Hormonal Failure in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

We need advice or just an explanation on the topic of hormonal failure in dogs. Dogs are not mine, but we have to walk with them.

1. American Akita. Dog 1 year 6 months. The first flow was July-August. The second estimates should have been January-February, but so nothing appeared. The dog is very "appetizing", all males have a roof from it. After the first temperature, after 2 months later, the males still went to the crowds. The owner decided to pass tests on hormones, and according to the results (expressing in a simple language) a constant process, although the discharge stopped on time. Nipples were enlarged, there was an increased loop. (For a couple of weeks, we noticed that everything came to normal), but the tests have not yet passed.

2. Alabai. The dog itself is small (Alabai with documents, just this genetics). The size is a little more Labrador. Age 1 year 3 months. The first flow was in mid-February, and just a couple of weeks. Allocations were, they generally stopped, the dogs did not even respond to it. And when the owners relaxed, deciding that everything ended. There was a break for 2 weeks. It all started in a new one, and with double power. And apparently this time, the real estate, males in the district along the trail to her pull. Isolation is strong, strong smell. Also the owners passed the tests, and did an ultrasound. Uzi showed some node. Veterinarian advises to unleash the dog and then sterilize. The hosts are quite adequate and understand that they do not need it. They planned to immediately sterilize, and now in doubt, due to mating. Of course, I certainly do not know, I would not have booty attention to this if there is still a third case.

3. Golden Retriever 8 months. The flow, or something similar to it was 5 months. Blood selection was not, but the analysis of hormones showed that it was a flow. Rent analyzes recently (at 7.5 months). And the result is the same as Akita - the dog buds, then dwells in a permanent process (well at least from her do not demolish the roof). And in this case, the veterinarian advises the dog again, and after it is already sterilized. The hostess was initially configured to sterilization. But the vet advice knocks her off - the main thing is not to harm the beloved dog. (In this case, even it is insulting if it is sterilized, because Goldenka is really beautiful, real breed dog).

Here tell me, someone came across. What is for hormonal failures of dogs, and how to deal with it. What should still be checked in such cases? What should be treated?

Honestly and frankly - in the stump of all these veterinarians who advise knit.

The first flows are very often problematic at the bitch .... you just need to wait for the second estrus ...

Where the split flow was - to be very careful in communicating with dogs. This is all within the normal range.

No one should not sterilize or knit. Two months after the start of the flow, all of these bitches are planted for the full hunger of the day for two. Then the diet cut into half, about a couple of weeks. And that's it.

Changed on March 26, 2012 by Deniska

When diagnosing hormonal violations, the hosts sometimes confuse them with vitaminosis. Treatment should correspond to the cause of the disease so that the animal can live a full life.

How to actually act in such cases, because only the veterinarian will be able to help any other, and this article allows you to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is done in such cases and what causes of this problem may be.

Hormonal violations of a dog than to treat whether it is possible to cure than dangerous whether there are congenital and how they manifest

Especially the elderly dogs often meet hormonal failures.

For most of the endocrine diseases, related dermatological problems are characteristic.

Therefore, if the dog in normal analyzes falls out, it is necessary to suspect a hormonal disease.

An ordinary collar can lead to its occurrence, which presses on the thyroid gland of the dog and leads to its destruction. It is the hormones of the thyroid gland stimulate the growth of wool.

Dogs most often encounter hypothyroidism, diabetes, Cushing syndrome, ovarian polycystosis.

The owner should pay attention to the following symptoms in the animal:
- increase thirst;
- frequent urination;
- change of appetite;
- obesity or altitude;
- Foci of Alopecia (dark skin, and wool falls).

With suspected hormonal disease, it is necessary to hold an endocrinical examination in the clinic.

After the study of blood, urine, ultrasound of endocrine glands, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

Hormonal disease can be congenital.

A sick animal is developing slowly, can slander rickets.

It is best to treat diseases, accompanied by a decrease in the secretion of hormones.

It is harder to cure the hyperfunctions of endocrine glands, tumors.

Hormonal disorders in dogs after sterilization, castration symptoms

Hormonal violations are observed in dogs after taking tablets that give the owners during the flow, so that the animal makes it easier to transfers this period. Such drugs can lead not only to the emergence of hormonal disorders, but also to the development of tumors.

If you do not plan to explore the breeding of dog offspring, it is better not to torment the animal and spend it sterilization or castration. This operation is safe for life and animal health. It is favorable on the character, the dog will be calmer, the attacks of aggression will not arise during hormonal failures.

Many doctors adhere to the opinions that castrate and sterilize the animal better before the start of puberty at the age of 4-6 months. But it's not too late to do it after a year.

The corneal ulcer hurts the pain and suffering to the animal. It can arise from a dog or a cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the cause of ...

If the dog suddenly began an attack of an allergic reaction, the owner remains a few minutes to take the right solution and help their favorite. During this short period of time, call the veterinarian and get a comprehensive consultation is not always possible. In such a difficult situation, the salvation of life can be "prednisolone" (tablets) for dogs. However, purchasing a medicine for his home pharmacy, be sure to explore all the pitfalls, especially side effects and contraindications.


The synthetic derivative of cortisone hormones, which is formed in the adrenal glands, is "prednisolone". For dogs, it is discharged by a veterinarian if the pet has problems with the normal production of this substance in the body. It, by the way, is vital, as regulates metabolic processes and suppresses inflammatory. Another 80 years ago, discovery was made: cortisone helps a miraculous way to get rid of skin diseases and articular rheumatism. However, it was noted that when prescribed the medication, the doctor should calculate the exact dosage. Otherwise, the bark of adrenal glands, generating a hormone, simply atrophy.

Over the years, scientists have tried to create various Cortison derivatives. They tried to develop such a drug, the main substance in which will have therapeutic properties that do not differ from the natural analogue. So the prednisolone preparation and its analogues appeared: "Dexamethasone", "Medour", "Metipred" and others. The medicine belongs to the group of short term.

Form release

In five forms this medicine is produced. This is evidenced by the prednisone-based instruction for use. In ampoules for injections, in the form of tablets, candles, ointments and eye suspension, you can purchase a medicine. What is better to choose? Make a homely pet or give a capsule hidden in delicacy? Best of all, an experienced veterinarian will answer this kind of questions. "Prednisolone" for dogs in a tablet form, it will recommend, most likely, if the pet suffers from a chronic disease. But the injection will be needed in an emergency when the disease aggravated, threatening not only the health, but also the lives of your favorite friend.

What does the drug help?

Why do pricks prescribe dogs? "Prednisolone" - highly effective diverse forms of drug release allow it to take it with various types of allergies, degrees of its manifestations. In addition, the medication perfectly oppresses various inflammatory processes, so veterinarians are often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after transferred surgical interventions or injured injuries.

But the possibilities of medication are not limited to this. After all, it is still famous for its counter-toxic, anti-flip and counter-and-assessive properties. Therefore, the "prednisone" will require your animal if it suffers from the following diseases: asthma, leukemia, blufaritis, mononucleosis, pancreatitis, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, red lupus, ailment of Addison, neurodermitomit, eczema, dermatitis, etc. By the way, treatment The latter, skin diseases require a sufficiently long period of reception to achieve complete healing.

Reviews and price

If there is an opportunity, before taking medication, you will definitely visit the veterinarian. He will tell you in detail how to make a "prednisone". Instructions for use in ampoules advises it to use if the dog has an acute allergic reaction. But the medic does not always recommend doing injections. Given the age of the animal, the state of its health, weight, breed and history, it can write tablets or candles.

Before buying "prednisone" for dogs, other people's reviews will also be superfluous. Many pings owners suggest that this medicine is very effective in emergency situations. They indicate its effectiveness and convenient formation form. Many praise democratic prices. Thus, the range of packaging cost, which includes 100 tablets of 5 mg, ranges from 60 to 120 rubles. Ampoules cost 40-50 rubles. (The pack contains 3 containers of 1 ml).

Methods of application

Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to tell you how to make the "prednisone" correctly. For dogs, the dosage may differ significantly depending on the severity of the disease, the breed of the pet, its health status. Typically, the norm is calculated on the basis of weight indicators: one kilogram is supposed to be one milligram drugs twice a day. The course of treatment on average lasts two weeks. But there are cases when therapy is delayed for several months.

However, after 14 days, it is necessary to see the doctor and pass the tests. Only a specialist will solve: continue treatment or cancel the drug. Often, the Medic recommends to gradually reduce the dosage: on a quarter every two weeks. For any ailments, in addition to allergic reactions, the "prednisolone" is assigned to a dog only after inspection conducted in the clinic, and establish an accurate diagnosis. Usually, if the animal suffers from ophthalmological ailments, he is discharged by drops, from skin diseases - ointments.


In the drug to a minimum, all unwanted properties are leveled, which possesses the initial substance - cortisone. Despite this, the hormonal means of a wide range of action is the prednisolone medication: for dogs, of course, veterinarians recommend buying, but indicate that the animal should be treated with this means carefully paying attention to the manifestation of possible side effects. Among possible negative reactions are allocated as follows:

  • Violation of a bit of menstrual cycle.
  • Acceleration of blood clotting, an abnormal increase in glucose levels.
  • The appearance of hypokalemia.
  • Development of pancreatitis, osteoporosis, various mental diseases.
  • Skin problems.
  • Immunity impairment.
  • The appearance of overweight.

To prevent side effects, the doctor must constantly monitor the condition of the animal. With long-term therapy, "prednisolone" is discharged by another medicine - "Methandrottenolon". Do this in order to prevent the development of potassium deficiency. With a similar purpose, the dog gives drugs containing this element, and also adjust its power mode. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the puppies after the injection sometimes there are vomiting. The kids after the procedure often behave restlessly, the coordination of their movements can be broken.


"Prednisolone" for dogs can not always be bought. The drug is contraindicated, if the pet suffers from chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, jade, endocarditis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, psychosis, ailments associated with an increase in the synthesis of adrenal cortex hormones. In addition, do not prescribe a medicine pregnant and lactating bitches. But infectious diseases and tuberculosis do not exclude the therapy "prednisolone".

The organism of the dog is A complex biological mechanism, whose work is carried out by the interaction of internal organs and systems. One of the most important functions of the body is its ability to reproduce. This feature is ensured by the existence of a system of reproduction organs. Due to the ability to reproduce, it is not just preserving the type - a dog, but also it becomes possible to carry out the selection of animals, retain certain breed features, fasten the useful breed properties in certain lines.

However, more and more Pets are becoming susceptible to various sexual diseases..

The sexual cycle in dogs occurs in the so-called ovarian type. Its essence is that under the action of hormones of the glands of internal secretion in the ovaries, sex cells (eggs) ripen, while the ovaries themselves begin to produce a large number of female genital hormones (estrogen). At the same time, certain changes occur in the uterus, in which the inner layer of the uterus walls is thickened (endometrium), the amount of mucus produced is increasing, bleeding from the exterior genital organs. All these changes occur during the flow period. After estrus, the level of female sex hormones gradually decreases, the uterus acquires the usual structure, which is stored until the next process. All these changes are cycled and dogs occur twice a year. Any sexual disorders can be considered as a disease, besides the cause of such states as inflammation of the uterus and contribute to the appearance of neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries and lactic glands.

What kind signs of the diseaseorgans of the reproductive system can be observed? The first symptom is any violation of the sexual cycle. To such violations, it is possible to include unequal intervals between the flows, an elongated or low-voltage flow, frequent tempera, an increase in the interval between the flows of more than 6 months or the absence of estrus.

From the most common diseases The sexual apparatus can be distinguished by a violation of hormonal exchange, endometritis, uterine hyperplasia, pyometric, uterine neoplasms, ovaries and mammary glands.

Violation of hormonal exchange As a rule, it is manifested by an increase in the level of female sex hormones. Clinical signs can be the most diverse. Often - these are skin diseases: itching, baldness (especially symmetrical in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back, abdomen, hind limbs), rash on the skin, thin, dry wool, thin, "parchment" leather. Another sign of violation of hormonal metabolism will be considered a strongly pronounced falsehood (pseudolatation). It is also necessary to pay attention to various changes in the skin in the field of external genital organs: thickening and dried skin, the appearance of pigmentation.
If the elevated level of female sex hormones It remains long enough, it leads to the development of more severe changes in the reproductive system organs: an acute purulent process in the uterus (pyometras), as well as such a disease as a uterine hyperplasia (pathological long-term thickening of the walls of the uterus with significant changes in the structure and development of the inflammatory reaction). In the pyometer, the uterus increases greatly in size and pus and other inflammation products begin to accumulate in its cavity. An animal refuses to eat, thirst increases, the temperature rises, weakness, apathy develops. Can develop vomiting. From the outer genital organs, purulent discharge appear, increases significantly in the size of the stomach. Development Piometrs requires urgent surgical intervention. In the development of uterine hyperplasia, clinical signs will be the same as in a pyometr, but less pronounced: there is no appetite or reduced, thirst moderate or ordinary, lethargy can alternate with a satisfactory common state, vomiting rarely develops. The separation from the outer genital organs is more often bloody or mucous, may not be absent. Often, weakness or stiffness of the hind limbs appear.

Endometritis It is characterized by the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane. The general condition of the dog at the same time satisfactory and the only sign of the disease may be stiffness of the hind limbs or mucous allocations from the external genital organs. Almost always without treatment, inflammation spreads from the mucous membrane of the uterus to the entire uterine wall, and the endometrite goes into the uterine hyperplasia or pyometer.

Listed above the disease, as a rule, develop after estrus, and the clear boundary between the flow and the beginning of inflammation may be absent.

Tumor development Milk glands is also a frequent disease in dogs. Although the exact reason for the appearance of this problem is not established, it is known that it contributes to these diseases a high level of genital hormones. Tumors appear in the form of seals on one or several milk glasses. The dimensions of these neoplasms can be different: from the pea to the size of the child's head. Tumors can be with a smooth surface or hill, have different growth intensity. At a certain stage of development, the tumor begins to ulcerate and necrotize. Milk tumors have a mixed structure, i.e. Consist simultaneously from malignant and benign cells. Since these tumors often give metastases, the best treatment is their removal at an early stage of development.

Tomb of uterus And the ovaries are found in dogs less often. These are mainly benign tumors, but there is also cancer ovaries. The clinical symptoms can vary from light ailment to severe states accompanied by high temperature, refusal to food, strong lethargy, violation of cardiac and respiratory activities.

In all listed cases, a dog or a cat must urgently show the veterinarian.Sometimes inflammation can develop very quickly and without treatment, the animal may die within a few days. To form an accurate diagnosis in veterinary clinics, modern research methods are used: ultrasound, blood tests, etc. Unfortunately, drug treatment of most diseases of the reproductive system organs is difficult. The use of antibiotics and strong anti-inflammatory funds are ineffective. To date, the most reliable and effective method of treating the listed pathologies, especially with inflammatory processes and neoplasms, is an operational treatment, which consists in removing the uterus and ovaries or tumors. The removal of ovarian is also recommended for the development of the neoplasms of the mammary glands, because Tumor data is developing under the action of ovarian hormones.

Thus, various diseases of the reproduction bodies in dogs are very common and can manifest itself by the most diverse symptoms. It should be remembered that even a slight malace can signal the beginning of a serious, life-threatening disease in the sexual apparatus. Therefore, regardless of the degree of severity of clinical signs, it is recommended to show the animal to the veterinary doctor as soon as possible. Only quickly supplied the correct diagnosis and timely start of treatment can guarantee a favorable outcome of the disease.

Main Endocrinological Dog Syndrome

Regardless, especially in old dogs, the work of the endocrine glands is disturbed. Sugar diabetes arise, hormone-dependent wool loss, etc. Unfortunately, in practice, doctors still incorrectly diagnose them as avitaminosis, although it is hardly possible to meet with such a kind. For most endocrine diseases, the simultaneous development of dermatopathops is characterized, which serves as a sign for recognizing these violations. Now the connection between the skin and dysfunction of the endocrine glands is already scientifically proven. Thus, estrogens cause thinning of the epidermis enriched with it with pigment, the development and growth of wool are inhibited. Androgens determine the thickening of the epidermis, they reduce the formation, but not the growth of wool, activate the function of the sebaceous glands. The pituitary is involved in changing the hair, its adrenocorticotropic hormone slows down the development of the coarse cover. On the contrary, the thyroid hormone stimulates this process. In the diagnosis of endocrine diseases, it is necessary to know and use these patterns, since in veterinary medicine, the definition of hormones in the blood is not carried out.

This section discusses the main endocrinological syndromes, taking into account their specific manifestations in the skin, which is important for practice. Such a division on the main syndromes, and not on private diseases, it is not randomly made, since there are a lot of separate disorders, the frequency of their occurrence is different, and the functional manifestations and treatment are often the same.

Estrogenies. Feminizing syndrome . HypergondaDotropism in dogs is almost always connected with the elevated content of estrogen. In females, this is due to the cystic or tumor rebirth of the ovaries, during the cirrhosis of the liver; In males - with the development of sterolioma, long-term estrogenaterapy, cirrhosis of the liver.

Symptoms. Violations in females are manifested by lethargy, adamasses, weakness of pelvic limbs when driving. The females lose weight, the sex lips are swollen, along with this there may be an elongated flow or phenomenon of chronic endometritis (see " Gynecological diseases) "With long-term estrogen period, osteoporosis of ribs and bodies of vertebrals are developing, hyperreflexia organs in the area of \u200b\u200blumbar-sacral plexus. Changes in the woolly cover are usually beginning with a linky time. Wool becomes dim and breaking. On the back, in the kidney area, symmetrical Alopecia (symptom of "points"), which, spreading, cover the region of genitals, groin and armpits. In the far-sighted stage of the disease, the wool falls out and remains only on the head, ears, limbs and tail tip. The skin is dry, inelastic, sometimes, on the contrary, Thickened and edema, the dark pigment inclusions are visible in some places.

In males, the prolonged effect of estrogen is manifested by feminization syndrome: the libido will fade (sexual attraction), gynecomastia develops (women's chest), the male becomes attractive for same-sex. Feeding fabrics, the testes decrease, flashed to the touch. But spermatogenesis is saved. Changes in the skin and wool cover are similar to those in females, but allope is localized mainly on the sides. The results of laboratory studies are shown in Table 9. Current chronic.

9. Basic changes in the skin and woolen cover of dogs of good hormonal drugs









and pigment
the appearance

Changing wool
tightened by
time lectured
cue hair
rare +

Spin ("
ki "), region
armpits, groin

Reluctance to move
Ataxia, mass loss
Body, genital hyper-
Plasia and hypertrophy +
+ elongated tone
PO A, B, with endometritis,
After the treatment of estrogen
mi male - feminizing
Syndrome: Atropo-
Eggs FIA, Edema Training

Settlement of red blood cells

Suhold the number of leukocytes
SP, shift to the left brightly
Urea dressed

Creatine Nr, choleste-


Soft, tone
Kaya, Podlia-
wary, later
Haya, peeling
Xia (Parchment
Neviva in white

ugly sweating
a colored color
falling out
los + bald

Neck, ears,
Packs, tail,

Reluctance to move
Grease body weight
Sexy Afunction
(castration, genital
hypoplasia, senile,
Atrophy of the testicles, crypto-
Trucous testicles)

cholesterol n-n



Thin, dry,
Slised hyper-
black pepper "
or in white spots,

Soft, straight
My, slightly
Hair Dense + +

Back (Boca),

Apathy, weakening Mus
Kulov, polydipsy, poly-
uria, obesity, belly
Pear, sexy
Functions are limited or

Lymphopianization, eosinopenia,
blood sugar nr,
Lica phosphatase P, Ho-
Leatherin P-SP, Cortisol
SP Differential Test
(see text)


Diffuse or B.
stains melanino

Thin, dry,
wool dusty
Rare, Alopecia

Nose back
neck, croup,
hundred, groin, poor
ra (chest and

Lethargy, hypothermia,
Bradycardia, obesity
(late stage!), Basin
Shoe muzzle
Sexual functions

Settlement of erythrocytes su,
Cholesterol SP.

Sasary diabetes


In changed areas
Skin loss

No predispose
life for

Polydipsia, polyuria,
Asthenium, severe itch

Sugar in blood P-SP,
Sugar in the urine

Designations N - norm, p - increased, joint venture - strongly increased, y - accelerated, su - strongly accelerated

Treatment. Animal of both sexes shown castration. If the castration is undesirable or cannot be performed according to the patient, females are treated with small doses of the Gestagennes, the males are prescribed for a long time corticosteroid hormones.

Hypogonadotropism syndrome It occurs with the reduced production of genital hormones, is characterized by erasing the secondary genital signs in animals. This is due to genetic reasons that cause violation of the regulation of the activity of the genital glands with hormones of the pituitary gland, sometimes castrating animals, especially if it was conducted before sexual maturity.

Symptoms. The course of the disease is chronic. Specific lack of libido and sexual functions. Animals apathetic, add in mass, reluctantly move. The males are atrophied designs, penis, scrotum, seeds. The females celebrate the weak development of the germ lip, the vagina, the virgin state of the cervix. From the history of such animals, it usually follows that they were castrated or "from birth never had a flow", or "sexual activity stopped after the first birth and lactation." The skin is thin, like parchment and slightly peel. Pigmented places, yellow-brown spots are visible. Slim wool, silky, deprived of color. With severe flow, allope develops in the area of \u200b\u200bneck, ears, tail, groin and limbs (see Table 9). The results of laboratory studies are close to the testimony of the norm. Sometimes the cholesterol content is increased, the amount of eosinophilles is reduced, the function of the adrenal cortex is reduced.

Treatment It is to carry out substitution therapy. Appointed for a long time androgens or estrogens in very small doses (0.1-0.01% of ordinary therapeutic doses). It is necessary to ensure that the side effects do not overlap the healing success. For this purpose, the condition of the animal is controlled every 3-6 months.

Cushing Syndrome . Changes in the activities of the adrenal cortex are almost always associated with hyperfunction, i.e., increased production of glucocorticoids. Apparently, there is a genetic predisposition to hyperadrenoxorticism, since the German boxers have a tendency to tumor reincarnation of adrenal cortex, and in poodles to hypertrophy of the bark. Sometimes the disease can be caused by excessive cottage of hormones in the form of drugs.

The violation of the products of corticosteroid hormones first leads to the development of hypogonadotropism phenomena (lack of libido, an alternation, atrophy of the sex glands). The disease slowly progresses until the typical clinical picture of Cushing's syndrome occurs.

Symptoms. The appearance of the animal is a noisy torso on thin atrophied legs. Characterized by the lordosis of the spine, hanging belly, atrophy of the temporal muscles, allope. Equiphetal and increase in blood pressure are equally specific. The skin becomes very thin, while tensioning large blood vessels are clearly visible in it. To the touch, the skin is cold, dry, hyperpigmented, as it were, "sprinkled with black pepper" (the talented hair follicles are filled with keratin and detritus). Often, white spots formed by lime depressed in these places are often discovered in the thicker of the dermis. The natural resistance of the skin is reduced, their Troofs deteriorates, as a result of which piederma develops (often in the corners of the lips) and the breakdowns (in the field of bone protrusions). In rare cases, only head, neck and limbs are covered with long hair. When radiography, osteoporosis of ribs, spine and hepatomegaly are detected. Laboratory studies indicate steroid diabetes (see Table 9). The difficult course of the disease is completed by the inability of the pelvic limbs to keep body weight, collapse and death.

Treatment. If the development of the syndrome is due to excessive cottage of hormones, it is enough to cancel them. In the case of hypersecretion of hormones, adrenal bows are used for 7-14 days, 50 mg / kg daily, then only once a week in the same dose. Repeatedly inspect the dog in a month.

Hypothyroidism. Myxedema . A decrease in thyroxine production due to congenital deficiency of the function of the thyroid gland or transferred autoimmune thyroiditis. Cases of secondary hypothyroidism caused by pituitary disorders (tumor) are described. Bulldogs, Irish setters, spaniels are predisposed.

Symptoms. The dog has a lethargic state, dullness, reduced temperament, thermophilia (decrease in body temperature), bradycardia, tendency to increase body weight (even with a reduced diet).

The wool is thin, falls off, matte, rare and depigmented. As the process progresses, allope develops, usually located on the sides, on the naming, cereal, the base of the tail, hips, in groin, on the chest and the stomach. On the bald places, the skin is diffusefully thickened, scaly, with melanomotic stains (black acanthosis). The muzzle seems to be swollen, the eyelids are narrowed. The loss of skin elasticity is clearly visible when it is collected into the fold - the fold is not painted. The results of laboratory studies are shown in Table 9.

Replacement therapy: Assign inside thyroxine at a dose of 30 mg per day and a solution of Lugol 5-10 drops per week. It is recommended to control the condition of the animal once in 3-6 months, then the minimum necessary dose of the drug is determined. The effect should be expected by about 2 months from the beginning of treatment. There is a noticeable restoration of the skin and the coil to a normal state. During the flow rate, the dose should be reduced by half, which corresponds to the smallest need for thyroxine.

Goiter . Pathological increase in the thyroid gland (stream), accompanied or not accompanied by a change in thyroxine production. The disease is found primarily in the mountainous areas and steppe areas where the factors of an alimentary failure of iodine and hereditary predisposition are combined.

Goiter in young dogs. The diagnosis is made easily on the basis of a palpator study on the localization of soft swelling at the bottom of the neck, which distinguishes it from the sials cyst (the upper part of the neck). Plows can be a uniform bilateral or uneven one-sided. As a therapeutic agent, a solution of ligol is prescribed 1-3 drops inside for several months. With a decrease in goiter reduce the number of drops. Then the small doses of vitamin A are prescribed and limit the calcium with feed in the body, as it is involved in the development of goiter. In the diet of the animal, they are advised to include marine fish and add a little iodized salt.

Goiter in old dogs. One - or bilateral increase in the thyroid gland is manifested. It is dense consistency, low-live, painful sensations at the beginning of the disease does not cause. The diagnosis is made taking into account the characteristic location of the goiter: on the side of the trachea in the lower half of the neck. The goiter in old animals should be differentiated from the tumors of the thyroid gland. The borders of the tumor are fuzzy, with signs of rustling its surrounding tissues. Dog is hampered by acts of swallowing and breathing. In the cellular point from the tumor, atypical cells are detected.

Treatment. Operational removal of one share or all increasing thyroid gland and subsequent drug replacement therapy.

Gemitreoid technique. General anesthesia, intubation (introduction of a special tube through the mouth in the larynx); The position on the side, neck is fixed, breast limbs are assigned back (Fig. 47). Paramedic access to the thyroid gland, the incision of the tissues between the breast-shaped and shoulder muscles. Isolation and assignment towards the ventral nerve of the neck (return nerve). Revision of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland consists of isolated left and right lobes. Determination of the prevalence of lesion (one - or bilateral; often unilateral).

Fig. 47. Sintopia of the left lobe of the thyroid gland and the steps of hemitreoidectomy: 1 - the position of the animal on the table and the direction of the cutting of the tissues; 1 - increased left fraction of the thyroid gland - goiter; 3 - the relief of the cranial isthmus of the thyroid gland, which includes the front thyroid artery, the location of the curve; 4 - Pressing the caudal of the thyroid gland, including the caudal thyroid artery, the location of the curve; 5 - left ventral nex; 6 - Outputing goiter; 7 - tissue sewing

Outfunction of goiter: First, cranial gland stakes are isolated, including anterior thyroid artery, then caudal alses are isolated, including the rear thyroid artery. Ligation and intersection of the beaches in the same sequence. The wound sewing is only with the capture of the fascia of the neck and skin (not the touching muscles!). You should spare parachite glands and, if possible, save them. They are usually located on the lateral surface of the front pole goiter. The size of the parachitoid glands with rice or hemp grain. If, during the life of the dog, it is necessary to remove and the second fraction of the thyroid gland, then after the operation, the thyroxine replacement therapy is carried out. Gradually, it is possible to reduce doses of the drug in order to determine whether the added thyroid gland is enough enough hormone.

Diabetes . Sugar diabetes caused by an absolute or relative disadvantage of insulin. It is characterized by the instability of the blood sugar level, a tendency to ketoacidosis and metabolic disorders.

The frequency of diseases of diabetes mellitus in dogs is 3% of all endocrine pathologies. Taxes, rigid terriers, slightly less scotch terriers, spitches and Irish terriers are predisposed. Sugar diabetes is manifested in dogs older than 7 years. The ratio of the fallen males to females is approximately 1: 4. Half of all females, the outbreak of the disease coincides with the end of the flow and happens more often in autumn than in the spring. As it follows from the anamnesis, up to 25% of females had previously suffered a disease of the uterus (endometritis, pyometers).

Sugar diabetes, up to elementary glucose, is a disease caused by hormonal dysfunction. Dogs have mainly diabetes insulin lack ("Youth Diabetes") as opposed to a person who has insulin dependent "adult diabetes" more often. Increased blood sugar is due to a decrease in insulin levels due to:

Reduction of its production of its pancreas (chronic sclerosing pancreatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatic atrophy);

Overproduction of corticosteroid hormones adrenal glands (steroid diabetes);

Overproduction of the adrenocorticotropic hormone of the front fractions of the pituitary gland (diabetes pitipofesign);

Overproduction of thyroxine thyroid gland (teaseogenic diabetes, thyroxine provokes hidden diabetes).

Symptoms. Vividly expressed polyudipsia (thirst) and polyuria (increasing urine removal) with simultaneous asthenia (weakness) and severe itching. Sometimes cataract develops prematurely, the smell of acidic fruits from grazing are noted. Wool dim, brittle, is kept bad. The skin is susceptible to a pusty lesion, mocking, has scaly defects.

In most cases, nephrrites of various severity occurring with hypertension (increase in blood pressure). Often diagnose liver damage with an increase in alkaline phosphatase and alaninotransferase activity; ESR Over 3-6 mm, leukocytosis is greater than 12,000, an increased amount of sticky leukocytes.

Diagnosis They put to increase the blood sugar content and the presence of it in the urine (the renal threshold of the sugar is 6.6 mmol / l.) If the hidden diabetes is suspected of provocation it thyroxin or perform another test. The dog, which starved 24 hours, determine the level of blood sugar and it intravenously injected 0.5 g / kg glucose in the form of a 40% solution. Sugar in the blood is re-determined after 90 and 120 minutes. By this term, the healthy animal should restore the initial indicators.

Treatment. When the blood sugar content is below 11 mmol / l, only a complete feeding diet, which includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should prohibit feeding with only one meat! When the content of sugar in the blood, 8-50 units of prolonged insulin are introduced in the form of a crystalline zincinsulin suspension (repeated an injection after 30-36 hours). At the same time, retain the former diet or reduce it by 1/4. The introduction of insulin is stopped after the thirst disappearance. If the thirst disappeared, but the level of sugar is preserved high, over 11 mmol / l, it is believed that even with such a hyperglycemia compensation occurred in the body. Further attempts to reduce the level of sugar to the norm are fraught with the growth of cachexia and the risk of the death of the animal. After the cessation of the dacha insulin and stabilization of the process, further control over the indicators of sugar in the blood is not needed.

The dog owner must warn you to feed the dog immediately after the introduction of prolonged insulin and once again after 6-8 hours. With the arrival of flow treatment, the treatment is immediately renewed, and the insulin dose increase half. Before and after process, it repeatedly control the appearance of sugar in the urine! With good general condition, it is better to castrate a dog, given the harmful effect of steroid hormones over the course of diabetes.

The lifespan of the sick diabetes dog without treatment is small. In insulin therapy and the elimination of thirst, the animal can live over 5 years.

Syndrome of unacceptable diabetes . The lesion of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, inherited by recessive type and manifested in reducing the production of oxytocin hormones and vasopressin.

Oxytocin causes a contraction of the uterus. Vasopressin causes spasm of vessels, excites a fat intestine and slows down diuresis.

Symptoms. Functional disorders: Kidney ability violation Concentrate urine, polydipsy, polyuria, obesity, atony uterus. Animals show a painful thirst, drinking for several liters of water within a day. If there is no water, then dogs can drink their own urine. Urine with a specific low specific weight, below 1005. In addition, the anosquesia, weakness, unsatisfactory condition of the wool note. They sick more often, more predisposed poodles.

Diagnosis put on the basis of a simple dough. If a dog does not give water for 8-12 hours, then in the case of a hypothalamic-pituitary impairment, urine will not become more concentrated. (Do not limit the water more than 12-16 hours, as the excaciosis will develop - complete dehydration and death will come!) Differential differences are as follows.


Sugar in the urine, hyperglycemia


Proteinuria, epithelium in sediment

Azotemia, Uremia

Increased urinary performance
us in blood


The disease is 3-10 weeks after flow, leukocytosis,
ENE, an increase in the uterus, purulent discharge from

Postghemorrhagic anemia

Anamnese data

Liver disease

An increase in alkaline phosphatase values, alanine-one

Medical treatment of glu-
Customicoids, androgens,

Anamnese data

Feeding with dry concentration
Tami, swimming in the sea, etc.

Treatment. Sometimes thirst can suddenly stop spontaneously. There is data on the disappearance of thirst after exposure to strong stress (falling from the bridge, automotive catastrophe, watering cold water sleeping on the sun). In other cases, adiorekrine is prescribed for blowing in the form of a powder into the nasal moves of 0.01-0.05 g 2-3 times a day. Young animals can recover, adult animals ADIURCHINA action is not effective enough, then additionally, saluretics (diuretic) give inside.

Hypoparatyosis . This is more often insufficient producing parachitoid glands of the paranthormon; As a casuistic - accidental removal of parachitoid glands during operational intervention on the thyroid gland.

Paranthgump - polypeptide, participating in the regulation of phosphorus and calcium exchange in the body and facilitating their transfer through biological membranes. Reducing the concentration of pararathgamon in the blood leads to the development of hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, weakening the excretion of calcium and phosphates and alkalosis. Hypoparatyosis proceeds in two forms: chronic and latent (excluding postoperative complications).

Symptoms. Puppies have a form of chronic intestinal osteodistrophia. Calcium resorption processes in the small intestine are violated, and calcium mobilization from bone depot occurs to restore its balance in the blood. Depleted bone tissue is replaced by fibrous. They are affected primarily by the bones of the jaws, it becomes a noticeable expansion of the back of the nose, teeth are shifted, there are pains in the joints (especially in the topless).

Extodermal disorders are observed in the form of cataracts, the loss of cohesive cover, luxury claws, denthene enamel defects and, in addition, cached. Radiographically mark the symptom of the "bloating" of the bones of the upper and lower jaws, the cortical layer of them is subject to osteolysis, alternating with the areas of thickening. Narked the general depletion of the bones of the skeleton calcium - osteoporosis. In adult females of small and dwarf rocks, hypoparatyosis proceeds as a latent form of tetania, activating only before flowing or in the period and lactation (see Tetania ").

Diagnosis put taking into account clinical and radiological signs and to determine the concentration of calcium in the blood.

Treatment. In acute cases, calcium gluconate, diuretics are introduced intravenously, inhalation of CO 2 is used to cause a shift towards the acidosis. In chronically current hypoparathyroidism, a dihydroitachisterol is prescribed for the regulation of phosphorus-calcium balance: 1-15 drops of a 0.1% oil solution daily. The content of calcium and phosphates in the blood is determined again in 5-7 days from the start of treatment, then once a month.