Facts about Disney princesses that you hardly knew. Arab princesses without a burqa, but in couture - photo Disney princesses without

Snow White

Cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", 1937 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- In 1988, Snow White was honored with her own star on the Walk of Fame;

- Snow White is not only the first Disney princess. The film about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first full-length film in history, and it was he who laid the foundation for this genre;

- She was the first princess to communicate with animals that understand people;

- To achieve a natural skin color, real powder and other makeup products were applied directly to the film on which the cartoon was drawn;

“Perhaps Snow White is the youngest of all the princesses. She is only 14 years old!


Cartoon "Cinderella", 1950 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- Cinderella is one of the four princesses who became a princess in marriage (like Belle, Mulan and Tiana);

- The second princess in order is the recognized "leader" of Disney princesses, she is the most popular of them and is almost always placed in the center of photographs;

- The name "Cinderella" comes from the French word "Cendrillon", which translates as "dirty" or "girl soiled in ash."


Cartoon "Sleeping Beauty", 1959 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- Aurora's nickname - Wild Rose - is taken from the title of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about the golden-haired beauty;

- Throughout the film, the color of the princess dress is constantly changing from pink to blue and vice versa. This is the result of endless arguments between animators who could not decide which color suits the princess better;

- In Latin, her name means "sunshine" and "dawn";

- Aurora is the only blonde among princesses (Rapunzel and Elsa do not count - their hair is blonde because of magic and magical powers, and Elsa is generally a queen, not a princess);

- Her eyes are purple (later the animators gave the same eyes to Meg from “ Hercules", But she is not a princess).


Cartoon "The Little Mermaid", 1989 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only princess, not born human;

- The second oldest princess - she is 16 years old;

- The only princess who gave birth to a child (daughter Ariel can be seen in the tape " The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea»);

- Ariel was the first (and for a long time the only) princess who was not the only child in the family (later the "brave" Merida appeared, who had three brothers);

- The first princess who fought the villain, not the villain (the second was Rapunzel).


Cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", 1991 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- She was the first princess who saved her prince from evil spells, and not vice versa;

- A lock of hair, constantly knocking out of Belle's hairstyle, made it clear that she was not perfect;

- The era of heroic, brave and independent princesses began with Belle;

- From French her name is translated as "beauty";

- Belle is the only princess with brown eyes (princesses Mulan and Pocahontas have black eyes, while Jasmine has dark brown, and the animators claim that this is a fundamental difference).


Cartoon "Aladdin", 1992 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The first princess to marry a poor guy;

- Jasmine is the only princess who had to kiss the main villain of the film;

- The first princess who is not wearing a dress (the second was Mulan in armor);

- The only princess who is a minor character.


Cartoon "Pocahontas", 1995 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only princess wearing an ethnic outfit;

- Only she has tattoos;

- The first princess, whose image was based not on a fairy tale, but on a real historical figure (the second was Mulan);

- According to legend, the real Pocahontas was called Matoaka, and Pocahontas is her last name.


Cartoon "Mulan", 1998 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only heroine in the line who is not a real princess;

- In the film, Mulan cuts her hair for a reason: in China, this gesture means shame and expulsion from the family;

- The only one who masquerades as a man;

- The first princess to defeat the main villain of the film;

- From Chinese her name is translated as "blooming magnolia";

- The only princess who kissed her betrothed only in the continuation of the story (“ Mulan 2»).


Cartoon "The Princess and the Frog", 2009 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only princess who worked (not counting Cinderella, who was not paid for it);

- Only the history of Tiana develops in the "modern world" and in a real place - in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century;

- Tiana - left-handed and the only princess with dimples on her cheeks;

- The only princess who sings songs in a non-standard "sugary" pop version, jazz, R&B, blues and soul are recognizable in her songs;

- The only princess not wearing a standard pink or blue dress.


Cartoon Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only one among all Disney princesses has magical powers;

- The only green-eyed princess;

- Rapunzel's golden hair is 70 feet long (over 21 meters), with more than 100,000 individual curls;

- The first princess who more than once "smacked" her betrothed before falling in love with him.


Cartoon "Brave", 2012 Frame: Pixar Animation Studios / Walt Disney Pictures

- During the film, Merida managed to change 22 outfits, including several dresses, raincoats, jewelry, hats and a bow with arrows;

- And changed her hairstyle 5 more times;

- The only curly princess;

- The animated film "Brave" is the only cartoon from the animation studio Pixar, in which the main character is a woman.

And now you probably thought that now you know everything about the damsels-princesses? It was not so!

Let's remember the weekend outfits of Cinderella, Belle and Tiana:

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Don't you notice? Well, of course! Each one wears opera gloves. But before you think that this is nothing special, let me remind you of something. Cinderella was the first non-royal girl to become a princess after marriage. Just like Belle. And Tiana!

So if Disney plans another tape with a princess, it will be possible to immediately determine which princess it will be.

A free woman of the East does everything herself: she calculates in her mind the average annual cost of oil, cuts the budget and selects a dress to match the necklace with emeralds. Some people do it better than others - their investments in designer shoes and outfits turn into not only fashionable, but also social success, Day.Az reports with reference to Tatler.

The second wife of the Emir of Qatar is a striker in every sense. Firstly, the heroine mother (she has seven children). Secondly, she is a prominent public and political figure (she is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education and Science, UNESCO Ambassador and President of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Qatar). And finally, she has an active fashion position: the 55-year-old beauty sets the trend for turbans even among European women and practically buys the outfits of the Russian designer Ulyana Sergeenko in bulk.

The beloved niece of the current king of Bahrain, Hamad ibn Isa al-Khalifa, regularly attends Chanel and Giambattista Valli shows. And always accompanied by his brother Abdullah - but not as a Cerberus, but as a like-minded person: he also loves fashion very much and will always tell you which outfit to wear Charlotte Olympia shoes.

Dark-skinned Dina is married to the Saudi prince Abdulaziz bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. After completing the mission of an oriental wife (the couple has a daughter and twin sons), the princess is in fashion: she opened a couple of boutiques in Saudi Arabia - and that’s a good reason to visit Fashion Week. For the first time, Dina presented street style bloggers with such a powerful mix of eastern beauty and western fashion that her short haircut immediately landed on glossy editorials.

New York bloggers are thrilled. What can not be said about the fellow countrymen of the eastern style icon: envious people do not stop hissing that for a woman of the East Dina is too brave. But what does she care about gossip: in recent years, she has permanently resided in the Big Apple.

The third wife of the late Naif al-Saud (he is one of the forty-five children of the founder of the Arabian state) prefers Chanel and Louis Vuitton toilets to the chador, and under them wears the finest French lingerie Caprices de Lili. True, sometimes the Saudi princess forgets to pay for expensive purchases: she owes hundreds of thousands of euros to French boutiques. And recently she tried to "throw" the hotel "Shangri-La" for seven million euros, in which she lived in grand style with her retinue for five whole months.

By the way, Paris has almost no hope of restoring justice: the Saudi ambassador never tires of reminding the gendarmerie that the princess is an inviolable person, and no one needs an international scandal.

As already mentioned, the painting "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was released in 1937. The plot is based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Snow White is considered the youngest of the princesses (according to her age in the picture, of course). She is a beautiful girl with jet black hair and white, delicate skin. She is the daughter of the king.

The heroine's mother, unfortunately, died, and her stepmother, by tradition, was evil, and even a sorceress. This woman had a mirror that said that only Snow White was the most beautiful in the world. As a result, the girl was secretly sentenced to death, miraculously escaped, and then met with wonderful gnomes.

Snow White is very kind, animals from the forest always help her in her daily affairs.


Her first appearance took place in the 1950 cartoon of the same name. Cinderella is one of the three oldest princesses (she is already 19). The heroine cannot boast of a royal lineage. She received her status thanks to a lucrative game with the king's son.

She was raised in a family with a stepmother and two half-sisters. Father did not care much about the upbringing of the heroine (and he could not do anything).

Fortunately, the fair-haired beauty (even a dirty robe could not hide her charm) had a godmother as a sorceress. Of course, the heroine was also lucky to have a miniature foot size.


Aurora can be seen in the 1959 painting The Sleeping Beauty. It is under the last name that many know her. The sixteen-year-old girl is a full-fledged princess - the daughter of the king and queen. The slender blonde conquered all fans of Charles Perrault's fairy tale. And this despite the fact that she loves to sleep!

Perhaps she is one of the few in whose history there is an adversary with a bright personality. The Maleficent Witch even deserved her Disney movie, where the character was played by Angelina Jolie. Aurora has also appeared in a couple of related projects where she cannot be overlooked.


Ariel impressed the audience with her sweetness in 1989. She is a sea maiden (i.e. a mermaid). The heroine was destined to become the youngest (seventh) daughter of the sea king. However, then she also marries the prince, so there is no need to worry about the status of the princess.

The storyteller Andresen once wrote a sad story about the Little Mermaid. Disney, after the problems with Bambi, couldn't afford the audience condemnation. Thus, Ariel's story ended happily.

She has appeared in sequels as well as in the animated series. By the way, this is the only princess who is not originally a real person.


You can't talk about princesses and not mention France. Here is the seductive Mademoiselle Belle at your service! She is a well-read and simple country girl who believes in happiness.

She believed for a long time (she turned 21), but, nevertheless, she always relied on what her heart prompted.

She was able to help the prince get rid of the spell, so she deservedly got the honorary title. Interestingly, there are no more brown-haired women among the other princesses. French women have always had a talent to stand out. The story about Belle is very popular and she appears in many projects.


“Arab night!
O Wonderful East! "

That's right, you can also characterize the princess Jasmine. She is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah, a magical and incredibly beautiful kingdom located among the sands and oases.

Jasmine is dressed as befits an oriental beauty. She is the first non-European among Disney princesses, moreover, she remains the only heroine of Arab origin. Being a noble family, she fell in love with the enterprising tramp Aladdin, which the audience observed in 1992. Then the beauty sported in sequels, TV series and games, where she always retained an aura of mystery.


Disney decided to go back to its roots and show how princesses lived on the American continent. In 1995, a picture of the adventures of Pocahontas was released. The black-haired, athletic and lithe Indian woman has earned her nickname, which translates as "naughty", for a reason. She is a mischief.

Father Pocahontas is the chief of a large tribe, so she is a princess. This means that she is allowed to run wherever she wants. The girl loves to retire and feel how great nature is. Her best friends are the raccoon and the hummingbird. When the first white settlers appeared, the heroine was the first to know about it.


Mulan is on the Disney Princess list, apparently for quantity. At least that was what Mooney was guided by, intending to get the most out of the sales. Although it cannot be said that Mulan is not worthy of such a title.

The story, which the audience met in 1998, tells the story of the national heroine of the Chinese epic, who saved the country from the invasion of the Huns. And then the girl married a military leader who had reached great heights. And this despite the fact that he herself could take this post! Moreover, Mulan could marry the prince in the second part of her adventures. But love conquered everything.


Tiana didn't even think about becoming a princess. Black waitresses living in New Orleans rarely dream of this. The heroine worked very hard, intending to continue her father's business and open her own restaurant. Slowly but surely she walked towards the realization of her goal, until a frog came under her arm.

The prince of an exotic country was turned into an amphibian for mercenary purposes. He believed that the kiss of the princess would save him. At the carnival, Tiana was dressed like royalty.

Alas, then they began to jump together towards their happiness. The girl has proven that she is worthy of her title.


The original story of Rapunzel is told by the Brothers Grimm. Disney smoothed out some of the corners to create a children's cartoon. Child? Yes, but not really. The 2010 film has such a rating that children should only watch it in the presence of their parents. There are jokes that babies cannot listen to alone.

Rapunzel is the daughter of kings. But even as a baby, she was kidnapped by a witch to use the power of her hair. By the way, this hair is over 21 meters long. Following Aurora, the heroine is the second blonde among the Disney princesses. She chose a groom for herself in the manner of Jasmine - a thief and a rogue.


It's time to head to Scotland. In 2012, the cartoon "Brave at heart" was released. Of course, this localized title is an homage towards the film of the same name by director Mel Gibson. Since then, Scotland cannot be mentioned without discussing the Oscar-winning film.

The main character is Princess Merida. She is the daughter of the king, so all traditions are respected. The girl is sixteen years old and full of energy. Naughty red curls, a bow behind her back and a faithful horse - she doesn't need anything else. She messed up a little with magic, but then, of course, corrected herself. Interestingly, Merida does not have a boyfriend. Which is nonsense for Disney princesses.

Unofficial princesses

That's the end of the list of Disney princesses. It only seems so to you. In fact, the studio could not stop at eleven beautiful heroines. This is how the list of unofficial princesses arose, which consists of almost all female characters, tapes that appeared on the screens.

A video game was even released in which all the girls were named Princesses of the Heart.


The cartoon "Alice in Wonderland" was released in 1951. The plot is based on Lewis Carroll's dilogy, with some changes. The girl Alice falls asleep in the garden. She is awakened by a running White Rabbit who is terribly late. The heroine, rushing after him, finds herself in Wonderland.

There is also a game adaptation. Even two parts came out. True, the films only use familiar characters. The plot moved on. And Alice, is it possible to imagine that, twists tricks with the Mad Hatter. True, he is played by Johnny Depp. Be that as it may, the presence of this character in the list of princesses can be justified.

Ding Ding

Peter Pan was released in 1953. The play by James Barry was a great success, so the story had to be brought to life on screen. Among other characters (Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Crocodile), Tinker Bell stands out. She is a small and very cute fairy who constantly tries to get Pen's boy out of problems.

However, over time, it was decided that the character is not very similar to the classic princess. But at first, the magical beauty was positioned more actively. However, this does not prevent Tinker Bell from being the heroine of his own animated series.


Yes, Disney got to Victor Hugo too. In 1996, the studio shot the animated film The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Everyone has heard about Quasimodo, his curse and unrequited love for the beauty. Everything in the book was dark. The picture was also not very funny, but the ending turned out to be Disney.

Esmeralda appears in the tape. She is a gypsy. The girl is distinguished by that exotic beauty that usually comes from mixing blood. Long black hair, emerald eyes - Esmeralda looks simply incomparable. Not being a princess, she has earned her place in the lineup.


The painting "Enchanted" was released in 2007. Actress Amy Adams, then unknown, began her ascent to Hollywood Olympus. The fact is that the film is a combination of feature films and traditional animation.

Princess Giselle lives in her magical kingdom in a world with animals. But then she has to go to the real world.

In the kingdom, the viewer can watch the drawn girl, and already in the human world, Amy Adams is trying with might and main. Princess Giselle did not become the heroine of the classic franchise due to the fact that "House of Mouse" is not going to just pay the actress. This is not just money.


Kidagakash is the heroine of the cartoon Atlantis: The Lost World. Her companion Milo, at the first meeting, could not pronounce this name correctly, so the princess became Kida. The girl is the daughter of the King of Antlantis, a lost underwater country. A little later, at the end of the picture, Kida receives the title of queen.

Its non-inclusion in the official franchise is due to the new title and not very large fees. Nevertheless, this "princess" has her fans. Which, by the way, she will survive, because the Atlanteans live for thousands of years. Kida is always ready to rush to defend her country, but she also often helps her friends.

Lady Marian

Shortly before his death, Walt Disney approved the production of a painting based on the adventures of Robin Hood. This is a good legend, the success of which was expected. As a result, the audience received an excellent cartoon and Lady Marian.

The heroine is a fox who lives at the court of King Richard (or Prince John). She herself was not included in the official lineup, but the song performed by the maiden is always included in various issues. Despite her high upbringing, Lady Marian is ready to rush headlong towards adventure, not thinking about anything.


The Lion King came out in 1994. Whatever they say, this is one of the greatest cartoons in the history of cinema. Oscars and Golden Globes only confirm this. Wonderful animation, soulful voice actors, soundtrack and songwriting - everything is perfect.

Among all this, you can forget about Nala, which is absolutely impossible to do. First, she is a lioness. Secondly, in fact, she is the queen. Simba, her husband, the king of his pride and other animals. Nala also noted her song and participation in the promotion of related products.

Megara (Meg)

Her full name is Megara, which doesn't sound too friendly. Naturally, for half of the 1997 cartoon "Hercules" she helped Hades to bring her nephew from this world to the world of the dead. It turned out unsuccessfully, and Meg (Americans like to abbreviate names) began to meet with the son of Zeus.

Maybe so she can even be ranked among the princesses. Be that as it may, the cartoon turned out to be successful, and Meg sang a song in it. The products were sold, arousing the audience's interest. Meg carries something tragic about her. All this is hidden under the guise of mystery. It is not surprising that Hercules decided to hit on the beauty.


The 2013 Disney cartoon "Frozen" presented the audience with two princesses, one of whom would later become a queen. Actually, we are talking about the latter now. Elsa has an incredible gift. Ice, snow and all cold is under her direct control. This is very cool, but at the same time, and dangerous.

Due to an accident when the heroine could not cope with her abilities, she decided to go to live in the mountains. There she realized her strength, liberated herself and found peace. But then she returned to her direct duties.


Anna is the sister of Elsa from Frozen. By the way, there are already talks about including both girls in the official list of Disney princesses. Still, they both are just amazing for this!

Anna does not have the same abilities as Elsa. She is just a kind girl who is always ready to help her friends. The character is based on the main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" - the girl Gerda and her brother Kai. Of course, it is not complete without characteristic Disney features.

Sofia the First

Perhaps Sofia will become a full-fledged Disney princess. You just have to give her time. After all, the girl is still quite a baby. Moreover, she was not born at the royal court. The heroine was an ordinary city dweller and helped her mother with her work.

As a result, the king liked the mother, and so Sophia acquired her status. She was not used to starting a new life. Relations with the king's children from another marriage were difficult to build. But the heroine was helped by other Disney princesses, so everything ended well.


Moana is a child of the ocean. Her connection with the great and mighty is so strong that all the adventures shown in the 2016 cartoon are connected with this. The heroine is the personification of the inhabitants of Oceania - the Polynesians (including Hawaiians and Maori).

Moana is the daughter of a chieftain, so her status is undeniable. True, she does not have a romantic line, but, alas, it is so modern. One thing is clear - we will still hear about the adventures of this exotic cute. Disney never forgets those who bring him a steady income.

Disney Princesses is a highly successful franchise. Whatever the skeptics say, girls (and boys) watch cartoons and buy related products. Undoubtedly, new characters will be added to the list, because the studio does not intend to stop. Aloha!