Erogenous yoni massage: what is it and how to do it? Intimate massage. How to massage your wife for maximum pleasure

Without a doubt, our health of the dough is related to the sexual sphere. And if there are no problems there, then we enjoy life in full, do not lose hope of receiving the highest satisfaction. It is important to consider that, doing erotic massage correctly, it is necessary to act on all corners of the body where there are sensitive points. For example, if you slowly press your palms on the skin, use slow rubbing, this will help your partner to relax and feel your care, and if you apply a faster pace and strong pressure, the massage will become stimulating, focused on ensuring that the beloved as soon as possible turned out to be ready to interact.

Let's consider the main types of erotic massage and learn how to do it correctly:

Help to relax quickly and rubbing will help to forget about pressing matters. This method is also helpful for circulatory problems. Internal processes will all come in good shape. Erotic massage will turn into wellness.

Stroking at the beginning of the massage and at the end- an integral part of any massage. Don't forget this. And yet - in no case should you confuse which types of movements to use for the back and legs, and which for more sensitive points, otherwise you will get the opposite effect and your partner will regret having agreed to such a session.

It is also worth noting such a positive feature of erotic massage - that it is a process in which you can slowly get to know each other's bodies, identify those features that you didn’t notice before when the light was off. Don't be ashamed of your complexion, even if your body isn't quite perfect. Your partner will not pay attention to this if you yourself do not begin to direct him to this thought.

- When we just touch fingers to the partner's body, thousands of goosebumps run through him, if at this moment he is naked, then millions. Therefore, movements such as stroking, sliding techniques will add more sensuality. Put your soul, love and passion from the start and control the pressure, angle tilt of your arms. You should not constantly look at your partner's face while waiting for what he has to say. Let him rest and enjoy the process. You can only occasionally glance at his expression to know if he has fallen asleep. Otherwise, it will be a shame that you started doing erotic massage with one purpose, and as a result, you put your partner to sleep.

- Light tapping will occasionally tone the partner, so to speak, the massage seemed to him not boring and even a little fun. You can perform this action not only directly on his skin, but also by placing your palm on his back. That is, you knock on your palm, and he receives light echoes within himself. It's also helpful.

- Alternation of movements. Carrot and stick method. YOU can add fun to the massage by slowly running your palms over your body at first and then ending with tapping. The correct erotic massage does not have a strict sequence of movements, so everything will depend on you.

Now let's talk about how to properly move from one part of the partner's body to another.

There are 3 main rules here:

- No harshness.

- All the means that you decide to apply to the massage should be nearby, and not in another room, or not at all.

- Talk less with the person to whom you are giving the massage, let him relax and completely transfer himself to the peak of bliss.

Let's talk a little more about each of these points.

  1. If suddenly you start to recklessly change your position. To start massaging another part of the body, you can accidentally "drive" your elbow into your nose or hit the rib with your heel. So approach everything wisely, keeping the rules in mind.
  2. Working with dry hands is a joy, but not as much as a fragrant cream or gel can provide.
  3. When you want to relax, you try to avoid extraneous sounds. Likewise, the one who is currently engaged in receiving pleasure would not want to have a “radio” next to him. Therefore, present moments of silence.

Many girls have a question about how to start a massage.

A guy returning from work is not always able to adequately behave with a girl who is almost naked. He can walk by, or he can fall asleep right in the hallway. So if you don't want your Romeo to ignore you, take the initiative. Approach him, slowly slide your palm over his cheek and lips, kiss him. Next, whisper in your ear that you have been waiting for him for a long time and now there will be a surprise. Next, take him by the collar of his shirt and lead him to the room where the massage will be performed. Just prepare everything in advance so that he understands that it will be an erotic massage, and not another adult with toys.

Start your massage by unbuttoning his shirt, slowly pulling off his pants. Or you can wait for him to come out of the shower and have an erotic massage session with the same success.

During the massage, you can make teasing movements. For example: reach for a tube of gel without removing your palms from your chest, reach through it, arching back. Iron yourself. Run the hair down his back and paint with the ends of the strands.

Make your usual erotic massage unforgettable!

Now you know how to properly make an erotic massage.

Massage is capable of delivering a very special joy - the joy of touching. Erotic massage, an incredibly pleasant and extremely useful activity for both partners. Offer your girlfriend an erotic massage - your touch will help her to relax and forget about the worries of the day. The massage will not only soothe, but also stimulate her sexual desire, because erotic massage relaxes only the body, while the senses, on the contrary, are exacerbated.

By giving a massage to your girlfriend, you get a unique opportunity to see her body in all its glory. If she doesn't want to make love in the light, offer her an erotic massage, she probably won't be able to refuse. And then you will contemplate her in the kind of lighting that you like, because the massage therapist must see what exactly he is massaging.

Erotic massage: prepare the environment

Fill the bathtub with water, add a couple of drops of any essential oil with a relaxing effect, and invite the girl to soak in a fragrant bath. While the girl is tidying up, take care of the intimate atmosphere in the room. Candles, (only for amateurs! I do not advise you to experiment if you are not sure that your girlfriend loves such smells), quiet melodic music ...

Undressing can be turned into a whole ritual. Proceed slowly, take your time, try to play a little - for example, undress each other hands-free. Just do not get carried away, you were going to do a massage, albeit an erotic one. After she is undressed and waiting for your touch, lay her gently on the bed, or better on the carpet. The good thing about the bed is that it is warm and soft. However, there is much more space on the floor, and you can be on either side of your partner during the massage.

A small nuance: to make the girl comfortable to lie on her stomach, prepare a small roller in advance, for example from a towel. She will put this roller when you massage her back. If the room is cool, stock up on a light blanket or large terry towel to cover the parts of your body that you are not massaging at the moment.

A few words about the oils used in erotic massage. Any oil will give your hands the ability to glide over your partner's skin. Simply rubbing oil into your skin can be (and be) a lot of fun. If you or your loved one is allergic to essential oils, use a hypoallergenic cream or special massage oil. - a powerful weapon of a massage therapist. The scents of various essential oils can help you relax and fall asleep, or vice versa, sharpen your senses and awaken desire.

Where to start erotic massage

It is logical to start massaging from the periphery - that is, from the arms and legs. The hands are an erogenous zone for almost any woman, so give them all the attention you need, smoothly moving from gentle strokes to more intense, but invariably gentle kneading. Foot massage is performed according to a similar scheme - stroking, then rubbing. You can rub it in different ways - with the pads of the fingers, the edge of the palm, the middle phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist. Diversify the movements, pressing and rubbing, sometimes weaker, then stronger, then faster, then slower, you will make your partner tremble with excitement. Just take your time, otherwise you can bring her to orgasm.

Remember the "cat's place" when massaging your back. Usually this is the point between the shoulder blades, a gentle touch to it will cause a violent sexual reaction. But do not forget that erogenous zones in women can shift. That is, what she liked a week ago can now be unpleasant. Therefore, during an erotic massage, you are faced with the task of discovering as many of these zones as possible. Massage is the best way to find them, because you gradually "pass" all over her body, watching her reaction. While massaging your back, alternate strong kneading with the lightest strokes and gentle pinching.

The most effective ancient way of foreplay before soulful contact is massage for a woman arousing sensual thoughts and fantasies. It is known that a girl's desire manifests itself more slowly than a man's, and stroking and gentle touching the necessary areas will allow him to wake up faster. There are certain powerful arousal techniques that will spur your girlfriend to the lift she needs.

Relaxing environment

The environment in which you will be doing the relaxing massage should be appropriate.

  1. Choose a warm room for this purpose.
  2. For more relaxed movements, use a wide bed.
  3. Play a nice, quiet musical composition as the background.
  4. The cream used for massage should include all kinds of aromatic oils.

This will allow your partner to relax more quickly and become more passionate.

Note for women - V-tonus - gel for narrowing the skin. Recommended for women to get real pleasure.

Massage basics

The main techniques that should be used during the period of bringing a woman to a relaxed state are the following:

  • Stroking,
  • Trituration,
  • Kneading.

Act gently, softly, putting all your love into this sensual procedure. Remember the main erogenous zones that you should pay attention to, they are shown in the table:

Please note that these zones are different for different women, depending on individual preferences. Therefore, you should get to know your beloved and understand what excites her more specifically.

Massage oil

The use of all kinds of aromatic essential oils will increase the appearance of the reaction you need when performing massage movements. However, not everyone may like the smell of cinnamon, musk, or vanilla. So, first find out this moment too.

When choosing a scent for foreplay, you need to find out your partner's preferences. Some may be allergic to a particular odor.

How to do a stimulating massage at home

You can learn how to do an emotional massage for a woman by watching a video on the Internet, but we will tell you the basic rules of massage.

Start by gently massaging less sensitive areas with warm hands. At the same time, your partner should be lying on his stomach. Alternate light tapping of the back and sides of your beloved with rubbing these zones. These are relaxing techniques that allow you to switch attention to the procedure being carried out, reflexively excite and push your lady of the heart to the necessary sensory effect.

Fundamental rules:

  • At the very beginning, pay your attention to the areas of lesser sensitivity.
  • Do not rush to quickly figure out what will achieve the desired result.
  • Act gradually. Since the location of the zones is quite individual, not all touches can be enjoyable. It is worth agreeing in advance about the signals given to your beloved when she is pleased.

If this is your first meeting, then a light massage will allow you to get acquainted with all parts of your beloved's body. Exact observance of the actions performed is very desirable, since this awakens desire, and the gradual introduction of variety in the movements, as much as possible excites.

A sequence of stimulating touches:

  • Stroking and rubbing your back
  • Circular movements on the buttocks and legs,
  • Massaging the legs and inner thighs (the position of the partner is on the back),
  • Gentle strokes on the neck, chest and abdomen,
  • Touching the nipples and genitals (if the girl does not mind).

The cranio-sacral areas are used by some practitioners in soulful massage to quickly induce arousal. To do this, lightly act on the back of the neck, then switch to the sacrum. First, perform alternating actions, and then - simultaneous with the help of two hands. It is believed that this technique allows a woman to be aroused quickly enough - within one to two minutes.

Any signs of attention rendered by men are capable of tuning into a sensual mood, but touch still has a more powerful influence. Everyone decides on their own whether to quickly or slowly bring their beloved to the peak of arousal, and which technique is best to use. If you want sensual pleasures to bring the maximum possible pleasure, then observe the behavior of your lady during massage. And you will understand what and how best to do with time.

How to translate a simple massage into an exciting

The environment plays a very important role in obtaining a positive final result from the massage performed. The most favorable conditions are listed in the table.

Rendez Vous - Female stimulant with fast effect

Doctors and psychologists recommend the use of a unique female pathogen based on vitamins, adaptogens and extracts of powerful aphrodisiacs. This is a really powerful aphrodisiac drug that allows a woman to completely liberate herself during an intimate relationship. This drug will allow you to reveal the desire of your partner to the fullest.

What not to do during a relaxing massage

A stimulating massage for a woman assumes that you will stroke, rub, knead the body of your beloved, adding a little vibration and light tapping.

Alternate the steps taken, carefully and slowly, to avoid overloading the lymphatic system. Well, your girlfriend may not really like the extra rush.

While alternating between areas of your body that you massage, cover each area with a towel alternately to prevent cooling. In this case, your efforts will not be meaningless.

What is the difference between simple and stimulating massage. During the latter, a special psycho-emotional component hovers in the atmosphere, which intertwines male and female energy.

Preferred and unwanted massaging sites

The technique of conducting a stimulating massage involves lightly stroking and squeezing the outer surface of the thighs, pelvis and ankles. You should not touch the genitals - this is its main difference from the sensual. Choose not only a prone position, but also a supine position. Massage gently, slightly warming up the desire that appears, stroke to add a slight note of excitement, pinch a little, gradually arousing.

Be sure to take into account the zones that are not recommended to be touched, so as not to spoil the situation. Quite important are presented in the table.

Restricted areas of the body during massage

Movements and methods of performing a stimulating massage

The environment is very important when massaging the body of a loved one. Make sure that the process itself is continuous. Smoothness and lightness of touch will be added by the use of feathers, finger pads, fur products. The cream will help reduce painful friction, relax and warm up. Use a few drops of jasmine or sandalwood essential oil as an additional aphrodisiac.

How to excite a girl with a massage

There is a large accumulation of zones of increased sensitivity and energy on a woman's body. The main task of the performer of exciting massage is to find them, bring the beloved to a state of maximum excitement and spread this energy to all the most intimate corners. Determining these points is not difficult at all. If the touch is unpleasant, then the hand will feel tension, since the nervous system at this moment is stretched, bad memories arise. Complete relaxation will allow you to experience your body in a new way, since the emerging excitement is longer than during the act. In what case will it be seen that the girl has relaxed enough and you can move on to more decisive actions?

The effects that can be achieved as a result of the actions performed are varied. This is bliss, euphoria, tears, even sleep (in this case, it is better not to disturb your beloved).

A number of problems can be solved with a massage that is able to arouse.

Women's problems when giving up intimacy:

  • Lack of desire for intimacy
  • Negative emotions
  • Stiffness in sensual intimacy
  • An urgent need for foreplay.

If you notice that your girlfriend has relaxed shoulders, goose bumps on her body, breathing quickened, then these are the first signs of her positive reaction. In this case, you can move on to more decisive actions - soulful caresses or the closeness itself. This is what distinguishes the husband from the massage therapist - the opportunity to show all his passion, giving sensual pleasure. If the procedure is carried out with sufficient quality, then there is the likelihood of interception of the initiative by the woman herself.

What a man should do to increase his partner's arousal

The procedure for performing exciting massage movements is already clear. So how do you turn her towards intimacy and not change her mind? The main thing is that with your smooth and gradual actions, you carefully achieve the transfer of attention to the desired zone. It is very important to put all your affection and care into touching.

Please note that stroking the body is performed in a complex, without stopping at any one part of it. Forget about mundane affairs, completely focus on how to please a woman. With your own increasing arousal, do not lose your composure, making the transition to sensual games. Close contact should also be pleasant and sensual.

Thus, an exciting massage for a woman is a great reason to get closer, achieve the greatest possible understanding and get to know all the sensual notes of each other.

The service of erotic massage for a woman is gaining popularity among the fair sex. Complete relaxation, pleasant stroking, the feeling of gentle hands on the body and even an orgasm - all this a girl can get during an intimate massage session. Skillful hands of professionals are able to liberate and give pleasure no less strong than from intimacy with a man.

The erotic massage salon in Moscow invites women to experience the beauty of the procedure. There is no need to be ashamed of your desire to relax, feel the pleasure of touching and get a portion of pleasure. Vivid orgasms and erotic fantasies are typical for women in the same way as for the stronger sex. There is nothing scary or indecent in this.

Why does a woman need an erotic massage?

The roots of erotic massage go back to Ancient India and China, where the cult of sensuality was very widespread. The ancients believed that such a massage has a beneficial effect on energy, restores strength and simply brings pleasure. Indeed, erotic massage allows a woman to take a different look at her sexual desires and regain harmony with her own body. After the session, the woman is waiting for:

  • surge of cheerfulness;
  • a feeling of complete freedom and emancipation;
  • knowledge of their new erogenous zones;
  • improving the quality of sex with a partner.

Thanks to the massage, you can feel calm, reduce stress, get rid of the accumulated negativity. Massage has a positive effect on the psychological state, this has been proven by researchers. For example, women after a difficult break with a man, depression, stress feel much better after an erotic massage in Moscow. Intimate pleasure is also an important factor. What can we hide, not always with a man a girl can reach a happy ending, and in a massage parlor this happens in 98% of cases.

Stages of pleasure at eromassage

An intimate massage for a woman begins with a certain preparation.

  1. First, the skillful hands of the masseuse gently stroke the body, rub the muscles and warm them up. At this stage, it is important to completely trust the master, because the reason for true female pleasure lies mostly in the head. Unlike men, female pleasure and arousal does not depend on some kind of physical manipulation, but on the emotional mood. At the same time, a girl's sweet languor can last much longer in time.
  2. During the main action of erotic massage, the massage becomes stronger. Some people like sharp pats on the thighs and buttocks, it is they who are able to turn on a girl from half a turn. Back massage and light touches on the hands and spine also tune the woman to the right wave. After sufficient relaxation and the beginning of arousal, the masseuse proceeds to "hot".
  3. When a woman lies on her back and opens all of herself towards the warm and gentle hands of a professional, her whole body burns with pleasure and desire. The combined massage of the breast, tummy, legs and pubis makes you languish with delight. You can not restrain your impulses and experience the effect of an intimate massage with the end!

Salon of erotic massage for women 7 × 7 in Moscow

The popular erotic massage salon "7 × 7" is ready to open the doors for all lovers of hot pleasures. Our masters possess the latest techniques of erotic intimate massage and successfully apply them in practice. Strict confidentiality is respected here, and the tactfulness and politeness of the staff immediately disposes to the desire to surrender into skillful hands. Be sure to visit our salon and experience all available forms of pleasure!

You can express your love, attention, care not only with gifts, but also with special attention. A relaxing massage will help your beloved woman forget about problems for a while, surrender in good hands, and, if necessary, get rid of slight indisposition.

You can massage a girl both at home and in nature, relaxing in the country or basking on the seashore. There is probably no woman in this world who would refuse a massage done by the hands of a loving person.

How to massage a girl: what is the difference

Before starting to massage a girl, let's try to figure out what is the difference in this case from classic massage. In parallel, we will learn how to perform the basic techniques of influencing various parts of the body of a loved one.

To bring a woman bliss, you need to identify her problem and erogenous zones. The real pleasure will be given by the process itself, if you massage the girl with the knowledge of her erogenous areas.

The main difference between a relaxing massage from the therapeutic one is that in this case, the main attention is not paid to kneading, but to stroking and rubbing, which we will perform with pulling.

- Each type of massage starts and ends with stroking... When stroking, we prepare each cell for the perception of touch and mechanical impact on the body. Stroking can be done with the pads of the fingers, open palm, base, or the back of the hand.

Hand movements should be soft, slow, zigzag or circular, enveloping or straight, depending on the massaged surface of the body.

Trituration differs from the previous technique in its intensity, we can say that stroking performed with greater pressure and more quickly, with exposure to one point several times, is rubbing.

- When massaging a girl, we try to use gentle kneading techniques... The heated body can be rolled between the palms, simulating the process of preparing the dough. When massaging the buttocks or thighs, the girl enjoys kneading with the supporting side of her palm or with the knuckles of her folded fingers with an emphasis on the thumb.

Vibration or patting performed in several ways, but always lightly, even playfully, with open palms, hands folded into a fist or with the pads of the fingers.

Massage a girl at home is performed with love, wishing to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

How to massage a girl at home (little tricks)

When planning to give your beloved an unforgettable experience, you should take care of the location of the massage and lighting.

The effects of your hands can be enhanced by applying massage oil to the girl, sliding of the palms will be especially pleasant, and the aroma in the room will thrill the senses.

Aroma oils are able not only to activate skin cells, they are excellent:

Create an intimate atmosphere;

Provide comfort;

Give pleasure;

Relieve tension.

On occasion, you should be interested in what scent your woman likes, and whether she is allergic to a particular scent. Offer her a choice of grape apricot seed oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, as long as it is your girlfriend's favorite scent.

Candles and aroma lamps will create a romantic atmosphere.

A good relaxation is relaxing music, which will sound as if shading your touch.

The venue should be comfortable, spacious, in a warm room.

Every little thing in the room should "speak" about the desire to please the beloved woman. It is advisable to turn off both the TV and the mobile phone. Nothing should distract your attention from the body of your beloved woman.

A massage for a girl at home is performed with love, with a desire to give joy and fill the world with happiness.

"Feet Happiness" - Chinese Wisdom

The Chinese have known for a long time that the points of all organs are located on the feet. They even call the feet the second heart, which gives life and energy to the entire body.

Wise Chinese people regularly massage each other before going to bed to maintain family happiness. It is unique in this case that massaging the foot has no contraindications, but with regular exposure, the body is transformed:

Relieve stress and fatigue;

Headaches will go away;

Blood circulation will improve;

The reproductive system will be restored;

There will be a desire to live and create.

Foot massage do it alternately on each leg. For convenience, place the female leg on your lap. During the massage, compliment your beloved, admiring the gracefulness of her foot.

- A girl should start to massage from the heel, after stroking the entire foot several times with an open palm and fingertips. Try to press your hand tightly to the massaged area, at times increasing the pressure.

Rub the heel with the pad of the thumb in a circle. Continue rubbing with four fingers, gradually moving to kneading. Pressing deeply with the middle fingers in a circle, from the center of the heel to the edges, can sometimes cause pain, be careful and release the pressure if pain occurs.

- We grasp the edge of the foot between the thumb and the open palm, move from the heel to the little finger and, increasing the intensity, rub and knead this area.

- We massage the delicate hollow more gently, it is in this zone that many women have erogenous points, pressing on which you can cause the desired sensations in your beloved. Here is the area of ​​the spine - from the heel to the thumb.

- With your thumb or the other four, massage the pads under the fingers.

- Each toe is massaged separately. We grab a woman's finger between the index and middle fingers and rub. Then, with the help of your thumb, we knead each point without causing pain.

We finish the foot massage with a general stroke of the lower and upper parts of the foot, smoothly going down to the ankle.

How to massage a girl's feet

What could be more pleasant for a woman to massage her legs after a tiring day. The mysterious atmosphere of the room, your intriguing look, the offer to massage the girl will already make her freeze in anticipation of a fairy tale.

We start massage the legs from the ankles. after having abundantly lubricated your hands with massage oil. The gentle, sliding hands of a beloved man by themselves will excite a girl. We perform all movements from the bottom up, trying not to tear our hands off our legs as long as possible.

We do stretching stroking, for this we grasp the leg with both hands, and "go" up first with one hand, followed by the other, pressing on the thumbs. Having reached the popliteal hollow, we “slide down” and so on 3 - 4 times.

For rubbing, we do not change the position of the hands. In this case, we will do 2 tricks. The first is rubbing with your thumbs, reminiscent of drawing a Christmas tree. The second is crossing, when the hands, wrapping tightly around the leg, move one relative to the other, as if twisting the skin around the bone. We reach the knee again and return to the ankle with a stroking motion.

Rubbing in the second case smoothly turns into kneading, only all movements are made slower with pressure.

Let's move on to massage the thighs. If you are planning to bring a massage to a girl to the end, then remember that the inner thighs for many women are an erogenous zone.

We repeat all the techniques performed when massaging the lower leg, from the knee, along the thighs, grabbing part of the butt.

A well-warmed leg, the skin of which has turned pink, even red, is wrapped with two hands and "felted", throwing it from one hand to the other, without taking the palm away from the leg, and move from bottom to top. We carry out 2 - 3 times and do general stroking.

We finish the foot massage with gentle patting of open palms or light beating with fists.

Now we turn the woman over on her back and repeat all the techniques on the front of the leg, paying special attention to working out the patella.

When massaging the upper thighs, do not touch the intimate parts of the woman's body, remember that the longer the wait, the more attractive the action.

Massage the abdomen and chest for a girl

The front leg massage can be finished by lightly stroking the abdomen. Hands, lubricated with massage cream, will gently slide around the navel from the center to the periphery, clockwise. Gradually move from stroking to impulsive rubbing and kneading.

Having finished manipulating the stomach, place your open palms on the girl's waist, so that the thumbs are in front and the rest are behind.

Sliding down and moving up, we massage the body from the thighs to the armpits. Do not forget that we perform all movements slowly, pulling a little, moving the skin in the direction of movement.

Rising higher, we massage the ribs and come to one of the most erogenous zones, to the chest area.

Using the techniques described above, with open palms, we smoothly and gently work out the chest.

Forbidden! It is forbidden to massage the breast itself, you can play a little with the nipple and easily stroke the mammary glands, and we focus on the peri-pectoral region.

Girl ear massage

Massage the girl, which can be done in the area of ​​the ears, will help relieve fatigue after a working day and give bliss.

Interesting that the direction of movement during auricle massage affects a person in different ways. If we want to cheer up, then we massage the ears clockwise, and to relax, we perform all the manipulations in the reverse order, against the course of the clock hand.

Massage the ears with kneading movements with the thumb and forefinger. We start with the lobe, work on the ear along the edge, do not forget about the tragus, and return to the lobe and so on 2-3 times.

If you look closely, you will notice the resemblance of the auricle to an inverted human embryo. On the auricle, as well as on the heel, there are all vital points, affecting which we act on the corresponding organ.

Therefore, gently, with light pressure, we massage the inner part of the auricle, iron each bend, while touching we convey our desire to the woman.

All manipulations are performed in circular movements of the index finger., sometimes with light pressure. Be very attentive to the woman's reaction, in case of pain, and this may be in the area of ​​the diseased organ, we stop massaging the girl at this point.

At the request of your partner, you can massage each ear separately or perform parallel manipulations of both ears.

Whichever type of massage you choose for a girl, you can give a 100% guarantee that in any case you will give her great pleasure and receive great gratitude.