What is dandruff with dry scalp? The difference between dry scalp and dandruff Severe dry dandruff treatment

Small flaky flakes of dry dandruff are distributed over the entire surface of the scalp or concentrated in the parietal and frontal areas. This layer formed on the skin - a kind of crust - closes the access of air and nutrients to the hair follicle, as a result of which it is depleted. Worried about skin itching, hair over time becomes dry, brittle and begins to fall out intensely. Dandruff is sometimes considered as an infectious disease. And some experts do not classify it as a disease at all, since it is not accompanied by inflammation, but simply the result of dry scalp, say, due to poor blood circulation.


The outer zone of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis) consists of flat, dead cells. They are formed in this way. As soon as skin cells - keratinocytes are born, new ones are born under them, which displace the previous ones. So keratinocytes begin to gradually migrate from the deep layers of the skin to its surface. Moving forward, they change, from voluminous ones they turn into flat keratinized scales - corneocytes. On the surface, they peel off. Updating occurs constantly: on average, every four weeks we can observe traces of what seems to be dandruff on our absolutely healthy skin. Old cells die, new ones are formed. A small amount of dead exfoliating cells is the natural state of the skin, this is not yet dandruff. You can talk about it when the delamination becomes excessive, conspicuous, and its color changes from transparent to white.

According to experts, every third suffers from dandruff, although many do not consider it a problem - they perceive it as a temporary inconvenience. But despite the fact that the main manifestations of the disease are localized on the scalp, dandruff is a systemic problem of the whole organism.

Most cases of dandruff are associated with the activation of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale (aka Malassezia Furfur), which settles on the scalp. This yeast fungus is part of the normal microflora of the skin, and almost everyone has it. When the amount of fungus is normal, then exfoliation occurs imperceptibly. However, with increased work of the sebaceous glands, the presence of representatives of the saprophytic microflora increases significantly, which leads to disruption of the process of normal keratinization of the skin, accelerated cell renewal of the surface layer of the scalp and their increased exfoliation, that is, to the appearance of dandruff.

Seborrhea, hormonal disorders, diseases of the endocrine system, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infections, stress, decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, overwork, improper hair care, heredity contribute to the reproduction of the fungus and the appearance of dandruff.

Using low-quality shampoos, regular drying and styling hair with a hairdryer, hair coloring, the use of henna, basma, styling products, poor water quality, improperly selected shampoo can also lead to too frequent renewal of scalp cells and, as a result, dandruff.

It is important to determine where the cause of the trouble lies, because the conventional name "dandruff" combines three different conditions: seborrheic dermatitis, oily seborrhea and dandruff as such. These diseases are very similar to each other.

Dandruff differs from seborrhea in that it can be the result of both a violation of the production of sebum (seborrhea, and not necessarily pronounced), and an infection.

In most cases, dandruff is a companion of seborrhea. This oily dandruff- in the form of layered, sticking together yellowish scales, sometimes turning into yellow crusts. They do not exfoliate well and accumulate on the surface of the skin. Dry (simple) dandruff it exfoliates well, easily crumbles on the shoulders and is a white or grayish dry scales. Often such dandruff is called dry seborrhea, but this is wrong, since there is no hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands characteristic of seborrhea.


Despite the fact that much is already known about dandruff, the main cause of its occurrence has not yet been identified. "Start" the mechanism of dandruff formation can be metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal tract activity, hormonal abnormalities ... Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude diseases that can cause dandruff. If everything is in order with the general state of health, then the trichologist examines the condition of the hair and scalp using computer microvideo diagnostics. This method allows you to see a person’s hair from the very roots, magnified 1000 times, to assess the condition of the skin of the scalp (dry, oily, prone to dryness or oiliness, prone to seborrhea, depleted, and so on), which is important for a trichologist to establish a diagnosis. Microvideo diagnostics allows you to assess the intensity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the presence of sebaceous plugs and blockages. You can determine the condition of the hair follicle, identify empty, but still living follicles, examine the bulbs.


Dandruff is an alarming symptom of hair disease and disorder in the body itself, therefore, at the slightest sign, it is recommended to immediately begin to fight this problem. Before dealing with the elimination of dandruff itself as a consequence, it is necessary to deal with the treatment of diseases that caused it.

Oily dandruff treatment

Treatment of this type of dandruff involves the use of agents that affect seborrhea, as well as preventing the reproduction of the fungus M. Furfur. These substances include: zinc pyrithione, climbazole, ketoconazole, selenium disulfide. These funds have an antimicrobial effect - they control the number of M. Furfur. It is also necessary to use agents that have a cytostatic effect (reducing the rate of cell reproduction). These include octopirox (piroctone olamine), tar, selenium disulfide. An equally important point is the use of products that have a keratolic effect, that is, the ability to remove the top layer of the epidermis - flakes: this is also tar, as well as sulfur, salicylic acid.

Tar, sulfur and salicylic acid exfoliate the skin well, destroy dandruff flakes and prevent cells from sticking together. Sulfur is called a self-separation corrector. Selenium disulfide also reduces the secretion of sebum (sulsen paste).

In the treatment of dandruff, the right shampoo plays an important role. The one that combines three actions is optimal: it destroys the fungus, reduces the rate of cell growth and removes dandruff flakes. Shampoo must be able to use: take into account that climbazole and ketoconazole, which prevent the fungus from multiplying, are quickly washed off with water, so the product that they are part of must be kept on the hair for several minutes. Zinc, unlike climbazole and ketoconazole, fights the fungus less effectively, but it is more difficult to wash it off, so it stays on the hair for a long time, providing them with treatment and protection.

The effectiveness of anti-dandruff products is largely determined by substantivity, that is, the ability of a substance to remain on the surface of the hair by binding to keratin. The therapeutic agent, which is on the surface of the hair for a longer time, acts more effectively. Due to the high substantivity, the substance can remain on the hair shaft even after rinsing. Piroctone olamine, for example, has a high substantivity. It is well adsorbed on the surface of the hair and gives a prolonged therapeutic effect. Experiments have shown that after a single shampooing with a shampoo containing 1% of the drug, about 20 mg of the active substance is adsorbed on the hair and scalp.

As an example of a therapeutic agent, one can name the Friderm Tar shampoo - in its composition, as the name implies, there is tar, as well as octopirox. Head&Shoulders, Friederm Zinc shampoos contain zinc pyrithione. Shampoo "Nizoral" includes ketoconazole and climbazole. All dandruff remedies require regular use.

Dry dandruff treatment

In difficult cases, treatment can be started with the use of 10% sulfuric ointment as a keratolic agent. An example of such a procedure:

The hair should be divided into thin strands and rub the ointment along the partings for 3-5 minutes, then rinse. Carry out the procedure for 8 days, and on the 9th give the hair a rest. On the 10th head, you need to wash it with freshly boiled water and medicated shampoos containing selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole. The next day, the hair can be treated with a fresh solution of boric acid (2 teaspoons of boric acid are dissolved in 150 grams of hot water). The solution is shaken, rubbed into the scalp, wet hair is tied with a handkerchief all night - three days in a row. Then 7 days - rest, on the 10th day they wash their hair and repeat the treatment cycle 2-3 times.

As an agent with a cytostatic effect, a shampoo containing selenium disulfide is used to treat dry dandruff. It is desirable that the shampoo includes at least one of the following components: zinc, selenium, sulfur or tar. They slow down the rate of cell division of the scalp and "remove" the scales from the skin, so that dandruff is easily washed off.

Favorably affects the use of shampoo, which contains salicylic acid, which helps to remove scales, in combination with vegetable oils - tea tree oil or black poplar. In general, oil treatment is a suitable method in the case of dry dandruff. You can resort to trichological massage with hot oil. Thanks to the active ingredients and the temperature of the oil, moisturizing agents penetrate deep into the hair, leaving it silky and moisturizing from the inside.

Of herbal supplements, burdock, nettle, sage, rosemary are most useful.

It is necessary to distinguish between dandruff as a disease and dandruff as a phenomenon of dryness of the scalp due to insufficiently intensive blood circulation. In the second case, the scales are not so abundant, they appear mainly during combing. This skin condition can be easily corrected. It happens that a regular head massage is enough to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon.

The cause of dry dandruff may be a lack of moisture in the epidermis. In this case, it is enough to restore the water balance in the body so that the scalp is no longer dry - drink more plain clean water at room temperature (mineral, spring).

An old and proven remedy like tar soap can help get rid of dandruff. He, however, has a sharp, unpleasant odor, which explains the unpopularity of this effective remedy.

For a more effective effect of keratolytic agents for the treatment of both dry and oily dandruff, physiotherapeutic methods are used - cryotherapy (massage with liquid nitrogen) and d * arsonvalization of the scalp using a special comb electrode. Cryomassage has proven itself especially well: strong cold activates metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp and at the same time eliminates excess cellular layers - the skin is renewed.


The main thing in the success of treatment is a healthy lifestyle. Do not get carried away with fatty, spicy, salty and sweet dishes, forget about alcohol, but remember vitamins (for dandruff and seborrhea, a complex of B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, H, U) and trace elements (calcium, copper, zinc ). You should especially monitor the provision of the body with B vitamins and include seafood (fish, oysters, cod liver), fresh vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, carrots) and nuts (walnuts, peanuts) in your diet. Vitamin PP is also necessary for the scalp, it is found in cheese, dates, peanuts, tomatoes, and liver. We need to strengthen the immune system. If your body as a whole is healthy, then this will have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair.

Pay attention to what water you wash your hair with. Hard water not only leads to dandruff, but also contributes to increased hair loss, making them brittle and tangled. Hard water can be softened by adding a drop of vinegar to it, or by washing your hair with distilled water.

Dandruff is one of the common companions of diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, at the first sign of it, pay attention to your lifestyle. Stress should be avoided - this can provoke the activation of the sebaceous glands. The cause of dandruff can be, for example, insomnia. Healthy full sleep, rest and absence of stressful situations prevent not only hair diseases, but also many skin diseases.


To prevent an unpleasant “snowfall”, you can use preventive shampoos, but not more than once every two weeks: they can harm the microflora of the scalp, make it dry and susceptible to any misfortunes. Better yet, use essential oils, which not only have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair, but also help fight dandruff. At the same time, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree oils help fight predisposition to oily dandruff, and cedar, cypress, lavender and chamomile - to dry.

As a preventive measure for the occurrence of dandruff, trichologists advise periodically rubbing castor oil into the scalp, and when washing your hair, give 10-15 minutes of light massage. This improves blood circulation and promotes deeper penetration of nutrients. You can wash your hair 1-2 times a month with a decoction of nettle, burdock root or coltsfoot flowers.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene - change brushes and combs, monitor the cleanliness of hats. After all, in autumn and winter, the problem of dandruff is exacerbated not only because we wear hats, and the hair quickly becomes greasy, and the scalp stops breathing. Dandruff in the cold season also appears because the headgear may not be washed from last winter.

It would be nice to pay attention to what you use for hair styling: if you have oily hair, the amount of product should be minimized, with dry hair, choose thick creams and waxes. And it is better to limit all hair manipulations associated with exposure to aggressive chemicals (hair coloring, perm).

Dandruff on the head appears mainly when a person lacks vitamins. This problem has several manifestations: just like hair, dandruff can be dry and oily. If we talk about how to get rid of dry dandruff, then treatment should begin with a review of the diet and with the right selection of hair care products - shampoos, balms, conditioners, and so on.

Dry dandruff can be located over the entire surface of the scalp, and can be concentrated only in certain parts of it: the traditional "risk zones" are the forehead, crown and temples. Dry dandruff particles are usually small. They are easily separated from the upper layers of the skin. Sometimes there are so many of them that one gets the impression that the head is covered with dust. It is dry dandruff that constantly falls from the hair, lying on the shoulders, chest and neck. People sometimes call it “lime” for this, and this is one of the symptoms of dry scalp seborrhea, and the appearance of such dandruff is associated with insufficiently intense work of the sebaceous glands on the scalp. There is also oily dandruff: it is a rather large and heavy flake, saturated with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In any case, such a phenomenon as dandruff indicates certain malfunctions in the body. In addition to the lack of vitamins and nutrients, it can be caused by hormonal imbalance, an excess of fatty and high-calorie foods, a stressful situation, chronic overwork and lack of sleep, as well as alcohol abuse.

Restoration of water balance as a method of treating dry dandruff

Since you are serious about getting rid of dry dandruff, adjust your daily diet. Try to eat as little fried and fatty foods as possible, minimize the number of confectionery products such as sweets and sweet pastries. Use fish oil: hair masks based on it and the internal use of capsules for literally a month will help you bring your head into a divine form. Eat more foods that contain:

1. vitamin A- beef, veal and pork liver, low-fat cottage cheese, carrots, parsley, spinach, sorrel, fish oil, pumpkin, tomatoes, prunes.
2. vitamin B1- liver again, brewer's yeast, bran, sunflower seeds, germinated wheat grains.
3. vitamin B2- brewer's and baker's yeast, almonds, chicken eggs, peanuts, buckwheat and oatmeal, cocoa, veal.
4. vitamin B6, as well as all other B vitamins for hair - potatoes, red beans, molasses, bananas, cabbage.

Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water per day to normalize the water balance in the body: your skin is sorely lacking in moisture, which could lead to dandruff.

Wash your hair with special anti-dandruff shampoos, and before each wash, thoroughly comb your hair with a comb, otherwise, after the hygiene procedure, the hair will still look faded and dull.

Folk remedies for dry dandruff

The process of hair recovery can be accelerated by some effective folk remedies - for example, many people know how useful onion is for hair growth, but it can also be an excellent medicine in the case of dandruff. Even if you have very little free time, and you can only do healing masks once a week, it will still be an additional powerful blow to dry dandruff. So spare no effort on the beauty of your hair.

1. Mask of yolks with lemon. Carefully separate the yolks of two fresh chicken eggs from the whites. Combine them with juice squeezed from half a lemon. The mask will turn out to be more nutritious if you add a teaspoon of burdock or castor oil to it. The mixture is applied to the hair, a plastic cap is put on top and the head is wrapped with a terry towel. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water. Regularity - once every 2 days.
2. Olive oil mask with sea buckthorn. A glass of sea buckthorn berries is rubbed through a sieve and combined with 1/3 cup of olive oil. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 degrees Celsius. The mask should be applied to the hair warm and rubbed into the scalp. Under a terry towel, it is kept from 0.5 to 1 hour, and then washed off with warm water and dandruff shampoo. Regularity - 2-3 times a week.
3. Masks from fermented milk products. In the fight against dry dandruff, kefir, whey, yogurt, and thin fat-free sour cream will help well (in which case it can be diluted a little with water). They are simply distributed over the scalp and along the entire length of the hair, to the very tips. Stand for about half an hour, then thoroughly wash the head with warm water. Keep in mind that after applying masks made from fermented milk products or chicken eggs, the specific smell of these products may remain on the hair.

P.S.: Do you have your own original recipe on the topic “How to get rid of dry dandruff”? You can write it in the comments to this article.

The frantic rhythm of life and stress is the main reason for the development of diseases of the skin of the head. Basically, people do not focus on the appearance of dandruff, believing that it will disappear over time and the skin will return to its original form. But do not forget that this is still a disease that needs treatment, and not a cosmetic problem.

Dandruff - (lat. pityriasis - bran) - the process of exfoliation of small particles of the skin epidermis of the head. The horny cells are broken, which leads to the appearance of white scales on the hairline. This is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis.

There are two types: dry and oily dandruff. Consider in the table how to distinguish dry dandruff from oily.

Dry dandruff oily dandruff
Occurs when the sebaceous glands do not work properly. Not enough of them are allocated. A dry cell is formed, which is divided into parts and moves away from the head covering, bringing discomfort to a person in the form of white “snow”. The scales gradually build up on each other, forming a cover of a grayish-white color, accompanied by itching.

This is the most common type among the population. Quite a long recovery process.

The scalp becomes dry, the hair quickly becomes oily at the root and tends to brittle and fall out.

Dry scalp and dandruff are the first sign of skin disease.

The oily surface is characterized by a large secretion of the sebaceous glands. It leads to oily hair roots.

Oily dandruff has two types:

  • liquid;
  • Thick dandruff.

In the liquid form, dandruff sticks together in large scales and covers the head with a continuous greasy carpet. You need to wash your hair every day, as it gets dirty quickly. This is facilitated by unfavorable factors: stress, ecology, hard work.

With a thick form, blockage of the glands occurs, dense skin becomes. Which will lead to suppuration and, as a result, scarring.

Causes of dry dandruff

The scalp, which has no problems, looks fresh, smooth and beautiful. But when dandruff appears, everything changes dramatically. Unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, dryness and small scales turn everything upside down. This disease is accompanied by a number of reasons, which led to negative consequences.

Increase peeling can:

  • Lack of nutrients, vitamins in the body;
  • Poor functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Saturation of the scalp with ultraviolet light;
  • Unprofessional cosmetic procedures;
  • The effect of hot water when washing on the hairline;
  • Poor quality cosmetics (shampoo, gel, balm, mask);
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Frequent use of heat-releasing devices (hairdryer, curling iron, iron);
  • Violation of the endocrine system;
  • Suppression of the body by stressful situations;
  • Psychological and moral state in general;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Sensitivity of the scalp to the water with which it washes;
  • Heredity;
  • Lack of basic hygiene rules;
  • Violation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Disrupted meal schedule;
  • Genetic factors (gender, age);
  • Cardiac and vascular diseases.

Very often, the problem lies in the wrong selection of hair care products. It is enough to change the shampoo and the skin will regain its former appearance.

How to distinguish dandruff from dry skin?

People are not guided in their problem and cannot say exactly what is wrong with them. The lack of information is frightening and alarming.

There are several signs by which you can determine the degree of the disease.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. In order to avoid other similar diseases, with the first signs, consult a specialist. Do not forget about your health, if the diagnosis is not correct, there can be unpleasant consequences.

Contraindications when symptoms appear

  • You can't scratch your head. Unpleasant itching does not allow you to live in peace, irritates and makes you scratch. But this can lead to the formation of wounds. An infection will penetrate through it and aggravate the condition, inflammation and purulent acne will appear;
  • Stop dyeing your hair for a while;
  • Do not injure the skin with iron combs;
  • Use of styling items (varnish, gel, foam);
  • Do not use a hair dryer, curling iron, straightening iron.

Shampoo for dry dandruff

There is one positive sign of dry head - it is easily amenable to medical therapy. Basically, choosing the right shampoo or any hair enhancer can easily say goodbye to the problem.

How to get rid of dry dandruff with the help of cosmetic and medicinal herbs. The basis of the shampoo includes many useful substances and vitamins. That will improve the condition of the skin and get rid of the symptoms of dandruff. The advantage is that it can be bought without problems in any store or pharmacy. And the disadvantage is the area of ​​​​impact, does not touch the skin, most often improves only the condition of the hair.

The composition of this tool includes vitamins, minerals, useful substances that facilitate peeling and nourish the skin. Also decoctions of herbs to restore the condition of the hair and skin. The main components are salicylic acid and resin. They reduce the loss of moisture, increase the receipt of a fortified complex.

With the correct and systematic use of shampoo, peeling is reduced and the condition of the epidermis is restored. The dryness of the cells is reduced, which allows you to improve blood circulation. Undoubtedly, hair improve their condition. They will be beautiful, elastic and shining curls.

The most popular shampoos are Head & Shoulders, CLEAR, Garnier.

Professional tools include:

  • Natura Siberica;
  • Cutrin BIO+;
  • Shampoo by Loreal.

The listed products contain organic components, restore the upper layer of the epidermis, nourish, moisturize and restore fat balance.

With medicinal properties
A unique tool that will:
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Against fungal infections;
  • Decreased peeling;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • Works as an antiseptic.

Perfectly remove the peeling of dead parts of the skin, reduces itching and irritation.

Medicated shampoos are sold exclusively in pharmacies. They contain tar, ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium disulphide, salicylic acid, sulfur and additional components.

At present, the following are in demand: Keto +, Nizoral, Sebopirox.

Creams and gels are also used in the treatment. Their fatty structure improves the skin, toning it, restoring the bulb. Helps to moisturize and fill the scalp with useful elements, vitamins.

Medication treatment

Best of all, complex treatment - shampoo + antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs. With their help, you can extract the problem inside and out. But before taking the drug, consult your doctor to avoid allergic reactions.

How to get rid of dry dandruff folk remedies

Everyone knows that folk methods of treatment are the most effective and pleasant against the disease. In the time of our great-grandmothers, traditional medicine has always been in the first place, since only herbs in their natural form have miraculous effects. Dry scalp and dandruff what to do? Folk remedies for dry dandruff are natural masks based on herbs and honey.

Consider folk methods of treatment:

  • Mayonnaise honey mask. Ingredients: 50 g honey, 1 tbsp. l flax oil, 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise, 5 lm aloe juice and 1 fresh yolk. Stir and apply on the head, keep for about 20 minutes. Use 2-3 times a week before shampooing;
  • Oatmeal Toning Mask. Relieves dryness and itching. The effect is achieved after three weeks. Ingredients: Pour 100 g of oatmeal flakes with herbal tincture (10 g of chopped herbs - chamomile, plantain, nettle, sage and oregano). The mass is absorbed for two hours;
  • A decoction of oak bark and onion peel. The best way to get rid of dry dandruff forever. Ingredients: 100 g of bark and 100 g of husk, pour boiling water and boil for several minutes. Cool the resulting liquid, strain and apply to the entire head. Hold for 30 minutes and rinse with water and shampoo;
  • Decoction of young nettle. Ingredients: 1 glass of water and 5 g of nettle. Swirl and put infused for 30 minutes. Add 5 lm of vodka, fresh yolk and a spoonful of olive oil to the liquid. Rub the finished mass into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bulbs;
  • Add burdock oil to food. One spoon 2-3 times. There is a restoration inside;
  • Castor oil. Composition: 10 tbsp. l. chopped calendula flowers and 1-2 tbsp. l. castor oil. Apply the mixture to clean hair, do not rinse. Use 2 weeks 1 time per day;
  • Burdock decoction. Composition: 5 tbsp. l. dry chopped burdock per 3 liters of water. Simmer the mixture for about 5 hours. Cool, strain and apply to skin and hair. Use every day for 3 weeks. Wash off with warm water;
  • . Ingredients: a few fresh yolks and 50 g of water. Beat everything and leave for a couple of hours. Keep the mask for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water;
  • Black bread mask. Reduces dryness and brittleness of hair and scalp. Ingredients: Pour boiling water over 1 slice of black bread. As it becomes warm, then rub this gruel into the head, rinse with plain water. Shampoo is not needed, you will have clean and healthy skin without additional care. There are no restrictions on use.

♦ Heading: .

All these are the main factors why dandruff appears:

  1. the impact of stress
  2. lack of nutrients in the body,
  3. low-quality hair dyes, foams and gels,
  4. temperature changes.

The first signs of a magnifying glass are reflected in the fact that the scalp looks overdried, gives in to peeling and itching, and the hair becomes brittle and loses its shine. The reasons for the appearance of dandruff also include a lack of vitamins in the body, therefore, in its treatment, do not forget about proper nutrition, sound healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air.

Dry dandruff: how to get rid, folk remedies

To quickly and effectively eliminate the magnifying glass, it is not necessary to choose 10-20 methods. It is enough to give preference to one recipe for a nutrient mixture and regularly conduct sessions to improve the scalp and hair itself.

Masks against dry dandruff

Honey and mayonnaise mask

You can soften your hair and get rid of dandruff with a mixture of fifty grams of honey, a tablespoon of linseed oil and the same amount of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice, one yolk. The mask is distributed evenly over the surface of the head. For a thermal effect, the head is wrapped in a towel and the mask is left to soak for twenty minutes. Perform the procedure before each shampooing until dandruff is eliminated.

Oatmeal mask

Another way to get rid of dandruff at home is a tonic mask based on oatmeal. The nutrient mixture is able to effectively cleanse the head of dry crusts and itching in three weeks. Ten grams of plantain, nettle, oregano, chamomile and sage are brewed with a glass of boiled water. For fifteen minutes, the broth is insisted, and then filtered through gauze. One hundred grams of instant flakes are poured with a hot herbal solution and left until the flakes swell. Apply the mask on the scalp and leave to absorb for two hours. It will be easier to wash off the excess mask from the hair if you add citric acid to the rinse water (fifteen grams of citric acid per liter of water).

Yolk and Lemon Juice Mask

To obtain a moisturizing and nourishing mask in a small container, stir two separated yolks and an incomplete teaspoon of lemon (or lime) juice until smooth. On a small fire, burdock oil is slightly heated, one teaspoon of warm oily liquid is added to the mask. The mass is mixed again, and then the mask is applied to the scalp with rubbing movements. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag or a bathing cap, and on top of your head with a terry towel. The mask is kept for fifty minutes, and then the hair is washed several times with water. Repeat the procedure every two days for thirty days.

Herbal teas to fight dandruff

Onion peel and oak bark

To forget about dry dandruff forever, one hundred grams of onion peel and dried oak bark are combined in a saucepan. Pour the raw material with a liter of boiled water, and then boil over moderate heat for another half hour. The mass is cooled and filtered. To strengthen the hair structure, you can apply a mask not only on the roots, but also along the total length of the hair. At the end of thirty minutes, the hair is washed with shampoo. If you use a decoction twice a week, then after a month you can get rid of a dry magnifying glass. For the treatment of dandruff, a fresh decoction is prepared each time.

Nettle decoction

A recognized folk remedy for dry dandruff and eliminating itching of the scalp are young shoots of nettle. To prepare a decoction, twenty-five grams of raw materials are filled with a glass of boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for half an hour. The resulting broth is filtered, fifty milliliters of alcohol (or vodka) and olive oil, one yolk are added to it. The mass is thoroughly stirred, rubbed into the hair follicles.

Nettle, yolk and almond oil

Hair will acquire a healthy appearance if you massage the head with one hundred milliliters of nettle decoction and one yolk, two tablespoons of alcohol and almond oil. A homogeneous mixture is evenly applied to the roots with massaging light movements. Leave the mask for half an hour, then wash off the mixture with water, treat the hair with a conditioner. Repeat the procedure for a month once every seven days.

Prevention of dry dandruff

Thyme decoction

Natural thyme rinse will make hair soft and manageable, and prevent dandruff at an early stage. To prepare it, four tablespoons of dried and crushed plants are diluted in a liter of water. The mass is brought to a boil over moderate heat, and then simmered on gas for another ten minutes. At the end of the time, let the broth cool, filter and rinse it with hair after washing.

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is an excellent remedy for both preventing and treating dandruff. To keep your hair healthy, it is enough to take one teaspoon of oily liquid every morning on an empty stomach.

Olive oil

Useful for the scalp are periodic rubbing into the roots of olive or castor oil. Before shampooing, apply a small amount of oily liquid and leave for fifteen minutes. This time will be enough for the oil to be absorbed into the hair follicles. Oils accelerate hair growth, make the roots strong and healthy. Such procedures will be an excellent prophylactic against dandruff.

Hair care rules

In addition to folk remedies, you can get rid of dry dandruff if you follow some rules for hair care.

  • In the process of shampooing, the hair must be lathered with shampoo and not rinsed off immediately, but left for five minutes so that the shampoo moisturizes the scalp.
  • Conditioner should be applied to clean hair, allowing it to dry naturally.
  • Blow dry not wet, but damp hair. This will reduce the drying time and reduce the effect of hot dry air on the hair structure.

Dry scalp is a fairly common problem, especially in winter. In addition to the appearance of dandruff, itching, discomfort, excessive dryness of the skin can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair and their loss.


Excessive dryness of the scalp can be caused by the following factors:

  • improper nutrition. Eating fast food, fatty and fried foods, lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • bad habits such as: smoking, drinking alcohol or drinking a lot of coffee;
  • sedentary lifestyle, insufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • refusal to wear a headdress in the cold season or in summer, on hot sunny days. Temperature fluctuations can cause increased dryness of the skin;
  • metabolic disease;
  • changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy, gynecological and endocrine diseases, during menopause;
  • the use of improperly selected cosmetics for hair care. They may not suit the type of hair or contain a large amount of sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • frequent use of hair dryers, hair straighteners or curling irons;
  • frequent hair coloring or a radical change in their color;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • genetic disposition;
  • food allergy;
  • fungal diseases;
  • chronic stress;
  • various dermatological diseases (psoriasis, ringworm).

Video: Doctor explains

What is seborrhea

Dry seborrhea is a violation of sebum production associated with a change in the secretory function of the glands or the chemical composition of the secret that they secrete.

Also, the cause of the disease can be a change in the consistency of the contents of the sebaceous glands, it becomes more viscous, as a result of which its secretion is disturbed. The disease affects people of all ages.

The main signs of the disease:

  • the scalp (in some cases, the face, upper chest and neck) becomes dry and rough;
  • small cracks appear on the surface;
  • as a result of skin detachment, fine, dust-like dandruff appears, white, silvery or yellowish in color;
  • the skin of the scalp is covered with reddish-pink spots;
  • hair becomes thin and brittle;
  • after washing the head there is a strong itch.

What to do

If the scalp is too dry, dandruff and itching appear, then you can try to get rid of this by following the following rules:

  • change hair care products. When buying, pay special attention to their composition;
  • start eating right
  • it is worth limiting the effect of high temperatures on the hair. Water for washing the head should be warm (not hot), while it is better to refuse to use a hair dryer and hair straightener;
  • massage the skin daily with light movements in order to improve blood circulation.

Removing the cause

In order to get rid of the problem, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reason why the scalp has become too dry. If these are chronic diseases of the digestive system or hormonal changes, then in this case you need to visit a doctor.


The most common cause of dry seborrhea is a fungus, for the treatment of which they use:

  • vitamin complexes: Aevit, Neurobeks, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, biotin;
  • products for external use: sulfuric ointment 10%;
  • antimycotics: Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Sporagal. Antifungal pills are taken if other treatments have not given the desired results.


Effective shampoos for dry scalp:

  • antifungal: Dermazol, Nizoral, Sebozol, Keto plus. They are used in the event that a fungus becomes the cause of dry scalp. Apply a small amount of the product to wet hair, lather and leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water. Treatment may require 3 to 5 such applications;
  • based on birch tar: Algopix, Tar shampoo. Means allow you to fight dry skin, fungus and other pathogenic microorganisms. They are used to wash your hair 2-3 times a week;
  • emollients: Emolium, Oilatum. Moisturizers that hold moisture on the surface of the skin.

Mask recipes for dry scalp

Mode of application


Parsley roots 50 g.

Vegetable refined oil 250 ml.

The crushed raw materials are poured with oil and simmered in a water bath for half an hour. After cooling, filter, pour into a glass jar and store in a cool place. A small amount of oil is slightly warmed up and rubbed into the hair roots an hour before washing. The head is covered with polyethylene and a scarf is put on. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. Apply 3 times a week. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.

The mask actively moisturizes the skin, helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, helps to get rid of dry dandruff.

Baking soda 5 g

Water 1 liter.

Soda is dissolved in warm water and used to rinse hair after washing, gently rubbing into the roots. Apply twice a week. For treatment, 5 procedures are needed.

It is used to combat fungal infections of the scalp.

Olive oil 450 ml.

Sea buckthorn oil 50 ml.

The oils are mixed, the product is slightly warmed up and rubbed into the hair roots half an hour before shampooing. Apply twice a week for two months.

The tool normalizes the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces itching and dry skin.

Burdock root

Thoroughly washed and chopped burdock root is passed through a meat grinder and juice is squeezed out with gauze (you can use a juicer). Alcohol is added to the finished product in a ratio of 8: 1, it is used as a preservative. Burdock root juice is applied to the hair half an hour before each shampoo. Apply within 2 months.

Helps moisturize the skin, nourishes the hair roots, accelerates their growth, effectively fights seborrhea.

Burdock root 50 g

Refined sunflower oil 250 ml.

Thoroughly chop the burdock root, pour in oil and simmer in a water bath for at least half an hour. After it cools down, strain. Apply to dry hair, thoroughly rubbing into the roots, cover with a bathing cap and wrap with a towel. Leave for an hour, then rinse with warm water. Apply once a week.

Well moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, helps eliminate dandruff and improves the appearance and growth of hair.

Chamomile flowers 50 g.

Calendula flowers 50 g.

Nettle leaves 50 g.

Dry raw materials are put in a linen bag, tied tightly and poured with three liters of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled to a comfortable temperature, it is used to rinse the hair after washing. The agent is not washed off. Apply three times a week.

Improves the condition of hair and skin, relieves irritation and eliminates inflammation. Fights dandruff and improves hair growth.

50 ml linseed oil

2 drops of geranium oil

2 drops of tea tree oil.

The product is mixed and applied to the hair, carefully rubbing into the roots. Wrap a towel on top and leave for forty minutes.

The mask retains moisture, fights pathogenic microorganisms, including fungus. Improves hair growth.

Sea buckthorn oil 25 ml.

Castor oil 25 ml.

Rosehip oil 25 ml.

The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, half an hour before washing the head, then the hair is tied with a scarf.

The mask helps to moisturize the skin, heals small cracks, improves hair growth and condition.

  • hair care products, such as: shampoo, balm and mask, it is better to choose one series, as they complement each other well;
  • you should pay attention to professional cosmetics, which is designed to restore hair and skin;
  • moisturizing hair conditioners give a good effect. For people with dry skin, you can add a drop of burdock oil to it;
  • when using oil masks, the use of styling products should be minimized, otherwise the effect of the treatment will be insufficient;
  • you need to apply oils on the scalp very carefully, separating the strands of hair and trying to ensure that the product gets on them in a minimal amount.


  • It must be remembered that air conditioners, household electrical appliances, heating systems dry out the air, which in turn deprives the skin of moisture. In order to prevent this, you need to open the window more often and use humidifiers;
  • direct sunlight also negatively affects the scalp, especially in combination with salt water, so during the rest you need to wear a panama or scarf;
  • In order to keep the skin supple and provide it with enough moisture, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. The diet should include raw vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in vitamins A, E, D and essential fatty acids;
  • dehydration of the body should not be allowed, for this, especially in the warm season, you need to consume at least one and a half liters of liquid.

If, despite all the efforts made, the scalp remains dry, the amount of dandruff increases, pustules and crusts appear, you should consult a dermatologist or trichologist.

Photo: Before and after