How to get rid of all diseases (a selection of videos about the psycho-emotional causes of illness and a universal, simple algorithm for healing diseases). Health Fundamentals: How to Get Rid of Disease

Hello dear friends and associates!

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words are used to cover it up.

We also see the result on doctors: they live 1520 years less than other people. The inability to withstand stress, to adapt to life takes 15-20 years of life from doctors.

Remember the common expression: " doctors fought for the patient's life". With whom did you fight? Disease, if it is spiritually perceived, is a blessing.

Official medicine, represented by its leaders, prohibits self-medication and has declared some strange and terrible monopoly on the health of other people that does not belong to it.

If the patient suffers from pain, then he is given a pill, if the tumor grows, they offer radical methods, namely surgery. If even this does not help, then they turn on the radio and chemotherapy.

As before, the problem of medicine is a lack of understanding of what a disease is, what are its causes and what needs to be done to prevent it from arising.

Although, some thinking doctors who want to sincerely help the patient are beginning to look for alternative methods of healing. Today, interest in Eastern medicine has increased, where treatment is focused specifically on the entire body, and not on a single organ, and doctors had to study such concepts as energy meridians and channels.

The concept of the body, not only as a physical, but also as an energy system, began to gradually enter into the understanding of every doctor.

Eastern medicine considers a person, first of all, as an energy system that interacts with the whole world.

The development of official medicine has led to the understanding that the cause of diseases is a decrease in immunity, and even at the heart of cancer are disorders of the immune system.

The immune system is closely related to the energy of a person and depends on it, therefore, by increasing the energy of the body, we increase immunity.

One single cause of all diseases !!!

Illness is a measure of ignorance, they say in the East.

There is Divine consciousness, and there is human consciousness.

There is a Divine picture of the world, and there is a human picture of the perception of the world.

There is a Divine plan, a plan, and there is ours, personal - human.

And how far we have deviated in our individual consciousness from the Divine, so much we will have to pay through the humiliation of the body (illness).

A person is a cell of a huge Universal Organism (body), and if this cell works for the good of the whole organism, then it receives everything it needs for its happy and healthy existence, and if it turns into a "cancerous" one and starts working only for itself, it does harm to others, then it is necessary to destroy, eliminate, cut out the tumor, give the disease to rethink your way of thinking and behavior.

Violation in organs and tissues is a consequence. The causes of diseases lie in the subtle bodies, and the subtle bodies reflect a person's worldview: his thoughts, feelings, desires.

It follows that voluntary alignment of one's worldview and attitude in accordance with the Creator's plan is the fastest way to get rid of all diseases.

In this case, a very rapid restoration of subtle bodies occurs, and the disease loses its informational cause, but since the physical body is material, then it will take more time to restore the tissues and organs of our body, depending on the degree of damage, but this is the only sure and fastest way of recovery.

(To be continued)

There is a proven technique to restore health! Find out how to get rid of diseases in just a few hours!

Diseases can be very different, but they are all associated with a violation of the circulation of energy in the body.

There is a fairly simple healing technique based on working with energy. It allows you to cure any disease in just one evening.

The only thing you need to practice is the skill of concentration.

How to get rid of diseases? A powerful technique for restoring health!

1. In order to get rid of diseases, the practitioner in the evening sits down with his face to the east and begins to gaze intently with his mind's eye inside his own body. It is very important to remain alone during the practice so that nothing and no one distracts from the inner work.

2. Concentrating on his internal organs, at the site of the disease, a person tries to mentally imagine himself from the inside. He peers inside himself until he sees his illness.

3. At first it may appear as a dark spot, but as you concentrate it becomes more distinct and takes shape. The longer the practitioner gazes at the disease, the denser its black figure will be.

4. Looking at this figure, the practitioner will, over time, begin to notice that the figure will begin to brighten and gradually become white.

5. Then, continuing to gaze at the image of the disease, the practitioner will notice that the white figure will become glass and then evaporate into space.

6. As soon as this happens, the practitioner can go to sleep, in the morning he will wake up healthy.


If you often ask the question: "How to get rid of diseases?" and want to use this technique, you need to know the following:

During such treatment, it is necessary to focus all your attention on the image of the disease. This practice takes at least 3 hours, but done correctly, it gives amazing results.

Mentally reciting the Buddhist mantra² “NARCHIA-HYARMIYATOSH-ADIBUDDA-THARIRUPA” will help you to immerse yourself in yourself and fully concentrate.

Nina Khokhlova

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Mantra is a sacred text in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring an accurate reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

August 13th, 2015

Renowned physician and scientist Lissa Rankin gave a TED talk about what she has learned over her years of researching the placebo effect. She seriously believes that our thoughts affect our physiology. And that with the help of the power of thought alone, we are able to cure any disease.

Rankin found concrete evidence that our bodies have their own innate self-care and repair system.

She conducted a study involving 3,500 people who were diagnosed with an incurable disease: cancer, HIV, cardiovascular disease, etc. They all had nothing to lose. All of them mentally have already said goodbye to life.

Lissa started giving them placebo pills. Only the volunteers did not know this: they thought they were being given a new, ultra-effective medicine for their disease. And many of them managed to recover!

In this lecture, she talks about Mr. Wright, who used a placebo pill to cut the size of his cancer in half. It decreased only because he himself believed that it should decrease!

Can people heal themselves with the help of consciousness?

Unfortunately, there is no translation into Russian

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera

Here are the key messages from her 18-minute lecture.

Can consciousness heal the body? And if so, is there any evidence that could convince skeptical doctors like me?

I have been researching placebos throughout the last years of my scientific career. And now I am sure that, before me, research has proved it over the past 50 years: consciousness can really heal the body.

The placebo effect is a thorn in the body of a medical practice. This is an unpleasant truth that can give doctors the opportunity to release more and more new drugs, try more and more new methods of treatment.

But I think the effectiveness of the placebo is good news. For the sick, not for doctors, of course.

Because this is an iron proof that a unique mechanism of self-healing is hidden inside each body, so far unknown to us. Perhaps God gave it to us!

If you find it hard to believe, you can study one of 3500 stories about how people themselves, without medical assistance, got rid of "incurable" diseases. It's about medical facts, not beautiful journalistic stories.

Has Stage Four Cancer Gone Without Treatment? HIV positive patients become HIV negative? Heart failure, kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease, autoimmune disease - it all disappeared!

An excellent example from the medical literature is the case of Mr. Wright, studied in 1957.

He had an advanced form of lymphosarcoma. The patient was not doing very well, and he had little time. He had orange-sized tumors in his armpits, neck, chest and abdomen. The liver and spleen were enlarged, and the lungs collected 2 liters of turbid fluid every day. They needed to be drained so he could breathe.

But Mr. Wright did not lose hope. He learned about the wonderful medicine Krebiosen and begged his doctor: "Please give me Krebiosen and everything will work out." But this drug could not have been prescribed under research protocol by a doctor who knows the patient has less than three months to live.

His attending physician, Dr. West, could not do this. But Mr. Wright was persistent and did not give up. He continued to beg for medicine until the doctor agreed to prescribe Krebiosen.

He assigned the dose for the next Friday of the next week. Hoping Mr. Wright won't make it to Monday. But by the appointed hour he was on his feet and even walked around the ward. I had to give him medicine.

And after 10 days, Wright's tumors were halved from their previous size! They melted like snowballs in a hot oven! Another couple of weeks have passed since the start of taking Krebiosen, they have completely disappeared.

Wright danced like a madman for joy and believed Krebiosen was the miraculous medicine that cured him.

He believed this for two whole months. Until there was a full medical report on Krebiozen, it was said that the therapeutic effect of this drug has not been proven.

Mr. Wright became depressed and the cancer returned. Dr. West decided to cheat and explained to his patient: “That Krebiosen was not cleaned well enough. It was of poor quality. But now we have ultra-pure, concentrated Krebiozen. And this is what you need! "

Wright was then injected with pure distilled water. And his tumors disappeared again, and the fluid from his lungs was gone!

The patient began to have fun again. All two months until the Medical Association of America messed things up with a nationwide report that definitely proved Krebiosen was useless.

Two days after he heard the news, Wright died. He died, despite the fact that a week before his death he flew his own light-engine plane!

Here is another case known to medicine that looks like a fairy tale.

Three girls were born. The midwife delivered the baby on Friday the 13th. And she began to assert that all children born on this day are subject to corruption.

“The first,” she said, “will die before her 16th birthday. The second - up to 21 years old. The third - up to 23 years old ”.

And, as it turned out later, the first girl died the day before her 16th birthday, the second - before the age of 21. And the third, knowing what happened to the two previous ones, the day before her 23rd birthday, she went to the hospital with hyperventilation syndrome and asked the doctors: "I will survive, won't I?" She was found dead that night.

These two cases from the medical literature are excellent examples of the placebo effect and its opposite, the nocebo.

When Mr. Wright was cured with distilled water, it's a good example of the placebo effect. You are offered inert therapy - and it somehow works, although no one can explain it.

The nocebo effect is the opposite. These three girls who were "jinxed" are a prime example of this. When the mind believes that something bad can happen, it becomes reality.

Medical journals, journals, The New English Medical Journal, the Journal of the Medical Association of America, are all full of evidence for the placebo effect.

When people are told that they are being given an effective medicine, but are instead given injections of saline or sugar pills, it is often even more effective than actual surgery.

In 18-80% of cases, people recover!

And it's not just that they think they are feeling better. They actually feel better. It's measurable. With the help of modern devices, we can observe what happens in the bodies of patients who have taken placebo. Their ulcers heal, the symptoms of intestinal inflammation diminish, bronchols expand, and the cells begin to look different under a microscope.

It's easy to confirm that this is happening!

I love Rogaine's research. There is a bunch of bald guys, you give them a placebo and their hair starts growing!

Or the opposite effect. You give them a placebo, you call it chemotherapy, and people start to vomit! Their hair is falling out! This is really happening!

But is it really just the power of positive thinking that produces these results? No, says Harvard scientist Ted Kaptchuk.

He argues that nursing and caring for patients by health workers is even more important than positive thinking. In other words, any sick person can recover only if not only he himself believes in victory over the disease, but also his family and his doctor (let it be better to lie than to tell the bitter truth). Research proves this, too.

What should be a "self-healing first aid kit"?

To be able to heal ourselves, to be healthy and to function at an optimal level, we need more than just a good diet or exercise. It's not enough to just get enough sleep, take vitamins, and visit your doctor regularly. This is all good and important, but even more we need a healthy relationship. a healthy work environment, the ability to lead a creative life, a healthy spiritual and sexual life.

Internal wick.

In order to be a normal, healthy person, you need what I call your "inner wick." It is your inner compass that always knows which direction you should be heading. You must know what you are living for and what should be expected in the end.

Wide circle of contacts.

Plus, your relationships are critical to your health. People with a strong social circle are half as likely to suffer from heart disease as those who are single.

Married couples are twice as likely to live long lives as unmarried people.

Healing your loneliness is the most important preventative measure you can take for your good health.

This is more effective than quitting smoking or starting to exercise.

Spiritual life.

It matters too. Parishioners of churches live on average 14 years longer than those who do not go to them.


And she's important. In Japan, people often die in the workplace. This is called karoshi syndrome. People who don't take vacations are three times more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Your attitude towards life.

Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people. An optimist is 77% less likely to develop heart disease than a pessimist.

How it works? What happens in the brain that changes the body?

The brain communicates with the cells of the body through hormones and neurotransmitters. The brain defines negative thoughts and beliefs as a threat.

You are lonely, pessimistic, something is wrong at work, problematic relationships ... And now, your amygdala is already screaming: “Threat! A threat!". The hypothalamus turns on, then the pituitary gland, which, in turn, communicates with the adrenal glands, which begin to release stress hormones - cortisol, noradernaline, adrenaline. Harvard scientist Walter Kenneth calls this a "stress response."

This includes your sympathetic nervous system, which puts your body in a fight-or-flight state. It protects you when you run away from a lion or a tiger.

But in everyday life, in the event of a threat, the same rapid stress response arises, which should be turned off when the danger has passed.

Fortunately, there is a counterweight. It was described by Herbert Benson of Harvard University. When the danger is gone, the brain fills the body with healing hormones - oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins. They fill the body and cleanse every cell. And the amazing thing is that this natural self-healing mechanism is activated only when the nervous system is relaxed.

In a stressful situation, the body has no time for this: it needs to fight or flee, and not heal.

When you think about it, you ask yourself: how can I change this balance? One report states that we face about 50 stressful situations every day.

If you are single, depressed, unhappy with your job, or have a bad relationship with your partner, that number will at least double.

So, when you take a pill, not knowing that it is a placebo, your body starts a relaxation process. You are convinced that the new medicine will help you, a positive attitude is right there, and you are properly looked after by a medical professional ... It relaxes the nervous system. It is then that the wonderful mechanism of self-healing turns on.

Research shows that there are several effective ways to relax and get it up and running:

  • Meditation;

  • Creative expression of yourself;

  • Massage;

  • Yoga or tai chi;

  • Walk with friends;

  • Doing what you love;

  • Sex;

  • Playing with an animal.

In general, all you need to do to heal yourself is to just relax. It's really good to relax. Do you have the courage to accept this truth that your body already knows? Nature can be better than medicine! And, as you already know, there is evidence for this!

If you mention somewhere about the presence of a female disease, then "knowledgeable people" will immediately tell you meaningfully: "this is your grudge against men."

However, I decided to purposefully and professionally figure out what causes female diseases and how to get rid of them forever... My practical experience as a psychologist has shown that grievances against men make up only a small part of the list of causes of diseases in the female sphere.

According to official medical statistics, the level of gynecological diseases in our country has been steadily growing in recent years. So, according to the official data of medical statistics * for 2014-2015, the incidence of endometriosis in Russia increased by 6.2 percent, the number of menstrual irregularities increased by 0.8 percent, and female infertility increased by 11 over this period. 3 percent. (* "Statistical materials. Part IV. General morbidity of the adult population of Russia in 2015": Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute for Organization and Informatization of Health Care" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, 2016)

In this article, we will discuss the causes of the most common diseases of the female sphere: cervical erosion, thrush (Candida), endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, menstrual irregularities, possible causes of infections.

Despite the fact that doctors' forecasts often sound disappointing: most diseases, from the point of view of doctors, are incurable or can only be removed by surgery - nevertheless you can get rid of these diseases if you treat the healing process correctly... Of course, you need to follow all the recommendations of the attending physicians, but in order to find out the cause of women's diseases and neutralize it, you should turn to the methods of psychotherapy.

The key to our recovery lies within yourself. And you can pick up this magic key with the help of psychotherapy. And I'm 100% sure that if you REALLY WANT to become a healthy woman, you can do it.

According to my experience to cure even an "incurable" disease of the female sphere is REAL... But what is needed for this? What is so magical that psychotherapy can give that gynecologists cannot?

If you decide to seek psychotherapeutic assistance in healing, you will begin, firstly, to understand the reasons due to which you have this or that disease, and awareness is already 50% of success, secondly, you will understand what you need in order to start living without illness.

Someone will be helped by the awareness of the cause of their illness and the illness will begin to recede, someone will need the next step - to change their lifestyle, because the illness is our helper who is trying to convey to us important information about ourselves, about what we are likely to have forgotten or do not want to look at.

Looking inside ourselves, looking at our feminine sphere, we will see that we have clamped ourselves as a woman, we tried to tame and hide our feminine strength, our power. Or we have allowed ourselves to offend, to disappoint our heart, our soul. Either we did not allow self-love, we desperately did not accept our body, we did not like that we were born a woman, or we were ashamed of our sexuality. And not only we, but also our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers.

All these negative experiences were deposited in a dark layer on our uterus, in our chest - on the most delicate and fragile organs. In those places that should be the keepers and sources of our feminine strength! We have created dams in the way of this force, fearing it like fire, fearing not to cope, fearing to be disappointed again. In the worst cases, women are even ready to go under the knife and cut out a part of themselves, completely forgetting about their true divine nature, forgetting that we ourselves create our reality and in our and only our powers to heal ourselves, to heal our crippled inner woman. Finally, allow yourself to be yourself!

The causes of female diseases can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: disappointment, not self-love and heredity.

To the first group "Disappointments" may include: grievances against the father, childhood traumas, grievances of the "inner girl", bad experience of building relationships with the opposite sex, grievances against men, "false pregnancies", etc.

Second group“Not self-love” can include: latent anger and self-hatred, excess self-pity, rejection of one's female body, rejection of oneself as a woman, rejection of the inner child (inner girl), prohibitions on pleasure, exposure, suppression of one's own sexuality. A common cause of infection, incl. STIs are problems with defending their own interests, observing their personal boundaries and the boundaries of other people.

Third group "Heredity"- These are mainly genetically determined diseases transmitted by inheritance from the mother, grandmothers, etc. In this case, the situation in the family is being worked out, which was not properly experienced and led to the formation of the disease and its transmission as an inheritance. Modern methods of psychology allow you to work out the experience of ancestors and consciously decide whether you need such an inheritance.

It is also rare, but there are diseases that indicate some unresolved situation in a past life.

I offer you a simple but very effective projective test of the state of your female sphere.

Imagine any vessel, you can close your eyes, and mentally consider:

  • what shape is this vessel,
  • what material is it from,
  • what's inside him
  • where does he stand,
  • what does he want?

Then sketch this vessel on paper.

Now let's see the description:

The first thing to pay attention to: What is the vessel filled with - is there liquid in it?

The liquid inside the vessel symbolizes the feminine energy.

If the vessel is 100% full - great, it means that you are full of energy and vitality.

If the vessel is partially filled, this means that you may not have enough strength at the moment, perhaps you feel tired. The reasons can be both temporary fatigue at work, and the presence of "emotional blocks that interfere with the free circulation of energy."

Vessel shape:"Simple form": a bucket, a bowl, a glass indicates your openness and frankness. Sometimes it’s difficult to say “No” to people.

The graceful shape of the vessel indicates high self-esteem and a woman's desire to please. There is not always a desire to take care of the house.

The image of a formless vessel speaks of rejection of their femininity.

The bottom of the vessel: Wide bottom- openness, openness as a woman.

Stable and wide bottom, speaks of a self-confident, firmly standing woman.

If the bottom is narrow the bottom, then the woman lacks grounding (the practice of “grounding” will be presented later).

Now, after we have decided in what state the female sphere is at the moment, we will answer the question: "What can help improve your women's health?"

Firstly, if you already have any education, or serious illness, you will need to seek the help of psychotherapy. Below I will present a few techniques that you can use on your own. But for a high-quality, reliable study, you still need the help of a professional. When you identify all the reasons, erroneous beliefs that led you to create this disease and change your thinking and perhaps your lifestyle accordingly, after some time your disease will go away.

But you can also try and talk to the disease yourself, because it is your friend. Though you may not know about it yet. She came to help you - to point out your feminine sphere, that it is time for you to open up.

Practice: "Conversation with the disease"

Close your eyes, focus on your body. Take a deep breath in and out, relax your body. Feel your heart - enter it from the side of your chest. Ask your illness to show itself to you. Look at who or what she looks like.

If you do not see your illness yet, then ask your subconscious mind: "If I knew what my illness looks like, who or what would it look like?"

Look at her. Record how you feel about her.

Turn to the disease, ask it: how does it serve you? What does it give you? How does it benefit your life?

You need to find at least 3 reasons why she came into your life. For chronic diseases, this may be more.

Ask her: when did she come to you for the first time? Where is she from? Find out what she wants to tell you, convey? Everything that she will tell you now. Helps you become mindful and happier. Thank the disease for all the knowledge that it gave you. They will help you make a choice to be with her or change your lifestyle and get rid of her.

Now come back out of the heart through the center of the chest. And find yourself here and now. "

Secondly, I recommend energy practices more or less normally as an additional means of treatment or if you are healthy and more or less normal. At first, it is possible that you will not feel anything - this indicates the presence of blocks, the absence of energetic contact with the elements, with the earth. You need to continue doing the practices and at a certain moment you will feel how heat and tingling will go through your body, you will begin to feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy, contact with your feminine power will be established. It's worth it.

Below are some basic energy practices that are the best place to start.

Safety precautions: for a start, limit the time to 10-15 minutes, do not bring yourself to euphoria, do not scold yourself if something does not work out right away. Thank yourself for every step you take.
Restoring contact with the ground.

The energy of the Earth has healing properties, it gives us health, youth, wealth and prosperity. I propose to pay special attention to the practice of "grounding".

Sit comfortably with a straight back. Straighten your spine - your power axis. We close our eyes. We take a deep breath and a deep breath.

And imagine that now from the center of your soles, an energetic branching root is growing, and it goes very deeply into the ground through all the floors. If you are on any floor, through asphalt, through stone, sand, clay, it goes very deep into the Earth, to the very center of Mother Earth, to the core of the Earth, where her heart is. And you feel how your roots are drawn to the heart of Mother Earth, to her strength, to her energy. And you sincerely, sincerely, heartily address Mother Earth: “M Atushka Earth fill me with the energy of strength, the energy of life and prosperity, wealth and sexuality. ”

V You feel that immediately Mother Earth responds and a very powerful dense stream begins to flow through your roots and it rises up, goes through your soles, goes through your legs, goes up the spine and fills your entire body, you mentally fill all this energy into the uterus.

In order to help the energy rise, you take a deep breath through your nose and draw in this powerful energy as you inhale.

Mother Earth is the power that is given to us for life. Mother Earth gives birth to us, fills us. restores heals.

Take a deep breath through our nose and draw the energy into ourselves and feel how the energy flows into us and fills our every cell and uterus. And we feel how, in some magical way, in this second our life is changing, a transformation is taking place. We return our vitality, our sexuality, our attractiveness, our beauty and youth, wealth and prosperity, lightness return. All this is given by Mother Earth. She is responsible for prosperity, for wealth, for fertility, for energy, for attractiveness and sexuality, for the ability to retain. And in the end, we thank Mother Earth.

Thirdly, training of intimate muscles will be useful.- consult your doctor;

fourthly, cleansing your body of accumulated toxins- detox, especially of the intestines.

Fifth, this is oriental dances, combine elements of energy practices and special physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the female sphere.

So there are a lot of opportunities for healing, you just have to WANT and create an intention to heal.

Sep 7, 2017 Olga

We always do not have enough time to take care of ourselves beloved (oops).

Few people pay attention to the urges of the body when, at the first signs of the disease, it informs the owner about it in various ways (fatigue, tingling, spasms, shortness of breath, cough, discomfort). We most often dismiss these messages, and only when the disease manifests itself in all its glory, we immediately have free time, and we rush to the doctors like mad, pray to all the saints, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. And as soon as the disease releases a little, we immediately relax and begin to live as before.

But in fact, any disease is our best friend and helper. Each ailment tells us certain information: “You are not going there, stop, think!”. But we most often do not think, but swallow pills, suppress our body and continue to move further in the wrong direction.

So what is real health and what does it depend on?

And the health of each person depends on only two factors:

1. Thoughts of a person, his worldview and feelings.
2. What surrounds a person and in one way or another penetrates his body.

Yes, everything is correct, a person's thoughts, his worldview and feelings are in the first place in terms of the importance of influence on the human body. And only in second place is ecology, food and air consumed.

It is much more likely that you will live a healthy and energetic life if you start thinking positively, stop getting angry and offended about every occasion, and clearly know your near and distant life goal.

A very high likelihood of body diseases can arise from self-rejection. Almost all people do not like something about themselves, do not like their appearance or certain character traits. This is a very common cause of various diseases.

Also, often illness, malaise and depression can mean that you do not have specific goals in life. That is, you do not know exactly what you want from life. Just sleep, eat, go to work and watch TV. And even if you read a lot of psychological and developmental literature, this does not mean at all that you have clear life goals.

But if you think that setting goals for yourself is stupid, and in life everything will still happen the way it was laid down by fate, then at least try to do it for the sake of experiment.

Of course, there are thousands of options for the cause of this or that disease in you. And here it is not necessary to look for the answer in books or on the Internet. You will not find a better advisor than your body anywhere.

There is a very simple and accessible way for everyone to understand the cause of their illness or ailment. We create all the events of our life (including diseases) ourselves. “No, I don’t want me to have this disease,” you say. Or "I never wanted this trouble to happen to me." You think so because you don't understand how this principle works. For example, you are terribly tired at work, you are tired of everything, there is not a single free minute. And in your hearts you say: "How tired of all this, I so want to relax!" The subconscious mind perceives your desire in its own way and decides to arrange a vacation for you. You "accidentally" catch a cold and with a clear conscience you can allow yourself to rest.

So what does it take to determine the cause of your illness? To do this, you need to bring information about the cause of the disease from the subconscious to the conscious. You just need to ask yourself: “Why do I need this disease? What does my body want to say to me? " And listen carefully to yourself. The answer may come immediately or appear in the coming days. But he will definitely appear. The answer is within each person. If you do not receive or do not want to receive an answer, then you are comfortable with your illness today and you do not want to change anything.

If you have not yet fully understood how to communicate with your subconscious, then there is an excellent exercise, the correct implementation of which can save you from any disease.

1. Sit or lie down in a place convenient for you. Relax. You can close your eyes. Think about what is bothering you.

Now ask a question to your subconscious mind: Why did you have this disease. How to ask a question to the subconscious? And just like you ask a question to any person. Just ask a question.

The first thought that comes to your mind is the response of the subconscious. Remember the answer. The answer doesn't have to be one.

2. Now ask the subconscious mind the following question: Why do I need this disease, and what I want to say to myself with this disease.

3. Next question: What should I do to get rid of this disease?

Don't worry about never communicating with your subconscious mind. This exercise is obtained by all people without exception.

And this action does not even have to be called communication with the subconscious. You can call it, for example, "communication with the inner self." In fact, you already know why you have this disease and how you can get rid of it. You just need to express a desire to find out this information, and it will immediately open to you.

Is it really necessary to completely abandon medicine, you ask? No, you don't need to do this at all. But you should go to doctors and take pills only when you urgently need help and with one positive attitude and work on yourself, you will not instantly change anything (bleeding, fracture, urgent surgery). But at the same time, after overcoming the crisis, it is imperative to work on your thoughts on your own, to figure out why you have such a situation. After all, nothing happens by accident. Every unpleasant incident, accident, injury, even a scratch reflects some of your wrong thoughts and actions. And turning to doctors and without changing your consciousness, you thereby prepare the ground for another such unpleasant case.

Therefore, take care of your health, love yourself and your body, and you will always be full of health and energy.