How to teach a child to say the letter P: speech therapy exercises. Repetition is very important

In this article:

Do I need to teach the kid to speak, or will he learn it himself? If necessary, how to teach a child to speak? And if you immediately offer suggestions? And even with a rich vocabulary! Is it possible?

Examples and facts

It is not difficult to answer these questions - you just need to remember a few interesting facts. Remember the story of Mowgli? It was invented by Rudyard Kipling, but based on real life examples. Only the truth of life is not as fabulous as a book story.

In fact, when children find themselves in a den with animals and wild animals - wolves or monkeys - are engaged in their upbringing, then when they return and immerse themselves in the human environment, such children acquire the required skills and habits for a long time and difficult. It is not easy to teach them to speak, it is difficult for them to instill the habits of a well-bred person. And sometimes it is completely impossible.

And a second example. Do you know that if at an early age children find themselves in a different language environment, then it very quickly becomes their own for them? A small person memorizes a new foreign language and begins to speak it much faster than adults.

What conclusions can be drawn from these facts? It is imperative to teach the baby to talk, and this should be done as early as possible. The toddler needs to instill the skills of correct and beautiful human speech.
Children learn very quickly everything in a row: both good and bad. They are especially influenced by the example of their parents.

The child's speech develops in accordance with the age period in which he is. In addition, each baby is an individual. Therefore, parents who want to know how to teach a child to talk should familiarize themselves with some of the features of the development of children's speech during early childhood.

How does a child's speech develop in the first three years of life

  • Year one

In the first six months of life, the baby is just getting to know the sound of his voice. He gradually masters it and realizes that he can make sounds. The entrance to speaking begins with the pronunciation of vowel sounds: a, y, o, e.

At one and a half months, the child enters the "humming" period. Humming is the talking of a baby. He tries to talk to his mother when she bends over to him and speaks with affectionate words, to dad - joyfully welcoming him back from work. Looking at adults, the baby tries to make not only vowels, but also consonants. Most often, children can hear sounds similar to the word "agu", from which the name of the period itself comes. Babies say them
not yet as adults, but as if in the nose. At this time, the development of intonational speech skills begins.

By the time they are six months old, babies move into the babbling stage. They try to speak syllables consisting of a combination of vowels and consonants: ma, pa, ba, ku, yes ...

By the age of eleven months, the number of syllables grows and simple words appear, consisting of repetitions of the same syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, yes-yes, ba-ba. Up to one year old, the baby can begin to pronounce some simple sentences.

  • Year two

The beginning of the year is marked by the fact that the baby is trying to understand more and more adult speech. He tries to listen to the conversations of adults. He tries to repeat words and whole phrases after them. In children In the second year of life, “his own language” often appears - words and sentences that only he and sometimes his mother understands. In addition, the baby often repeats words after others and listens carefully to the speech addressed to him. He can also enter into dialogues, answering adults in his own language. During the second year, children are actively working on their speech. Speaking is the most interesting process for a toddler.

  • Year three

This is the period of active development of the child's speech. There are many new proposals coming up. He goes from the stage of incomprehensible words to the conversation with almost correct words, asks the questions "when?" and why?". In his speech, complex subordinates appear sentences, singular and plural. How to teach your baby to speak better at the age of three?

First of all, attention should be paid to reading and singing. It is important for children to hear the correct literary speech. Only colloquial little. Singing is also necessary, as its fluency and melody makes it easier to master especially difficult and difficult to memorize words.

In addition, the child's thinking and speaking will develop faster if adults spend more time communicating with the little one. How well children’s speech develops can be understood by how well they answer questions, build logical chains, and take initiative in conversation.

Exercises for the development of speech

To know how to teach your child to speak, you first need to pay maximum attention to his general development. During this period, children are very curious. They receive information from the world around them, which motivates them to talk. Therefore, work on the speech of children begins with the development of the auditory,
visual and tactile apparatus. This feature should definitely be used. And it is she who helps to develop the child's speech from the first days of his life.

Hang bright and beautiful toys over your bed. Let your little one play with rattles of different sizes and sounds. Also, toys should have materials of manufacture different in structure. At the same time, do not forget about safety and environmental friendliness.

However, no matter how many toys a child has, they will never replace human communication. Parents, communicate more with your child! During communication, be face to face with the toddler. This will allow him to see how you pronounce sounds and words in general. Let the baby follow the movement of the lips. This will allow him to correctly repeat what he heard.

What else? Massage your fingers and hands. And start doing this as early as possible - from the first or third month of life. It is no coincidence that speech therapists call hands the second organ of speech.

Sing songs with the massage, tell rhymes, stories, and just talk. But do it emotionally! Emotions are what
attract the child's attention until he understands the essence of what is being said. Decorate your communication with notes of fun, surprise, curiosity.

The development of fine motor skills is also necessary. This will help simple games with beads, pebbles, buttons and other small objects. Naturally, they should not be given to the child without first having sewn or glued them tightly to some surface. You can also put a small toy in a pot of flour and ask your child to get it out. There will be a lot of dirt, and even more delight! And the result of such games will please, although it will not be immediately noticeable.

After the first year of life, the progress of speech is facilitated by imitating the sounds of animals. From now on, parents can start acquiring a children's library by buying books depicting various animals and pets. Reading them with the child, mom and dad can tell him simple stories about who he sees in the picture, inventing them on the go or gleaning from various sources in advance. In the course of reading, the baby should be encouraged to discuss, dialogue, repeat sounds and words.

Learning to speak words is not difficult

Usually up to a year, children can master a vocabulary of at least ten words. The first, as a rule, the baby says the word that he hears more often, so every time you pick him up, you should talk to him, trying to show how you pronounce the words. For the child to be the first to pronounce the word "mother", contacting him and performing various obligatory rituals,
say this word. For example: “now mom will change you,” “mom will bathe you,” and so on.

It is important that the baby sees the articulation. In this case, the sounds should be pronounced deliberately clearly and louder than usual. At this age, you cannot use figurative language. If the picture, for example, shows a dolphin, then just say that it is a dolphin, do not come up with simplified names for it. Later, it will be easier for the child to distinguish it from other animals.

At the age of eleven months, babies speak a few simple and understandable words, while continuing to use babbling and strings of syllables in their speech. Little children really love the game of repeating words. Best of all, leafing through the book, ask the crumbs the question "what is this?".

How to teach a child to speak in whole sentences

It is best to read children's literature with children, memorize simple rhymes. Babies are especially good at remembering simple sentences in verse related to play or massage. For example, shaking the child on your knees, tell the following rhyme:

“We rode a horse, we got to the corner,

We got on the car, poured gasoline,

We drove by car and reached the river.

Trr! Stop! U-turn! There is a steamer on the river.

We went by steamer and reached the mountain.

The steamer is unlucky, you have to get on the plane.

The plane flies, the engine hums in it: oo-oo-oo-oo ... ".

At the same time, it is good to imitate the movements of a horse, car, steamer, plane. It is good to include the question "what is doing?" In communication with the child. With it, acquaintance with verbs will become more interesting and simple. This important activity will also prepare the baby to communicate with suggestions.

There are still questions that, when working with kids, should be introduced into the speech crumbs. These are the questions "what object (animal)?" and "where is it?" With their help, the child's thinking is enriched, imagination develops, the ability to analyze the situation appears.

Following these tips, parents will not wonder how to teach a child to speak in whole and correct sentences, because with the help of answers to these questions, a large number of epithets and verbs will enter his speech softly and naturally.

Also, to achieve this goal, it will be useful to encourage toddlers, for example, saying
the words "give", "on", and perform the action itself only in response to the word spoken by the child.

Mom can pretend that she does not understand the baby when, instead of words, he pokes his finger at an object, making it clear that he wants to get it. And only when the child says "give", then one should give a coveted toy or a permitted thing. Later, when the child has mastered a few words, the object should be given not after uttering one word, but after pronouncing a simple sentence. For example, do not "give", but "mother, give the ball, please." Thus, you can still teach your little one to be polite to elders, which will gradually become a good habit.

Three secrets of how to teach a child to speak correctly

Work on literacy should start as early as possible. Where do you start? From the main and simple.

The first is working on articulation. You need to start practicing from the first days of life. How? Showing your beloved baby the movements of the lips and tongue when pronouncing simple words. You can even allow the parent's mouth to be touched when mom or dad pronounce certain words.

For older children, games with imitation of sounds are suitable, in which you need to fold your lips, tongue, cheeks in different ways to pronounce sounds: y, oh,
a, u, s, tr, pf, etc. In this case, it is necessary to show how the train, the pan during cooking, how the mosquito squeaks and the like should be shown.

Parents need to listen carefully to the baby, correcting him if he pronounces sounds incorrectly. You should not encourage the incorrect pronunciation of words, otherwise the child will have a prolonged period of "lisp". In addition, it is necessary to teach the child the correct expression of emotions. And for this, in response to his speech, you will have to take care of yourself in order to correctly express your feelings in gestures, looks, movements of hands, shoulders, eyebrows.

In working on the competent speaking of children, communication with adults remains important. Reading books, listening to audio recordings with a professional speech of the announcer in fairy tales, rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs help the development of correct speech well.

How to teach a child to pronounce the sounds l, w, z, r?

The fact that young children often cannot pronounce the sounds "l", "w", "g" and "r" is most often associated with insufficient mobility of the tongue and impaired air flows inside the oral cavity. To correct this deficiency, they work through special exercises for blowing air jets. The exercise "horse" copes well with this defect. It is a clatter of the tongue. To make it more interesting for the child to perform the exercise, you can find or come up with a small rhyme or just a rhyme so that the word "tsok-tsok" is repeated many times in it. With the help of the "horse", the incorrect pronunciation of the sound "l" is corrected, when the baby says the sound "v" instead.

The exercise "cup" will help the baby to pronounce the sound "w" correctly. The tongue is applied to the lower lip, and its sides are raised. Movements to stretch lips and imitate chewing
will also help you to correct any troubles with the pronunciation of this sound. These exercises will help not only to correct the pronunciation of the sound "sh", but in general all sibilants.

The most difficult for children to pronounce was and is the sound "r". In order for a child to quickly learn to pronounce it, you just need to try to pronounce the words in which he is present more often. Show your baby how your tongue moves when you say these words. Ask him to try again. At first, he will do this only with you, but if you do not stop studying with him, you will notice that even in minutes of independent games the little one will try to fold his tongue correctly and try to pronounce words with this letter correctly.

Tongue twisters and special rhymes, where there are many words with the sound "r", help well. By the way, the same technique is also suitable for eliminating the troubles associated with pronouncing the sound "g", only rhymes and tongue twisters should already contain this particular sound. You can also imitate the flight of a beetle, buzz like a fly. A very important addition: words with these sounds must be spoken slowly!

When should you contact a speech therapist?

If you have already used all the available methods to teach your child to speak correctly and beautifully, but have not achieved any improvement, consider going to a specialist. Perhaps you do not know all the secrets of solving the problem.

Signs suggesting that going to a speech therapist is not only inevitable, but also vital:

To overcome all these problems, parents need to put in a little effort and a lot of love. And then no difficulties and troubles will overcome you and your miracle child.

I often watch parents who are trying to calm down the loud voice of the child. Adults simply say to the child: "Don't shout!" Although I'm sureaccording to the child, he does not shout, but speaks so that he can be heard. Therefore, in most cases, the baby continues to speak loudly and does not heed the requests of adults. Why it happens? And how can you teach your child to speak quieter at home and in public places?

This can happen due to the fact that a child aged 2-6 years is not yet aware of the strength of his voice, does not understand the difference between a normal voice and a loud one. The child's memory still retains the habit of expressing his desires with loud cries and roars. There are families where it is customary to scream, the baby picks up the screaming wave and also starts talking loudly. In any case, the baby needs to be taught to speak more quietly.

An excessively loud voice of a child attracts everyone around in public places, prevents adults from talking calmly on the phone, wakes up younger children at home. But are adults doing the right thing when they demand from a loud child not to scream? In adult life, a loud voice can be very useful to a child, for example, for public speaking, and just for studying.

The child trains the vocal cords with a loud voice, which is also useful. If you constantly prod a child in a loud voice, shut his mouth, he may become withdrawn, become too shy, problems with communication and study may appear. Therefore, here you need to act carefully and explain to the child in which situations it is permissible to speak loudly, and in which it should not.

Teaching your child to speak more quietly

When you are with someone or are just busy, the child will draw your attention with a loud voice. Distract your child and try to explain to him that he should wait until you are free, or he should ask his questions in a normal voice.

Many children do not know the difference between a normal, quiet and loud voice. Practice with your child. First say any phrase in a whisper, say: "This is a quiet tone of voice." Let the child repeat the phrase in a whisper. Then repeat the same phrase in a normal voice, say, "This is a normal tone of voice." The child repeats the phrase again in a normal voice. Do the same with a loud tone of voice. Sing a song with your baby, first in a low voice, then in a normal and loud voice. In this way, the child will feel the tone of his voice and learn how to control it.

Tell your child about situations when it is permissible to speak in a loud voice, for example, reciting a poem in kindergarten or calling for help in a loud voice. You need to speak in a low voice in public places, for example, in a clinic, at home you need to speak quietly when the younger sister is sleeping. We talk with elders in a normal voice.

When a child speaks in a loud voice, do not demand from him "Do not Scream", it is useless, he still does not feel that he is screaming. Tell him in a calm tone, "You shouldn't speak so loudly - I can still hear you when you speak in a normal voice." The child will switch, think and start talking in a normal tone.

In families where communication takes place in a normal tone, children learn to speak in a normal voice faster. Therefore, be an example for the baby, try to communicate in a normal and calm tone with all family members, and demand this from the child.

When the child is screaming, try talking to him in a whisper. This method is used in public speaking. The quieter the speaker's voice sounds, the more he is listened to. In order to hear you, the child will stop talking loudly, and most often the baby will start talking to you in a whisper.

If the child continues to speak loudly, then tell him that you will not pay attention to him if he does not turn down the volume. There are situations when you can't talk at all, and the baby is drawn to communicate. In this case, stock up on a notebook and pencil. Let the kid draw his request, or show with signs what he wants. Practice understanding each other without words at home.

Try to calm the child's voice in a playful way, arrange a competition. Tell the kid: "I heard how loud you can speak, and how much you can speak quietly." Compete with the baby in the silence of the voice, who will be able to speak more quietly.

Another way to teach your child to speak more quietly

Tell the kid, “You're so good at whispering in my ear. My ears want to hear you whisper again. " Children very quickly get involved in the game, especially of a competitive plan. Be sure to praise your baby at the end of the game, paying attention to how well he learned to control his voice.

Remember the game "Silent" - whoever utters the word first and lost, it is convenient to play it when you are driving and you need to concentrate. Play the game for a while - 5 minutes of silence, who survived and won. As a symbolic prize, a candy or sticker.

There is another interesting game without words. The kid should express his requests and desires without words, but only with the help of body movement, facial expressions and pointing to objects. Adults also join the game, showing how you can communicate without words. For the purity of the experiment, you can take water in your mouth. For example, a baby wants to eat - he points his fingers to his lips or depicts movements with a spoon, and strokes himself on the tummy. If the mother guessed it, then the child gets one point. For ten points, a prize is awarded, for example, a sweet dessert, a set of stickers. The game is fun to play with the whole family. The game develops imaginative thinking.

You can teach your child to speak more quietly in different ways, perhaps you will invent your own method based on the temperament of your child. Voice control will come in handy for your little one in adulthood. Remember people who achieve their goal only by screaming, they probably were not taught to control their tone in childhood. But do not forbid the baby not to use a loud voice at all, this may help someone save a life. I wish you success!

Often, all the shortcomings of parents in terms of teaching their children the art of beautiful speech become noticeable at children's matinees. While some children recite poetry loudly and with expression, others mumble something quietly and indistinctly, “swallowing” half of the words. It is for such grief of speakers that parents have to blush. Moreover, as a rule, everything is attributed to the shyness of the child, although in fact the laziness of his parents is to blame.

In fact, teaching a child to perform beautifully, with expression (read poetry, play a role in a play, etc.) in front of the audience is not so difficult. There are some simple guidelines to help you teach your child to speak beautifully and clearly. We will tell you about them.

First of all, remember: a lot will depend on how you try now in the future. After all, a beautiful speech of a child is not only your pride at matinees and performances. In the future, this is also the child's confidence in communicating with friends and peers, his help at any exam, and in the future - success at an interview when applying for a job, authority as a leader, etc. Surely there is something to work for.

So, in order to teach a child to speak beautifully and clearly, you need:

Show the child HOW to speak by example.

Take, for example, the same verse from the kindergarten matinee program. Sit the child in a chair as a spectator, and stand in front of him yourself and read the poem beautifully. Slowly, with expression, keeping the necessary pauses, clearly pronouncing the words. Seeing his authoritative parent as the speaker, the child himself will happily try to reproduce something similar.

Ask the child if he liked your presentation, if he heard all the words well. Now read the same verse, but quickly, quietly, and indistinctly. Ask your child if he felt the difference and which option he liked best. Explain that if the child talks quickly and does not pronounce words well, the audience will not understand anything and they will not like the performance.

Listen carefully to your child

It's great if you take the time to listen to your child's speech. Listen to how he speaks, and, if necessary, correct him, suggest the correct pronunciation and stress, tell the meaning of words. Even if you pretend that you are listening to the child attentively, it will be much better and more useful than a phrase like "Leave me alone, I am very tired and I want to rest ... Then you will tell." After all, if the child realizes that even you are not interested in his stories, then what can we say about public speaking!

Record his performance on a dictaphone (webcam, phone camera, etc.)

In order for the child to feel what and where he is doing wrong, be sure to let him listen to his own performance, recorded on a digital medium. After listening with your child, discuss whether he read the poem well, what was good in his performance and what was not. Be sure to find something to praise your speaker for. Continuous criticism is “not our method”.

After all the comments have been taken into account, record the presentation again. The child will get used to his voice, he will be less shy, and your notes will be better every time. And do not forget about praise - this is a huge incentive to new achievements.

Give your child freedom of choice

If possible, then choose a poem to perform with your child. Those lines that will appeal to him, where he will understand the essence of what he has read, the child will learn with much greater pleasure than the verse that was imposed on him.

If your baby does not know how to read yet, then you should read aloud to him, and as often as possible. Of course, you need to read poetry and fairy tales with expression, it is interesting that the child subconsciously absorbs how to speak correctly so that it is interesting to listen to.

If the child can read himself, then let him read as much as possible. And again, let him not just mumble under his breath, but slowly, clearly pronounce all the words, withstand intonation and pauses. Sometimes give your child a break and read a couple of pages yourself. It will be very interesting.

Praise the child, notice all his successes

It is very important for your child to feel your support and love as they learn. Remind him how great he is, what a talented student he is, that he will definitely succeed. Your praise might look something like this:

- “I really like the way you read today”,

- "Today you tried, I especially liked the intonation",

- "How nice to see you with a book in your hands!"

This will give the child additional self-confidence.

I wish you success, and may you always have a reason to be proud of your child!

The child comes to school, and the teacher clearly sees problems with speech development. Some have a low vocabulary, others have speech therapy problems, and still others have both. Most often this is observed in domestic children, since in kindergarten a speech therapist detects existing problems in time and conducts corrective classes. Parents of a child with LAD (speech retardation) shrug their shoulders and complain that they are not specialists, and they do not have enough experience in how to teach him. In fact, it is not so difficult, the main thing is to start classes on time.

To teach a child to speak as early as possible,

Speech therapists have developed a "top ten" rules that will help parents teach their child to speak as early as possible, as well as correct existing problems in older children.

When to start talking

You need to start talking to the baby as early as possible, preferably already when he is in the womb. At this time, he remembers the voices of his parents, and later, after birth, he listens to them. Mom should talk to the baby every minute while he is awake. If dad is at home, he should also be an active participant in the conversation. You need to constantly be in the baby's field of vision so that he sees the articulation of the parents.

What to talk about

You can talk about anything, the main thing is that it does not carry negativity: sing songs, comment on feeding, speak on behalf of the toy, etc. The topic of conversation is sheer improvisation. As often as possible, you need to pronounce the names of objects and say the word "mom": "Now mom will take the sliders and change their son", etc.

How not to talk at home

You cannot talk to a child, as if casually dropping words. Each of them should be purposeful, and the goal is one: to enable the baby to remember them. Mimicry, intonation, gestures, demonstration of objects or actions in question should work for memorization. Stress vowels in words need to be stretched. If we are talking about animals, it is necessary to include in the speech the imitation of their sounds: "Chicken - ko-ko-ko, cow - mu-oo-oo, kitty - meow!". The lips of an adult are actively moving at the same time.

You can't lisp and distort words with a baby, saying something like: "How well-groomed you are!" Already in a year, he should hear only the natural voices of his parents and clearly pronounced sounds. New words can be pronounced louder than usual and in syllables. And so several times, until the baby understands how to pronounce difficult words.

Don't oversimplify the language

A common mistake parents make is substitution of complex words for simple ones. For example, a car is called a bibika, a sore is called a boba, a hot one is called a gigabyte, etc. It is necessary to call a spade a spade. A hippopotamus is drawn in the picture, so it should be said, a panama and a hat should not be called a hat, and tights, trousers and leggings should not be called pants. You still have to teach the child to separate these concepts, so why delay this moment?

It is important to teach your child to speak correctly.

Another common mistake parents make is to omit verbs and adjectives in speech. Mom comments on her actions, but names only objects: “Here is a bottle, milk, porridge” or “Where is the machine? Here it is a typewriter. Rain! " the child's vocabulary suffers greatly during such communication, because he does not hear verbs and adjectives, therefore, he does not learn to use them. Subsequently, you will have to contact a specialist to correct the general underdevelopment of speech.

How to speak correctly? If you want to pay attention to the car, you need to say this: “The car is going! Ooh, what a big car, fast. And there is another blue car going. " One can say about animals like this: “The dog is running. Shaggy dog, white, kind, does not bark at Mishenka the dog.

In order for the child's vocabulary to be replenished with adjectives, you can sometimes start a game with him: “What machine? And what kind of apple? " At first, you can limit yourself to the size of objects - large or small. Gradually, the names of colors are included in the dictionary. An older child can be taught anywhere, for example, in a store: “What kind of apple juice is made? And from pears, plums, peaches? "

For better memorization of verbs and adjectives, you can use oppositions in conversation: "The fish swims, and the sparrow flies", or in the picture: "The boy is cheerful, and the girl is sad."

Teach books and reading at home

From an early age, you need to instill in your child a love of reading. He must constantly see mom and dad with a book in their hands and understand that it is at these moments that an interesting rhyme or fairy tale is heard from the lips of the parents. Later, when there is a desire not only to listen, but also to look at the books yourself, you need to buy books with high-quality illustrations. Together with the child, the heroes of the fairy tale are discussed, their images are found, their description and the child's own assessment are spoken. Reading is the most effective way to enrich your child's vocabulary.

Always talk to your child

Children love to play and chat. To adults, such chatter seems empty and useless. In fact, it can be used as a learning tool. Sitting in a subway car or minibus, you can chat together like a bird, like a dog, encrypt words, pronouncing only the first syllable. Such techniques help in correcting incorrect sound pronunciation.

At an older age, you can play antonyms, for example: "Guess: one is black, the other is white." The child will name a lot of options, extracting words from the passive vocabulary that he has only heard before. Another game is burime. An adult says the first line, a child - the second, rhyming them. Walking down the street, you can guess which of the passers-by is in a hurry or what is thinking, list the names of trees in the park, or compose a fairy tale about pigeons. The main thing is to speak and motivate the child to talk.

Develop motor skills

Speech is directly related to fine motor skills of the hands. Therefore, it is necessary to develop it. There are many ways to develop fine motor skills: sculpting, assembling constructors with small details, drawing, toys - lacing, feeling objects with different surfaces: smooth, rough, ribbed, drawing with sand or salt and many others. Massage of children's fingers will not hurt either.

For a baby, you can build such a toy: sew several identical bags 10-15 cm deep, fill each one with different cereals, beans, peas, buttons and other little things. Insert an elastic band into the upper edge of the bags so that the contents are not visible. Having arranged the bags in the box, ask the child to alternately reach in and guess their contents.

Only the early development of the child's speech will lead in the future to his successful teaching at school. And only parents can give an opportunity for development.

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Each loving mother with excitement and trepidation awaits the first word of her baby. There is no limit to joy and pride when the beloved baby says the cherished "mom" or "dad". After all, speech is not only an indicator of normal full-fledged development, but also an opportunity to understand a baby. Of course, every mother can understand almost by the sounds and tone of crying what her child wants, and speech will greatly facilitate this process. But before pronouncing clear and meaningful words, the baby goes through several stages of preparation that develop speech.

Periods of speech development

In the womb, the baby does not need to talk about his needs, since they are met instantly. After birth, the situation changes, the newborn tries to independently communicate his needs. He expresses his feelings and desires through crying and screaming.

  1. Crying and screaming. Having been born, a small person experiencing discomfort or need for something indicates this by crying or screaming. With this behavior, he attracts attention. As soon as the need is satisfied, the baby calms down. Already closer to two months, the child is trying to pronounce various sounds: "a", "o", "y", "e". The scream is still there, only its intonation changes. Now the mother can easily distinguish between discontent, pain and whimsical crying of the baby.
  2. Humming. From about two months, the baby begins to walk. At this time, he tries to combine vowels with consonants. Most often, the baby hums in response to a smile or an affectionate speech of an adult, establishing a full-fledged dialogue. Talk to your child as much as possible, getting feedback: he gets an incentive for further speech exercises.
  3. Babbling. From six to eleven months, the baby babbles actively. This period depends on the physical development of the baby. The transition to an upright position and active movements have a beneficial effect on the appearance and development of babbling. During this period, you can hear individual syllables, for example: ma, dia, pa, yes, ba, and others. Growing up, the baby connects the syllables to each other, forming the first: "mom", "woman", "dad". It is important to consolidate the result obtained. Study with the baby, read rhymes and fairy tales, pronounce syllables clearly and loudly so that the baby remembers your every word, this will help you teach your child to speak.
  4. First words. This is the fourth period in the development of speech. As a rule, it comes closer to the year. The kid already pronounces up to 20 words. Of these, only a few are pronounced in full (mom, dad, kaka, etc.), the rest express certain actions and sounds of animals. This is the time when the child begins to establish relationships between words and actions. Therefore, when communicating with your child, clearly describe the world around you, calling everything by their proper names.

Many parents take a responsible approach to teaching their child, do not let anything take its course, including the development of speech. Intuitively, most parents, without knowing it, use classical methods, wanting to teach their child to talk as quickly as possible.

You need to start in the womb

Speech begins to develop in the womb. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus responds well to sound stimuli. Listening is one of the components of speaking skills. Many experts believe that it is possible to stimulate speech development and teach a child to talk while still in the womb, often talking and listening to various sounds with an unborn baby. Listening to classical music is especially effective. The child gets used to the mother's voice even before birth, and when he is born, and when he first heard it, he quickly recognizes it.

Talk constantly

You cannot learn to swim without being in the water. Likewise, it is impossible to teach a child to speak if he cannot hear human speech. And you need to talk even with a baby who has not yet been born, that is, directly with the stomach. And then continue this communication every day after birth.

It is necessary to show how the lips move during a conversation. It is imperative to change the timbre of the voice, intonation, tone, speech volume. Thus, the child will be attracted to the speaking process and his attention will be concentrated. And he will quickly learn that speech can be varied.

Associate words with images

When talking with a baby, you should always look at him, observe and notice his reaction. The child must see the face of the adult. It is worth more often to show pictures of objects or the objects themselves that have been named. This will allow you to quickly learn to associate words with images and objects.

Repetition is very important

The child learns faster through repetition. To teach a new word, you should repeat it as often as possible for several days or until he remembers it and begins to pronounce it correctly. He himself can repeat at first only a syllable, and then a whole word.

Questions Are Important in Learning to Speak

Adults need to ask questions as often as possible, even if the baby cannot yet fully answer. Perhaps he will only use gestures as a response. Later, when he learns to speak, questions must be kept asking, this will help stimulate the brain processes, and he will quickly learn to express his thoughts.

Reading fairy tales

Books should be read to your child every day. So he will get acquainted with new words, concepts that he will use in his future speech. In addition, his imagination will actively develop. Later, he will begin to recognize words and pictures from familiar books and will quickly become interested in independent reading. This desire must be encouraged in every possible way.

Music develops speech

It is important to sing more often for the child and with him. Sounds, harmoniously combined in songs, are pleasant to the ear and, when repeated, develop the vocal apparatus. Simple songs will introduce your child to key and rhythm.

Use of improvised means

All activities with a child should be enjoyable and not a burden. To teach a child to speak, it is not necessary to buy expensive sets of cards, special books, you can use those items that are in the house. For example, to teach a child to name colors, you can use colored vegetables and fruits from the table.

It is correct to name the numbers, you can count the slices of chopped cucumber. And at the next trip to the store, count and name the number of boxes of porridge on the shelf. When traveling by car or bus, you can puzzle your child by counting trees or any other object.

No need to encourage babbling

To teach a child to speak and to achieve the correct pronunciation of words from a child, you should not talk to him in a childish way. Combine the usual speech of an adult and babbling should only be up to 6 months. After that it is worth stopping and talking with the baby normally.

Possible reasons that inhibit the development of speech

Every parent wants the baby to quickly learn to speak. But many do not even realize that they themselves often hinder this process. Young parents should remember these simple guidelines:

  • Do not lisp. Small children are like parrots: they repeat everything they hear. In order for the child to speak correctly faster, one must become an example.
  • Do not use "childish" words in speech. Many people think that a child will begin to understand something faster if you replace normal words with children's ones. For example, adults often call a car a bibika. Many even amuse themselves, repeating after the baby the words distorted by him, due to age. But the child will remember for a long time "abacus" instead of "dog", because dad started to call her that, instead of saying to the child several times correctly in the syllables "so-ba-ka".
  • Do not constantly respond to the baby's gestures. After a year, it is already worth giving up sign language: this will allow the child to quickly learn to be explained with words. It is not necessary to immediately give the object to which he pointed with his finger, it is necessary to give time for the child to try to say in words about what he needs.
  • Discard the dummy as soon as possible. It has been proven that children who have used it for a long time begin to speak later than their peers. Plus, it spoils the bite.

How to teach a child to speak? - Video: