How to teach your toddler to draw: use numbers to get creative. I want to try it already! Developing cards, what numbers are like, numbers in pictures for children, numbers for toddlers How to draw a number 5 in the form of animals

Many parents dream that their children can draw beautifully... To do this, you need to teach the kids basic skills. For parents who do not know how to do this correctly, we have prepared 15 schemes. These helpful instructions will help mums and dads teach their kids how to draw with numbers. Such a task is very exciting and at the same time completely uncomplicated. The great thing is that this type of drawing will surely appeal to children.

How to teach a child to draw

Such schemes not only teach children to draw, but also contribute to the development of their imaginations. After teaching the baby, write a number on a piece of paper and ask him yourself finish painting something that comes to his mind. You can also use letters and various geometric shapes. You will see, children will find a solution that even an adult cannot think of. Guide your child on a creative path!

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each of whom is an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create content that is truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers are a source of inexhaustible inspiration!

Here are educational cards - pictures “What do the numbers look like?”. Each number in the picture is depicted as an object or object, and in order to quickly learn and remember all the numbers on the cards, funny verses about numbers are printed along with illustrations.

These cards are suitable for learning numbers at home and in kindergarten.

Download and unpack the archive with the cards, print the pictures, glue them on cardboard, cut them up and you can work with your child.

With very young babies, you can study one number a day, start with one. Show the picture with the number 1 (), then show the picture from the series "What does the number 1 look like?" Read a rhyme to the child, lay out 1 different toys in front of the baby: 1 ball, 1 cube, 1 ring from the pyramid. So the child will understand what it is about and he will quickly master the material.

The next day, repeat activities with number 1, and then go to number 2, add toys: now 2 balls, 2 cubes and so on.

If you use as much visual, colorful and bright material as possible, then it will be much more interesting for children to study.

We wish you pleasant and interesting activities with the kids!

Do you want to organize your child's creative leisure and instill in him a love of mathematics? Combine business with pleasure! Give him a lesson in drawing and amusing arithmetic with the help of the educational program " learning to draw using numbers»!

Duck. Source:

Today the answer to the question “ how to learn to draw»More and more simple and original advice becomes more and more: start with simple shapes! Many artists - authors of drawing textbooks suggest creating a drawing based on "dummies" - sketches created on the basis of straight and slightly rounded lines, squares, rectangles, triangles, ovals, circles.

But now, quite recently, the foreign women's magazine "Eve" has proposed an extremely unusual, but very useful concept that will help learn to draw to each. It turns out that you can create images of animals, birds and other animate and inanimate objects…. with numbers!

The team brings to your attention some ideas for family creativity. Learn to draw using numbers together!

Drawing lesson + amusing arithmetic

The deuce is often called the "swan". But, practice shows that you can draw very cute stork!

Stork. Source:

And with the help of one and nine, without further ado, you can depict a funny eucalyptus bear - a koala.

Koala. Source:

For those who have been tormented by the question "cock or hen?" now you don't have to choose! Both khokhlushka and oil scallop are easily obtained from the numbers 15 and 10!

Cockerel. Source:

Hen. Source:

And a cute bunny rabbit can easily draw from the number 3 or 8.