How to paint eyes when. How to make up beautiful eyes: useful tips for the lazy. How to properly paint bulging round eyes

Every woman wants to be irresistible. And makeup plays a big role in this. On the face, correctly put accents where they are required the most.

The main thing is to make the look expressive and piercing. Eyes are a mirror of the soul, a visiting card, so to speak. They require special care and attention. You always want to look dignified before an important or evening event - going to the cinema, a restaurant, a date or a corporate party. We present a small master class on how to paint your eyes correctly.

How to paint your eyes correctly?

Stylists assure that the perfect evening eye makeup can be done quickly and in a few simple steps. In practice, this usually takes no more than five minutes.

First, you need to prepare your eyes with a correcting pencil or concealer (foundation). The corrector is almost always indispensable for eliminating the effect of dark circles under the eyes and shading of age spots. It is enough to drop three tiny drops of foundation into the area under the eye and rub them towards the outer corner from the inner corner, where the skin is dark. It is essential that this procedure be carried out delicately, since the skin under the eyes is rather delicate. Use your ring finger as it is considered the softest.

How to paint your eyes correctly?

Second, apply an eye foundation to your eyelid. This is the secret to the strength and durability of future shadows. If the base is not applied, then the eyelid will quickly begin to shine, and the shadows themselves will roll into stripes. The eye makeup base is ready, now you can start the makeup itself.

How to draw arrows on the eyes?

Arrows on the eyes are loved by almost all women. Usually, eyeliner is used to draw graceful arrows. It is easier and more successful for her to draw arrows. It is quite saturated and you can choose an eyeliner of any color to match your eye color. You can also use a pencil for eyeliner. You can outline the eye contour with dark shadows. It will not look so bright and is suitable for daytime makeup.

Try to line your eyes along the line that is as close to the base of the lashes as possible. At the same time, lead it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. If you paint your eyes from below, then gently draw a line under the lower lashes. Here it is worth leading it from the middle of the eye to the outer edge. And you can shade or soften the line with a cotton swab or your finger.

In any case, the first time, not everyone succeeds in accurately bringing up their eyes with eyeliner or pencil. Practice is key here. Over time, you will get better and better, the main thing is not to despair. To help you, you can purchase a thin eyeliner, which is present in almost all cosmetic brands, and it will make it easier for you to learn how to draw beautiful and even arrows. Then you can experiment with the thickness, length and color of the arrows, and choose the style that suits you best.

Arrows on the eyes

Knowing how to use eyeliner correctly is a subtle science. The secret of a pencil is that it can make even small and narrow eyes stand out and noticeable against the background of the entire face. The main thing here is to learn how to use it. The lines should not be sharp, deliberate and dark.

If you plan to line your eyes with a classic pencil (that is, not a liquid one), then check if it is perfectly sharpened. Before painting the eye, highlight that area with shadows. This is necessary so that the line does not disappear and does not melt after a few hours.

Most often, the pencil is applied to the top of the eye. The line should be drawn from the inner edge, and at the root of the eyelashes, to the outer. Do it in one firm move. If you, nevertheless, stumbled in the middle, then the line may turn out to be a broken line. The false start will have to be washed off with a special lotion and start over with a pencil. Practice is important here, of course. Do not despair if the first time did not work out, after a few days you will be able to draw perfectly straight lines above the eyes.

If your eyes are not too large and round, then draw a line at the bottom of the eye. But only from the middle to the outer edge. Otherwise, this option will look very strange - the eyes will become even larger. And be sure to blend the line from the pencil with a cotton swab, finger or shadows. In this case, it will not be very catchy.

How to beautifully paint eyes with shadows?

Another important step is applying the eyeshadow. Hollywood makeup artists advise using the so-called three-level shadows, which include base, highlighter and base. They allow you to achieve the effect of volume. Apply the shadow correctly from the base of the eyelid to the eyebrows. Moreover, with uniform neat strokes. Shadows should extend to the eyebrows themselves, at least from the middle of the eye to the outer edge of the eye. If you want to apply several shades, then first use a lighter one, on the border of the eyelid and eyebrows, and then the darkest one, put it on the eyelid itself.

Next, brighten your eyes with a cosmetic highlighter or the lightest shade of eyeshadow. A microscopic stroke above the inner end of the eye will suffice. In this case, the eye will sparkle instantly and dazzlingly.

Be sure to emphasize the line of the eyebrows. Apply some lighter eyeshadow underneath, leading from the middle to the outer edge. Then rub the shadows with your finger or a clean brush.

Pay attention to a few secrets. The first is correct blending, that is, the so-called shade blending. Experts say that you need to use at least three shades in every make-up - light (basic), dark (a marker for outlining the contour of the eyelashes) and basic (for the eyelid). We start with light and end with dark. Apply the base shade to the entire surface of the eyelid up to the browbone, and then apply the base color. At the end, accents are shaded with a marker. And here the main thing is not to overdo it. Therefore, before makeup, you should practice a little in front of the mirror, play with colors and shadows for the only correct solution.

Another secret to success is choosing the right shade. Better if you choose bright and individual colors. Please note that blue eyeshadow for blue eyes, and brown for brown eyes are not prohibited. Today stylists recommend emphasizing your eye color with an appropriate shade. Antagonists are also popular, that is, blue on brown eyes or gilded on gray ones. And importantly, don't be afraid to experiment.

Never apply a rich shade to the brow bone. Extra touches add drama to the image. Shades should lie only on the eyelid zone. If you want to shade the brow bone, then put neutral shadows there.

Don't be afraid to use glitter eyeshadow. They are good, but they accentuate all the wrinkles and folds. If your eyelids are still perfectly straight, then do not be afraid of sparkles.

How to apply mascara?

The next step is to tackle the eyelashes. Curl them with special tweezers. In this case, even the longest eyelashes will be much more attractive. It is worth noting that it is necessary to twist them before applying mascara. Smoky eyes for a fateful evening

If you want to achieve a more youthful, so-called "disco" effect, then take not a classic black pencil, but blue, green or silver. With such colors, the eyes will sparkle with new colors.

But for the "cat woman" effect, it is worth drawing a clear line from the inner edge of the eye to the outer one, while bending the line up a little at the last stage. That is, the line should not end at the edge of the eye, it should look up at the outer edge of the eyelid. But on the lower part of the eye, draw a line not along the entire length, but slightly stepping back from the outer edge.

Classic smoky eyes from Elena Krygina

By the way, when creating "smoky eyes" do not use cheap shadows. Painstaking makeup requires good cosmetics and a jewelry approach. And don't smudge the colors above the eyelid and beyond the line below the lower lashes.

And remember, with this makeup, you should not rub your eyes and avoid reasons for crying.
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The eyes are the most expressive part of the face. Therefore, most often in makeup, the emphasis is on them. But the wrong make-up can hide the natural beauty of the girl. Therefore, many girls are wondering how to paint their eyes correctly? How to draw straight and neat arrows? Why does the same makeup look great on a friend and terrible on me? In this article, we'll take a closer look at a few points:

  • what things will be needed to create eye makeup;
  • how to determine your eye shape;
  • Let us consider in stages how to paint correctly, taking into account your type of eyes.

Quality brush

The eyeshadow brush should be made from soft natural bristles, which you can easily apply pigment and blend thoroughly. Choose a brush with beveled edges to avoid crisp lines when applying shadows. Do not use silicone applicators, they absorb shadows and shade poorly.

Good makeup brushes are quite expensive, which is why many women of fashion go for the trick. They buy makeup brushes from art stores. These brushes are soft, good quality and inexpensive.


If you are just starting to master makeup, then it is best to immediately buy one high-quality nude eyeshadow palette. Its advantages:

  • it is suitable for any type of make-up;
  • there are collected colors that combine well with each other;
  • suitable for different color types.


Everyone has different tastes, but the most convenient way to draw a straight line is to use eyeliners, felt-tip pens or markers with a thin and firm applicator.

Base for eyeshadow

This item is completely optional for those with dry eyelid skin. On them, the shadows will adhere perfectly even without an additional fixator. But if the skin is oily, the shadows roll down on the eyelids in a couple of hours, then using the base will help you get a bright and lasting color.

There are no special tips here. Everyone chooses mascara for themselves, depending on their preferences in makeup. The only advice that can be given on this matter is that for girls with fair hair and skin, brown mascara is more suitable for daily use. It emphasizes the lashes, but does not create unnecessary contrast on the face.

Determining the type of eyes

The Internet is full of pictures with diagrams of how to paint your eyes correctly. But more often than not, these tips are useless. What's the point of shading 10 eyeshadows if there is a problem with an overhanging eyelid? After all, all the shading will still disappear as soon as you open your eyes. Therefore, we first determine the shape of the eyes.

There are 6 main types of eyes:

  1. Mongoloid
  2. Slanting
  3. With a lowered corner
  4. Hidden eyelid
  5. Large
  6. Almond-shaped

Now let's do a little test that will help determine your parameters.

Do you have an upper eyelid crease?
If your answer is no, then you have a Mongoloid eye shape.

Now draw a mentally straight line through the centers of the pupils. Are the outer corners of the eye above or below it?

If the outer corners of the eye are taller, then you have slanting eyes.

If lower, then the eyes are with lowered corners.

If the pupils are in line with the corners, then look if your upper eyelid hangs over your eyelashes? If so, then you have a hidden eyelid.

Now see if the squirrel is visible above or below the iris. If so, you have big eyes. If not, then you have almond-shaped eyes.

Mongoloid eyes

In our country, such a cut of the eyes is very rare. This is a feature of the eastern edge. In China, many girls have this slit and consider it their biggest problem. There are even special stickers on sale that create the illusion of a fold. If you are interested in them, you can search on foreign sites. They are commercially available. But you can make the right make-up without stickers.

Option 1

  1. Apply light eyeshadow to the lid as a base.
  2. Apply a shimmery eyeshadow in a darker shade to the middle of the eyelid (where the crease should be).
  3. Accentuate the lash line with a dark pencil. Use a similar shade of shadow to blend the line.

Option 2

  1. Take the shade of a light brown shade and draw a line where you want the crease on the eyelid.
  2. Draw a thick arrow in front of the eyes with a slightly darker shade of shadows.
  3. Take even darker shadows and toned the edges of the resulting arrow.
  4. With the same shade, bring the lower eyelid, gradually thickening the line to the edge of the eye. Draw another small arrow from the lower eyelid to the temples.
  5. Take a light-colored pencil and move your eyes from below.
  6. Take black eyeliner and draw a thin arrow along the lash line.
  7. Use false eyelashes or simply paint your eyes thoroughly with mascara.

Use arrows

Various arrow options look very good. You can actively use colored eyeliners and various types of arrows. Watch a video of Asian beauty bloggers showing how to properly paint these eyes.

Slanted eyes

The owners of such a cut always look like sly chanterelles. Slightly raised corners look optimistic and adorn a woman very much. If you consider your eye shape to be a disadvantage, then you are mistaken. It is this look that men consider the most attractive.

Option 1

  1. Apply base neutral eyeshadow all over the lid and from the brow arch to the crease of the eyelid.
  2. Use a highlighter to highlight the area under the eyebrows and the inner corner of the eye. You can just use light shadows.
  3. Accentuate the moving lid with a deeper shade.
  4. Use dark shadows to highlight the corner of the eye up to the crease on the upper eyelid.
  5. Accentuate the lash line with dark shadows.
  6. Draw a narrow arrow on the upper eyelid.
  7. Accentuate the lower eyelid with darker shadows.

This makeup can be done in different colors. The main thing is to select shadows of similar shades.

Downcast eyes

Such a cut of the eyes gives its owners a slightly sad look. You can get rid of this effect with the right makeup. The main thing is not to get upset, because this is exactly the type of eyes that the incomparable Marilyn Monroe had. And this did not stop her from becoming a sex symbol of her era.

Your task is to visually raise the corners of the eyes. The photo shows three examples of successful makeup for this cut.

Option 1

  1. Apply a light shadow to the eyelid and inner corner of the eye.
  2. Apply dark eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Raise the outer corner of the eye using darker shadows.

Option 2

  1. Apply light eyeshadow to the eyelid.
  2. Apply darker shadows over the crease.
  3. Bring the eyes along the lash line, expanding the arrow to the edge of the eye.

Option 3

  1. Accentuate the browbone with a highlighter.
  2. Bring your eyes in with dark eyeliner, curling the tip up.

Hidden eyelid

Girls who have this type of eyes often complain that they cannot find the right makeup option. The shadows roll down, and the break of the eyelid does not allow drawing a neat arrow.

Option 1
A good option for this type would be to use one shadow color. Choose a neutral shade of eyeshadow. Move your eyes along the upper and lower lash lines. Then paint over your eyelashes thoroughly. It is best to curl them up with a curling iron. Girls with this type of eyes are advised to always use mascara and pay attention to false eyelashes.

Classic arrows

Apply light shadows to your eyes and use a black pencil. Begin to draw a thin line from the inner corner of the eye, gradually expanding it. With the same pencil, slightly emphasize the lash line on the lower eyelid. Take a makeup brush and blend the bottom line.

Big eyes

Big eyes are the dream of many women. It is easy to make them even more beautiful with a light correction. How to paint eyes of this shape correctly? All that is required is to lengthen the eyes a little.

Option 1

  1. Take a brown pencil and draw a line over the top crease of the eyelid.
  2. With the same pencil, add light strokes to the line.
  3. Take a brush and blend the line towards the bridge of the nose.
  4. With a brown pencil, shade the outer corner of the eye, pulling it slightly towards the temples.
  5. Blend the pencil and line your lids along the line of your lower lashes.
  6. Take blue eyeshadow and cover the surface of the eyelid.
  7. Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye.
  8. Draw a thin line along the lash line with dark eyeliner.

Option 2

  1. Apply light eyeshadow to the eyelid.
  2. Take a soft pencil and draw a thin line along the upper eyelid.
  3. Move the lower eyelid.
  4. Use a brush to blend the eyeliner into the lower eyelid.
  5. Take a black pencil and highlight the line above the lashes on the lower eyelid.
  6. Move the upper eyelid from the middle of the eye.
  7. Take brown eyeshadow and accentuate the outer corner of the eye with it.

Almond eyes

Owners of this shape of the eyes are very lucky, because this is the shape of the eyes that is considered ideal. The task of makeup for this type of eyes is to keep the perfect shape. For example, make-up will look very good, where only one or two shades of eyeshadow are used. You can look at the photo how to properly paint almond eyes.

All the tips that are given here are general recommendations for action, but not strict rules. Try different options, experiment and you will definitely learn how to paint your eyes. The main thing is that you yourself like the result. Remember, your makeup is your personality.

Makeup plays an important role in the lives of modern girls and women. Weekdays, going to the theater, a party with friends or a romantic dinner with a loved one - every event requires a corresponding image.

A well-done make-up allows you to correctly place accents on your face.

As a rule, the first and main point of such an arrangement is the eyes. They can be emphasized, made more expressive, visually changed in shape and size. But to achieve the desired result, you need to observe a few rules for applying makeup otherwise you can get the exact opposite effect. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to properly paint eyes with shadows. The step-by-step instructions will be useful both for young girls who are just mastering the basics of makeup, and for women who can learn something new for themselves.

Eye makeup rules

For correct and beautiful makeup, you need to pay attention to several main points:

  • selection of tools;
  • choice of colors;
  • preparation of the skin of the face;
  • technique of applying cosmetics.

Required tools

You need three kinds of brushes.

In addition to brushes, it is advisable to have on hand cotton swabs to correct errors and an eyelash brush, with which you can shake off excess makeup that has got on them.

Shadow selection

First of all, you need to decide on the type of this cosmetic product. Shadows are divided into several categories, each of which is suitable for use in certain conditions:

After you have decided on the type of shadows, you need choose the right color scheme, because the same shade will look differently on brown, blue and green eyes. As universal auxiliary shades, it is necessary to have black and white shadows in the cosmetic bag. They come in handy as both a base and an eyeliner. And the palette itself must be matched to the color of the eyes.

Applying makeup

To properly apply the eyeshadow on the eyelids, you must first prepare the skin. For this, it is advisable to use special base... It comes in two flavors: cream and powder. Any of these products is applied to previously cleansed dry skin of the eyelids. If you use a moisturizer, you need to wait about 10 minutes after applying it and only then use the base.

Some girls consider the acquisition of the base an unnecessary waste. In fact she helps to evenly apply shadows, makes their color more saturated, gives increased make-up durability. In this case, the base is consumed very sparingly, at one time it is enough to use an amount of funds about the size of a match head. Therefore, do not skimp, because the right foundation is often the key to success.

After the base has taken its place, you can start painting with shadows.

Everyday makeup

evening make-up

To brighten up the eyes, brilliant shades of saturated colors are used. The general application technology is the same as for the everyday version. Sparkling shadows can be applied to the entire eyelid or only to the central part of it. You can use an eyeshadow with a metallic sheen to bring your eyelids down. It looks especially impressive in combination with regular black eyeliner. In this case, black is applied close to the eyelashes, and metal is applied a little higher. This way of applying eyeliner helps make your eyes as expressive as possible... False eyelashes will be the perfect finishing touch to this makeup. However, ordinary mascara is also quite suitable.

As you can see, using the eyeshadow is pretty simple. It is enough to acquire brushes, choose your own color scheme and master the simple process of applying makeup. Also, remember to observe a few general rules for using shadows:

  • store them closed away from the sun;
  • in no case should you use cosmetics after the expiration date;
  • brushes for applying shadows must be washed regularly;
  • try to purchase quality cosmetics from well-known manufacturers.


The ability to correct makeup is an important element in the life of every girl. Neatly underlined facial features look much better than chaotically bright shadows smeared over the eyelids, clumsily applied blush and lipstick "off the mouth". Bright makeup, moreover, is not appropriate everywhere, sometimes it is necessary to look not flashy and natural. For example, during the day, a large amount of foundation and thick shadows look comical and cheap. Accordingly, before applying makeup, you should know some rules for using cosmetics.

How to paint eyes: basic rules

  • Powder and foundation are considered enemies of youthful skin. With frequent use of these cosmetics, the skin can begin to age very early. Problem skin should not be hidden, it is necessary to treat it.
  • Bright eye shadows are perfect for holidays and parties. For everyday makeup, use soft and neutral colors to avoid looking like a clown.
  • Bigger isn't always better. When painting, try to focus on the lips or eyes, but not both at the same time. Otherwise, for a place of beauty, you will receive complete bad taste and vulgarity.
  • Use makeup brushes, not your fingers. You can ruin the look and all the graceful lines with your fingers.
  • Try to combine shades - this is the key to the best and most beautiful makeup.
  • Color your eyes correctly. This is an important step when applying makeup. At the first meeting, eyes are thrown first of all at people. Skillfully applied makeup will provide you not only beauty for the whole day, but also give confidence in actions and yourself.

How to paint your eyes correctly: choosing makeup

Beautiful makeup depends entirely on how it is applied and on skill. But also from the right ones: lipstick, blush, eye shadow and other cosmetics. To emphasize the eyes correctly, you should take into account their size and shape:

  • Large eyes make it possible to carry out all sorts of experiments with types of makeup. Both intense evening makeup and casual low-key makeup will look equally great. If the eyes are very round, this can be corrected by using the arrows.
  • Slanting eyes look quite exotic, they need to be emphasized with well-colored eyelashes and shadows on the lower eyelids.
  • Almond-shaped eyes can be emphasized by the contrast between the shadows. Highlight the inner corner of the eyes with light shadows, the outer corner with shadows of dark colors. This will give the look shine and mystery.
  • Girls who have small eyes should try to avoid heavily thick makeup and dark colors, as these will make their eyes look even smaller. Small eyes should be painted with shadows on the upper eyelid above the crease, so you can achieve a visual increase.
  • Deep-set eyes do not allow the use of liquid and cream eyeshadows. They roll off and, as a result, the makeup does not last long. Look for a quick-drying and loose eyeliner.

For eye makeup at home, use natural light and a clean, comfortable mirror. Artificial light distorts the shades and also hides many of the makeup imperfections. Accordingly, you may not notice any errors in appearance while you are at home. It is advisable to apply daytime makeup while sitting in front of the window: this way you can see how you will look outside. Evening makeup involves dim lighting, so examine the result with the necessary lighting in order to find and eliminate errors.

Daily makeup "nude"

  • Try to use only high-quality cosmetics first. Avoid questionable and inexpensive foods.
  • Wash sponges and brushes regularly: the remains of cosmetics, sebum that remain on the sponge and pile are considered a wonderful environment for the development of various microbes.
  • Never lend your sponges and brushes to your friends. Cosmetic accessories are the same hygiene items as, for example, a toothbrush.
  • Use shadows carefully: if they fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they cause redness. Therefore, you will get inflamed whites of the eyes for the place of beautiful makeup. To paint your eyes beautifully and correctly, make short strokes with a brush and shake off unnecessary shadows.
  • Try to use eyeliner as little as possible, replacing it with a pencil. This is because the eyeliner is very dry to the eyelids, causing itching and discomfort.
  • It is better to paint brown eyes with dark shadows, for example, chocolate and hazel shades, you can also purple. For blue and gray eyes, silver, blue and pearlescent shadows are suitable. For green eyes, it is better to choose yellow and honey shadows.

  • You can hide the empty corners of the eyes using the arrows going up. To give a sly expression to the look, you can tint the eyelashes towards the temple. "Smoky" thick makeup - "smoky eyes" will add mystery and light drag to the look.
  • Correctly drawn eyebrows will also help to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes. To do this, take an eye shadow similar in color to your hair and an oblique brush. You can use a special pencil to correct your eyebrows. Try to avoid perfect symmetry, as it will make your face unnatural. It is necessary to adhere to the natural line of the eyebrows, giving clarity to the shape with a pencil or shadows. If you pluck your eyebrows, then make sure that the inner edge coincides with the tip of the corner of the eye.

There is nothing more attractive than an expressive and languid look. Correct and appropriate eye makeup can complement the image of a girl and make it graceful and dramatic. For this, dark shadows are perfect.

Today we will tell you in detail how to properly paint your eyes with dark shadows and step by step consider the technology of applying makeup.

Subtleties of makeup with dark shadows

Makeup using dark eyeshadows is perfect for brave girls who are not afraid to draw attention to themselves. Depending on the outfit and the image as a whole, such a make-up adds sexuality and boldness to a woman, or severity and brevity.

Important to remember! Calm lipstick shades are suitable for rich eye makeup. The combination of bright lips plus black shadows is appropriate only for a stage look or noisy night parties.

The palette of dark eyeshadows is varied, so every girl will find the right shade to create expressive makeup.

Preferred eye shadow tones based on eye color:

  • Green-eyed - brown and khaki shades;
  • Blue-eyed and gray-eyed - gray-blue range;
  • Brown-eyed - black and rich gray shades.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing the eyes for staining., it will keep your makeup looking and make it easier to apply and blend.

Attention! You should not do eyebrow shaping immediately before applying makeup, cosmetics can get into the wound from the pulled out hair and lead to inflammation.

Preparing your eyes for makeup

There are three stages in preparing your eyes for makeup.

Skin cleansing

This procedure involves washing your face or using lotion, milk or foam to cleanse your face. Rubbing the skin of the eyelids with ice cubes with a decoction of medicinal plants will perfectly remove morning swelling and give elasticity.

Smoothing the skin around the eyes

In order to hide bruises and wrinkles, use a concealer that protects the skin and makes it glow.

Base products application

Eye foundations with a cream or gel texture reduce lines and wrinkles on the eyelid and lend extraordinary hold on to makeup.

Application of special products designed to prepare the eyes for make-up

Using a primer for the skin of the eyelids can not only even out the skin, but also enhance the pigment of the shadows, make them more saturated. You can start using the eyeshadows literally a few seconds after applying the base.

How to properly paint eyes with dark shadows in stages

Additional tools and tools

For eye makeup, it is preferable to use special brushes., which will allow you to paint your eyes with dark shadows in stages and perform shading with high quality.

Essential tools for great makeup:

  • Wide brush Ideal for blending dry base products or natural eyeshadows;
  • Keg shaped brush- to indicate the fold of the eyelid with a darker shade of shadows;
  • Flat soft brush help blend pigment throughout the moving eyelid;
  • Flat beveled brush with stiff bristles will create an eyeliner effect;
  • False eyelashes... In special cases, to reproduce the effect of open eyes, additional artificial eyelashes are used.

By using brushes specially designed for eye makeup, you can achieve a more advanced application technique.

All brushes should be clean and dry with even bristles.

Step-by-step staining instructions

There are many ways to make up using dark shadows, we will look at the main ones and show you how to apply dark shadows to your eyes in stages, just like professional makeup artists do. Here is a classic version of makeup with dark shadows in stages.

Makeup "Smoky eyes"

This is the most famous makeup, loved by millions of girls, and suits almost everyone.

Application technique:

This makeup can be done with any dark eyeshadow.... In the classic version, a black shade is used.

Megan Fox Makeup

This is a favorite makeup option for a famous actress. Here's how to step-by-step with dark eyeshadow to look like a celebrity.

Makeup "Megan Fox" is very expressive and not overloaded
  1. The eyelid needs to be primed or a creamy base. Then with a wide soft brush, apply beige shadows over the entire area under the eyebrow and on the eyelid. We pay special attention to high-quality shading.
  2. We mark the upper eyelid with a black pencil. We stretch the line so that we get a small arrow, about 3 mm long.
  3. With a flat brush, draw the eyelid with dark shadows... You should get a wide arrow, expanding towards the temple. Its tip should extend a few mm beyond the eyelid area.
  4. Underline the lower eyelid with a pencil and shade it so that it merges with the shadows at the outer corner of the eye.
  5. Optionally, draw the lower waterline with a pencil - kayal.
  6. We paint the eyelashes with mascara.

Correct arrow design

The arrow is a must-have finishing touch for most rich makeup.... For its correct design, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • It is recommended to draw a straight arrow in two steps.: from the inner corner of the eyelid to the middle and from the middle to the outer corner, taking the arrow up.
  • The closer the arrow is to the lash line, the more natural and it looks harmonious.
  • In order for the arrow to be as flat as possible , you can rest your elbow on the table.
  • An arrow is drawn on the half-open eye.

If you can't draw straight arrows, then you can mark them with several points at the edge of the eyelid, and then connect them together.

Eyelash coloring

For a spectacular framing of the eyes, it is not enough just to paint them with dark shadows and shade them in stages. An important step in any make-up is to paint eyelashes with mascara.... The following principles apply here:

  • Mascara must be applied by moving the brush from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips;
  • Movements should be slightly vibrating;
  • There should not be an excess of mascara on the lower eyelashes, this makes the look heavier and looks unnatural;
  • Finally, you can comb your eyelashes with a special plastic comb.

What can be combined with dark shadows

Features of makeup in the evening

Evening makeup is distinguished by its boldness and extravagance.... Dark eyeshadow plus black pencil and glitter is a sure-fire party option. For an evening look, make-up can be supplemented with graphic arrows, as well as choose a bright matte lipstick.

Features of makeup during the day

Daytime makeup does not tolerate excessive brightness., it is most appropriate to use dark accents only at the corners of the eyes or in the area of ​​eyelash growth. It is recommended to paint the eyes in stages, starting from light and ending with dark shadows.

For a daytime look, you need to combine brightly colored eyes with lipstick or lip gloss in natural, calm tones.

Dark eyeshadows in daytime makeup are in perfect harmony with pastel shades

How to reshape eyes with dark shadows

Dark shadows are a great tool for correcting irregular eye shapes., with the help of them it is possible to expand the eyes, raise the lowered corners, or make the gaze oblique.

The correct definition of the shape of the eyes is the key to excellent makeup

How to reshape eyes by applying dark shadows:

  • Small eyes. The darkened fold of the eyelid perfectly enlarges the eyes.
  • Wide set... Dark shadows will help to visually narrow the eyes; to achieve this effect, it is enough to draw a "tick" from the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow and blend it.
  • Small distance between the eyes... The darkened outer part of the eyelid will help create a slanting look.
  • Bulging eyes... The shape is corrected by applying and carefully shading a dark shade of shadows over the entire mobile eyelid. Their shade should be of medium intensity.
  • Drooping eyelid... This feature of the eyes can be corrected using the correct makeup. For this, matte black or gray shadows highlight a line a few mm higher than the crease of the eyelid.

It's important to know! Each eye shape can be brought closer to a beautiful "almond-shaped" shape, it is enough to know how to gradually paint them with shadows, and not be afraid to use dark shades in makeup.

Tips for the correct implementation of age-related makeup

The main function of makeup for aged women is to refresh and rejuvenate the face. Therefore, the use of saturated colors in cosmetics is unacceptable. In age-related makeup, preference is given to "fresh", light shades... The eyeshadow should be matte, as the shiny pigments accentuate the unevenness of the skin and wrinkles.

Dark shadows in age makeup can be used only to create accents, while they should be of medium intensity, matte texture and without shine.

According to makeup artists, dark shadows in makeup play a huge role, with their help, it is easy to create a shocking and spectacular makeup, with which no girl will go unnoticed.

In order to make it clearer for you how Smoky eyes is performed, watch a video tutorial from one of the best stylists:

If you liked Megan Fox's makeup, then study the video clip with the technique for performing it:

If you are just starting to master makeup, then you should watch a detailed video on how to do it correctly: