Vitamins for youth at home. Vitamins for beauty and youth of facial skin. Indications for use

Skin health, beauty and youth of a person directly depend on the vitamins supplied with food. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. Given our rhythm of life, this is almost impossible, and then, since there are not enough vitamins in the body, doctors advise compensating for this deficiency by taking pills for the skin of the face.

Vitamins for beauty and health

Scientists have proven that there are a number of vitamins in tablets intended for facial skin, which also help strengthen hair and nails. They are all available at the pharmacy:

For useful information about the necessity and beauty of our skin, watch the video:

Youth from the pharmacy

If a person eats right, exercises, and does not have bad habits, his body is fully provided with all the necessary nutrients for a normal life. He does not need to take medications to maintain his health. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a healthy lifestyle. If you have a poor diet, you simply need to supply your body with vitamin complexes.

Reviews from many people say that preventive medication strengthens the immune system, the body becomes healthier, and the mood is in order.

Modern pharmacies offer their visitors a lot of different vitamin complexes. In this article we will try to highlight a number of the best of them:

Types of vitamins for facial skin in tablets

Many problems with appearance can be solved by vitamins, available in the form of tablets designed to improve the condition of facial skin. These include vitamin complexes and various dietary supplements.

Since each vitamin affects skin cells differently, it is best to take complex preparations. Let's look at their most popular types:

  1. "Aevit". It consists of two vitamins A and E. Together they tighten the skin and heal wounds on blood vessels faster.
  2. "Aekol". It differs from the previous one in that it contains another vitamin K. It is necessary to improve blood circulation.
  3. "AlfaVITCosmetics" consists of vitamins B, C and K. Together they will make your skin healthy and youthful.
  4. "Vitasharm" contains vitamins from group B. The vitamin complex tones the skin, removes wrinkles and speeds up food digestion. That is why cosmetologists recommend using it for women aged 40 years and older.
  5. "Perfectil" Ideal for people who care about the condition of their skin and hair. In its composition you will find a number of vitamins, the combined use of which makes the body work more efficiently: cellular renewal is accelerated, collagen is produced.

When using medications to provide the body with nutrients, remember that you should not neglect the instructions for use from the manufacturer. Keep in mind that before each course of use it is recommended to talk with a therapist about contraindications. Otherwise, there is a danger of harming your body, and not gaining beauty and youth.

Hormonal tablets to combat acne

Hormonal pills are prescribed if a woman’s skin rashes are caused by increased testosterone levels. Birth control pills can change hormonal levels and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thus the problem of acne will be solved quite quickly. The best medications of this type are presented in the list below:

Good medications that protect against unwanted pregnancy can really save you from acne. However, remember that they are not products that are aimed at combating unwanted inflammation on the skin in the first place. They have many contraindications, so they are recommended to be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

Antibiotics for facial rashes

Drugs containing an antibiotic are prescribed to people with advanced acne. They are needed if other, “weaker” means have not been able to solve the problem. The name of the drug that the doctor prescribes to the patient, the duration of treatment for acne - all this depends on the stage of damage to the face, the causes of the disease. Depending on the clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe one of the following drugs:

Long-term and uncontrolled use of potent pills is detrimental to the body; self-medication with such drugs is dangerous!

Basic rules for the use of medicines

To achieve only the positive effect of drugs from the pharmacy, follow a number of rules:

To effectively combat the appearance of acne on the face, it is necessary to use cleansing creams and lotions suitable for oily facial skin.


When dealing with imperfections on your facial skin, do not self-medicate. Only a competent specialist can determine the cause of skin imperfections after conducting the necessary research. To build an effective treatment regimen, the doctor also needs to take into account the weight, age and other characteristics of his patient. Trust an experienced doctor, and facial rashes will no longer bother you.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The skin is a separate organ of the human body that performs various very important functions, such as protecting internal organs from the harmful effects of environmental factors, maintaining a constant temperature in cavities and tissues, removing toxic metabolic products through sweat and sebum, breathing, etc. d. However, the skin is rarely considered as a full-fledged and functionally very active organ; most often the skin is treated as a kind of integral indicator of a person’s external beauty. Healthy, beautiful, elastic, radiant, uniform skin, without inflammation, enlarged pores, pimples and comedones, is synonymous with the beauty of a woman or man. Therefore, almost every person wants to make their skin perfect. This primarily applies to the skin of the face, arms, chest, and to a lesser extent – ​​the body and legs. One of the ways to achieve beautiful skin is to use vitamins inside and outside.

Why are vitamins necessary for skin?

Like any other organ of the human body, the skin needs oxygen for breathing and nutrients for constant renewal, growth and development of new cells to replace old ones that die off naturally. All normal physiological processes in the skin, such as growth, development and disposal of old cells, respiration, formation of sweat and sebum, excretion of metabolic products and others, occur in the form of complexly coordinated cascades of biochemical reactions. This means that the appearance of the skin - its elasticity, smoothness, dullness, fit, absence of wrinkles and inflammation, and all its functions - protecting organs from the environment and maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body are carried out by numerous biochemical reactions occurring at the cellular level. This is quite difficult to imagine, but it is possible.

For example, for elasticity and firmness of the skin, constant synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers is necessary, as well as timely removal of dead skin cells of the epidermis. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is carried out using a certain cycle of biochemical reactions. And the removal of dead epidermal cells, in turn, is carried out by special enzymes that destroy the connections between dead and still living cellular structures. But enzymes, destroying existing connections between cells, do this using a chemical reaction. The formation of sweat and sebum is carried out by special glands, which also do this through biochemical transformations.

And for any biochemical reaction to occur, so-called coenzymes are needed, which activate the entire process and maintain its speed. That is, the normal functioning and maintenance of skin health depends on whether a sufficient amount of coenzymes enters its cells. Vitamins are used as coenzymes in the human body. Therefore, it becomes clear that without vitamins, it is impossible for the biochemical transformations that carry out the normal functioning of the skin and maintain its health and beauty. Thus, the role of vitamins for beautiful and healthy skin is very important.

Vitamins necessary for the skin can be applied in various ways - taken orally or applied externally. The preferred method of taking vitamins depends on the situation and is determined individually. Often, when the condition of the skin is poor, it is necessary to simultaneously take medications orally and apply them to the surface of the skin to achieve a better and faster clinical effect. To simply maintain the skin in normal condition, it is enough to take a course of vitamins internally 2–4 times a year and regularly apply them to its surface as part of cosmetics as part of a routine care program.

Vitamins for skin

Vitamins for all skin areas

A huge number of biochemical reactions take place in the skin to ensure its normal functioning, and to activate and maintain the speed of each of them, vitamins are needed as coenzymes. It may seem that there are too few vitamins (only 13) to provide such a wide range of chemical reactions, but nature is much wiser than us, and she was able to do this easily and gracefully. Thus, all biochemical reactions (about 3,500 of them occur in the skin every day) are divided into six large types depending on the action they carry out with organic compounds. For example, transfer reactions are the transfer of an active group from one substance to another, ligation reactions are the combination of several substrates into one long polymer molecule, etc. Each type of biochemical reaction requires only 1 - 2 vitamins as coenzymes. And thus, due to the universalization of essentially common chemical transformations and the use of the same coenzymes for them, only 13 vitamins are enough to ensure the normal course of more than 5,000 biochemical reactions in the human body.

Since not only biochemical reactions specific to it occur in the skin, but also common to all cells of the human body, it, in principle, needs all 13 known vitamins. However, to ensure its specific functions and maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance, not all, but only certain vitamins are especially necessary. And it is this group that is called vitamins for the skin.

Currently, the following vitamins for the skin that have a beneficial effect on its condition are considered:

  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide);
  • Vitamin F (F);
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin K
All of the vitamins listed are necessary to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on the face, head and all other parts of the body. However, among the above, the five most important vitamins for skin are:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin RR.
Residents of the CIS countries most often have a deficiency of vitamins A and C, which is due to dietary habits and food quality. For example, vitamin C can only be obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits, since ascorbic acid is destroyed during any heat treatment or storage. And residents of the CIS countries, especially Russia, traditionally eat little fresh vegetables and fruits. According to WHO, approximately 80% of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan suffers from vitamin C deficiency, and 20% of them have hypovitaminosis so severe that they may soon develop scurvy.

Vitamin A is present in meat, which is most often consumed in the form of sausages and minced meat products (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, filling for whites, pasties, pies, etc.), prepared from frozen carcasses of farm animals supplied from Poland, Argentina , Brazil and other countries. Obviously, such meat products are poor in vitamins. Residents of the CIS countries consume little fresh meat, which contains essential vitamins.

Vitamins for facial skin

Facial skin needs careful care to keep it beautiful, elastic, toned and wrinkle-free for as long as possible. Therefore, vitamins are very important for her, ensuring intensive replacement of old cells with new ones, exfoliation of dead cells, as well as constant synthesis of collagen and elastin. These vitamins include:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin H;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6.

Vitamins for body skin

The skin of the body needs hydration, timely exfoliation of dead cells and maintaining lipid and mineral metabolism. To do this, she needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin K

Vitamins for hand skin

The skin of the hands needs to be moisturized and maintained at a fairly high rate of synthesis of collagen and elastin, so that the hands do not turn into wrinkled, brown, covered with unsightly spots and calluses, calloused upper limbs. Therefore, the following vitamins are necessary for the skin of the hands:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 12.

What vitamins improve health and improve the appearance of skin - video

Vitamins for facial skin - video

Useful vitamins for the skin - a brief description of the properties and physiological effects

Let's consider what effects vitamins that are beneficial for the skin can have on its general condition and appearance.

Vitamin A for skin is one of the most important vitamins, since it plays a leading role in ensuring normal nutrition of all skin cells. Vitamin A normalizes sebum production, prevents acne and enhances the synthesis of collagen fibers. By activating the processes of cell renewal and collagen synthesis, vitamin A smoothes out fine wrinkles, eliminates skin dryness, and also increases its elasticity and firmness.

With a deficiency of vitamin A, comedones (blackheads), dryness, sagging and sagging skin appear, and sweat and sebum production decreases. Vitamin A is indicated for use to eliminate dry skin, seborrhea, acne, rosacea and boils. Women during menopause need vitamin A to eliminate dryness of the skin, nails, hair and mucous membranes.

Vitamin E for skin very important because it prevents cell damage by stabilizing and strengthening membranes. It is the ability to impart stability to cell membranes that makes vitamin E a powerful antioxidant. As an antioxidant, tocopherol maintains the integrity of cells and collagen, thereby reducing the rate of skin aging and wilting.

Vitamin E moisturizes and smoothes the skin, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and protects it from the negative effects of sunlight. Tocopherol is indicated for use to maintain the tone, elasticity and smoothness of aging skin, as well as for the treatment of seborrhea and ulcers.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, promotes the absorption of tocopherol and retinol, improves collagen synthesis and accelerates the restoration of normal tissue structure, including wound healing. Due to this, vitamin C whitens, tones and evens out the surface of the skin, as well as tightens it and smoothes out wrinkles. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining youthful skin and reducing the rate of aging.

With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, wound healing processes are slow, the skin becomes dry, pale and thin with numerous comedones. Vitamin C is indicated for use in the treatment of rosacea, dry skin, age spots and freckles, as well as maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of aging skin. Ascorbic acid is necessary to maintain normal tone, elasticity and hydration of the skin around the eyes.

Vitamin PP dilates the blood vessels of the skin, thereby improving blood supply, and, consequently, the provision of nutrients and oxygen to all cells. In addition, vitamin PP maintains the balance of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in skin cells. This vitamin is the best skin moisturizer, maintaining skin hydration. In addition, vitamin PP reduces redness and improves the properties of the skin's hydrolipid barrier, thereby increasing its protection.

With a deficiency of vitamin PP, the skin becomes inelastic, begins to peel, and its color changes to pale with small areas of redness. The vitamin is indicated for use in the treatment of pigmentation disorders and dry skin, seborrhea and dermatitis.
Vitamin F (F) improves local immunity of the skin, increases the ability of the epidermis to regenerate, and also activates lymph and blood flow in all layers of the skin. Due to these effects, vitamin F promotes rapid cell renewal, wound healing and maintaining youthful skin. Vitamin F, when used regularly, reduces skin dryness, smoothes wrinkles, increases elasticity and turgor, prevents peeling, rashes and roughness to the touch.

Vitamin F deficiency leads to dryness and thickening of the skin, as well as the frequent formation of ulcers and eczema on its surface. The vitamin is indicated for use in the treatment of seborrhea, acne, eliminating flaking and dryness, as well as maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of aging skin.

Vitamin B 1 reduces the severity of inflammatory processes on the skin and relieves itching. Therefore, this vitamin is very important for the treatment of acne and pimples, as well as various inflammatory and allergic rashes on the skin. In addition, vitamin B1 maintains youthful skin, preventing early aging.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, the skin begins to age early. Vitamin B 1 is indicated for use in the treatment of pyoderma (pustular rashes on the skin), furunculosis, and rosacea.

Vitamin B 2 maintains an even and beautiful complexion, makes the skin smooth, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and thereby prevents the appearance of acne.

With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, eczema develops, red and rosacea appear, the skin begins to peel and itch, and pockets form in the corners of the mouth. Vitamin B 2 is indicated for use in the treatment of seborrhea, rosacea, acne and photodermatoses.

Vitamin B 5 ensures the removal of toxins from skin cells and maintains the normal state of fat metabolism. Provides smoothness and elasticity of the skin. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, the skin becomes thin, flaky, dry and flabby. Indications for the use of vitamin B 5 are dry skin and photodermatosis.

Vitamin B 6 normalizes fat metabolism and sebum production, thereby making the skin matte, with an even beautiful color without acne, pimples and peeling. With a deficiency of vitamin B 6, the skin becomes rough, flaky and oily, and the pores become enlarged. In addition, numerous comedones, acne, seborrhea and rosacea appear. The vitamin is indicated for use to eliminate peeling and roughness of the skin, urticaria, acne, seborrhea and rosacea.

Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, reduces the visibility of damaged capillaries through the top layer of skin, eliminates age spots and stops the inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin K reduces swelling of the skin, minimizes the size of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Vitamin K deficiency causes swelling of the skin, age spots, as well as severe bags or circles under the eyes in combination with broken capillaries visible through the skin. Vitamin K is indicated for use in the treatment of rosacea (translucent broken capillaries), elimination of age spots, bags and dark circles under the eyes, as well as relief of inflammatory processes.

Which skin vitamin should you take to get certain effects?

Each vitamin has its own specific action, for example, one smoothes the skin, another gives elasticity, etc. Therefore, if you want to achieve any specific effect, you need to know which vitamin can provide it. To achieve the desired effect, the vitamin should be taken orally and applied externally, adding to cosmetics. To speed up the achievement of the desired effect, it is necessary, if possible, to take vitamins A, E, C, K and PP in addition to the selected one. So, let's look at what vitamins are necessary to give the skin certain properties.

Vitamins for beautiful skin

Vitamins for beautiful skin are vitamins A, E and C. They must be taken orally and applied to the skin as part of cosmetic products for permanent care. These vitamins are the most important for maintaining the beauty of the skin.

Vitamins against flaking skin

Vitamins against peeling skin are vitamins B 2, B 5, B 6, F (F), A or PP. Moreover, most often dryness in combination with peeling of the skin is caused by a deficiency of vitamins B2, B6, A, PP or F.

Vitamins for youthful skin

Vitamins for youthful skin are vitamins A, E, C, B 1 and F (F). It is the vitamins listed that have the most pronounced, so-called anti-age effect, therefore, to maintain youthful skin, they must be taken orally in periodic courses several times a year and used externally daily as part of cosmetic care products.

Vitamins for acne skin

Vitamins for acne skin are vitamins A, E, B2, B6, H and C. It is these vitamins that can normalize the production processes and quality of sebum, as well as ensure the timely removal of exfoliated dead epidermal cells, thereby ensuring proper functioning sebaceous glands and elimination of acne and comedones. Vitamins for acne must be taken orally; it is not necessary to use them externally, since their absorption into the deep layers of the skin is insignificant and does not provide the concentration necessary for the appearance of a clinical effect.

Vitamins for skin firmness and elasticity

Vitamins for skin firmness and elasticity are vitamins A, E, PP, K, C, F (F), B 1, B 5. It is these vitamins that ensure active regeneration of skin cells and the synthesis of collagen fibers, which maintains the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins for radiant skin

Vitamins for skin radiance are vitamins B 3, K, PP and C. It is these vitamins that make the skin smooth, matte, without pigment spots and swelling, which creates the effect of inner radiance. To achieve the effect, vitamins must be taken orally in courses lasting 1 - 1.5 months with breaks between them of 3 - 4 months.

Vitamins for improving skin - names of drugs

Currently, there is a wide range of different vitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes designed to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Such drugs may belong to the group of pharmacological vitamins or biologically active additives (BAA). The main difference between dietary supplements and pharmacological vitamins is that the former contain natural vitamins obtained from plant or animal raw materials, while the latter include artificially synthesized chemical compounds with a structure identical to natural vitamins.

Otherwise, on the market of the CIS countries there are no differences between dietary supplements and pharmacological vitamin and mineral preparations. Their efficiency is approximately the same, the conditions and production standards are the same. Moreover, in recent years, many pharmaceutical factories have stopped producing medicines due to a drop in demand, and began producing dietary supplements from natural raw materials using the freed-up capacity.

Therefore, below is a list of vitamins for the skin, which includes both pharmacological preparations and registered dietary supplements with clinically proven effects:

  • ABC-Spectrum;
  • Adivit;
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Viardot and Viardot forte;
  • Vitalipid N;
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Vitrum Beauty Coenzyme Q 10;
  • Vitrum Beauty Elite;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Gerimaks;
  • Decamevit;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Yeast in tablets or capsules for oral administration;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Imedin;
  • Inneov;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Complex Lunden Ilona "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Lady's formula;
  • Makrovit;
  • Merz;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Will direct "Beauty Vitamins";
  • Novo-Aekol;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pangexavit;
  • Perfect;
  • Pikovit;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Phytophaner;
  • Woman's Formula;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Zincteral;
  • Wellwoman.

Complex of vitamins for the skin - brief description and reviews of commonly used drugs

Vitamins Solgar "Skin Hair Nails"

Vitamins Solgar "Skin Hair Nails" are a balanced dietary supplement containing vitamins and sulfur compounds, without which healthy nails, hair and skin are impossible. These vitamins are produced by the American corporation iHerb, which has been operating since 1947. The tablets do not contain any artificial colors, preservatives, additives, etc. All vitamins are in a special chemical form that is easily absorbed by the human body.

Vitamins for the skin allow you to keep yourself in good condition. After all, the health of skin, hair and nails determines not only appearance, but also shows problems and imbalances in the body.

Today, “the spears have already been broken” on the topic of whether the body needs to be additionally fed with vitamins in tablets, injections, or whether proper nutrition, a proper daily routine, walks in the fresh air are sufficient, so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful macro and microelements, and hair, skin and nails are happy their mistresses.

But, hand on heart, we can say that today only people who don’t need to go to work in the office and take care of their families eat right and walk enough. For the majority, the walk is limited to a quick run through the shopping “gallery” on a weekend and the road from home to the office and from the office back. Yes, and nutrition can be considered complete in terms of vitamin composition only in summer; in winter, in most of the products offered, the content of nutrients is insufficient.

Based on this, we can conclude that you need to take additional vitamins, but you need to do it wisely.

The skin of the face is a unique and universal organ that requires enhanced nutrition for several reasons:

  1. Regeneration of facial skin occurs constantly. Regenerative processes require large nutrient resources.
  2. The epidermis of the face is constantly under the direct influence of all adverse environmental factors.
  3. Women's skin is subjected to additional stress every day in the form of applied makeup and is under stress from a lack of oxygen and sunlight.

That is why vitamins for facial skin are becoming one of the leading factors for maintaining youth and freshness. At the same time, vitamins are needed for the skin not only those taken internally with food, but also for external care.


Groups of vitamins and their effects

So, what vitamins are needed for excellent skin condition? There is a whole group of vitamins for the skin. Let's list them in order of importance:

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
  2. Reduces harm from all oxidative processes occurring in the body (it is worth remembering that normal breathing is also an oxidation process). Ascorbic acid works against free radicals, which are the main cause of aging of the body and the accumulation of age-related changes in the skin.
  3. Vitamin A or retinol. It is necessary for the transport of nutrients into the organic cell, and is also responsible for fat metabolism and helps the synthesis of collagen fibers. A lack of vitamin A in the body is manifested by acne on the face and dry skin.
  4. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Strengthens cell membranes, along with vitamin C, works as an antioxidant. Problems with vitamin E in the body can be seen in sagging skin, rapid aging, dryness, and painful sensitivity to sunlight. That is why E and A are called “vitamins for youthful skin”!
  5. Vitamin PP or nicotinamide. Helps blood circulation in the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to high-quality blood circulation, the face receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, and metabolic processes occur quickly. A deficiency of this element is diagnosed by a gray (“earthy”) skin color and swelling that takes a long time to subside.
  6. Vitamin K balances blood composition. Without this microelement, blood clotting worsens and the walls of small vessels become thinner. A symptom of vitamin K deficiency is the appearance of small bruises and bruises, swelling on the face, and the out-of-season appearance of age spots.

Group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12)

B1 or thiamine helps cope with inflammation of various etiologies, including allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching.

B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are responsible for the proper functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. With their deficiency, the skin is susceptible to drying out, begins to peel, and jams and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips. Pyridoxine is also recommended in the treatment of rashes, as a response to most diseases of the internal organs.


B5 or pantothenic acid is a vitamin for fighting toxins. All poisons that accumulate in epithelial cells worsen the appearance of the skin. In cosmetology, pantothenic acid is used to degrease and dry oily skin.

B12 or cyanocobalamin is a cell regeneration vitamin. It is even prescribed to restore the nervous system after stress. Taking this microelement starts the process of epidermis renewal.

In addition, the following are also useful:

  1. Vitamin is a catalyst for regeneration processes in the skin. Rapid cell renewal gives the face a fresh and youthful appearance.
  2. Vitamin is the main “non-food” microelement that is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. This microelement will ensure the water-salt balance of the skin and prevent early aging. However, solar radiation should never be abused.


Where in nature are all the described vitamins of beauty and youthfulness of facial skin found?

Vitamin A is hidden in carrots, eggs (yolk), cottage cheese, and natural milk. To restore vitamin C reserves, you need to eat fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, onions, garlic, apples, cabbage are the best helpers for every day.

In addition, cabbage is a storehouse of vitamin K, so it is often used in folk medicine to remove morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes. Nuts, milk and butter are needed for skin deficient in vitamin E. But vitamin PP can be obtained from the liver and mushrooms.

Vitamin D stands out, which is produced by our skin independently under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. During long winter periods, it is recommended to eat fatty fish and cheeses to replenish its reserves in the body. Multivitamin complexes containing D and calcium partially restore the supply of these microelements, but it is still optimal to obtain the Ca + D complex while walking in the fresh air.

You shouldn’t get carried away with sunbathing to get the “sunshine” vitamin. Don't forget that the sun is the main source of aging of our skin and the main cause of burns in the summer.

What vitamins does the skin need? Everything, only in certain proportions and taking into account the seasonal needs of the body. Of course, the best vitamins are those obtained from natural, fresh foods. But if such products are not readily available, then you simply need to take additional complex medications.


Medicines and dietary supplements

Today in pharmacies there are quite a lot of drugs and dietary supplements that are selected specifically for the care and treatment of facial skin, hair and nails. You should choose a complex of vitamins after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist and strictly follow the recommendations for use in the instructions for the drug.

Vitamins for facial skin should never be taken for a long time. The optimal period for taking the complexes is 30-45 days, then you need to take a break of at least three months before starting the next cycle of use. Experts believe that the optimal time to take vitamin complexes is the off-season, when the entire body needs help.

Under no circumstances should you take balanced complexes and individual vitamins to improve facial skin. Hypervitaminosis is detrimental to the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

Complex preparations for problematic facial skin should be discussed with your doctor. Only after a blood test can you say with certainty what vitamins are needed in the diet to solve the problem. Some of the painful issues associated with acne, boils, peeling of facial skin may not develop due to vitamin deficiency, but may be a consequence of hormonal or functional disorders of the digestive or circulatory organs.


Face masks

If it is best to take a complex of vitamins in courses with a fairly long break between them, then the external use of vitamin masks, creams and nourishing compresses can be carried out regularly.

Face masks include the main vitamins for beautiful skin - A, E, C and B. All compositions are applied strictly to certain areas of the face, since sensitivity, for example, around the eyes is much higher than sensitivity in the neck area.

Masks are prepared from natural products and must be used almost immediately; they cannot be stored. You can highlight the main ingredients that are combined in the composition:

  1. Lemon, lemon juice. Gives the mask acids that gently whiten and cleanse the skin, and also nourish it with vitamin C.
  2. Tomato. Contains the following vitamins for youthful skin: C, E and B5. Ideal for use on irritated or sun-damaged skin.
  3. Egg yolk, sour cream. Includes essential vitamin A and B5.
  4. Kefir. Contains lactic acid, which gently cleanses the skin and reduces age spots.

In addition to natural products, purchased concentrated vitamin complexes can and should be added to masks. Pharmacies sell ampoules with liquid vitamins for injection; they are added to the mask to better nourish the skin.

When compiling the composition, you must take into account which vitamins are beneficial for the skin during a given period. In the summer, when there is excess sunlight, dust and sweat, you should focus on cleansing masks with a protective effect (vitamin A). But in winter, the skin needs not only protection, but also treatment from frostbite and vitamin deficiencies, and it makes sense to add complexes E, D and C to the composition.

There are three main types of masks:

  • anti-aging – containing vitamin E and acids (citric, lactic or malic);
  • moisturizing – containing fat (sour cream, cream);
  • cleansing - based on foods high in vitamin A - carrots, egg yolks.

Attention! Before applying a new mask to your face, you should test it on a sensitive area of ​​the skin, for example, on the elbow.

In case of an individual negative reaction to the components of the mask, the test site will turn red or itch. This is especially true for masks containing acids. The wrong proportion of acid can burn delicate skin and instead of a rejuvenating effect, it will be traumatic.


In specialized stores today there is a fairly wide selection of factory-made masks containing vitamins for problem skin. Masks must be accompanied by instructions for use, indicating how long the mask should be kept on the skin.

The absence of 100% natural ingredients in store-bought masks is fully compensated by the convenience of diluting them before use and shelf life. Such masks are balanced much better than their homemade counterparts.

“The vitamin of beauty and youth” is often called fat-soluble vitamin E, or tocopherol.

The use of vitamin E for facial skin as part of moisturizing masks has a beneficial anti-aging lifting effect, giving the skin radiance and beauty.

Vitamin E, penetrating into the female body, activates the activity of the ovaries, which leads to increased production of estrogens - hormones that help a woman maintain youth and beauty. If you use tocopherol acetate externally, for example by adding it to shampoo, you can activate metabolic processes in cells and give the skin a rebirth. It’s not for nothing that “tocopherol” is translated from Latin as “promoting birth.”

Properties of tocopherol

Tocopherol has a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, whitening, moisturizing and healing effect, acts as an antioxidant and antidepressant.

By regularly using vitamin E tocopherol acetate for facial skin, you can get a comprehensive result because it:

  • slows down the aging process and stops tissue degeneration;
  • promotes rejuvenation;
  • smoothes wrinkles on the face;
  • tightens, eliminating saggy folds;
  • gives firmness and elasticity;
  • regenerates damaged skin;
  • improves the supply of oxygen to epithelial cells, stimulating blood circulation;
  • fills tired skin with vigor and gives it a healthy color;
  • strengthens cell membranes;
  • protects against harmful environmental factors, including ultraviolet exposure;
  • prevents the development of herpes;
  • soothes irritated skin and stops inflammatory processes;
  • effectively moisturizes the epidermis, penetrating into the deep layers;
  • serves as protection against free radicals that disrupt the synthesis of collagen and elastin, preventing oxidative processes;
  • removes toxic substances from cells;
  • treats anemia, thereby preventing paleness of the face, and skin diseases;
  • prevents the formation of malignant cells;
  • removes age spots and freckles;
  • relieves redness, peeling, rashes and itching;
  • destroys acne, blackheads, pimples;
  • When added to shampoo, it adds shine to hair.

In order for tocopherol acetate vitamin E to act more effectively against acne, it must be taken together with vitamin A.

Vitamin E capsules will be useful at any age:

  • at 20-30 years old it will serve as a preventive measure and remove premature signs of aging;
  • at 30-40 years old, tocopherol will help fight the first age-related changes: fine wrinkles, sagging folds, age spots, yellowness and grayness;
  • after 40 years it will prove to be an effective rejuvenating agent.

It can be used for any skin type.

Vitamin E tocopherol acetate has a positive effect on skin and hair:

  • tones up tired skin that has lost its healthy color and fresh appearance;
  • treats problematic conditions and effectively fights inflammation and acne;
  • lightens excessive pigment,
  • Helps hair health when added to shampoo.

A lack of tocopherol is detrimental, the skin loses moisture and muscle tone, becomes dry and flabby.

Vitamin E is also beneficial for hair when added to shampoo. It accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, provides hair follicles with oxygen and nutrients, which stimulates growth and prevents hair loss. If you add vitamin E tocopherol acetate to your shampoo, your curls will soon gain strength and health, become elastic and silky, and gain natural shine and thickness.

Vitamin E for nails is also popular in cosmetology. It saturates the nails with nutrients, makes them healthy and strong, in combination with a high-quality manicure, gives them a neat, well-groomed appearance.

Vitamin E for eyelashes improves their growth and thickness, which is why it is included in many care products and is often added to shampoo.

What products contain

Tocopherol can be purchased at the pharmacy in capsules, an oil solution is also available, or obtained in natural form by eating foods rich in it.

There is especially a lot of tocopherol in unrefined vegetable oils, berries (sea buckthorn, viburnum, rowan, rose hips, cherries), vegetables (carrots, radishes, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, onions), legumes , flax and sunflower seeds, nuts (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios), eggs, milk, liver, seafood (squid, pike perch), sprouted cereals, herbs (alfalfa, nettle, dandelion, raspberry leaves). Products must be consumed fresh. During storage and heat treatment, the concentration of the vitamin decreases greatly.

Indications for use

  • with premature aging;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  • flabbiness and pallor;
  • strong pigmentation;
  • problem skin
  • for hair shine in shampoo.


You should not take vitamin E internally if you:

  • individual intolerance;
  • serious illnesses;
  • pregnancy.

There are no contraindications for external use, for example adding to shampoo. Before running to the pharmacy, consult your doctor.

Facial skin care

Tocopherol has found active use in medicine and cosmetology. It is taken orally and used to prepare masks, and added to various care products for aging and problematic skin, for example around the eyes.

The easiest way is to rub the oil solution or add it to creams. For dry and aging skin, it is recommended to mix it with almond, olive, burdock or rose oil or jojoba oil.

Masks will require a little more time, but the results will exceed all expectations.

Anti-aging masks

Masks with tocopherol have been known in cosmetology for a long time, as they enhance the protective properties of the skin, especially around the eyes, accelerate recovery processes, improve complexion, and get rid of acne. Vitamin E for hair and face in masks affects all processes that occur in cells and forces them to work in the mode in which they functioned many years ago.

Rules for using masks

For the mask to be effective, before applying it is necessary to steam your face to maximize the expansion of pores and cleanse the skin with a scrub. The scrub can be prepared at home by mixing olive oil (5 milliliters), vitamin E (2-3 grams) and sugar (120 grams). The mixture is rubbed in and left for half an hour; the mask should be applied especially carefully around the eyes.

Apply the mask along the massage lines, making circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes. The nutrient is kept for 15-20 minutes. After applying it, it is better to lie down to relax your face and improve the penetration of beneficial substances into the cells.

It is advisable to remove mixtures from the face, around the eyes, with warm herbal infusions. To prepare them, plant material (40 grams) is steamed with boiling water (250 milliliters) and infused for an hour. The strained infusion is diluted with warm filtered water (1 liter) before washing.

Masks are made 2-3 times a week. After just a few sessions, noticeable results will appear.

To avoid an overdose of the vitamin, especially on the skin around the eyes, you need to take a break after a month. After 2-3 months, the procedures can be repeated.

After removing the mask, you should apply a cream, preferably homemade:

  • Boiling water (200 milliliters) is poured into dry chamomile flowers (20 grams) and left to steep for 20-30 minutes. The infusion (10 milliliters) is mixed with glycerin (2-3 milliliters), castor and camphor oils (5 milliliters each), and vitamin E solution (10-20 drops).
  • Olive oil (20 milliliters) is mixed with flour (20 grams) and vitamin E (2-3 drops). The mixture is diluted with linden decoction until a creamy texture is obtained.

Curd mask

A cottage cheese mask will perfectly moisturize dry skin: mix cottage cheese (40 grams), olive oil (20 milliliters) and an oil solution of vitamin E (5 drops).

Aloe mask

Mix aloe juice (5 drops), vitamin E (5 drops) and vitamin A (10 drops) with cream (5 grams) appropriate for your skin type. Aloe mask nourishes well.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder and mixed in equal proportions with honey, natural unsweetened yogurt and olive oil. A tocopherol solution is added to the thoroughly mixed mixture (10 drops of vitamin are needed per 80 milliliters of the mixture).

The mask will instantly transform the skin: smooth out wrinkles and give a beautiful color and fresh look.

Honey-egg mask

Beat the egg white, combine with honey (2-3 grams) and vitamin E (10 drops). The product has an exfoliating effect.

Honey-lemon mask

Honey (10 grams), juice of one lemon and vitamin E (5 drops) are added to natural low-fat yogurt (20 grams). The mask will have a rejuvenating effect.

Banana mask

A well-ripened banana is ground into a paste and mixed with heavy cream (40 grams) and tocopherol solution (5 drops). The product is not suitable for oily skin.

Honey-milk mask

Mix egg yolk, honey (20 grams) and milk (20 milliliters). Vitamin E (10 drops) is added to the nutritional mixture. The mask is suitable for dry skin.

Lanolin mask

Cucumber mask

The cucumber is crushed in a blender and mixed with an oil solution of vitamin E (2 capsules). The mask will refresh and tone.

Herbal mask

Nettle and chamomile (40 grams each) are mixed and poured with boiling water (250 milliliters). Leave for 30 minutes and strain. Rye bread (20 grams) is soaked in the resulting infusion and vitamin E is added (5 grams of solution or 1 capsule).

Dimexide mask

Combine burdock oil with castor oil (20 milliliters each). The mixture is heated and a solution of vitamin E and a dimexide-aqueous solution (5 milliliters) are added to it.

Egg-oil mask

Add yolk and tocopherol (1 ampoule or 20 milliliters) to almond oil (40 milliliters).

Yeast mask

Yeast (20 grams) is mixed with cabbage juice (20 milliliters) and oil solutions of vitamins A and E (15 drops each).

The mask will dry and clear away rashes, normalize the water-lipid balance.

Oil mask for the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very delicate. There is almost no fat layer in it. Therefore, this area requires particularly careful treatment. You will have to prepare a separate mask for it.

Cocoa butter is dissolved in a water bath and sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E are added in equal proportions and applied to the skin of the face or around the eyes.

The nutritional mixture is applied to the lower and upper eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

Vitamin E is a unique and miraculous remedy that can maintain youthful and beautiful skin for many years. It will help to deceive time: hide the appearance of the first age-related changes, tighten sagging skin, smooth out small wrinkles, make it elastic, firm and radiant, improve hair by adding it to shampoo. Thanks to tocopherol, the skin will retain youth and beauty for a long time.

Youth is the natural beauty of any woman. Therefore, everyone dreams of prolonging this state as long as possible. However, age-related changes take their toll. The skin loses elasticity, firmness, color, the body no longer looks so perfect. But no matter what, you can overcome these symptoms. They play the main role in this battle. Today we will tell you which microelements will help prolong the youth of not only the skin, but also the entire body.

Vitamins for youthful skin

Young and healthy skin is always beautiful. In order for her to constantly look fresh, radiant and toned, she needs a sufficient amount of vitamins. But not all microelements are so important for the condition of the skin.

The negative impact of weather conditions destroys the cells of the epidermis, which leads to age-related changes, and antioxidants, having an effect on the skin, do not allow it to age quickly. This group of vitamins includes A, C and E. In addition, they relieve the body of peeling, cracks, various small wounds, and help increase the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin turgor.

Vitamin C helps maintain skin elasticity. If there is enough of it, the skin quickly recovers, but if there is not enough, you can get a bruise, even from light pressure on the body. The specificity of the microelement is such that it is very quickly destroyed and eliminated from the body during stress and intense physical activity, so try to be less nervous and have a calm attitude towards life.

It has a strong rejuvenating effect on the face. It can be taken not only internally, but also added to creams, masks and lotions immediately before use.

Vitamin A helps maintain water balance in the skin. Lack of moisture leads to dryness, flaking, wrinkles and, as a rule, aging. You can replenish this microelement by eating foods such as carrots, cabbage, cottage cheese, sour cream, peaches, etc.

This is another category that will help the body rejuvenate. It is necessary to consume foods containing these microelements in sufficient quantities. Their deficiency causes dermatitis, the skin acquires an unattractive pale tone, and the protective properties of the skin are significantly reduced. They are found in large quantities in brewer's yeast, seafood and meat.

Vitamin D, which is produced directly by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, helps to prolong the youth of cells. Therefore, walks on a sunny morning are simply necessary for women to maintain their skin in good condition. You can replenish your body with vitamins by eating meat, seaweed, eggs, etc.

Vitamin F restores damaged cells and is responsible for the smoothness of the body. Its entry into the body is possible only through food. The basis of this microelement is polyunsaturated acids, which are found in vegetable oils: flaxseed, sunflower, peanut. To saturate the body with it, it is necessary to consume oils extracted directly by cold pressing.

Vitamin K prevents inflammation and swelling on the body; it helps get rid of age spots and freckles. A large amount of this element is found in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, and eggs.

Vitamin of youth for women

After 25 years, women begin to notice the first signs of aging. Experts have proven that such early changes in the body begin due to the formation of free radicals. Above we have listed the main vitamins that directly affect the condition of the skin, but unfortunately, aging affects not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. What other microelements need to be supplied to the body in order to delay the unpleasant process.

Vitamin H will help restore metabolic processes in the body. Proper distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will help you not gain extra pounds and maintain a seductive shape.

Zinc plays a huge role in the growth of nails and hair. It relieves a person from dandruff and various skin diseases, and is the main assistant for teenagers struggling with acne.

Natural components - flavonoids strengthen blood vessels, restore metabolic processes and help preserve elastin in the skin.

The long-known coenzyme Q10 allows you to preserve youth and longevity. Its strongest antioxidant properties have been proven by experts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, which have a positive effect on the condition of the entire body.

Vitamin of youth: reviews

There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about the use of vitamin E. Women notice significant changes in the skin, a reduction in fine wrinkles even when used externally, i.e. adding to creams and masks.

Recently, some representatives of the fair sex have been using the drug coenzyme Q10 to prolong their youth, and quite successfully. Almost everyone notices a positive change in skin color, turgor and elasticity.

As you can see, today it is possible to prolong youth and you don’t need any special financial investments for this, the main thing is desire.