What is the best way to drink vitamins. When is the best time of day to take vitamins? Why vitamins are needed

The most common questions you ask on your blog are about taking vitamins, and it's no surprise! How to drink vitamins correctly, which vitamins to take with meals, and which ones during breaks? I have compiled these questions to be answered by experts from the American Vitamin Testing Lab.

Last time, experts answered the question. Today we will talk about how to take vitamins correctly.

How to take probiotics: with meals or between meals?

If you are taking probiotics with enteric coating, then you can take them at any time, as the probiotic bacteria will not be harmed by the action of stomach acid. But not all probiotics (especially in powder form) are coated, and the best time to take them is with a meal containing some fat or shortly before such a meal.

In this case, the survival of bacteria in gastric acid will be significantly increased, and probiotics will not lose their high activity.

What vitamins to take with food?

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins and They are best absorbed when consumed with a diet containing fat..

The same rule applies to taking all kinds of oils and omega acids (fish oil, omega 3-6-7-9, evening primrose oil, krill oil, etc.), alpha-lipoic acid, stanols and coenzyme Q 10 (although now there are special types of coenzyme that are soluble in water).

Some supplements are best taken with meals, these are reduces the occurrence of side effects. For example, taking magnesium with food can reduce the occurrence of diarrhea, and taking iron or SAMe supplements reduces the likelihood of indigestion, although food is not necessary for their absorption.

How to drink vitamins?

While fat-soluble vitamins are best taken with food, by analogy it is easy to assume that water-soluble forms of vitamins can also be taken with water.

Why? Food slows down the transit time of supplements through the small intestine, where vitamins and minerals are absorbed. Their longer residence time in the intestine creates more opportunities for their absorption.

Therefore, it is obvious that all vitamins and minerals are best taken with meals.

How to take herbs?

Bitter herbs (bitters) should be taken 10-15 minutes before meals to improve digestion. Other herbal extracts should be taken as far away from food as possible(usually 40 minutes before or 2-3 hours after a meal), as the fiber in the food can lead to poor absorption of herbs.

If you are taking an herbal complex in which most of the components are herbs, then take it between meals. But if vitamins and minerals predominate in the complex, then it is better with food.

How to drink enzymes?

To aid digestion, take enzymes at the beginning of a meal.

But if you are taking systemic enzymes to treat a disease or organ (like bromelain to reduce pain and inflammation), then take it between meals.

How to drink amino acids?

Although all types of protein (protein) contain amino acids that are broken down during digestion, special amino acid supplements and complexes should be taken separately from meals so as not to cause competition with proteins.

Amino acid supplements are taken on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before meals or 2-3 hours after.

Examples. I will name the most popular: lysine for the treatment of herpes, tryptophan for good sleep and mood. NAC to enhance antioxidant protection and neutralize toxins. Arginine to normalize blood pressure, BCAA to build muscle.

How to take hyaluronic acid and collagen

Hyaluronic acid is best taken on an empty stomach. or some time after eating (after 2-3 hours). Like probiotics, hyaluronic acid is sensitive to the action of stomach acid, which breaks it down.

Similarly, it is better to take collagen supplements so that they are absorbed by the body as much as possible and without loss.

How to drink vitamins? I am sure that now you have all the necessary knowledge for this! =)

Even if your city is not a huge metropolis, the urban lifestyle cannot be canceled. The abundance of technology, long hours at work, stress adversely affect health. The complex of vitamins of group B is a storehouse that will make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. Health, beauty, proper metabolism and energy exchange are based on these elements. Learn about the need for specific foods in the diet and a complex of preparations containing B vitamins in the body, as well as problems with their deficiency.

The benefits of B vitamins

You have definitely already heard about the colossal benefits of the complex of this group of vitamins. Each element performs its own function, which is responsible for vital processes. They cannot replace each other in the complex, so the lack of one type of vitamin leads to the destruction of the whole system. The group has 6 components included in many metabolic mechanisms. Let's get acquainted in more detail with each element of the complex and the daily norm.

B1 known under the name "thiamine" or "thiamine pyrophosphate". Vitamin takes part in the metabolism of fats, salts, carbohydrates, proteins in the body. The main element of the system - the brain - fully works only when it is provided with thiamine. Vitamin B1 is responsible for the normalization of the digestive system, stimulation of appetite, which leads to increased working capacity. The daily norm of a substance for an adult is 1.3 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg, for children under 3 years old - 0.8 mg. Lack of thiamine leads to impaired coordination, sleep, calmness, endurance of your nervous system.

Riboflavin (B2) responsible for the normalization of energy reactions. The main processes that take place with the help of this vitamin are the development, creation, regeneration of body tissues, the unification of antibodies and blood cells. The norm of riboflavin B2 in the body contributes to the coordinated work of the skeleton, muscles, immunity, digestive system and hematopoiesis. It is necessary for hair, skin, nails, therefore, with a lack of vitamin they deteriorate (brittleness, lethargy are characteristic). The daily norm for adults is 1.2 mg, for a child of 4 years old - 0.6 mg, for pregnant women - 1.6 mg.

Nicotinic acid, vitamin PP or B3- on guard of the epidermis. His job is to stimulate skin respiration. Nicotinic acid regulates blood circulation, normalizes the processes of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and protects against atherosclerosis. In group B, the "nicotine" vitamin prevents the development of pellagra. The daily norm of nicotinic acid for an adult is 15 mg, for a 5-year-old baby - 8 mg, for a pregnant woman - 18 mg.

Pantothenic acid, or B5, is responsible for the normal tone of muscle tissues, thermoregulation of the body, and heart function. Vitamin participates in the synthesis of adrenal hormones and blood antibodies, protecting the body from infectious diseases, toxic substances and cancer. With a lack of B5, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and insomnia occur. The daily norm of a vitamin for an adult body per day is 6 mg, for a child of 5 years old - 4 mg, for a pregnant woman - 8 mg.

Pyridoxine, or B6, is involved in the coupling reactions of amino acids in the body. Vitamin helps to produce enzymes and hormones, break down fats, lowering cholesterol levels. Lack of pyridoxine can lead to anemia, regression of the processes of the cardiovascular system. If there is a lack of vitamin B6 in your body, it will easily lead to dermatitis, depression, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in skin tissues. The daily norm for an adult is 2.1 mg, for a child of 5 years old - 1.2 mg, for a pregnant woman - 2.5 mg.

Folic acid, or B9, is essential during pregnancy. Vitamin is responsible for the creation of a normal nervous system, blood circulation, timely growth of the fetus. If the body has enough folic acid, then menstruation in adolescents is painless, menopause in women is without complications, and in pregnant women the risk of premature birth is minimized. Hypovitaminosis B9 leads to anemia, leukemia of the body, irritability, apathy, and insomnia. The daily norm of folic acid for adults and children is 0.2 mg, for pregnant and lactating girls - 0.3 mg.

Cyanocobalamin, or B12, is important in the processes of creating red blood cells and synthesizing hemoglobin. Vitamin contributes to the production of antibodies in the body that resist viruses and infections. The course of processes in the male reproductive system requires B12 elements. The daily norm of a vitamin for an adult is from 3 mcg, for children 5 years old - 1.6 mcg, for pregnant women - 4 mcg.

How to take B vitamins in tablets

If you notice the slightest signs of hypovitaminosis, you need to include an additional source of B vitamins. In pharmacies, you will often find B1, B2, B6 and B12 in preparations, because other components are quite enough in food. Why do I need a complex of vitamins of this group in tablets? Have you ever heard of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? The main reason for this state of health is the lack of a complex of vitamins of group B.

The instructions for each drug will explain in detail how to take, when it is better to take the pills. The main action of this group is the release of body energy for the processing of carbohydrates into glucose. Before starting a vitamin course, talk to your therapist about it, find out the rules for taking and how often to use B-complexes. Study the contraindications and only then compare the symptoms of your body with the prescribed drug. If there is the slightest uncertainty, donate blood for analysis to determine a possible allergy to the vitamin.


This is a multivitamin (B1, B2, B6, B12), which is used for diseases of the nervous system, various neuralgia, liver, paresthesia, nausea in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, lumbago, lack of these elements during lactation. An unbalanced diet, frequent alcohol and nicotine, exhaustion of the body are other reasons to take B-complex vitamins. The course is 2-4 weeks, the daily rate is determined according to the instructions. Side effects with allergies to B vitamins - in the form of dermatitis. Do not take with increased sensitivity of the body, combine with alcohol.


Pharmacology offers a complex of water-soluble vitamins of groups B1, B6, B12. For maximum effect, it is recommended to consume vitamin B tablets after a meal with water or tea. The course and daily norms are up to your doctor. Among the rare side effects of the body on the drug of this group: skin itching, nausea, the development of tachycardia. Neuromultivit is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, people who cannot tolerate the components of the vitamin complex. at:

  • lumbago;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • epilepsy;
  • sciatica;
  • plexite;
  • paresis of the facial nerve.

Doppelherz active magnesium plus: B vitamins

Pharmacological classification - dietary supplement for food. The combination of magnesium, folic acid, B1, B6, B12. Possible compatibility with other drugs. Before taking, consult with your doctor, where to find out how often you can drink and at what time to take the pills. Overdoses were not observed, contraindications - individual intolerance to vitamins. Indications for the use of a group of vitamins:

  • increased fatigue;
  • physical exercise;
  • the body's need for additional energy;
  • constant stress;
  • fatigue after severe illness.

Vitamin b complex - B Complex

This complex contains B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B8, B9, B12 and auxiliary components. Vitamins of this group increase immunity, improve and strengthen hair and nails. The complex is used for impaired metabolism, disorders of the central nervous system, skin rashes. Vitamins in food do not always satisfy the needs of the body, so this complex is taken with meals. The complex preparation of group B is limited to individuals with individual intolerance, children under 12 years old, women during pregnancy and lactation.

Superum Vitamins

If you are looking for a cheap vitamin B complex of the group, then Superum dietary supplement is just right for your body. It contains B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B9. The body needs the Superum complex if an additional source of vitamins is needed, with alcoholism and diabetes, for the stability of the nervous system, for gaining mass with maximum efficiency. Contraindications - individual intolerance. For data on the daily rate of the complex and the period of use, contact the therapist.

Table of products containing vitamin B in the table

List of vitamins

What products contain

Thiamine (B1)

Getting energy from proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, wholemeal flour products.

Riboflavin (B2)

Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, maintains the normal state of the epidermis, vision, mucous membranes.

Buckwheat, pasta, milk and all derivatives, yeast, all cabbage.

Nicotinic acid (B3)

Connects proteins and fats in the body, stimulates skin oxygenation.

Nuts, liver, fish, green vegetables, buckwheat, egg yolk, milk, yeast, beans.

Choline (B4)

Dairy products, beans, spinach, yolk, liver, kidneys.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

Reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, stimulates the production of energy from food.

Peas, buckwheat and oatmeal, green vegetables, fish caviar, liver, hazelnuts, poultry meat.

Pyridoxine (B6)

Stimulates the formation of antibodies in the body against infections, reactions of carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin compounds.

Potatoes, various cereals, citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, meat, liver, cabbage, walnuts, hazelnuts.

Biotin (B7)

Promotes the health of the dermis, hair, strengthens nerve tissue and brain cells.

Liver, kidney, egg yolk, spinach, yeast, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Inositol (B8)

Lowers cholesterol levels, stimulates reactions in the brain, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Wheat germ and bran, beef heart, brains, oranges, flour products.

Folic acid (B9)

Cell division, formation of nucleic acid and new red blood cells, healthy development of the fetus in the womb.

Honey, citruses, beans, yeast, liver, wholemeal flour.

Cobalamin (B12)

For the nervous system, for the growth of the body.

Products of animal origin.

Vitamins in ampoules

Has your hair faded, lost its strength and color, is it constantly falling out? It is not necessary to go to expensive medical procedures or buy luxury shampoos to restore their condition. Use vitamin ampoules with components B1, B6, B9. They play an important role for hair - they resist excessive hair loss, are used in complex treatment against baldness, for skin - they prevent rapid aging, relieve itching. How to use vitamins in hair ampoules? A few important rules of complex preparations:

  • Cut off the head of the ampoule with a special nail file to avoid cuts and loss of fragments. Break off vessels with a mark by hand.
  • The ampoule is designed for single use. If the recipe says to take a smaller amount of vitamins, then after a while the liquid in the open vessel will no longer be useful.
  • The concentration of the agent in the ampoule is so significant that you need to avoid excess. The dosage must be clear and precise.
  • Apply the contents of the ampoule to the scalp. In this way, the most beneficial effect is achieved, the vitamins of this group are absorbed into the vessels, and metabolic processes pass faster in the layers of the epidermis.

How to inject B vitamins

Doctors prescribe injections intravenously or intramuscularly to patients who have limited nutrition or have diseases (osteochondrosis, diabetes). Can B vitamins be mixed? No. If you are prescribed several components, you inject injections alternately - today B1, tomorrow B6 and beyond. You can do intramuscular injections yourself in the buttock, after washing your hands, rubbing the injection site with alcohol. Intravenous - only to the nurse if you or family members do not have the appropriate medical education.

From the video you will learn about the first signs of a lack of vitamins in this group. Don't expect overt symptoms that will obviously require you to see a doctor. A small lack of nutrients is easy to make up for with a quick course of tablets, capsules, if you know that you definitely won’t get the necessary daily intake of vitamins of this group in food. The information and tips in the video below will help you, even if you only suspect why your hair is constantly falling out or your skin tone is fading.

All vitamins are important for our body, as each of them performs a specific function. Let's talk about B vitamins. How long can I take B vitamins and how to do it right?

Correct use of B vitamins?

When are B vitamins taken?

Let's find out in which cases a person needs to take this substance:

Be sure to take such a vitamin complex if you drink antibiotics. They rapidly remove vitamin B from the body;

This substance is necessary for a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, ulcers;

B-avitaminosis is evidenced by constant fatigue, lethargy, nervousness, deterioration of brain activity, numbness of the fingers, depression, sleep problems.

If you feel the need for vitamin B, you can get it from food or pharmacy products.

How to take B vitamins

Now that you know how important these vitamins are, let's find out when to take beneficial micronutrients and how to do it correctly so that they bring maximum benefit.

The fact is that many vitamins from this group can cause a rather strong allergic reaction. These include B1, B2, B3, B6, B12. Therefore, doctors recommend, if possible, to get them from food, and not from pharmacy products.

You can get them on the condition of a varied and nutritious diet. It should include different types of meat, liver, eggs, nuts, cereals, butter, sea fish, greens, cabbage, carrots, yellow fruits and dairy products.

But in some cases, you can not do without special vitamin complexes. Only a doctor can determine such cases, he will also select the appropriate medicine. The complex should include various vitamins from this group. Such funds will be the most effective for the body. Most often, these drugs need to be taken one tablet three times a day to get a daily dose of the vitamin. However, before taking, be sure to check the instructions.

In the body, it is most often found in the cold season and in spring. Fatigue, drowsiness, frequent illnesses, deterioration of the skin, hair, cracked lips are typical signs of beriberi.

The variety of modern medicines is impressive - on the shelves of any pharmacy you can find multivitamins for every taste and budget. But, despite this, quite often doctors find symptoms of beriberi in adults and children due to improper intake of random “vitamins”. You can fight beriberi without consulting a doctor. It is important to know which vitamins and how to take them correctly.

Most multivitamins should be taken after a meal to reduce the risk of allergic reactions, nausea, and other side effects. Swallow the tablet whole if it is not a chewable vitamin. Otherwise, some of the beneficial properties of vitamins will be destroyed in the mouth and stomach.

Some vitamins are better absorbed in combination with other vitamins or trace elements. For example, vitamin A is better absorbed with vitamins B, D, E or minerals - calcium, phosphorus, zinc. Vitamins B and C complement each other and work well with calcium and magnesium. Assimilation of vitamin D improves with the simultaneous intake of calcium and phosphorus. But if a multivitamin complex includes vitamins and minerals separately, it is quite possible that they should be taken at different times for better absorption.

Watch the expiration dates of vitamins. Promotions and sales in the pharmacy often apply to products that expire in the coming months. Pay attention to this when buying large packs of vitamins for the whole family.

Follow the exact dosages. Typically, multivitamin and mineral packages have recommendations for age and gender. Most of the vitamins do not have to accumulate, and the excess is excreted by the body without any problems. But sometimes hypervitaminosis can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Excess vitamins A, D, E, F accumulate in the liver - this can cause headaches and nausea. Vitamin C can cause allergic rashes. Its excess interferes with the absorption of vitamin B6 and magnesium, and can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Too much vitamin D makes bones brittle.

It is important to know that alcohol intake destroys vitamins A, B in the body, prevents the absorption of potassium, zinc, iron and magnesium. With vitamin deficiency and taking a multivitamin complex, it is better to completely abandon alcoholic beverages.

Cigarette abuse destroys vitamins A, C, E. Selenium deficiency is often found in the body of smokers. Coffee lovers should keep in mind that this drink reduces the amount of potassium, iron, calcium, zinc in your body. Caffeine also destroys important B and PP vitamins.

Sedatives and sleeping pills greatly reduce the amount of calcium and make it difficult for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, B12. Diuretics lower the concentration of any vitamins, especially group B. They also remove zinc, magnesium and potassium from the body.

If you are allergic or have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, nervous system, be sure to consult your doctor before choosing a drug. Vitamins for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician, and for pregnant women - by a gynecologist. These precautions will help you reduce your risk of allergies and side effects and get the most benefit from your treatment.