The head of Santa Claus with his own hands made of paper. Santa Claus from paper with his own hands. Congratulations! New Year's heroes are ready for the holidays

Competitions for the best creative works among pupils and parents began in schools and kindergartens. New Year's theme is quite extensive. In some groups, it was decided to make a mitten from improvised materials, in others - a Christmas tree, in others - New Year's toys. My daughter and I have already knitted a mitten with fairy-tale characters (a scratching mouse, a jumping frog, etc.). At home, there were up to a dozen of the most diverse paper Christmas trees. So, today we will make a simple New Year's toy. It will be Santa Claus.
Children of primary school age can cope with a craft made of colored paper without outside help. Toddlers are not yet capable of such work.
So, for preparing:

  • scissors
  • white and colored paper
  • the pencils.
Let's start with the design of a fur coat and hats of Santa Claus. This is an integral element. It is necessary to form a cone from red paper. There are different ways to create this geometric figure. Someone cuts out a circle and then glues it into a cone. We got used to twisting a cone from a rectangular sheet. We level the base with scissors.

Next, you need to make a fur edge for a hat and a fur coat. We need two white stripes about 10 mm wide. We bend the strip along in half, and on the opposite edge from the place of the bend we will go through with scissors, cut a narrow short fringe.

Glue the fur edge on the bottom of the fur coat. We immediately determine the height of the cap, mark the edge of the headdress with a white edging.

Next, we cut out an elongated trapezoid from the album sheet, carefully rounding all four corners. Immediately cut into the resulting figure thin long strips - a beard. At the end of the work, we will go through each hair with a scissor blade to fluff the snow-white beard.

With gouache, watercolor, felt-tip pens or pencils, we draw the face of Santa Claus. A distinctive feature of the hero's appearance are thick eyebrows and mustaches.

We will also cut out the hair of our craft from paper. No complications.

It remains to glue all the details in place. Santa Claus from colored paper is ready. Of course, if you wish, you can continue the work, in particular, decorate the hero's arms and legs. However, in the presented form, the craft also looks great.

Let's put Santa Claus next to the paper Christmas tree. The tree is made of multi-colored (white and green) palms. We will lay out tinsel next to children's crafts. It is a pity that there were no silver items at home. Nothing misunderstanding will be corrected next weekend. You still have to prepare for the morning.

Time goes fast. And the closer to the New Year, the more it somehow gains momentum. So much more needs to be done to sum up the results of the outgoing year and prepare for the next one... My six-year-old son has been asking me for several times when we will decorate the Christmas tree. Soon, I answer. And I suggest for now to practice on your own miniature Christmas tree, which he does, and more than once. Yes, we have yet to learn patience.

In general, everything is ready for the installation of the Christmas tree - there is the New Year's beauty herself, and toys ... And under the Christmas tree branches we will hide the main attribute of the holiday - Santa Claus, made of cardboard.

The idea of ​​​​how to make Santa Claus with your own hands out of cardboard was shared with me and with all the readers of KARTONKINO by Albina Zinovieva.

Strictly speaking, cardboard alone is not enough here, we will also need some fleece and synthetic winterizer, watercolor and scrap paper (which, however, you can choose any suitable alternative), white acrylic paint and even ... a pinch of salt. And of course - tools (scissors, thread with a needle) and glue. Such is the "porridge from an ax")

In general, we will make Santa Claus from what is at hand. And if you happen to have cardboard sleeves from toilet paper rolls on hand, which you prudently did not throw away in the hope that they would come in handy someday, now is the time to remember them.

So, the sleeve is on the table. Getting Started)

First, from designer cardboard (but you can also use ordinary cardboard), we will make a bottom and a lid. We measure the diameter of the sleeve and cut out the corresponding blanks.

By the way, if you have a tight supply of cardboard bushings, you can make a cylinder for Santa Claus's torso out of cardboard yourself. I showed how to calculate the dimensions of parts and draw patterns in a graphic editor, using the example of round boxes. Take a look, this might come in handy.

Glue the bottom and glue the lid.

We cut out from watercolor paper hand-drawn (or in Photoshop) the details of the physiognomy. The edges are lightly tinted with a stamp pad.

Glue all the parts together and glue the resulting structure to the cylinder.

The spout is made from a small piece of synthetic winterizer, assembled in a circle on a thread, and glued.

To give the effect of "snowiness" of the beard, you can apply white acrylic paint along its edges and then, until the paint is dry, sprinkle the beard with fine salt, shake and wait until it dries.

To make a cap, cut out 2 triangles from red fleece with a base equal to the diameter of the cardboard cylinder.

We sew them together and turn the cap inside out. And from a small piece of synthetic winterizer, just like the spout, we make a pom-pom, and sew it to the tip of the cap. After that, the cap, lightly stuffing it with padding polyester, put it on the lid, gluing it to the glue moment.

We decorate the cap with a strip of white fleece. And you can replace the fleece with New Year's tinsel.

And finally, the final touch is a fashionable belt with a buckle. From colored paper with curly scissors we cut out the girdle itself and glue it to the “torso”. We also cut out a small square along the width of the belt with a small window and glue it on top.

Everything, now you can show off:

This craft is a great opportunity for joint creativity with children. And on New Year's Eve, our Santa Claus made of cardboard will help ease the child's expectation of the main moment, "presenting" him with a small but pleasant surprise.

Happy New Year's Eve to you!

See you soon in KARTONKINO !

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New Year's mood can be cheered up in many ways. For example, make a voluminous Santa Claus out of paper with your own hands for the New Year from improvised material. We also have a lesson
Only 15 minutes and you will be in the mood, and you will also have a finished craft made by your own hands from colored paper.

  • Red and white double-sided paper
  • Purchased red pompom
  • Stationery glue
  • simple pencil
  • Marker black
  • Scissors

Step by step photo lesson:

We will make the body of Santa Claus in the form of a cone. To make such a geometric figure, draw a circle on red double-sided paper. You can use a compass or circle the plate. Cut out. We bend in half. Open and cut with scissors along the fold. We get two halves. For one figure of Santa Claus, you will need only one part.

We twist the half of the circle and get a figure in the form of a cone. We fix the edges with glue. The lower parts can be adjusted with scissors to give an even base.

Then we draw a beard on white paper.

Cut out the beard along the contour. Cut in the middle to get a horizontal cut. We “dress” the beard through the slit. Bend a small part forward to create hair.

Glue the red pom-pom to the highest point of the cone. This will be the bubo of Santa Claus hats.

Glue plastic eyes. Cut out a mustache from white paper, and a small circle from red paper. Glue the cut out parts just below the eyes. Marker will add brightness and clarity.

Long before the New Year, children begin to dream about the holiday and make lists of desired gifts from Santa Claus. We invite you to join the creation of a magical atmosphere in your home, to make Santa Claus from colored paper with your children - a New Year's craft.

After all, it is the kind grandfather with a long gray beard, a red cap and a fur coat with a huge bag of gifts behind him that becomes the main New Year's character on this fabulous night. It is he who should be made of colored paper in the form of an interesting and beautiful craft. We will get a voluminous beard in the form of chains of thin paper rings.

Necessary materials:

red, white and yellow paper;
stapler and glue;
plastic eyes.

How to make paper Santa Claus

1. For the manufacture of the head and face of Santa Claus, we use yellow paper. It can be replaced with light pink and light brown. We cut out a large circle from the sheet, and for the nose - a small one up to 2 cm in diameter. We also draw on red paper the contour of the cap-cap. Cut out.

2. Cut out a rectangle from white paper. Fold in half and glue the ends. Cut along the bottom with scissors to make a fringe.

3. We glue the details to the New Year's hat in the form of a white voluminous fringe along the bottom. Glue the hat to the yellow head. We also cut out a small circle from white paper for the cap bubo.

4. Cut out a mustache from white paper.

5. Glue the bubo on the tip of the cap. We attach a white mustache to the face. We attach the nose and ready-made plastic eyes to them.

6. We create a beard from white paper. It will be voluminous. To do this, draw thin stripes and cut them out in large quantities to get a beautiful craft for the New Year.

7. We connect the stripes into rings. We glue the parts together to get several chains. Glue long chains on the sides of the head.

8. Then we attach 5 short chains of white stripes at the bottom.

9. Draw small details with a marker.

Decorate the Christmas tree, prepare gifts, take care of the festive table and costumes, and even stock up on a great mood. It seems that before the New Year we thought of everything. But what is missing?.. Of course, the main characters of the winter holidays - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!

Let's do them together. I hope my today's master class will help you with this!

For work you will need plain white paper, cardboard, compasses, paints, glue, pencil and felt-tip pens.

First, let's make Santa Claus.

1. Draw a circle with a compass and cut it out. You can use cardboard. Choose the size of the circle depending on the desired size of the figure.

2. As you can see, the basis of the figurine is a paper cone. I chose the height of the figurines 7 cm.

Cut the circle in half, bend into a cone and glue.

3. Cut white paper into fringe strips. Cut the paper no more than half the width.

4. To make the fringe curly, wind it onto the rod from the handle. Make several of these paper strips of different sizes.

5. Cut out a small oval from paper and draw the face of Santa Claus on it. Glue at the top of the figure. If the quality of the paint allows, draw the face directly on the figurine.

6. Using the cut out strips, decorate Santa Claus. Glue the bottom of the cone with the cut part of the strip - this will fur coat hem. On top of the cone will be cap trim, small strips will play a role eyebrows. Beard should consist of several strips glued one on top of the other. Twist the glued strips with a toothpick.

7. Draw gloves for Santa Claus, you can paint the cap purple. Decorate the fur coat with stars, snowflakes and whatever you want.

The Snow Maiden is done in the same way.

1. Make a blue semicircle cone for figurines and crown Snow Maiden. For the crown, cut out a small semicircle, make a cut in the middle and bend the tips. Make the top of the semicircle in the form of a large bracket, narrowed upwards.

2. Glue the crown to the cone. Like this:

3. Draw the face of the Snow Maiden, cut it out and glue it to the top of the cone. Cut many fringed strips, make them into the collar, the hem of the fur coat, the fur on the sleeves and along the front line of the fur coat. Twist the fringe with a toothpick.

4. Don't forget to finish the gloves. Decorate the figurine to your liking. This drawing will help you.


1. Making a Christmas tree is easy. cut out three semicircles of different diameters, cut as shown in the picture and make cones out of them.

The largest one will be at the bottom, the middle one in the middle, and the smallest cone will be the top of the New Year's beauty.

Congratulations! New Year's heroes are ready for the holidays!