags. The parasitic area decreases, over time it can disappear completely. Hair falls out around the nipple.

The onset of these changes can be observed after 30, but the greatest intensity is obtained during menopause.

Influence of hormones

During reproductive years, women's breasts also undergo changes. The processes in it are controlled by hormones. They contribute to fluctuations in breast size during menstruation. The mammary glands change their structure, obeying the course of the menstrual cycle.

With the approach of ovulation, the amount of epithelium of the lobes and ducts increases, blood filling increases, and edema forms. As a result, breast volume and density increase. These processes can be accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the organ. If, for some reason, conception did not occur, the resulting structure, after a few weeks, atrophies.

An increase in breast mass can be carried out through hormones that are produced during active sexual activity. In addition, at the time of having sex, the blood rushes to the tissues more actively and develops the capillary network, which contributes to the increase in the volume of the mammary gland.

The firmness and size of the breasts depends on the hormones testosterone and estrogen. If the level of the former exceeds the norm, this can cause the growth of the mammary gland to stop. Estrogen works the other way around to help build volume.


While waiting for the baby, the mother's body undergoes strong changes, especially the structure of the breast. This organ prepares for its main function - milk production and feeding. New glandular tissue is formed, water and fat accumulate.

The size of the bust increases significantly, each breast is able to increase its weight by half a kilogram. The skin and connective tissue take on increased stress. From how well they cope with it, and from compliance with the rules for caring for the mammary glands, their appearance after the end of lactation largely depends.

Obviously, the appearance of the breast is determined by the size of the adipose tissue, the mammary gland, the level of development of the pectoral muscle, the vastness of the circulatory system, and the content of hormones. Some of these factors cannot be influenced, while others are adjustable. This means that beautiful breasts, with the right approach, can turn from a dream into reality.

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The structure of the mammary gland will be useful for any woman to know. Having learned what the breast consists of, you can better understand the causes of breast diseases and better carry out their prevention.

Breast borders

The mammary gland lies on top of the pectoral muscles and, as it were, is suspended by ligaments. Normally, the female breast occupies a much larger area than the male: its upper border is the clavicle, the inner borders are the edges of the sternum, the outer ones are the armpits, and the lower border extends to the III-VII pairs of ribs. The structure of a woman's breasts and the anatomy of her parts are also radically different from the male breast.

Breast structure

Breast sectional view

The mammary gland of women has the following parts:

  • Lobes - Clusters of microscopic glands that produce milk;
  • Ducts are small tubules that carry milk from the lobules to the apex of the nipple;
  • Fatty membrane;
  • Blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • Connective tissue constrictions - fasten together all parts of the organ;
  • Fascia - located deep under the skin and covers the glandular and adipose tissue of the gland;
  • Nipple;
  • The areola is an oval brown or pinkish area around the nipple.

Each of the parts is necessary, plays an important role and serves the correct performance of the main function - feeding the child. Let's analyze each of the elements of this organ in more detail:

  • Share... Each of the mammary glands has up to 16-25 of these formations. They are oriented radially with respect to the nipple (that is, directed towards it as a radius of a circle) and have a tubular structure. On the cut, they resemble bunches. Each of them is separated from the others by septa of loose connective tissue.
    The lobes consist of smaller formations - lobules. The basis of the lobules is mammocytes - these are the cells that secrete milk. Each slice contains several million of them. Mamocytes are exactly the cells from which breast tumors arise. Usually mammocytes rarely divide, but if they mutate and turn into malignant cells, they begin to multiply at a tremendous rate.
  • Ducts... Mammocytes surround microscopic tubes that carry milk. They are called interlobular ducts. They have a very small lumen and are highly branched. The walls of the ducts are made up of contracting cells that move fluid through the tubules. Subsequently, the interlobular ducts are collected into larger interlobar ducts, which collect milk from each of the lobes and open into the sinus of the mammary gland - the tubular system located directly under the nipple. The sinus serves as a reservoir for milk. From it departs the main duct (sometimes called milk or milky), which opens at the top of the nipple.
  • Fatty membrane... As already mentioned, it protects the glandular tissue from damage. But this is not its only purpose - it also helps to make it easier for the child to suck on the breast. Another function is to signal the woman's sexual maturity - the deposits of adipose tissue near the gland are a secondary sexual characteristic and appear simultaneously with the ability to conceive, which indicates the normal development of the girl's body.
  • Blood and lymphatic vessels... They supply the gland with oxygen and nutrients necessary for normal functioning. The lymphatic vessels of the gland also play an important role in resisting tumors, and in a malignant focus they can spread metastases (cancer cells) to other organs of the chest and chest cavity.
  • Connective tissue constrictions... They divide the gland into lobes and lobules, and also strengthen and make it more dense.
  • Fascia... It is a thin, shiny film that lies directly under the skin. Its task is to isolate the gland from the surrounding tissues. Due to the presence of connective tissue and fascia, all inflammatory processes in the gland occur locally, i.e. only one small area is involved in them.

  • Nipple... The main duct opens to the top and center of the nipple of each breast - it is through it that the milk comes out.
  • Areola... It is a dark brown to pink pigmented oval around the nipple. It has small tubercles around its circumference (Montgomery glands), which produce a fatty substance that prevents the nipple from drying out and has bactericidal properties, and also stimulates the sucking process in the baby. The color of the areola can change during pregnancy and breastfeeding (usually the areola darkens during this time).

The mammary glands in women are located at the level of 3-6 pairs of ribs and are fixed on the anterior dentate pectoral muscle, while the gland itself does not have muscles. The nipple is located just below the middle of the breast and is surrounded by an areola. Its color and size are individual, but usually in nulliparous girls and women it is pinkish or dark red, in women who have given birth it becomes darker and becomes brownish in color. The surface of the nipple is wrinkled, its most convex point has milky pores through which milk flows.

Fact: Exercising the anterior pectoral muscles does not in any way affect the shape of the chest and its tightness.

Inside, the iron has up to twenty lobes, which are filled with milk during lactation, the rest of the space is filled with glandular tissue. Each large lobe consists of several smaller lobes. The tops of the large lobes are directed towards the nipple and are connected with it by the milky ducts, which pass into the milky pores. At the same time, there are much fewer milky pores than ducts: many small ducts on the way to the gland combine into several large ones. Each duct expands as it approaches the nipple, then narrows again as it approaches the pores, creating a reservoir for storing the milk produced.

The size

The shape and size of the breast depends on the woman's age, her individual characteristics and the number of births. The right and left glands may vary slightly in shape and size, but as a rule, the right gland is slightly larger.

Minor changes in the shape of the glands occur during the course of the menstrual cycle: immediately before menstruation, swelling appears, the number of glandular passages increases, after menstruation everything returns to normal. The reason for the swelling of the mammary glands in this case is the action of hormones that change depending on the menstrual phase.

Fact: Breast volume does not affect the amount of milk produced during lactation.

The thickness of the fat layer located on the back wall of the breast significantly affects the size of the breast. Fatter women have larger breasts, while slender ones will have much less.

However, with a small amount of excess weight, the breasts can be quite large - this is due to the large volume of glandular tissue. In such cases, with an incorrectly selected bra, diaper rash often appears under the mammary glands, the treatment of which includes the choice of more comfortable clothing, careful hygiene and the use of drying ointments. Skin diseases, a general decrease in immunity or allergies can also provoke the appearance of diaper rash.

Development and functions

The main function of the mammary gland is the production and secretion of milk. The hormones of the pituitary and ovaries have a stimulating effect on the lactation process, which is why if their level is disturbed, hypogalactia may develop - a condition characterized by the absence or insufficient production of milk.

The glands begin to develop at the very beginning of adolescence due to the activation of gonadotropic hormones. The action of these hormones is aimed at the maturation of ovarian follicles, which, in turn, begin to produce estrogens - female hormones. It is they who affect the development of the genitals and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics - the formation of the breasts, buttocks and the female figure as a whole.

Fact: after the onset of menopause, a decrease in estrogen levels promotes the replacement of glandular tissue in the mammary gland with fatty tissue.

During pregnancy, the formed placenta begins secreting its own hormones, reducing the production of pituitary hormones. During this period, an increase in glandular lobes occurs, and closer to childbirth, milk production begins. Delivery and passage of the placenta stimulate the onset of lactation. The most significant influence at this time is exerted by oxytocin and prolactin - their interaction awakens maternal instinct and promotes milk production.

Causes of diseases

Diseases of the mammary glands are different, but have similar risk factors in which they are most likely to develop. The most common symptom is pain in the mammary glands.

Main reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance, insufficient or excessive production of sex hormones;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland - the lack of its functions increases the risk of developing mastopathy;
  • diseases of the liver, gallbladder and / or bile ducts;
  • overweight;
  • lack of iodine;
  • prolonged stress, neurosis, depression, chronic fatigue;
  • lack of regular sex life;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
  • breast injury;
  • abortions - after they are carried out, the tissue of the glands undergoes regression, which can occur unevenly and contribute to the development of tumors;
  • late pregnancy;
  • lack of breastfeeding after childbirth;
  • early onset of the menstrual cycle and late termination.

Fact: early childbirth, as well as the birth and breastfeeding of two or more children by a woman under 25, significantly reduces the risk of developing breast diseases.


The most common symptoms of breast disease are:

  • discharge from the mammary glands in the absence of pregnancy and lactation;
  • pain in the mammary gland and its sensitivity, regardless of the phase of the cycle; if these symptoms are noted only before menstruation or during feeding, then this can be considered the norm;
  • detection of seals on palpation of the gland;
  • deformation of the mammary glands;
  • changes in the skin in the chest area: the appearance of redness, rash, etc.;
  • a change in the shape of one of the glands, rarely both, is manifested by a well-marked asymmetry;
  • change in the shape or color of the areola of the nipple, the appearance of rashes;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the armpits.

Important: the mammologist is engaged in the diagnosis of such diseases, therefore, if such symptoms occur, it is necessary to contact him.

Developmental pathologies

There are two groups of possible pathologies:

  • true, arising in connection with the presence of a hereditary predisposition or caused by impaired intrauterine development;
  • defects arising as a result of a violation of hormonal or other functions of the body, incl. caused by trauma, radiation, etc.

Quantitative anomalies:

  • monomastia - complete absence of one of the glands, congenital defect. It develops in the sixth week of pregnancy, at the very beginning of the laying of the glands;
  • polymastia is the development of more than two mammary glands that can be located in almost any part of the body. As a rule, such glands are underdeveloped and cannot function normally;
  • polythelium - the formation of an additional number of nipples.

Fact: Most abnormalities are detected immediately after birth, when examined at the hospital. Most often, their correction is performed surgically.

Structural anomalies:

  • ectopia - displacement of the location of the mammary gland;
  • micromastia - the small size of the mammary glands is inappropriate for age and physique;
  • hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the glands and nipples;
  • macromastia is a hypertrophy characterized by a large volume of the mammary glands.

Congenital malformations of the breast are common. These include the tubular form of the mammary glands - this pathology is characterized by an elongated breast shape with a lack of glandular tissues. Such pathologies are not a disease and are considered an aesthetic defect.


Mastopathy is a benign disease resulting from the proliferation of connective tissues in the mammary gland. There are two forms of mastopathy - diffuse and nodular. In the first case, the glandular tissue grows evenly, and in the second, it forms nodes.


The main reason for the development of mastopathy is hormonal imbalance:

  • early onset of menstruation;
  • late first pregnancy;
  • lack of breastfeeding;
  • long delay of menopause (after 50 years);
  • inflammation of the genitals;
  • problems with the menstrual cycle;
  • prolonged stress;
  • abortion.

Fact: most of all, the development of mastopathy is affected by the violation of the secretion of hormones such as estrogens and progesterone. Concomitant diseases are often endometriosis, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.


The main symptoms of mastopathy:

  • transparent discharge from the mammary glands with pressure;
  • deterioration of the skin in the chest area;
  • the presence of seals on palpation;
  • pain in the area of ​​the mammary gland and its increased sensitivity;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • change in the shape of the gland.

Discharge from the mammary glands with pressure can be green, brownish or yellowish - this indicates stagnation of fluid as a result of blockage or a decrease in the lumen of the canal due to the formed seals.


Often, mastopathy can be determined through self-examination. This procedure must be performed first while standing, then lying down. It is best to examine your breasts after your period. The procedure includes examination of the breast with arms down and up and palpation. If seals are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor, who will additionally conduct an ultrasound scan.

Important! If a seal (infiltration in the mammary gland) is found, the formation of which is accompanied by an increase in temperature and general weakness, mastitis, an inflammatory disease of the breast, can be diagnosed.


The patient is prescribed complex therapy aimed at normalizing hormonal levels, treating inflammation of the genitals and other diseases that cause mastopathy. The prescribed therapy depends on the age of the woman.

With the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, surgical intervention is often prescribed, especially often it is used for the nodular form of mastopathy. In severe cases, it is necessary to completely remove the affected mammary glands.


Breast health is important for every woman. If you experience any symptoms of her illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, it is necessary to regularly monitor the health of the whole body, otherwise many advanced diseases can lead to impaired reproductive function or the ability to lactate.

An amazing fact was discovered by European sociologists: most modern women know practically nothing about the structure of one of the most important organs of their body: the mammary gland.

The chest is the object of adoration for men, the main part of the body that distinguishes women from the opposite sex, allowing them to grow new life.

And given the growing tendency towards cancer diseases every year, the mammary gland is also an organ that can take life, which is why every girl and woman should know the structure, functions and "instructions for handling" her own breast.

Location and fixation apparatus of the mammary gland

The mammary gland or breast in Latin is called mamma - this is a paired organ located on the surface of the pectoralis major (m.pectoralis major) and partially the serratus anterior muscle (m. Serratus anterior) at the level from the III to VII ribs.

The mammary gland is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule that separates the posterior smooth surface of the gland from the underlying fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. The capsule is loosely connected to the fascia, so the female breast is a very mobile part of the body.

The connective tissue capsule also forms partitions between the breast lobules, and fixes the organ to the clavicle.

From the mammary gland to the thoracic fascia, there are strands of fibrous tissue, which form a suspension ligament of the mammary gland (lig. Suspensorium mammae). The outgrowth of the gland, which is directed towards the armpit, forms the axillary process of the mammary gland (processus axillaris mammae).

Areola and nipple of the breast: why do women need them

The anterior surface of the mammary gland is covered with skin, in the center of which there is a pigmented pectoral circle - areola (areola mammae). The size and color of the areola is different for each woman: from pale pink to dark brown. In the center of the areola is the papilla mammaria.

In the skin of the nipple and areola, there are bundles of smooth muscle cells, which, by contracting, strain the nipple, increasing its size. This occurs, for example, when exposed to low temperatures or agitation.

Under the skin of the areola there are about 12-15 tubercles - areolar glands (glandulae areolares), which are rudimentary mammary glands, that is, in the process of evolution they have lost their meaning. In addition, there are few sweat and sebaceous glands on the areolas, the secret of which is necessary to prevent the delicate skin of the areolas and nipples from drying out.

Breast structure: where milk comes from

In a sexually mature woman, the mammary gland consists of the actual body of the mammary gland, adipose and fibrous tissue. The size and shape of a woman's breasts directly depends on the amount of adipose tissue. That is why weight loss or weight gain necessarily affects breast size.

The body of the mammary gland (corpus mammae) consists of 15-20 separate lobes (lobi glandulae mammae), which are divided by layers of loose connective and adipose tissue into lobules (lobuli glandulae mammae). On palpation, these structures of the mammary gland are palpated in the form of small nodules or bumps.

On the surface of the nipple, 8-15 openings of the excretory milk ducts (ductus lactiferi) open. In front of the mouths, each duct expands into the milk sinus (sinus lactiferi), in which the milk produced by the cells of the mammary gland is collected.

What nerves provide high sensitivity of the female breast

The innervation of the skin of the mammary gland is provided by three main sources: the anterolateral cutaneous branches of the III-IV intercostal nerves, the anteromedial branches of the II-IV intercostal nerves and the branches of the supraclavicular nerve emanating from the cervical plexus.

In addition, the branches of the medial and lateral thoracic nerves are involved in the innervation of the mammary gland. High sensitivity of the nipples and areola is provided by the anterolateral cutaneous branch of the IV intercostal nerve.

Its terminal branches consist of 5 bundles: three innervate the areola, one - the nipple and one more - the parenchyma of the gland, located around the areola. Such a large number of nerve endings makes the female breast, namely the areola and nipple area, one of the main female erogenous zones.

The main age-related changes in the mammary gland

The mammary gland is an organ whose changes are closely related to changes in the hormonal background of a woman. That is why, during the menstrual cycle, there is a slight increase in the size of the gland, its swelling, soreness and similar changes.

Until puberty, the mammary gland remains underdeveloped and consists of a small number of lobes surrounded by fibrous connective and adipose tissue. During puberty, under the influence of hormones, there is a growth and branching of the ducts, as well as an increase in the mass of adipose tissue.

During pregnancy, the breast increases due to the intensive growth of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland with parallel lengthening and branching of the ducts, the development of the alveoli of the mammary gland and the accumulation of a secretory product in them - milk.

After a woman stops feeding her baby, the number of secretory sections of the mammary gland decreases and its size decreases. With the onset of the next pregnancy, the cycle repeats.

In the climacteric period, senile involution of the mammary gland begins, that is, its reverse development. The secretory sections and ducts of the mammary gland atrophy, the supporting apparatus weakens, as a result of which the breast sags.

"Instructions for handling breast": what is important to always remember

The mammary gland is a very delicate structure that requires special attention to itself. Like any other part of the body, the breast area needs regular hygiene procedures, especially during lactation, to prevent the development of infectious processes. It is necessary to avoid even minimal trauma to the chest, and therefore, young girls need to be careful about the choice of the sport they would like to practice.

Breast trauma can subsequently lead to malignant degeneration of healthy tissue. It is important to choose comfortable, non-squeezing underwear, selected strictly according to the size of the breast, from natural fabrics. It is absolutely unacceptable to use peels and scrubs with coarse abrasive particles on the delicate skin of the breast.

But the most important point in caring for your own breast is to carry out REGULAR preventive breast examinations, both through self-examination and with the help of a competent specialist.

Forewarned is forearmed. Possession of a sufficient amount of information about the anatomy of the mammary gland and competent, careful handling of your own breast, will ensure its beauty and health for you for many years.