What it means to be engaged: engagement traditions and rules. What is engagement in Russia and which scenario is better to choose

The Engagement: Script Ideas & Organization Tips

The engagement is one of the stages before the wedding. An engagement is a great test of your feelings, such a necessary break before the wedding, during which the newlyweds get used to family life and prepare for the wedding. Everything is important here: how the groom proposes, how you notify your parents to receive their blessing, and how you organize your engagement party!

Most women dream of the day when their boyfriend will solemnly propose to them. For them, it is necessary that everything must be like in a beautiful fairy tale, like in Hollywood films, with a prince and a white horse. Well, nowadays you can get a horse and look like a prince! But there are some more interesting ways to surprise your woman. It's great to propose to a girl in a room full of balloons! Wait for the moment when your girlfriend is not at home and fill her with a hundred balloons. These can be ordinary colored balls or balloons with inscriptions and hearts.

If you want to propose in public, then invite the girl to a restaurant. Do not show that the conversation in the restaurant is about to be serious. You need to hide your intentions to the last, so your proposal for your beloved woman will be more stunning! Make an appointment with the waiter in advance and ask them to put the ring in the champagne glass. Don't forget to decorate your champagne bottle and glasses with special ribbons and bows.

You can also surprise the girl and instead of the usual coffee in bed put a path from the bedroom to the kitchen with rose petals. Decorate the kitchen with garlands and flowers. You just need to do everything very quietly so that the girl does not wake up. And when she rises and comes along the path to the kitchen, you will solemnly wait for her, standing on one knee and holding out a box with a ring. And remember to prepare your speech in advance!

Engagement celebration

The phrase “Will you be my wife?” Sounded, you applied for marriage at the registry office - congratulations, now you are engaged! Now is the time to inform family and friends and celebrate this event. In European countries, celebrating an engagement has long become a good tradition, while in Russia, celebrating an engagement has only recently become fashionable.

There are many ways to celebrate an engagement. And on summer days there are especially many of them. We will tell you about several scenarios for this celebration.

Celebrating in nature

Celebrating an engagement in nature has its advantages: unlimited territory for fun and the opportunity to gather everyone under the pretext of a picnic and completely unexpectedly inform about your engagement. Think carefully about everything, take special dishes for the picnic, decorations for cocktails, decorate everything with balloons, prepare firecrackers. Also stock up on soap bubbles and various toys. In the fresh air, it is good to arrange various contests and games. Turn this picnic into a wedding rehearsal. Let all the invitees know what to prepare for: participate in contests, have fun to the fullest and never tire of congratulating the newlyweds!

Engagement at home

You can also celebrate your engagement at home. It can be a celebration with your family, or you can invite relatives and friends. This type of celebration is very suitable for you if you want to introduce your parents, improve their relationship, discuss all the nuances related to the wedding, find out the wishes of both relatives and friends.
You can endlessly decorate your home for your engagement celebration. Hang up garlands, decorate the living room with balls, set a huge table. And you can not worry too much and bother over the festive table, but organize a simple buffet table with canapes, for which prepare cute skewers. This leaves more room for dancing and competitions.

Celebrating the engagement together

A great way to celebrate your engagement is to spend a day together. Still, the newlyweds will have to be side by side for the rest of their lives, they will soon become one whole. You can have a picnic for two, have a romantic evening at home, or do something extreme together. The main thing is that the celebration of the engagement will be remembered for a long time!

Engagement - a script for a script for a wedding At the appointed time, the presenter opens the door and invites guests.


Welcome dear guests! (To the sound of music, guests enter the hall and take seats on both sides of the room). Dear guests! We thank you on behalf of our young people for responding to the invitation and coming today to share their joy: after all, they have found each other, and soon, very soon, a solemn wedding march will sound for them.

We sincerely ask you to share the joy of our young people. Let today become one of the most memorable and joyful days for them and each of you. The honored guests came to say good parting words to our young couple today.

The host asks the guests of honor to take their places.


There are also those whose children today are going to take their first, very important step in life. Dear parents, I ask you for these tables (welcome gesture).


Here they are, the heroes of our celebration,

Lovers and happy. Together with them, youth, beauty, the mystery of the first and tender feelings come to us. We are glad to welcome you (calls the young couple by their first name and patronymic).

Welcome! (The next words are played along with the soft sounds of a waltz).

You have a paint in your face and it's hard to breathe,

But on the ground, not on the cloud,

You have taken the first and important step,

That's how it would be all my life, hand in hand!

May there be partings and meetings with you,

Life is boring without them, probably

But we really want each of your waltz

Was like a first date.

The waltz sounds louder. The couple does some dance steps. During this, the host introduces the couple.

Having danced, the gentleman sits his lady in a chair, he himself stands next to him.

In a tape recording or in someone's performance, the words again sound:

Say the word, look at me

Give me a sign

I will climb to the top

I will throw myself into the abyss of fire

I throw myself into the depths of the sea.

I'll go around half the land

I will glorify your name, dear,

I will do everything, only you led

Yes kiss, seeing off!


Of course, you understand, young man, that there is no need to rush into the abyss today, but we invite you to take part in the competition. First you have to find your betrothed. On the table are photographs, however, they depict children in infancy, but a loving heart will try to recognize its beloved.

Look, do not confuse, she will not forgive you for this.

Fast rhythmic music sounds. The young man tries to identify his beloved in the photograph. The music fades.


And now, young man, invite your darling to the table (soundtrack sounds). Dear parents, we invite you to the tables where your children sit. Believe me, from this day on, they, more than ever, need your support, your kind advice. But how difficult it is at times to take the first step towards rapprochement. Please do it by you adults. Your children will always be grateful to you for this.

As the saying goes, let's sit side by side, let's talk okay.

Music sounds, parents sit at tables, music dies down.


For a long time, the rituals of matchmaking and engagement in our country included the indispensable tea drinking. The future hostess laid the table and poured tea. We will not break this good tradition either.

So, the bride-to-be, the word is yours. Treat parents and our guests of honor with hand-made products.

Rhythmic music sounds. The bride-to-be demonstrates her ability to quickly and beautifully set the table and look after the guests.


So the moment came when you all gathered together, at one common table. Probably, there is a lot to talk about, but the most necessary and important words cannot be found. We ask you to make yourself at home.

After all, everyone who has gathered here today sincerely rejoices in the future happiness of the young. These are close and dear people. Your children are about to have a very important event.

- wedding... How will life go on for them, will they be able to preserve their tender feelings and create a close-knit strong family?


Dear Parents! What would you wish your children on the threshold of a new stage in their life?

Parents are speaking.


Well, thank you for your kind, kind words! According to the old custom, not a single engagement, not a single conspiracy is complete without a match. "At least sit down and roll at svashenka's speeches"

Folk sayings are spoken. And how often they were far from the truth in their eulogies. Today we do without matchmakers, but how would each of you want to hear about each other as much new and interesting as possible.

And who in this case can be more objective than friends and girlfriends. They have the floor.

The presenter gives the floor to friends, workmates. The floor is given to one of the guests of honor.


Dear friends! Engagement

Not wedding, betrothal

Not marriage. Anything can happen

I saw it, but I didn’t see it. If the bride and groom "don't get along in character"

This one,

and if the husband and wife

This is completely different. In the first case

Only tears, even bitter ones, but in the other

Lifetime trauma. For this, an engagement is needed, a kind of trial period, during which you can get to know the bride and groom better. These are the wise traditions of our people.

And now I turn to young people with a question: Is your desire to create a young family mutual, free and sincere? Please answer.

Dear Parents! Are you aware of your children's intentions and are you happy with their choice? So we come to the main goal of our meeting. The most important minutes for our couple are coming.

Please stand next to each other. (Music plays, fanfare sounds).

Today ... (date, month, year), in accordance with your wishes, in the presence of your parents, I solemnly announce your engagement. From this hour ... and ... (surnames, names of the bride and groom) are referred to as the bride and groom.

Music plays, words sound:

I believe this day is not far away.

We will celebrate the new holiday,

When your love is ember

Will flare up and flare up with a wedding!

The music fades.

In conclusion, the presenter once again congratulates the young on the day of their engagement, thanks their parents, confidants, friends and workmates for their good advice and instructions to the young.


Dear young friends! Ahead is a long, complex and varied, with all the joys and hardships, family life. On the path of life, you are going to walk side by side, loving and respecting each other.

There will be difficulties on it, and at this moment you need to be especially attentive to each other, to fight difficulties together, so that nothing will shake your love. Never forget about those who gave you life,

About your parents, remember that you yourself will become parents in the near future. Do not forget those who took part in your upbringing,

Your educators, teachers, friends at work, study, service. Remember that in difficult moments of your life they always remember you, they are always ready to help with advice and deed, an affectionate word, they will always give you all kinds of support. Once again, I congratulate you on a solemn event in your life.

Engagement, I wish you a happy wedding and a happy family life. Good luck!

Script for a wedding anniversary - script for a wedding anniversary - script for a wedding - ritual of redemption wedding script - wedding script - wedding script for a wedding Ransom before the entrance script for a wedding A wedding script for 2 days in the style of an old wedding ceremony of redemption

Now young people nuptials increasingly turns to ancient customs. And if the wedding has become almost ordinary, then the engagement or, as they sometimes call, the engagement does not always go well. But in vain ... It's good when relatives, friends, loved ones are devoted to the affairs of the future newlyweds, help, participate in the preparations for the wedding. Thus, family ties, friendly relations are strengthened, the feeling of mutual assistance becomes palpable. This is important not only for a young family. A change of generations is approaching, and everyone must find their place in the changing environment, not feel left on the outskirts of life. Serious attitude of young people towards the organization weddings, compliance with the rules of her etiquette is the key to a strong, resistant to any adversity, future family.

The day before engagement a young man comes with matchmakers to the family of his chosen one and, in the presence of his parents, proposes to her to marry him. But more often the future groom comes himself, and matchmaking is combined with betrothal. If the proposal to the girl was made in private, then the groom must meet with the bride's parents to discuss the organization of the future engagement, and then agree on the time of it, the number of participants, etc. with his parents.

Usually the closest relatives on both sides are present at the engagement, and it takes place at the bride's house in the form of lunch or dinner. If the groom's relatives live in another city, then the bride's parents must book them a hotel room. It is considered indecent to stay at the bride's house.

Before the engagement begins guests from the groom's side come in with him and say: "Here, you have a product, but we have a merchant ..." or something similar, while praising the merchant (groom). The bride's father responds in the same jocular tone. After they come to an agreement, the groom's father solemnly announces that the girl agrees to be the wife of his son, and now they will be officially called the bride and groom. The bride gives the groom a small gift (cufflinks, a hairpin on a tie, a chain; in the past, a self-embroidered shirt), and the groom, in return, gives her some jewelry, but more often a ring. Then the bride presents the female half of the groom's guests with light, beautiful scarves, shawls or shawls made of fine fabric or yarn, in which it is desirable for them to be present at the wedding in the church. During the engagement, general issues of the wedding are resolved, and, in fact, preparations for it begin.

Time period between wedding and engagement can be arbitrary, but it usually lasts from 3 to 6 months, although it can be much shorter. This is a certain test for young people, and not everyone can withstand it. The wedding may not take place. Then the engagement is terminated, the gifts are returned.

In ancient times, most marriages took place by prior arrangement between the parents. Matchmaking was an interesting and beautiful custom in which the groom was to be introduced to the bride, describing his merits and best qualities. Now young people choose their own mate, but the tradition of wooing their parents has remained. Study the bride matchmaking ritual: the scenario of fun games, contests, rituals, this will help you have a fun holiday.

The groom informs the parents about the desire to marry

Previously, the noisy rite of matchmaking took place like this: matchmakers with the groom came to the gates of the bride's house, they opened the doors and invited them to the room where the girl's parents and closest relatives (sister, brother, grandmother and grandfather) were sitting. The task of the matchmakers was to present the man in the best possible light. If he was rich, it was necessary to extol his merchants and financial capabilities, if the man was hard-working - golden hands. The ceremony itself began with the words that the matchmakers said: "You have goods - we have a merchant." After that, the bride came out, dressed in her most beautiful dress, and the matchmakers asked the question: "Is the girl a skillful girl?" The girl took a broom, pretended to sweep the floor, gave a homemade thing to her future spouse. Everything took place in a half-joking manner. The matchmaking also negotiated a dowry, discussed a wedding. Despite the attitude of the parents towards the betrothed, during the first matchmaking, as a rule, he was refused.

The modern rite of matchmaking is the arrival of the betrothed to the bride's house with a bouquet of flowers for the future mother-in-law and expensive alcohol for the father-in-law. There he announces his desire to marry, asks for a blessing to marry their daughter. As a rule, the visit is of an official nature, but nothing prevents you from making a fun performance out of matchmaking, where you can invite other relatives and friends.

Choosing a matchmaker or matchmaker

The matchmaker and matchmaker who will participate in the ceremony must be on the side of the betrothed, although this rule is often violated. If someone from the bride's relatives (for example, brother, uncle, sister) is well acquainted with the future son-in-law, they can represent the man themselves. It's good if everyone has similar costumes that match the concept of the script.


The props depend on what kind of matchmaking scenario is carried out. These can be musical instruments, various gifts for the bride's mother and father, towels, balls of thread, feathers, trees, a hammer, pillows. Matchmakers, as a sign of generosity, financial solvency of the betrothed, can roll in a keg of overseas wine, which will be immediately opened for a feast.

Sent matchmakers

This is where the rite of matchmaking begins - “for the matchmaker, the first cup and the first stick”. They bow before entering. Only after crossing the threshold, matchmakers should, with the help of hints, sayings, approach the main topic of the conversation - the future engagement. Further, the matchmaking scenario provides for songs, games, praise of the betrothed. Then the owners set the table, treat the guests with bread and salt, have dinner, when a certain hour comes - they give their answer.

Watch the video of the ceremony, which will help you clearly understand how to conduct matchmaking:


Before the feast, bargaining was always held in Russia. Usually, the bride was not present at this stage of the matchmaking in order to avoid delicate moments: discussing the dowry, the groom's money, the distribution of the costs of the wedding. We could casually touch on the question of the possible date of the event. Only after the bargaining was the bride summoned. As part of a modern celebration, bargaining can also be carried out, but playfully.


The feast is not only the consumption of food, the drinking of vodka, wine, but also the time when fun games, contests, and rituals are held according to the script. During it, the mother and father of the bride, as a rule, agree to an alliance, after which the groom puts a gold ring on the girl's finger and the engagement is considered valid. Then relatives kiss the young, and guests open champagne to celebrate the beginning of the new family.

Trials of the bride

The tests for the bride are comic in nature. She needs to show her abilities, which will be useful in the household. The groom's side asks the girl to give her a taste of the dish she has prepared, to demonstrate the embroidery, to sweep the floor.

Cutting a loaf

According to the old Russian matchmaking scenario, the betrothed brings a loaf to the bride. By accepting this gift, she consents to the engagement. Then the future spouses take a knife and cut the product in half - if they manage to cut the loaf the first time, without taking away the tool, it becomes a sign that their life together will be happy. Instead of loaf, the modern version allows the use of a delicious cake. Loaf for the rite of matchmaking in the photo:

The groom's speech

The matchmaking scenario necessarily provides for the groom's speech. After friends or relatives have presented the man in the best light, it is time for the betrothed to vote. He must tell the bride's parents about his love for their daughter, talk about how he will protect her, respect, appreciate.

Giving gifts what to give

Gifts for matchmaking can be different: flowers, fruit baskets, chocolate cake, jewelry for the girl and her mother (the future mother-in-law can give the bride beads or a chain), alcohol, souvenirs. The main gift is a wedding ring.

Honey drinking

To prove his love for the bride, according to the script, the following ceremony is carried out: the betrothed to the bottom must drink a glass of honey.

Marriage conspiracy

Previously, this part of the scenario involved a discussion of financial issues - the amount of dowry, the cost of the celebration, the material security of the groom as a whole. The modern rite allows you to skip this stage.


Fun contests will be a great addition to the noisy matchmaking rite scenario - read a few examples below.

Question answer

This game will show how well the future spouse knows the bride. Several questions will be prepared for him, to which he must answer correctly - her favorite dish, color, date of birth, angel's day and others.

For parents

To make matchmaking fun not only for young people, but also for parents, a competitive scenario is used.

  • The fathers of the lovers leave the room, and the presenter asks the mothers questions: how long was their braid during the wedding, how many guests were present, where they met.
  • Then the men are called to answer the same questions.

The pair that matches all or most of the answers wins.

Wedding song

The scenario for this competition is as follows: the guests hum the excerpts of all the wedding songs that they remember. The winner is the participant who sings the most.


The holiday was held after sunset so that evil forces could not enter the house. It was believed that the marriage would be happy if, after the groom left, all sharp objects were tied. After the guests left the house, the bride was shown to cry a lot in order to lead a tearless life after the wedding. Matchmaking is an old tradition and a real theatrical performance. The ritual can be an interesting stage in preparing for a wedding, an opportunity for two families to get closer.

Will you be celebrating matchmaking? What ideas did you like? Let us know in the comments.