Make a 7 month old baby. Development calendar for a seven month old baby

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A few months ago, the baby was very tiny, helpless. But more than six months have passed and the child begins to learn about the world. The development of a 7 month old baby goes to the next stage, he now explores everything around him and brings the parents the first chores. More often than not, these chores become moments of joy, because at this age nothing naughty can be done yet.

Daily regime

The mode of a 7 month old baby is individual, you should not focus on it, but it must be present. With him, it will be easier for a young mother to plan her own day. In general, the regimen develops over time, and by this age it is usually formed. If there are periodic failures, it's okay, it means that the child's body is being rebuilt, growing. The main issue is timely feeding and sleep. With a full daytime sleep, the baby will be calm and feel good. Naturally, the mother will become less irritable, since during the child's sleep, she will be able to do everything around the house.

The ideal daily routine is the one that has formed over the past 6 months of life. In general, for the whole day a child of this age should sleep about 15 hours, how they are distributed throughout the day is completely unimportant. Some children sleep all night without waking up to eat, while others cannot even sleep for 3 hours without food. Physiological needs shape sleep patterns. Of course, a lot depends on the mother, as the doctors say, but in practice, the child dictates the conditions of nutrition and sleep. It should be understood that all children are different and it is simply impossible to establish a single daily routine.

The approximate regimen of a child at 7 months during the day should be as follows:

  • morning feeding;
  • stroll;
  • feeding;
  • feeding;
  • games;
  • feeding;
  • stroll;
  • feeding;

There is no need to argue that every baby should have such a regime. A young mother should look at the child's behavior, his development, and from this already build her own daily routine.

Diet or what to feed a baby at the age of 7 months

If a baby at this age knows about the existence of a spoon, this is very good. Complementary foods introduced from 5-6 months should change the diet. Ideal if the time interval between feedings is 4 hours. Five meals a day is considered sufficient for development and growth.

It is difficult for those mothers whose babies continue to eat at night. It is better to wean this habit at an early age, until the child shows his character to the fullest and he can be rocked for further night sleep. Daily feeding should be accompanied by wakefulness. The child, after eating, requires games, and sleep comes a little later.

Approximate feeding time for a 7 month old baby:

  • 6:00;
  • 10:00;
  • 14:00;
  • 18:00;
  • 22:00.

If the baby wakes up later, then the feeding time may be shifted. Many mothers leave everything to eat and adjust the baby for these feeding hours. Thus, developing a clear schedule of food intake, based on it, the full daily regimen is automatically built.

The diet of a 7 month old baby

At this age, the first complementary foods should already be introduced. The baby's diet includes juices, fruit and vegetable puree, egg yolk, milk porridge, kefir or low-fat curd. You need to continue to breastfeed your baby, so it will be easier for him to perceive new foods.

You can start expanding your range of juices and purees. If earlier everything was limited to an apple, now you can try to give pear, peach, raspberry, strawberry. But it should be understood that all fruits should be grown in natural conditions, so to speak, natural, without the addition of chemicals. The ideal option for such a complementary food is possible if you have your own fruit. Only the dosage of each new product should be minimal. Adaptation of the body to a new product should take place without exacerbations or allergies.

At this age, you can safely replace two breastfeeding with mashed potatoes, juices, kefir or cottage cheese. Egg yolk is essential as a source of vitamins for the development of the baby. Ideally, if it is included in the diet after complementary meat. Boiled chicken meat must be minced several times, or use a blender. A baby at this age can be given 20-30 grams per day. It is better to alternate the yolk one day and the meat the next. Thus, the stress on the stomach and intestines will be minimal.

Feeding scheme for a baby 7 months:

This is an approximate feeding scheme, for someone it suits perfectly, but for someone, the feeding time may be different.

7 months baby play

At this age, the baby is interested in everything, he is ready to play with his mother's nose, earrings, anything. His handles are developed, a grasping reflex appears. You can lure a baby of this age with almost anything that makes a sound or has an interesting shape and color. Children are very fond of what can be held in their hands, grabbed, pressed, and it is not at all necessary that the object be soft. Beads of various shapes and colors are perfect for playing.

But the baby is not limited to tactile sensations. He is still attracted to various sounds. Rattles with bells, musical toys, you can try to give the child a thin foil, when compressed, it emits a special sound, previously unknown.

Physiology and psychology of the child

Quite often, at this age, the baby has the first tooth. This may happen sooner or later, but around this age the lower incisor erupts. This is individual for everyone, and even if the teeth did not erupt in a year, you should not worry that the child is lagging behind in development, such are his physiological characteristics.

First of all, the two lower teeth will appear, then the upper ones, or vice versa. During this period, the child may become more irritable, capricious. To avoid this, he needs to be given special teething toys. In the process of chewing them, the baby ceases to notice itching.

In the seventh month of life, the gastrointestinal tract is ready to digest foods such as egg yolk and meat.
From a psychological point of view, this is a period of very active growing up, psychological development. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to communicate, you can even enter into a dialogue with him. Now he begins to perceive the reaction of his parents to his actions, the timbre of his voice and the frequency of the sound tell him how to behave in a given situation. The child should understand the difference between the intonation of praise and education.

Freedom, that's all a kid needs, he tries to get to know the world as quickly as possible, so prohibited items may be enough.

At the end of the seventh month, the child can play educational games, leaf through books. The first book may be a brightly colored rag with an image of animals or birds. All images must be commented and soon, the child will be able to independently show the animals, having heard their name.

Give your child the opportunity to explore the world on their own. He makes his first discoveries, it is vitally important for him to move around the whole apartment or house. Parents will have to make a small rearrangement, remove heavy, sharp, unstable objects from the accessibility zone.

Observation and caution are required of parents at this age. If the child took a prohibited item, you should not raise your voice at him, it is enough to simply explain that you do not need to take it.
It is categorically impossible to force-feed a child with those products that he does not like. The child's body knows what it lacks.

And of course, try to stick to your feeding and sleeping regimen. With them, it will be much easier for you to build your own daily routine.

Useful video about baby development at 7 months

She divorced her husband five years ago. From marriage, two children, 9 and 11 years old. Tired of solving and carrying all family problems on myself, and besides, my husband began to walk. She left him, as they say, "with one bundle" ... All this time I was equipping the house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it was not easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed jobs and started earning more. More or less, life began to improve. A year ago I met a man ... And Oh my God ... This is the man I dreamed of. The complete opposite of my ex-husband. And care and attention. One thing But ... He is a single father ... His wife left him with a child, went to his best friend. In principle, this situation did not scare me and I thought, well, where are two children there and the third will not be a hindrance ... But it turned out not so simple ... As a wise woman, I immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced her wardrobe, the poor child did not even have decent things, everything was washed out so much .... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands in the garden. I tried to please in every possible way. The girl is 5 years old ... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the garden they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study .... At home she creates whatever is horrible, does not react to comments. She says that she understood and immediately creates again !!!
Mom does not participate in the upbringing of the child, she does not pay alimony, referring to the fact that she pays a joint loan ... Well, okay, God be with her ...
We all lived together for a year ... I thought that she would change and we would live happily ... But nothing changed ...
I was enraged by her behavior and because of this I was constantly not in the mood, so Alexei and I began to swear. I couldn't tell him that his daughter pisses me off ... I understand that he loves her more than life ... I thought to leave, but I love him and he loves me very much ... and he communicates well with my children, with his son goes to chess ... I don't know what to do .. It seems to me that his daughter will never change and I will never be able to love her ...


Olga Morozova

Hello. I've already somehow created a topic about the neighbour's dogs, how to drive them away. In autumn, in September, a neighbor's dog killed our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of the neighbor (the owner of the dog) and ours (I and my son saw). They simply did not have time to do anything, how much does a 3-month-old kitten need? I then on the nerves of the neighbors said a lot about their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase sounded: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) and cats will still attack, they are called (((
Honestly, I didn’t want to have more cats, but in October for my daughter’s birthday they brought her a gift - a kitten .. There is a tray at home and the cat walks there, but only in small, but mostly used to the street. They let her out, looked after her all the time. And that week, a neighbor's dog jumped over the snowdrifts to our yard and grabbed the cat right from the porch. At that time, I was hanging clothes to dry under a canopy, he did not see me, but I did not see / hear him at once, attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the screeching of a cat. I beat it off, while he slashed his teeth along the sleeve of his jacket and tore my sleeve. When she calmed and treated the cat a little and calmed down herself, I went to the neighbors, said I will complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog ran down the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the district police officer, but he was struck by his words, they say, we cannot take any measures in relation to the owner of the dog, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don't want to mess with the court because of the cat and the torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the district police officer, relying on them, could somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats on self-walking and in other people's yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you start a war with your neighbors, then relying on the laws ... Maybe someone will tell you something ...


Elena Nefedova

I must say right away that doctors were bypassed in 2 years, no one saw any problems. Is this character?
The younger daughter 2.1. He does not speak very much, no phrases, probably 20-30 words. The rest cannot be disassembled. The executive, understands everything, responds to the name, fulfills requests. She goes to the potty, eats herself.
But the last 4 months, the behavior is just out ... If something is not on her, she freaks out. And when he freaks out, he starts throwing everything. That is, it is straightforward to take everything that is at hand and tosses it. Or brushes off the table. A toy, a remote control, a cup, whatever. Very touchy. Throw something - I can slap her on the hand. That is, in strength - as I simply put my hand on her hand, even the slightest pain is not discussed - it starts to roar and yell, everything turns red. And as long as either I don’t give up or someone doesn’t come to feel sorry for her, she won’t calm down.
Another joke - if he doesn't want to go somewhere on the street - he sits down on the ground. And no, that's all. Either stand there for half an hour, or grab by force and run. If you leave, it won't run after me. Well, it also happens at home can lie on the floor in protest.

Is it okay? With the eldest, nothing like this has ever happened. So I'm slightly shocked, although everyone around me just says how lucky I am that my youngest daughter is so calm and obedient. Whereeeee? By the way, they adore her in the garden, she just behaves perfectly there. How so?
And this behavior is with me, and with my husband, and with grandfathers - grandmothers !!



Chatting topic. Do you think out the skills of your children? Will explain. A friend's son is a couple of months younger than mine, and now she proudly sends me a video where her baby crawls across the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he begins to crawl. And for me it's just fiddling on the carpet))) Or he otklyachivaet ass back, and she thinks that he gets up on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son, or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow did not say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one hand, it is not sitting yet. Which camp will you join and why?



I got a job half a year ago. Child 3.5. Goes to the garden. I walked normally in the fall. I went out full day. And now I have been sitting at home for almost the entire February and half of March. I got settled by acquaintance, no one said anything to me for passes, but at the last time they already hinted that it would be necessary to solve something with sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother raised a panic that the nanny was not needed (my mother is still the commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but the hospital says we will sit in turns, for 2 days she, three days. But often she flies off somewhere, then she has a theater, then she doesn't want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. As a result, the nanny found some other shift work and now she cannot come at a click, only on her weekends. Mom also teases that I will give half of my salary to the nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because my husband now doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women's needs, plus I pay for my vacation, I can put it off for a mortgage, we save up. Mom realized that we just couldn't save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching the bought apartment, before that my husband was constantly bothering about what he was thinking about when he was creating a family. The husband, although he considers himself a breadwinner, is not enough for everything. And I do not want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. And it's also very hard mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I'm better at work, but I can't get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again for 2 weeks at home. I am constantly nervous. How to work and watch the child at the same time. How do women do it?



Good afternoon, dear forum users. We need a collective mind, my brain is no longer working. Given: there is a small studio for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the OGE: Russian, English, society and mat. I plan to expand - open a second in another area, and change the name of both studios. The so-called rebranding. Now the name is Abvege. I would like something interesting and to the point. The husband offers a "studio preparation for the exam surname name". I don't like it, it's too pretentious. The room is small, three classes and the administrator's desk, behind which I stand, if there is no lesson. You can't call it courses. I would be grateful for your advice: what can be called more interesting.


From day to day, the child is actively growing and developing, new skills and preferences appear. At seven months, his psychological development deserves special attention, experts recommend involving the baby in dialogue and developing his abilities.

The skills of a child at 7 months are constantly developing. A seven-month-old baby loves and actively plays educational games, books with thick cardboard pages and bright pictures, inserts of different textures, will arouse interest.
The main thing that a child can do at 7 months is to distinguish his name, he can react to it, for example, by turning his head, and will look for the one who turned to him. While playing and working with the baby, it is important to stimulate and develop the skills of the child at 7 months, of which there are quite a few:

  • crawling skill, the very process of movement is conscious, the baby will crawl for a toy or to his mother;
  • knows how to get up, but only with the help of improvised means - to hold onto the sides of the bed, mother's hands, easily take a couple of steps if parents help;
  • sits down on his own, can kneel;
  • able to distinguish objects.

How to teach a child to crawl at 7 months?

Most children at this age have already actively mastered this skill, but if your child is well-fed and calm, and prefers to move in parental arms, then you can and should help him in learning. All parental help should be motivated to move. You can use various bright, and sometimes just unfamiliar objects - just put a couple of such things in front of the child within walking distance. All attempts by the little one to reach them will help to realize their own body, group and understand how it works.
In the learning process, it is important to abandon closed spaces - playpens, cots, and provide the baby with maximum freedom. You can use the playpen only when the mother urgently needs to leave for a couple of minutes, otherwise, the child needs unlimited space.

How to teach a child to sit at 7 months?

Newly made mothers want to help their baby always and in everything, including teaching him to sit down. According to pediatricians, at 6 months, a child can only sit with parental support, by 7 months, this procedure can be carried out independently, without help. And only by 7.5 - 8 months the baby will learn to sit down on its own, and may even lie on its back from this position.
Some babies, due to their activity, can go this way earlier, some later - this is not important, just a variant of the norm.
In order to teach the baby to sit down, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the press and back - to do gymnastics, lay out on the tummy, stimulate the child's interest so that he reaches for bright objects. As soon as the muscles return to normal, the baby will sit down on its own.

Can a child at seven months stand up on their feet?

Starting from six months, children actively learn the capabilities of their body. From 7 months old, babies can stand on their feet for the first time in their crib, independently. Moreover, they begin to walk with the help of their parents, when the baby is held under the armpits.
Sometimes, at 7 months, the child stands on tiptoes when walking, which scares the parents. In fact, this symptom occurs in many children, and indicates a tone in the legs. The baby cannot yet fully control his body and all processes. But to exclude some pathologies, it is necessary to consult a specialist - a pediatrician and a neuropathologist.

What does a child already understand at 7 months?

At this age, the child can easily define "his" or "stranger", and can show real sympathy for family and friends. He will treat strangers with caution and not make contact.
In addition, at this age, children already understand the prohibitions and the word "no", and the strict intonation of the mother can greatly upset. It will be interesting to study your own body and its parts, yourself in the mirror, everything around you, which will certainly fall into your mouth.
Kids begin to understand music, memorize it, and familiar melodies are met with stormy positive reactions - with a smile, one might even say, the baby begins to sing along.
A seven-month-old child is almost a full-fledged interlocutor, his vocabulary is expanding, and his parents must stimulate him. At 7 months, the child should already speak sounds like "ma", "pa", etc., and sometimes he can pronounce very interesting combinations of them.
The baby experiments with loudness, pitch and even intonations with which he tries to convey his feelings, ranging from discontent to love.


Sitting on the floor in the middle of the room or crawling, a seven-month-old child tries to explore as much of an area as possible. At some point, he finds a bunch of keys, picks it up, "talks" to it, shakes, fiddles with the keys, hits them, waves in the air, transfers from one hand to another and tries to put it in his mouth. Then he grabs another toy and performs the same actions. If during the game someone comes up to the child, he will be briefly distracted by raising his head, and then will return to his occupation. Your child is able to distinguish more and more objects and is able to return to the interrupted activity. The behavior of the baby indicates that he can concentrate attention, as well as solve the problems facing him. Playing with various objects, comparing and evaluating their quality, the child intuitively discovers that he can simultaneously engage in several toys. His mental faculties develop as he becomes familiar with the world around him.

Motor skills

Most seven-month-old babies are able to sit on their own. The child no longer needs to lean on his hands in order to maintain balance, and he performs many other actions with them - he reaches out, grabs, hits, shakes. Many children already know how to crawl. A particularly active child is able to achieve more - to learn to stand up. True, going back down is already more difficult. It happens that, standing on his own feet, the child begins to scream in panic until someone comes up and helps him to sit up. During this period, the baby's sleep may be disrupted. Even a deeply sleeping child will wake up trying to crawl or get up in his sleep. He seems to be afraid of wasting precious time sleeping when he has so many important new things to do. A seven-month-old child, while working with different objects, trains his arms. He usually uses both his right and left hands equally, holding the toy first in one and then repeating the same movements with the other. Just because a toddler uses one hand more often than the other does not mean that he is left-handed or right-handed. Motor preference can change several times before the final choice is made.

The ability to see, hear, feel

One of the most characteristic features of a seven month old baby is the ability to notice the smallest details of the environment. The kid immediately discovers the drawing on a new sheet and scratches it with his fingers as if he wants to take it. In addition, he begins to become interested in the relationship of surrounding objects. The child takes a cube in one hand, examines it, then another one in the other, and also examines it, and then hits the cubes against each other.
At this age, the child explores with interest the arrangement of objects in space. He now recognizes familiar things, such as a horn or a teddy bear, even if they are turned upside down, and usually returns them to their normal position. The baby's curiosity is also aroused by the position of his own body in space. He fidgets and bends in his mother's arms, throws his head back, trying to see the surrounding objects upside down.
At this age, the child begins to understand that one object can be on another, even if they look like one whole. If you put any small thing, for example a socket for jam, on a large object of a similar shape, for example on a saucer, then the baby will notice that the socket can be taken without touching the saucer.
The child also seeks to explore the relationship between the front and back of an object. He will twirl flat objects like a book or a pot lid from side to side, trying to figure out how separate surfaces with different shapes can be part of the same object. The child's greatest interest is in round things. He will rotate a round object over and over again, trying to find its corners, to find its front and back, top and bottom sides.
The child discovers with interest that some objects have moving parts, while others change their shape. This piques the little one's curiosity. He grabs the shreds or string that is tied to the toy and twirls it from side to side. The kid can spend at least 10 minutes, crumpling a piece of foil in his hands.
Guessing that objects continued to exist, whether visible or not, the six-month-old tried to find a rattle half hidden under the covers. After a month, he begins to realize that there is a more complex relationship between things. Having dropped the rattle from the table to the floor, the child looks down, trying to find it there. Remember, just a few months ago, he continued to gaze at the place from which she disappeared, as if hoping that with a glance he could bring her back. Now the baby's actions have become more conscious and purposeful, because he knows that the rattle that fell on the floor remained there.
The evidence of the increased intelligence of the child is that he is able to return to the interrupted activity. For example, at the moment when you enter the room, the baby enthusiastically knocks one cube on another. He pauses for a moment, looks at you, and then goes back to play.
At this age, the child already knows that hidden objects do not disappear, but continue to exist. This is especially evident when playing hide and seek. Seven-month and eight-month-old babies begin to realize that an object that disappears from sight does not necessarily disappear forever. When the mother hides under the scarf and then appears, with her joyful laugh, the child expresses not only the pleasure of the game, but also a feeling of relief. Although the baby guesses that his mother is nearby, he still wants to know for sure.

Understanding your child


Practical advice

Watching other children play
The child enjoys watching other children play. Let him be with the little ones his age and make a friend among them.
Listening to the tape recorder
Children react differently to different tempo of music. Watch your baby to see if he will move, following a fast rhythm, or will he calm down and fall asleep at the sound of a calm, quiet melody.
Toys you can play with
Children love to play from different positions - sitting or standing. If your toddler is learning to stand, remove any breakable objects from the table and lay out their favorite toys in their place.
Toy names
Let the child play with toys that have simple names: a cup, a telephone, a doll, a kitten, a spoon, a dog, a cube, a rattle, a banana, a clown.

Game time

New discoveries
Show your baby pictures
Cut out large pictures of a phone, a dog, an airplane, a spoon, or a teddy bear from a magazine.
Stick them on sheets of thick paper to make a little book. Place the baby on your lap and "read" to him.
Doll in the mirror
Have your toddler explore the reflections in the mirror. Show him the rag doll and then draw his attention to its reflection. See if your child compares a real doll to her counterpart.
Toys that can react to a child's actions
Every day your child understands more and more what can influence the surrounding objects. Try to find toys for him that can react to his actions - squeak, stretch, pop out, etc.
Falling ball
Your child already knows how to sit well and enjoys playing with objects that fall easily. Try dropping the balloon into a large tin. To prevent the baby from getting hurt, beat off the sharp edges of the jar. Raise your child's hand over the jar and have him drop the balloon there. The unfamiliar sound will pique his curiosity, and he will want to do it again. Soon he won't need your help at all.
Development of coordination
How to keep your balance
Try placing your baby on a low chair. Hang or hold an interesting toy in front of him. When he wants to reach for her, he will have to balance on the chair to maintain balance.
Rock your baby up and down
Listening to the song, the kid will laugh in advance in anticipation of the upcoming "jump".
Bouncy ball game
Hang a large bouncy ball from the ceiling so your baby can reach it. He will be happy to hit the ball and watch it swing.
Tug of war
Play tug of war with your toddler. Let him grab one end of the scarf while you gently pull on the other. Your child will love this fun game.
Making decisions
Toy with a ribbon
Tie a string around the head of a rag doll or clown. Show your toddler how to pull the string so that the toys can "dance".
Small balls
Give your baby some small rubber balls. Now that his thumb moves freely, he can easily play with them.
Knock on each other
Show your child how to bang two toys against each other. Let him try to repeat your movements.
Hidden toy
Squeeze the toy in the palm of your hand so that the child hears the squeak. Hide it under the covers in front of the baby, and let him try to find her.
Which hand?
Hide an interesting little toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. You will help the child learn that if objects are not visible, this does not mean that they disappear for good, clap your hands when he finds the loss. Start the game over, and if it is difficult for the child to find the toy himself, show it again.

Everyday affairs

Bathing time
Floating toys
Dip some fun little toys into the tub. Every time your toddler has one of them in his hands, tell him the story about this character.
Fill the tub 5-10 centimeters, lay the baby on his back and watch him move his arms and legs.
Dressing up toy
If your child doesn't like changing clothes, keep a toy on the changing table to keep them entertained.
Sing songs to the baby
While bathing and changing your baby's clothes, hum a simple song to him.
This is how we wash our feet
Our legs, our legs
This is how we wash our feet
Early in the morning.
Keep singing: my face is mine, we change diapers, kiss our tummy, say hello, etc.
A cup in the bath
If your child does not know how to drink from a cup and spills more than drinks, give him a cup in the bath and let him play with it. He can fill it with water, pour it out, turn it over, without fear of getting dirty.

Feeding time
Handle small pieces of food, such as diced carrots, slices of bread, and cheese, as you feed.
Finger drawings
Pour a little yogurt on the kid's table where the kid usually eats, and have him smear it with his fingers.
Give the kid some spaghetti
The child will be happy to tear boiled pasta or spaghetti into pieces.
Without outside help
Let your toddler hold the bottle himself, but don’t insist if he refuses to take it. Some children are not yet ready for such independence.

Time relax
Read a book to your baby
At this age, you can already start reading books to children. Choose a book with solid pages and bright pictures for your baby. Sit him on your lap so that he is comfortable. Turning the pages, show pictures and talk about what is depicted on them: "Look at this baby and touch him." Try to finish the lesson before the child starts to act up. Reading should bring him pleasure and joy.
Turn off the light
Before you turn off the light before bed, tell your baby: "The light is out." After a while, the child will understand what this means.

Your baby is seven months old, which means that it is time for active exploration, new discoveries and adventures.

Your baby already knows how to ...


63.8-74 ​​cm.
6.8-10.3 kg.
42.2-47.7 cm.
41.7-50.1 cm.
63-73.9 cm.
6.6-9.5 kg.
41.0-47.3 cm.
41.8-48.5 cm.

A seven-month-old baby is interested in everything, he already controls his body well, but for now, he also tastes everything. For successful development, give your baby more freedom and independence, just make sure that the environment is safe.

Physical development of the child in the seventh month

During the seventh month of life, the child gains 600-650 grams in weight.

The body length increases by 2 cm during this month. The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the seventh month.

Most often, the first teeth erupt by the age of seven months. Usually, the lower two incisors are cut first, followed by the upper two incisors.

When teething occurs, babies can become restless, whiny. Sometimes there may be a slight increase in body temperature and upset stools.

Neuropsychic development of a child in the seventh month

In the seventh month of life, the child improves not only motor skills, but also speech and memory. One of the main achievements of this age can be considered that the child becomes more independent and independent from his parents.

What can a child at 7 months do?

Motor skills

At seven months, most babies can already crawl quite quickly and dexterously, although still for short distances. At the same time, the baby deliberately crawls exactly where he needs to (for his mother, for a toy).

Can walk for a short time with the support of an adult.

Sit down and sit on your own for a short time.

Cognitive development

The child quite quickly switches his attention from one object to another, to follow the movements of objects.

The baby at 7 months is still very interested in his body, head, ears, hair.

Maybe with gestures, syllables, ask to be given a toy.

Confidently turns his head towards the source of the sound.

Plays with both hands.

It is a great pleasure to tear paper, open and close drawers, pull out all of them.

Easily distinguishes one object from another (only if these are objects familiar to him), understands what kind of thing we are talking about if you name an object familiar to the baby.

At seven months, hand coordination continues to improve, so the baby can pick up toys from the floor, grab objects with his whole palm, shift toys from one hand to another.


Of all the toys, the child selects the one that he likes the most, that is, his favorite toy appears.

Shows tenderness to loved ones, can kiss, hug them. On the contrary, he is wary of strangers and strangers.

A feeling of jealousy appears. The kid may be jealous of his mother for another family member, or for the fact that she devotes time not only to him.

The child is actively developing long-term memory. He recognizes familiar toys, objects, poems, songs, etc.

The kid likes to look at himself in the mirror, he has a sense of humor.

As a rule, at this age, babies do not like to be alone and follow their mother on her heels.

Speech development at 7 months

The kid pronounces syllables more and more clearly, syllables appear in his arsenal using the tip of the tongue, such as "la", "wa", "yes", "ka".

By the age of 7 months, a child begins to double syllables (ma-ma, ta-ta, ba-ba, etc.), also tries to place syllables in a chain (ba-ba-ba, a-ta-ta, a-da-da, and so on ).

Knows well and responds to his name.

Clicks with his tongue, repeats laughter, sneezing, coughing after adults.

Vision and hearing of a child of the seventh month of life

The visual analyzer continues to improve. At seven months, the child closely examines toys, objects, concentrates on details. The kid already knows how to focus on a particular object and is already able to distinguish colors at an adult level.

A seven-month-old baby is able to track with his eyes even the rapid movement of an object.

The kid begins to give preference to bright toys, books with large pictures.

Hearing is also improving, so the baby reacts sensitively to even the quietest sounds, unmistakably turns his head towards the source of the sound.

7 month baby care

At seven months, babies can crawl, sit, learn to get up and stand, so the environment must be safe for the baby. Provide a place for your child to play comfortably. This could be a playpen or a warm blanket on the floor surrounded by soft pillows.

If your home's sockets are low, for safety reasons, cover them with plugs. Move further and higher all objects that may be dangerous to your baby.

Teach your child to eat from a spoon, drink from a cup.

Seven months is the age of active exploration, and many babies find it difficult to fall asleep after an exciting and busy day. But sleep is very important for the development and health of the baby, so try to follow the daily routine. Feed and put the baby to bed at the same time, while accompanying the bed with the usual rituals for the baby.

In the seventh month of life, it is necessary to pay attention to such procedures as massage, gymnastics and hardening.

You can bathe a child at 7 months every day or every other day, while you can do this already in a large bath. Duration of bathing is 15-20 minutes. When bathing, do not leave your child unattended, as he is now very active and can easily roll over and choke on water.

Since your baby is teething, pay attention to oral hygiene.

Baby food at 7 months

In the seventh month, the baby should be fed 5 times a day (after 4 hours) with a night break of 8 hours, that is, the first feeding at 6 o'clock in the morning, and the last at 10 o'clock in the evening.

As a rule, by the age of seven months, the baby already receives the first complementary food, therefore, at 6.5-7 months, a second complementary food can be introduced, provided that the child is fully adapted to the first type of cooked food. If the first course was vegetable puree, then the second would be porridge and vice versa.

The second complementary food gradually replaces the fourth feeding (at 18:00) over 1-2 weeks. During the rest of the feedings, the baby receives breast milk (or infant formula).

After the second complementary food has been introduced completely, for convenience and according to established traditions, in the morning the baby is fed with porridge (at 10:00), and in the evening they are given vegetable puree (at 18:00).

At 7 months, the child's menu expands and takes on the appearance of a dinner, that is, the child begins to receive low-fat meat broth, which is gradually replaced by soup, plus vegetable puree. The ratio between them by volume is about 1: 2, that is, about 60 ml of soup and 120 ml of vegetable puree. You can also combine these two dishes, then you get a vegetable puree soup.

A seven-month-old baby can be safely given crackers, cookies, wheat bread. Flour products are usually softened in broth (so that the baby does not choke on too large a piece).

From 7 months, minced meat (from chicken, beef, pork) can be introduced into the child's diet. Starting with small portions of 5 grams, gradually increasing to 20-30 grams.

When expanding the second complementary foods, you should gradually accustom the child to other cereals - buckwheat, corn, then to semolina and oatmeal.

If the child is not prone to allergies, you can expand the range of fruit juices and purees.

So at 7 months, a child can receive fruit juices (up to 50 ml per day), fruit purees (up to 60 grams), cottage cheese (30 grams), yolk (1 / 4-1 / 5), vegetable purees (150-200 grams) , milk porridge (100-200ml), minced meat (5-30 grams), cookies, crackers (5-10 grams), bread (5 grams).

When introducing a new product, monitor the child's condition, especially the nature of the stool and skin.

Required examinations at 7 months

Visit the pediatrician at seven months to assess the physical and neuropsychic development of the baby.

Prepare in advance the questions that interest you, for example, about the rules for introducing complementary foods, about caring for your baby's teeth and gums, about hardening, preventing colds and others.

How to play with a 7 month old baby?

In the seventh month of life, the baby is very interested in various actions with objects and the study of their properties. While playing with your child, show and tell what you can do with toys, for example, build a turret from cubes or caps, assemble a pyramid, and so on.

It is very important at this stage to develop speech, talk to your baby as much as possible while dressing, bathing, massage, gymnastics, going to bed, while playing and walking. Do not distort or distort words, name them correctly.

The baby continues to be attracted by different sounds - now foil, cellophane and tissue paper can be added to bells, rattles, bells and singing toys - baby's hearing is able to distinguish quieter and subtle sounds.

Give the baby freedom of action, let him string the rings from the pyramid or add cubes, even if he is not very good at it, be sure to praise and encourage him.

To stimulate the child to move, you can lay out toys on a blanket or in the arena in different directions so that the baby tries to reach or crawl to them.

You can put the toys in a large box, it will be interesting for the kid to take out and throw toys on the floor, you can do it with him in turn, which will amuse him very much.

At seven months, the baby likes to rotate, press, knock, shake.

What toys are suitable for this age?

At this stage, the baby can be offered: balls of different sizes, balls, a bucket with toys inside, dishes, pyramids, caps of different sizes and colors, cubes (preferably soft or plastic).

By the age of seven months, the supply of protective antibodies that the baby received from the mother ends, which means that the baby becomes more sensitive to various infectious diseases. Therefore, pay special attention to the prevention and protection of the baby from colds.

Other information on the topic

  • Child development at 2 years 3 months

  • Baby development at 1 year 9 months

  • Child development at 2 years 9 months