Congratulations on the birth of your child. Congratulations on the birth of the third child Congratulations on the birth of the 5th child in the family

Good day! The birth of a child is a happiness that cannot be described in words! From now on, the pole of attraction in the family changes, concentrating at the child's cradle. An angel settled in the house, and with him came laughter, joy and selfless parental love! Childbirth has always played an important role in the life of a family, be it a peasant's family or a king's family.

Therefore, everything connected with these events received increased attention. Peasant families traditionally desired the birth of boys - workers and heirs of the family. They said: “A boy will be born to help, a girl will be born for fun.” Or: “You’ll make a home with your son, and you’ll live off the rest with your daughter.” In order for an heir of the desired gender to be born, the peasants resorted to semi-magical actions. For example, the newlyweds placed scissors or a hammer under their pillow, and did not neglect God’s help: they prayed to St. John the Warrior. If, on the contrary, the family wanted a girl, they turned to St. Mary of Egypt.

You should prepare the text of your congratulations in advance - good poetry or beautiful prose. Whom we congratulate: choose a birthday wish. It is also worth congratulating on the birth of a baby. Of course, don’t forget to prepare or, if you wish, . And if you have already gone through all these stages, then rest assured, you are well prepared!

Congratulations on the Newborn in verse

Congratulations on the new addition
And with all my heart I wish,
So that the child is healthy,
So that you have enough diapers.

In education - patience,
God's blessing.
I wish you a little happiness,
Happy birthday!

So the stork has arrived
The long-awaited visit.
And now in your family
There is a baby you want!

A man appeared
Small and cute.
He is now forever for you
Will be the center of the world!

We wish the baby good health
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
Mom and dad are strong

Congratulations on the birth of your baby,
We wish your friendly family health,
May your treasure grow to your joy,
It becomes: stronger, stronger and more beautiful!..

Health to the child, and health to the parents too,
So that you are only dearer to each other,
Always smiled, learned to walk,
Dance, have fun, read and write...

Let your child know everything with joy,
The birth of a child is a reward:
For feelings, love, understanding in the family,
Such a treasure cannot be found anywhere else!

Congratulations on the addition:
Happiness, joy, excitement,
With an unusual feeling
New life incarnation!

May such a sweet angel
Grows day and night
Hugs mom and dad
Doesn't forget to obey.

Let him sleep peacefully.
Let him play, have fun,
May the house be illuminated with happiness,
After all, you dreamed about it!

There's a new family member in the house -
To the joy of all relatives.
Let it grow in great love,
Bathing in tenderness.

May the Lord give the little one
Wisdom, a treasure of talents,
May life be easy for the baby,
Healthy and sweet.

Dreams of calm, bright days,
Soulful evenings.
Waiting for you every day now
Happiness is a must!

SMS congratulations on the Newborn

Congratulations on the new addition
And with all my heart I wish,
So that the child is healthy,
So that you have enough diapers.

In education - patience,
God's blessing.
I wish you a little happiness,
Happy birthday!

So the stork has arrived
The long-awaited visit.
And now in your family
There is a baby you want!

A man appeared
Small and cute.
He is now forever for you
Will be the center of the world!

We wish the baby good health
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
Mom and dad are strong

Congratulations on the Newborn in prose

I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of a small miracle and the greatest joy. May the angel always protect the baby, may the child’s path be bright and kind. I wish good health and prosperity to the family, unquenchable happiness and love.

Congratulations to my dear mother on the birth of a little man, who, of course, is a great happiness in your life! I wish you and your treasure a speedy restoration of strength and health. Let the little one grow up to be a strong and restless child, develop quickly and enjoy new discoveries with you. I wish you family warmth, incredible impressions and a brightly colorful, exciting life.

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Let your baby grow up healthy and happy. She always pleases her loved ones with a warm and sincere smile. We wish your guardian angel to protect your entire strong family.

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of a little man and a big miracle. I wish the family prosperity and well-being, and the little one - good health, great happiness on the path of life and bright luck.

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the birth of your baby. I wish Manyuni to have a happy and kind destiny, a bright future and good health. May there always be a holiday in your family, may there be mutual understanding, prosperity and comfort. Let the baby please you with his smile, small and big successes and strong children's hugs.

Congratulations on the Birth of a Daughter in verse

I hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart:
Your princess is born!
Let her grow up healthy
He will take the best from mom and dad.

Let her be smart, kind and beautiful,
And let her life be happy.
Let your daughter be the best
And it makes mom and dad happy all the time.

Dad's princess, mom's delight!
There is nothing more you need to wish for in life.
Sweet palms, warm cheek...

Let it grow to the joy of mom and dad.
Let him put on his shoes and dress quickly!
So that the sun shines on her all the time,
May you be able to do everything in this life!

And now let mom and dad sleep at night,
So that you can rest at least a little yourself!
Rejoice guys, every little step!
A little daughter has appeared in your life!

Congratulations, congratulations!
Your daughter was born
Like a star in the sky
The long-awaited light came on.

May you be happy and beautiful
Smart, kind, mischievous
Your baby is growing up
Your dear angel.

Let your cheeks shine with health,
And my tummy doesn't hurt.
May a wonderful fate
God will give you a daughter.

Kind, beautiful and sweet,
Healthy and happy,
Successful and loved by everyone!

SMS congratulations on the Birth of a Daughter

My daughter is a great happiness,
Sweet, bright, very dear.
I wish my parents happiness, success,
And my daughter has more joy and laughter.

Let it grow big and beautiful,
Kind, beautiful and sweet,
Healthy and happy,
Successful and loved by everyone!

A star lit up in the sky
And it blinks cheerfully.
Your daughter was born,

Let it be from year to year
It's getting more and more beautiful.
Grows healthy and smart
And it will be your happiness.

Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful daughter. Let her be the happiest, most beloved, best girl in the world. I wish you goodness and prosperity, good health and strength, prosperity and eternal love.

Congratulations on the Birth of a Daughter in prose

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let your little princess grow up healthy, happy, loved! And I wish you strength, patience, prosperity, pleasant chores, joy and happiness in raising a little miracle!

Congratulations on your little miracle, your bundle of happiness. Let your princess grow up to the delight of mom, dad and the whole family. Good nights, healthy teeth, good appetite, rosy cheeks and constant smiles. With a newborn!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful girl, a wonderful daughter. I wish that the baby grows up happy and cheerful, that her life is bright and kind. May peace and love always reign in your family, and may your daughter be great joy and real pride.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I wish her good health, may she grow up happy and give joy to all her loved ones. More sleep for mom, and more patience for dad. So that mischievous laughter can be heard loudly in your home, which will warm your hearts. Let everything work out for the best for the baby. I wish her to reach great heights. Let her be as beautiful and smart as mom, and strong in spirit like dad.

Today there is a new addition to your family, with whom I want to sincerely congratulate you! Your life will change dramatically, because now you have a small miracle that will eventually turn the house around and show you who is really in charge. I wish your princess to be healthy, happy and beautiful! To you - patience and many pleasant, warm moments that will become your most special memories. By giving you a daughter, God gave your family a huge compliment, because a girl is not only her mother’s joy, but also her father’s great, albeit such a small, weakness!

Happy Birthday Wishes for Mom and Dad in Poems

Congratulations on your son -
Sweet, nice baby!
Let him grow up like an angel,
A mischievous, merry fellow.
Let him make you happy with laughter
Every day and every hour
Let it be joy and joy
He will always be there for you.

Congratulations on your son,
Let him grow healthy
He will look like his mother,
To daddy - smart.

May your baby make you happy
With your ringing laughter,
Let him be curious
A mischievous child.

May you have enough strength, patience,
Just let your nerves get stronger,
Let them open for you
Hidden reserves.

There is no best award in the world,
Than the birth of a son.
Congratulations guys!
Your boy is the best!

Let him grow healthy
Knows the world with a smile,
Will be strong, smart, brave
And skillful in all matters.

I wish you happiness, joy,
Peace, light and goodness,
Lots of laughter and fun
And family warmth!

Oh, what a joy this is -
Your son has been born!
Cute angel boy
Appeared in the house.

Let him grow healthy
Strong and beautiful.
The main thing is to always be
Your baby is happy.

Let your son live in love
And cries less often.
Let peace reign in the family.
God bless you!

SMS with the Birth of a Son

The stork brought you a little son -
A very nice boy.
Let him grow up to be a hero,
Will bring happiness to your home.
Congratulations on the new addition,
We wish you all the best from our hearts.

Congratulations to you and your sons
And we wish everyone good health.
Let it grow to your joy
Not by days, but by hours,
Brings noise and laughter into the house,
Exploring everything around.
Mom and dad, good luck to you,
In education - patience.

There was a cry, the baby was born,
And my mother’s world changed:
The intensity of emotions and delight,
And tears of joy - son.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Let life be in bright colors.
Let there be fewer tears and worries,
Let your son grow up healthy.

I congratulate you on your son!
Let him grow strong
Healthy, strong and beautiful.
May his life lead him to happiness.

Let the baby love mom and dad,
May it give you joy and peace,
Moments of pride and happiness,
Always makes you happy!

Congratulations on the Birth of a Son in prose

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Let this tiny little bundle fill your life with meaning and happiness. Let your son bring joy and positivity every day. I wish him to become a worthy support for his dad and mom. Let him be your pride. Happy birth of your son!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful little boy, on the birth of a wonderful son. I wish your family all the best, peace, prosperity, love and patience. Let your son grow up strong and healthy, cheerful and inquisitive, the best and most wonderful. May his life be happy and kind.

The most beautiful miracle in the world happened to you - your son was born. I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of your son. Let him grow up to be a healthy, smart, cheerful, strong, active baby. You are great, good luck to you and your baby!

Happy birth of a hero to you! Let him grow up to be a strong, smart and obedient boy. Let him become a real man and a support for his parents. Happy children's laughter to your home and patience in raising a little miracle!

Dear parents of a beautiful baby! Congratulations on the happiest day of your life - the birth of your little bundle! Let your son grow up healthy, strong, strong and smart. I wish you, young parents, strength and inspiration, wisdom and patience. Let your new and interesting life become like a magical rainbow and be painted in bright colors of love, happiness, smiles, laughter, pleasant excitement, indescribable sensations and unforgettable memories. Let it be filled with children's laughter, fun, amazing and fabulous moments. Let your wonderful son become not only hope and support for you, but also pride and protection!

Happy Birth of Gemini in verse

Great happiness came to the house,
Not simple, but double.
Let the kids grow up
Let their souls dote upon them.

Let, to the joy of all relatives,
Their character will be golden.
May they be strong
Both healthy and cute.

Double portion of happiness to you
Fate generously showered it.
I kiss both children
And congratulations, my love.

Fun, games and smiles
Now they won't leave you,
Love is like a goldfish
It will help you solve everything right away.

Let the kids grow up healthy
And they will always be happy.
I wish you new discoveries
And strength for many years to come.

You have double joy
After all, the meaning of life is children!
May every moment and every hour
A ray of happiness shines brightly for you!

Let your dear children
They always grow up healthy!
Give them love in abundance
Care, affection and comfort!

There’s a very special occasion here,
Quite serious and important.
And your happiness is not simple,
And the happiness is doubly great today!

We wish the children good health,
Patience to parents, strength.
So that each of these little ones
It only brought you delight.

Happy Birth of Twin Boys

What a miracle, what a miracle!
Congratulations on the babies:
Two cute boys at once -
And the family became big.

May they be healthy
Let them grow to your joy.
Twins - fortunately - people know
Fate has rewarded you.

A lot of pleasant troubles
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
There is never too much happiness:
Happiness is babies!

Mom and dad got it
Nowadays it’s just a super prize.
Two wonderful, nice guys -
Here's a surprise for you.

I only wish you good health
I am your heroes.
Strength, patience and will,
Mom and dad, just for you.

Congratulations on the double luck of fate, on the miracle squared, on the birth of wonderful twins. I wish you and your boys good health, I wish you peace, prosperity, prosperity and mutual understanding in your family. Let the boys grow up strong and strong, smart and beautiful, cheerful and kind, inquisitive and, most importantly, happy. And let parents always have enough strength, hope, perseverance, patience and confidence to raise real men, purposeful and brave captains.

You have two whole boys -
This is a great feat of yours.
Undoubtedly, we received a gift,
What was sent by fate.

Let them only make you happy
Dear heroes.
Let the boys become the center
Your tenderness, love.

Congratulations on the birth of your twins!
Let the boys be healthy.
Days pass easily and calmly,
And your worries will be forgotten!

This is necessary, what news,
Two wonderful sons at once,
So, the joy is also double,
Let them grow into super men!

Happy Birth of Twin Girls

Two pairs of small eyes.
Two pairs of affectionate palms.
There is nowhere to go from happiness,
Happy birth of your sweet babies!

Let your girls be sisters
They grow and enjoy success.
Every page of their lives
Filled with love and laughter.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on an amazingly joyful event, on the double happiness and beauty of life, on the birth of wonderful twin girls. I wish the girls health and prosperity, happy destinies and good roads in life. Let a double holiday, great happiness and fun always reign in the house.

Two magical princesses
Born into a wonderful family.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you a sea of ​​happiness.

In a hurricane of bows and dolls
You and the girls got into trouble
I wish that with them
You explored the world together.

There is double joy in your family,
Baby daughters were born.
There is a fabulous sweetness in the heart,
And life immediately became brighter.

Let them grow and soon
They will tell you the main words.
I wish them a sea of ​​smiles
And multiply good by two!

Two stars in the sky
The bright ones lit up,
You are having twin girls
Born today.

Two sweet angels
Two gentle souls
Let happiness come your way
It flies towards them quickly.

I wish that love
They had enough for two
May good fortune
She loved girls.

Congratulations on the Birth of the second Son, second Daughter in verse

The stork knocked on the door again,
The baby was born.
There are four of you now -
The second child was born.

Let there be a friendly family,
You are always a help to each other.
Let children always laugh,
And there will be a lot of happiness!

We all rejoice
For this reason:
You gave life
The second baby.

Joy in your home
Has grown twice
Two suns from now on
They'll get up right away in the morning.

Let them grow and make you happy
They are dad, mom,
The dearest
They will be for each other.

I wish you happiness -
I'll double it!
May you always be
Friendly family.

Congratulations on your addition
And we wish you patience.
How wonderful it is that you have
Two kids now.

There was twice as much happiness,
Fate gave joy.
May they be healthy
Mom and Dad love each other very much!

I hasten to congratulate you again,
After all, you have decided on the second one!
Let the second child
Grows healthy and big
Let the elder help the younger,
Let him nurse him, play with him,
Let your children be
Happiest in this world!

Wealth is not expensive apartments,
Not the precious treasures in the world,
Not money or gold bars,
The wealth in this life is our children!

Your second child was born,
And you immediately became twice as rich,
And your house was immediately lit up with happiness,
The baby will decorate your life!

Wishes for the Birth of the Third Child in verse

It’s not for nothing that they say -
God loves trinity,
Here you have it, as it should be,
Everything worked out.

Let your trio
Doesn't recognize troubles.
And there, you look,
Will it turn out to be a quartet?

A beautiful day has arrived -
He gave you joy!
Joy to everyone's surprise -
Congratulations on your addition!

The third time is the best time
We are so happy for you!
Let him grow up healthy
And he gets smarter every year!

May you always be happy
It will be noisy - no problem!
If only there was happiness and love
Visited again and again!

Congratulations on the newborn
I want you sincerely.
Three children is great
Everything is now within your reach.

I want to wish you patience
Much happiness to the whole family,
Let him add some light to you
Your little one is mischievous.

I congratulate you on your third baby!
There will now be more noise and joy for you.
Let love and happiness illuminate the family,
Be as sincere and kind as you are now.

Let the child be kind and obedient,
Well, of course, let it grow healthy.
In general, let the family be friendly,
Everyone takes care of each other.

Beautiful words on the birth of your third son

Yes, third son, it’s no joke for you,
Congratulations on the nice boy,
Raise your heroes
Patiently, I wish you with joy.

Let the baby grow up healthy
To the joy of your brothers and you,
Always lucky in everything in life
Well done to your glorious fellows.

The younger boy will give you heat,
Hang in there. I wish you strength.
May she be strong and happy
The whole “heroic” family.

Today your family has become even stronger, even happier, because a third son has been born, who, as he grows up, will certainly become your pride, support and protector. We wish the baby the joy of exploring the world, fun and health.

With a newborn son
I congratulate you
The family has become complete -
Three heroes.

Now it’s like in a fairy tale -
Father has 3 sons,
I wish everyone
Be happy in life.

Hope and support
Let them become sons
Big and friendly family
I wish you happiness.

Congratulations on your third son!
The men came at you like a wedge.
Lucky - now let them grow
Real men.

They will help their father,
Protect mom together
To your whole cool family
Live, love and prosper!

Your third son was born!
We hasten to congratulate you.
So that when he grows up big -
That could glorify you.
Maybe he invented something
Or maybe he opened it.
He will become famous to everyone.
For you to be the best.
We wish the family to prosper,
Love will help you become strong.

Congratulations on the Birth of your third Daughter

Congratulations on your third daughter,
It's a joy, what can I say
About such a flourishing kingdom
One could only dream.

I wish your bunny
Be healthy, playful,
For sisters - to become a friend,
Fill the house with warmth.

The third daughter was born
Dad's a jeweler
One is more wonderful than the other,
One is more beautiful than the other.

With a newborn daughter
Congratulations to the third one,
Let it bloom in the house
The beauty is threefold.

Wonderful flower garden
Let the family become
Newborn happiness,
I wish you love.

Congratulations to the glorious family on the birth of their third daughter! The birth of a girl brings with it the joy of parenthood, love, harmony and beauty. Let the little princess grow up beautiful and smart to the delight of the whole family.

Didn't want to put an end to it?
So they gave birth to a third daughter.
Congratulations on what's in the bouquet
A flower has been added to yours.
Bright, nice, mischievous,
Will amaze everyone with beauty
And with your smiles.
Will infect the family with a wave
Happiness, joy, love,
It’s like you’ve suddenly found a treasure!

You still have a daughter now,
After all, three children are happiness!
She's cuter than an angel
Color her world rainbow!

Take care and cherish the baby,
May your daughter be beautiful
Be healthy, don't get sick,
Live together and happily!

The best poems for congratulations on the birth of triplets

Such a gift from fate is important,
Triple happiness entered the house,
And my heart beats faster and faster,
There is so much joy in it.

Lots of health for triplets,
May they always be lucky in life,
Dreams come true, wishes,
Let childhood last longer.

Three times more surprises
Three times more beauty
Three times more congratulations,
You are so great!

We gave birth to triplets at once,
I congratulate you on this,
They gave birth to charmers,
Health and goodness to them!

You have patience, understanding,
Good sleep to the kids,
You are very big now,
Very friendly family!

This happens extremely rarely
But you are very lucky
Born into a family of triplets,
Happiness in a cube has come to you,
Congratulations on your new addition
And we wish you not to get sick,
May you have enough patience
Try to do everything in time!

Unspeakable joy has come true, triple happiness has been born to you. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful triplets. I wish good destinies for the children and prosperous paths in life, I wish you triple prosperity and joy in the family, I wish you peace and comfort in your home. Let the children delight you every day with their smiles, cheerful laughter and successes.

You have triple joy in your family,
Triplets were born.
Now there is no more boredom left.
Your life is the key.

May the little ones be healthy
Give them your love.
Let them grow up little by little
The big world is ready to meet them!

There is a big family in the world,
And the happiest person on the whole planet.
The children are all sorted,
Everyone is beautiful, everyone is strong.

They will be happy
And parents are needed.
Congratulations on your third today,
We sincerely wish you happiness.

May hope and love
They will be with you again and again.
Let your dreams come true
There will be a lot of beauty in life.

What kind of holiday, what kind of inspiration?
What joy and tenderness.
We have a baby now,
The third one is a joy for the eyes.

And the family is now big,
We congratulate you on this today.
May it always be and may it be everywhere,
There will be no place for trouble in life.

Beloved baby and great happiness,
But educating is not an easy task.
You can handle it for sure, we know that.
And we all respect you for this.

The third baby is a big challenge,
For the heart of any dream, a shudder.
May he always be strong
Greets the year with joy.

A little time will pass and again,
Fill your heart with joy and love.
He will be the best, look
Surprise me with parental love again.

The baby is growing, he is so beautiful,
And every hour today is not in vain.
We all admire only him again,
Oh, God, how this child will be loved by everyone.

Let a fairy tale come to the house,
Everyone here is happy and in love.
The third baby in the family appeared,
And a new meaning was revealed to all of us.

Raise children, love children,
And make them more happy every day.
Hope for the future again,
How familiar this feeling is to everyone.

Let there be dreams, let there be birth,
And our good poem.
Let the meaning of life be found,
And grief will fly by.

We loved the baby
Let him still be in the womb.
Let's say yes to joy
Like hope and basis.

What can we wish you?
How to find the words again.
Grief and sadness cannot be recognized
And go around the world with a smile.

Let the baby grow faster
He is the third one in the family.
He will be beautiful quickly
Everyone here is in love with him.

Today is a bright and clear day,
And all the sorrows are so in vain.
Today is our inspiration
There is no doubt.

Baby, you are the youngest in the family,
And you are the third in parental destiny.
Don't let me down and be kind
And let sadness pass by.

Grow to the joy of all gods,
Be the best and make us happy.
Love the whole world, love yourself,
And keep your pride in life.

You are my inspiration,
Mom and dad are tender.
Every day and every hour
Make us all happy again.
The third baby was born in the family,
And he himself was surprised by the world.
So much light and goodness,
What will happen to him only forever.

Let dreams repeat themselves
What you want will come true.
Born into the world like a star,
Make your mother happy, make your father happy too.

Children are a moment of eternity,
Joy and happiness are our ticket.
The third child appeared in the family,
Today, to the joy of everyone, he was born.

Let him be happy
The most beloved and sweetest.
And let brothers and sisters not offend you,
Throughout life they only accompany him.

Let the family grow stronger
Everyone will know about this.
And the moment will be filled with joy,
Grief and oblivion pass by.

Collection title: Congratulations to a mother of many children on the birth of her daughter. I wish her to reach great heights. Let her be as beautiful and smart as mom, and strong in spirit like dad.

I wish that she always brings you only joy and happiness, and be a source of pride and admiration!

A bright life for the baby, many talents, peace, good people around and happy parents!

I wish that your daughter grows up healthy, captivates everyone with her beauty and makes you happy every day.

Congratulations on your daughter! Let her grow up healthy and the happiest in the world!

A wonderful girl was born! And we congratulate her parents: now they will never be bored. After all, the little princess will not let them get bored. We wish the parents that their family will be strong, so that neither they nor the little baby will have any trouble!

I share your endless joy and want to wish you to raise a healthy, happy baby.

Your family has grown today by one little, long-awaited and wonderful person! Congratulations on this enormous and all-encompassing joy. Let the little one surprise you every day with his good health, wonderful mood and new successes!

The birth of a daughter is the most trembling moment that brings an incredible amount of happiness to life.

Be patient now! All the first difficulties are temporary! Let your daughter delight hearts and fill souls with happiness!

I wish you not to get confused on your new family path, harmony and prosperity to you! Congratulations!

I wish Manyuna good health and excellent well-being, active development and unquenchable curiosity.

This glorious daughter is a piece of your love, the fruit of your strong, sincere feelings. Congratulations, there are now three of you!

I wish you parents patience, health, mental strength. May the universe protect the little one and give her talents.

Beauty and the most beloved in the world! I wish that your daughter always brings you only joy and happiness and is a source of pride and admiration!

Congratulations to you, mommy and daddy, on the emergence of a new, true meaning in your life - the birth of a child. Let now your nights and days, your holidays and everyday life become three times more fun.

With all my heart I congratulate you on the birth of your baby! May great events, great achievements, incredible successes and true victories await your child, which will become the pride and joy of your heart.

With all my heart I want to wish to raise and educate a cheerful and happy baby, to be able to shed bright light on the child’s life path and support him in every possible way in any situation.

I wish your daughter that problems will always pass her by, and that health and luck will be faithful companions.

May your daughter grow up healthy and make you happy every day. And you parents take care of her, love and happiness to you.

May your little bud blossom in the future into a beautiful flower, never seen before by anyone. Let the baby grow up to be the first smart girl, a wonderful housewife with a kind heart and a pure soul.

Let her life be a real fairy tale in which all dreams come true!

This sweet daughter is your happiness, take care of her and love her. Congratulations!

Congratulations on having a daughter in your life. I wish her great health and good luck for the rest of her life.

I wish my daughter to reach great heights. Let her be as beautiful and smart as mom, and strong in spirit like dad.

We congratulate you on this great joy and wish you to grow in health, prosperity, obedience and great love!

Congratulations on your sweet little treasure! Let her grow up in an atmosphere of joy, security and comfort that a child so needs. Let her happy eyes and cheerful laughter be your reward.

Congratulations on the birth of a girl, may she grow up as smart as her parents and may her health be as strong as your love!

Your home has become twice as bright and joyful, because a little angel has appeared in it - your daughter! Congratulations, we wish the girl to blossom and grow up to be the most obedient and affectionate!

I would like to wish that the baby grows up to be a kind, sweet, mischievous girl, that her life is bright and happy.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! From this day on, joy, fun and laughter will live in your home forever. It's no secret that there will be sleepless nights, tears, and fatigue, but all this is nothing compared to the happiness that a child will give you!

Congratulations on the birth of your miracle, on the birth of a beautiful daughter into this world. I wish her health and patience.

I sincerely wish your family prosperity and goodness, peace and mutual understanding. Let the baby give mom and dad the real meaning of life, let every day in your home turn into a kind and cheerful holiday.

Give your daughter a sea of ​​costumes, bows, toys, and most importantly a sea of ​​attention and care! Congratulations.

You gave birth to a lovely daughter. We wish you that she grows up happy and healthy with you!

Congratulations on the birth of your sweet daughter! Now your life will be painted pink, there will be dolls, bows, and frills all around. You will have no worries more important than making your daughter’s life more beautiful and happier.

Let your girl grow up to be a nice, cheerful, inquisitive and cheerful child.

On this wonderful and good day, your baby was born! Let the care and warmth of his family illuminate his life! I wish him great health! Live in beauty, harmony and love!

I wish the child many years of a cheerful, joyful and easy life, the happiness of a great, carefree childhood, strong love from loved ones and good luck on the path of life.

A wonderful event has happened, the birth of your daughter, this is the greatest holiday. All the best to her and patience for you, dear parents.

Bloom into a beautiful flower. Women's happiness, love and health to you!

May parents always be support and support for their child, and may the child be the happiest.

Your meeting with the baby has finally happened, and the joy of this moment has eclipsed all your worries. May all his days be as joyful as today’s holiday.

Great happiness has come to your family; a child has been born. Congratulations on this joyful event. We wish you patience, wisdom, strength and energy. Let your sunshine grow up as a healthy, happy child.

We cordially congratulate you, our dears, on the birth of your daughter! Let your home be a real family hearth and a full cup, let joy, warmth, love and mutual understanding settle in it, and let troubles, sorrows and misfortunes pass it by. We love you and hug your little one!

Let your daughter be kind, healthy and active! And you will be the most sensitive parents.

May fate give her the most faithful guardian angel, and may her grandparents teach her wisdom and patience!

Today a little angel and great joy appeared in your family. Congratulations on the birth of your baby! We wish him to grow up in a fabulous atmosphere of love, understanding, care and affection, to grow into a wonderful personality and the pride of a wonderful family. — Congratulations to the mother of many children on the birth of her daughter.

I wish you peace and happiness in the family, prosperity and comfort in the home, I wish you a good fate for the baby, good health, a cheerful infancy and a joyful childhood.

May the angel always protect the baby, may the child’s path be bright and kind. I wish good health and prosperity to the family, unquenchable happiness and love.

We wish health to the baby and mommy. Let your little one in this life always be surrounded by only happiness and love, so that her ringing laughter will always delight you.

A beautiful day has arrived -
He gave you joy!
Joy to everyone's surprise -
Congratulations on your addition!

The third time is the best time
We are so happy for you!
Let him grow up healthy
And he gets smarter every year!

May you always be happy
It will be noisy - no problem!
If only there was happiness and love
Visited again and again!

It’s not for nothing that they say -
God loves trinity,
Here you have it, as it should be,
Everything worked out.

Let your trio
Doesn't recognize troubles.
And there, you look,
Will it turn out to be a quartet?

Three children are triple happiness, I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your third miracle. May your sun warm you with rays of joy and inspiration, may your baby grow up as a healthy and happy child, may there be no room for quarrels and insults in your family, may your children always be your pride and bright hope. I wish you brave strength for raising your children, a good fate for each of your children, prosperity, peace and prosperity for your entire family!

Stork for the third time
Flew over the house
Congratulations on the baby
We are you newborn.

For experienced parents
We wish you good luck
With the third child in the house
Let happiness triple.

Strong and healthy
Let the baby grow
Big, friendly family
Lives happily.

Congratulations on the newborn
I want you sincerely.
Three children is great
Everything is now within your reach.

I want to wish you patience
Much happiness to the whole family,
Let him add some light to you
Your little one is mischievous.

With a new addition to the family
I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you wonderful days
And health to the baby.

This is your third child
I dream of one thing -
Let him from the very cradle
Brings happiness to your home!

Fate gave you the third gift,
And you presented life to the child,
There's a brisk crowd of kids in the house,
But there is no emptiness and no sadness.

Let the third miracle grow strong,
He will be healthy, joyful and sonorous,
Let none of the elders offend you,
After all, it is happiness to be the parent of a child.

The third time is no longer scary
Have a child.
Let him be a great guy
And she doesn't cry loudly!

Congratulations on the baby
Let him grow healthy
Smart and smiling
Kind, not harsh!

The third child is happiness
And you guys are heroes,
Let the baby grow up beautiful,
And he will be cheerful and calm.

May she be strong and happy
Big, friendly family
And everyone will be loved in it.
We congratulate you, friends!

With 3 children! Praise and honor to you!
It’s immediately clear that there is love in the family.
Now she has many children,
May life be full of miracles.
Happiness, health, success on your journey.
It's much more pleasant to go together.

No, well, well done!
Third cute baby.
So that he grows up healthy,
He was a troublemaker and a tough guy.
Happiness to your entire family!
On the blossoming land
Everyone grow up so that your children
May the sun shine brightly on you.
So that you have enough strength for everything.
May the world give you joy.

Congratulations on the birth of a child

Let this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar,
But he is happy and wonderful -
You have become a mother! The best mom on Earth!
And we sincerely congratulate you.
Happy such a wonderful day to you!
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health, joy in everything.

* * *

The baby was born to you, friend,
I wish you to be a wonderful mother!
With my beloved husband, understand each other,
And, of course, to love faithfully.

You raise your child with dignity,
Make the whole family proud of you,
Live together and have no worries,
Let there be true friends nearby!

* * *

Not everyone can become a mother,
This is the highest gift from heaven!
Motherhood is important
The path to learning miracles!

After all, a child is a miracle,
You start living with him again!
May they be with you forever
Happiness, joy and love!

* * *

Women's purpose -
This is kind of a continuation.
You gave birth to a child
So, I did it in full!

Congratulations to you, friend!
May God protect you and your baby!
May fate protect you
And he favors you in everything!

* * *

Our joy is our children,
We live for their happiness,
And today on the planet
There are more for two!

God sent twins
And double joy for everyone!
Let them live with dignity
Without despondency and problems!

With discharge from the maternity hospital

* * *

I congratulate you on a wonderful day -
Today you left the maternity hospital.
Today is the baby's housewarming party,
And this is a great reason to have fun!
I wish you education
It happened in full understanding.
So that disobedience happens rarely,
May they love him deeply with all their hearts.

Dads walk under the windows, m they seem to be
Dads are walking
at are terribly worried
Out of the blue
O hugging,
Out of the blue
V friend kissing.
They become immediately
With meek
And they wipe their noses
P patches...
And outside the windows
m we are happy
In the arms of my sons
And daughters.
The sun is shining
l askovo-affectionately,
Dad and I are on the porch
With stroller,
I'm ready to scream at the top of my lungs:
- We came to receive our brother!

* * *

He's so cute and funny
Smiling, so dear,
He is so pure and sinless,
Light comes from him, peace!

To parents - strength and health,
And the baby grows, grows,
Learn to live, and live with love,
Always with luck in honor!

* * *

A little lump has settled in the house,
And he will soon be having fun,
And he will stretch out his hands to mom and dad sweetly,
He will kiss you, go to bed... and go to sleep in your own crib!

In the morning he will wake you up and want to eat,
And let the flower always listen to you!
Congratulations on the birth of your child,
Your beloved, glorious kitten!

* * *

You were discharged from the maternity hospital,
And on this we congratulate you!
Today is the first day you are home,
And we wish you health.
Let's add a little to it,
Love and an ocean of goodness.
May life have a long journey
Heaven bless.

* * *

Your baby is such a miracle!
We will congratulate you today!
So that he grows up and is healthy,
He was strong and tempered,
I ate the porridge with gusto,
I always listened to mom and dad!
So that he masters English,
Became a Russian diplomat,
Traveled around the planet
I didn’t forget about my relatives!

* * *

The child lives for three days,
Full citizen
Even if he’s still in diapers,
But your dear son is growing.

The angels are flying
In his childhood pure dreams,
The lips are pulling a smile,
On happy, on the waves!

* * *

Congratulations on your new addition!
We wish you with all our hearts,
So that in sadness and sadness,
We walked along the difficult road!

So that minor litigations are not noticed!
So that the house is a cup full,
To keep love in the heart,
And your father’s house lived in peace!

For your own joy, so that we too,
You have raised your child!
So that on the foundation of love
You always made plans!

* * *

When a child is born in a family,
You can forget about peace and sleep.
And, building pyramids from diapers,
May it still bring you happiness.

You can enjoy parenthood!
And you’ll have time to sleep later,
We wish the whole family to transform,
And become stronger every day!
Decorate the room of mother and baby with balloons to the ceiling, tie notes with tender words and congratulations to ribbons.

*Bouquet of balloons. A bouquet is a number of balloons tied together. Decorate the bouquet with a satin ribbon, tie an envelope or a card to such a bouquet and believe me, the mood will rise to the maximum not only for you and the young parents, but also for those around you!

*Balls in the sky. Great congratulations from the maternity hospital. You say congratulatory words to the young parents, wish the baby all the best and brightest, and then release the balloons into the sky. A fabulous spectacle!

All the ideas presented and many others The First Meeting organization will help you bring it to life.