How to congratulate a woman on her 50th birthday. What not to say on your anniversary

It's time to prepare for the holiday and accept congratulations on your 50th birthday.

What can I wish for you, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy of once again remembering the best moments in the life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years must be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday person. Don't read banal words from a store postcard. It’s better to prepare a short poem, which you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, having previously sent information about the birthday person.

People say that living life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to spare kind words:

  • if you are preparing congratulations for the 50th birthday of a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities as a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional advantages he has;
  • for your beloved mother you need to choose the most tender words, because she expects and deserves them;
  • I have traveled a lot of roads with my girlfriend or boyfriend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem for the occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and contains pleasant compliments, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time and will delight the heroes of the day. There are never enough wishes on this day!

What not to say on your anniversary

Etiquette must be followed in everything. If those congratulating you really prepare correctly, then they will not focus on the woman’s age, even when it is congratulations on her 50th birthday. It is more appropriate to talk about the life core and virtues of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our lives. But if on ordinary days they are invisible, then on an anniversary you need to forget about them. There’s no need to say for the hundredth time that the birthday boy’s life is just beginning... It’s better to tell guests about the bright moments that await the birthday boy in the next part of his life’s journey.

You should not give advice to celebrants if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps you in life. But wishes for health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you use your imagination and don’t turn off your logic, it’s easy to create an original congratulation!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
He will give sensible advice to the children,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And all my friends respect me.

The birthday girl is beautiful, as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And may you be fifty today,
But his eyes, just like in his youth, glow.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and goodness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, devoted friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Our life is such a thing

I was young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
That's how things are!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Never be discouraged
Life is easy, without knowing worries,
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, it seems like a long time...
Everything was on your difficult path,
Life with you was good-natured and strict,
And you were able to find your happiness!
Achieved what we once wanted
We managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if you still didn’t have time to do something -
There are still many opportunities ahead!
Now your grandchildren will be your joy,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of your family will be the best reward,
And let's continue the celebration with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile before,
To be the happiest - no more, no less,
And life will definitely not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity,
So that there is nothing to even dream about!
Let the whole world become cozy for you,
It will be painted in azure colors.
May luck generously greet you everywhere!
But even if something suddenly goes wrong,
Something for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business is, in essence, a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on an open path.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years - what an anniversary!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Live long, long, don’t get sick!
Everything will be great - we know for sure!
May spring always bloom in your soul,
Age only makes you more beautiful,
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup of this life!


At 50, it’s probably no coincidence
The anniversary is called golden!
Little remains a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years flew by unnoticed
They flashed by like a short dream!
Don't be sad that summer is leaving!
The velvet season is just around the corner!
Everything is now available, everything is clear,
The sun warms, but no longer burns!
May happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

The age of women is said to be
There's no point in discussing it at all!
On the anniversary of fifty
You look younger!

How not to say this
Wonderful birthday girl!
I want to wish you:
Be just as interesting!

Let the worries go away

The road will be easy

Well, we are your friends,

Will always be nearby!

Your magical beauty will easily drive you crazy -
Shine your eyes, smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss and charm,
I will lay the treasures of the whole world at your feet!
Affection and tenderness are growing stronger every day,
Enthusiastic, a little timidly, we always move forward.
Let's find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall...
I am in love with you as in my youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say - fifty,
After all, I look and am surprised again
You are still the same as you were ten years ago.

Be your friend as beautiful as before
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
May you have enough patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

Let your eyes be kind and bright
The light that you carry through the years,
Many songs, flowers and gifts,
Let them always be present in life!

You, friend, don’t be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary,
But in my soul I’m eighteen,
So don't you dare relax.

Sparkles dance in the eyes -
This means there will be some sense in business.
There is enough tenderness in the soul -
This means the heart is not bored.

There is gunpowder in the flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, it must be targeted and take into account the birthday girl’s tastes, profession and age. The beautiful half of humanity always appreciates attention and sincere attitude, which can be expressed with kind words.

Here are a few ideas that you can use and prepare original congratulations for your 50th birthday:

  • 1. A shower of wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when guests are given blank stars on which they write their congratulations. To the music, guests throw stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads them aloud. From the compiled congratulations, a star necklace is created for the birthday girl.
  • 2. A comic heartfelt congratulation from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can be in the form of ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of the birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented with collective work on canvas. Anyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this should always be remembered. An anniversary is a special holiday that should not be overshadowed by anything, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations on his 50th birthday will a man definitely like?

The strong half of humanity loves humor and funny congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests. What could be better than the cheerful positive mood that short poems create.

For some reason everyone thinks
At 50, half your life is gone.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
He raised a son and a daughter...

And everything is fine with my career:
You are the boss (and a big one!)
But you will achieve more
Just don’t get old at heart!

You have one road: up,
Go ahead, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be towards achievements,
Ready for new exploits!

And half a century later,
Among loved ones and friends
Celebrate your cheerfulness
Your centenary!

Such a beautiful date
It should be doubly pleasant.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And to always be on horseback!
Good luck, kindness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, just like now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Give to all your friends and family!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
Just a good mood.
So that there is prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young,
We achieved our goals easily and simply.
And may there be fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
Today is your anniversary
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You passed half of it brilliantly!
There is still so much to go through!

Today there is something for celebration
Reasonable reason -
You are half a hundred years old
Our chef is wonderful!

May health be every hour
Siberian makes me happy,
Added to the shoulders
Heroic strength.

There is a flame of love in the heart
It burns brighter
And the fate of your yachts and pitchforks
He's trying to give a gift!

And may your path be simple
To new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

Anniversary years
You'll never catch up
They fly by like comets
Touching the wires.

Time, time, how to be here,
Don't forget, don't forget,
Maybe just look back
And quietly continue to swim.

The years lined up
Is fifty a lot or a little?
A lilac bell,
Congratulations are ringing.

Husbands will line up in a row,
Wives, children, sons,
The whole crowd congratulates you,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You were definitely given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock over the glass of intoxication.

May God grant that everything comes true
The haze of plans has grown together,
Abundance from the horn,
So that it pours on you.

And of course, a few words,
Putting it in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A cup full of luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that will highlight the individuality and resourcefulness of his colleagues.
  2. Dad is the main person in life, just like mom, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that the team composed for him.

It should be noted that any person deserves kind words on their anniversary, which you can always choose yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into a fun competition. The mood is guaranteed for everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcomed.

For a woman, age is just a number!
And true age is in a smile.
You wake up in the morning, look out the window,
And you will understand: there is an error in the documents!

Eighteen at heart, you're so young
The dream of hundreds of brave guys!

And you will never get older;
May you be fifty today,
But this is just a number, just a memory of the past,
Drawing on a board with chalk...

Of course, you can be sad, dear,
But today you are the queen!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
And I want to wish:
Always become nicer
Keep shining brighter.

50 is just a number
Doesn't say anything.
The main thing in the soul is charisma,
The rest will follow.

I wish you happiness
And many happy years to come.
Forget all the bad weather,
There are many victories ahead!

You can't forbid being beautiful,
People say.
You are becoming more and more luxurious, you are still blooming.
Not age - 50!

The anniversary quietly crept up.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
More bright warm days,
Don't rush to grow old.

Let your eyes smile
And everything will be fine.
Perfume, lipstick, heels
And happiness in personal life.

Fifty is not an age, but a number,
You admit - just between us -
How do you master the skill?
Looking younger and younger as you get older?

You shine like the clear sun,
And your young gaze burns with fire,
Don't be sad and don't be discouraged,
Is it really fifty? !

Everything is boiling and working out for you,
A woman like that is just a treasure,
Life is just beginning from now on,
So what? After all, only fifty!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Nothing more beautiful and sweeter!
Here comes "fifty"
Like a berry again.

Let the house be filled with joy,
May you always be lucky in everything.
Let all bad weather pass by,
Only happiness surrounds you!

Charming and beautiful
Respected and loved by everyone.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you love, happiness and health.

Don't let the number fifty scare you
With her you can always shine everywhere.
Stay as young as you are
Gorgeous, successful and groovy.

What to wish today
This nice lady?
Just "twice 25"
We'll celebrate now!

Look how in the eyes
Youth sparkles!
Directly, looking at her,
I want to fall in love!

Have fun and accept
Our congratulations!
Let's have a fun walk
We are on your birthday!

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
The sun gives bright light,
All friends hurry with excitement,
Wish you happy years.
To wish you earthly happiness,
Lots of joy, love,
To be lucky and beautiful
Beauty queen.

Let the gifts please you,
The words will be sweet
And from bright congratulations
Let your head spin.

Today everyone will congratulate you.
On your anniversary there is no escape from the celebration.
Two girls who are twenty-five
You have one in your soul, the other in your heart.

And therefore we doubly wish you:
Let spring always bloom in your soul!
And the cup of happiness is filled to the brim,
Don't sip, but drain to the bottom!

At fifty you are incomparable,
Energetic, good.
Let everything in life go smoothly,
The soul sings endlessly.

May you always have enough strength
For dreams and miracles.
So that money flows into the house steadily,
And the eyes sparkled.

Let your husband and children be proud,
That they have such a treasure.
I'm about to come to you, just believe
Good luck will knock on the house!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You are 50 today.
And I wish you soon
To make your eyes shine again,
Youth does not pass away,
And she lives in the soul,
And you are lucky in all matters!

Such a wonderful stage of life,
My dear! I wish you

Sadness and joy together.
Don't regret what's gone,
50 is not old.
May now and always
Not crucified by sadness,
There will be new years
Rich in joy!
And good work is not a burden,
And the news is gratifying,
And friends won't let you down,
And the soul is in place.
Half a century has passed today.
You still have half a century to live!
When you celebrate your 50th birthday,
There is no need to cry and grieve.
At 50 you are young, respectable,
And there is wisdom behind us.
Ah, those sweet years -
May your wishes come true
And secret dreams

This requires health -
Because for now you are only 50. You are fifty today!
But who will believe this figure?
They burn with the fervor of youth
Your eyes - they won't change
No years of rapid flight,
Nor the bitterness of life's mistakes.
Love lives in your soul,
Giving reasons for smiles.
Let your friends be true
The whole family will be healthy

Protected by God from bad weather!

Beautiful woman's beautiful anniversary
Sounds like the best woman in the world!
Today I turn fifty
Second youth will come.
I wish you happiness and luck,
Incredible goodness
Warmth of spring in your soul!
Congratulations, dear!
I wish you fifty
New feelings and bright days!
Don't be sad, don't be sick!
So that the dough rises quickly.
Only Ford or Hyundai
Bring it to your garage!
What is "fifty"?
New holiday outfit
Fashionable stiletto heels,
Congratulations, smiles.
Only halfway done
The best is yet to come:
Travel to Nepal
And the Brazilian carnival...
Let life flow in you,
All the problems are nothing.
May your health not fail you
Inspiration doesn't go away.
50 is the time of dawn
Women's new, great beauty.
A time of happiness, smiles and light.
And a simple but beautiful dream.
50 is the start time,
It's time to start for the female soul,
That sometimes you don’t even notice
How her family needs her hands.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are beautiful, polite, kind.
And we wish you success and good luck
And warmth from loved ones.
Happiness in life, better health
And more cloudless days.
We congratulate you with love
On your fiftieth anniversary.
Birthday is a wonderful holiday.
And it doesn't matter how old you are.
The calendar is always a prankster,
Don't show the answer!
Women's eyes are charming,
Their beauty, depth...
Gloss and lip touch are important,
Well, age is nonsense.
Fifty is an incentive for women
Live, love, create, dream.
To be dear to everyone's heart,
Charm everyone again.
Happy anniversary!
Long life, without interference.
May your wishes come true
And your ringing laughter sounds!
The birthday girl is beautiful, as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And may you be fifty today,
But his eyes, just like in his youth, glow.
Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and goodness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, devoted friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!
Today we celebrate your anniversary.
Pour some wine into my glass.
I'm getting ready to say a toast of congratulations,
With all my heart I wish you happiness.
So that your salary is always enough
For all the trinkets, pleasant spending.
And there is plenty of money, “the chickens won’t peck at it”,
Let comfort reign in your home.
There are a lot of things - beautiful and fashionable.
So that she can fit into the right dress freely.
And so that no wrinkles are visible on your face,
And the men watched with admiration.
In business and work - crazy success,
And let the tears roll only from laughter.
Health is getting stronger day by day,
And let your children always support you.
My husband loves, cherishes and fries cutlets.
Let him give flowers and sweets every day.
May luck never end
After all, life begins at 50.
Half a century has passed...
Don't be afraid of numbers and dates:
What's inside a person?
That's the only reason he's rich.
Your wealth is not a year old,
It's you! And only you.
Both health and love
Be fully empowered.
Just be yourself
You at any time.

Beautiful, smart, cheerful and carefree.
For your husband, be an angel and a deity!
Slender girl in an excellent dress
She invited us to celebrate her anniversary.
We thought: daughter, probably...
Where is the hero of the day? Call me quickly!
We can’t wait to congratulate the lady,
Drink champagne, dance.
Daughter, quickly call your mother,
Please don't keep us waiting.
The girl suddenly smiled shyly,
Charming everyone with his smile,
And suddenly she said to the indignant guests:
“What are you talking about, today is my anniversary!”
This is where we fell! What intrigue!
You amazed us, just a nightmare.
Are you the hero of the day? You are included in the Red Book
We need to hurry up, because you are a specimen!
You are so slim, your cheeks are rosy,
Your eyes are sparkling and your lipstick is shining.
We would give you seventeen at most,
Even Brad Pitt will fall in love with you right away!
Why won't you pour us some champagne?
We want to drink to the cool story!
We really hope you find strength
Let us all share our magical secret!
How did you manage to remain a girl -
Stately, beautiful, calling for a hug?
Eat all the numbers on the cake quickly,
So that they stop lying to us!
Happiness, health, stay like this
For a thousand years!
And celebrate birthdays more often,
There is no better hostess in the whole world!
It’s not just today’s birthday,
And the anniversary number!
Congratulations to you:
Another half century to be lucky!
Crazy luck at work
In money, in everyday life... Lucky, lucky!
Those you love and are waiting for,
To save luck.
Hopes come true.
What else are we living for?
Always make you laugh out of happiness,
Walking in the heat and in the rain.
And to your loved ones - husband, children -
Only to please, not to upset!
And it’s up to you to warm them with your care,
And the appearance is inspiring!
There is no woman in the world
Neither prettier nor cuter.
We dedicate these lines
Best anniversary to you.
50 - what a small amount!
Blood plays with milk.
Let adversity and fatigue
They don't go into this house.
You love and be loved.
You now and forever
For adversity - invincible,
For success - young.
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
Money flows like a river
And the men repeat:
“Oh, what a beauty.”
Fifty is a luxurious age,
It suits a woman very well.
It contains a riddle image,
I can handle all impulses.
I sincerely congratulate you,
With this golden date.
I wish you women's happiness,
Decorate the world with yourself.
Let the bouquets come in armfuls,
The fans are bringing it to you.
Conquer with charm
All men here and there.
Stay like this
Let the light not go out in your eyes.
May there be a lot more in life
There will be nice warm days,
Let it be remembered for a long time
This glorious anniversary!
An anniversary that has no equal:
Half a century, fifty dollars, fifty!
But you are fresh and vigorous -
Energetic and open-minded!
Congratulations! Let your cherished desires
And dreams will come true soon.
I wish you success, prosperity,
So that luck guards you at the door.
So that it’s enchanting for another half century,
The Lord gave you a bright, joyful life,
So that your health is excellent,
So that fortune does not get tired of circling you.
So that household members can get along and be friends,
So that your work makes you happy,
So that I want to laugh from my heart,
Sing karaoke and dance!
So that in a responsive and kind heart
And hope and love lived,
So that you have someone to rely on,
So that a smile blooms on your face!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Happy Birthday! Is it really fifty?
And you bloom like a garden in early May,
A mischievous look, like a girl's.
Let the decades not be a burden,
And the men look after you in admiration,
Exclaiming aspirated interjections
“Wow!”, “Ah!”, as if you were 16 years old.
Let there be no health problems,
Not in the family, not in life, not in everyday life,
Smile and live with love,
Preserving charm and beauty!
You turned fifty today
And this is only half of life!
And you won’t get anything back,
Then go to new heights!
Don't be afraid of bumps, go around ditches,
After all, you managed to achieve a lot,
There will still be many obstacles on the way,
But you confidently walk towards your goal!
Then the stars will fall at your feet,
Then the wind will only obey you,
And the sun will smile only on you,
And happiness will sparkle in your eyes!
A woman on a wonderful anniversary -
Five decades - always sweet,
Like a linden tree in the middle of the fields,
Which bloomed magnificently in July!
Let the horizon be bright,
And the sun is at its zenith - for many years!
In tart aromas from DuPont,
Be a beauty and never know troubles!
To be stylish, sublime, so
Which makes your head spin!
So that there are a crowd of fans around,
And from them - words of praise!
Spring has come, and with it,
Your new birthday.
Long live this Jubilee!
He is the best without a doubt.
And you are beautiful as always
Powerless, your years are here.
Good luck, joy to you.
And don’t deny anything - yourself.
I wish you on your way
Love and inspiration.
Love your friends, forgive your enemies.
Once again, Happy Birthday!!!
Let them talk at this meeting
About the anniversary and years.
I wish this evening,
Live like in a good old fairy tale.
Here, congratulations from me.
May your Angel protect you!
My dear friend!
Fifty is not an anniversary,
But just a reason for the spouse
Give you a necklace.
A reason to get together
Choosing the best toast.
You are beautiful like a bride
I am your long-awaited guest.
Stay as before
Darling, don’t grow old at heart.
May your hopes be fulfilled
And great success will come!
Fiftieth Women's Anniversary -
It's like a glass of good wine.
He is full of the taste of life's roles
And he drank half of it, not to the bottom.
It's only two for twenty-five!
And the sweet taste with the bitterness of loss
Mixed with your beauty and wisdom,
In the soul, opening the door to femininity.
Your anniversary is rightfully golden -
And the heart of gold is here in the chest!
Let half of your life behind you -
But half of your life is ahead of you. The road of your life is the ocean:
You overcame fifty waves in it,
And fifty ports are already familiar to you,
There's a lot you haven't seen yet!
May calm always accompany the path,
Let the warm wind fill the sail,
Let there be time to just relax
And enjoy the star-moonlight!
After all, fifty is a simple milestone,
And not the final stop on a cruise,
May the sun be bright and the wind fresh,
And you drive your yacht just as deftly!
Cozy home, recognition from colleagues,
Only fifty years old.
Having experienced the charm of spring,
Receive a bouquet from autumn.
You are a blooming rose
The years bring the gift of charm,
Gait, grace and posture,
There is still a fire in my soul.
Happy anniversary to you
Let me congratulate you lovingly,
We do not regret compliments
They are for you today.
The entire workforce
We want to congratulate you
Happy fiftieth anniversary.
We love and cherish you.
And prosperity will not be forgotten
Always visit your home
Never be discouraged.
We wish you on your way
Bloom even more luxuriously.
From gentlemen and ladies,
Accept these roses for you!
What does a woman dream about?
The woman herself doesn’t know.
Wish something for our
The incomparable hero of the day?
So that everyone loves her
Yes, we walked the line.
So that the husband idolizes
I brought coffee to her bed.
For the men to follow.
They weren’t shy, they weren’t timid.
And they gave compliments
And gorgeous bouquets!
Half a century, a lot or a little?
Well, depending on how you look at it,
Being young is so easy
All you have to do is want it.
We look at you with admiration,
So graceful, like a lioness
You have young girls,
It wouldn't hurt to study.
You are a queen without a doubt
Less sadness and anxiety,
And more joy, warmth.
And let the roads be easy;
The love is as deep as ever.
And abundance from the horn
Let it flow into your family,
And happiness given from God,
Let him continue to live in the family!
At the royal gates made of gold
You reached fifty easily.
How graceful for this date,
Having collected the diamonds, they approached:
You have become a rich woman
So unnoticed by yourself.
Everything you dreamed about is in the box
And you waited day by day:
Harmony and constancy
Family, career, charm, become.
With such unheard of wealth
We wish you to live and prosper!
The golden time comes in life,
When you want to taste every moment.
Congratulations on the beginning of a new life,
After all, at fifty I have not yet comprehended everything.
How many more times will you meet?
Anxiety, languor in the chest...
Although there was already a lot of happiness behind,
But more still awaits you ahead.
Let there be harmony in your life,
New beautiful dreams will be born.
And let the house remain a full cup,
In years of warmth that did not spill.
Wisdom comes to a woman
Only over the years, believe me,
We are celebrating today
This mature anniversary.
You've been looking good for half a century,
To reveal yourself now.
And accumulated wisdom
You can already apply it.
Listen to our congratulations:

Beauty is always at a price

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You are 50 today.
And I wish you soon
To make your eyes shine again,
Youth does not pass away,
And she lives in the soul,
There is love and respect -
And you are lucky in all matters!

So let everything be triple!
Beautiful congratulations on a woman’s 50th birthday (in verse)
Let the smile never leave your lips,
Happy anniversary,
Fifty - and you are young,
The soul does not know the age
She is forever young.
And on my birthday I want
I wish you a lot of happiness,
My dear! I wish you
And love and mood,
And never have any worries!
Such a wonderful stage of life,
A special age is your fifty!
Get younger in spirit every year!
To be such a luxurious woman
Beloved, happy and love too!
May the anniversary year make your dreams come true
And you will be successful and joyful!
Half a century, fifty, fifty dollars.
There is no date more honorable and round.
Please accept congratulations, birthday boy,
Sadness and joy together.
Don't regret what's gone,
50 is not old.
May now and always
Not crucified by sadness,
There will be new years
Rich in joy!
And good work is not a burden,
And the news is gratifying,
And friends won't let you down,
The nose is higher and you look more fun!
May the anniversary please you with gifts,
And the phone rings and doesn't stop.
You are fifty, there is no more beautiful date.
The whole Earth congratulates you today!
The anniversary has arrived -
And the soul is in place.
Today is a holiday - an anniversary,
Half a century has passed today.
You still have half a century to live!
When you celebrate your 50th birthday,
There is no need to cry and grieve.
At 50 you are young, respectable,
And there is wisdom behind us.
Half a century behind me
Ah, those sweet years -
May your wishes come true
And secret dreams
But you are more beautiful, you are brighter,
Than anyone else.
Your age suits you only
And the wisdom of clear eyes.
So there were farewells and the bitterness of separation.
So there were joys, but there were also torments.
But even though time passes, And even though the years fly by,
Look ahead - you are only 50!
This means that many roads have not been traveled,
This means that the time for rest is not near yet,
This means there are quite a few Friends ahead.
And while the heart is still young in the chest.
So go forward and not take a step back,
Because for now you are only 50. We hope you don’t mind:
In your unique “zero five”
No need to be discouraged! Quite the opposite -
It's time for you to start a new life!
And we will not regret good words:
So that our toast becomes known to everyone,
Today I congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you at least zero seven!
Because for now you are only 50. You are fifty today!
But who will believe this figure?
They burn with the fervor of youth
Your eyes - they won't change
No years of rapid flight,
Nor the bitterness of life's mistakes.
Love lives in your soul,
Giving reasons for smiles.
You are fifty today!
Let your friends be true
And every moment is filled with happiness,
Protected by God from bad weather!
Today I congratulate you on your anniversary
My beloved mother
You are more important to me than anyone else in my life.
I appreciate you and love you very much
I bring with joy and happiness
Congratulations are for you
May all sorrows and bad weather disappear
May the angel protect you.
I wish you health
Long life and tender beauty
After all, 50 is not much at all.
Accept my ray of warmth as a gift.
Celebration makes a woman so beautiful,
Accept compliments
After all, fate has promised you
Only bright moments.
Your anniversary is wonderful
Let the starry rain color
At 50 let it be mandatory
Everything you expect will happen!
Fifty is only half
A bright life, beautiful and full,
Fifty is like a dam
When you breathe easily and freely.
I want to wish you good health,
So that life is a full cup,
You live every moment with love,
You become better and more beautiful!
Beautiful woman's beautiful anniversary
Fill your heart with sweet admiration.
Dear, don’t regret the years gone by,
Let every day be a joyful surprise.
A respectable age, but the soul sings,
Your youthful gaze caresses our faces.
Old age will definitely not find us at home,
After all, we strive to enjoy life.
Let there be fifty smiles at the table
And fifty purple roses in a bouquet,
Let fifty melodies about the past
Sounds like the best woman in the world!
Today is exactly 50
To my beloved wife
I am very happy to congratulate you
With such a round date.
I wish you health
Every kind of success at work
Let me congratulate you lovingly,
We do not regret compliments
They are for you today.
And I also wish you happiness
The entire workforce
We want to congratulate you
Happy fiftieth anniversary.
We love and cherish you.
And prosperity will not be forgotten
Always visit your home
And hear your cheerful laughter more often.
Let the problems fly by
Sorrows will dissolve in the distance
Beautiful woman's beautiful anniversary
Sounds like the best woman in the world!
Today I turn fifty
But I won’t reveal a big secret
Warmth of spring in your soul!
You deceived me
In response to my question:
Only twenty-five have passed
You are old today.
Told me:
“Old woman - Today... fifty!”
And the legs are from the ear, And the breasts don’t hang!
So be as nice as you are
In the world, everyone is one,
And in my life the main thing
I wish you happiness and luck,
Incredible goodness
Warmth of spring in your soul!
Congratulations, dear!
I wish you fifty
New feelings and bright days!
You have become. And - dear!
Don't be sad, don't be sick!
So that the dough rises quickly.
Only Ford or Hyundai
Congratulations, dear!
Bright, light, like the light of the sun!
Bring it to your garage!
There are no miracles in the world,
And youth cannot be returned back.
And the years, like pieces of ice, are melting,
But is it worth sighing about them?
Over the years, a woman becomes wiser,
And there is another beauty in her,
And proud gait and stateliness
Full of charm.
To keep it longer,
I wish you to live happily,
Don't worry, don't be sad,
And most importantly - be healthy!
We won’t wish you much,
Your merits cannot be counted...
So stay, for God's sake,
Always the way you are!
And age is not a problem,
We will survive all the anniversaries!
After all, the most important thing in life is always
So that your soul does not grow old.
There are women who look like you
Nice, kind, in a word, good.
Yes, that's true, but everything is dearer to me
Beautiful light of your holy soul.
Oh, how beautiful your soul is!
You, like a star, are always in my destiny,
I want to say thank you for everything,
And I bow to the ground to you!
On the fiftieth bright day of your anniversary
Rest, put everything aside.
I will overcome your adversity,
If only, Mom, you lived longer.
Words are not enough, and strength is not enough,
To convey all my love to you,
To express how beautiful you are
My dear, kind mother!
On this most significant day
Please accept my gratitude,
Mom, mom, beloved mom,
I love you with all my soul!
They say that at forty-five -
Baba berry again.
But I will say, at fifty -
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
He will give sensible advice to the children,
The house is like new in her hands.
May your family take care of you
And all my friends respect me.
You are so beautiful on your anniversary!
The look is cheerful and playful -
Teeth sparkle like pearls,
And the smile is mischievous!
How, is it already fifty dollars now?
From this number we will subtract
Sorrows and adversities,
And only years will remain
Joy, victories and happiness!
Let it continue without misfortunes,
Without barriers and without barriers
Your career is moving!
Light, goodness, fun,
Let me congratulate you lovingly,
We do not regret compliments
They are for you today.
And I also wish you happiness
The entire workforce
We want to congratulate you
Happy fiftieth anniversary.
We love and cherish you.
And prosperity will not be forgotten
Always visit your home
Happy birthday!
Turn off the lights, bring the cake,
But good riddance
It led to this date.
Let it sparkle with joy
Your wonderful anniversary,
And it will last up to a hundred years
Your life is among friends!
You are our dearest person,
We talk about it directly
We are devoted to you forever,
We congratulate you, mom.
Your anniversary, your years,
Well, fifty - why be shy?!
You're as good as ever
We sincerely must confess.
We wish you, our mother,
So that there are no health risks,
The house was a full cup,
And everything is illuminated with love!
You've become a year wiser
Anniversary, golden.
He is more worthy of a pedestal
It is filled with warmth.
Fifty - that's the date!
An important feature in life...
Always be a winged soul,
You are a Dream Woman!
Happy anniversary, happy birthday!
Shine with the gentle sun.
May love and pleasure
They will be on your way!
Today is your anniversary,
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could believe sooner
That he is your fortieth.
Beautiful in appearance, tender,
You are good at everything

And you can be proud of your life.
We achieved only “five” in it
And keep striving
It’s too early to draw conclusions

They are increasingly letting us down...
But you just need to live brightly!
You seem to be able to do this.
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!
Don't count your years
Don't look for reasons for getting old,
Always say that you are young
Even if there are already wrinkles.
Youth is not leaving us,
And from those who grieve over the years,
Promise me now
Be energetic and never grow old.
Today is not just mommy’s birthday,
Today is mommy's beautiful anniversary
Accept these congratulations as soon as possible,
From your very loving children.
You are the most beautiful, caring, sweet,
You are the best in the world, our mommy!
And may your beloved be blessed by a happy fate,
And let every hour in life be joyful!
Don't think about age, because 50 is only
Just a simple number, and this is nonsense!
You are more beautiful, slimmer and younger than everyone else in the world,
Stay like this for many years!
It would seem that just recently we were little,
They played and fought, they lived with their parents,
Time has flown by so quickly since then,
Today you are fifty, but how much have you accomplished?
I made a career, started a family,
I learned the wisdom of life, joy and passion.
Please accept congratulations on your anniversary,
Believe me, sister, we are only getting younger with age.
Happy anniversary, dear,
Tell us your secret
I've known you for many years -
There are just no changes.
You're still beautiful
No traces of wrinkles to be found,
And the figure is simply a miracle,
And we didn’t regret the past,
I suggest everyone have a drink!
Work is in full swing every day,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes,
A wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!
To you, our dear,
Only fifty!
Your soul is becoming more and more beautiful
And a warmer look.
Not sung by poets,
Worked day and night
I was always ready
You help everyone
And you taught us
Work and love.
And we, like you, strive
To be useful to people
You gave us years
Warmth of soul
And through all the hardships
She always led forward.
To you, beloved mother,
The only one, dear.
We send our congratulations
And our bow to the ground.
Let the warmth flow like a ringing stream,
Let love guide you through life!
50 to you - and the heart laughs,
Gives you an anniversary flight!
You are slim, young and beautiful,
Pour wine for everyone on their anniversary!
50 is experience and strength,
And you need to drink to the bottom for them!
We wish you to remain like this,
Let spring bloom in your heart.
In the morning to admire the dew,
Waking up from a sweet dream!
Anniversaries rush by like whirlwinds,
Celebrating the milestones of your life,
But with a smile we suddenly notice
That in your soul you are still seventeen years old!
We wish you success, happiness,
And not pay attention to the years,
Let all bad weather pass,
Trouble will pass you by!
Years - what? Why should we be afraid of them?
We're not seventeen years old after all!
The main thing is that you always remain like this
And give light to family and friends.
There are many round dates in life,
You are 50 today!
Cordially, dear,
Happy anniversary!
Drink a little, sing some songs.
You're not an old woman at all

And stay young.
Celebrate your bright anniversary.
We bow low to you,
Live, dear, don’t be sick.
The years fly by quickly,
The more years, the more happiness.
Happy anniversary!
Aunt, I wish you
So that you even at fifty
Ours was eye-catching.
With your smile and farts.
Let life be miracles!
Let them bring you gifts.
Let them carry you in their arms!
Congratulations, dear!
I've been dreaming for a long time
So that aunty always
Was happy. Yes Yes! I hasten to congratulate my mother-in-law on her anniversary,
On the way I bought a bouquet of flowers,
Without further ado, not the least bit shy,
I’m ready to congratulate my mother-in-law on the holiday.
There is no dearer mother-in-law in this world,
She will feed you, treat you to tea,
And despite the intrigues and gossip,
On a hard day, my son-in-law will get hung up.
There is no escaping anniversaries.
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

Happy 50th birthday to a woman

Beautiful, smart, cheerful and carefree.
Who can compare with such and such a woman?
There are sparks of happiness in the eyes, and fire in the heart,
An accordion plays in the fatal soul.
And now we are celebrating your 50th,
It’s hard to tell her apart from a young girl.
We want to wish you inspiration,
May life's moments be happy.
Health without measure, good luck,
Success, fun, kindness and prosperity.
May your home always be a full cup,
May the stars shine in the night for you.
Let there be harmony, happiness, honor,
May grief never find you,
Let love rule the roost in your home,
For your husband, be an angel and a deity!

Let today from smiles
It will be cramped and warm.
Happy birthday,
“Fifty” has come to you!
Let wisdom serve
Beauty will not be lost.
And may there be health
Only get stronger from year to year.
Everything you wish for yourself
Definitely get it.
Let them wake you up in the morning
Rays of your happiness.

Happy anniversary, dear,
We want to congratulate you.
We wish you bright joy
And don’t lie about age.
We wish you love
And warmth of soul,
Let the sparks in your eyes not go out,
Only peace and goodness!
Only blue sky
Only joyful ideas,
Only the shores of the native,
Only loving children!

Beautiful lady! Wonderful date!
We congratulate you, because, more than ever, you
Today is fresh, cheerful, radiant,
A little serious, a little reckless.
You have accomplished a lot, but much is still in your plans.
How tenderness glows on rosy cheeks.
You walk through life like an empress.
Let only good things knock on your door.
May strength and means come to you,
Friends and acquaintances do not forget.
Let your loved ones make you happy,
And whatever is planned, let it be.

You are so beautiful today
It blossomed like a bright rose.
You are wise, loved, powerful,
And so young at heart!
Happy anniversary, dear,
After all, for the first time fifty.
May the same anniversaries
There will be five more in life!

Today is a special day
Among family and friends
You decided to celebrate
Your glorious anniversary.
Everyone wishes you
Happiness and goodness,
To be healthy
You and the whole family.
You are always beautiful
And always beautiful
We only wish
The weather is clear for you.
Be always loved
And live in abundance.
More positive,
More sweet life.

Fifty is not a little and not a lot,
Fifty are wonderful years.
Let anxiety remain in the past,
There is only happiness ahead forever.
Happiness and love, fun, joy,
Bouquets of scarlet roses by the porch.
So that you don’t know the word “fatigue”,
Life has always brought only good things.

We wish you a wonderful day,
So that you remain like this,
What have you always been like?
Beautiful, tender, young.
So that there are only tears of happiness,
And so that you don’t feel tired
And avoided all the bad weather
Your home is a temple of comfort.
And finally, I wish
So that on this anniversary
You smiled and beamed
Like for the next many, many days!

You have become more mature today...
Only more mature, but older - nothing.
“Fifty” - how little it really is,
For such beautiful girls.
You are like the sun shining on everyone,
And you will help, support, save.
Beautiful children are growing up.
You are setting the best example for them.
You and your daughter, you are your wife, you and your mother.
And a friend - and everything is better than everyone else.
Be the best and the first.
Let there be happiness and laughter in your soul.
We all love you dear,
Only because you live simply.
Always be with us, dear.
Let your plans and dreams come true!
Let everything work out for once or twice.
Let adversity pass by.
May you never have to suffer.
Be happy, beautiful - yourself.

You're fifty today
But don't frown, don't be sad.
Let the years fly by so quickly,
After all, you're only halfway there!
And there's still so much to come
Smiles, joy, love.
And don’t let anxiety touch you,
Live to the fullest.
Always love and be loved
Go crazy, at least sometimes.
Be healthy and happy
May the world only make you happy!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to a Woman for 50 Years

Beautiful date today -
You are fifty today!
You are a delightful lady -
Everyone around will confirm this!

You, like an apple tree, have ripened,
The fruits of your labors are visible.
Beautiful in body and soul,
All flowers for you today!

Let joy inspire your heart,
Health flows from a spring,
May it warm you endlessly
Love is a hot river!

Don't regret what didn't come true.
Just imagine: how much more joy there is!
Let the rain wash away your sadness
Along with a slight haze of fatigue.

Fifty is a great number
And don’t be angry at your wrinkles.
Let the winds and circumstances spite
Everything will come true in fate!

I don't wish for luxury restaurants,
And the embrace of warm men's hands,
Not the azure Pacific oceans,
And dear family smiles.

You have reached the equator of life!
Let the earth's axis not rush,
To age honor factor
I helped and everything came true along the way!

Your anniversary is 50!
Round date!
You're not that stupid anymore
What once was!
You have gained wisdom
And a wealth of experience!
Everyone respects you
At home, at work!
We congratulate you,
Our dear,
And from all friends and family
We wish only the best!

Happy 50th birthday greetings to a woman in verse with humor

There are many round dates in life,
Years - what? Why should we be afraid of them?
We're not seventeen years old after all!
The main thing is that you always remain like this
Forget the years, don't lose heart,
And give light to family and friends.
There are many round dates in life,
You are 50 today!
Among friends, family and loved ones
Cordially, dear,
Happy anniversary!
Drink a little, sing some songs.
You're not an old woman at all
It is not in our power to keep them,
And let it always be like this:
The more years, the more happiness.

Let the good words of my soul
They will pierce you right to the liver:
fiftieth anniversary,
Believe me, this is the best age for a girl!
So don’t you dare mope,
Do not increase gray hair or wrinkles.
And let them try to give gifts more often
Beloved men with tenderness.
Stay healthy, young,
Fair-haired and brown-eyed,
Hospitable, kind, unearthly,
Capable of making everyone happy at once.
This number is fifty
It shouldn't embarrass you in any way!
That means five and zero!
Live “excellently” if you please!
There is still so much to come!
And the way is open for you:
To new feelings and dreams:
Visit here and there!
Travel everywhere:
There is room in the world for a miracle!
Enjoy the sun in the morning!
May love and pleasure
They will be on your way!
And everything will be “Hurray”!
Yes, not simple, but golden!
Today is your anniversary,
We could believe sooner
That he is your fortieth.
That he is most likely forty.
You are good at everything
Well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?
We achieved only “five” in it
And you can be proud of your life.
We achieved only “five” in it
And keep striving
It’s too early to draw conclusions
Be an example, radiate light,
In business, be the first master.
May you continue to be happy
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!
Fifty years are on the heels,
He knocks on the door with his boots.
He will give you a Murzilka
With funny pictures
Where is the plot drawn
Presented for a fairy tale
About how fifty is already
And the demon is asking for a punch in the ribs.
Believe me, it won't hurt you
A bit of devilry.
Oh, how they love you ahead,
How do wrinkles suit you?
They're pissing you off a lot,
After all, you are only fifty!
Yes, maybe not a girl, but not a teenager,
But mysterious, beautiful and smart,
Beauty and wisdom are rare in women,
But in you they united and completely.
And always be as sweet and beautiful,
Always please us with a happy look,
And for your loved one, be always loved,
And if there are tears, it’s sometimes from happiness.
You're fifty today
But you can’t tell,
Eyes sparkle as if in youth,
And there’s not even a wrinkle.
Your ringing laughter caresses the ear,
There is no kinder nature
And you definitely won’t find it with everyone,
Such a charming figure.
Live and be healthy until you are a hundred years old,
Or maybe more, but not less,
And let the beauty not fade,
After all, women have no age!
At 50, a woman is a ripe berry,
Stay the same always!
May the years that fly by so quickly
They won't leave a mark on your face!
I wish you more female happiness,
And such health that “Wow!”
And the fire that burns with joy in the soul,
Never went out for anything.
Happy Birthday,
We'll bring a jar of jam,
And let them not judge strictly,
Children, grandchildren and family
Surrounded by friends.
Fifty is no big deal for a woman
Fifty for a woman is nonsense.
She may not be a girl, but she’s not an old lady either,
It may not be a rich crumpet, but it’s not dry yet.
Let him not believe in the prince, believe in the king.
After all, the earth is now spinning around her.
50 for a woman is very important,
To express how beautiful you are
My dear, kind mother!
On this most significant day
Please accept my gratitude,
Mom, mom, beloved mom,
I love you with all my soul!
They say that at forty-five -
Baba berry again.
After all, ladies celebrate half a century only once.
They say that at forty-five -
And all my friends respect me.
It was twenty-five recently,
You are already celebrating fifty dollars.
A lot of goodness has been accumulated:
Car, cottage, refrigerator...
Be young at heart:
And cheerful and talkative.
May trouble pass you by,
The years float by slowly.
May the children, grandchildren, dear husband
Protect and cherish.
And if someone suddenly offended,
Then he regrets it all his life.
Let the skeptics forgive us -
We are counting birthdays!
You are 50 today
And this is a reason to have fun.
10 glorious five-year plans -
This is a whole era!
Let's wish without pills
You have another half century to live.
Whether in snow, heat or bad weather -
Enjoy the dawn.
Cry - only from happiness
Many springs, winters and years!
That's it, it's time for you, like Milyavskaya,
Put the complexes all together
And without them, to a full hall
To the central one, to the channel.
Sway your hips, wagging your hips,
Without braiding your hair,
And tell them all
About the sauna, vulgarity, intimacy.
It's time to release all the brakes
And don’t look at who is “against” and “for”.
And make faces at everyone passing by:
“And I’m half a century old, doesn’t it look like it?”
Who is the cutest in the world?
All blush and whiter?
The hero of the day - no doubt,
This is our answer.
Always be so beautiful
Sweet, but slightly dangerous
Drive all men crazy
And forget counting the years.
We take your example.
Let's call it "prima donna"
50 don't notice
You better meet your guests.
Today you are fifty,
The lights are burning in the eyes,
Holiday like a fairy tale all around
Entwined. And suddenly
Children, grandchildren, uncles, aunts -
Everyone who was at work
They congratulate and shout.
They want to wish you well
And health and wealth,
And a boundless kingdom of love.
And a little trouble
Let's add another year.
Fifty dollars - that sounds proud!
Not everyone gets to live.
With just a glance and a walk
You know how to charm everyone.
Let the path lie by your side
From clinics and pharmacies!
We wish you good health
For many, many years!
Lots of plans, lots of power
There are for grandchildren and children.
Lots of time for my husband
To make him feel comfortable,
So that you always hurry from work
To a sweet home, where they are very welcome!
To forget your problems
With energy, debts,
Your Spouse would rather race
To the Birthday girl with flowers!
Like a boy, tenderly
He looked into your eyes lovingly.
Helped with everything, of course
Surprised by myself!
So that work is not a burden to you,
And all the problems are gone!
Every day was nothing but joy
There is happiness and peace in the heart.
So that daughters are like flowers,
Gently pleasing to the eye.
So that my granddaughter grows up
And she called you “granny”!
So that your health only gets stronger,
So that friends, having gathered together,
They just shouted “Bitter!”
Like a bride and groom!

Today is an anniversary day,
Half-century celebration!
Congratulations to the family circle,
Happy important and big date!

At fifty you are a wonder to everyone,
As young as thirty!
Especially beautiful
And always friendly!

Golden man
Congratulations now!
In health for another half century
Live, make us happy!

I admire you, my dear:
Cheerfulness, piercing gaze,
A ringing voice, as if from a nightingale...
Is it really true that you are fifty?

Well, what about our days - they fly anyway,
Don't slow down, don't stop...
A year more - it doesn't matter. I wish one thing:
Be happy and live joyfully!

So you have saved up for the golden number - 50. Much is already a thing of the past. You have already forgotten the bad, but the good is always with you in the form of memories. So let in the future there be less of what you need to forget and more of what you want to keep in your memory forever. And let good health help you achieve all your plans.

Happy fifty!
Your gaze is filled with wisdom,
Manners, oh, so graceful,
Your desires are serious!

Always be happy in life
And age is nonsense
We wish you great love,
We don’t know any more beautiful women!

May it be on your birthday, anniversary
Success will come soon!
And fill the house with joy,
So that warmth reigns in him!

50 is neither more nor less,
An experienced milestone in your life,
New victories are a bright beginning,
Fulfillment of all your hopes!

May luck always accompany you,
The flame of youth does not go out,
Happy new birthday
On this bright, sunny day!

On such a serious half-century anniversary, I would like to wish you one thing: do only what you want! May the whole world open its doors to you, may miracles enter your life, and may wisdom increase your happiness in life. And then there will be no more beautiful and happier woman in the world, because beauty depends on inner joy!

You are beautiful on your anniversary
And as young as ever.
Don't bother counting, no need
Years have flown by!

Only the passport knows for sure
That it's only 50
Well, outwardly it looks like he’s twenty
The eyes light up with joy.

Congratulations on the anniversary!
Let your soul sing.
You have become even wiser
But as good as before.

50 is the time of dawn
Women's new, great beauty.
A time of happiness, smiles and light.
And a simple but beautiful dream.

50 is the start time,
It's time to start for the female soul,
That sometimes you don’t even notice
How her family needs her hands.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are beautiful, polite, kind.
And we wish you success and good luck
And warmth from loved ones.

Happiness in life, better health
And more cloudless days.
We congratulate you with love
On your fiftieth anniversary.

Happy 50th anniversary, dear, to you!
I wish today, lovingly,
May it remain like this in the future
And I didn’t dare to grow old with my soul!

To a luxurious woman on a beautiful anniversary
I wish you a lot of sincere happiness,
Let there be a smile on your lips often,
And loved ones love you more and more over the years!
This fiftieth birthday
May it bring good changes
Much success to you every day,
In all matters, good luck and luck!

The middle of life is 50,
But don’t notice how the years fly by.
You are cheerful, beautiful, still full of strength.
God has marked you with kindness in full.

There is a family, work, true friends,
You should never succumb to illness!
Let us wish together: Live to be a hundred years old,
We also wish you happiness and love!

On a wonderful anniversary, exactly 50
We give scarlet roses - let them stand in a vase.
You bloom like the same rose among your friends,
More sunshine on your way! ©

Half a century has passed, a lot lies ahead.
You bloom as an exquisite flower day after day.
Today we celebrate a glorious anniversary,
50 is no joke, pour us some wine!

We congratulate you and wish you to be
Cheerful, young, pleasing, loving!
We also wish you happiness and goodness
And experience mutual love to the bottom!

Go towards your dreams with a proud posture,
Let there be fewer obstacles on the way.
Smile at the sun, love your life.
Say: It’s not evening, I’ll still sing!

You turned fifty today
And this is only half of life!
And you won’t get anything back,
Then go to new heights!

Don't be afraid of bumps, go around ditches,
After all, you managed to achieve a lot,
There will still be many obstacles on the way,
But you confidently walk towards your goal!

Then the stars will fall at your feet,
Then the wind will only obey you,
And the sun will smile only on you,
And happiness will sparkle in your eyes!

Name, I’m very glad to congratulate you!
You were born on a beautiful day,
Smile brightly, there is no need to be sad,
After all, there are so many wonderful years ahead.

With you, we still have a lot to accomplish:
Nothing is impossible for us, beautiful ladies.
We will share joy and sorrow with you,
How these years everything was divided in half.

Live happily, without sadness, without getting sick,
My best friend, my beloved.
Happy fiftieth anniversary
I congratulate you with all my heart!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary, you are 50 - and you are still just as young! So what if we grow up every year? The most important thing is to have a young soul! We wish you happiness, joy, good luck, Goodness and laughter, praise, victories, Half a century behind you means something... We wish you to live another 100 years!

Half a century, but it’s so hard to say,
Today is exactly fifty
Well it's simply impossible
After all, how your eyes glow,

And the beauty of the sea of ​​applause,
You deserve them in full
Even if now and a priori,
You will always be like this!

fiftieth anniversary
Let's celebrate boldly!
Accept congratulations,
Have fun and don't get bored!

We want to confess to you:
You look fifteen!
Health, happiness, bright days,
We wish you on your anniversary!

What a rich date
We congratulate you and her!
We wish you health and happiness
On such a golden anniversary!

You're fifty - it's a joy!
We wish you love and goodness,
To enjoy life to the fullest,
May you be the happiest!

On the long-awaited anniversary
Pour yourself some wine!
Celebrate and have fun
Satisfy every whim!

Be explosive and mischievous
As dashing as in our youth!
Let the guys lie down in mountains
At your feet. After all, over the years you

You only blossom and get smarter,
You're getting prettier like cognac!
I will always repeat
It’s no big deal!

Such a wonderful stage of life,
A special age is your fifty!
My dear! I wish you
Get younger in spirit every year!

To be such a luxurious woman
Beloved, happy and love too!
May the anniversary year make your dreams come true
And you will be successful and joyful!

There are no miracles in the world,
And youth cannot be returned back.
And the years, like pieces of ice, are melting,
But is it worth sighing about them?
Over the years, a woman becomes wiser,
And there is another beauty in her,
And proud gait and stateliness
Full of charm.
To keep it longer,
I wish you to live happily,
Don't worry, don't be sad,
And most importantly - be healthy!