Hormones for treatment and rejuvenation. Hormonal skin aging: the right approach for effective correction Hormonal aging

Text: Tatyana Maratova

It is unlikely that any of the known hormones can be called an aging hormone. On the other hand, the aging process, at least in its aesthetic part, directly depends on hormones, or more precisely, on their deficiency.

The connection between hormones and aging

Aging hormone- This is, rather, a lack of the regulators we need, and not one specific hormone. Thus, a deficiency of growth hormones leads to various problems with the skin and muscles - the cheeks begin to sag, the skin and muscles of the neck become weak, thin, and wrinkles appear. In addition, the muscles and skin on the legs weaken, especially on the inner thighs. A deficiency of thyroid hormones leads to problems with hair - it begins to deteriorate or simply fall out. Another hormone can play the role of the “aging hormone” - estrogen: if a woman’s body lacks it, her breasts sag.

How can you stop aging using hormones?

There are ways to stop this process, at least partially. Hormones, identical to biological ones, are synthesized in scientific laboratories from chemical substances and extracted from plants, for example, from yams or soybeans. These hormones have a molecular structure identical to natural ones, which means they behave the same way as the natural hormones that our body produces. A type of treatment that uses such hormones is called hormone therapy. Developments are carried out primarily for the female target audience. For women, hormone therapy is offered as a safe and effective treatment for menopausal symptoms. This treatment is sometimes prescribed to men as a way to solve the problems of hormonal aging. By restoring hormonal balance, this therapy helps patients look and feel younger, improve performance, and protect against some of the effects of aging.

Hormones identical to natural ones are available either individually or in combination. They can be prescribed in precise doses that are tailored to the individual patient based on blood and saliva tests and depending on the patient's symptoms. A person takes from treatment exactly what he needs specifically to maintain optimal hormone levels.

Modern researchers have been able to identify more than a hundred hormonal compounds produced in the human body. But only a small number of substances belong to the group of youth hormones that preserve health, beauty and youth.

Biologically active substances produced in the human body are responsible for the normal functioning of organs and systems and the rate of natural aging. Such biological compounds are the hormone of youth.

The complex action of estrogen, testosterone, somatotropin, melatonin, thyroid-stimulating secretion, dehydroepiandrosterone ensures the preservation of youth and an attractive appearance.

The anterior pituitary lobes are aimed at producing somatotropin or growth hormone. The substance is responsible for maintaining the youth of cellular and tissue structures, reduces the amount of lipids, which helps slow down the process of fat deposition. The secret allows you to maintain muscle tissue in tone and has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities. The production of the hormone is provoked by regular physical activity.

The secretion is considered male, but it is also necessary for the female body. The production of secretion occurs in the ovaries and the cortical zone of the adrenal glands. responsible for metabolic processes, bone strength, restoration of skin cells. The hormone affects the emotional background and sexuality, tones the muscles.

The sleep hormone is important for maintaining the youth of the body. Melatonin is responsible for the work:

  • organs of the endocrine system;
  • brain;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • digestion.

Youth at the level of cellular structures is maintained by observing the regime of wakefulness and sleep, which is controlled by a hormonal substance. The production of the hormone melatonin decreases in people over forty years of age.

The secretion of hormonal substances is provided by the thyroid gland. responsible for life expectancy, activity, youth, mood. The biological compound is involved in the following processes:

  • metabolism of carbohydrates, energy, oxygen;
  • regulation of body temperature;
  • height;
  • formation of bone and muscle tissue.

Female biological substances, the production of which is responsible for the gonads and the adrenal cortex - estrogens, the hormone progesterone. The hormonal substance is responsible for sexual desire and reproductive function. The required concentration of estrogen ensures the elasticity of the skin, the strength of the skeletal system, and the performance of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Estrogen levels within the normal range reduce the possibility of early menopause, which, in turn, allows you to prolong youth.

A hormonal substance produced by the adrenal cortex. The hormone is responsible for a slim figure, minimizing the likelihood of fat deposition. The biological compound provides:

  • muscle tone;
  • strong immunity;
  • stress resistance.

A sufficient concentration of the youth hormone reduces the likelihood of developing diseases - heart attack, osteoporosis, cancer. It is necessary to monitor the level of dehydroepiandrosterone in the circulatory system for people over forty years of age.

The importance of hormonal balance

Hormonal imbalance in most cases causes the development of pathologies and the activation of early aging of the body. If the hormonal levels correspond to normal values, then the person remains energetic and young for a long time.

The biological peak of activity is reached at 25–30 years. After 35 years, a decrease in the functionality of most organs begins due to changes in the production of all youth hormones. These disorders lead to the following signs of aging:

  • loss of skin elasticity due to impaired collagen synthesis;
  • fat accumulation;
  • decreased muscle mass;
  • decreased growth;
  • hair loss;
  • insomnia;
  • problems with recalling information;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • depressive states;
  • sexual dysfunction.

An increase in body fat and a decrease in bone and muscle mass are an inevitable result of the natural aging process. Even if body weight does not increase with age, the concentration of adipose tissue increases, no matter what.

An increase in the amount of adipose tissue by only 4–5 kilograms accelerates secretory changes due to the fact that this type of tissue is the site of production of secretory and other active substances that cause the formation of oncological and cardiovascular pathologies.

Products that affect the hormones of the female body

Maintaining the required level of youth hormones in the body can be achieved by eating certain foods. To regulate hormonal levels, it is necessary to consume the following products:

  • bran, nuts, flax seeds, black pepper, rhubarb, legumes provide estrogen concentration;
  • seafood, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, rich in manganese and zinc, support testosterone levels;
  • olives, fish, avocados are responsible for increasing the content of dehydroepiandrosterone;
  • slow carbohydrates contained in cereals, fruits and vegetables make up for the lack of sleep hormone;
  • nuts and lentils are necessary for the production of somatotropin.

Youth hormone therapy

Treatment with a certain secretion is a procedure necessary for people in whose blood a deficiency or complete absence of a biological substance has been detected. Therapy with female hormones is carried out during menopause in the absence of contraindications. This measure allows you to preserve the process of obtaining collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for maintaining youthful skin and slowing down the formation of wrinkles.

Youth hormone replacement therapy is designed to prevent the following conditions:

  • muscle cell breakdown;
  • ischemic disease;
  • osteoporosis.

What allows you to maintain youth

  • using the principles of proper nutrition with the mandatory inclusion of products that optimize the concentration of secretions;
  • regular physical activity;
  • adherence to a sleep schedule promotes cellular regeneration, restoration of the body, stimulates the production of the sleep hormone melanin;
  • getting rid of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, metabolic processes, and the functioning of hormones;
  • maintaining a positive attitude and an even emotional background.

To prolong youth, it is necessary to play sports, maintain the rules of a healthy lifestyle, enrich the diet with healthy foods, and promptly carry out medical correction of hormonal changes. An optimistic attitude in life, avoidance of stressful situations and anxiety allow you to delay the natural aging of the body.

"It's never too late to start getting younger" Mae West

It has been known since ancient times that hormonal levels decrease with age. The inhabitants of ancient Greece, Egypt and India tried to restore declining sexuality and increase energy potential by taking extracts from the male gonads of animals.

Today we already know that a decrease in hormone levels is explained by the development of diseases that accompany the aging process, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and cancer.

Some hormonal imbalances are associated with other age-related changes, such as muscle loss, obesity and mental decline. Most of these undesirable changes now occur not only due to a decrease in absolute hormone levels, but also due to a shift in the balance between various hormones.

All hormones in our body can be divided into two groups: anabolic and catabolic.

Anabolic hormones promote the growth and formation of tissues - for example, they are responsible for powerful muscles and strong bones. You may have heard of anabolic steroids—synthetic chemicals used by bodybuilders to develop powerful muscles (and which are banned for use in preparation for the Olympic Games). But sex hormones, growth hormones and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are natural anabolic hormones - steroids, the level of which almost always begins to fall after reproductive age.

Catabolic hormones, on the contrary, cause tissue destruction. The main catabolic hormone is cortisol, a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Insulin (produced by the pancreas) and estrogen (in men) behave to some extent as catabolic hormones. Unlike anabolic hormones, cortisol and insulin levels (in both sexes) and estrogen levels (in men) generally do not decline with age; in rare cases, the level may decrease slightly, or remain at the same level, or in some cases, as happens with estrogen in men, on the contrary, it increases. This leads to hormonal imbalance, which plays an important role in the aging process.

Insulin is produced in the pancreas in response to elevated blood sugar. You need to know that insulin does not always act as a catabolic hormone. In small quantities, it works as an anabolic hormone and promotes tissue growth.

In large quantities, when too many sweet foods or foods with a high glycemic load are consumed, it stimulates the growth of only one type of tissue - adipose tissue, or simply fat. With age, the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases, and its level increases. This is the main reason for gaining excess weight during the aging process. With age, the balance between hormones shifts from anabolic to catabolic.

Anabolic hormones- testosterone, estrogen in women, progesterone, growth hormone, melatonin and DHEA - promote tissue growth and maintain youth, so they are classified as youth hormones. Conversely, cortisol, insulin and estrogen (in men) are classified as aging hormones.

Aging hormones

What steps can we take now to maintain a more youthful balance between the two types of hormones? We suggest you start by discussing ways to reduce or even reverse the gradual prevalence of catabolic hormones.


The body's response to stress is the rapid release of cortisol from the adrenal glands, which causes the cardiovascular system and lungs to work harder, suppressing the immune system, slowing down digestion and reducing reproductive function.

A strong surge of cortisol increases your heart rate, allowing you to run faster, dilates your pupils, allowing you to see better, and increases your blood sugar levels, improving mental performance. But constant releases of excess cortisol accelerate the aging process, promote disease, break down muscle tissue (sarcopenia) and bones (osteoporosis), cause sodium retention and high blood pressure, increase blood sugar and destroy the immune system.

Patients with Cushing's disease (associated with excess cortisol) or those who have been taking synthetic forms of cortisol for a long time develop significant muscle loss and bone weakness. Frank Herbert's Dune says, "Fear destroys the brain."

Indeed, fear increases cortisol levels, which research has shown leads to impaired brain activity. For example, Dr. D.S. Khalsa demonstrated, with the help of his patients with Alzheimer's disease, how chronic stress destroys memory.

As you can see in the figure below, all steroid hormones (including cortisol) are synthesized from cholesterol. Cholesterol is first converted into pregnenolone, which can then be converted into either progesterone or DHEA, the “mother hormones” of testosterone and estrogen. When stress is chronic or excessive, more cortisol is produced from DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. The normal aging process is associated with a slight shift toward greater production of cortisol and a simultaneous decrease in the production of other hormones.

The easiest way to determine how well your youth hormones fight aging hormones is to measure the ratio of DHEA (anabolic hormone of youth) to cortisol (catabolic hormone of aging). You can find out by taking an adrenal stress test, which will also test the health of the adrenal glands themselves.

You can get a test kit from your GP or practitioner without having to donate blood. You do the test at home, collecting saliva samples 4 times a day - when you wake up, at lunch, dinner and before going to bed.

A normal result is a higher cortisol level in the morning and a gradual decrease throughout the day. Under the influence of chronic stress, this daily variation is often imperceptible and the result is an almost straight line instead of a downward one.

Adrenal stress tests also calculate the ratio of DHEA to cortisol. In young people this ratio is usually high, but in older people it is already decreasing.

Specific tips for balancing the ratio include supplementing with DHEA, consuming herbs such as natural licorice, which is used in Chinese herbalism, or the Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha, and adopting a cortisol-lowering lifestyle and low-glycemic load diet. , stress reduction, regular exercise and a healthy amount of sleep.


If there was a race between insulin and cortisol to see who could destroy the body faster, we would bet on insulin. Barry Sears in the Rejuvenation Zone calls excess insulin "the ticket to accelerated aging."

Excess insulin increases body fat, increases cortisol levels and causes insulin resistance, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of heart disease, and interferes with other youth hormones.

Insulin is produced when there is an excess of calories. When you consume sugar or foods with a high glycemic load, you stimulate the production of excess insulin so much that your body can separate the sticky sugar from the blood. As soon as insulin levels rise, glucose in the blood is instantly converted into fat, which is then stored in the body's fat cells.

Cortisol and insulin are the same “good old boys” of the hormonal country club. Excess insulin increases cortisol levels, and excess leads to increased insulin levels. Excess insulin is also an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease.

Insulin reduces the effectiveness of youth hormones, which accelerates the aging process.

It is for this reason that foods rich in sugar or foods with a high glycemic load that increase insulin levels cause us to age much faster than anything else in our diet. It is very easy to get caught up in a lifestyle that promotes excess insulin: lack of exercise, constant low-level stress, and consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates.

Knowledge about nematodes

C. elegans is a type of roundworm that scientists often use in their experiments. Nematodes gained their fame by being the first multicellular organisms to have their entire genetic map reproduced in 1999. In 2003, c.elegans came under the spotlight again, living for 188 days, the equivalent of 500 years in human terms.

In earlier experiments, lifespan was reached to 150 days by manipulating the roundworm genome coded for IGF-1, a protein that is very similar to human growth hormone. But there was one problem: while the worms gained longevity, they showed reduced activity throughout their lives.

In further research, Cynthia Kenton from the University of California, San Francisco, added manipulation of insulin levels and removed some gonadal tissue. As a result, the worms gained even greater longevity without a decrease in activity. Since in humans and c. elegans most of the genes are the same, this research could lead to methods of extending human life by manipulating the levels of insulin and some other hormones without removing any organ tissue.

Hormones of youth

A decrease in the level of catabolic hormones helps to equalize their ratio to the anabolic hormones of youth. But historically, the most acceptable way to equalize the balance was direct hormone replacement. Typically, the term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) refers to the sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Next, we will discuss equally important hormones of youth: DHEA, growth hormone and melatonin.


DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most common steroid hormone produced in our body. In the past, it was believed that DHEA was merely a precursor to other hormones and had no special physiological properties.

But later William Regelson, a well-known practicing physician-researcher, called DHEA "the superstar of superhormones." DHEA levels peak at age 25, then gradually decline by 50% by age 40, and by age 85 they are approximately 5% of their youth levels.

Does this mean that DHEA could help prolong life? According to the results of animal experiments, DHEA supplements can slow down the aging process and increase life expectancy.

It has been proven that men with higher levels of DHEA are less susceptible to developing cardiovascular diseases. DHEA has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to reduce the level of IL-6 (interleukin-6) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor alpha), which are strong causative agents of dangerous inflammation in the body. According to Dr. Regelson's oncology research, DHEA prevents uncontrolled cell division, a telltale sign of cancer cells.

Useful properties of DEA:

  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
  • Fights stress
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system
  • Relieves depression
  • Improves memory
  • Relieves symptoms of menopause
  • Prevents bone weakness
  • Strengthens libido
  • Improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance
  • Increases lean body mass

DHEA “tames” cortisol. When you are stressed, your body produces excessive amounts of insulin, which negatively affects your immune system, which in turn predisposes you to disease and accelerates the aging process.

Some studies have found a link between a suppressed immune system and an imbalance between DHEA and cortisol. By taking DHEA supplements, you can improve your immune system, which is suppressed by cortisol and other steroids. Since DHEA is a precursor to testosterone, it can have a positive effect on libido, especially in women. DEA also helps transform food into energy and burns excess weight.

Before you start taking DHEA-S (DEA Sulfate) supplements, have your DHEA levels checked, and then check them every six to eight weeks to make sure you're getting closer to the desired results. It is recommended to stick to a level of 300 for men and 250 for women. Men should start with 15-25 milligrams of DHEA per day, and women with 5-10, then increase the dose to achieve the required level.

Caution: Since DHEA is a male-dominant androgenic hormone, it can easily be converted into testosterone. DHEA supplements also raise levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), an important marker of prostate cancer. Men should have their SAP levels checked before starting to take DHEA and every 6-12 months while taking it. If SAP levels increase, you should immediately stop taking DHEA and consult your doctor.

Human Growth Hormone

Excitement about the role of growth hormone (GH) in antiaging began in the 1990s with the publication of Daniel Rudman, a researcher at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

He published the results of a study with a placebo control group in which 21 men aged 61 to 81 years took part. Among all the positive effects of growth hormone, he found the following: increased muscle mass, decreased fat tissue, improved bone health, improved cholesterol levels and more responsiveness to insulin.

Numerous similar studies have reached the same results. In the online search engines of the National Library of Medicine, the query “growth hormone” yields 48,000 articles. Please note that it is highly unlikely that growth hormone therapy will help you gain muscle mass and lose fat without diet and exercise.

GH has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lipid metabolism and blood pressure. In patients treated with GH for 7 years, the decline in insulin sensitivity that occurs with aging was reversed.

GH injections were previously used to treat children who were found to be deficient. But lack of growth hormone in adults, now called adult growth hormone deficiency (AGD), is recognized as a separate syndrome for which GH has been approved by the Drug and Nutrient Monitoring Commission for treatment.

Although the positive effects of GH therapy are clear, there are some dark sides to note. This treatment is quite expensive, ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 per year, depending on the dose required, and is not always covered by insurance. The treatment requires daily injections and their benefits for healthy people are controversial.

In 2002, the National Institutes of Health sponsored a study that followed 121 people after a course of GH injections with or without synthetic hormone replacement therapy in 1992 and 1998.

The results of Rudman's report on muscle gain and fat loss were confirmed, but the following side effects were also identified: 24% of men developed glucose intolerance or diabetes, 32% had carpal tunnel syndrome, and 41% had joint pain. 39% of women developed dropsy. The study authors concluded that "due to the frequent occurrence of side effects (especially diabetes and glucose tolerance), the use of GH therapy in adults should be limited to the scope of the studies performed."

There is currently debate about the possibility of an increased risk of cancer after undergoing GH therapy. But Shim and Koen of the University of California, Los Angeles said, "Cancer risk does not increase significantly above normal population rates," and other studies have also found no increase in rates of colorectal or prostate cancer.

Since GH therapy in the fight against aging has been used for a short time, we must not forget about possible side effects. It is very important to understand that long-term studies on the safety of GH injections in healthy adults are still to come. Fortunately, we have the power to change our usual lifestyle so that we can achieve the results of GH injections without resorting to the injections themselves.

  • Sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates reduce the production of GH in the pituitary gland, and a protein diet, on the contrary, promotes its production. Eating a low-sugar, low-glycemic-load diet will increase GH levels in your body.
  • Deep sleep and anaerobic exercise are the two main factors for stimulating GH production in healthy people. Adults who continue to exercise throughout their lives maintain muscle mass and higher levels of GH.
  • Consuming certain amino acids, such as arginine, ornithine, glycine and glutamine, stimulates the pituitary gland to release more GH. Supplements with varying amounts of these amino acids are widely available and are also called secretagogues because they stimulate the pituitary gland to release GH from its reserves.
  • Supplementation containing DHEA is an inexpensive way to increase GH levels.

For most people who would like to experience the effectiveness of the anti-aging effects of growth hormone, it is recommended to adhere to the recommendations listed above. Until the results of further research are known, we advise that GH injections be reserved for adults with a diagnosis of BPH based on the judgment of an experienced physician.

Before taking any of these measures, check the level of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) in your blood. IGF-1 gives more accurate results than GH levels because IGF-1 gives an average value of GH levels that constantly fluctuate in the bloodstream. Based on your age and gender, your healthcare provider will be able to determine the level that is best for you.

Our vestigial organs

As soon as technologies are invented that will maintain nutrients and other substances in the blood at the required level, we will not need the organs that are responsible for the production of chemicals, hormones and enzymes. In the human body version 2.0, hormones and related substances will be delivered using nanorobots, and a biofeedback system will control the production of substances and maintaining the necessary balance between them.

Ultimately, it will be possible to avoid the presence of most of our biological organs. This reshaping process cannot be completed in one go. Each organ and each idea requires its own development, a semi-finished project and stages of implementation. However, we are committed to fundamental and radical changes to the completely imperfect, unreliable and limited functionality of the human body version 1.0.


According to some data, at least 50% of all Americans over the age of 65 suffer from sleep disorders, although sleep plays an important role in the health of the body. Long-term sleep disturbances lead to depression and suppression of the immune system.

Melatonin is a light-sensitive hormone that is produced rhythmically in the human pineal gland, located deep in the brain. The human circadian rhythm is controlled by the internal biological clock. During the day, melatonin levels decrease and increase in the evening before going to bed.

Melatonin levels peak around midnight, last for a while, and then begin to decline. Melatonin production depends on the daily cycle. The duration of melatonin production depends on the duration of darkness, so it turns out that the largest amount of melatonin is produced in winter rather than in summer.

Melatonin production peaks at age seven. It then declines sharply during adolescence. By age 45, the pineal gland begins to shrink and loses melatonin-producing cells.

The hormone begins to be produced chaotically. By age 60, only 50% of the amount of melatonin produced when you turned 20 is produced, which explains why many older people have trouble sleeping. Recent double-blind studies using a placebo control group have shown that melatonin supplements help improve sleep problems in people over 55 years of age.

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and is highly valued in the fight against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer.

When melatonin levels are insufficient, the following vicious circle occurs:

1. The body loses the ability to produce more melatonin and begins to age faster.

2. As we age, melatonin production decreases even more.

3. A decrease in melatonin levels serves as a signal to other glands and organ systems that it is time for a well-deserved rest. In women, the ovaries stop functioning, estrogen levels drop, and menopause syndrome occurs. In men, despite the fact that sperm continues to be produced, testosterone decreases.

4. In both sexes, the immune system weakens, exposing us to a variety of diseases ranging from infections to cancer to autoimmune diseases (a condition where the immune system turns against the body's own tissues).

5. This is followed by disturbances in the functioning of organ systems, which increases the downward speed.

You can slow down this downward spiral of events by taking small doses of melatonin daily. Since some people develop resistance to melatonin, you should start taking it 4-5 nights a week (although some people take it every day without experiencing any problems).

Melatonin is an inexpensive and widely available over-the-counter supplement, but it can have powerful effects on our bodies. We recommend using small doses if you decide to make melatonin supplements part of your anti-aging program.

For most healthy people who do not have sleep problems, it is recommended to take 0.1 milligram of melatonin half an hour before going to bed. You can increase the dose to 0.5 to 1.0 milligrams, which is usually not needed for people without sleep problems.

If you consistently have difficulty falling asleep, it is recommended that you take melatonin sublingually for faster absorption. Start with 3-5 milligrams and increase the dose to 10 milligrams if necessary. It has been experimentally proven that increasing melatonin above the specified norm does not lead to any results. If melatonin supplements do not help you, you should consult your healthcare provider.

If you wake up frequently during the night, try to time your melatonin production. Please note that this will make you feel tired in the morning. If you have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently at night, try combining products that have both a fast-release and a slow-release formula.

To avoid problems with jet lag, you should take 3 milligrams of melatonin when going to bed in a new place for the first three days. You'll have to experiment a bit to find the best melatonin dose for you.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

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The program is one of the options for inhibiting aging at the patient’s current age

The methods of traditional medicine, despite the rapid development and introduction of the latest methods and technologies, are unable to rid the human body of the phenomena of aging. All internal organs, systems and tissue cells are susceptible to this truly disastrous phenomenon, the result of which remains unchanged for everyone.

Many prominent scientists and scientists tried to unravel the secret of youth, used various approaches and means for this, analyzed countless data on the results obtained, but the mystery remained unsolved.

However, the rapid development of advanced technologies has made it possible to make a number of amazing discoveries, including inhibition of aging using wave (quantum) genetics methods.
One may be skeptical about this, but the results of the application of this new direction, called information medicine, are being studied at Moscow State University. N.E. Bauman.

The essence of the wave (quantum) method, which allows you to slow down aging process, consists in using a specially developed technology for transmitting genetic information using photons that can change their polarization. Thanks to this property, when probing the body with a broadband electromagnetic spectrum, it is possible to achieve the ability to read and then transmit information to the cells of various tissues, which configures them and restores normal functioning.

Information about the oscillatory dynamics and polarization parameters of healthy cells obtained from the scanning beam is transmitted through broad spectrum radio waves. The structure thus obtained is digitized and, using specially developed computer programs, converted into a spectrum of acoustic waves in the normal range perceived by human hearing. Thus, the informational bioactive original cellular properties are preserved. The resulting acoustic signal is subsequently used to treat and inhibit the aging processes of cellular structures.

The proposed program activates various biological properties of cells (DNA, RNA, proteins and other metabolites). Smoothing wrinkles, skin tightening operations, hair coloring and other cosmetic procedures are only a disguise. In contrast, quantum correction of biological and chemical-physiological processes, performed within the framework of this program, actually allows slow down the aging process, since its foundations are laid at the gene level in cellular functions, which are affected by the wave effect.

The method demonstrates its greatest effectiveness when transmitting information received from germ cells and umbilical cord blood, for which biological time does not exist: all children are born with the same zero age, regardless of the age of their parents.

With the help of information about the model of a healthy state, a wave correction of functional deviations of cells from the chosen norm occurs. Thanks to these capabilities, the potential of the quantum method in the field of aging inhibition is practically inexhaustible, since it allows one to really influence the physiological processes occurring in the human body.

The effect is not observed immediately; it manifests itself gradually. The time period is determined by the natural rate of inhibition of processes, which cannot differ significantly from the rate of aging.

Organism women starts aging after 35 years, which is associated with a gradual decrease in the level of female hormones in the body. First of all, the skin suffers from hormonal imbalance; it dries out, loses its elasticity and wrinkles appear on it. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet come up with that miracle drug that would help prevent the biological process of aging of the body. However, every person can slow down the onset of old age.

if you Seems If your skin ages much faster than others, then the banal reason for this may be a lack of microelements in the body. It affects the functioning of the genital organs, the menstrual cycle and a woman’s sexuality, which leads to an acceleration of the aging process of the body. After 35 years, all women begin to deplete their ovarian reserve and decrease their hormone production. You can reduce the rate of hormonal aging if you follow the following rules of behavior:

1. For any menstrual irregularities and decreased libido, be sure to contact us. A common cause of dysfunction of the reproductive system may be a lack of one or two microelements. The lack of selenium and zinc in the body has a particularly strong effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. As recommended by your doctor, periodically take medications and supplements that contain these microelements in active form and include foods rich in selenium and zinc in your diet. Thus, there is a lot of selenium in pistachios, garlic, coconut, lard, and zinc in pumpkin seeds, blueberries, oatmeal and sprouted wheat.

2. Avoid stress and anxiety. Learn to treat all problems calmly, even ironically, so as not to expose yourself to constant stress and anxiety. Often, after 35 years, women’s blood pressure “jumps,” although many do not immediately feel it. A person who is used to working a lot does not pay attention to headaches, the desire to sleep and irritability, considering all these to be signs of fatigue and lack of sleep.

Hypertension most often affects of people responsible and disciplined, taking any “inconsistency” to heart. If you don't want to grow old before your time, don't take on two important things at the same time. As the English say: “never do everything you can.” If you take this saying into account, you will be able to cope not only with hypertension, but also with hormonal imbalance.

Striving to be the best wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law and employee, of course, is commendable, but it takes a lot of physical and mental strength and leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. Decompress yourself more often in the form of going to the cinema and theater, walking in the fresh air and playing sports. For complete relaxation, it is better to take salt baths with the addition of rose oil or other floral aromas. After your bath, wrap yourself in a pleasantly colored terry robe and sit in a comfortable chair to relax. Complement your relaxation with a cup of tea with mint, linden, lemon and honey. Paying attention to yourself and your body will help maintain the level of hormone production and slow down the aging process of the body.

3. Give up bad habits. Tobacco smoke and alcohol disrupt blood circulation in the small vessels of a woman’s ovary, resulting in a disruption in the production of hormones. This is why women who smoke and drink alcohol look much older than their peers.

4. Control your weight and avoid sudden changes. Any strict diet leads to a deficiency of microelements and vitamins, which not only worsens the functioning of the digestive system, but also disrupts the menstrual cycle. Don't try to be slim by constantly experimenting with your health. Sudden weight changes and lack of nutrients accelerate the aging process.

5. Eat more antioxidant foods. Excess free radicals in cells lead to premature aging and decreased hormone production as such cells absorb oxygen to produce energy. Antioxidants protect our body from free radicals and accelerated aging. The fewer processed foods a person consumes and the more antioxidant foods he includes in his diet, the longer he manages to stay young. Foods with the greatest antioxidant properties include all fruits and vegetables, green tea, natural ground coffee, cold-pressed vegetable oil, lean meats and fatty fish.

6. Play poker. The more time a person engages in intellectual activity, the less he ages. According to scientists, brain activity affects the rate of human aging. If people over 35 years old begin to learn foreign languages, master new professions or take up an interesting hobby, then their body ages much more slowly. Scientists have named sports card games as the most rejuvenating type of mental activity. For example, everyone knows poker. Playing poker forces those parts of the brain that suppress the formation of free radicals in the body to work.

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