Beautiful complexion - how to make your skin perfect? Healthy complexion: how to achieve it? Flax seed and oatmeal mask

Skin looks beautiful and fresh when the skin tissue is poreless, smooth, of normal fat content and there is no desquamation. A good skin tone is also determined by its color.

The milky white color depends on the whitish keratohyaline grains in the epidermis, the yellowish tint comes from the horny keratin grains in the outer layer of the epidermis, and the pinkish-red color comes from the blood supply to the skin. The skin pigment, melanin, determines the various nuances of more pigmented skin. The juiciness and freshness of the skin depend on sufficient blood supply to the skin and the content of intercellular fluid. Slightly defined hair moss gives the skin the appearance of a fresh peach.

The skin of small children is soft pink, velvety, smooth, elastic, pleasantly shiny, juicy. At puberty, when the sebaceous glands begin to function intensively, secreting large amounts of fat, the skin becomes oily and shiny. The secreted fat, mixing with exfoliated epidermal cells and dust, forms an unpleasant lubricant on the surface of the skin. This skin has an unpleasant tint. The overall appearance of the face deteriorates as the openings of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles expand - the skin becomes like an orange peel. The skin becomes inflamed and red easily. Excreted sebum and drooping epidermal cells clog the openings of the sebaceous glands, forming blackheads - the so-called. comedones. With such oily seborrheic skin, youthful acne is often observed. The skin takes on a greasy, unclean appearance, in places a grayish-yellow or reddish tint due to its inflammatory irritation. While the girl had fresh, juicy, soft pink skin, at puberty her skin takes on a dirty, unclean appearance due to seborrhea. Very often, unclean skin looks due to improper hygienic and cosmetic care, the use of inappropriate creams, powders, etc. This especially applies to young girls.

Unclean skin also occurs in women later in life. Due to insufficient blood circulation in the face, the skin thickens, becomes rough, covered with black dots and small whitish thickenings under the skin. Such skin takes on a dirty gray color, an earthy tint, which gives the face a very unpleasant appearance. Unattractive skin color is also observed in women with dry skin if the necessary hygienic and cosmetic measures are not taken in time. In this case, the facial skin becomes increasingly dry, scales and red spots appear and the skin takes on the appearance of parchment paper. Such skin is easily exposed to atmospheric and climatic changes, especially in cold weather.

Some women have an unpleasant complexion due to tension or exhaustion of the nervous system: lack of sleep, overwork, unpleasant experiences. Many girls or young women, after one unwisely spent night, can acquire a grayish-yellowish complexion. Very often, after severe mental stress, you cannot recognize a woman close to you due to a sharp change in the color of her face.

Skin color depends on race and individual characteristics. It is no coincidence that depending on the color of the skin, there are races: white, black, yellow, red. It is difficult to say which race of women has the most pleasant skin color.

Without detracting from the beauty of other races, we are primarily interested in the skin color of women of the white race.

Clean, good complexion may have a variety of nuances due to the individual characteristics of women, and regardless of this, it can be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. There are soft white or pale pink complexions, which are most often found in blondes. An unattractive complexion is often found in anemic girls, whose skin acquires a whitish color due to excessive pallor. Women with a more developed epidermis, but with delicate, well-perfused skin can have a beautiful yellowish-pink complexion. With more pronounced skin pigment, especially in brunettes, with constant exposure to the sun and wind, the skin of the face darkens. Girls who actively participate in agricultural work acquire a pleasant tan with fresh and ruddy skin. Mayakovsky rightly writes that there is nothing more beautiful than clothes made of bronze, muscles and fresh skin! Labor beautifies and tones a woman if she knows how to follow the necessary hygienic and cosmetic rules.

Spending a vacation or holiday at the sea in the summer, and in the mountains in the winter with reasonably dosed exposure to the sun, leads to the acquisition of a pleasant bronze complexion. The sun not only gives a bronze color to the skin, but refreshes it, tones it and gives it a velvety appearance. At home, skin bronzing can be achieved by irradiation with a quartz lamp. To enhance the bronze color of the skin and protect it from burns, special cosmetic oils and creams are used. Contrary to this, there are often cases when, instead of a uniform dark tan, inhomogeneous spots and marks appear after irradiation.

A woman gets a delicate, velvety pink complexion after swimming in the sea or mineral waters. Some waters have a particularly tonic and refreshing effect, after which a woman’s face becomes especially attractive.

A beautiful and even complexion indicates, first of all, not only the health of the skin itself, but also the health of the entire body as a whole.
And it very often happens that when we wake up in the morning, we notice, looking at ourselves in the mirror, some kind of haggard and tired skin, with a rather unattractive faded gray or pale tint.
This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons, the most common of which are improper or insufficient facial skin care, abuse of bad habits such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine and others, as well as poor nutrition and poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. .

10 ways to improve your complexion

Method 1: Of course, in the first method we will talk specifically about facial care and everything connected with it.
Rule one: Always cleanse your face every day in the morning and evening. This can be either washing the face with soap or using another cleanser (whichever suits you best), or wiping the skin with cleansing agents. tonics and lotions.

And even if you haven’t applied any decorative cosmetics to your face all day, you still need to cleanse your facial skin in the evening. After all, being on the street, at home, and in other rooms, you cannot avoid various small dust particles settling on your skin, as well as other contaminants.

If you regularly use foundation, powder, and other cosmetics, then remember - never, under any circumstances, go to bed without cleansing your skin of all this. By going to bed with makeup on your face, you expose your skin to extreme stress, and there can be no talk of any improvement in your complexion. Something else that can contaminate the skin is your own hair, which absorbs dirt and dust very well, so try to ensure that your hair touches your facial skin as little as possible, especially for long hair.

Also, for additional cleansing of the skin 1-2 times a week, use exfoliating products called scrubs.
Remember, without sufficient cleansing of the skin, you are unlikely to be able to significantly improve your complexion.

Rule two: Even if you are still young, and such a problem as a bad complexion does not particularly bother you, do not forget about regularly moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Otherwise, this will certainly affect the future, both on the color of the skin and on its condition.
After cleansing, be sure to lubricate your skin with a nourishing or moisturizing cream that suits you, daily, morning and evening.
For additional nutrition and moisturizing of the skin, homemade face masks are well suited. cooking recipes which you can easily find on our website.

Rule three: Well, the last rule for improving complexion can be described as follows: “Everything should be in moderation.” This means that, despite all the above recommendations for facial care, you should not overdo it.
Namely, you should not apply a large amount of cream to your facial skin in order to moisturize it even more. You should also not get carried away with scrubs, doing them too often, and at the same time actively massaging the skin, and so on.

Method 2: The second way that helps improve your complexion is a healthy and proper diet.
Usually, if we are not on diets, we very rarely pay attention to what exactly we eat. In other words, we eat what we want.
But such factors as the incompatibility of foods eaten at one meal, insufficient consumption of such healthy foods as vegetables and fruits, and also, on the contrary, an excess of eaten harmful foods, such as fried, sweet, various chips, crackers, etc., all this , undoubtedly, is reflected in our complexion.

Rule one: Separate nutrition will help improve your complexion, as well as many other things (figure, bowel function). This means not mixing incompatible foods at one meal. You can easily find a product compatibility table on the Internet using any search engine.

Rule two: The second rule in order to improve your complexion is to include healthy foods in your diet that are rich in vitamins necessary for our skin, namely:
Fish, which is not only an easily digestible and complete product, but also directly affects the nutrition of the skin due to the content of nutritious fats and oils.
Sufficient protein intake is also essential for the health and beauty of our skin. For meat products, lean and boiled beef, chicken, rabbit, and seafood are recommended. Other products include, of course, eggs, both raw and boiled, cottage cheese, and soy protein.

Our facial skin no less needs vitamins A and E, which help nourish and moisturize it, and also prevent premature aging.
Products rich in vitamin A are cod, pork, beef and veal liver, butter, eggs, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, fish such as fatty herring, carp and chum salmon, sturgeon caviar. Also carrots, new potatoes, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, tomato, green cabbage and green salad, melon, papaya, plums, apricots, and other yellow fruits.
Foods rich in vitamin E are nuts, sprouted wheat grains, barley, oats, rye and oat flakes, vegetable oils, soybeans, greens, corn and green peas. Also eggs and liver.
Other products that help improve complexion are flax grains, watermelon and melon, beetroot, carrot and citrus juice.

Rule three: If you really want to improve your complexion, then it is advisable to completely abandon such unhealthy foods as all various canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, meat products such as sausages and sausages, mayonnaise, margarine and hot spices, fried foods, and, of course, chips .
Well, try to limit your intake of salt and sugar. If you stop salting any dish you prepare, then after a week you will easily get used to the unsalted taste. Sugar can be replaced with honey, and if you really want something sweet, you can eat a little dark chocolate.

Method 3: We all know very well that one of the most important elements for maintaining human life is, of course, water. And exactly Lack of water in the body directly affects premature skin aging, and of course, its color.
Therefore, to improve your complexion, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day, thereby your skin will be regularly moisturized, receiving a sufficient amount of moisture from the inside.
By clean water we mean fresh spring water, or, even better, melt water. You can also easily find information on how to properly prepare melt water on the Internet using search engines.

Method 4: The next important element, both for a healthy complexion and for the full functioning of all body functions, and in general for vigor and well-being, is fresh air.
If you spend a lot of time working in enclosed spaces, keep in mind that the body is poorly oxygenated at this time.
And besides, the indoor air is saturated with harmful fumes of various varnishes and paints, and many other toxic substances. And again, all this undoubtedly leads to a dull and gray complexion.

Many people have probably noticed that after spending enough time in the fresh air, for example on vacation, or just after a walk, the skin of the face takes on a more fresh, rosy and healthy appearance.
From here we conclude that in order to improve our complexion, it is necessary to saturate our skin with oxygen. Therefore, try to go outside as often as possible at every opportunity, even just to take a walk, without any purpose.

Method 5: Equally important for a good appearance and maintaining skin tone is movement. And even though it seems as if movement affects only the condition of our body, but not the skin of our face, this is not so.
After all, movement also greatly contributes to improving metabolism and, accordingly, cleansing the body. And these processes already directly affect the condition of our facial skin. After all, as you know, what’s on the inside is mostly on the outside.

Therefore, you should not neglect physical exercise, and even if you do not have the opportunity to visit fitness clubs, try to at least do exercises in the morning and move more during the day.
And walking in the fresh air is just a wonderful option for improving your complexion.

Method 6: No less than movement, our body also needs proper rest. And besides, skin cells are restored and renewed at night during sleep.
And if you don’t get enough sleep quite often, then you can rest assured that sooner or later this will affect your complexion.
Well, you need to devote at least 7-8 hours a day, and in order to improve your complexion, it is recommended to go to bed early, at least no later than 10 pm.

Method 7: What else greatly affects the deterioration of the color of our facial skin are such harmful things as cigarettes, alcohol, and even coffee.
Therefore, think about whether you really need at least the same thing so much smoking?
But this is how a person works, that, even being perfectly aware that this addiction not only does not give him any advantages, but, on the contrary, only disadvantages, he still continues to smoke. And all this certainly affects both health and complexion, as well as the general state of vigor and energy.
By the way, for those who are seriously thinking about quitting smoking, we can recommend a good book - Alan Carr's “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.”
The same goes for coffee and alcohol. And if you cannot completely give up these drinks, then at least try to reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Method 8: Increased nervousness and stressful conditions, all this also affects our skin. Conversely, being in a calm emotional state helps both improve complexion and maintain the health of the whole body.
Of course, not to worry or be nervous in difficult life situations is quite a difficult task. But on the other hand, all these conditions are not only unable to help you solve the problems that have arisen, but only further aggravate the whole situation.
Therefore, no matter how primitive this advice may sound, in order to improve your complexion, try to at least somehow control your emotionality.

Method 9: The ninth and penultimate way to improve your complexion is your smile and good mood.
When you feel light and joyful in your soul, all this is reflected not only by the radiant light in your eyes, but also by the pleasant glow of your skin.
In fact, almost always, when a person is happy and cheerful, he is not dissatisfied with his appearance, but on the contrary, he seems more attractive to himself and to other people than ever.

Method 10: Well, we’ve finally come to the last method to help improve complexion. And as it will not be difficult to guess based on the topic of our site, these are, of course, homemade masks and other folk remedies.
And further on the link you will find recipes for preparing these same masks and other homemade cosmetics to improve your complexion.

If your complexion lets you down and doesn’t show the world freshness and a gentle blush, then no amount of tricks can bring out the external shine - it’s hard to disagree with this! However, we often sacrifice facial beauty in pursuit of an ideal figure, although we know that strict diets cause irreparable damage to our blooming appearance. How to achieve a beautiful complexion without subjecting yourself to expensive salon “executions” and without spending huge sums on miracle cosmetics?

A beautiful complexion will not appear by itself - to maintain the skin in excellent condition, daily work on yourself is necessary, although perhaps you should not consider caring for your appearance as a heavy duty? Let's assume that everything we do for our own health and appearance cannot be annoying or stressful - is it really difficult to pamper yourself, your beloved?

How to achieve a beautiful complexion - basic rules

For a beautiful complexion, you need the following: get enough sleep regularly, replenish moisture loss, adhere to, lead an active lifestyle, monitor the proper functioning of the intestines, avoid hormonal imbalances, select suitable cosmetics.

Having asked yourself the question of how to achieve a beautiful complexion, look at your lifestyle from the outside. Surely there is something that has a detrimental effect on beauty - smoking, late dinners, lack of sleep, physical inactivity.

If you come up with at least two reasons why you don’t look as young and fresh as you would like, immediately start restructuring your entire lifestyle! After all, nothing is more dear to a woman than her beauty and youth!

Simple means to restore beauty

Fortunately, there is a sure remedy that can neutralize most of the harmful effects of our frantic life - water. Clean drinking water, if possible not from the tap, but if so, then only settled water, without chlorine, which dries and ages the skin and poisons the body. We often deprive ourselves of this life-giving force, replacing it with surrogates: juices, coffee and carbonated drinks. Meanwhile, we need to get our allotted 2-3 liters per day with healing green tea, still mineral water, or just clean water.

As soon as you don’t get enough sleep for one night, shadows appear under your eyes and your features become sharper. Crow's feet also appear. A tired look and dull eyes do not look good on anyone - but what if this happens regularly? An incorrect sleep schedule can age you by years; a woman should allow herself to sleep at least 10 hours a day, and go to bed no later than 23.00. A healthy sleep in a well-ventilated area will give you a bright and gentle morning glow. For him, it’s worth depriving yourself of a couple of hours of online communication, replacing it with walks in the park or jogging away from noisy and polluted highways.

The dirty air of the city deprives the skin of oxygen, but if you do not clean it regularly, it will not breathe at all, so you must not forget about daily cleansing with cosmetic milk, followed by the application of a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Salon procedures will also help in maintaining the beauty of the skin, but you should not get carried away with them - peeling can be done no more than twice a month, otherwise the skin will lose its natural protection.

A beautiful complexion needs constant support, for example, with the help of folk remedies. Among them there are various ones for a beautiful complexion, which are easy to prepare yourself. And here very ordinary products come to the rescue: honey, kefir, rolled oats, lemon, carrots, olive oil and even boiled potatoes! Well, summer generally abounds in natural beauty activators: here are strawberries, zucchini, and cucumbers with parsley!

Homemade ways to get a beautiful complexion

  • Cucumber masks for a beautiful complexion are one of the most effective: to prepare the cucumber, grind it on a fine grater and mix with sour cream or olive oil, apply to clean skin and leave for about fifteen minutes. These masks perfectly moisturize and soften the skin.
  • A mask made from cucumber mass and white clay is great for eliminating oily shine: a tablespoon of clay is used for one small cucumber. The mask is applied for half an hour, then washed off. A mask made from cucumber and egg white, which is previously whipped into foam, works in approximately the same way: take one white for one cucumber, leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse off.
  • Potato masks improve complexion, causing blush and tightening of pores - to prepare a simple mask you will need one potato, boiled “in its jacket” and mashed with warm milk to the consistency of mashed potatoes. The mask lasts for half an hour.
  • A carrot and sour cream mask gives an excellent effect. Carrots chopped in a blender are mixed with an equal amount of sour cream and applied to the skin after it has been treated with a scrub. The mask restores freshness to the skin and gives it a pleasant golden hue.

Yeast masks

A dull and expressionless complexion can be quickly eliminated using masks based on regular baker's yeast. And if you also add regular intake of brewer’s yeast to your diet, you can also achieve strengthening of hair, nails, and improvement in the condition of the skin - dry skin will become denser and more elastic, it will stop flaking, and oily skin will become cleansed, pores will shrink and greasiness will decrease.

To create yeast-based masks, you need to consider your skin type. For oily, gray and porous skin with an earthy tint, yeast can be diluted using 3% pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide, skim milk or a decoction of herbs with a degreasing effect.

For dry and thin skin, it is better to dilute the yeast with heavy cream or olive oil. Using a course of such masks twice a week can quickly tidy up even very dull, dull and sagging skin.


A great way to improve your complexion at home is with contrasting compresses. The method is prohibited for rosacea and the presence of pronounced defects on the face in the form of active rashes and purulent pimples.

  1. For compresses, take two bowls with small terry towels or napkins immersed in them. One should contain hot water, or even better, a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, mint and string, and the second should contain ice water.
  2. A hot or cold towel, previously wrung out well, is alternately applied to a thoroughly cleansed face with a layer of nourishing cream applied. The procedure is completed with a cold compress.

This method not only promotes a beautiful complexion, it also tones and tightens the skin very well, helps improve complexion, and the appearance of a natural, vibrant blush.

Ice cubes

Rubbing the skin with an ice cube in the morning has the same wonderful effect. The ice can be ordinary, but it is better if it is frozen from a herbal decoction, for example, parsley. This product will also brighten the skin and reduce dark circles under the eyes. Rub the face with ice along the skin lines, carefully, without stretching. Apply your favorite moisturizing or nourishing cream to your still damp face.


A special cosmetic massage also has the ability to improve complexion. It can be done at home if you use competent recommendations. For example, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the Japanese Tsogan massage. It is lymphatic drainage, but at the same time it perfectly refreshes and improves complexion.

Ready-made preparations and cosmetology methods for beautiful skin

You can also get a massage from an experienced cosmetologist. He will probably offer other methods of dealing with bad complexion.

For the most part, there are only three reasons for dull and sallow skin:

  • Chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.
  • Poor removal of dead cells on the surface of the skin.
  • Lack of blood circulation and stagnation of lymph in the skin.

Fatigue and lack of sleep can be treated by simply resting for several days, ideally by going on vacation and leaving all problems and troubles at home.

When rough, dead cells accumulate on the surface of the face, the skin becomes thick, gray, and loses its natural radiance. To get rid of this deficiency, the cosmetologist will conduct a course of peelings that will successfully remove dead cells, opening the way for young and healthy layers of skin. As a result, the face will acquire a natural glow, will be tightened, refreshed, and the complexion will become even, beautiful, with a natural blush.

For sluggish blood circulation, a course of massages is indicated - manual or machine. The use of vitamin C and niacinamide also works well. All these drugs are capable of improving blood microcirculation, due to which the complexion very quickly changes for the better.

A smooth and fresh complexion is of no small importance for beauty. But not all women can boast of this skin condition. Often the skin of the face loses its freshness and elasticity and becomes spotty. What determines the condition of the skin? How to restore attractiveness and healthy appearance to the skin, even out its color?

What factors influence skin condition?

The condition of the skin depends on:

    proper skin care;

    food quality;

    volume of water consumed;

    duration and quality of sleep;

    walks in the fresh air;

    exposure to sunlight;

    bad habits (smoking, excessive coffee and alcohol consumption);

    diseases of the digestive system;

    genetic predisposition.

Ways to even out your complexion

There are 4 known methods for improving facial skin:

    by changing lifestyle;

    applying makeup;

    with the help of professionals;

    folk remedies.

Changing lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle will help make your complexion even and get rid of blemishes: proper nutrition, hydration, exercise and quality sleep.

Maintaining water balance

To improve the condition of the skin, it needs water, because the human body contains 70% water. To provide skin cells with moisture, you should drink more than 2 liters of fluid daily. It is recommended to add lemon or cucumber juice to the water. Water will help your skin look fresh and prevent wrinkles.

You should limit your consumption of soda and alcohol. The sugar in sweet drinks causes acne and oily skin. Alcohol deprives cells of moisture, leading to premature aging of the skin.

Nutrition and complexion

Diet significantly affects complexion. It is necessary to include in the diet fish, lean boiled and chicken meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, vitamins A and E. These vitamins are found in large quantities in liver, eggs, dairy products, herring, chum salmon, carp, sturgeon caviar , carrots, broccoli, new potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, melon, apricots, plums, papaya. Juices from carrots, beets, citrus fruits, and green tea improve and even out complexion.

The complexion deteriorates from canned food, sausages, margarine, mayonnaise, hot spices, sweet carbonated drinks, chips and fried foods. Therefore, their consumption should be reduced. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes have a negative effect on the skin.

In order to even out and improve your complexion, it is recommended to prepare vegetable soup from zucchini, broccoli, leeks, celery, tomatoes, carrots and sweet peppers. There is no need to add salt to this soup. They drink it instead of dinner.

Skin color directly depends on nutrition

An energy drink will instantly refresh and rejuvenate your facial skin and even out its color. To prepare it, you need to mix green tea with cardamom, ginger and cinnamon and pour boiling water over it. When the drink is infused, honey is added to it.

It is recommended to take activated charcoal and yeast to even out and improve complexion. They drink them in the morning on an empty stomach: 4-6 tablets of activated carbon should be consumed, and 10 grams of yeast. Take for a week, then take a break for 2 weeks. This course is repeated several times.

Sports and skin health

You should constantly exercise. Physical exercise promotes skin cell renewal, which helps smooth out wrinkles and even out skin tone.

Healthy sleep

It is imperative to sleep at least 7 hours. Lack of sleep leads to the formation of bags under the eyes, loss of facial freshness and attractiveness.

Applying makeup correctly

Since uneven complexion and spotting are often caused by exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to systematically use sunscreen.

Be sure to cleanse your skin: twice a day with lotions, and once every 7 days, use a scrub. Cleansers can be purchased at the store or made yourself. Sugar and honey give an excellent result: the mixture is rubbed into the skin of the face using circular movements, and then washed off with water.

A concealer pencil, liquid or cream will help even out your skin color. Pencils come in not only brown, but also yellow, green, and lavender. These shades are essential to neutralize redness and scarring.

Proper makeup will make your skin perfect

To apply concealer, you should use a brush, not your fingers. If you rub them with your fingers, bacteria will be introduced and red spots will appear on the skin.

Concealers should not be too dark, otherwise they will hide age spots and sun spots but cause orange spots.

Then apply the foundation: powder, liquid, cream or spray. Powders have the longest lasting effect.

After the complexion has been evened out using concealers and foundation, it is recommended to add color and volume to the face using blush and eye shadow.

In the store, with the help of a consultant, you can select special cosmetics: creams, lotions, scrubs that will help get rid of blemishes and make your complexion even.

Professional help to even out your complexion

If you can’t get rid of stains on your own, professionals: a dermatologist and a cosmetologist will offer their services.

After examining the skin and conducting tests, the dermatologist will recommend special medications: tablets or medicinal creams. In some cases, it is possible to use a laser.

Another option is beauty treatments at a spa. The cosmetologist will select a set of procedures that most effectively solves the problem.

We turn to folk wisdom

An effective method for evening out complexion is time-tested folk remedies. They won't cost much and won't harm your skin.

Water treatments will improve your complexion

A contrast bath will have an effective result. It will even out the complexion, restore freshness and elasticity to the skin, and get rid of wrinkles.

To prepare the bath you will need 2 containers. Ice water is poured into one container and a decoction of lavender or mint is added, and hot water in which lemon zest or citrus essential oil is diluted is added to the other. Take 2 towels: one is soaked in ice water, and the other in hot water. Towels are applied to the face one by one.

Water treatments are the way to improve skin

Herbal lotion: preparation and action

Herbal lotion will make the skin color even, whiten the skin and give it elasticity

Chopped parsley, linden blossom, oak bark and sage are mixed: 5 grams of each herb are taken. The mixture is poured with vodka (250 milliliters) and infused for 12 days. The strained infusion should be wiped over the face.

Preparing masks to smooth out facial skin

Homemade masks have an excellent effect on evening out the complexion. They are cheap, natural and effective.

Masks made from cottage cheese, sour cream and cucumber whiten the skin, while masks made from coffee grounds and carrots make it darker. Masks made from watermelon and melon give the skin a fresh and healthy look.

They will get rid of wrinkles and acne, excessive dryness or oiliness.

Cucumber mask

A medium-sized cucumber is chopped using a grater, and nourishing cream is added. The mixture is applied to gauze pads and placed on the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. If your skin is oily, it is recommended to add alcohol or vodka to the mask.

Another recipe: grate the cucumber and mix with starch. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

You can simply put cucumber slices on your face for 20-30 minutes. Another way: wipe your face with a piece of cucumber.

The mask will even out your complexion, whiten it, and make your skin clean and silky.

Cucumber mask with thyme

Cucumber and thyme leaves (fresh or dry) are crushed using a blender and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The mask evens out the complexion and relieves redness.

Cucumber mask - a famous remedy for beautiful skin

Carrot mask

Grate the carrots and mix with egg yolk and oatmeal (3 grams). If desired, add lemon juice. The mask is placed on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with cool water.

You can apply grated carrots without additives to your face.

Carrot and potato mask

Carrots (20 grams) are finely grated and mixed with yolk, warm mashed potatoes (20 grams) and warmed light beer (20 grams). The mask is placed on the face and washed off after 20 minutes with warm beer.

The mask will even out your complexion and give it freshness.

Watermelon mask

Watermelon juice is mixed with lemon or lime juice in equal proportions, honey is added (a few drops). Keep the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

This mask will make your complexion perfect.

Cabbage mask

Cabbage leaves are crushed using a blender, curdled milk (40 grams) is added and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

The mask will even out your complexion and whiten it.

Peach mask

Peach or apricot is mashed and mixed with oatmeal. If you have dry skin, it is advisable to add vegetable oil (5 grams). The mask is spread on the face in a thick layer and left for 20 minutes.

Orange mask

Mix orange juice with wheat flour in equal proportions. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Banana mask

Ripe banana (one third) is mashed, rice flour (20 grams), oat flour (30 grams) and chopped walnuts (1 piece) are added. The mixture is mixed and spread on the face. Wash off when the mask dries and the skin feels tight. Then lubricate the face with nourishing cream.

The mask will have an immediate effect. It will even out the complexion, soften the skin, give it nutrition, and have a lifting effect.

A banana mask will quickly tighten your skin

Honey-lemon mask

Honey is mixed with lemon juice (a few drops) and applied to the face for half an hour.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten it, and provide nutrients.

Parsley mask

Chopped parsley (20 grams) is mixed with sour cream (20 grams), yeast (pinch) and aloe juice (3-5 grams). The mask is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Another option: chop the parsley and mix with olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

You can prepare this mask: chop the parsley in a blender and mix with lemon juice.

A parsley mask will have an amazing effect. It will make your complexion even, remove age spots, lighten freckles, and give your skin freshness and silkiness.

Celery mask

Leaf celery is crushed using a blender. Add lemon juice (a few drops) to the resulting puree. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

Dandelion mask

Dandelion root and stem are crushed using a blender and applied to the face. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is removed.

The mask perfectly evens out the complexion and whitens freckles and age spots.

Cottage cheese mask

For the mask, you need to stock up on fatty homemade cottage cheese. It is placed on the face and kept for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water, and apply nourishing cream to your face.

This mask will not only even out your complexion, but also give it a flushed and radiant look.

Sour cream mask

Homemade thick sour cream is applied to the skin of the face and neck for half an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Raspberry-sour cream mask

Fresh raspberries (a handful) are mixed with soda (2-3 grams) and sour cream (20 grams) in a blender. The mask is applied in several layers for 25 minutes.

Improve your facial skin with raspberries

Flax seed and oatmeal mask

Dry flax seeds (5 grams) are poured with boiling water (100 milliliters) and left for 20 minutes. The infusion is brought to a boil and poured into oat flakes (20 grams) to cover them. When the flakes swell, they are applied to the skin of the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Oatmeal and honey mask

Oatmeal (20 grams) is mixed with honey (a few drops) and yogurt, sour cream or kefir to form a thick mass. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

The mask removes dead skin cells, revitalizes complexion, whitens, restores freshness, and makes the skin soft and velvety.

Honey and cinnamon mask

Honey (10 grams) is mixed with cinnamon (5 grams). Add oatmeal (20 grams), kefir or yogurt to the mixture to make a thick paste. Apply the mask to the face for 10 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Cinnamon and red pepper mask

Mix cinnamon (5 grams) and red hot pepper (2-3 grams) with fat sour cream (40 grams), add dry yeast (5 grams). Mix everything thoroughly. Keep it on for no more than 5 minutes, as the mask burns strongly.

The mask has an amazing effect after the first use, as its action causes blood to flow to the skin. It has a nourishing, smoothing and tightening effect.

Mask with mustard powder

Mustard powder (5 grams) is mixed with olive oil (20 grams) and water (5 grams). Keep the mask on your face for 5 minutes. Remove with cold water and apply moisturizer to facial skin.

Yeast mask

Raw yeast is diluted with water so that the mixture resembles thin sour cream. If the skin is oily, then it is advisable to add oxygen peroxide, and if it is dry, then milk. Apply the mask in several layers for 10-15 minutes.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten and cleanse the skin, nourish and moisturize it, improve blood circulation, tone the skin, make it elastic and ruddy. It will also relieve signs of fatigue and sleepless nights. The mask is recommended to be used when you need to get quick results.

Coffee grounds mask

Brew coffee and cool. Coffee grounds are applied to the face and neck. After 10 minutes, apply cleansing gel on top of the mask and massage the skin. Then the mask is removed and the face is smeared with nourishing cream.

Badyagi mask

To prepare the mask, you will need to purchase bodyagi powder at the pharmacy. The powder is diluted with water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. The mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then the face is lubricated with moisturizer.

Under the influence of the mask, the face becomes red and tingles due to the fact that blood circulation increases and the performance of capillaries increases.

Beeswax mask

Beeswax is melted in a water bath and spread on the facial skin in several layers. After removing the mask, apply a nourishing cream.

Clay mask

Pink or white clay (60 grams) is mixed with rose hydrosol or rose water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Add rosehip oil (5 grams). The mask is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area. Cover with polyethylene. Keep it for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm chamomile infusion.

After the mask, the color and tone of the skin becomes even, the skin is whitened, moisturized, receives nutrients, becomes matte and radiant, and wrinkles disappear.

If you regularly use the masks described above, your skin color will become even. It will become smooth, soft and silky, and will shine from the inside.

A beautiful complexion is a concept that is on everyone’s lips, but what kind of complexion is considered beautiful – few people can clearly formulate. And, nevertheless, we know that beautiful means “healthy complexion”, and therefore, following the simple logic of language, we can assume that any problems in our body are literally “imprinted” on the face.

The reasons for an unattractive complexion can be either a careless attitude towards your own skin or excessive consumption of coffee, cigarettes or alcohol. An unhealthy complexion can signal problems in the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, as well as the lungs and cardiovascular system. Each of us has enough such problems, but we must “keep up the brand”, and therefore we will try to make every effort to make our face look beautiful and healthy.

Ways to make your complexion beautiful

Want to know how to make your complexion beautiful? To start, make it a habit to cleanse your face morning and evening with lotion or makeup remover. A simple wash with warm water and soap will do. Such procedures must be carried out regardless of whether you applied cosmetics during the day or not. You should absolutely not leave foundation or powder on your skin overnight.

It is important to remember that dirty hair can also pollute your facial skin, so keep your hair clean just as you keep your skin clean. Use scrubs and special exfoliators to cleanse your skin a couple of times a week;

You also need to get enough sleep: it is advisable to arrange your daily routine so that you sleep 8 hours a day. Lack of sleep causes premature wrinkles and dull complexion. Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room so that you can sleep in fresh air.

The second thing that is important to know is that your skin needs constant hydration and nutrition. And those who say that previously our great-grandmothers only had to wash their face, and they did without any expensive creams, are wrong. Don’t forget that our great-grandmothers lived in clean environmental conditions, and masses of acrid smoke and exhaust gases were not released into the air. All this dries out our skin, clogs pores, and burns the protective fat film. In this sense, the skin needs our constant help.

Get yourself a good, nourishing moisturizer and lubricate your skin every morning and evening. In addition to cosmetics, there are a lot of proven folk recipes for skin masks that you can prepare yourself at home. When using facial cosmetics, be careful: in this case, quality is much more important than quantity.

How to build a diet to achieve a healthy complexion?

You should not think that all the talk about how nutrition affects the condition of your skin is an invention of cosmetologists. Every piece of smoked sausage we eat moves us away from our ideal complexion, while every vegetable or fruit we eat brings us closer to the ideal.

  • Do you like chips, crackers, sweets and fatty foods? Transfer them into the group of rare delicacies in your diet, or you will have to say goodbye to the dream of a beautiful complexion. Also, make sure that your diet contains enough foods rich in the vitamins that our skin requires. These products include fish, which contains a lot of oils and fats that provide nourishment to the skin. The skin vitally needs foods containing protein - chicken and rabbit meat, seafood, eggs and cheese, cottage cheese and soy products.
  • It is important to maintain a drinking regime and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  • The most important vitamins for the skin are A and E. They are the ones that can prevent early aging. Vitamin A is found in liver, including cod liver, in butter, milk and dairy products, eggs and fish. Yellow vegetables and fruits, as well as young potatoes, are also rich in vitamin A.

Homemade beauty recipes: masks, lotions, compresses

To improve your complexion, you can use proven recipes for cosmetics that you can prepare yourself:

  • potato mask. With this product you can create a blush, even out your skin tone and tighten pores. To prepare, boil one potato in its skin, peel and mash it, then mix with warm milk until the consistency of a thick paste is obtained. Apply the mask for half an hour;
  • mask made of cucumber and white clay. Take a small cucumber, grate it and mix the pulp with a tablespoon of clay and a small amount of water. Apply the mask for half an hour. This composition not only improves complexion, but also eliminates oily shine;
  • a mask in the form of watermelon or melon pulp, applied to the skin of the face, gives the skin a pleasant and healthy color;
  • cabbage mask Grind several leaves of this vegetable in a blender, add 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt to the mixture, and mix. Cover your face with the mask, wait 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water;
  • scrub with whitening effect. To prepare, you need to squeeze the juice from one cucumber, add to it a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of sea salt. As for the last component, it is advisable to grind it so that the scrub does not damage the skin. The resulting mass is enriched with two drops of essential oil. Apply the scrub to a damp face and lightly massage the skin. After this, you can leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly;
  • Kefir mask is famous for its whitening effect. Simply apply kefir to your skin and leave it on your face for 15 minutes. To improve the penetration of beneficial substances into the skin, the face must first be lubricated with vegetable oil.

In addition to using facial products, you should give up smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee in large quantities: no mask will help you achieve an even complexion if it is affected by negative factors.