How to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers. We clean the nose of a healthy baby. How and when to cut your newborn's nails

Cleaning a baby's nose is one of the unpleasant, but necessary hygiene procedures for him. Parents should master the technique well in order to bring the baby as little discomfort as possible and not harm the little baby's nose. Take the cleaning process responsibly. Let's look at this issue in stages.

How to clean a newborn's nose: preparation

It will be more convenient if mommy prepares everything necessary for the spout cleaning procedure in advance. These include:

Sterile cotton wool;

Vegetable oil, saline, or boiled water;


Aspirator and pear if needed.

How to clean a newborn's nose: mastering the technique

Rarely does a baby remain calm during hygiene procedures. Usually, the baby cries, bends and twists his head. Therefore, instead of cotton swabs and matches with wound cotton, it is better to use flagella. This will eliminate the risk of injury to the baby's nose.

It is convenient if, while the mother is cleaning the nose of the newborn, someone else will distract the baby, for example, with a toy. If there is no helper and you have to handle it yourself, find a way to secure the newborn's head. This can be done with your free hand or by placing a soft object over your child, such as rolled up towels.

Use vegetable oil to cleanse your nose. Ordinary sunflower is suitable, preferably sterilized in advance. This will eliminate the risk of microbial infection of the vulnerable nasal mucosa.

And, on the contrary, do not try to use breast milk as a liquid for wetting the flagellum (in our time such a "useful" popular advice is still widespread). Breast milk that is not used for its intended purpose will serve as a breeding ground for pathogens.

The procedure is usually performed during the baby's morning toilet or after an evening swim. Remember to keep your hands clean. As mentioned above, try to prepare everything you need in advance so as not to be distracted by trifles when in contact with your child.

Twist some cotton wool flagella. They should not be too thin, elastic and of sufficient length. Don't worry, with experience you will develop the skill of twisting the perfect turunda.

Use oil, saline, or regular boiled water to soften the crusts. In this case, there are no strict guidelines. All components have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the small nose. Alternate solutions if desired. Sometimes it is necessary to first drip liquid into the nose. It is convenient to use a pipette for this. It must be sterilized and dried after each use.

The moistened flagellum should be placed in the nostril and performed several scrolling movements. Do not reuse flagella. Wipe the outside of your nose if it gets dirty during the procedure.

You should not be zealous and clean your nose several times a day. If the baby is healthy and there are no manifestations of a runny nose, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a day.

How to clean the nose of a newborn: preventive measures

It is very important for the condition of the nasal mucosa in what conditions its owner lives. Create a comfortable environment for your child:

It shouldn't be too hot in the apartment. The optimal temperature for a baby will be 24-25 ° C.

The air must be sufficiently humid. A humidifier is ideal for this purpose. But not every family can incur the additional costs of such devices. Therefore, there is an alternative way: dampen a clean piece of cloth and hang it near a heat source. The evaporating water will humidify the air in the room. A container with water located near a battery or heater works in a similar way.

Damp the baby's room every day. Wash floors and dust thoroughly in the children's room.

Ventilate the room, but be careful not to create drafts that are dangerous for the baby's fragile body.

Eliminate irritants such as dust, perfume, pungent odors, and tobacco smoke.

Communicating with pets is definitely good for your child's development. But for the period of infancy, such contact will have to be limited. Animal hair is a powerful allergen and an additional irritant to the nasal mucosa.

How to clean a newborn's nose: the baby is sick

Do not try to suck mucus out of your baby's nose without any device. It's not even a matter of non-observance of basic hygiene rules. And the mother is in danger of getting infected from the child. After all, after childbirth, the woman's body is greatly weakened and becomes vulnerable even to low-risk infections.

If your baby has a runny nose, you should know how to clean a newborn's nose with an aspirator. This specially designed device is available from your pharmacy. One end of the device is inserted shallowly into the baby's nose. The second nostril must be clamped. The parent clamps the other end of the tube with his lips, trying to draw in air as much as possible. This creates a vacuum in the tube, allowing the contents of the nose to be removed. Mucus from the nose is collected in a special container located at the "nasal" end of the aspirator or in the middle of the tube. This way of cleaning the nose is hygienic and safe.

Currently, in addition to mechanical, there are electronic aspirators. Their price is higher, but they are much more convenient to use.

An alternative method is to cleanse with a pear. Pick up a small soft-tipped pear from your pharmacy. Be sure to boil sterilize it before each use. Release the air from the pear, squeezing it, and enter in this state shallowly into the nostril. Spread out the pear. If everything is done correctly, then the contents of the spout should be "sucked" into the cavity of the pear. This method requires some skill. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you do not achieve the result the first time.

Congratulations, you have stocked up on your knowledge of an important hygiene procedure. Now drop your fears and doubts and start practicing! Let your little one breathe freely with his little clean little nose!

When the baby is quietly snoring peacefully in the crib, then mommy is calm. A special experience is caused by nasal congestion in an infant. Sometimes the whims of a child confuse parents. Many for the first time received the honorary status of mom and dad, therefore they are absolutely not prepared for such worries for their baby. Meanwhile, the baby does not suck well at the breast and sleeps little, since breathing through the nose is difficult.

How to help a little creature? It is important to know that the newborn's nasopharynx is in the process of forming. The nasal passages are narrow, so there is always a danger of damaging them. It is better not to clean the nasal sinuses of the baby without special need, so as not to overdo it and not injure the delicate mucous membrane. First, you need to carefully examine the baby's nose and find out the reason for the noisy puffing.

Why are snub-noses sniffling loudly?

Infants cannot breathe through their mouths, so only free nasal passages provide comfort and peace to the child. When the nasal mucosa swells, the first signal for action is loud puffing, a specific "whistle" in the presence of crusts and a constantly open mouth. The kid is naughty and tries to show that he has difficulty breathing.

The most common causes of excess mucus in newborns and the formation of crusts can be:

  • insufficiently humidified air in the room / less than 50% / where a small person stays,
  • irritants in the air in the form of dust, aerosols and tobacco smoke,
  • viruses and bacteria in the inhaled air.

Dry nasal mucosa becomes an object of "adoration" of microbes, and the baby's imperfect immunity is not yet ready to resist them.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the humidity in the room, using additional means of enriching the air with moisture.

The harmful effects of irritants on the child's body should be eliminated to a minimum, and the fight against pathogens should be carried out by means of wet cleaning of the children's room with the use of disinfectants.

How to clean the spout properly?

A sensitive mother will immediately sound the alarm and hasten to do everything necessary to ensure the smooth passage of air through her baby's nose. It should be noted that the procedure for cleansing the nose from snot in a baby requires special attention and caution.

When sneezing, the baby's nose cleans itself. When there is too much mucus, its flow is naturally disrupted.

Therefore, it is important to cleanse the baby's nose painlessly and as efficiently as possible.

The procedure should not become a stumbling block for adults, since free breathing contributes to the correct growth and development of the baby.

How to clean a baby's nose?

Each mom's arsenal should have the following devices for the smooth removal of thick nozzles from the baby's nasal passages:

  • Flagella made of cotton wool / turundochka /, which are desirable to be prepared from sterile cotton material for one cleaning. Each tube must be moistened in warm boiled water to reduce the traumatic effect.

How to properly clean a baby's nose with turundochek?

Before carrying out the manipulation, you must make sure that there are no dry crusts in order to avoid pushing them further along the respiratory tract. Dried crusts should be softened with a saline or oil solution / peach or apricot based / and removed safely.

Comments (1)
Cotton swabs with stopper at the base Designed specifically for infants. These wonderful helpers guarantee safety not only for the baby, but for inexperienced parents, limiting the movement along the narrow nasal passages. Cotton swabs with stopper at the base Designed specifically for infants. These wonderful helpers guarantee safety not only for the baby, but for inexperienced parents, limiting the movement along the narrow nasal passages. Pear / syringe / with rubber tip Allows the most efficient evacuation of thick secretions / mucus / from the sinuses. The baby will certainly not like the procedure, but in some cases the position obliges its use.

How to remove snot with a pear?

Before use, the pear must be treated with boiling water and allowed to cool. When the device cools down, it is necessary to release all the air from it, and then insert the tip of the pear alternately into each nostril.

A mechanical, electronic or vacuum aspirator makes it possible to remove even hard-to-reach discharge from the child's nose. All stagnant secretions can be removed by adjusting the suction force. The baby can react painfully to the mucus suction process, but after the procedure, the baby's mood quickly changes to positive along with free breathing.

Before using the device, it must be processed strictly according to the attached instructions.

It is important to take into account that while cleansing the nose with a syringe and an aspirator, the second nasal passage must be covered to create optimal vacuum conditions for emptying the sinuses.

When should you see a doctor?

Efforts to cleanse the nose bring relief to the baby only for a while. This means that the help of a specialist is vital. Disturbed nasal breathing leads to insufficient purification of the inhaled air, which is dangerous for the baby's health.

The nose does not breathe enough, therefore the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen. The child is capricious, practically does not sleep and is reluctant to eat. The reasons for this condition can be very diverse. As a rule, newly minted mothers do not know how to clean their baby's nose. A local pediatrician who knows the features of a small patient like no other will help you to understand the situation in more detail and get rid of snot.

As a rule, mothers complain to the doctor about the child's restless behavior, short sleep and poor appetite. In some cases, the reason for seeking qualified help can be: fever, shortness of breath and even elements of a rash on the skin. In this situation, it is better to consult a doctor.

A home visit may be the best option for a specialist examination of your child.

In a comfortable home environment, a young mother can without hesitation ask a specialist how to properly clean her baby's nose so that she does not commit erroneous actions in the future.

It is important to know that all medicines for the treatment of snot in infants are used only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication for a newborn is not recommended in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

The nasal passages of a newborn baby are very narrow, so even a small accumulation of mucus leads to difficulty breathing. If the baby's nose is not promptly cleaned of mucus, dried crusts will form in it.... In this case, the baby begins to snore heavily and even snore in a dream. When the spout is clogged, it is difficult to eat. A newborn baby should clean the nose every day, but you need to know how to do it right. Any careless movement can damage the mucous membrane and become infected.

Why do crusts form?

An infant in the first month of life may suffer from a physiological rhinitis. This is due to the fact that the respiratory organs adapt to external conditions. At this time, the mucous membrane of the nose swells and excess mucus is secreted. If not cleaned, it dries quickly and obstructs the passage of air. Usually, a physiological runny nose goes away within a couple of weeks after birth. If the baby's nose is still clogged, then the cause of this phenomenon may be:

  • Too dry and warm indoor air. The problem of a clogged nose is relevant for children born in the autumn-winter period, when centralized heating is turned on.
  • Allergens. These include plant pollen, animal fluff, tobacco smoke, household chemicals and house dust.
  • Respiratory diseases.

It should be borne in mind that respiratory diseases often begin due to the very dry air in the home. The dried-up mucous membrane cannot perform its functions normally, therefore viruses and bacteria, once in the nose, actively multiply. Crusting in the nose of a newborn can cause bleeding. If the crust is tightly adhered to the mucous membrane, then when it is removed, the membrane is damaged and blood appears.

There should be no items in the room of a newborn baby that can cause allergies. Remove thick carpets, dusty books, and indoor flowers. You can not smoke near the baby's room and let animals in it.

What not to do

A newborn baby is very weak, so any hygiene procedures are carried out with great care. When cleansing the nasal cavity of an infant, you cannot resort to the following manipulations:

  • Suck the accumulated mucus from the baby with your mouth, since there is a high risk of infection with a respiratory illness.
  • Dripping breast milk into the baby's nose. Many grandmothers and some mothers consider breast milk a panacea for all diseases. It is not uncommon to hear advice from older people to drip milk into the nose. According to the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky, this cannot be done. Milk is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. In such an environment, the population of microbes and viruses rapidly increases, then they spread throughout the body and cause a number of complications.
  • You should not clean the nose of a newborn baby with a cotton swab or a match with cotton wrapped around one end. One careless movement and the mucous membrane will be damaged.

It is possible to remove crusts from the baby's nose only at a time when he is absolutely calm. It is optimal to carry out hygiene procedures after sleep and half an hour after feeding. If your baby is hungry or wants to sleep, it is unlikely that it will be possible to clean the nose properly. He will constantly turn his head and there is a great risk of damaging the mucous membrane.

You can clean the nose of a baby only with a cotton flagellum, while it should not be pushed too deep into the nasal passages.

What to prepare for the procedure

To clean the nose of a newborn from boogers, everything you need should be prepared before the hygienic procedure. You should have at hand:

  • Cotton pads or soft absorbent cotton wool.
  • Oil - peach, vaseline or ordinary vegetable oil, previously pasteurized in a water bath.
  • Aqua Maris, saline or saline solution prepared by yourself.
  • Soft cotton napkin. You can take a piece of cotton rags that have been well washed and ironed on both sides. This fabric does not rub the baby's delicate skin.
  • Pipette.
  • A small soft towel to put the baby under the head.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare an aspirator and small scissors if cotton pads are used to make flagella.

Saline for cleansing the baby's nose is best used in 5 ml ampoules. One ampoule is used for one procedure.

How to make flagella for cleaning a newborn's nose

To clean the baby's nose well, you should use cotton flagella. They can be made from sterile absorbent cotton or cotton pads. Correctly made flagella should be small. One end should be slightly thicker and the other thinner. Flagella should be done like this:

  • Small pieces are torn from a piece of cotton wool.
  • Then they are twisted with the thumb and forefinger so that they are cone-shaped.
  • Finished turundas are folded into a small clean jar with a tightly lapped lid.

You can clean your baby's nose with flagella made from cotton pads. To do this, each cotton pad is cut into 8 parts and each part is twisted into a cone. The good thing about the flagella from the discs is that the cotton wool is compressed and the turunda does not disintegrate.

Each newborn's nasal passage should be cleaned with a separate cotton swab.

What oil to clean the nose of a baby

Before removing the boogers from the baby's nose, they should be softened. This can be done with oil. For this purpose, use olive, peach or petroleum jelly. You can take a special Johnson Baby oil, which is intended for caring for newborns.

If there is no special oil, you can pour some ordinary vegetable oil into a glass jar of baby food, boil it and use it to care for the baby.

Cleansing the nose of a newborn

It is not difficult to remove dried boogers from a newborn. For this, the baby is placed on a changing table or bed, previously covered with a diaper. The nose should be well lit. Then the procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A soft towel is covered under the child's head. After this, the baby is turned over onto a side and half a pipette of saline is instilled into the nose. After that, this procedure is carried out with another nasal passage. The remaining liquid is removed with a soft cloth.
  2. Wait a few minutes for the crusts to soften. After that, they take cotton filaments, moisten them in oil and clear the nasal passages. Each with a separate flagellum.
  3. After all the crusts have been removed, the nasal passages are drained with clean cotton filaments. If necessary, the skin around the nose is smeared with baby cream.

If a child has a runny nose in addition to crusts, the mucus is first sucked off with an aspirator, and only then the dried boogers are removed. If you do not have an aspirator at hand, you can use a regular syringe with a soft rubber tip.

The hygienic procedure should be carried out as needed, but at least once a day. If you cleanse the nose unnecessarily and often, then the microflora in the nasopharynx is disturbed.

To prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, the house should be kept at an optimal temperature and humidity.... To do this, you should often open the vents and, if necessary, hang wet towels on the batteries. A newborn child should be protected from infectious diseases and allergens. The dwelling often requires wet cleaning, wiping all surfaces.

There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter than a newborn man. This little crumb brings dramatic changes into our life, which we take for granted, taking on ourselves a huge responsibility for his life. A child is happiness and this happiness requires care, care and attention. Each mother, caring for her baby, changing diapers, dressing him, bathing, sometimes faces such issues that for her, an adult, did not create any problems in everyday life. Here is one of these questions: how to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers?

Causes of the appearance of crusts or boogers in the nose of a newborn baby

To answer this question, you first need to understand and understand what is the cause of the crusts or, as the common people call it, "boogers" in the nose of a newborn? A clogged nose creates great anxiety for both the baby and the mother. Because of the clogged nose, the baby does not breathe well, sleeps, eats. The causes of drying out of the mucous membrane in newborns can be:

How and how to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers

There are four ways to clean a nose from a booger for a newborn

  1. cotton flagella;
  2. cotton swab;
  3. pear (syringe);
  4. aspirator.

Proceeding to cleaning with one of the proposed methods, it is necessary to soften the mucus and boogers in the nose of the crumbs. For softening are used:

  • ordinary saline solution, you can prepare it for your mother herself at home (one liter of water, one teaspoon of salt);
  • saline;
  • sea ​​water for babies - "Humer", "Morenazole" (purchased in pharmacies).

A couple of drops of the above solutions in each nostril will be sufficient.

Important! Breast milk is not suitable for softening the crusts in the mucous membrane. It will only be harmful, since it creates a good environment for the reproduction of microbes.

To drip the spout with a solution, you need to fix the child's head. It will be good if there is someone who can hold his head. If the mother herself, then bury, easily holding the child on one hand, pressing him to her body, and drip with the other hand. Or, put the baby on the back, slightly tilt his head up. So that the baby does not twist his head, you should put rolled towels over his head. After a few minutes after instillation, you can proceed to the cleaning itself.

Methods for cleaning the nose of a newborn from boogers

You can buy cotton filaments at the pharmacy or make yourself. To make a cotton flag ourselves, you need to cut a cotton swab in half, and then cut the halves in half again. Twist the cones from the quarters and the four flagella are ready. Next, you should carefully tuck the cone into the spout and turn it so that the boogers wind on it. Use each flagellum separately in each nostril. The cotton flagellum has an average efficiency, but it does a wonderful job of removing crusts. There is no risk to injure the child, no. The disadvantage of the flagellum is that it rolls down and does not reach the goat, which is located deep in the nose.

Advice. A warm bath perfectly softens the boogers.

Cotton swabs, also called ear sticks. They are not recommended for cleaning the baby's nose. There is a great risk of injury to the child. But if only this option is at hand, you should remove the excess cotton wool from the tip (if the tip is larger than the baby's nostril), stick the stick in the nose and twist it in one direction. Again, it should be noted that each side of the stick is separate for each nostril. And it would be good if the stick itself was made of a soft plastic tube, and not of wood. If used improperly, it can push the crusts even deeper into the nasal cavity - this is a lack of a cotton swab.

Pear (syringe). Before using a pear, wash it well with soap and hot water. First, you need to release air from the pear, squeezing the ball, insert the tip into the child's nose and release the ball. Mucus and boogers will be drawn into the inside of the ball. To perform the same operation with the other nostril, wash the syringe and continue cleaning. Lack of pear (syringe) - does not completely cleanse the nasal cavity.

Aspirator- highly effective device for cleaning the nasal cavity. Copes with nasal discharge. Zero percent risk of injury to the child. The disadvantage is the high cost of the device. The aspirator is of three types: mechanical, electronic and vacuum.

When using an electronic and vacuum aspirator, the mother should check the suction force before use by placing the end of the aspirator to her hand. Gently insert the tip of the aspirator into the baby's nostril and suck out the mucus. Through the transparent tubes, mom will see how the nose is cleared. Spare parts of the aspirator should be thoroughly washed with hot water before use.

At the end of the topic, how to clean the nose of a newborn from boogers, let us draw conclusions. In order to avoid dried crusts in the nose of your beloved baby, you should adhere to the basic rules of hygiene. The room in which the newborn is located should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly ventilated. The humidity in the room should be 50% for a healthy child, and for a sick child it should not be lower than 70%. Humidifiers are used to humidify the air. And to find out the humidity there is a device - a hygrometer. In no case should you abuse the heaters in the room where the baby is. The best option would be to dress the baby warmer, and exclude the heater altogether. If the child is not capricious, eats with a good appetite, does not sniff during sleep, then it is not necessary for him to specially clean his nose.

How to clean a nose for a newborn: video

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A small miracle appeared in the house - a small baby was born. Young parents are happy, worried about everyday worries: bathing, feeding, sleeping, walking. Cleaning of the baby's nose is added to the worries. You cannot neglect, but let it not scare you when the little one is crying. If you are a parent for the first time and do not know how and with what to clean the nose of a newborn, then familiarize yourself with the technique. If done correctly, injuries are excluded.

The entire period of pregnancy, the child is in a sterile environment, his immune system is "asleep". Protection begins to develop after birth, so mucus can accumulate in the nasal passages even in a healthy newborn baby. Babies cannot blow their nose, and they also cannot breathe through their mouths. If the nose is stuffed up, it feels uncomfortable, and declares it by crying. Sleep and feeding so important to him become inadequate. To restore normal breathing, parents need to clear their nasal passages.

The second reason is dry crusts. Their presence does not indicate the baby's illness. Thus, the spout cleans itself from dust and small lint that get there. Newborns sneeze often, this is also self-cleaning, but the crusts remain. And since the nostrils are very narrow from birth, they quickly become clogged.

What is needed for the procedure

The procedure will not bring pleasure to the baby and therefore you need to prepare what is needed in advance. Collect the following items in a small box to keep everything close at hand:

  • vegetable oil (sterile);
  • saline solution for rinsing;
  • boiled or sterile water;
  • cotton wool (sterile);
  • pipette;
  • aspirator or special syringe.

You may need this at any time. By preparing in advance, you will not waste time looking.

When and how to clean the little one's nose

It is produced by the cells of the nasal mucosa and serves as a protective barrier against viruses. Too excessive parental care will result in a weakening of the immune system, frequent cleansing will lead to overdrying. If you don't want to harm, clean with copious mucus, dry crusts or a clogged spout.

For a healthy baby, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a day, and the best time is in the evening after bathing or in the morning.

How to clean a baby's nose

You can do this yourself, but if there is an assistant, you should not refuse. The best assistant will be dad, who will distract the baby with his favorite toy while you clear the aisles. During this, the child will not feel pleasure, he will dodge and twist his head. To exclude injuries to the nasal passages, the head must be fixed with pillows or towels.

Some people find it easier to clean with cotton swabs. They cannot be used, as the tissues are very soft and cotton swabs can injure. It is best to twist small cotton wool flagella; you need to prepare them in advance. At first, they can turn out to be imperfect, a little practice will correct the mistakes.

Flagella are moistened in vegetable oil, it must first be boiled, it is also used for

wetting with water or saline. You can use any of these three components, you can take them in turn. Breast milk, as some do, should not be used. Getting on the mucous membrane, it becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

The cotton filaments are carefully inserted into the nostrils and, by scrolling, the crusts are removed. If this was not done the first time, the procedure can be repeated. The used cotton wool is thrown away, in no case is it left a second time, even if outwardly it seems clean. Finishing cleansing, wipe the spout outside soft napkin.

Cleansing the nose of a baby with a cold

A sick child has too much mucus and cannot be removed in the usual way. And how to clean the kid's nose in this case? In the pharmacy, special pears are sold to remove mucus from children. It is easy to use them: one nostril is pinched with a finger, and a pear is inserted into the other nostril (not deeply) in a compressed state and then released. The mucus is absorbed into the pear. After use, the syringe is washed and sterilized by boiling.

The pharmacy also sells aspirators: mechanical and electronic. The price of the latter is somewhat more expensive, but it is more convenient to use them. The essence of the device is as follows, it is a transparent tube with a reservoir for collecting liquid. Unlike a pear, using an aspirator, you can see the results, i.e. the amount of liquid pumped out. One end of the aspirator tube is inserted into the nostril, the other is clamped by hand. The adult inserts the other end of the tube into the mouth and draws in air, creating a vacuum in the tube. Due to it, mucus is drawn into the tube.

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning a baby's nose

You need to know

There are a number of rules that young parents may not be aware of. By adhering to them, you will make the life of a nursing child more comfortable:

  1. Humidity. Use a humidifier. If it is not possible to buy such a device, hang up a wet towel or place a container of water near the battery. The moisture evaporates and humidifies the air in the room where the newborn is.
  2. Temperature. The room should not be hot, about 25 C.
  3. Cleaning. Don't limit yourself to dry cleaning, but do wet cleaning every day. The same goes for dust in the room.
  4. Fresh air. Ventilate the room regularly if possible.
  5. Foreign odors. Smoke from cigarettes, perfumes, fresheners should not disturb the baby.
  6. Pets. The baby will still have time to communicate with them, but for now, their fur only irritates the mucous membrane.

Now mom and dad know how to clean a newborn's nose and not harm him at the same time. This means that your baby will develop correctly and stay healthy.

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