Children's doctor (pediatrician). What diseases does the pediatrician treat? Types of pediatric doctors. Who is a pediatrician and what does he do

Children's doctor (pediatrician). What diseases does the pediatrician treat? Types of pediatric doctors.

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Who is a pediatrician ( pediatrician)?

Pediatrician Is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents all kinds of diseases in children and adolescents. The pediatrician knows the peculiarities of the course of various diseases in children, and is also aware of the characteristic reactions of the child's body in certain pathological conditions. This knowledge allows him to identify diseases of certain organs in the shortest possible time and prescribe the most effective treatment that will restore health and cheerfulness to the child.

What diseases does a pediatrician treat?

A common pediatrician is a general practitioner who has extensive knowledge of a variety of medical disciplines. This allows him to diagnose and treat almost any disease in children.

The pediatrician treats:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • congenital malformations;
  • metabolic disorders in children and so on.
It is worth noting that in the presence of any severe pathology, the pediatrician must quickly recognize it and promptly refer the child to the appropriate specialist, which will prevent the development of complications and preserve the baby's health.

What are the responsibilities of a local pediatrician?

A district pediatrician is a pediatrician who is assigned a specific area in a city or town. The task of the doctor is to monitor and treat all children living in the area entrusted to him.

The duties of the district pediatrician include:

  • Preventive examination of children. The doctor should regularly examine newborns and infants with the aim of early detection and timely treatment of all kinds of diseases or developmental disabilities.
  • Diagnosis of diseases. Having suspected that the child has any disease, the doctor must prescribe all the necessary tests and studies that will help him to make the correct diagnosis as soon as possible.
  • Treatment of diseases. If any disease is detected in a child, the pediatrician should prescribe effective treatment for him. If the pediatrician cannot do this ( for one reason or another), he must refer the patient to another specialist.
  • Working with parents. The pediatrician should train parents in childcare and prevention of various ( including infectious) diseases, inform about the dates of scheduled vaccinations, and so on. Also, the doctor should explain to the parents when and for what symptoms they should make an appointment at the clinic, and when it is better to call a doctor or an ambulance at home.

Until how old are they seen by a pediatrician?

The duties of a pediatrician include providing qualified medical care to all children and adolescents under the age of 18. If the patient is already 18 years old, if he has any health problems, he should contact the local therapist.

Does the pediatrician visit the clinic or hospital?

A pediatrician can advise patients in a polyclinic ( this is usually done by the local pediatrician), and can also work in specialized departments of hospitals ( hospitals). Working in a hospital allows the doctor to conduct a more complete and detailed examination of a sick child, as well as monitor the course of treatment and timely identify possible complications that may arise from a wide variety of organs and systems.

Types of pediatric doctors

Due to the intensive development of medical sciences, pediatrics has been divided into many narrower specialties. Each pediatric specialist has the knowledge and skills necessary to treat children, but at the same time received additional training in a particular area of ​​medicine.

Children's ENT ( otorhinolaryngologist)

ENT ( otorhinolaryngologist) Is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the ear, throat and nose. It should be noted that the structure and functioning of these organs in a child differs from that in an adult. This is due to the fact that children of the first years of life quite often have pathologies that are not characteristic of adolescents or older people.

When examining a child, a pediatric ENT will carefully examine his nasal passages, ears and pharyngeal mucosa, and will also issue directions for additional tests and studies that will allow him to diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The reason for contacting a pediatric ENT may be:

  • chronic ( not stopping for several weeks) runny nose ;
  • chronic cough;
  • purulent cough ( greenish or yellowish) sputum;
  • Difficulty nasal breathing;
  • pain around the nose ( in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses);
  • hearing loss.
Children's ENT treats:
  • Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses- rhinitis, sinusitis ( sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and so on).
  • Throat ailments- sore throats ( inflammation of the glands), pharyngitis ( inflammation of the pharynx), laryngitis ( laryngeal inflammation).
  • Ear diseases- external, middle or internal otitis media.
It is also worth noting that the otorhinolaryngologist is a surgical specialty. This means that, if necessary, children's ENT can perform surgical interventions on the ENT organs - remove tonsils ( palatine tonsils), adenoids ( adenoid growths in the nose) etc.

Children's speech therapist

On average, at the age of 1 year, a child already knows a few words, while by 2 - 3 years, his vocabulary increases significantly. However, there are often cases when children, for one reason or another, do not speak ( or speak poorly, indistinctly) up to 3 - 4 years or more. There can be many reasons for this - from diseases of the central nervous system and the brain to defects in the tongue, teeth, jaw, and so on. In addition, the child may not speak well due to hearing problems. This is explained by the fact that children learn to speak when they repeat the words of adults they have heard. If the child hears others indistinctly, it will be extremely difficult for him to learn to speak correctly.

If a child does not speak well for his age, he may need advice from a pediatric speech therapist - a specialist in the field of speech defects. This doctor will conduct a full examination and identify the causes of the defect ( what is the main prerequisite for prescribing the correct treatment), and also help the child ( through classes and exercises) learn to pronounce words correctly.

Pediatric audiologist

This specialist deals with the treatment and rehabilitation of deaf or hard of hearing children. The audiologist not only helps to establish and ( as far as possible) eliminate the cause of hearing loss, but can also apply modern methods of its restoration ( in particular hearing aids).

You may need to consult a pediatric audiologist:

  • If the child has difficulty hearing in one or both ears. This may be preceded by severe infectious diseases - meningitis ( inflammation of the lining of the brain), purulent otitis media ( ear infection) etc. These pathologies can lead to damage to the nerves of the auditory analyzer, which can lead to irreversible hearing loss.
  • If the child lags behind in development from peers. As mentioned earlier, a child learns everything from an adult. If he has poor hearing of the people around him, his development will be slowed down.
  • With delayed speech development.

Children's ophthalmologist ( ophthalmologist, eye doctor)

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who treats eye conditions. The structure of a child's eye is different from that of an adult. In addition, during the first years of life, the baby's eyes continue to grow and change their shape, which must be taken into account during the examination. Also, congenital anomalies in the development of the organ of vision are not uncommon, the diagnosis and treatment of which are carried out by pediatric ophthalmologists.

It is important to remember that a child's vision problem must be resolved as soon as possible, since poor, fuzzy perception of the world around him significantly disrupts the baby's development process, and also contributes to further damage to the organ of vision. The task of the pediatric ophthalmologist is to identify the exact cause of visual impairment and to choose the optimal treatment method ( use of glasses and contact lenses or surgical correction).

You should contact a pediatric ophthalmologist:

  • If the child squints a lot.
  • If the child brings the objects under consideration too close to the eyes.
  • If the child is constantly watering and reddening his eyes.
  • If a foreign body gets into the child's eye.
  • If the child often complains of eye pain and headache.

Pediatric cardiologist

A cardiologist is a specialist who treats diseases of the cardiovascular system. The tasks of the pediatric cardiologist include the identification and treatment of these diseases in younger and older children.

A pediatric cardiologist treats:

  • Congenital anomalies- violations of the structure of the heart, which originate in the prenatal period of development.
  • Karditov- inflammatory lesions of the heart or its membrane, developing in various infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Trauma ( bruises, wounds) hearts in children.
It is imperative that any parent is aware of the signs of heart muscle damage. This will allow him to see a specialist on time, which will significantly increase the child's chances of a full recovery.

Heart damage may be indicated by:

  • Rapid fatigability of the child during active games.
  • Shortness of breath ( feeling short of breath), arising at rest or with minimal physical exertion.
  • Cyanosis ( cyanosis) mucous membranes ( lips) and leather.
  • Swelling in the legs, arising or worse in the evening and subsiding after a night's sleep.
  • Irregular heartbeats or pulse.
  • Fainting ( periodic short-term loss of consciousness) etc.

Children's pulmonologist

This doctor deals with the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system ( trachea, bronchi, lungs) in children. The causes of damage to these organs are most often infections ( viral or bacterial), to which children are especially susceptible.

It is important to remember that untimely and inadequately treated acute bronchitis ( inflammation of the bronchi) or pneumonia ( pneumonia) can cause the development of many complications, in particular chronic bronchitis - a pathology that will affect the health of the child for the rest of his life. That is why, when detecting the first signs of these diseases ( prolonged cough, shortness of breath, fever up to 38 - 39 degrees or more) you should contact your local pediatrician as soon as possible, and, if necessary, consult a pediatric pulmonologist who will be able to carry out a full diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment for the disease.

Children's allergist-immunologist

This specialist deals with the treatment of allergic reactions and other disorders in the functioning of the immune system ( for example, with infection, with radiation exposure, and so on) in children.

An allergic reaction is characterized by an increased sensitivity of the body to any substance ( plant pollen, medicine, food and so on). When the body's immune system comes into contact with this substance, a number of chain reactions are triggered, which can lead to damage to various tissues and organs.

Clinically, allergies can manifest themselves:

  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the airways and shortness of breath ( up to its complete stop, which, without emergency medical care, leads to the death of the child within a few minutes).
  • Redness of the eyes and increased lacrimation.
  • Ears congestion.
  • Redness and swelling of the skin in various parts of the body.
  • Headaches.
The occurrence of these and some other symptoms is a reason for urgent consultation with a pediatric allergist. After a full examination of the child and conducting diagnostic tests, the doctor will be able to identify a substance to which the baby is allergic ( allergen). At the same time, parents are advised to protect their child from contact with an allergen as much as possible, and if signs of allergy appear, take antiallergic drugs.

It is important to note that children are more prone to developing allergies than adults, due to imperfect immune systems. That is why it is recommended for newborns and infants to exclude from the diet foods that most often lead to the development of this pathology ( citrus fruits, chocolate, chemical colors, peanut butter and so on).

Pediatric gastroenterologist

This specialist deals with the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( Gastrointestinal tract) and digestive disorders in children. The cause of these diseases may be unhealthy diet ( especially during the first 2 years of life), intestinal infection, poisoning with various toxins ( for example, poisonous berries that a child can eat) etc. These disorders can manifest themselves in the form of gastritis ( stomach) or enterocolitis ( inflammation of the intestinal mucosa). The specialist's tasks include identifying the cause of gastrointestinal tract damage and its elimination, as well as preventing the development of complications from other organs and systems.

The reason for contacting a pediatric gastroenterologist may be:

  • frequent belching accompanied by chest pain ( heartburn) etc.
It should be noted that in the absence of specific treatment, some gastrointestinal diseases can lead to severe dehydration ( fluid loss from the body) for several hours, which can threaten the life of the child. That is why, if any of the above symptoms are detected, it is recommended that you consult with your local pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist as soon as possible.

Children's nutritionist

Rational and nutritious nutrition plays an important role in the development of a child. Excess weight, like lack of body weight, can significantly disrupt the functions of many internal organs ( cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, hematopoietic, immune and many other systems), which will lead to a slowdown in growth processes, as well as mental and physical development of the body.

A pediatric hematologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of:

  • Anemia. These diseases are characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen. There can be many reasons for the development of anemia - from a lack of iron and vitamins in food to injuries ( accompanied by blood loss), latent gastrointestinal bleeding, and so on.
  • Disorders of the blood coagulation system. Diseases from this group can be manifested by increased bleeding of the gums ( for example, when brushing your teeth), the appearance of extensive hematomas ( bruises) with minor injuries, prolonged bleeding with small cuts, and so on.
  • Hemoblastosis. This term refers to "tumor" diseases of the blood system, in which pathological, abnormal cells are formed in the red bone marrow. Over time, they "displace" normal blood cells, resulting in many complications.
Despite the different causes of occurrence, most blood diseases have similar initial manifestations. This allows you to suspect the presence of such a pathology in a child in time and contact a specialist who will conduct a full examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The reason for contacting a pediatric hematologist may be:

  • pallor of the child's skin;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • weight loss;
  • lag in mental and physical development ( with chronic anemia).

Pediatric rheumatologist

Rheumatology is the science of connective tissue diseases that develop as a result of a malfunction of the body's immune system. The danger of these diseases lies in the fact that for a long time they can be practically asymptomatic, beginning to manifest themselves only with a pronounced development of the pathological process, which can affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems of the body. That is why it is extremely important to timely identify these pathologies and begin their treatment, which can only be done by a specialist in the field of rheumatology with experience working with children.

The reason for contacting a pediatric rheumatologist may be:

  • Recently transferred tonsillitis ( can become a trigger in the development of rheumatism).
  • Inflammation ( redness, swelling, and soreness) small or large joints of the arms and / or legs.
  • Complaints of the child for joint stiffness ( mostly in the morning).
  • Red skin rash ( may be a sign of vasculitis, an inflammatory lesion of small blood vessels).
  • Increased fatigue, weakness.
  • Pain in the region of the heart.
  • Long ( for several weeks in a row) an increase in temperature to 37 - 37.5 degrees and so on.

Pediatric endocrinologist

Endocrine glands ( pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands, sex glands) Are small organs located in different parts of the body and secreting various hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones regulate metabolism, adaptive and behavioral reactions and the activity of the whole organism as a whole. The normal functioning of these glands in childhood is extremely important, since the hormones they release regulate absolutely all processes associated with the growth and development of the child's body.

A pediatric endocrinologist deals with the treatment of diseases and dysfunctions of the endocrine glands in children. The specialist's duties include a full examination of the child ( including laboratory examination of the level of hormones in the blood), on the basis of which he makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. It is extremely important to notice the existing problems with the endocrine organs in time and consult a doctor, since delay can lead to irreversible changes in various organs and tissues.

The reason for contacting a pediatric endocrinologist may be:

  • an increase in the size of the thyroid gland ( in the front of the neck);
  • overweight;
  • lack of body weight;
  • lag in mental and / or physical development;
  • excessively rapid physical development;
  • disproportionate increase in limbs ( hands and feet);
  • persistent profuse sweating;
  • constant thirst;
  • increased fatigue and so on.

Pediatric surgeon

As mentioned earlier, the structure and location of internal organs, as well as the course of some pathological processes in a child's body, differs from that in adults. A pediatric surgeon is a general surgeon who has the skills to work with the child's body and can provide expert assistance in the most common surgical conditions.

A pediatric surgeon may need:

  • For injuries and open wounds of soft tissues- the surgeon performs the treatment of the wound, and, if necessary, removes the dead tissue.
  • In the presence of a hernia- protrusion of internal organs in the area of ​​the anterior or lateral wall of the abdomen, in the groin area.
  • For acute bleeding of various etiologies.
  • For diseases of the abdominal organs- with appendicitis, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder, intestinal damage, and so on.
  • With purulent infections of soft tissues- furuncle, carbuncle, abscess, phlegmon.
  • In the presence of synechia ( adhesions) the labia minora in girls.
  • For diseases of the external genital organs in boys- dropsy of the testicle, inflammation of the testicle, phimosis ( narrowing of the foreskin) etc.

Pediatric proctologist

This specialist is engaged in diagnostics and treatment ( conservative or surgical) various diseases of the end section of the large intestine.

The reason for contacting a pediatric proctologist can be:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • painful urge to defecate;
  • paroxysmal abdominal pain;
  • the appearance of scarlet blood in the feces;
  • itching in the anal area.
The pediatric proctologist treats:
  • inflammation of the rectum;
  • traumatic injury to the rectum;
  • rectal tumors;
  • prolapse of the rectum and so on.

Pediatric Nephrologist

A nephrologist is a specialist in the field of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. In children, such diseases can be caused by urinary tract infections, systemic infections, diseases of the mother during gestation, genetic predisposition, and so on.

When kidney function is impaired, metabolic by-products begin to accumulate in the body, as well as the functions of other organs and systems are disrupted, which eventually leads to the development of formidable complications. To prevent this, when the first signs of kidney damage occur, you should consult a pediatric nephrologist as soon as possible.

Kidney damage in a child may be indicated by:

  • rare urination;
  • swelling in the face area;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 37 - 39 degrees ( may be a sign of an acute inflammatory process) etc.

Pediatric urologist-andrologist

This specialist treats diseases of the genitourinary system in boys and the urinary system in girls up to the age of 16 years. Urology is a surgical specialty, that is, if necessary, the doctor can perform surgical interventions on the listed organs.

A pediatric urologist should be contacted:

  • when blood appears in the urine;
  • when pus appears in the urine;
  • with pain during urination;
  • with pain in the lumbar region;
  • with pain in the bladder;
  • with diseases of the testicles;
  • with pain in the external genital area ( in boys);
  • with trauma to the scrotum or penis, and so on.
The duties of a pediatric urologist include a complete examination of the child, diagnosis and treatment. If necessary, the urologist can refer the baby for a consultation with a pediatric nephrologist or pediatric surgeon ( depending on the nature of the disease).

Pediatric gynecologist

This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the reproductive system in girls.

The group of these diseases includes:

  • congenital malformations of the genitals;
  • inflammation of the genitals;
  • trauma to the external genital organs;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle in girls.
The reason for contacting a pediatric gynecologist may be:
  • redness and pain in the external genital area;
  • pathological vaginal discharge;
  • earlier onset of menstruation ( up to 10 years);
  • absence of menstruation at the age of 15 - 16 years;
  • severe pain during menstrual bleeding;
  • preventive examination ( shown to all girls and girls at regular intervals).
To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a full examination of the girl, and also prescribes additional instrumental and laboratory tests. All this allows in the shortest possible time to identify the patient's disease and begin adequate treatment.

Pediatric infectious disease doctor

This specialist has certain theoretical knowledge that allows him to diagnose and treat the most common childhood infections. One of the features of the work of this specialist is the fact that almost all children attend various public institutions, where they are in close contact with other children ( kindergartens, schools and so on). In this case, the identification of any dangerous infection in one child may serve as a reason for examining the entire team in which he was. At the same time, the task of a pediatric infectious disease specialist is to timely recognize a dangerous disease and start preventive measures that will prevent further spread of the infection.

A child infectious disease specialist can treat:

  • Respiratory tract infections- diphtheria, whooping cough, viral ( including flu), bacterial and fungal tonsillitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Other viral infections- herpes, measles, rubella, mumps ( pigs), AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
  • Central nervous system infections- meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Intestinal infections- enterovirus infection, dysentery, helminthic invasions.
This is not a complete list of diseases that this specialist treats. Roughly speaking, he can be called for a consultation if any infection is suspected in a child or adolescent under 18 years of age.

Children's dermatologist

This specialist deals with the treatment of lesions of the skin and its appendages ( nails and hair) in children. It is worth noting that many of the dermatological diseases are contagious ( transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by contact), which is why examination by a dermatologist is mandatory for admission to a kindergarten, school, swimming pool or other similar institution.

Also, you should contact a dermatologist when a child has:

  • skin rash of any localization;
  • itching ( burning);
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • excessive acne / blackheads ( especially in the face and neck area);
  • local discoloration of the skin;
  • white spots on the skin;
  • lamination of nails;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair and so on.

Children's trichologist

This doctor has certain knowledge that allows him to diagnose and treat diseases of the hair and scalp in children.

Children's trichologist treats:

  • hair damage in various systemic pathologies;
  • fungal infections of the scalp;
  • head lice ( presence of lice);
  • seborrhea ( skin damage associated with dysfunction of the sweat glands) etc.
The reason for contacting a trichologist may be:
  • increased hair fragility;
  • hair loss in a child;
  • itching in the scalp;
  • the appearance of scales in the scalp;
  • lice detection;
  • change in hair color;
  • preventive examination.

Pediatric oncologist

An oncologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats tumors. The appearance of a benign or malignant tumor in a child is a serious problem, as it indicates pronounced disorders in the functioning of the immune system ( normally, immunity suppresses the processes of tumor formation). If you suspect a tumor, you need to consult with a pediatric oncologist as soon as possible in order to fully diagnose, determine the exact size, location and nature of the neoplasm.

If the tumor is malignant, but has not yet metastasized ( distant foci in other organs), it can be deleted. If metastases are already present, the doctor may prescribe courses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy in order to destroy tumor cells. If the detected tumor turned out to be benign ( that is, in the process of growth, it does not destroy the surrounding tissues and does not metastasize), the question of further treatment tactics is decided individually, depending on the location and size of the neoplasm. If, for example, a tumor compresses large blood vessels or other adjacent organs, it is removed. If it does not interfere with the patient in any way, the doctor may choose a wait and see tactic.

Child psychologist / psychotherapist

This is a medical specialist in the study of behavior, thinking and psychology of children of various ages. A child psychologist can be consulted by parents of a child who has recently suffered any trauma ( psycho-emotional or physical), as a result of which his behavior has changed significantly. Also, children from "problem" families, from boarding schools, children with disabilities and so on can get to this doctor. The task of the psychologist in this case is to establish friendly relations with the child, and then, in the process of a casual conversation, to identify the problems that bother him and try to change the child's attitude towards them.

It is also important to note that when working with children, a child psychologist almost always conducts conversations with their parents, since in the overwhelming majority of cases the family problems of children and parents are caused by the “wrong” behavior of the latter. The psychologist explains to parents how to behave in certain situations, teaches them to communicate correctly with children and adolescents, which helps to improve family relationships and normalize the psychological state of children.

Child psychiatrist

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and disorders in children. The reasons for the development of such pathologies can be a genetic predisposition, congenital defects in the structure of the central nervous system, severe mental trauma, and so on. The task of the psychiatrist is to identify and eliminate the existing deviations in the child's behavior, thereby returning him to a normal society, and also to prevent the development of this pathology in the future.

The reason for contacting a child psychiatrist may be:

  • suffered psychoemotional trauma;
  • mental retardation;
  • abnormal child behavior;
  • severe daytime sleepiness;
  • tendency to tantrums;
  • the appearance of obsessive thoughts or movements;
  • unexplained attacks of panic or fear;
  • severe depression ( decreased mood, indifference to the outside world);
  • increased nervousness;
  • stutter ( may be due to trauma);
  • urinary or fecal incontinence ( can also be the result of severe psycho-emotional trauma).

Children's dentist ( dentist, dentist, orthodontist)

The children's dentist deals with the treatment of absolutely all diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and maxillofacial section of the skull in a child. This doctor has certain knowledge regarding the time and sequence of growth of primary teeth and molars, which allows him to timely identify any deviations and carry out appropriate correction.

A pediatric dentist is a specialist with a higher medical education who has completed additional training in the field of dentistry. In contrast, a dentist is a specialist with a secondary medical education who can treat simple diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa - for example, caries, stomatitis ( inflammation of the oral mucosa), minor damage to tooth enamel, and so on.

An orthodontist is a specialist in correcting malformed teeth, malocclusion, malposition or shape of the lower jaw, and so on. A child needs an orthodontist's consultation most often at the time of the loss of milk teeth and the appearance of the first molars, since late identification and treatment of any violations of this process can lead to deformation of the dentition in the future.

Pediatric physiotherapist

This doctor deals with the treatment of children with impaired motor functions in various parts of the body ( in arms, legs, spine and so on). In this case, the therapeutic process consists in the development and use of special exercises, massage and other methods of physical influence on the affected areas of the body, which allows you to restore the lost functions or prevent further progression of the pathological process.

A pediatric physiotherapist can help:

  • children with diseases of the nervous system;
  • children with lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • children with congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system;
  • children after injuries and injuries ( in the recovery period);
  • children with diseases of other organs and systems ( cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and so on).
After a thorough examination of the child, the physiotherapist may prescribe to him:
  • Special physical exercises.
  • Massage.
  • Electrophoresis- therapeutic effect on tissues by means of an electric current.
  • Ultrasound procedures- therapeutic effect by means of ultrasonic waves.
  • Magnetotherapy- treatment with magnetic fields.
  • Ozone therapy- the therapeutic effect of ozone gas is used.
  • Phonophoresis- the introduction of the drug into the deep layers of tissues using ultrasound.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Laser therapy- exposure to the affected tissue using a medical laser, and so on.

Children's sports doctor

Sports medicine is a branch of general medicine that is more closely involved in sports training of people, as well as the treatment of injuries sustained during sports. The children's sports doctor examines children and identifies the diseases and pathologies they have. Based on the examination data, the doctor issues a conclusion, which specifies whether the child can engage in a particular sport.

The duties of a pediatric sports doctor include:

  • The admission of children to sports.
  • Monitoring the child's condition during sports.
  • Identification and correction of deviations from various organs and systems that arise during training.
  • Development of methods to make sports activities as effective as possible for the child.
  • Prevention of injuries during training.
  • Treatment of injuries sustained by the child during exercise.
  • Recovering children from injuries.

Children's masseur

A pediatric massage therapist is a massage specialist who has received appropriate training and also has certain skills in the field of working with children of different age groups. The masseur does not have to be a doctor ( that is, graduate from a higher medical institution). At the same time, with sufficient education, he can independently diagnose and prescribe certain types of massage ( depending on the child's pathology) - massage of the whole body or its individual areas ( back, head and neck, limbs, abdomen and so on). The principle of the therapeutic effect of massage is to knead the muscles, improve microcirculation and metabolic processes in the tissues in the affected area, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Teenage pediatrician ( doctor for teens)

The adolescent pediatrician has the same knowledge and skills as the general community pediatrician, but has received additional training and is prepared to work with adolescents aged 12-18. The fact is that this stage of growing up is characterized by certain features ( both in terms of the structure and functioning of various organs, and in terms of the psychological state). At the same time, the task of the adolescent pediatrician is to establish a trusting relationship with the adolescent, which will allow him to be interviewed and examined in detail. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor also prescribes treatment, monitors its effectiveness, informs the patient about the methods of preventing relapse ( repeated exacerbations of diseases) and performs all other functions of the district pediatrician. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

During the first year of life, a mother and child should regularly visit various doctors who will monitor the development of the baby.

First medical examination at the maternity hospital

The first medical examination of a newborn baby takes place immediately after birth in a maternity hospital with a doctor called a neonatologist, he assesses the general condition of the child and indicators on the Apgar scale.

During the next 4-5 days, while the mother and baby are in the hospital, the neonatologist visits the baby every day, conducting an examination and observing the condition of the newborn. If necessary, the neonatologist can prescribe laboratory blood tests, consult with doctors of a narrower specialization, and give the baby a referral for an ultrasound examination of the brain.

When a woman returns home with her baby, during the first month of her life, they are regularly visited by a pediatrician and a patronage nurse from a children's medical institution. The doctor visually examines the child, checks his reflexes, feels the fontanel, gives the mother the necessary advice and takes measurements of the head and chest circumference.

The nurse shows the new mother how to handle the umbilical cord, clean the sinuses and ears, swaddle and bathe the baby.

Examination table for babies in the first year of life

Child's age What doctors need to go through
1 month




2 months
3 months


4 months
5 months
6 months


7 months
8 months
9 months



10 months
11 months
12 months





Psychiatrist (according to indications)

Admission in 1 month

When the baby reaches the age of one month, visits from the clinic stop. The time comes for the first scheduled examination at the local pediatrician. During the appointment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the child, listens to his lungs and bronchi, checks the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, assesses how much the fontanelle has tightened, listens to the mother's complaints, sends him to the vaccination room and tells which doctors the baby should go through.

The nurse measures the growth of the baby, the circumference of the head and chest, weighs it.

Such examinations by a pediatrician should take place on a monthly basis so that the doctor can monitor the development of the baby, evaluate its parameters and the general condition of the body before vaccination.

Along with visiting a pediatrician, at the age of 1 month, the baby needs to go through certain specialists:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. orthopedist;
  5. otolaryngologist.

These examinations are mandatory, despite the complete absence of complaints from the parents and the satisfactory condition of the infant. A competent specialist will be able to identify even a slight deviation from the norm in the development of the baby, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.


Examination by a neurologist is mandatory for infants and should be done regularly, once every three months. Such a frequent visit to the doctor is completely justified, since the neurological state of the baby is changing quite quickly, he is growing rapidly, he has new skills and abilities. The neurologist is able to assess the development of the child, his psycho-emotional state, timely detect the onset pathology and indicate to the parents what to concentrate on in the future.

On examination at the age of one month, the neurologist assesses the reflexes of the newborn, pays attention to the muscle tone, posture of the child, the shape of his head, the condition of the fontanel, the color of the skin and facial expression.

If necessary, the neurologist is obliged to send the newborn for a second ultrasound of the brain, which allows to identify changes in its structure, to exclude the formation of cysts, hydrocephalus and high intracranial pressure.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the hospital to exclude the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he examines the inner surface of the newborn's eyeball and tests it for a predisposition to squint.


Reception of the surgeon is carried out in order to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernias, torticollis and vascular formations on the body and head of the child. The surgeon should direct the baby for an abdominal ultrasound to make sure the internal organs are in place and functioning properly.


An orthopedic surgeon pays attention to the child's musculoskeletal system, to the presence of abnormalities such as congenital dislocation of the hip, torticollis or clubfoot. The orthopedist should check the symmetry of the folds on the legs, buttocks and arms of the baby, control their flexion and extension, exclude in the newborn rickets, and if a disease is suspected, prescribe blood tests and ultrasound of the hip joints.


The first hearing examination in newborns is carried out in the maternity hospital, but at a scheduled appointment at the clinic, the otolaryngologist must repeat the audioscreening and, if any deviations are found, send the baby for further examination to the audiological center.

Reception in 3 months

The little one is three months old and he is waiting for a small medical examination again, this time, in addition to the next appointment with a pediatrician, he needs to get advice from a neurologist and an orthopedist.

For a baby who has reached the age of three months, examination by a neurologist is very important. At this stage, the child's innate reflexes have practically died out, he learns to grasp objects, revives when familiar faces appear, holds his head in an upright position and tries to raise it from a prone position. If these skills are absent or poorly developed, the neurologist should advise the baby's parents to undergo a course of massage or physiotherapy to relax his muscles and relieve increased tone.

At 3 months, the orthopedic surgeon re-examines the child for abnormalities in the development of the hip joints. At the beginning of life, the baby's body is in a phase of active growth, and the orthopedist must assess how correctly his musculoskeletal system is formed and how the load on the joints is distributed. The direction of the crumbs to ultrasound of the hip joints will help to control the formation of the ossification nucleus in the femoral head and to avoid disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system.


At the appointment, the orthopedist must check the baby for signs of such a serious illness as:

  • wiped hair on the back of the head;
  • sweating of the palms;
  • not overgrowing fontanelle;
  • protruding ribs;
  • increased excitability.

Rickets occurs against the background of rapid growth of the body and is characterized by a violation of mineral metabolism.

Rickets negatively affects the musculoskeletal system of the baby, making bones fragile and muscles weak, condemning the baby to life with serious consequences.

Often, rickets can be detected in children aged from 1 month to a year.

For the prevention of rickets, the doctor prescribes the child in preventive doses, 1-2 drops, and if there are signs - in therapeutic doses, 6-10 drops.

With the timely treatment of the disease rickets, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is possible to avoid deformations of the skeleton in a child and disorders of his nervous system.

Reception at six months of age

At the age of 6 months, a neurologist, surgeon and orthopedist are waiting for the baby again. By this period, the baby has already learned a lot, he independently turns from back to tummy and back, lying on his stomach, rests on his hands and raises his head and shoulders high, and some young talents are already trying to get up near the support. The kid confidently holds a rattle in the handles and is able to shift it from one hand to another, and the most developed children are able to sit, leaning on the back of a sofa or chair.

The neurologist should evaluate the acquired skills of the child, his psycho-emotional state and muscle tone, when visiting a medical institution at 6 months.

The surgeon and orthopedist should exclude rickets, pathologies of the hip joints, check the baby's musculoskeletal system, his ability to lean on his legs, roll over and sit down, holding the hands of an adult.

Medical examination at 9 months

By the age of 9 months, mom and baby visit the dentist for the first time, even if the baby does not have a single tooth. The pediatric dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, give the mother the necessary recommendations for her care and examine the frenum of the tongue, which is responsible for the child's future speech.

The neurologist re-evaluates the baby's new skills, his ability to stand and move with the help of his parents, checks the development of fine motor skills, asks what words and syllables the child knows and whether he can repeat simple movements after adults.

Doctor visits per year

The list of doctors for a medical examination of a child who has reached the first milestone practically does not differ from the list issued to him at the age of one month, except that it includes a dentist. As a rule, by the age of 12 months, the baby has from 4 to 12 teeth, the dentist needs to assess their health and check the correct bite of the child.

An orthopedic examination is very important for a one-year-old baby, since the baby is already confidently on its feet and moves on its own or with the help of adults. At this appointment, the orthopedist must control how the baby puts his legs and rests on the foot, determine the proportionality of his body and head, check the work of the joints and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and finally exclude rickets.

The neurologist re-evaluates the development of the baby's fine motor skills, tests the ability to grasp small objects with two fingers, asks the mother for the name of which objects and which parts of the body he knows and is able to show how many words he has in the lexicon. If any deviations are found, the neurologist can refer the child and his parents for a consultation with a psychiatrist.

A one-year-old baby must be examined by a surgeon to identify inguinal and umbilical hernias, if any. In boys, the doctor examines the genitals, checks whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum, whether there is accumulated fluid in them, and looks at how the urethra is located. Examination helps to identify the presence of diseases at an early stage, and to prevent the emergence of serious problems in the life of a future man.

At the reception, the optometrist needs to examine the fundus and the optical system of the child's eye.

The otolaryngologist looks at the structure of the ears, nasal passages and larynx, identifies the curvature of the septum, if any, and once again assesses the baby's hearing.

Expectant mothers need to know that on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, the neonatologist who monitored your child after childbirth transfers information about the discharged newborn to the clinic at the place of residence. And the next day after discharge, the district pediatrician will come to you, who will visit the baby every day in the first 3 days after discharge home, then 4-6 times during the first month of life you will be visited by a visiting nurse who will inform the pediatrician about the condition health of the child. Your task is to properly prepare for a visit to the doctor, so that the child is fully examined, and you have no unanswered questions. After all, anxiety for the life and health of the baby in the first days after birth is especially great.

Now there is a large selection of medical institutions that are ready to provide you with any assistance in caring for a newborn, you can also use the services of a private pediatrician. You need to know that the range of compulsory medical services in private and insurance clinics should not differ in the direction of reducing services from public clinics. There is a single medical standard that is mandatory for all medical institutions. The medical standard includes examinations by a pediatrician, doctors of other specialties: an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist, a neuropathologist at a specified age, testing, adherence to the schedule vaccinations.

If you decide to use the services of a commercial institution during, say, the first year of a baby's life, then at the end of the contract you will need an extract and a vaccination certificate. Of course, all the "subtleties" of the contract need to be clarified at its conclusion, but it is not superfluous to clarify them at the first visit of the pediatrician.

What should a mom do before visiting a pediatrician?

In order for the pediatrician's visit to be successful for you and your baby, you need to prepare for this.

First of all, it is advisable to find out what the doctor's name is, when he has office hours at the clinic, since the time of his arrival at you will depend on this: if the doctor conducts an appointment in the morning, then he will come to you in the afternoon, if in the evening , then the time of the visit will be in the first half. You cannot enter the baby's room in outerwear and outdoor shoes; before touching the child, be sure to wash your hands.

Prepare shoe covers or slippers for the doctor in advance. In the bathroom, you need to hang a clean hand towel and put in soap.

Put the exchange cards from the maternity hospital in a prominent place, you will have to give one of them to the pediatrician (the other to the antenatal clinic).

It is desirable that the baby be fed before the examination, but if he is hungry, feed him right during the visit: the doctor will see at this time whether the baby is breastfeeding correctly, whether he is actively sucking. If the baby is fed just before the doctor's visit, warn him about this, otherwise, during an active examination, the baby may vomit abundantly of the eaten food. If you are confused by the baby's stool, leave the diaper (wrapped) until the doctor arrives and consult with him.

The place where the baby is examined should be well lit: it is best (with sufficient daylight) that it is near the window. If the lighting is insufficient, an additional table lamp must be installed. It is very important that at the time of examining the child there is a comfortable temperature in the room (22-24 ° C), because the baby will be completely undressed. It is advisable that you can examine the baby on a changing table or on any sufficiently firm surface covered with a blanket and a diaper (disposable absorbent diapers are very useful for this, make sure you have several in stock). You also need to make sure that there are wet cleaning wipes on the changing table, because your baby's "behavior" is unpredictable. Prepare a clean teaspoon; it should be straight and free from frizz (this is necessary for examining the oral cavity).

Place all the products you use to care for your baby on the table. Consult if you have everything you need for leather treatment and if you are using it correctly. So, for example, very often parents use a cream under a diaper or talcum powder, abundantly treating the baby's skin, not knowing that at first these funds are applied to the parents' hands. And only then the baby's skin is processed, otherwise there may be too much cream or talcum powder, and these funds form lumps in the folds of the skin, causing irritation.

Prepare in advance a list of questions that you would like to ask the doctor, otherwise you may forget to ask about something important. Have some paper and a pen ready to write down the information you need. Also, prepare to answer the doctor's questions, which are necessary to assess the condition and predict the health of your baby. These are questions related to the composition of the family, your health (do you have any chronic diseases, do you have frequent colds, etc.), the course of pregnancy and childbirth (how the pregnancy proceeded, was it desired, did you get sick with anything or during pregnancy, what was the treatment for, whether there was anemia, toxicosis, edema, increased blood pressure, how was the birth), do you have bad habits in your family, hereditary diseases in you and close relatives (heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, sugar diabetes, allergic diseases, etc.). Ask the doctor to help you compose or proofread for the baby, then no critical situation will catch you by surprise. And only a pediatrician will help you choose drugs that are effective and safe for your baby.

Prepare your baby for the arrival of the pediatrician. It is necessary that he was washed, washed, if the umbilical wound causes you anxiety, you should not cover it with brilliant green or potassium permanganate on the day of visiting the doctor - you can do this after examination. If on the scalp, body there are elements of peeling or rashes that alert you, then you should also not treat them with anything before the doctor arrives.

For examination of the oral cavity, prepare a clean teaspoon, it should be straight, without curls.

The baby should be dressed in easily removable clothes, especially if he is sleeping during the doctor's visit, so that, without waking him up, he could be examined and listened to.

The doctor will carefully examine your baby, check the dimensions on the head, examine the oral cavity and oropharynx, listen to the heart and lungs, probe the tummy to check the size of the internal organs: liver, spleen, - examine the genitals, umbilical wound. He will check the reflexes of the newborn, assess his muscle tone. It is possible that some manipulations will displease the infant, but these actions are necessary in order to make sure of his normal physical and psychomotor development. After examining the child, you can ask the doctor your questions.

What to ask the doctor about?

  • When can you go out for a walk and how long can a walk take?
  • How to dress a child so that he does not get overcooled and overheated?
  • How to tell if your baby has enough breast milk?
  • Is it necessary to give the child water to drink?
  • What mixture should you have at home if suddenly there is not enough milk?
  • How should mom eat while breastfeeding, what foods should be discarded?
  • What medications should you have for your baby?
  • What medications can you take if necessary (headache, abdominal pain, fever, etc.)?
  • What room temperature is comfortable for the baby?
  • What water temperature is required for bathing a newborn?
  • What should I bathe my child in, what detergents should I buy?
  • How to treat the skin after bathing and under a diaper?
  • How to wash a child, clean his eyes, ears, nose?
  • How to treat an umbilical wound?
  • What preventive measures can be used to prevent intestinal colic and what to do if they occur?

Berdnikova Elena, pediatrician,
Center for Correction of the Development of Young Children, Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Comment on the article "Let's get acquainted! The first visit of the pediatrician to the child after discharge from the hospital"

Discharge from the hospital and the first days at home - how will it be? Let's get acquainted! The first visit of the pediatrician to the child after discharge from the hospital. Pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist ...


This is legitimate, but your requirements for a doctor are completely unfounded. For a long time (several years), there have been orders according to which it is forbidden for pediatricians to sign recipes for the dairy kitchen without seeing the child. At the same time, the doctor does not need to examine the child. If you, as a parent, are against the examination, it is only easier for the pediatrician, but it is obligatory for the doctor to make sure that the child for whom the prescription is being written exists at the time of the prescription.

I don't know what the point is to immediately call the Ministry of Health to ask about nutrition, at one time we once in six months loomed at the pediatrician, then we freely received our food. What is the problem. Nobody will make you vaccinate. Nobody canceled the law on health protection.

How to wash girls properly? Due to the anatomical features, the genitals of girls are even more vulnerable than those of small members of the opposite sex. Therefore, you should be very careful about cleansing them. Here is an approximate procedure for carrying out hygiene procedures for girls. Wash your hands first. Place your baby on the changing table and undress. Bring your child to the stream of water so that it goes from front to back. With motions from the pubis to the coccyx, rinse ...

Can I bathe my baby until the umbilical wound heals? Previously, it was not allowed to bathe the baby until the umbilical wound was completely healed. However, given that the umbilical wound can heal up to 2 weeks, and the lack of normal skin cleansing, especially in the summer, can lead to irritation and sweating, the timing of the start of water procedures has been revised. At the present time, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, you can start bathing a newborn the very next day after discharge from the hospital ...

First bathing You can start bathing your baby the very next day after leaving the hospital. In order not to be distracted while swimming, you should prepare in advance a baby bath, a soft towel, baby soap or shampoo, a bucket of water for pouring, a water thermometer. The room should be at least 24-25 ° C. The temperature of the water is 36-37 ° С. It is not necessary to boil bathing water. It is enough after the procedure to treat the unhealed umbilical wound with an antiseptic (peroxide, brilliant green) ...


We bathed for the first time after the navel fell off. I didn’t boil the water, I poured the usual hot water from the tap.

And I boiled)) I was running around with buckets, waiting for it to cool down) and we began to swim immediately upon arrival from the hospital. Then sleep is better.

After being discharged from the hospital, parents have to deal with a formal, but necessary matter: the legal registration of the necessary documents. Obtaining a birth certificate You must have with you: Certificate from the maternity hospital Parents 'passports Marriage certificate (if not, both parents must be present) Issued: Parents' passports marked in the column "children" Birth certificate of a child 2 certificates for benefits (for work one of the parents and to the SOBES department) Registration For ...

It is definitely worth doing a photo session of discharge from the hospital for a number of reasons. First, to make a gift of memory to the kid who is just starting his life. Secondly, to preserve the unique emotions and impressions of his parents. Third, emphasize the importance of the moment. Another important reason why a photographer is needed in a maternity hospital is the ability of the photographer to distinguish between subtle manifestations of joy and tenderness upon discharge. Because any family is unique, and each mother is happy in her own way ...

Hello, dear future and successful mothers! My appeal mostly concerns the residents of the northeast of Moscow, but the interest of mothers from Mytishchi, Korolev and surrounding villages also cannot be disregarded. You must know that on the outskirts of the northeast there are only a few maternity hospitals - no. 11 and at the city hospital named after Eramishantseva (former No. 20). At the present time, radical changes are taking place in Moscow's healthcare system. Maternity hospitals # 14, 18, 71 have already been closed. Apparently, they will soon close and ...

Dear mothers, we invite you to take part in the survey! And many thanks to everyone in advance! Survey from the user Revision On what day after the birth of the child were you discharged from the hospital? On the next On the second On the third On the fourth On the fifth On the sixth On the seventh More than a week How did you leave the hospital? in the same, in what and arrived in the usual "not pregnant" clothes in a festive dress Who met you and the baby when you were discharged from the hospital? Husband Parents Friends Other people Nobody ...

Everyone is happy ??? Almost everyone here is embittered, don’t understand what women, wanted to share their story, but poured out a lot of their negativity on me ... and you still reproach me that I am an energy vampire ???? yes you look at yourself !!! They attacked me with insults, and convince others that I am a troll.


sorry for the question, and if you want don't answer: do you plan to have more children?

And the feeling is that another anonymous person is writing like Vitalik (a specialist in GV), who now expresses his clever ideas in the "Society" :))))

The development of the baby The first days and weeks of the baby are the main period of adaptation in this world. The baby is still sleeping most of the time. This is a kind of protective reaction of the baby's body to its environment. The child is not yet able to independently change the position of the body, only by the end of the first month will he try to raise his head. The kid still remains indifferent to sounds, but his mother's voice is familiar and pleasant to him. Proper feeding The best feeding is breastfeeding. You need a kid ...

Usually, after discharge from the hospital, the next day a children's doctor comes to visit the mother and the baby. He tells what to use, how to take care of the child and gives advice. Often, doctors immediately warn which brands of cosmetics should not be used. Doctors, of course, have their own statistics - what product parents most often complain about, and what causes allergies in children. It is worth listening. Oddly enough, but even the goods that the mother gives in the hospital in the samples are ...

One ordinary day in the life of a neonatologist in a maternity hospital Most likely, every young mother knows who a neonatologist is. This is the first doctor in the life of her baby, and it is he who, together with the obstetrician in the maternity hospital, helps the baby take the first breath, scream for the first time, puts the baby to the breast immediately after birth. I work in a maternity hospital in a small town in this specialty. I like to see small children every day, especially since new babies constantly appear in the maternity hospital, and they are in ...


I couldn't walk past :) - no one came to me after the EKS, I only knew "from rumors" that the children were in intensive care, and I didn't see any pediatrician until after 8 hours I slipped off the couch and walked the whole floor, to get into the intensive care unit and there I was kicked out, not the office hours: (So that's it. And the Apgar scores of children, I generally only saw in the statement :(

on a paid basis, if only,
and no one came to our ward, much less answered our questions ....................

Our daughter Angelina was born on August 20, 2006. Height 50cm. weight 2 900. The color of the eyes is gray, the hair is dark, almost black. When we arrived from the hospital, my friend Nelia, a practicing pediatrician for children, arrived. She showed how to handle her, bathe her, feed her, etc. Angeliosha is a very calm child, but agile. He wakes up in a good mood, if he does not wake up crying. She sleeps well, is calm, we have no problems with her, she does not cry at night, wakes up, eats and sleeps again. She sleeps ...

First visit to the pediatrician. More than a month has passed since we are at home (we are 10.5 months old). In the first month, in order to facilitate the child's adaptation, she decided not to drag her around to the doctors. But for some reason, we do not have the initial data on weight and height in our statement.


You will not surprise the district pediatricians with the reception - for them this is a common thing. Ours had and still has only one constant question: has the adopted daughter got used to it in the family, has the family got used to it. And I'm not sorry, I will answer at least every month :) My answer is that it’s as if we have always had a girl, and that’s enough. But both the family doctor and the district nurse are aware that I take care of children, regularly take tests, do not ignore offers to visit narrow specialists, inform about problems, take health certificates from countless sections, and check my own health regularly. So the attitude towards us is mega-friendly :)
I went to the pediatrician for the first appointment WITHOUT A CHILD and explained the situation, shared how dear the child was to me, expressed her intention to meticulously and meticulously normalize his health. Met with complete understanding and tact in response.

When I came with my daughter for the first time, we were 10 months old.
The doctor is young, she said that she had 4 adopted children on the site and we are the fifth. I relaxed, and she wrote to me on the card everything that was in the statement ... She wrote that we had Hepatitis C (bio was ill, my daughter had contact), wrote that her mother was a heroin addict, wrote all sorts of garbage ... Now who would not I opened our map with round eyes and asked why they took it with such a bouquet ... And my daughter is 4 years old, all diagnoses have been removed, she is clever and beautiful))) Now I regret that I did not immediately tell her not to write it all into the map. So, don't say too much))) Or ask not to write ... I had to "lose" a card a year ago)))

Some believe that if a mother takes a nanny as her assistant, it diminishes her role as a mother and may have a bad effect on her relationship with children. In my opinion, there are plenty of stories around that refute this - when women are actively working, do not stop their social realization and at the same time remain happy, full-fledged mothers. I myself once took a nanny, guided by the same reasons. Recently I came across an interview with Alla Dovlatova, a famous Russian actress (plays ...

when is the first visit to the doctor ?. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. Girls, when is the first visit of a pediatrician home after discharge from the hospital?


Probably the next day after being discharged or on the second day. The next day they called us from the registry and came on the second.

When I was discharged from the family home on the fifth day and came home ..... then a whole crowd of relatives and friends was waiting for me there ..... I met grandmother's granddaughter (my mother and mother-in-law) arrived on the 2nd day after giving birth - to the hospital, grandfathers - immediately after discharge - 6th day.


We gathered everyone on the 5th day, and then I regretted it ... it was hard to collect everyone and I didn’t understand yet what and how, and they asked Masika terribly nervous, my husband’s mother was a pediatrician, so I didn’t horrify to see her most of all, she went right away. asked where the child is, let's see him .. I was very jealous .. now a little easier, but still .. I advise you to read 1-2 and not every day .. how you feel and invite those people whom you yourself would like to see that no matter how the guests bother you ... because this is transmitted to masiku too ..

When I was discharged from the family home on the fifth day and came home ... then a whole crowd of relatives and friends was waiting for me there ... The child is all right - no one jinxed him or infected him with anything ... and in general all these non-show shows are stupid prejudices. I now live in italy and here in the family home you can come to visit a newly-made mom and a baby 2 hours after giving birth. When I came to my husband’s brother’s wife (3 hours after the birth of my nephew or I don’t know who he was for me), they almost forcibly stuck the child into the hands of me and I walked around the ward for 30 minutes ... and even here in the hospital no one takes off their outerwear and shoes (who visit naturally) and everyone is safe and sound ... even more so, Italians are in first place for longevity.

The first daughter was observed by a personal pediatrician for up to a year. She came to us 3 times, now we are 4 months old, the first time, right after discharge, the second time, she brought the medicine to the baby. After arriving from the hospital for the first week, she was a micropaediatrist every day, then every week for up to a month.


We are already one year old. From 3 months we have been combining a district pediatrician and a personal doctor. We need a local one because - insofar as - to weigh, measure, write out the food. And a personal doctor is a wonderful doctor who is always available, professional and experienced. pleasant in all respects. Her recommendations were recognized as literate in the Filatovskaya Consulting Center, after which we were advised not to torture the child and not drag her to Filatovskaya, but to see our doctor. If you want tel. A center where you can ask about her home reception 287-64-84. Highly recommend. Voronina Tatiana Vladimirovna. pediatrician - neoantologist - nephrologist. She spends at least 2 hours with my child. In addition to examination, general recommendations, gives recommendations on feeding, care, regimen, etc., up to education :) Good luck. And bless you! :)

10.24.2001 14:09:32, laapaaa

The first daughter was observed by a personal pediatrician for up to a year. I came home, got vaccinated at home, sent other specialists and nurses for tests, and was available on the phone at any time. Now the visit costs 600 rubles. When my daughter was one year old, from her husband's work, she was assigned to the Children's Consultative and Diagonal Regiment of the Presidential Administration in Staropansky Lane. The second from birth is also attached there. At first we went home with patronage, and yesterday we visited them for the first time (she is in use a month). Although I had to go to the very center with the baby, everything was organized very conveniently. You come to your pediatrician's office and she invites all the other specialists there. Yesterday 6 doctors examined us at once. And there is no need to go from office to office, dressing and undressing the baby. Great doctors and every equipment imaginable. Insurance through ROSNO, I don’t know the exact article. it includes many other things, not just a regiment, but in the clinic you can conclude a contract directly. But I don't lose touch with my personal pediatrician either, what if my husband changes jobs and I have to forget about this half? Although, I hope this does not happen :).

We learn to get acquainted and be friends.

Start by being able to approach other children and strike up a conversation. Show your child how to do this. Choose the most sociable and friendly child in the kindergarten group or in the yard. Come up with a smile and say: “Hi, my name is Petya. Can I play with you? "

From the first days of a baby's life, the pediatrician becomes practically a member of the family. Full monitoring of the health and development of the child is impossible without visiting the children's clinic. Therefore, parents should clearly understand how these institutions work and what rights and responsibilities the district pediatrician has.

Attachment to the clinic and the choice of a pediatrician

Most of us are used to thinking that children's polyclinics serve only "by registration". In fact, the system is more flexible. Children have the right to be observed at their place of residence, and not upon registration. This means that if you, for example, rent an apartment in another area, you should not have problems connecting to the nearest clinic.

Moreover, if you have a misunderstanding with the district pediatrician of your child, you can change the specialist by writing an application addressed to the chief physician of the polyclinic.
Parents have the right to choose a polyclinic at their place of residence and change their pediatrician. But before that, you must choose another pediatrician and get his verbal consent.

If you have reasonable claims against the pediatrician, you have the right to present them - not only personally, but also in court. Although, as a rule, the resolution of conflict situations does not reach this level. Usually, everything ends at the most with the intervention of the head physician.

Checkups by a pediatrician and other specialists

It is helpful for young parents to know what responsibilities pediatricians have. But first, let's list the responsibilities of the parents themselves - in general, there are very few of them. Family members should bring the child for routine preventive examinations, even if the baby does not have signs of malaise, and take all tests as directed by the pediatrician. It is also necessary to inform the doctor about the child's illness (call at home or come to an appointment), carry out vaccination in the direction of the pediatrician or write an official refusal from it.

Schedule of routine checkups with a pediatrician is not the easiest one. It is best to keep it at home in a printed form. However, with babies under one year old, everything is clear: a preventive reception should be carried out once a month. Such careful observation is necessary in order to notice the incipient pathology in time and prevent it from developing. The advantage of these consultations is that you can ask any questions about the development of the baby, for example, about the choice of complementary foods or anxious behavior before bed.

When a child turns 1 month old, along with a pediatrician, a neurologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist and surgeon should examine him. Based on the results of these techniques, the therapist re-examines the information and, if necessary, may prescribe additional tests.

A 9-month-old baby first meets a dentist, since it is at this age that teething and tooth growth should be monitored. And in a year, all of the above specialists examine the child again.

In the second year of life, the frequency of visits to the pediatrician is not so dense. If there are no complaints, one dose every three months is sufficient. Reception with other specialists, as well as the delivery of general tests of blood, urine and feces, is carried out only once a year.

The most extensive medical examination is carried out before the child enters kindergarten. A more complete examination is waiting for the child before entering kindergarten. Usually this moment occurs at the age of 3. The kid is examined not only by experts he knows, but also by a dermatologist with a speech therapist. The process is repeated before enrolling in grade 1.

At 7 or 8 years old, after the first grade, a dermatologist and speech therapist are excluded from the mandatory scope of the examination. But at the age of 10, an appointment with an endocrinologist is added. The girls visit a gynecologist for the first time, and electrocardiography (EKG) is done for all children. At the age of 12 - the next examination, in which the boys are examined for the first time by a urologist.

When should the doctor come to the house?

If you have any doubts about whether it is possible to call a pediatrician at home, remember a simple rule: a child should come to the clinic when he does not have a fever and is not contagious to others. Accordingly, if the baby has signs of SARS or suspicions of an infectious disease, such as chickenpox, feel free to call a doctor. It is worth adding that if the child is simply not feeling well, that is, he is sick or wants to sleep, there is no need to go to the clinic. Explain over the phone that the baby's condition may worsen while waiting in line at the clinic, so you need a home visit from a pediatrician. Medical staff cannot refuse this request.

Establishing diagnosis

The attending pediatrician is obliged to diagnose a sick child and explain it clearly to his parents. If the doctor is not able to do this on the basis of the examination and the tests passed, he should give a referral to another narrow specialist - also a pediatrician, but with a certain bias in specialization. Such cases are, of course, rare. Most often, the district pediatrician quickly makes the final verdict, but some doctors sin by not very clearly explaining to the child's relatives what this diagnosis implies and what treatment is prescribed. Therefore, if you feel that you have not fully understood some points, do not hesitate to “interrogate” your pediatrician, demanding to describe the medical picture in an accessible language.

A pediatrician deals with health problems of all children under 18 years of age. The doctor consults, prescribes diagnostic methods of research, examines the results obtained and establishes a final diagnosis. After that, the sick baby is given appropriate treatment. The doctor gives advice to parents on how to protect the child from frequent illnesses for acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), rhinitis and other ailments.

What does a pediatrician do in practice

A pediatrician, like an adult therapist, diagnoses, treats and prevents illnesses in children. The specialist must have a completed higher medical education in the specialty "Pediatrics" with training for 2 years on an internship. After that, the doctor can work in a polyclinic, a children's hospital or a private clinic.

A pediatrician is a special doctor who must have the following qualities:

  • love for children;
  • patience;
  • the ability to find a common language with children of different ages;
  • not be very strict;
  • understand the diseases of almost all organs of the child's body;
  • know well the structural features of organs and tissues in children;
  • remember about the indicators of laboratory and instrumental studies, which often differ somewhat from those of adults.

At the doctor's appointment, if the children are small, parents must be present. This way you can establish contact with the baby and quickly learn about the problem.

The pediatrician conducts the following examinations:

  • in the first month after the birth of the child, if the baby is not in the hospital. In this case, the patient is dealt with by a neonatologist (neonatology is a branch of medicine that studies infants and newborns, their growth and development, their diseases and pathological conditions);
  • During the first year after birth, parents bring the child to the pediatrician for examination on a monthly basis. This is done on “healthy child's day” on a specific day of the week;
  • a visit of a child and parents to a doctor during routine vaccination, when children need to be vaccinated against infectious diseases, according to the approved schedule;
  • after a year, the child visits the pediatrician if necessary. Sometimes you can call a doctor at home, which is more convenient for the parents.

Usually, the doctor of the polyclinic receives patients at the workplace until the first half of the day, and then leaves on calls. When called to the house, the pediatrician examines the child, listens to the lungs and measures the body temperature, asks the parents about the symptoms of the disease. If required, the baby is hospitalized in the children's hospital for a full examination and complex treatment.

What organs does the pediatrician treat?

A pediatrician in his practice is faced with various diseases, which must always be remembered and the treatment algorithm must be known. It is very difficult, but with the passage of time and the addition of practical skills, the doctor becomes a highly qualified specialist. Mostly the doctor is faced with the pathology of such organs and systems:

  • nervous system: structures of the head and, nerve plexuses. As well as the pituitary gland (an organ in the brain that produces important hormones);
  • ENT organs: nose, ear, throat, tonsils;
  • heart;
  • leather;
  • respiratory system: larynx, vocal cords, trachea, lungs, pleura;
  • digestive tract: esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines. As well as the rectum, pancreas, liver and gallbladder;
  • urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder;
  • endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas (the part that produces hormones), adrenal glands, parathyroid glands, testicles in boys and ovaries in girls.

Almost the entire body is in the competence of the pediatrician. The doctor should be able to highlight important symptoms, know the location and structure of organs. It is this knowledge that will help assess the activity of the disease, the cause of its appearance and draw up a plan of action for treating a little patient.

When to see a pediatrician

For parents, any ailment in a child becomes a cause for concern. Often a mother knows the behavior of her child and can easily determine when the child needs a doctor's help. With children who still cannot speak, you need to contact a pediatrician in such cases:

  • constant crying of the child during the day, and especially at night;
  • high body temperature, which can be measured with a thermometer under the armpits;
  • increased sweating during sleep, when mom pays attention to a wet pillow or sheet;
  • anxiety of the child;
  • lethargy and drowsiness, not typical in normal conditions;
  • any discharge from the nose, increased tearing;
  • sourness and redness of the eyes;
  • cough;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea or stool retention;
  • cry of a child when urinating;
  • vomiting of food eaten the day before;
  • pallor of the skin.

When such symptoms appear in a baby, you should immediately call a pediatrician at home. The doctor will assess the child's condition and decide on home treatment or hospitalization.

For children who can already talk about their complaints, there are the following symptoms, when they appear, you should contact a pediatrician:

  • runny nose, purulent or clear nasal discharge, difficulty breathing;
  • cough, shortness of breath, sputum production with cough;
  • high body temperature, fever, along with heaviness and muscle aches;
  • chest pain;
  • soreness behind the sternum, shortness of breath when climbing stairs, which is accompanied by cyanosis (the appearance of a blue tint) of the skin;
  • pressure surges, with a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • back pain, which radiates to the groin area, and is aggravated by urination;
  • burning sensation and soreness at the beginning of urination;
  • obesity that is not cured by diet;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin.

Each child's complaint has a reason for its appearance, so the pediatrician needs to remember about a large number of diseases, research methods and treatment.

What diseases does the pediatrician treat?

During his studies at the institute, a future pediatrician needs to master a number of skills, study hundreds of pages of scientific literature. All this is necessary for the correct treatment of the following diseases, which are within the competence of a specialist:

  • SARS (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis) implies the presence of a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. This ailment often affects babies up to 5-6 years of age. The main symptoms are runny nose, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, fever, general weakness;
  • pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue caused by a bacterial infection. At the same time, children are adynamic, weakened, fever, cough with phlegm, shortness of breath appear. It is necessary to treat such a pathology only in a hospital;
  • whooping cough occurs only in children under 6 months of age and is triggered by specific bacteria. At the same time, children have a strong dry cough, sudden attacks of shortness of breath. Parents should be careful because this ailment can be fatal if not properly treated by a pediatrician;
  • bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, mainly of a viral cause. Children complain of severe cough, chest pain, sometimes fever;
  • a duodenal ulcer is considered a hereditary disease. In this case, a tissue defect appears on the mucous membrane of the organ. Patients complain of abdominal pain on an empty stomach, 3 hours after eating, nausea, heartburn;
  • intestinal colic is a condition where the smooth muscles of the intestines become spasmodic. At the same time, children feel severe stabbing pain throughout the abdomen, nausea. Babies up to 2-3 years old scream, cry, restless. The causes of this condition are malnutrition and constipation;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney and renal calyces (small reservoirs in which urine accumulates). Often, in children, the ailment appears after a cold, with abnormalities in the development of the kidneys. Babies have a fever, pain in the lower back and above the pubis when urinating, the urine is cloudy;
  • hypovitaminosis D (rickets) - lack of vitamin D. At the same time, the bones of the skull, sternum, ribs are deformed in children. It often happens in babies who are rarely in the sun.

The pediatrician treats diseases in a conservative way, while using medications and the correct diet.

Research methods prescribed by the pediatrician

If health problems are identified in children, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis as soon as possible. To do this, you need to conduct a full range of examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting rate and plasma fibrin);
  • blood platelets;
  • blood vitamin D level;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Zemnitsky (daily urine is collected in a bank to establish the specific gravity);
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko (determine the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders in 1 ml of urine);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal organs;
  • fibrogastroscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a special apparatus that is introduced to the patient through the mouth;
  • fibrocolonoscopy - examination of the large intestine using a thin probe that is inserted through the rectum;
  • X-ray of the abdomen can show the presence of metal objects, signs of intestinal obstruction;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, ureter and bladder;
  • excretory urography will show the state of renal excretory function;
  • retrograde cystourethrography - using a thin probe, a contrast agent is injected into the bladder and ureters and a series of x-rays are taken. This is how the bladder filling, the diameter of the ureters and the presence of urine flow into the ureters are assessed;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, vocal cords using a probe;
  • bacteriological culture of sputum, feces, urine;
  • blood test for immunoglobulins A, E, G.

Parents need to devote a lot of time to their child in order to protect their child from various diseases. In this case, the advice of a pediatrician will help:

  • you need to bathe a small child only in boiled water, the temperature of which is 30-320 C;
  • children should not be allowed to drink cold carbonated water; it is better to prepare a decoction of dried fruits or compote;
  • every day, especially in winter, it is necessary to ventilate the children's room for 3-4 minutes by opening the window;
  • children under 8 years old are prohibited from eating fried meat, spices, lightly salted foods;
  • fruits and vegetables should be washed in running water before meals to prevent diarrhea or vomiting;
  • in case of manifestations of allergy to pollen during the flowering period, it is advisable to change the place of residence for a while, for example, take the child to his grandmother;
  • When a skin rash appears, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist, it is forbidden to prescribe anything yourself.

The local pediatrician knows all his little patients. Therefore, it is not difficult for the doctor to find contact with the child, which greatly facilitates the examination and diagnosis.

Modern medicine cannot be imagined without such a doctor as a pediatrician. His competence includes the assessment of the comprehensive development of children (nervous, mental, physical), school maturity. The doctor, on the basis of the available information about the patient's health, assigns him a health group, gives recommendations to parents regarding the feeding of the child, his upbringing, development and prevention of various diseases.

The doctor has knowledge of a variety of diseases that are relevant for the period of childhood. Knows the causes of various infections, the etiology of diseases of organs and their systems. In addition, the physician must follow current trends in pediatrics and the release of new drugs used to treat children. Of course, it is difficult to list all the knowledge that a pediatrician has. Everything that has been listed is only a basic minimum that every doctor possesses and which is the most significant for patients.

How does a pediatrician work?

Reception of a doctor of this specialty involves the collection of an anamnesis of a small patient. The doctor finds out the medical history, assesses the child's well-being, after which he gives an initial consultation regarding either further treatment, or undergoing further research to make a more accurate diagnosis. For example, he offers to donate blood, urine or mucous discharge for analysis, etc.

Depending on the results obtained, a further treatment regimen is being developed, or the already implemented one is changed, or additional studies are required, or redirection to another specialist.

Appointment at the pediatrician

A doctor's examination can be planned or unplanned. Each of these options has certain characteristics.

Scheduled inspection

    Until the baby is born. To find out where the doctor accepts, how it happens and when a woman should go to him even before the baby is born, or rather, during registration. Pediatricians are district doctors and accept children based on their place of residence.

    The first month after giving birth. At this time, the pediatrician will see the baby for the first time, assess his condition and give recommendations to parents. The doctor comes to the house several times.

    When the first month is over. The child is taken to the clinic according to a predetermined plan. At this time, he is weighed, measured and examined. This is usually done every month.

    Period up to a year. Pediatrician visits should be monthly. He regularly monitors the development of the child, identifies existing deviations. In addition, it provides advice on routine vaccinations.

    Period after 12 months. Parents see a doctor as needed. Only visits are scheduled, during which examination and the introduction of a preventive vaccination are carried out.

Unscheduled inspection

It is worth contacting a doctor if the child has the following symptoms:

    There are pains of various localization: joint, head or peritoneal.

    Disorders of digestion are observed.

    There are signs of an allergic or infectious disease - rashes appear on the body or face, the child is coughing, he has a runny nose, wheezing in the throat, etc.

    There are doubts about the norm of the child's development, physical and mental.

Parents should not forget about:

    If the disease begins to develop in an infant, then you should not carry it to the clinic, but it is better to call the doctor home. This will eliminate the risk of infection of the baby with other infections.

    When a child is born, an individual medical record is given to him. It should be treated carefully, as it will allow you to study the history of the child at an older age.

What does a pediatrician treat?

The doctor must be able to make the correct diagnosis and conduct therapy in accordance with it: for food poisoning, one treatment is needed, for infectious diseases - absolutely another, for allergic manifestations - a third.

In addition, the doctor must be able to identify problems with the heart and kidneys, liver and blood vessels, with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, with metabolic processes, etc. who will deal with further therapy.

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A good pediatrician is the key to health

The search for a doctor with a really high qualification is a rather urgent question.

First of all, you should decide on the clinic in which the appointment will be carried out. The doctor himself must necessarily have experience working with children.

It is great practice that guarantees that the doctor will not make mistakes in treating the child, as this will prevent him from doing many years of work experience. This is important, because at an early age, the baby cannot independently inform adults about his concern. However, up to 5 years old it is rather difficult for him. That is why the pediatrician must be able to determine the cause of the child's temperature rise, to understand why he is showing increased anxiety, etc.

Nevertheless, it is not worth looking for a doctor with 40 or more years of experience. It is quite enough for a doctor to work in the clinic for 10 years. During this time period, he will hone the knowledge gained at the institute and gain practice, but at the same time he will be aware of modern trends in medicine in general and in his field, in particular. It is great if the doctor has experience in hospital work.

A specialist in his field always strives for professional growth, improves his own knowledge and raises his qualifications. It is important to weed out outdated treatments by adopting new standards in medicine. Therefore, a student doctor is a specialist with a modern theoretical and practical base.

It is great if the doctor completes additional courses that improve his qualifications, has additional specializations. There is a struggle for such doctors in good clinics, and it is in such institutions that they receive appointments.

What is included in pediatrician services?

    Taking anamnesis, attentive attitude to the patient's complaints;

    Visual inspection;




    Body temperature measurement;

    Determination of height and weight.

What the pediatrician does and treats? Let's take a look at these issues.

Pediatrics- a clinical discipline that considers the child's body at all stages of growth, determines the causes of diseases, develops methods for their detection and therapy.

What the pediatrician treats

First of all, a pediatrician must be able to diagnose and carry out the necessary treatment of infectious diseases ( influenza and acute respiratory infections, dysentery, whooping cough, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox, mumps), food poisoning and etc.

In addition, the pediatrician must be able to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, liver and kidneys, a number of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, lesions of the nervous system, metabolic disorders, infectious lesions... In these cases, the pediatrician refers the patient to the appropriate specialist and monitors the overall course of treatment.

What does a pediatrician do?

The duties of a pediatrician include:

  • obtaining information about the health of the child;
  • organization and implementation of anti-epidemic measures in the focus of infection;
  • monitoring the health of the child and providing medical and preventive care (clinical examination);
  • organization and conduct of immunization in children (in accordance with the vaccination schedule);
  • development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled children;
  • carrying out sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures to protect the health of children;
  • issuance of certificates and certificates of incapacity for work for caring for a sick child.

How does a pediatrician work

At the reception, the doctor collects an anamnesis (receives information about the child's illness, examines complaints about well-being, his medical history), conducts an examination. After the initial consultation, the pediatrician writes out a referral for the necessary research (for example, to do a culture, donate blood or urine for analysis). Based on the results of the examination, after examining the analyzes and studies, the pediatrician prescribes treatment or, if necessary, refers to a doctor of narrow specialization (for example, if vision problems are identified - to, if heart disease is suspected - to).

When to see a pediatrician?

Examination by a pediatrician can be both planned and unscheduled for a child. Let's consider the features of both options.

Scheduled inspection

  • Before birth... Where to go to the pediatrician for the first time, how and when to go to him, the expectant mother can find out even during pregnancy - that's when she gets registered. The place of registration is determined based on the nearest place of residence, it is necessary to go, as you might guess, to the children's clinic.
  • Within a month from the date of discharge from the hospital... In this case, the pediatrician comes to the house, which is done several times.
  • After the first month of a child's life... The child is shown to the doctor, which is his usual planned visit. This technique consists in weighing, examining and measuring growth.
  • In the period within the next year... A visit to the pediatrician should be monthly - a similar scheme makes monitoring the child regular, tracking the developmental characteristics, possible deviations. This will also allow you to get the required appointments regarding, for example, routine vaccinations.
  • After a year... Here, the pediatrician's office is visited as needed, if you do not take into account several visits, during each of which vaccinations are given (which is done once every 3 months).

There are a number of reasons why the visit to the pediatrician is unscheduled:

  • temperature increase;
  • abdominal pain, stool disorder;
  • symptoms that may be associated with an infection or allergy - skin rashes, red eyes, runny nose, cough, hoarseness;
  • any doubts about the normal physical or psychological development of the child.

A small child fell ill, but he is so small that he still cannot explain where he hurts. Children's doctors can provide professional help. The profession of a pediatrician presupposes excellent knowledge of the specifics of childhood diseases, as well as methods of their treatment.

What does a pediatrician do

What does a pediatrician do and what does he do? Unlike a general practitioner who accepts patients in the clinic and visits at home, the duties of a pediatrician additionally include examining healthy children under 1 year of age. During the examination, the doctor monitors the weight gain of the child, monitors his psychological development, prescribes vaccinations and the necessary procedures. A visit to the pediatrician is a must for every child, even if he is healthy. Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it, especially in a fragile body.

Working with children will seem difficult to a person who does not have certain qualities: patience, tact, restraint. Considering that the child is not feeling well, the work becomes twice as difficult. The doctor's soft voice and calm tone soothe the baby, but if you are constantly nervous and screaming, a trip to the doctor will be accompanied by tears and whims.

The professional knowledge and experience of a pediatrician is very important, a small child cannot tell the nature of the disease or its cause. The doctor must have physical and mental endurance, especially during periods of seasonal exacerbation of epidemics. Love for children is an integral character trait that will help you cope in the most difficult situations. The health of a little person entirely depends on the correct diagnosis and further treatment, which is why the profession of a pediatrician is very responsible.

The salary depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the city. In Moscow, for example, you can count on a monthly salary of $ 700-800. In provincial cities, the salary is lower: $ 350-500.

Pros and cons of the profession of pediatrician


  • your child will always be supervised;
  • the work of a pediatrician is respected in society;
  • suitable profession for people who love children and want to help them.


  • medical staff have low salaries;
  • the likelihood of conflict situations with parents who "know" the cause of the disease better than doctors.

In our country, a pediatrician is assigned to each district, who treats and examines children in the clinic and at home. The career growth of a specialist is standard for the medical field: senior resident, deputy head, head of the department. There is also the option of opening your own clinic, the estimated income is much higher here.

The founder of domestic pediatrics is S. F. Khotovitsky, who published in 1847 the first textbook on pediatrics called "Pediatrics" In the middle of the 20th century, pediatrics was separated into a separate basic branch of health care. The training of specialists - pediatricians is carried out by accredited educational institutions, where, from the first courses, the study of the norms and pathologies of childhood was introduced. Depending on their specialization, pediatricians are divided into pediatricians - district doctors, pediatricians - surgeons, traumatologists, etc.

The first children's hospital was opened in St. Petersburg in 1934. This medical institution exists now, it bears the name of N.F. Filatova

The need for separate training of such doctors lies in the fact that the physiology and anatomy of a child differs from the anatomy and physiology of adults, and many processes in the body of children proceed differently. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of age-related changes and deviations in the development of children, as well as calculate the dosage of drugs used in treatment.

Duties of the pediatrician

A good local pediatrician should observe the child during the entire period of his growing up, know the characteristics of his body, predict the development of diseases and have knowledge in various fields of medicine - from the period of nursing premature babies to the diseases of 18-year-olds. In addition, his responsibilities include scheduling vaccinations and monitoring its implementation. A pediatrician should recommend to parents methods of recovery from diseases and their prevention, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body, and also do everything possible to make the child grow up healthy.

The pediatrician must be able to communicate with the child and find a common language with the parents

Pediatricians work in children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, recreation camps, orphanages), in children's clinics and hospitals, in special ambulance teams, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums and boarding houses.

An important role in creating a good reputation for a pediatrician is played by his sociability, the ability to find a common language with children and (to a greater extent) with parents, and to inspire their trust. Otherwise, a situation may arise when either the doctor loses authority with the parents and they do not want to trust him with the treatment of the baby, or the child himself refuses to contact the doctor, and the time for the timely diagnosis of the disease may be lost.