How to get rid of black spots after childbirth. Age spots after childbirth on the face: how to get rid

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes numerous changes that affect overall well-being, mood and appearance. Due to a large number of factors, a problem such as the appearance of age spots on the skin of the abdomen, face and neck can arise. What to do and is it worth resorting to radical methods of treatment?

Causes of hyperpigmentation on the skin of pregnant women

The period of childbirth and childbirth is the most difficult and eventful period in the life of every woman. Internal changes in the body can manifest themselves in different ways, for example, in the form of age spots on the face, neck and abdomen, which appeared before or after childbirth. In the medical literature, these manifestations are called "chloasma", and among ordinary people - stripes or a mask of pregnancy. In 99% of women, a dark streak appears on the abdomen. There can be many reasons.

Changes in hormonal levels, lack of vitamins, stress

An imbalance in the hormonal background is the leading cause of chloasma on the abdomen and other areas of the body. An increased concentration of estrogens and progesterone (the main hormones of pregnancy) leads to a violation of the synthesis and distribution of melanin, which is intensively deposited in certain areas of the skin.

An increase in neuropsychic stress (stress) can lead to a similar clinical picture. Its development occurs against the background of changes in hormonal balance and the emergence of new sensations associated with pregnancy and the state after childbirth.

A deficiency of many vitamins can also lead to this condition. Especially important are substances such as vitamins B, C, folic acid, zinc, iron and copper. Folic acid is involved in the regulation of the distribution and synthesis of melanin, catalyzing more than 7 metabolic reactions. With a decrease in the level of this vitamin in the body, the pigment is deposited unevenly. The consumption of vitamins is due to the increased need for them by the child during pregnancy.

Possible diseases

The appearance of areas of pigmentation after childbirth can also be caused by reasons not related to physiological changes. These include:

  1. Excessive ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning beds can induce the proliferation of melanocytes and the formation of such spots.
  2. Individual genetic predisposition. This feature is inherited and amenable only to symptomatic treatment.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Endocrine diseases (hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  5. Taking medications, the metabolism of which is associated with the metabolism of melanin or has an effect on it.
  6. The use of cosmetics, to which the body's reactivity is increased. The appearance of small areas of pigmentation that do not disappear for a long time is a very rare type of allergic reaction.
  7. Severe liver and kidney disease with the development of hyperchromic anemia.

Separately, it should be noted that hormonal disorders usually cause the appearance of non-standard spots on the cheeks and chin.

Endocrine diseases appear on the skin around the eyes. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - on the skin of the face and abdomen. Neuropsychiatric disorders can cause melanin deposition all over the place.

When do spots go away?

Many women ask themselves the question: "When do spots normally disappear and does this problem go away forever?" Spots are directly related to pathology. After the disappearance of the provoking factor, pigment formations should disappear on average after 2-4 months. The process is slow, but if the stain is even slightly lightened, this means that the cause has been eliminated. With profuse hyperpigmentation (whole body), the recovery period increases to 6-12 months.

Why does the pigmentation not go away and what to do if it remains after childbirth?

When is it worth worrying if the stripes remain after childbirth and do not go away for a long time? Pigmented spots that cover a woman's skin for a long time (more than 1 year) cause not only discomfort, but also indicate the presence of pathology in the body. For the treatment of hidden diseases, you should seek qualified help. The prolonged presence of formations on the skin may be due to the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • malnutrition;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • decompensated endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, thyroid hyperfunction);
  • a long period of active breastfeeding (more than 18 months);
  • severe liver and kidney disease;
  • a long course of infectious and inflammatory skin pathologies (mycoses).

Only a doctor can establish the exact cause after receiving the results of additional laboratory and instrumental research methods. You should not self-medicate, since the choice of medications is extremely narrow, due to breastfeeding and body changes after pregnancy.

Means of modern cosmetology

There are many methods for getting rid of unwanted stains. One of the most common is all kinds of ointments and creams. Most of them contain a huge amount of harmful chemicals and are not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

All funds can be divided into specialized ones, which are used in beauty salons or medical centers, and folk ones (their use is unjustified and can harm health). When choosing a method of dealing with age spots, it is necessary to take into account all the factors indicating the benefits and harms - both for your body and for your baby.

Special salon treatments

If all methods of treatment are ineffective, you can resort to cosmetic methods to eliminate the defect, but after consulting a doctor. These procedures are indicated after passing the examination and the failure of standard therapy. The following events are widely known:

  1. Laser resurfacing - complete removal of the upper layers of the epidermis using a special laser device. Not recommended for use in the presence of active hyperplastic or infectious processes.
  2. Ultrasonic peeling - cleaning the skin with ultrasound.
  3. Chemical peeling - removal of the upper layers of the skin by applying a special chemical mixture to the epidermis.
  4. Microinjection mesotherapy - injections of preparations containing biologically active substances, microproteins, vitamins and microelements. These components contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the deep and superficial layers of the skin. Often, after the procedure, age spots disappear.
  5. Non-injection mesotherapy is almost a similar procedure, but the "nutritious" composition is applied to the skin surface. Absorption is provided by electrophoresis or exposure to high frequency magnetic waves.
  6. Cryotherapy techniques - removal of defects with liquid nitrogen.
  7. Phototherapy is a method of destruction of pigment (melanin) in the deep layers of the skin by light pulses.

The described procedures can cause significant harm due to the unpredictable reaction of the female body against the background of lactation, hormonal imbalance, the immune system, so doctors do not always use such techniques. The most dangerous are laser resurfacing, ultrasonic peeling, mesotherapy and cryotherapy. Chemical peeling often leads to the formation of an unpleasant side effect - an increase in the production of melanin in the pathological focus.

Traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, there are many ways to eliminate the problem, but it is worth remembering that there are no absolutely safe methods. The most effective are:

  1. Application to areas of pigmentation with a napkin dipped in a solution of lemon juice and honey. For cooking, you need 2 lemons and 50g of honey. The lotion should be left for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be cleaned with running water. Citruses are an excellent whitening agent, and a beekeeping product is an ideal nutritional component that normalizes metabolism.
  2. Use a parsley tonic. Grind the grass to a mushy consistency. Apply to skin for 0.5 hour, then rinse.
  3. The use of kefir lotions. Pour a small amount of kefir onto the skin and rub lightly. After 20 minutes, rinse the pigmentation area with water. Kefir has a pronounced whitening and softening effect.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots?

When or how much will the dark line on the belly go away? In order not to ask this question, you should take care of age spots during pregnancy in advance. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to simple rules:

  • less exposure to the sun;
  • consume 2-3 liters of clean water daily;
  • eat a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals;
  • do not sunbathe in a solarium;
  • use high-quality and hypoallergenic cosmetics;
  • timely treat pathologies of various organs.

The appearance of a dark stripe or line on the abdomen, as well as pigmented formations on other parts of the body during pregnancy or after childbirth, is a significant psychological problem for every woman. However, before you get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence.

First of all, be patient. Recovery will take time; this process is individual for each woman. Do not procrastinate with him, but also do not rush things. Any physical exercise can be started if your health allows it. You can go on a diet if approved by your doctor. But auto-training is indicated for any condition. So start getting back into shape by mentally repeating phrases that will support you.

Try to fully rest, worry less and enjoy every moment of communication with your baby more. How to quickly recover from childbirth- this question will not arise if you gradually, step by step, bring every part of your body in order.

The butt also needs to be cleaned up using home remedies for cellulite.

Since you are raising your baby during this period, and even more so, breastfeeding, then you should be suitable in this case folk recipes for hair loss:

If your nails are flaking and your hair is brittle and dull, drink the apple peel decoction. And the pulp of the apple can be left for your baby for an afternoon snack.

If the hair after giving birth is very weak and brittle and falls out strongly, then it is better to cut it as short as possible, and rub in a solution prepared from burdock oil, onion or birch sap with the addition of vodka or brandy 2 times a week. ratio 3: 3: 1. Hair will stop climbing immediately.

Rinse hair with salted water (0.5 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). This procedure will strengthen not only your hair, but also your fingernails.

Another tip on the same topic: according to popular beliefs, you cannot cut and trim your hair on days when the moon is waning!

When you breastfeed, your appetite increases. It's okay - if the mom eats well, the baby gets everything she needs. Eating well doesn't mean eating a lot. You should choose high-quality healthy food: boiled meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, dairy products.

Breastfeeding, contrary to popular myths, does not add pounds, but helps to lose them.

If you want to dull your hunger, drink a glass of liquid before meals.

Eat often, but in small proportions.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of milk or kefir so as not to suffer from hunger at night.

If there were no complications during childbirth, physical activity can be started a couple of weeks after them. Start with the easiest ones - stretching, walking, slow bends. Of course, the young mother is sorely short of time. But take a few minutes for yourself. Bends or squats can be done while the kettle is boiling or food is heating up. With these small steps, you can gradually lose weight after childbirth.

Your baby will provide you with a great workout. Wear it on your hands more often, and after a couple of months you will find that the muscles in your arms and back are stronger.

When holding your baby, watch your posture and do not slouch.

If you curl up while breastfeeding, it negatively affects the condition of the spine and chest.

They will help to improve the shape and walking with the child on the street. Walk at a pleasant pace. Fresh air and walking with your baby will help you shed those extra pounds.

During pregnancy, the abdominal wall is significantly stretched, therefore, naturally, after childbirth, the stomach becomes sagging and flabby in some women. If you did physical exercises before pregnancy, then it will be much easier to restore your figure.

Take a contrast shower daily and massage your abdomen with a cold and warm stream of water, alternating clockwise for 15 minutes.

Do the simplest exercises to remove the belly after childbirth... These are abs exercises: lying on your back, raise and lower your legs. Exercise "Scissors" and "Bicycle" are also great for training the abdominal muscles.

If you have after childbirth there are age spots on the body, then, as a rule, age spots should disappear on their own in 3-4 months after childbirth.

Treatment of age spots with folk remedies

If you want to speed up their disappearance, apply a yogurt mask 2 times a day for 15 minutes. After the mask, wipe the age spots with lemon juice.

Also effective whitening masks can be obtained from strawberries, currants and cucumbers. Apply the gruel from these products to your face and leave it on for 25 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Helps get rid of age spots quickly after childbirth and parsley. Pour 200 ml boiling water over 2 tsp. chopped parsley and leave for 3 hours. 2 times a day, wipe your face with this infusion or freeze it and wipe your face with ice.

Mix 3 parts fresh unpasteurized milk with 1 part rubbing alcohol and rub this mixture into your skin overnight. Now you know, how to get rid of age spots after childbirth.

Folk remedies for age spots have a very big advantage over store products - you cannot do any harm to the baby!

Almost every mom is faced with stretch marks. To prevent their appearance, during pregnancy, wear special underwear and a bandage, moisturize the skin with oils and creams - this is the best remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy.

  • What to do if stretch marks appear

If stretch marks are barely noticeable after childbirth, then use creams with collagen and vitamins A and E, special pharmacy creams and ointments for scars and stretch marks.

  • Stretch marks after childbirth can remove folk remedies

Mix 100 ml of aloe juice and 100 ml of olive oil. Put 10 drops of vitamin E and five drops of vitamin A into the mixture. Apply to the skin 2 times every day and do not rinse. Store unused mixture in the refrigerator in a dark container.

Try not to sunbathe too much. Stretch marks are more visible on darker skin.

  • Coffee scrub for stretch marks

Scrub the stretch marks regularly. For these purposes, ground coffee, sugar or salt are suitable. Mix this scrub base with 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil, you can replace it with almond or peach oil. Add 1 tbsp there. l. natural unsweetened yogurt or cream. Apply a coffee scrub to problem areas where there are stretch marks, 2 times a week, massaging.

  • Essential oils for stretch marks

Don't forget about aromatherapy. Orange, lemon and tangerine oils, lavender and geranium oils, neroli and rosemary enhance the ability of cells to regenerate. Add them drop by drop to massage and moisturizers. They can be based on olive oil, almond oil, or wheat germ oil. However, be careful when using essential oils while breastfeeding. Use better other means to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth.

To restore the skin in places of stretch marks, it is useful to wrap with cocoa butter and therapeutic mud.

Eat more greens, vegetable oils, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids. And you will get rid of stretch marks faster.

You can also alternate procedures for getting rid of stretch marks and anti-cellulite massage

Pregnancy entails many physiological changes, and a woman believes that after childbirth everything will return to normal. But this is not always the case. A dark stripe on the abdomen, for example, can remind of nine months of bearing a baby for a long time.

Pigmentation on the stomach - what is it

Pigmentation on the abdomen in the form of a dark vertical line does not appear accidentally. This is directly related to the human anatomical structure.

The muscles of the right and left abdomen converge with each other strictly in the middle. In this place, connective tissue is located, consisting mainly of collagen fibers. It is she who forms the white line (or the alba line), which turns dark during pregnancy in three women out of four.

The white line on the belly is so named because it is composed of collagen fibers, which are white to slightly silvery in color.

The alba line is located strictly in the middle of the abdomen

Causes of the appearance of pigmentation on the abdomen

The dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth is the result of hormonal changes in the body. For a successful pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone becomes very high, and this entails the production of melanin - a coloring pigment on which the color of the skin, hair and eyes depends. It accumulates in tissues, which leads to hyperpigmentation.

Dark marks can be present not only on the woman's abdomen, but also on the face, chest, and external genitals.

The white line of the abdomen is called the linea alba, or in Latin Linea alba, and the dark stripe has its own name - Linea nigra

Why is not every pregnant woman having pigmentation on the abdomen? Experts associate the likelihood of its manifestation with a number of factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • color of the skin;

    The dark streak appears more often in dark-skinned women with dark hair.

  • lack of folic acid (vitamin B 9);
  • changes in the work of the liver, pituitary gland, ovaries.

Thus, no one can say for sure whether a woman will have a brown stripe.

When the dark line on the abdomen disappears after childbirth

It is impossible to say exactly when the pigmentation on the belly of a woman who has given birth will disappear - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some mothers note that the dark streak disappeared 2–4 months after the birth of the baby. In isolated cases, the mark remains after a year.

Why doesn't pigmentation disappear right after the baby is born? Childbirth does not mean that a woman's hormonal background will quickly return to normal, it takes several months. In addition, breastfeeding also implies an increased activity of hormones, which affects the condition of the mother and the timing of the disappearance of the strip.

The peculiarity of the structure of the white line of the abdomen is another important factor in the speed of disappearance of the dark mark. The Albian line is practically devoid of blood vessels; therefore, the excess pigment accumulated in tissue cells is washed out more slowly than if it were more supplied with blood vessels.

How can you remove a dark strip from the abdomen after childbirth

Pigmentation on the abdomen is not a dangerous phenomenon. The dark streak is only a cosmetic problem that can cause psychological discomfort in a woman. That is why some mothers are looking for ways to quickly remove the annoying mark from their bodies.

Home treatments to remove dark streaks

Home beauty treatments are the safest and easiest way to speed up the disappearance of the dark line on your belly. To do this, use:

  • cosmetics;
  • bleaching properties of plants;
  • soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Belly beauty cosmetics

The use of ready-made cosmetics is the easiest way to help get rid of the dark line on the abdomen after childbirth faster. A young mother can use various whitening creams, mild scrubs to help exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, ready-made masks and lotions.

Some women note that they managed to get rid of the strip on their stomach with a regular washcloth. They rubbed the problem skin more thoroughly while bathing, removing dead dark particles.

Cosmetics firms offer a variety of skin whitening products

When resorting to the help of cosmetics, you need to remember about the possibility of an allergic reaction. After childbirth, as a result of hormonal changes, it is difficult to predict the body's response even to familiar cosmetics, so if redness or itching appears, the cream used should be discarded. In addition, contact of the baby with substances applied to the body should be avoided in order to prevent the occurrence of allergies in him.

The properties of plants for getting rid of pigmentation

Sometimes the price of cosmetics is quite high, and women prefer home cosmetics. Cucumber, lemon and parsley have a good whitening effect. They can be used alone or in combination with each other and other ingredients.

  1. Cucumber. To lighten hyperpigmentation, apply:
    • fruit juice, rubbing it on dark areas of the skin;
    • pulp gruel, which is applied to the stomach;
    • chopped medium-sized vegetable in combination with 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  2. Lemon. Sour citrus is used in different ways:
    • as in the case of a cucumber, the pigmentation area on the abdomen is rubbed with fruit juice;
    • lemon juice is combined with cucumber juice and applied to a dark strip;
    • crushed fruit pulp is combined with honey and olive oil in equal proportions and applied to the problem area.
  3. Parsley. A decoction is prepared from greens or added to masks:
    • Boil 50 grams of the green part of the plant for 15 minutes in half a liter of water, cool, pour the broth into ice molds and place in the freezer. With the resulting cubes, rub the annoying marks;
    • a bunch of leaves is crushed in a blender along with half a cucumber, add 0.5 tbsp. l. sour cream and mix.

Photo Gallery: Cucumber, Lemon and Parsley Skin Care

Cucumber not only brightens the skin, but also moisturizes it Lemon is sold in stores at any time of the year, so it is convenient to use it even in winter Parsley is an affordable skin care product for every woman

Soda and hydrogen peroxide in the fight against pigmentation after childbirth

Soda and hydrogen peroxide have a pronounced whitening effect, therefore they are used to lighten hyperpigmentation. They are used in the preparation of masks that are applied to problem areas:

  • Mix soda with a little water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply it on a dark strip and let it sit for 5 minutes. If you lightly massage your stomach before rinsing off the product, then, in addition to the mask, you will also get the effect of a scrub;
  • combine one tablespoon of sour cream, cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply the composition on the skin for 20 minutes.

Professional methods of removing pigmentation from the abdomen after childbirth

If pigmentation does not go away a year after giving birth, and industrial and home cosmetics do not help, you can contact a beautician in order to remove the strip using professional methods.

Or chloasma usually occurs between the fourth and sixth months. The face is most prone to pigmentation: spots appear on the forehead and temples, as well as around the mouth. This feature of the location of the spots gave rise to a special term called "pregnancy mask". Pigmentation is more pronounced in brunettes, although blondes are often prone to chloasma. The reason for the appearance of skin hyperpigmentation in most cases is exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Expectant mothers spend too much time in the sun without protecting their face from direct rays, thereby provoking the appearance of chloasma. The second most likely reason is a change in the hormonal background of the body. Both of these factors are often interrelated.

Before starting self-treatment of age spots, visit a doctor to rule out possible diseases of the genital organs, malfunctioning of the liver and adrenal glands, as well as a lack of folic acid in the body.

For those young mothers who want quick results, fruit acid peels, phototherapy and cryotherapy can be recommended. These procedures are highly effective and give quick results.

Prevention of the appearance of age spots

You can prevent the appearance of hyperpigmentation by observing certain rules. It is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, especially under direct exposure to it. To prevent this, wear wide-brimmed hats, glasses, and choose evening hours for walking. The greatest activity occurs during the period from eleven in the morning to four in the afternoon. Apply a light moisturizing sunscreen to your skin before sun exposure. Despite the dangerous effects of sunlight on a woman's body, you should not completely abandon sunbathing. The sun is necessary for the production of important vitamin D, and also just for a good mood.

It is important to minimize the use of cosmetics during, but if you still cannot do without cosmetics, take into account certain conditions. For facial skin care, do not use products that have an unnecessarily traumatic effect: scrubs, peels, and products with a too strong odor. Be sure to check new purchases for possible allergy development.

Pigmented spots are formations on the skin resulting from excessive accumulation of melanin pigment. Pigmented spots on the face after childbirth are common. They cause psychological discomfort and some inconvenience. To cope with the problem, women need to understand the features of hyperpigmentation and how to remove it.

During the period of gestation, a woman's organs undergo changes. This is due to hormonal changes in the expectant mother. Increased pigmentation of the skin of the face and body is the result of hormonal disruptions. Such spots are called chloasma, and among the people - the "mask of pregnancy." They arise during gestation on the face, neck, chest (in the nipple region), abdomen, in the bikini area, and persist for a long time after the birth of the child. Under the influence of certain internal changes, melanocyte cells, which are responsible for the production of melanin, intensively produce pigment. This happens to protect the mother and unborn child from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Women do not feel physical discomfort, the problem is rather aesthetic.

Pigmented spots that appear after childbirth may indicate:

  1. Staying under stress. The worries about the previous childbirth and the baby's health can affect the functioning of the female body.
  2. Lack of vitamins, in particular folic acid. Nutritional restrictions in the postpartum period affect the state of the mother's systems.
  3. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight. Such situations cause increased production of melanin, which leads to hyperpigmentation.
  4. Disorders of the digestive tract. Dysfunction of the digestive system can cause pigmentation after childbirth.
  5. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine in the body leads to thyroid problems. As a symptom, brown spots appear on the face. With a similar phenomenon, pigmentation appears in the area of ​​the eyes or lips.
  6. Diseases of the liver and kidneys can cause hyperchromia.

To understand the true cause of the appearance of age spots, a woman after childbirth should undergo a diagnostic examination.

How long does it take

The duration of the presence of hyperchromic spots is related to the cause of their occurrence. If the provoking factor of this condition is any disease, the problem will not disappear until complete recovery.

Under normal circumstances, if hormonal changes are the cause of pigmentation on the face, arms, legs, trunk, skin defects should disappear within 3 months. With abundant formations (the whole body, including the area of ​​the limbs, head, pelvis and intimate area), cleansing can take up to six months.

In the photo on the Internet, you can see cases with pronounced pigment accumulations.

If a woman after childbirth does not restore adequate nutrition, and her body continues to experience a lack of vitamins and nutrients, the pigmentation will not disappear. It may be necessary to stop breastfeeding for this purpose.

The spots fade slowly. Slight lightening of problem areas will indicate a favorable outcome. A woman can wait until the pigmentation disappears on its own, or use special means to speed up the process.

If the spots do not disappear from the previous place for more than a year, the woman is advised to consult a dermatologist and undergo a diagnostic examination.

How to get rid of pigmentation

In the postpartum period, a girl should resort to those methods of treatment that will not affect the weakened body and health of the newborn child.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetology offers a wide range of different products to remove skin growths.

Cream for age spots Vitex from the Baby Pharmacy series - perfectly copes with skin imperfections. According to reviews, the results from using the product are noticeable after several uses.

The triple action anti-pigmentation cream from Farmasirios removes neoplasms, evens out skin tone and protects from ultraviolet radiation.

Mama comfort does a good job with past stains and prevents future ones.

Mamma donna is a remedy that helps to remove hyperchromia during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The product brightens dark areas well, prevents the likelihood of new spots appearing.

Salon procedures

An easy way to get rid of spots on your face is to visit a beautician. In a specialized salon, the client will be offered to undergo one of the existing procedures for renewing the skin:

  • cryotherapy - removal (freezing) of stains with liquid nitrogen;
  • laser resurfacing - allows you to remove the top layer of the skin using a special apparatus;
  • photorejuvenation - skin cleansing with intense light fluxes;
  • microdermabrasion - tissue resurfacing with microscopic particles;
  • chemical peeling - removing stains from the skin with the help of chemicals.

Before using such procedures, a woman is advised to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment is an affordable alternative to salon and cosmetic methods. Removing pigmentation at home is carried out using recipes with natural ingredients.

Citric acid or any citrus juice is popular. They wipe problem areas daily until the neoplasms are completely eliminated. Pigments will remove the juice of parsley, cucumber, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, an infusion of elderberry or chamomile water. It is recommended to use them even before getting pregnant.

For what reasons, postpartum facial pigmentation does not go away

The prolonged presence of dark pigments on the face causes confusion and anxiety. If the spots do not go away within 1 year, the woman should seek qualified help. This will allow you to identify the cause of the violation and treat the problem correctly.

Long-term presence of dark-colored formations can be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • prolonged breastfeeding;
  • regular exposure to direct sunlight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • deprive red;
  • the presence of a fungal infection on the skin;
  • reproductive system disorders;
  • visiting the solarium;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • cancer of the skin.

An examination by a specialist and a detailed study of the results of laboratory research may be the basis for the appointment of any method of treatment.

Do not diagnose yourself. Misdiagnosis will lead to inappropriate treatment. This will affect the condition of the skin and human health. The postpartum period limits the use of most drugs and remedies for disease control.

Contraindications to the use of pigmentation removers

In order not to harm yourself and the newborn child, it is necessary to take into account some contraindications.

  • Do not remove pigments until your baby is 3 months old.
  • Use drugs only if there are no allergic diseases in the mother or child.
  • It is contraindicated to use treatment with drugs in the presence of inflammatory processes, open wounds, a rash on the skin of the face.

Pigmented spots that have arisen after childbirth, in most cases, are not a pathological condition. If they do not go away for a long period, they itch, peel off or bleed, you should go to see a doctor.