How to weave from melted beads. In harmony with the house. We make a sun catcher from molten beads. Initial material and forms

For more than a decade, beads have been a favorite material for needlewomen, both for beginners and experienced craftswomen. And this is no coincidence, because it is these miniature beads that are a wonderful and malleable material, which is distinguished by a huge number of different colors and sizes, and is great for making great crafts!

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There are a lot of ideas for creating wonderful things from beads, but there is another unusual way to use this rainbow material to create creative things from it that are relevant for decorating your home, or for making original jewelry.



This is a melted bead. No, you heard right - it was melted.


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For the creative process, it is worth preparing:


Plastic / plastic beads (colors of your choice);


Forms for baking (both small and large);


Any vegetable oil;


Preheated oven (or microwave);


Lots and lots of ideas.

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For the first experience, you can try to make the simplest figures in order to see the result with your own eyes, and only then start experimenting.


To do this, coat the inside of the baking dish with oil, pour some beads into it, evenly distributing it over the plane. By the way, the forms must be placed on a baking sheet, which is previously covered with permanent paper.

Now we install the baking sheet with the blanks in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we take out the baking sheet, and let the molds and their unusual contents cool down properly.

Now you can release the melted beads from the molds and enjoy the first successes in this endeavor.


We use protective gloves, because it will be hot. If we want to form some kind of shape, we have very little time, because the plastic hardens quickly, and during this time we can have time to roll out the layer with a rolling pin or lay out what we have in mind


Now, experimenting with the colors, transparency and textures of the beads, as well as the time they stay in the oven, you can try to make more complex figures.

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You should also not limit yourself to only small molds, but take, for example, a large baking dish or use larger dishes. By the way, it has probably already become clear that the thickness of future figures is affected by the amount of beads poured into the mold.

And if you wish, you can think over the whole composition in advance, and by combining several forms, get, for example, an excellent decor element for the interior of a living room or bedroom.

Try mixing small and large shapes together for more creative and intricate shapes.

You can also take a glass baking dish as a base, but in this case, the surface of the walls must be properly oiled to prevent the beads from sticking.

So, it turned out such a cute and convenient vase in everyday life.




Here is another option for using beads in a strict black and white version.


By the way, it looks really good!

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And if a slightly cooled molten layer is placed on top of a can or any other shape, then this pliable mass will take its form with folds. like in this photo.

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You can make hairpins in this way

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Pendants and bracelets…

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Here are the dream catchers!

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When you have already “filled your hand”, it is worth starting more complex “stained glass” images that can be made not only beautiful, but also, say, thematic.

As you have noticed, everything is very, very simple, and the result of the creative process exceeds all expectations.



If necessary, remember to poke holes for hanging with a needle while the plastic is still hot, or you can use a drill later. Rough edges can be sanded with fine sandpaper. Until the mass has cooled down, you can additionally encrust it by throwing “fresh” beads and all sorts of beautiful things on top.

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For more than a decade, beads have been a favorite material for needlewomen, both for beginners and experienced craftswomen. And this is no coincidence, because it is these miniature beads that are a wonderful and pliable material, which is distinguished by a huge number of different colors and sizes, and is great for creating magnificent crafts.

There are a lot of ideas for creating wonderful beaded things, but there is another unusual way to use this rainbow material to create creative things from it that are relevant for decorating your home, or for making original jewelry. This is a melted bead. No, you heard right - it was melted.

For the creative process, it is worth preparing:

Plastic / plastic beads (colors of your choice);

Forms for baking (both small and large);

Any vegetable oil;

Preheated oven (or microwave);

Lots and lots of ideas.

For the first experience, you can try to make the simplest figures, to see the result with your own eyes, and only then start experimenting. To do this, coat the inside of the baking dish with oil, pour some beads into it, evenly distributing it over the plane. By the way, the forms must be placed on a baking sheet, which is previously covered with permanent paper.

Now we install the baking sheet with the blanks in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we take out the baking sheet, and let the molds and their unusual contents cool down properly.

Now you can release the melted beads from the molds and enjoy the first successes in this endeavor.

We use protective gloves, because it will be hot. If we want to form some kind of shape, we have very little time, because the plastic hardens quickly, and during this time we can have time to roll out the layer with a rolling pin or lay out what we have in mind

Now, experimenting with the colors, transparency and textures of the beads, as well as the time they stay in the oven, you can try to make more complex figures . You should also not limit yourself to only small molds, but take, for example, a large baking dish or use larger dishes. By the way, it has probably already become clear that the thickness of future figures is affected by the amount of beads poured into the mold.

And if there is a desire you can think over the whole composition in advance, and, by combining several forms, get, for example, an excellent decor element for the interior of a living room or bedroom.

Try to combine small and large shapes with each other for more creative and intricate figures.

As a base, you can take a glass baking dish, but in this case, the surface of the walls must be properly oiled to prevent the beads from sticking.

So, it turned out such a cute and convenient vase in everyday life.

Here is another option for using beads in a strict black and white version.

By the way, it looks really good!

And if a slightly cooled molten layer is placed on top of a can or any other shape , then this pliable mass will take its form with folds. like in this photo.

You can make hairpins in this way

Pendants and bracelets…

Here are the dream catchers!

When you already "fill your hand", it's worth starting to more complex "stained glass" images, which can be made not only beautiful, but also, say, thematic.

As you have noticed, everything is very, very simple, and the result of the creative process exceeds all expectations.

If necessary, remember to poke holes for hanging with a needle while the plastic is still hot, or you can use a drill later. Rough edges can be sanded with fine sandpaper. Until the mass has cooled down, you can additionally encrust it by throwing “fresh” beads and all sorts of beautiful things on top.

Good luck finding new ideas!

For several decades, beads have been one of the most popular materials for the creativity of many craftswomen and needlewomen. He is loved not only by experienced craftsmen, but also by beginners in the creative field. Beads come up with a new application, including melting. As a result of melting iridescent and bright beads, creative gizmos are obtained that will take their rightful place in your interior and simply cheer you up.

You will need

  • - beads (color of your choice),
  • - molds for melting beads (any size, shape),
  • - vegetable oil (for greasing molds),
  • - Oven or microwave.


For starters, you can try to make small figures and objects to see what can come out in the end and just fill your hand.

Take a baking sheet and line it with parchment paper. Then the mold you have chosen for melting beads must be well lubricated with oil from the inside.

Take a plastic or plastic bead and put it on the bottom of the mold. Beads can be arranged randomly or in a certain sequence, it all depends on your imagination. But it is desirable that the beads are located in one row.

We put a baking sheet with molds in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. We check the degree of swimming every 5 - 10 minutes. Usually 20 minutes is sufficient for melting. Once ready, take the pan out of the oven and let cool. We take out the figures from the molds and enjoy the result.

Fused beads can be used to make various interior items, Christmas decorations, jewelry, creative things for everyday use. Try and experiment with bead color, transparency, texture and degree of melting.
Good luck in creativity!


Only melt plastic and plastic beads. Glass beads will not melt in an ordinary home oven.

Turn on the hood and open a window to ensure good ventilation.

Attention, only TODAY!

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Hello needlewomen!

Today I will tell you:

  1. Where are beads made?
  2. How beads are made at the factory.
  3. Is it possible to make beads at home.

First, let's understand what is a bead? Beads (beads) are small or large decorative items made of glass, ceramics, wood, into which you can thread a fishing line, wire or thread.

Usually the beads have a round or slightly oval shape, but there are also cylindrical beads (in the form of sticks), square or faceted.

Today, markets and shops for creativity are full of numerous varieties of beads. It differs in shape, color, size and, of course, the country of origin.

Where are beads made?

Today, beads are produced in different countries, but the Czech Republic, China and Japan are undoubtedly the leaders in this market. The production material in these countries differs both in quality and price. For example, beads from China are the cheapest.

That is why it is produced so much, but the quality suffers accordingly. Chinese beads are not even, when working with them, size calibration is required.

Such beads are very often used when embroidering concert dresses and costumes, since their unevenness is not so noticeable on such products.

Czech beads are of very high quality, they are produced according to all the rules and technologies, and therefore the cost has been increased. Beads from the Czech Republic are even, with a large color palette, several sizes.

Bead making

Making beads is a rather complicated process that requires knowledge of high technologies in the field of working with glass. Well-known bead manufacturers use in this business the latest equipment with the latest technology.

How is the process of making small glass beads? To begin with, the glass is melted to 1550 degrees, gradually adding various dyes and other additives to it to give the future beads a textured shape. The molten mass of glass is passed through very thin tubes and completely cooled. After that, glass threads are obtained. Fully hardened glass tubes are chopped into small pieces. This is how beads are made.

How to make beads with your own hands?

As already mentioned, the manufacture of beads is a highly technological process that requires certain knowledge. Based on this, we can conclude that it is simply not possible to make beads on your own at home.

But there is one way out of non-traditional work with beads. Almost anyone can melt beads (beads are only made of plastic).

What is it for? Molten beads are very colorful and multi-textured, they make original and creative gizmos and jewelry.

So, as you have learned, making beads is a very complicated process. At home, making it is very dangerous and almost impossible. Shops provide a wide range of beads, so choose and create beauty!!!

Ask your questions and be sure to subscribe to blog updates.

P.S. Tell us your ideas: where can I use the leftover beads? There are many Chinese and Czechs left. It’s a pity to throw it away, but there won’t be enough color for a finished necklace or bracelet. Share where you apply the residual beads?

Our world is full of interesting and unusual. Sometimes goodness lurks behind the unknown, and most often it is the supernatural that people associate with evil. People from the most ancient times knew about the existence of the other world, and this knowledge only grows and accumulates over time.

Each of us did various mysterious rituals at least once in our lives, went to sorcerers, or performed various magical rites, read conspiracies.

Of course, the warm relations of family members play a very important role in maintaining goodness and comfort in the house, and we all know that a strong and loving family cannot be shaken. But such household items as a hearth, various amulets, conspiracies help people protect themselves from evil and open the doors to good.

Most often in our homes you can find various amulets - dream catchers, God's eye, horseshoes hanging over the entrance to the house. All this is designed to keep evil out of the door. Conspiracies also help people in this difficult matter. There are conspiracies aimed at certain people, or pronounced for a specific purpose, most often they are conspiracies from diseases, from evil people, or, for example, conspiracies for a betrothed, in the modern magical world there are conspiracies for a quick sale of a house or its acquisition.

Today we will learn how to make another very interesting amulet that will help you protect your house and fill it with warmth - sun catcher.

sun catcher most often hung on the window, but in the summer it can also be placed in the garden. The main condition is that sunlight passes through it. You will be surprised by what you see - hundreds of small rainbows in sunny weather will please the eye.

It is also believed that sun catcher attracts good weather.

We will do molten bead sun catcher. It should be noted that not all beads are suitable for this purpose. Glass beads can only be melted in special furnaces, as the melting point of glass is quite high. We are also interested in beads that can be melted in a conventional oven. These are plastic or plastic beads. In some types of dyed beads, the paint may burn out due to exposure to high temperatures. The "Pony Beads" shown in the photo are best suited for baking.

For work we need:

  • Beads (the above says which one is better suited for this purpose).
  • Form for cooking.
  • If you are using a bottomless baking dish, you will need a baking sheet. It can be parchment paper or embroidery canvas.
  • Oven.

  • The baking dish must first be greased with oil. Lay out the beads in one layer.

    You can use molds of different sizes, and then combine the resulting "glasses" when assembling the sun catcher.

    We place the beads in a preheated oven (200 ° C) for 25 minutes. There may be a slight smell of burnt plastic. The author claims that open windows and an air freshener easily solve this problem.

    After the blanks under the sun catcher have cooled, they can be pulled out of the baking dishes. According to the author, this is not at all difficult, since the "glasses" literally jump out of the mold.