So that the child grows up smart. A smart child or how to raise a genius. Prodigy and what is needed for this. Education improves health

What are the most common wishes for young parents who have recently had a child? So that your baby grows up healthy, smart and happy. And the parents themselves always dream about it. Health largely depends on hereditary factors, proper care and nutrition. Whether the child will be happy can be influenced only indirectly, since this is his inner state. And what do mental abilities depend on, how to develop them, and how to raise an intelligent child from the cradle?

First, you need to figure out what kind of person is considered smart.

Being “smart” means:

  • be erudite, well-read;
  • be able to use their knowledge, that is, apply them in each specific situation;
  • have the ability to independently solve life tasks;
  • be able to analyze what is happening, draw conclusions and conclusions;
  • predict the consequences of their actions.

In addition to these characteristics, the mind also includes the ability to recognize and distinguish between one's own and other people's emotions, which in psychology is called "emotional intelligence".

There have been many studies that have confirmed the huge role of heredity in the development of mental abilities. But this does not mean at all that intellectual parents can relax and not conduct classes with a child. After all, for some reason, the society formed the following judgment: "Nature rests on the children of geniuses." Hence the conclusion: you cannot let the development of the baby take its course, with the help of proper upbringing, you can achieve great success!

How to help the development of mental abilities in children?

  • Speech and thinking are interconnected. Therefore, talk to your child more. Ideally, communication with him should begin with the period of intrauterine development. For a baby under one year old, arrange "excursions" around the house, holding them in your arms and talking about what you see. This increases his vocabulary. When a child starts to speak, it is necessary to constantly maintain a dialogue with him, ask open-ended questions, for example: "What are your favorite toys?" or "What did you do in kindergarten today?"
  • Sing songs and listen to music. The mother usually sings to the baby, and then, when the baby gets older, you can sing with him. Music favorably affects the development of attention and memory, improves mood.
  • Read books to children from the first days of life. This way you can speed up the development of speech and awaken interest in reading and learning about the world.
  • Love your baby, give him sincere emotions. Talk about how you feel and teach him to express his feelings.
  • Active play promotes the development of social skills and mental abilities. In it, children comprehend the basics of role-based interaction, learn to manipulate objects, and improve spatial thinking. Come up with interesting stories for games with your child, create conditions for the manifestation of imagination. There should not be a lot of toys, otherwise it leads to laziness of brain activity and an unwillingness to show imagination.
  • As soon as the child starts to get up at the support, encourage his steps in every possible way... Support under the arms, drive by the handles around the house. It has been proven that vertical walking contributes to the expansion of horizons and the development of thinking.
  • Try to walk with your child more. First, it is oxygen saturation of the brain. Secondly, during the walk there is an active knowledge of the surrounding world. Change your place of stay more often. If you walked in the yard yesterday, then today go to the park, walk along unfamiliar streets, and tomorrow plunge into the study of Mother Nature, having visited the forest.
  • Good sleep is important. Lack of it leads to a deterioration in attention and memory, depletes the nervous system.
  • The time spent by the toddler in front of the TV or at the tablet should be kept to a minimum. When watching cartoons or TV shows, you are always close to your child, comment on the actions of the characters to help assimilate information that is rapidly changing on the screen.
  • Don't forget about proper nutrition. The diet of a nursing mother, and then of the baby itself, should contain foods rich in protein (fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts), vitamins and minerals. The omega-3 acids found in oily fish have been shown to enhance intelligence. They must be included in the diet of both a nursing mother and children after the introduction of complementary foods. And cereals and fruits contain carbohydrates that are good for the brain.

There have been studies that have established a link between breastfeeding and intellectual ability. Children whose mothers fed them with their milk for a long period showed a higher level of intelligence. Of course, the presence of this connection reflects only a trend, not a pattern. But the benefits of breastfeeding are undeniable!

Attention to the child and the creation of favorable conditions for growth and development are the main tasks that parents must solve in the upbringing process. And it is equally important to notice the individual characteristics of the baby in time and develop them. After all, it is well known that it is impossible to be smart in everything, everyone is strong in his own area!

Do not spare your time for a child if you want him to grow up smart and capable!

How nice it is for mom and dad when a kindergarten teacher or school teacher praises their child or expresses gratitude for his upbringing. And how annoying it is to hear about bad behavior, disobedience, low abilities of your child for any subject or occupation.

Dear Parents! If your child, to put it mildly, does not have strong mental abilities, then you are to blame. Yes, of course this is not one, but undoubtedly the most important reason for this state of affairs. It all lies in the banal lack of time for your baby.

To understand what the essence of the issue is, let's pay a little attention to the peculiarities of human physiology and the scientific arguments in this branch. Up to three years, more than 1000 billion neural connections are formed in a child's brain, which is twice as many as in an adult. By the age of 10, children's brains are very dense. But starting from eleven - he gradually gets rid of unused "wires", and the confusion of nerve connections is sorted out over time.

Even during perinatal (intrauterine) development, a certain number of brain cells form a whole network of connections with other cells in the body. As a result of such processes, the central nervous system is the brain, it controls the work of all vital functions of the body, for example: respiration, heart.

And all the other neural connections are waiting for the connection. The essence of robotic cells in the brain is precisely the creation of such connections. Each cell lets out impulses to others throughout the body and, accordingly, has the ability to receive those sent to it. One cell is able to maintain about 10 thousand connections, which are transmitted thanks to special chemicals, one of which is serotonin. This incredibly complex network is sometimes called the "electrical circuit" of the brain.

The latest research in this industry proves that the time when the largest number of synapses (in other words, connections between cells) are formed is the age from birth to ten years inclusive.

Due to the repeated repetition of certain connections, they become no longer temporary, but permanent. For example, in order for a child to be an excellent speaker, he should be taught to speak, starting from the cradle. The likelihood that the baby in the future will become an emotionally sensitive person increases, provided that his first babbling was received with smiles, joy, and not in any case not indifference. Play for a little person is of the greatest importance, because thanks to it, he adapts in society. Consequently, its lack leads to problems of social adaptation.

A person continues to study throughout his life, but in childhood there are many times more prerequisites for this.

Therefore, the most correct way to help form the necessary nerve connections in children is to surround them with tender love, care, attention, to ensure safety and favorable conditions for development.

Our children really need attention, people who talk to them, read, sing, and not just sometimes flicker before their eyes.

Play is the main daily activity for a preschool child. But for this he often needs a partner. It is great if they are parents, as this contributes not only to the overall development of the baby, but also to further mutual understanding between them.

Consider games that are appropriate for one year olds.

By the age of one year, children love to push all sorts of objects. They enjoy the understanding that it is they who set something in action, make it move. Pushing games enable children to feel their power, power over objects. It is an indispensable way to develop self-confidence and motor coordination. Take a couple of lightweight objects, such as a wheeled car, a stuffed animal, and the like. Say "one, two, three, push!" and do it. Continue counting, encouraging your toddler to repeat your steps.

All living creatures love care and affection. One of the ways to develop such qualities in a small person is the following. Sit on the floor with your child, bringing along a couple of their favorite toys. Take one of them, have pity, sentence tender words. It is necessary for the child to see and hear it - to learn to be polite. Then do the same, picking up the baby. Then give the toy to him and encourage him to do the same. If a child does not have enough care and affection in childhood, he may turn out to be a cruel person or one that does not know how to be gentle with others.

Practice singing your favorite songs in a small voice. Caress the cub and sing a song to him in a normal voice, followed by a high-pitched one. Falsetto words are very focused, so this is a good way to demonstrate how important speech is in life.

Children are very fond of the game "one, two, three, boom". To do this, you should put the baby in your arms and say this phrase, and then gently, gently press your forehead against the child's head. After, each time pronouncing the words, and press your cheeks, elbows, chin, knees, ears, legs of the little one to you. In the process of such communication, he produces hormones necessary for growth. This once again confirms how important your love is.

When the child begins to try to crawl, encourage this activity. It develops and strengthens the muscle structure. If children start to walk or crawl very early, this is absolutely normal, just special minerals in the brain were developed earlier.

Known to everyone from childhood, the game of "cuckoo" is not only dearly loved by many toddlers and babies, but also extremely necessary for the development of the brain. You can play in several ways: covering your eyes with your hands; hiding behind the door and looking out; drawing a face on the thumb and hiding it in a fist; hiding with a towel and others. The game of "hide and seek" contributes to the formation of thousands of associations, as well as their further consolidation.

You can develop vocabulary and thinking through reading books. Also, the child gets used to your voice. Love for literature is instilled from a very young age.

Rhythmically tapping on the palm, leg and other parts of the body, you help your child develop a sense of tact, rhythm, and hearing. You can also say along the way, for example, “Forge, forge a boot, give me a hammer. Don't give me a hammer, don't give me a boot! "

To teach your kid to navigate in space, you can read him a rhyme:

Who goes to bed late
Will be small
And who goes to bed early
Will grow big.

When pronouncing the word "small", move the arms down to the legs, and lift them up to the word "big".

Buy toys that are designed to develop fine motor skills of hands and feet. For example, a clown jumping out of a box when you twist it by the handle.

Thus, the child simply needs care, attention and development. Therefore, how smart the kid will be and what abilities he will have depends on you! Do not spare time for it in early childhood, so that later you do not complain about the poor performance of your child during school.

Talk to your children, surround them with your presence in sufficient numbers and rejoice in their successes and achievements.

Patience and good luck!

There are whole sciences about how to make children happier, how to educate them and how to live life in joy. But what helps kids - from babies to teens - get smarter?

Science confirms that these 10 things can help:

  1. Music lessons

Research shows that music lessons make children smarter - compared to children in control groups, children in music groups showed greater growthIQ... The effect was not significant, but it extended to IQ tests, exponential scores, and standard measures of academic success.

What's more, music lessons help everyone - young and older people alike: more and more researchers are coming to the conclusion that music lessons give students an academic edge. A study by Northwestern University found that music lessons can even help grandmothers - it counteracts some of the harmful effects of aging.

  1. Sports don't make people dumb - it's a myth

Those who only play sports may become dull, but only because they spend more time on the field than in the library. What if you make your child visit both there and there?

Being in good physical shape increases your ability to learn. After physical activity, people memorize new words 20% faster. A three-month exercise regimen increases blood flow to the memory and learning part of the brain by 30%.

From Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Eric Heigerman:

“In a 2007 human study, German scientists concluded that people memorize words 20% faster after exercising than before exercising, and that the rate of memorization is directly related to brain neurotrophic factor levels.

In his study, Small gave a group of volunteers a three-month exercise system and then took pictures of their brains. He saw that the volume of capillaries in the memory zone of the hippocampus increased by 30%, which is very significant. "

So exercise can make you and your kids happier and smarter.

  1. Don't read to your children - read with them

Is your little one learning to read? Do not leave him only the opportunity to look at the pictures in the book while you are reading. Pay his Attention on the words. Read with him, not for him. Research shows that this helps to strengthen a child's reading skills: "When shared book reading is complemented by a clear focus on developing a child's reading skills and strategies, then reading together is an effective mechanism to support early literacy, even among disadvantaged children."

  1. Less sleep makes the baby dull

By skipping an hour of sleep, the brain of a sixth grader becomes the brain of a fourth grader, as there is a correlation between grades and the amount of sleep.

From NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children: Losing one hour of sleep equals [losing] two years of cognitive maturation and development.

“Teens who were in grades slept about 15 minutes longer than grade fours, who, in turn, slept 15 minutes more than grades, and so on. Wollstrom's data was almost exactly the same as an earlier study of nearly 3,000 Rhode Island students. Naturally, these are averages, but the consistency of the results is striking. Every 15 minutes counts. "

  1. IQ worthless without self-discipline

Self-discipline matters more than IQ in determining who will be successful in life.

An excerpt from Charles Duhigg's excellent The Power of Habit:

“Dozens of studies confirm that willpower is the single most important habit for personal success ... Students with high levels of willpower were more likely to get high grades in their subjects and go to more prestigious universities. They walked less and spent less time watching TV, and more time doing their homework. “Teens with high levels of self-discipline had better academic success rates than their more impulsive peers,” the researchers write. - Self-discipline determined academic performance more than IQ. Self-discipline also determined which of the students would be able to improve their grades throughout the school year, while IQ did not determine ... Self-discipline has more impact on academic performance than intelligence. "

That is, evaluations depend more on conscientiousness than just intelligence.

From How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and Hidden Power of Character:

“… Conscientiousness was the character trait that best defined success at work. What intrigued Roberts about integrity is that it defines so much outside the workplace. Conscientious people get higher grades in school and university; they commit fewer crimes; they stay married longer. They live longer - and not only because they drink and smoke less. They have fewer heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and fewer cases of Alzheimer's. ”

Who has the best vital signs? In stubborn children

From Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us:

“Researchers have found that the best predictor of future cadets' success is their score on a non-cognitive and non-physical characteristic called "Tenacity", which is defined as "persistence and passion for long-term goals".

  1. Learning is an active process

Baby Einstein programs and brain training games does not work. There is even reason to believe that children become dull because of them.

From Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five:

“These products didn't work at all. They did not have a positive effect on the vocabularies of the target audience - babies from 17 to 24 months. Some even hurt. For every hour of the day the children spent watching certain childrenDVD and video, kids understood on average 6-8 words less than those who did not watch them. "

Real learning is not passive but active.

“Our brains are developed in such a way that it learns when it does something, not when it hears about it. This is one reason why, for many skills, it is much better to spend about two-thirds of the time challenging yourself rather than simply absorbing knowledge. There is a two-thirds rule: if you want, for example, to memorize a paragraph, it is better to spend 30% of the time reading, and the remaining 70% of the time - checking yourself for knowledge. "

  1. Treats Can Be Good - Provided At The Right Time

In general, it would be better if children eat healthy foods at all times. Research shows that nutrition affects a child's grades:

“Everyone knows that on the day of an important exam you need to have breakfast. Foods that are high in carbohydrates, fiber that are slow to digest, such as oatmeal, are best, studies have shown. But it also matters what you eat the week before. When 16 college students were surveyed for attention and quick thinking, they fed them high-fat, low-carbohydrate foods - meat, eggs, cheese and sour cream - for five days and then tested them again and their productivity dropped. "

There are always exceptions. Not every child tries to eat healthy food all the time. But the irony is that children often eat "bad" foods at the wrong times.

Research shows that caffeine and sugar can stimulate the brain:

“Caffeine and glucose can have positive effects on cognitive performance. Since these zones are responsible for supporting attention and memory processes, the results may suggest that the combination of caffeine and glucose may increase the efficiency of the attention system. ”

And children love them, among other things.

So if from time to time children still eat candy and drink sweet water, then maybe it is better to give them to them during school, and not when they are resting.

  1. Happy kids = successful kids

Happier children are more likely to grow up to be successful and fulfilling adults.

From Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents:

“… Happiness is a huge advantage in a world where success matters. On average, happy people are more successful than unhappy people, both at work and in their personal lives. They get better marks for their productivity, get more prestigious jobs, and make more money. They are more likely to get married, and in marriage they feel more satisfied. "

What's the first step to a happy child? Be a happy parent!

  1. Peer group and team matter

Your genetics, like your partner's genetics, have a huge impact on your children. How do you educate them? Not that kind of influence at all.

From Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference:

“In terms of intellectuality and certain character traits, biological children are very similar to their parents. Foster children, however, show very strange results. They have nothing to do with their adoptive parents: they are no more similar, personally or intellectually, to those who raised, fed, clothed, read, taught and loved them for 16 years than any other two adults. randomly selected on the street. "

So what influences the behavior of your children? Their peers

We usually think of peers when we talk about pressure from them, when it is negative - but in fact, most often it is still positive.

Living in a decent neighborhood, attending a good school and university, and hanging out with good kids can mean a lot.

What's the easiest way for a college student to raise their GPA? Living in a room with an intelligent person

From The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work:

“One study at Dartmouth College by economist Bruce Sakerdot shows how powerful this impact is. He found that when students with a lower GPA simply started moving into rooms with students with higher grades, their scores increased as well. ”

  1. Believe in them

Belief in your child, that he is smarter than others, means a lot.

When teachers were told that certain children were stronger than others, these children performed better - even though they were randomly selected.

From The Heart of Social Psychology: A Backstage View of a Passionate Science:

“Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson (1968) conducted a similar study, informing elementary school teachers that they had students with great learning talent in their class. In fact, these children were selected in a completely random order, with no additional tests. However, towards the end of the school year, 30% of the children randomly named successful added about 22 points to their IQ, while almost all added only 10 points. "


  1. Music lessons
  2. Sports don't make people dumb - it's a myth
  3. Don't read to your children - read with them
  4. Less sleep makes the baby dull
  5. IQ is worthless without self-discipline
  6. Learning is an active process
  7. Treats Can Be Good - Given at the Right Time
  8. Happy kids = successful kids
  9. Peer group and team matter
  10. Believe in them

And one more thing: the mind is not everything. Without ethical behavior and empathy for others, highly intelligent people can be downright intimidating.

According to neuroscientists and psychophysical development experts, childhood is critical in the intellectual development of the individual.

It is the period of childhood that is the stage of the most intensive development of the brain. in this process has a significant impact on his adult life.

It begins to develop when the individual is faced with various experiences.

Brain development occurs in accordance with actions and events, offered by the environment. Everything that the child sees, hears and experiences becomes part of his intellect.

Feelings such as stimulate the communication of brain cells. The more often and more intensely children are exposed to various senses, the more intelligent they grow. In other words, the development of a child's brain is directly proportional to the experience they gain in everyday life.

According to research by R. Ferguson, the intellectual development of a child at the initiative of parents should begin as early as possible - almost from birth.

The scientist recommends influencing the process through the following measures: maximizing responsiveness to the child's actions, minimizing stress, using a large number of conversations, singing, gestures, number and rhythmic games. It is imperative to encourage and cultivate love for the process of acquiring new knowledge, even in the absence of the desired result.

It is impossible to ignore such a significant aspect as reading. to read works to a child even when he does not yet understand the meanings of words.

Similar tactics donates to kid advantage in the development of language skills.

Children to whom parents read books from an early age have a great tendency to acquire an interest in literature, they do well in school, and then in adulthood.

Reading books is possible rightfully be called one of the most significant activities, increasing the intensity of the mental development of the individual.

However, an effective means of developing the language skills of an individual is important be able not only to speak, but also listen child. Productive speech interaction contributes to the formation of a person's communication skills.

Focusing on the interaction with the child, it should be noted that communication should be carried out not only at the speech level. It is necessary to constantly take part in the life of a developing personality, when she feels the need for it.

Attention! It is important to let the child feel loved - the lack of attention and care slows down the processes of brain development. Moreover, this can lead to many negative consequences - children who do not feel love from their parents often feel depressed and even have some health problems.

The connection between parents and a child, manifested in everyday life (conversations, games, mutual assistance) creates a solid basis for the formation of higher thinking skills.

It should be remembered that plays an important role in the mental development of the child what toys his parents choose. They do not have to be expensive, but they have to meet other conditions for personality education.

The toy must be such that it can be played with in more than one way; in addition, the toy should contribute to the development of the individual's imagination. It is important to include toys in the home development environment that are aimed directly at using the various thinking abilities of the child.

It is wrong to think that play for a person going through the process of growing up is just a game. In fact, this type of activity is a powerful tool for intellectual development, creating a stable foundation for the formation of mental, social, physical and emotional skills. By playing with his friends, the child learns to correlate ideas, impressions and feelings with the experiences and opinions of other children.

It is impossible to ignore - they allow not only to strengthen the body, but also increase the level of intelligence. This is because exercise increases the flow of blood to the brain, and, accordingly, promotes the creation of new cells in it.

Creation, undoubtedly also effective in raising an intelligent child, therefore, it is necessary to encourage his creative impulses.

Creativity is a valuable mental characteristic in art, science, and many other activities.

All children are creative individuals, although it is believed that at the genetic level, some of them are more talented than others.

Nevertheless, this quality can be developed from an early age if the child is introduced to literature, music, drawing, etc.

It is important to set a good example for your child. An adult is the main authority for a developing personality, and therefore it is necessary to demonstrate to him how certain actions are performed that develop the intellect.

A child who sees an adult reading books, writing poetry, playing an instrument, or other activities will imitate him.

Some child development researchers strongly recommend limiting the amount of time a child can watch TV; it is also widely believed that it is not at all desirable for a child to watch television at the age of 2 years. Entertainment programs that children prefer can distract him from activities that are really important for brain development: playing, socializing, or reading books.

Attention! Despite the existence of a recommendation that TV viewing should be limited, at the same time emphasizes the usefulness of using computer games that contribute to intellectual development.

There are many programs that allow you to get acquainted with the basics of writing, mathematics, music, etc. in a playful way. In addition, computer games develop movement coordination and vision, as well as prepare a child for life in a world filled with many modern technologies.

Learning in entertainment is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective means of improving the thought processes of a person.

In addition to all of the above actions, it is necessary monitor the physical condition of the child:, make sure that he gets enough sleep and follows the rules of hygiene. Compliance with these elementary recommendations will allow parents to significantly intensify the process of mental development of the child.

Genius kid

Raising a child of genius is a task of higher complexity than raising an intelligent child.

A genius is a truly unique person with extraordinary abilities. What role can parents play in developing these abilities?

A child who independently searches for a way out of difficult situations has a greater chance than anyone else to become a genius.

Therefore - if the future is in a difficult situation, it is impossible to solve this problem for him.

You can use leading questions: "How could you do?", "Have you done this before?", "What did you do that time?" This approach allows children to develop their own ideas, and reduces their likelihood of their inability to exercise intellectual activity.

A genius child without fail must be able to think in "pictures". This allows him to solve difficult problems even in isolation from the real situation. This ability can be developed through discussion, asking the child questions such as, "What would happen if night never fell again, the rivers were drained, or no one followed the law?"

As he contemplates the consequences of these events, the child not only uses his imagination, but also learns to establish and predict causal relationships.

In a genius child the imagination must be well developed. You can develop it through the use of mind games, as well as through various problematic discussions, for example: "How could one weigh a giraffe, rhino, bridge, house, star?" A creative approach to solving impossibly difficult issues significantly increases the intellectual productivity of the child.

A genius child is a child with the ability to think critically and logically. They can also be developed by asking questions that activate the corresponding processes: “What do you think, why does bread grow moldy if it is not frozen; children cry; does the foliage fall when autumn comes? "

The ability to analyze a situation, make a hypothesis, seek evidence and justify it are the defining factors of an individual's successful learning.

It is important to be able to control the process of intellectual development. Moreover, this responsibility should be assigned to the children themselves. It is necessary to talk with them, asking questions of the following nature: “What do you need to be able to do this? How can you check if you are on the right track to solving the problem? How can you know if you are doing the right thing? " Controlling the mental recovery process is the key to maximizing thinking skills.

Parents striving to raise a child of genius must strictly follow the following principles:

  1. Intellectual confidence(it is necessary to encourage the child in the implementation of cognitive activity).
  2. Openness(any new ideas should be considered and, if possible, accepted).
  3. Curiosity(you need to encourage him in the child and at the same time educate him in himself).
  4. Practice(only the practical implementation of ideas is a way to obtain a positive result).
  5. Persistence(you need to keep going forward, even when you give up).

Raising a brilliant child is a difficult, but quite feasible task.

Mental education of preschool children

As previously noted, preschool age is the most important stage in the process of mental development personality.

It is at the preschool age that such processes as the development of speech, the accumulation of the necessary knowledge about the surrounding reality and the mastery of various methods of mental activity proceed with the greatest intensity.

The mental development of a child involves not only mastering the maximum possible amount of information, but also consolidating the ability to carry out cognitive actions.

Among them, the most important recognized skills in assessment, comparison, generalization and analysis.

Why is school age so important for the mental development of a person? First of all, this is determined by the predominance of figurative forms in the consciousness of the individual, among which it is worth highlighting perception, figurative thinking and imagination.

In addition, preschoolers are characterized by such traits as curiosity, curiosity, the desire to learn the unknown, as well as to replenish the existing stock of knowledge. In this regard, preparing a child for further education at school is of great importance.


As the main task of the mental education of preschoolers, one can call the provision of conditions conducive to the transition from visual to abstract-logical mental forms.

To solve this problem, it is first necessary to activate such types of thinking as visual-figurative and visual-effective. This largely contribute to the subject and practical activities. The main characteristic of visual-active thinking is the ability to solve mental problems through experimentation in the course of the implementation of object-oriented practical activity.

Attention! The tasks of mental education of preschool children imply not only the provision of conditions for mastering mental methods of activity and a certain system of knowledge. It is also necessary to note among the tasks the formation of personal qualities.

They arise and further develop in the course of the implementation of game objective activity. It has a focus on familiarization with the objects of the surrounding reality, the formation of the ability to carry out speech activity, as well as familiarization with the concepts of mathematics.

Among other things, among the tasks of mental development of preschoolers, the need to learn to choose methods and means for solving tasks, as well as to exercise control over the result of their implementation, stands out.

Useful video

Check out ten tips for parenting a smart child visually in the video below:


Geniuses are not born, they are made. And a huge role in the process of educating an intelligent and comprehensively developed personality is assigned to the parents of the child. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the preschool age, in which mental development proceeds most effectively. Following the main methodological and pedagogical recommendations will allow you to achieve success in this difficult activity.

Every parent wants their child to be smart. What does it take to make a child prodigy out of a child? There are many systems of early development, for example, the Montessori method, Walfdor pedagogy, the Nikitin system, the Glen Doman method, Zaitsev cubes and others, less well-known, that help the development of the inclinations and the formation of the child's abilities.

Each parent chooses which method is best suited to the temperament and abilities of the child, and also closer to the values ​​of the parent himself.

But in addition to the well-known systems of early development, there are general rules that contribute to the flowering of the child's abilities and inclinations, and also the patterns or stages of the child's intellectual development are known.

What are these patterns? Let us turn to Piaget's theory, which most clearly and fully reflects the stages of the child's intellectual development.

In general, he identified 3 stages of development, while paying attention to the fact that intellectual development tends to balance, at each stage it is disturbed and restored. Stages are levels of development that replace each other.

1. Sensomotor stage (up to 2 years), preoperative stage (2-7 years)

During this period, a kinesthetic knowledge base is gained, which will become the basis for further stages of development - the child needs to touch, twitch, listen, even taste everything.

2. Stage of specific operations or representative intelligence (7-12 years old)

The stage when things are disassembled and assembled - toys or even things of adults. This stage is necessary in order to move on to the stage of formal, logical operations - first, these operations must be done visually, by the child himself, so that later there is no doubt (thinking them through only in his mind) that it is so.

3. The stage of formal operations (12-17 years old) or the basis of the logic of an adult, on which elementary scientific thinking is based, working with the help of hypotheses and deductions. Abstract thinking is the ability to build conclusions according to the rules of logic, which allows a teenager to put forward hypotheses, think over their test by experience, and draw conclusions.

The basis of human intelligence is laid in the first years of a child's life - from birth to 5-6 years, because the brain grows and develops at an accelerated pace only in the earliest childhood. All information received during this period will become the foundation for the further successful life of a person. The main activity in preschool age is play.

So, rules for raising a genius.

1) Communicate with your child. Communicating means talking, listening and answering questions. The only authoritative source of knowledge for a small researcher is an authoritative adult. Asking questions, the baby not only receives information about the world around him. Your reaction to his questions forms such personality traits as self-confidence or low self-esteem, curiosity or extinguishing interest in everything, developed creative thinking, or simply following instructions.

When planning something, let the dinner menu - involve the child in the discussion. It is these children, whose opinion is listened to, the easiest to go through the adolescent crisis.

When a three-year-old child tells a story that happened in kindergarten, be patient and listen to the end. If an adult repeatedly brushes off a child, he concludes, “I am not loved,” “I am not needed and not interesting.” This conclusion is followed by the loss of both trust in the adult and self-confidence, bad behavior (in order to attract the attention of an adult), the child's anxiety grows.

Answer the child's questions. Asking a question, the kid as if asks: “Do you think that I am worthy of an answer, do you love me? ..” All this can be hidden behind an innocent question, “Why is the wind blowing or trees are growing?” Parental respect is very important for children, including attention to their issues - this fosters self-respect in the child.

2) Give your child beautiful, imaginative toys - you are not just spending money, but investing it in raising a genius. Allowing the child to draw, even on the walls, although of course it is better on a Whatman paper pasted on the wallpaper, disassemble the same toys, listen to the rattle sound, watch objects thrown on the floor scatter, sculpt something out of plasticine or dough - you provide the child has a successful sensorimotor stage of development.

You cannot force a child to learn at an early age - this can discourage him from learning for a long time. But it is also impossible to interfere with the child to play, as he wants - this can make him passive and slow down his further development. Ideally, you need to play and teach at the same time. For example, letters and syllables are written on Zaitsev's cubes so that in the process of building a house or a train, whole phrases are obtained. The cubes themselves are filled with sawdust: wood, if voiceless consonants are written on them, and metal, if voiced.

By the age of five, children can easily learn up to five languages. An important factor in successful learning is naturalness - communication with native speakers or in the form of a game, for example, reading fairy tales, listening to songs.

3) Use bright details in the design of the nursery, let the child get acquainted with different colors from childhood. Introduce the child to art already in childhood - this will develop in him a sense of beauty. Educate even when you are not at home - decorate the walls with geographical maps, pages from encyclopedias that depict species of animals, plants, musical instruments, paintings by famous artists.

The child does not necessarily become a great artist or musician, but it will contribute to his overall development. The more information from different areas is at the disposal of a child, the easier it is to reveal his talent and develop the inclinations and abilities. But the child must have a choice.

4) Take a walk with your child - after all, the brain needs to be saturated not only with useful information, but also with oxygen. Go with your child to the forest, to the river, observe the surrounding objects, talk. For example, pick up the leaves of several trees and show the variety of colors and variety of shapes. And this will be not just information, but also a system of interconnected ideas of the child about himself and his place in the world around him. Does your kid enjoy running, jumping and climbing? Great, because activity stimulates the development of mental abilities.

5) And lastly, do not pull on the child. Do not force your child to read a book when he wants to draw, so as not to discourage him from reading and not interfere with the development of his artistic ability. A child who is constantly being made comments and prompts grows up insecure, closed to the perception of information. If a child feels needed, understood, accepted, he learns to find love in this world.

These are the features of the upbringing of future geniuses noted in his book "14 geniuses" (Napoleon Bonaparte, Walt Disney, Isadora Duncan, Pablo Picasso, Maria Montessori, Nikola Tesla and others) by the researcher Jean N. Landrum:

  • Indulgent parents. Treating your child as a unique and special person will instill lasting self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Demonstrate your independence. Business or entrepreneurial activity of the parents instills in the child the same behavioral patterns.
  • Numerous travels and frequent transfers. New cultures and acquaintances positively influence the development of courage and teach not to be afraid of uncertain situations.
  • Freedom of action and movement. Allow the children to take risks, of course, avoiding disaster. The child should be given the freedom to explore the world, while the parents monitor his activities so that new experiences do not harm the health and life of their child.
  • Build strengths without paying attention to weaknesses. Optimism is what should be the main thing in strengthening the behavioral qualities. Never let rationalism and negativity guide your actions.
  • Teach your child that being different is great. Leaders are different from others. Risk should be encouraged without scolding for mistakes, and children should be allowed to experiment and learn from mistakes.
  • Game learning teaches how to solve abstract problems. Constructors, jigsaw puzzles and radio constructors are genius toys. Heuristic problem solving develops a holistic understanding of the world and creativity. Intuition for a genius is a golden quality.
  • Books, films and imaginary characters. Imaginary and mythological heroes open up unlimited prospects for the child,become examples forgrowth and release its energy. Books and voracious reading are the keys to success.
  • Knowledge and curiosity should be treated with respect. Knowledge breeds enthusiasm. Children should gain knowledge inart, exact sciences, journalism, poetry and philosophy.
  • Place your child in a challenging and stimulating environment. The unconscious absorbs everything like a sponge, and we become a by-product of the environment. Try to enrich it, not impoverish it.
  • Hyperactivityis an extremely useful quality. High energy and speed always win. Watch over active children, but do not reassure them with medications or punish them. This behavior is controlled but cannot be changed. Many of the mighty of this world were very active in childhood.
  • Don't limit your imagination. All creative endeavors of adults come from childhood fantasies, which are a by-product of a developed right hemisphere (responsible for spatial-imaginative thinking) and a holistic vision of the world.

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