How to convert sweatpants into classic ones. How to narrow down women's trousers correctly. What is a skirt-pants

Old forgotten trousers or jeans can please their fashionista mistress more than once. You don't have to spend money to add a new item to your wardrobe. The main thing is desire and fantasy, and the seemingly unnecessary thing will find a second life.

Almost every woman has her favorite trousers, which are tired or worn out, but it is a pity to throw them away, as they fit perfectly on the figure. By turning on your imagination and being able to hold a needle and thread, you can alter old trousers into a skirt. Both denim and classic are suitable for alteration.

Skirt from old trousers

Favorite pants found in the closet are not worn for several reasons:

  • got out;
  • does not fit the size;
  • there are a few more favorite couples.

Classic trousers are more suitable for sewing pencil skirts.

put on for any reason:

  • - to a disco and a summer walk;
  • - to work and travel;
  • - to a party and a walk in the park with a child.

It is such a wardrobe item that is most difficult to sew from old trousers and so that everything works out, certain conditions must be met:

  • trousers for re-stitching must be exactly in size;
  • the step seam should open up well (it will be needed for allowances).

Step-by-step master class

In order to sew a new skirt from old trousers, no patterns are needed. Measurements and calculations will be obtained after fitting:

  1. Having decided on the length of the future product, cut off the excess length.
  2. Mark the widest part of the hips - to this point, rip along the inner seam.
  3. Try on the product, mark the excess fabric with pins, adjust the skirt to the figure.
  4. Sew seams with a sewing machine.
  5. Fold up and hem the product. The skirt is ready.

Do not forget to leave one and a half centimeters of seam allowance. When sewing a classic style, you need to make a wide seam by twisting the fabric twice, so you need 3 cm for an allowance.

Denim trouser skirt

They quickly wipe between the legs and on the knees, you have to part with them. If the fabric is not wiped or washed, then it will be suitable for sewing a pretty original skirt.

Work process:

  1. Put on jeans and decide on the length.
  2. Mark the widest line of the hips on the fabric.
  3. Measure the bottom of the skirt width.
  4. Take off the trousers and rip them along the crotch seam - from the back to the hips, in front to the codpiece.
  5. Turn the ripped workpiece inside out, put it on. In order for the pencil skirt to fit perfectly on the figure, you will need to chop the fabric at the back and front with pins.
  6. Carefully remove trousers, draw a seam line with chalk. Sweep with a needle and thread.
  7. Try it on. If the product fits well, then sew on a typewriter.
  8. Trim and tuck the hem of the skirt.

So that the thing does not hinder movement when walking, the length should be above the knee and the width of the palm. Or make an incision at the back for ease of movement.

Skirt made of leather trousers

Certain skills are required to work with leather. Not every sewing machine can sew leather. Without thinking about this moment, you may be faced with the fact that the machine will pull or "will not take" it.

For alteration of expensive leather things, it is better to turn to professionals in the atelier.

For independent work on a small piece of leather, you need to check whether the machine will take a double stitch.

Otherwise, the alteration work is no different from classic or denim pants.

The main difficulty in sewing leather products is that the material does not tolerate ripping and re-stitching several times in one place.

Any mistakes will be left with visible needle holes.

It is better to take larger trousers for sewing a skirt:

  1. Cut into separate pieces.
  2. Put on the finished skirt pattern and make four separate blanks for the four-blade skirt.

All work will be done from scratch, but there will be no defects and small holes on the product, and the skirt will look like new.

With a flounce on a yoke (basque)

For a perky skirt with a flounce, old trousers and, if desired, a piece of fabric will come in handy.

To sew such a model, you will need to follow the following steps:

  • Carefully cut off the top of the trousers, which will serve as the yoke of the skirt.
  • Overlock or zigzag the edges.
  • For shuttlecocks, rip the cut-off legs or cut the prepared fabric into wide ribbons. The width of the future shuttlecock should be 15-20 cm wider than the basque. One flounce is enough for a mini skirt. The circumference of the shuttlecock should coincide with the circumference of the yoke. For a maxi skirt, you need three flounces (each next flounce is 20 cm longer than the previous one).
  • Sweep the flounce yoke with the seamy side and sew on a typewriter.
  • Trim or hem the edge. The skirt is ready.

This style of skirt looks beautiful with a jeans yoke. The fabric for flounces is matched to the tone, and the quality of the fabric does not matter. Great for:

  • silk;
  • chintz;
  • chiffon;
  • jeans;
  • velveteen.

Floor skirt

For such a product, you will need trousers with whole knees and a beautiful bottom, because the entire length of the legs will turn into a skirt. For work you will need:

  • out of fashion trousers;
  • needle and spool of thread;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • decor elements (lace, sequins, ribbons).

Principle of operation:

  1. Unscrew the inner and middle seams.
  2. Remove loose threads.
  3. Wash and iron the workpiece thoroughly.
  4. After spreading out the crotch fabric, remove the excess corner.
  5. Sew the product along the front and back seams.

If the product turns out to be too narrow, you need to insert a wedge. For a triangular wedge, fabric from other trousers or a contrasting fabric, such as corduroy, linen, velvet, nylon, is suitable.

Sew the cut and cut wedge into the product and try on. After trying on, sew seams, zigzag the edges.

A narrow model will be saved by cuts that can be made at the back, front or sides, trim them with a fabric for a wedge or lace.


The first way is classic. Using these instructions, you can sew a knee-length skirt, slightly lower or slightly higher, a straight skirt, slightly tapered or slightly flared from jeans with your own hands. The length of the skirt depends on your desire. Width - from the cut of the jeans and the width of the gussets that you insert into the skirt. A pencil skirt will come out of tight jeans with narrow wedges (or one, in front), from flared jeans with wide wedges - an A-shaped skirt, or a bell skirt. For a straight or slightly tapered model, you do not need to insert the wedge from the back: the resulting cut will act as a slot. You can hem the bottom of the skirt or leave it unprocessed.

So, you will need:

A pair of jeans;

Tailor's scissors;



Sewing machine and thread.

1. Decide on the length of the future skirt, add about 3 cm and cut the leg of the jeans to the desired length.

2. Open the crotch seams of the legs.

3. Part the middle seams at the front and back.

4. Place parts of the legs one on top of the other, trying to form a flat canvas. Note that if you don't cut the middle seams too high, you will end up with a flared skirt. If you rip up the seams higher and make the overlap more, then you can form a narrower skirt.

5. Sew the seams at the front and back.

6. From the cut-off parts of the legs, cut 2 pieces for the wedges. If you want to leave the cut in the back as a slot, you need 1 piece.

7. Attach the wedge fabric from the inside to the front of the skirt as shown in the photo. Pin it with pins.

8. Stitch the detail in the front along the remaining stitching lines of the jeans.

9. Repeat for the back of the skirt if you don't want to leave a slit. If leaving a slit, overcast the edges of the cut by sewing along the remaining lines of the jeans.

10. Trim excess fabric from the inside out.

11. Trim the bottom of the skirt.

12. Treat the bottom if desired.

Photo and source:

2. Jeans skirt - version with a wedge with a seam: master class

In general, this option for turning jeans into a skirt is similar to the classic described above. The difference is in the wedges: if you cut them out of the section of the leg with a seam, the skirt turns out to be a little different.

You will need:

A pair of jeans;




Sewing machine and thread.

1. Decide on the length of the skirt and cut the legs.

2. Part the crotch seams and partly the middle seams.

3. Cut wedges out of the cut-off legs as shown in the photo. Pin one wedge to the front of the skirt.

4. Stitch in the wedge along the remaining seam lines.

5. At the back, arrange the wedge a little differently - see the photo.

6. Sew on the wedge at the back and you're done.

Photo and source:

P.S. By the same principle, you can sew from jeans maxi skirt... For her, you will need two pairs of jeans that match the color. Long wedges in this case are cut from the legs of the second pair of jeans.

3. We make a denim mini-skirt with cuts out of jeans: a master class

This option is suitable for a mini skirt. It is better to make such a skirt out of fairly loose jeans with a not too low fit. The bottom of the skirt can be left untreated or even frayed on purpose.

In general, altering things is a thankless task. As a rule, in 90 cases out of 100, it is not candy that turns out, but vice versa. But if you observe several conditions, then you can count on a new life of the old thing.

Sewing fever struck this time after spending an airy Friday in a club, where I got off at a rock concert so that on Saturday morning there was no excruciating shame for the mediocre time spent. Hangover remorse resulted in a desire to prove that I can not only drink tequila. As I prove below.

So, I have a favorite suit, where the jacket is still very good, and the trousers, as often happens, are worn out. In a crisis, it is useless to scatter clothes, especially since this is a rare case when ready-made things suit me.

The first important point : leg cut straight and quite wide. This is the key to success - you need the old thing to be slightly larger than the one you are going to sew.

On Sunday at 9 am, the product was ripped open, after which I folded the front and back panels in pairs, as expected, with the front sides inward and marked out the new details: the front and back panels of the skirt, 4 yoke details.

The second important point , necessary for the success of the enterprise - the ability to add in the side seams, as well as so that the material is not end-to-end. So that, if you screw up a detail, you can cut out another one of the same - that's why I have marked out more details of the yoke than necessary (but we cut out as many details as we need)

After cutting, as usual, we reinforce what is needed with non-woven fabric, sew, steam the seams. I like to do everything "in blocks" - this is more like a factory process in my opinion, and contributes to the integral perception of the future thing. The belt of old trousers will go to the seamy side of the yoke. The details of the yoke are immediately cut out from the lining.

First the coquette:

Then the front panels, and here first ambush - I forgot to cut out allowances for the fastener both on the yoke and on the skirt panels. I cut out, strengthen, sew, steam:

I sew the yokes to the panels, and then I connect the front panels, carefully aligning the transverse seams:

Then we connect the back yokes and panels. Here second ambush - there is no back seam in the pattern, but I have, therefore, to justify its presence, I decide to make a slot. I cut out the details by eye - rectangles 13x23 cm, I reinforce, sew, cut off the excess, steam off)) I carefully fold the slot and lay the fixing stitching:

Well, the halves of the skirt are finally ready! I fold them and sew them. I steam the side seams. I sew on the loops, sew on the buttons:

It remains to sew the lining, pay special attention to the fastener and the slot (though I didn't bother with the slot - I just cut out a place around it on the lining, I saw this on ready-made things):

At 9 pm, the new skirt is ready!

The next shot is me myself the next day at work:

P.S. Naturally, I do not mention here such an important, but dreary process as overcasting of all seams, as well as the fact that the bulk of the time is occupied by operations that are repeatedly listed separated by commas (strengthen, sew, steam, stitch)

P.P.S. I urge everyone, at every opportunity, to prove to himself, first of all, what you are capable of and how undoubtedly cool you are.

P.P.P.S. And you could wallow and be tormented by a hangover.

Women in the modern world live and work, often at a frantic pace, on a par with men. This inevitably influenced both the appearance of the fair sex and women's fashion.

Therefore, trousers of all kinds and stripes, which women fell in love with for their convenience and comfort in wear, have become the main item of clothing. At the same time, the fair sex strives to remain feminine and attractive - then they come to the rescue of pants of a unique cut, called skirt-trousers.

What is a pant skirt?

The surprisingly comfortable style of these clothes allows women not to rack their brains over what to wear - a skirt or trousers, since culottes (the professional name of this wardrobe item) combine the merits of both.

They allow you to make the image feminine and stylish, while leaving it comfortable. Due to the free cut, tightly fitting the waist and expanding downward from the upper thigh, women with absolutely any type of figure can wear this style of trousers - the flaws will be reliably hidden from prying eyes.

Another advantage of such clothes is its versatility - you can wear such a skirt at any time of the year and in any weather - you just need to carefully approach the choice of material: in winter it will be thick warm wool, and in summer - light fabrics flowing in the wind.

This unusual design first appeared in the thirties of the nineteenth century in Holland. Then the very idea of ​​a woman wearing things that resembled men seemed inconceivable. According to legend, one Dutch woman was very fond of cycling, and doing them in a dress was extremely inconvenient. Then she found a way out - she created unusually wide trousers that looked like a skirt from the side.

Since then, the appearance of this type of clothing has remained practically unchanged - variations have been created with only minor innovations.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pattern

In the modern world, there are a huge number of specialized magazines in which you can find the necessary patterns. When using a ready-made piece, the sewing process is greatly simplified, but at the same time, adjustments must be made depending on the characteristics of the figure.

To create a pattern for such original trousers, you need to find a pattern for an ordinary straight skirt, and with its help you can easily create culottes of any style and length. There are indeed a lot of similarities between these two variations of women's clothing, and understanding them will help you master the creation of fashionable wide trousers without any problems.

We list only the measurements that are needed to build a drawing of a future skirt. See the photo below. This is a guideline for those who want to build a straight skirt pattern themselves.

Let's go back to modeling fashionable culottes. On the pattern of a straight skirt, you need to make some changes. You need to draw a step cut. The following measurements will be required: seat height (BC), hip circumference (OB). The photo shows how to take such measurements.

  • From point 1 downwards we put the measurement BC + (0-2) and put point 2.
  • From mark 2 upwards, set aside 1/8 OB - 2 and set point 4.
  • From mark 2 to the left you need to draw a segment equal to 1/8 OB - 2. Set point 3.
  • A straight line connects points 3,4. The bisector from the top of the corner bisects it.
  • The bisector is divided into equal parts. Draw a smooth line through the middle of the bisector. The step cut is ready.

On the next pattern, from point 5, we put down the segment BC + (0-2), we get the mark 6. From point 6 we draw a segment equal to 1/8 OB + 2. It turns out point 7. The next stage is similar to the previous one, with one amendment. The bisector is divided into parts: ½ and ½ +0.5 cm. It is better to look at the photo clearly.

The trousers also need a belt to the skirt. It is cut out in a rectangle: where the width is 4-6 cm, and the length is equal to the waist circumference. Culottes will fit better at the waist if the belt is duplicated inside with non-woven fabric.

Oblique modeling

Oblique modeling assumes that the warp threads are positioned at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to this position, the material becomes very plastic and elastic, it can be stretched. The sun and half sun cut options are made in just this way. The bias cut helps to create a very feminine silhouette, due to the fact that all curves of the body are gently emphasized, but at the same time freedom of movement is preserved.

Much more fabric is required to create products cut in this way. However, it's worth it - clothes sewn along the sideways visually slims and hides flaws.

Choice of fabric

Previously, for sewing culottes, dense, heavy fabrics were used, and the silhouette was created straight and wide, with a length to the ground. Nowadays, most designers choose lightweight, flowing fabrics. Summer models are created from cotton materials, but for all the environmental friendliness and comfort of wearing, they have one significant drawback - they wrinkle very easily and lose their presentable appearance. Knitted materials with a small addition of synthetics are devoid of these disadvantages.

Leather models also appear. For lovers of country style and denim things, there are denim skirts-trousers. Such a variety of fabrics allows you to choose a thing that is close in style to what you like, but at the same time make your daily look original and memorable. It is surprising that any materials are really suitable for such a wardrobe item: both trousers made of airy chiffon and culottes made of harsh raincoat fabric will fit stylishly and organically into the image. The choice of fabric depends on where you intend to wear this skirt - in the office during working hours of the day, for a formal event or for a summer picnic.

The choice of material affects the choice of the model, which is better to create from it:

  • Taking a dense, heavy material as a basis, you can sew culottes with numerous folds, diverging from the hip line. This model will be suitable for business meetings or walking around the city.
  • Models for romantic dates and summer travels are created from translucent drapery fabrics. The constructive basis for them is a cut like a sun or a semi-sun with a smooth expansion downward.

When choosing a fabric, it is necessary to think in advance how the future product will look like. For example, too heavy dense fabric will not hold the folds well, and to make them better visible, you should choose a solid material.

Popular culottes and sewing patterns

There is a huge variety of different models of pants in this cut, allowing every woman to choose the model that will look perfect on her. They vary in length, degree of flare, and the number of folds.

It is optimal to choose the type of trousers, focusing on your body type:

  • For obese women, ankle-length or floor-length pants will be a godsend. The flared fabric perfectly hides the imperfections of the legs and visually slims the figure, it also levels out the fullness of the hips and the missing waist.
  • The maxi length is also suitable for girls with narrow hips - it is better for them to choose a model with a wrap. An essential nuance that should be remembered when choosing a long flared skirt is that it is recommended to wear it with shoes with heels, otherwise there is a risk of a visual weighting of the figure and a decrease in height.

  • A midi-length skirt-trousers are suitable for tall women with slender legs, since flared trousers up to mid-calf length can additionally conceal height and disturb proportions.
  • A wide skirt just below the knee will help to visually correct the silhouette for girls with an inverted triangle figure. She will competently balance the massive upper body, making the figure feminine and harmonious.

  • Young girls will love short culottes. They are great for discos, parties with friends, going to the movies.
  • The model with folds on an elastic band is perfect for walking in nature or along the seashore, in such trousers it will be convenient and comfortable. The peculiarity of the pattern of trousers with an elastic band consists in the absence of darts in the waist area and a one-piece belt.
  • In addition, designers create culottes with a low or high waist, decorate them with cuts and buttons, and often complement them with hidden pockets.

How to cut?

We lay out the finished cut out pattern on the fabric. The fabric is folded in half with the right side inward. The drawing is laid out in the direction of the share thread. We pin with tailor's pins and draw on the fabric along the contour. It is necessary to make a reservation about darts. The darts are drawn but not cut.

The full contour of the culottes is outlined again with seam allowances and cut out. Allowances for seams from the bottom of the leg are taken 3-4 cm.This allowance is made taking into account the shrinkage of the fabric.

Nuances when cutting:

  • Seam allowances for cutting are taken the same for any fabric - 1-1.5 cm.
  • The darts will need to be sewn up later. This is done for a better fit at the waist.

Sewing technology

The finished parts of the skirt of the trousers are ready, you can start sewing. There should be 5 of them: the back panel 2 pcs., The front panel - 2 pcs., The belt - 1 pc. Accuracy and adherence to safety rules will not be superfluous.

  • For beginner needlewomen, you can lay copy traps. They will help to correctly sweep the product and lay the basting evenly.
  • The first step is to sew the darts on the two pieces of the skirt.
  • Sew up the step cut on the skirt and trousers.
  • You need to sew a zipper on the side or on the back panel.
  • We sweep and sew up the side seams.
  • The culottes are almost ready.
  • It remains to sew on the belt, make a loop and sew on a button. The belt folds twice, the non-woven must fit inside.
  • Do not forget to process the bottom of the trousers using any of the known methods.
  • Thus, it is not difficult to sew a skirt-trousers, even without having a special pattern and great experience for this.

Master class of sewing culottes with a smell for beginners

Culottes come in different styles. Wrap culottes - skirt pants that can be worn at any event: a gala reception, meeting with friends or studying at the university. We will sew the culottes shown in the photo. But! Instead of a bodice, there will be a belt.

In order to look stunning, you don't have to buy new things all the time. You can breathe new life into a long-forgotten outfit and turn it into a fashionable thing. In this article we will tell you how to sew a skirt out of old trousers.

Types of skirts from pants

It is best to use old jeans to make the skirt. In this case, you will have to purchase quite a bit of decor and fabric. First you need to decide on the style of the skirt. It can be straight or flared. Shabby short a-line skirts and lambada are in fashion now. It will not work to sew a trapezoid without inserting wedges, since the width of the trousers will not be enough for this. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • sew wedges in front and back;
  • in the area of ​​the side seams, make an insert of lace or contrasting material.

Sewing procedure

If you have decided on the cut of the skirt, go to the store for threads and accessories. Get studs and studs for a youth denim skirt. After that, tackle the pants. First, cut the bottom of the legs to the desired height. Carefully rip apart the seams between your legs. If you want a skirt with a wedge in the center, do not open the side seams. Work with the central part of the product. Cut off the folds in the groin area to form a triangle in the center. Sew a wedge in place of this triangle. It can be made of fabric with legs or contrasting fabric. The combination of denim and leather is in fashion right now, so you can sew a wedge out of it.

Pencil skirt

If you want a straight or pencil skirt, don't cut anything. Using a thread, baste a straight seam starting from the fly down. Cut everything that is outside the seam. Now you can sew. You will have a form-fitting product. You just need to arrange its lower part. To do this, you can use lace or simply loosen a few threads at the cut. Thus, you will sew a skirt for street fashion. Such a product can be supplemented with holes and scuffs in the area of ​​the upper part. Fasten buttons or spikes around the perimeter of the pockets.


To sew a lambada skirt, you need to cut the bottom of the jeans where the fly ends. This is somewhere down to mid-thigh. The learned detail will be a flirt. Now go to the pant legs and cut out the long stripes to make the frill. Sew the strips using the forward needle seam and pull them together to the desired level of fluffiness. Baste the frill to the yoke, sew the seam line and overlock the cut. Tackle the bottom of the product. You can simply roll it up or sew on lace.

Bell skirt

If you like a half-sun skirt, you can sew it from old jeans. To do this, you need to dissolve the side seams and the stitching between the legs. You will have a belt with four stripes. In the groin area, cut the fabric to form a triangle. Cut a little on the sides too to insert the wedges. Now cut 4 triangles and sew them in the center of the product and on the sides. You will have a bell skirt.

Using old pants or jeans, you can sew a pretty and fashionable skirt. In doing so, you will save a decent amount of money.