Speech therapist office in kindergarten decoration. My assistant is the "chants" cabinet. Items for the development of children

Tatiana Gennadievna Seregina

Development of speech- a difficult process for a child, therefore it is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere for him. My office is my assistant... It's quiet, comfortable, and to keep the lessons interesting, I use a lot of visibility. Each collection of games and tutorials has its own purpose.

In my office, I have selected manuals, including self-made, didactic games, illustrative material on the sections of correctional work, equipped with corners that stimulate the speech and personal development of children.

Sound pronunciation correction zone; equipped with wall mirrors, teaching aids necessary for the automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds

Diagnostic and corrective work area... Stimulates the mental activity of children. There are tables for diagnostics and individual correction of children. The zone is equipped with cabinets with didactic materials, toys and educational games, specially selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the directions of correctional and developmental work. This zone promotes concentration and concentration of attention of children.

Center for the Development of Phonemic Hearing:

Center for the Development of Speech Breathing:

Fine Motor Development Center:

Organizational and planning activity zone; helps to effectively organize professional activities.

Correctional - developmental environment plays a very important role in the speech development of children with speech disorders. The main purpose of the speech therapy office is creation of the necessary conditions for correctional education of preschoolers with speech defects.

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Speech therapist assistant Daily articulatory exercises, unfortunately, reduce children's interest in this process, which leads to a decrease.

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The project "We play with fingers, we develop speech." The goal of the project: to strengthen the health of children; to develop manual skill, to perfect accurate is difficult.

To be successful, I have created the optimal conditions for remedial education for preschoolers with oral language disabilities. Everything.


subject-developing environment of the speech therapy office

I am a teacher - speech therapist

I have an office.

But I call him a casket, and I will explain to you why.

Yes, do not be surprised, because the word "study" was borrowed at the beginning of the 18th century from the German language, into which it got from French, and meant "a casket with drawers." So the cabinet and the chest mean the same thing. Interesting? Interesting.

Secrets of correct speech

Children comprehend here,

To make it easier for them to live on this planet.

I will share the secrets of my "chest".

And I will reveal to you

Secret to the end.

I open the "chest" with the key,

I invite you to my office.

As soon as you look

Falls on Bukvograd.

They live in a literal city,

They guard their letters,

Princess of consonants - Consent,

Well, the vowels are the Voice.

Settling letters in castles,

Children don't forget them.

We have a box office of letters,

Children think, read

After all, soon the children will be in first grade.

In the training area there is a magnetic easel.

It is convenient to attach letters,

He is not easy with us, mobile,

It's easy to move around.

So that the assimilation of the material is easier,

I played with the children all the time in the office.

The Caterpillar manual is multifunctional,

For the development of sensing and fine motor skills

It fits perfectly.

Determine the position of the sound,

Such a boredom for a child

When I offer them such an allowance,

I speed up the process of understanding.

After all, the game form, as you know,

The child is undoubtedly interested.

Benefits in the office of all are countless,

There is even a "miracle - a tree" here.

Not a leaf on it

Not a flower on it

And pictures on lexical topics,

Colorful and aesthetic.

For visual perception

Children with OHP are required.

The guys not only remember the topic,

But they also make up different stories.

There is a "mistress" in my "casket",

Well done and know-it-all,

Smart turtle,

The children gave the name Dasha.

Dasha entertains children

They develop fine motor skills:

Beads, hooks,

Velcro and clasps.

If it becomes difficult to cope with the language,

And here our Dasha guys will like it,

The fluidity of her tongue is surprising

She explains the styles to the children.

The area of ​​the speech therapy office allows you to use only multifunctional aids, both as an office design and as a visual material, My "casket" is divided into centers,

Let's dwell on them.

(center of visual-didactic aids)

In my work, I constantly use visualization. I offer children a fairly large and varied amount of visual material. All this helps to bring children to qualitatively new levels of language skills.

I represent the center for individual work slide ... It includes the Sound Pronunciation Unit slide

I want to draw your attention to the fact that mirrors are used here, wall and table. Looking at them, children monitor their language, performing various articulatory exercises. And my main assistant is a large card index of articulation exercises, which fits compactly in mobile pockets.So that in individual lessons my children would not be bored, a large amount of varied speech material was selected for staging and automating sounds. These are various filing cabinetswith pure phrases in pictures and pictograms, poems on lexical topics, games for the formation of sound pronunciation. There is the necessary literature that allows you to make the process of automation and differentiation of sounds as varied and fun as possible.

The block of lexical-grammatical categories includes

Didactic aids, games, albums.


It is this material that helps to develop the lexical-grammatical structure of the child in a relaxed manner.

In the Block for the Development of Coherent Speechentertaining plot pictures, cubes, help children compose a story, a fairy tale, come up with an interesting case. But with the help of finger and table theatersChildren enter the world of a fairy tale, where they learn to master detailed statements.

In the Literacy Unitlive diverse

Games and tutorials that help make learning to read very fun.

Next Vocabulary block

With a careful selection of picture material, I use for the process of mastering generalizing concepts, activating the vocabulary

And sets of cut pictureswill help to assimilate not only the lexical topic but also to develop logical thinking.

At the Center for the Development of Phonemic Processes

There is a large selection of file cabinets:speech material

Card file depicting articulation patterns, games for the development of phonemic perception. Sound canisters, signals, rulers. It is they who will help the child in the development of phonemic perception, hearing, Various musical instruments, tambourines, rattles, bells, developing auditory attention.

A fine motor development center plays an important role in successful writing

For this, there are various toys, games, lacing, helping the fingers to be dexterous, fast,There are also tactile "feel" tablets that help to remember the sensations of touching various surfaces.

Correct and compensate for weakened hand function- help Stencils selected according to lexical topics, - Button mosaic. - Contours for coloring. And etc.

Go to the Information and Methodological Center

It contains methodological and reference literature, manuals on didactic support of the correctional process, diagnostic tools for examining children, necessary correctional programs, etc.

For successful correctional work

I am guided by: the passport of the office, certifying the content, documents of the regulatory and legal framework and many others, I keep all this in the center for storing documents.

I am proud of my workplace and my office-larts. In the age of information technology, I use a computer in my work, with the help of it I create presentations for classes, so that the pictures on the monitor screen or multimedia “come to life”. Thus, I arouse genuine interest in children. Computer Allows you to prepare not only presentations for children, but also consultations for guardians and teachers

I close my chest

Goodbye I say

If the secret is interesting to you,

Come to visit. I'm waiting.


"Subject - developmental environment of the speech therapy office of the preschool educational institution"

city ​​of winter


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 16"


"Organization of speech therapy work with the use of federal state requirements"

Compiled by: speech therapist E.N. Butok

city ​​of winter


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 16"


"Organization of speech therapy work in a combined kindergarten"

Compiled by: speech therapist E.N. Butok

city ​​of winter

Tatiana Golubeva

Are you not very friendly with sounds?

You need help sooner!

Come to our log office -

LOGOPED will help you!

We don't sit around in the office:

We hiss, we hum, we growl

We divide words by syllables ...

We are not silent for a minute!

In front of the mirror, not for the sake of beauty

We spend so much time!

There is a charge for skillful tongues:

We “click” and “start the engine” ...

The kindergarten had lunch. Sounds asleep ...

The speech therapist does not sit idle!

Therefore, we are always in order

Documents, folders and notebooks!

Passport of the speech therapy office

1. General Provisions

1.1. The office of the speech therapist is a structural subdivision of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution.

1.2. The speech therapy room in the preschool educational institution is located in a room that meets pedagogical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive standards.

1.3. The speech therapy room should be equipped with software materials, teaching aids, information resources and technical teaching aids.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. The office of the teacher - speech therapist is opened in order to increase the effectiveness of correctional - pedagogical influence and in accordance with the program requirements for working with children with speech pathology.

2.2. The main tasks of the office are to carry out correctional and developmental work (subgroup, individual).

2.3. Organization of advisory and educational activities with teaching staff and parents.

3.1. The office works according to a plan agreed with the administration of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Frontal - subgroup and individual - subgroup lessons are organized in the office.

3.3. Consultations are organized for educators of compensatory groups, a teacher-psychologist, a musical

head, physical education instructor.

3.4. Assistance and consultations are provided for parents on the education and upbringing of children with speech disorders.

3.5. Methodological literature is accumulated and generalized.

3.6. Didactic games are made in accordance with the program objectives.

3.7. The necessary documentation is being kept.

4. Material base

4.1. Training equipment:

4.2. Documentation:

1. Schedule of work with the cyclogram (Approved by the head of the preschool educational institution)

2. Curriculum (Approved by the head of the preschool educational institution)

3. List of children of the group

4. Speech cards

5. Individual work plan for the academic year

6. Diagnostics (summary tables)

7. Grid GCD (Approved by the Head of the DOW)

8. Perspective plan of frontal-subgroup speech therapy work (Approved by the head of the preschool educational institution)

9. Individual notebooks of pupils

10. Notebook of interaction with educators

11. Schedule of speech therapy work

12. Long-term plan of advisory activities

13. Report of the teacher - speech therapist on correction - speech work (at the end of the academic year)

4.3. Programs:

The main

"Approximate adapted basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech impairments" edited by Professor L. V. Lopatina

The working program of correctional and developmental training in a compensatory orientation group for children with TNR at school (1 and 2 years of study: senior and preparatory groups)


The program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children (Speech therapy work with children 3, 4 levels of speech development) / ed. Filichevoy T.B., Chirkina G.V.

Nishcheva N.V. The program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years old)

4.4. Center for Speech Development

1. Breathing simulators, toys, aids for the development of breathing (whistles, pipes, empty bottles, soap bubbles, etc.)

2. A card file of materials for the automation and differentiation of sounds of late ontogeny: sibilant, hissing sounds, affricates, sonorant and iotated sounds (syllables, words, phrases, sentences, phrases, nursery rhymes).

4. Card file of picture material for working on the syllable structure of words of varying complexity.

5. Subject pictures on lexical topics.

6. Schemes of prepositions, games, plot pictures for working on prepositions.

7. Subject pictures.

8. Series of plot pictures.

9. Schemes for describing objects.

10. Lotto and other board games.

11. Didactic games for the formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

12. Didactic games for developing the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

14. Handouts and material for frontal subgroup work on the formation of skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

15. Cut and magnetic alphabet.

16. Syllabic tables, word cards.

17. Masks, medallions for dramatization.

18. A set of probes for setting sounds.

19. Spatulas, nipples, cotton wool, cotton swabs, gauze napkins.

4.5. Center for Motor and Constructive Development

1. Card files of articulatory gymnastics by different authors.

3. The game "Grimassimus" ("School of Clowns") for the development of facial expressions.

4. Plane images of objects and objects for stroking.

5. Cut pictures.

6. Puzzles.

7. Cubes with pictures.

8. Card file of graphic tasks for counting sticks, carpet-maker.

9. "Paths" for the development of graphomotor functions.

10. Massage balls, massagers.

11. Lacing toys.

12. Mosaics and schemes for laying out patterns from them.

13. Beads of different colors and sizes, fishing line for stringing them.

14. Toys from multi-colored clothespins.

15. Card file for finger games on lexical topics.

16. Card index of physical minutes on lexical topics.

17. Card index of physical minutes with prepositions.

18. Card index of physical minutes "Alphabet".

4.6. Center for sensory development

1. Sounding toys (rattles, tweeters, whistles, pipes, bells, tambourine, drum, etc.)

2. Sounding substitute toys.

3. Small screen.

5. Cards with superimposed and "noisy" images of objects on all lexical topics.

6. Board-printed games for the development of visual perception and the prevention of violations of written speech ("Recognize by the contour", "Whose shadow?", "What's missing?").

7. Board-printing games for the development of color perception and color discrimination.

8. Aids for the development of tactile sensations

9. "Magic bag" with small toys.

10. Dismountable toys (matryoshka, pyramid)

4.7. Card file of methodological literature

Teacher-speech therapist MADOU d / s "Buratino" s. Kyra

Correctional subject-developing environment for preschoolers

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The leading place in the preschool education system is given to the implementation of speech tasks. Modern research in this area suggests that most children by the end of preschool age do not have the skills of coherent speech. Their vocabulary is not rich. Considering that the leading activity of preschool children is play, in the organization of speech therapy work, they strove to ensure that each lesson was in the nature of educational-play activity, was emotionally colored. In this regard, it was believed that speech therapy work on the development of speech would be more effective if during the training they used: techniques that promote the development of motivation, play techniques, competition games, surprise moments, collective storytelling, visual aids, schemes, models, and more. , which will contribute to the more successful development of monologue speech.

The speech therapy office functions in four directions and is the best office in the Trans-Baikal Territory in the competition "Speech therapist's office" - III place, the best office in the all-Russian competition "Speech therapy room", an office for teaching the humanities - III place.

The main directions of the cabinet:

Creation of a correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological climate to provide assistance to children to correct or weaken existing violations;

Examination of children in order to develop an individual development program;

Conducting group, subgroup and individual correction classes;

Providing advice to teachers, parents;

All types of play activities are used for development. Therefore, we divided the area of ​​the speech therapy office into several zones, we will give a short description.

A speech therapist's office consists of several zones:

Area of ​​advisory work;

Organizational and planning activity zone; helps to effectively organize professional activities.

Diagnostic and corrective work area... Stimulates the mental activity of children. There are tables for diagnostics and individual correction of children. The zone is equipped with cabinets with didactic materials, toys and educational games, specially selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the directions of correctional and developmental work. This zone promotes concentration and concentration of attention of children.

Sound pronunciation correction zone; equipped with wall mirrors, teaching aids necessary for the automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds.

Play therapy area... Art therapy workshop. The main technique is art therapy, which unites a group of directions based on the artistic activities of the participants, including drawing, music. The purpose of organizing and operating an art therapy workshop is to create effective conditions for psychological support of the educational process at a preschool educational institution, preserving the mental health of pupils, which meets the FGT.

In the speech therapy room, manuals were selected, including those made by hand, didactic games, illustrative material on the sections of correctional work, corners were equipped to stimulate the speech and personal development of children:

"Speechgrad" (games with letters, words, didactic material for the development of coherent speech);

"In the kingdom of ingenuity" (game exercises for the development of the psychological base of speech);

"Dexterous fingers" (play material for the development of fine motor skills);

"Bookman" (visual didactic material for teaching initial reading skills);

"We get to know the world" (educational - visual aids for the development of cognitive activity);

"Kingdom of Mirrors" (sets of game exercises for the development of facial muscles).

Correctional - developmental environment plays a very important role in the speech development of children with speech disorders. The main purpose of the speech therapy office is to create the necessary conditions for the correctional education of preschoolers with speech defects.

We widely use games and simulators made by ourselves in working with children, these are:

Office interior design;

Speech therapy corner "House of Sounds";

- "Speechgrad" (game exercise "Tiger cub with the letter" R ";

Respiratory gymnastics attributes: "Sun", "Cloud", "Butterflies";

Target: development of sensations of movement of the respiratory system;

Material: colored self-adhesive film.

- "Dexterous fingers" Simulators "Sun";

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, attention, imagination, the ability to observe;

Material: ordinary plates, self-adhesive foil, glue, clothespins.

Game exercise "What does it look like?" It is proposed to consider the model, disconnect the beams and answer the question "What does it look like?" (on a circle, ball, clock, moon, bun).

Finger exercise machine "Hedgehog";

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands, the ability to attach clothespins, detach, develop speech.

Material: clothespins, wallpaper, glue.

- "Nimble fingers". Simulator "Nature Calendar";

It is a large circle (a regular plate) divided into four sectors.

Each sector has its own color, which corresponds to a specific season of the calendar year: blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (autumn).

For each season, colorful illustrations and colored clothespins are selected - symbols of the months of the year.

The calendar is multifunctional: it is used (for acquaintance with nature, speech development, logic), in didactic games, in individual work with children. Children really like to manipulate colored clothespins, while they develop fine motor skills of the hands. The introduction of such a calendar develops children's attention, they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in spring, autumn, winter and summer.

- "In the kingdom of ingenuity." Didactic manual "Rebus";

Description: A clown works in the circus, he inflates balls with puzzles, puzzles should be solved: chair, thunderstorm, tigers, mole, smoke, kidney, Julia, varnish.

Didactic panel "The Journey of the Word";

Target: to activate and enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children, increase the level of grammatical constructions, improve the ability to coherently, consistently express their thoughts.

Material: paper, self-adhesive film, colored paper, glue, figure stencils.

Didactic panel "Coordination of movement" - "Lados";

Target: To practice the ability to distinguish between up, down, between, left - right, work on hand-eye coordination and accuracy, accuracy of execution. Learn to play quick hands a little. It is important, strictly in order, to show all the exercises faster, without looking back.

Speech therapy corner "Word Garden" for parents and children;

Didactic panel "Flowers". Game "Happy Score";

Children practice matching the numeral and adjective with the noun.

Didactic panel "Family of mushrooms"

Leitmotif Every morning I come to kindergarten, I go into my office. My office is a creative workshop, the entire socio-psychological microclimate of which creates conditions for self-realization of the individual. I really like it, but I dream that someday it will be equipped with the latest technology…. But it will be later. And now I walk along the corridor and catch the glances of my kids, so similar and at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes that catch my every move. They listen to my every word, copy my intonation. And then there are the quiet and withdrawn, scared and indifferent, but they too will someday want to communicate, talk about their toys, cartoons. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when you see the sparkle of your kids' eyes. I'm ready to move mountains, put my bad moods aside and go forward. So, I am a speech therapist, it would be more correct to say a speech therapist teacher. Literally, I'm a speech teacher. Or rather, the person who corrects this speech. Moreover, the correction occurs at the level of all speech units, from sound to sentence. The purpose of my activity is to contribute to the socialization of the child in society.

I strive to be a close person for my speech pathologists, a mentor and a friend who will not only help correct the existing speech disorders, but also be able to find a “pearl” in each “shell”, teach you to work with full dedication, rejoice in victories and sympathize with each other in case of failures. Therefore, I build relationships with children on trust, respect, exactingness and justice. The personality of a speech therapist teacher is multifaceted. It accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relations, endurance and patience, tolerance, benevolence and resourcefulness, and a sense of humor helps me a lot in my work. I consider myself a competent specialist, mastering not only traditional, but also non-traditional forms of conducting classes, effectively using health-preserving technologies. Speech therapy influence based on the psychophysical and individual characteristics of students allows me to achieve high results. The main thing in speech therapy is that my work is result-oriented. And I not only teach the child to speak, but also restore his self-confidence. That is why the satisfaction of speech therapists is very high. Seneca stated: "Teaching others, we learn ourselves." I am happy because I have the opportunity to learn about the world over and over again. I am happy because I give the warmth of my soul. I am happy because I see the results of my work. Priority areas of my work

This is an important office. A speech therapist works here. Not everyone knows this word, And the one who knows respects. This is also the place of the teacher. There are a lot of documents here. And here the child is accepted. This is where intelligence is defined. Find without any doubt All speech disorders. Find without any doubt All speech disorders. And since the diagnostics are ready, we need work, in a word. And there is a moment, it is the most important. For everyone - their own program.

Appointment of a speech therapy office Examination of children (elucidation of the etiology of the mechanisms and symptoms of speech disorders) Development of articulation skills Correctional work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation Formation of grammatically correct speech Overcoming difficulties in pronunciation of complex words Formation of coherent speech Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills Advisory and methodological activities for employees MBDOU and parents

Tasks of the correctional and educational process Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Examination of group pupils and identification of children in need of speech therapy assistance Study of the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual-typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support , determining the main directions of work with each pupil Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual-typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy support, determining the main directions of work with each pupil Assessing the results of helping children and determining the degree of their speech readiness for school teaching Forming a team of teachers and parents of information readiness for speech therapy work, helping them in organizing a full-fledged subject-developing environment Forming a team of teachers and p teachers of information readiness for speech therapy work, helping them in organizing a full-fledged subject-developing environment Coordination of efforts of teachers and parents, control over the quality of their speech work with children Coordination of efforts of teachers and parents, control over the quality of their speech work with children Systematic preventive and corrective - speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs Systematic implementation of preventive and corrective - speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs

Methodological support of speech therapy office I. Manuals and materials for exercises aimed at developing: thinking; different types of memory; different types of attention; imagination and fantasy; visual perception; auditory perception; fine (fine) hand motor skills; physiological (diaphragmatic) breathing; sound pronunciation; as well as materials: on teaching literacy; to prevent dysgraphia; on the formation of vocabulary; on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; on the formation of coherent speech. 2. Systematized illustrative material, selected taking into account the passage of lexical topics: subject pictures; pictures with action; plot pictures; series of pictures; pictures for composing descriptive stories; toys (soft, fur, wood, plastic) for composing stories. 3. Card indexes: word games, game exercises; finger games; games to develop communication skills; poems; nursery rhyme; riddles; clean and tongue twisters; texts for the automation of the delivered sound (in a syllable, word, phrase, sentence, text); other.

4. Entertaining material: anagrams, rebuses, charades, puzzles; mnemonic tables; 5. Technical means: tape recorder; audio recordings (sounds of the street, nature, rain, wind, etc.); 6. Materials of children's speech creativity: stories, stories invented by children; magazines, fairy tales, poems are the result of children's creativity. 7. Diagnostic materials. 8. Methodical literature: complex, correctional programs; methods and technologies of developing education at the choice of a speech therapist. 9. Materials of creative pedagogical experience. Methodological support of a speech therapy office

1. consistency (the material is systematized, a passport of the office has been drawn up with a list of all material and equipment); 2. accessibility (visual and didactic material is selected taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren); 3. variability (visual-didactic material and many manuals are multivariate and can be used in different classes in different versions); 4. health preservation (there is main and additional lighting (above the individual mirror), a fire alarm is installed, the walls of the office are warm yellow, there are aids for charging the eyes, the office is easily ventilated). When organizing the correctional and developmental environment of the speech therapy office, I was guided by the following principles:

Exclusive author's poems How difficult it is to be a teacher, trust me friends. I love my profession I will tell you without hiding. Every day in frost and heat I rush to my favorite garden. Children have been meeting me for many years in a row. I put sounds on the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days go by, years go by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that at school the guys always have a grade of five. How difficult it is to be a teacher trust me friends. I love my profession I will tell you without hiding. Every day in frost and heat I rush to my favorite garden. Children have been meeting me for many years in a row. I put sounds on the kids and teach them to speak. I teach them to breathe correctly and be friends with letters. Days go by, years go by, day and night. My profession is important, I want to help everyone. Always speak beautifully and write correctly. So that at school the guys always have a grade of five.

Exclusive author's poems I am a teacher - speech therapist Well, I'll tell you a secret. Children I like to say, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened Leva suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid So that the leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth Lev is trying so hard. And admire Lyova Sounds are obtained. Began to speak beautifully to everyone to surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about that. I am a teacher - speech therapist Well I will tell you a secret. Children I like to say, I teach them. If suddenly trouble happened Leva suddenly lost the sound. I will come to his aid So that the leva does not cry. Leva opens her mouth Lev is trying so hard. And admire Lyova Sounds are obtained. Began to speak beautifully to everyone to surprise. I am an excellent speech therapist. There is no doubt about that.

Exclusive author's poems There are many professions on earth I will tell you friends But all are more important and dear My profession I am a speech therapist, everyone needs me I am a doctor of sounds, words I will always come to help I am ready as a soldier. Ready always, ready everywhere Like the sun to shine Ready to help the guys Speak beautifully Let the sounds flow like a stream On the ringing stones Let joy bring joy to everyone Every day I love to help people I will tell you without concealing I am proud of myself, my work I am proud of my family!