Happy birthday to a man in prose. Happy birthday to a man in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a pensioner

Many women are sure that it is almost impossible to win the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with beautiful words. Men only take actions seriously. It is not easy to choose appropriate congratulatory words for a man on his birthday in a prosaic form, sounding beautiful, and most importantly, short.

In fact, on such a day they become surprisingly sentimental, receptive to words. It is important to consider who the wish is intended for: husband, brother, work colleague.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

When planning to greet a man on his birthday, first of all you want to express your wishes so that they sound from the bottom of your heart, naturally.

Wishes from close friends to the birthday boy:

  • “On this significant day, we celebrate the birth of a determined, self-confident person. What is a man's strength of character? In strength of spirit, intelligence, simplicity of character, generosity, gallantry, most importantly, in the ability to love. Happy birthday to a man with excellent spiritual qualities!

Congratulations to family, relatives, close people:

Happy birthday greetings to a man: original quatrains

You can congratulate a man on his birthday not only in prose. A wish in prose or short quatrains will sound beautiful and unique.

Such a greeting will sound beautiful from a lifelong friend:

“My wonderful, beloved,

My dear, affectionate, dear.

My gentle and my dear,

I want to live my whole life with you.”

Wishes to the birthday boy from work colleagues:

“Let friends respect everyone,

Let the weaker sex love you

May you always find time

For sports, fishing and love.”

A small, unobtrusive poem from mom that can warm your heart:

“You showed up, how much happiness,

Well, today everything is fine,

You have become successful, my son."

Happy birthday greetings to a young man

When congratulating a happy birthday, it is important to take into account the character, favorite activity, and goals of the hero of the occasion. Taking this feature into account, you can wish the birthday person a promotion and success in creating a career. If a guy is in a romantic relationship, he will be pleased to hear words about love and fidelity.

Examples of congratulations to a young man:

Funny birthday greetings for a friend

You can write happy birthday greetings to a man in prose, beautifully and briefly, in a cheerful, humorous form, if they are intended for a friend. Warm, selfless wishes expressed with humor are easily perceived and lift the spirits of not only the birthday person, but the entire company. There is a particle of truth in every humorous phrase.

Nothing can be better than a wish full of humor:

  • “What do you need to achieve in life? Personal, cash, non-cash happiness. Shoot for the bull's eye and, having found yourself in a sea of ​​luck and love, try to drown so that no one can save you. Don’t overtake life, follow it slowly to enjoy the joys it gives you. Celebrate birth, life, success!”;
  • "Happy Birthday! I want to wish you an endless attack of money, from which you don’t even think of defending yourself. Let your desires suffer from opportunities, and don’t even think about consoling them. I sincerely wish your dreams and goals to lose their heads from your fantasies. Let failures unsuccessfully trail behind your successes, they still won’t catch up with them”;
  • “I congratulate you on your individual new year! I wish you a bunch of gifts from Grandfather Birthday. Let the snowflakes of new ideas gently knock on your gray cells, bringing drifts of money that open up the opportunity to realize endless desires.”

Sincere birthday greetings to father-in-law

Any simple congratulation will sound truthful and frank if it is correctly formatted. For any man, you can choose suitable words with good wishes.

The wife's father requires special attention:

  • “Happy birthday, father! I call you father because my wife’s parent and mine too. Health and money are the most important things. You now live not only for yourself. Your grandchildren look at you with their devoted eyes. We hope that you will delight us with strength, health, and good mood for many years to come. I just want to add that I am ready to lend a helping hand in difficult times, as you once did. Thank you for being you";
  • “Today is a special day. My father-in-law's birthday. He is as dear to me as my father. Over the years of communication, I realized how close this person is to me. He is a support for my wife, and therefore for me. I wish a man with a capital M endless bright days, an ageless soul. May there be plenty of room in his heart for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. From the bottom of my heart, my heartfelt congratulations on the saddest and most joyful day.”

Happy birthday greetings to son-in-law

Special attention is paid to the birthday of the beloved named son. In addition to dishes and favorite dishes, of course, congratulations are prepared in words. As a rule, wishes come from the lips of the wife's father. The main thing is that it matches the character of their daughter’s beloved man. The generous, attentive son-in-law receives words of gratitude from his father-in-law for his caring attitude towards their daughter.

Examples of congratulations to a son-in-law:

  • From father-in-law:“I love my son-in-law very much, I say this from the bottom of my heart. Today, on this joyful day, I would like to wish you a family idyll, mutual love, interesting work that brings you not only decent profit, but also pleasure. Remain as you are, a faithful spouse, a loving father. Happy birthday, son!”;
  • From mother-in-law:“Our dear boy! My father and I are immensely happy to see you next to our daughter, whom we entrusted to you, and we still don’t regret it. Today is your holiday. We want to make your wishes come true, even the most unusual ones, and the realization of all your ideas. Your wife and children look at you as a mighty rock protecting their possessions, which means you are an excellent family man. Congratulations and wish you great happiness."

By celebrating their son-in-law's birthday and congratulating him, the wife's parents show their kind attitude towards their daughter's husband and consider them a full member of the family.

Happy birthday greetings to brother in your own words

Women are attentive to the birthdays of close and dear men. A short, beautifully designed message in prose will deeply touch the hero of the occasion. A woman tries to present an unusual congratulation to her brother.

On a significant day for your brother, you need to choose words filled with tenderness, care, and attention:

Beautiful birthday greetings to dad

The holiday is a good occasion to express love, respect, and attention to your dad.

You can write your wish in prose, in your own words:

The verse also sounds beautiful:

"Dad, I wish you

Happiness, good luck, luck,

Clear moments in fate

That's what I wish

On your most important day!”

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague: short poems

The team is carefully preparing for the birthday of a workmate, and, of course, a few warm words are necessary to lift the mood of the birthday person.

Short poems are a suitable option for congratulating a colleague:

“We are not only a collective,

We are a friendly family.

You are a part of our seven “I”.

We wish you a carefree life for many years,

Congratulations on your best day!”

And another quatrain:

“We wish you joy, good luck,

And let failures disappear forever.

Happy birthday!

May love and luck be with you!”

Heartfelt congratulations on the man's anniversary

In a narrow family circle, you can greet the hero of the day with light, cheerful words:

A cheerful, yet frank wish to a close friend:

  • “I want to warn you, my dear hero of the day. When leaving the previous decade, do not forget to take with you the fortune that haunts you, love, and most importantly, do not leave money. You won’t be able to return for them, it’s a bad omen. Congratulations on your anniversary, all the best!

Kind birthday greetings to your loved one

The most pleasant thing for the hero of the occasion is the presence of his beloved girlfriend or wife, who does not allow the man dear to her to get bored. Of course, she will congratulate him and prepare warm, gentle words for him:

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son

On this day I want to express my feelings and love to my son:

  • “My boy, I don’t know how to speak beautifully, and there are no words in the world that convey the boundless love of a mother for her son. I show you everything that I wanted and desire in practice. I don’t regret it because you met all my expectations. God grant that many will be the same noble, honest, and most importantly, devoted sons. Congratulations on the most wonderful day!”;

  • “The date of your birth is an exceptional day for dad and me. You appeared like a cheerful ringing of a bell and filled our lives with prosperity. We have given you a million possibilities, a kingdom of beauty, intelligence, and wisdom. Well done, you managed to take advantage of the valuables. All the best to you and your family. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a pensioner

More than a gift, pensioners rejoice at the presence of relatives and dear people on a significant day for them.

Therefore, we can congratulate you like this:

Congratulations to a man on his 65th birthday

Sixty-five is a number that brings with it seriousness, masculinity, and wisdom. Most of life's journey has been passed, but the man's determination and temperament do not leave him during these years.

On the day of the 65th birthday, you can wish the hero of the day active activity, health, love:

  • “You are celebrating a milestone date. This is a special day. An irreplaceable friend, a noble man who gave happiness to his family, donated his knowledge to the development of science, and trained a huge number of excellent specialists serving the country today. We wish you endless optimism, health, and cheerfulness for many, many more years to come. Happy anniversary!".

You can congratulate with the quatrain:

"May good luck be at 65

Doesn't leave you

Love, health and smile

They are always with you! "

Congratulations to a man on his 75th birthday

The 75th anniversary is a wonderful anniversary date, three quarters of a century. Having lived so long, it is impossible not to do something that would not leave a trace for posterity.

The 75th birthday of a man dear to his loved ones deserves a short but beautiful congratulation..

Wishes can be written in prose:

  • “Dear hero of the day! I want to wish you, first of all, young spiritual optimism. Every year has its own interesting moments. At 75 years old, life takes us into a new direction of its course, where there are many unfinished matters. Your grandchildren, your dacha, your beloved wife are waiting for you, finally waiting to see her husband at home all day. Gather all your energy and enter the 75th year of birth with it. Happy anniversary, my precious friend!”

Happy birthday greetings to a military man

Military men deserve words of gratitude that will touch a strict male heart:

  • “Our defender, our support! As long as there are people like you in the army, we can calmly raise our children and go to work. Let all the good that has been created return a hundredfold; there will be no place in your life for betrayal or betrayal. We wish you the happiest years of your life, family idyll, good luck in your service. Happy holiday";
  • “My priceless man! Years of military service have made you a tough, strict person. Inside, you remained a soft, gentle husband, a kind father. You know how to combine loyalty to duty with affection for your family. Thanks to the stars on your shoulders, people smile happily. So may life always smile on you.”

Funny birthday greetings for a man

Men perfectly understand humor, which helps them easily get out of difficult situations and establish relationships with colleagues and partners.

Examples of short, funny, beautifully designed wishes in prose for a man’s birthday:

  • "Dear husband! I wish you great happiness. I sincerely want to see you always standing firmly on your feet, especially on payday and on Fridays. Happy birthday, my one and only man!”;
  • “Years are ordinary numbers written on paper. To hell with paper and numbers. You are younger than the date spanked on your passport. To hell with your passport. Look into it only when you are going on vacation somewhere to the southern islands. Happy birthday, my young friend."

There are many interesting ideas to congratulate a man on his birthday. The main thing is that the wishes come from the heart, sincerely, sincerely.

Video on the topic “Happy Birthday greetings to a man in prose, beautiful and short”

How to make a beautiful congratulations to a man on his birthday:

Birthday greetings to a man are cool and short:

Happy birthday to a friend in prose:

Dear friends, today we have made for you a selection of 11 congratulations with which you can congratulate a man on his birthday in prose, in your own words, beautifully and briefly.

Beautifully congratulate a man in prose

Happy Birthday to You! Health, good luck, love, happiness and fulfillment of all, all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, kind, charming and most wonderful person!

On your birthday I wish everything to be “excellent”. So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent, if the friends are loyal, if the family is strong. If it’s cognac, then it’s aged, if it’s a car, then it’s of the highest class, if it’s a vacation, then it’s the most active. Let the blue bird of luck circle around you!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday - Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t live life again. Always love and you will be loved. May this bright and happy day bring you only joy, success and health!

You are young, full of strength and energy, a whole world of possibilities is open to you. So may success smile on you in all your endeavors and may your dreams come true. Be happy! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings for a man

Happy Birthday! Be a healthy, strong, successful person. We wish you prosperity, love, happiness, good luck and good mood. May you always be surrounded by loyal friends, respected by your colleagues at work, and cherished and protected by your family at home!

Dear (name)! Congratulations on your birthday! I sincerely wish that every new day of your life will be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, joyful meetings with friends and people close to you in spirit.
I wish you good health, family happiness, excellent mood. Let the morning dawn greet you with bright colors!

Always be on horseback in life, but don’t gallop through it, it’s better to walk at a slow pace, stopping only to stretch out the moments when you’re happy. Happy Birthday!

On his birthday, I only want to wish a real man great happiness, iron nerves, strong male friendship, a steel horse, so that the engine does not act up! And also - victories on all fronts, in life, so that you are lucky, and have as much money as you want for yourself!

I dare to congratulate the best man in the world on his birthday! I wish you to always remain the same positive, cheerful and bright person! The most wonderful moments, the most pleasant events and the most successful endeavors! And may everything in your life turn out great!

Happy birthday! In life, be a brave and wise captain of a beautiful ship, heading to the islands of carefree happiness and endless success. May your path be surrounded by waves of fun and joy. The most dear people will act as travel companions. Storms will never disrupt plans, and all your dreams will certainly come true, and every moment will be marked by a pleasant event or an important achievement!

On your birthday, I will not wish for high positions, great wealth and honorary statuses. I wish wisdom, professionalism, honesty and nobility. After all, it is these qualities that lift a man to the highest level of the pedestal, open up great prospects and provide the opportunity to brightly realize oneself and receive a decent financial return.

Happy birthday. It is always customary for a man to wish for success, money, love, fame and other regalia of life. But, you are a man of your word, a versatile and talented person, a noble and strong man, so you already have all this in your life, and what you don’t yet will definitely have. And today I sincerely want to wish you the most important thing in life - health - always strong, which neither the weather, nor work, nor stressful situations, nor your daily responsibilities can undermine. May whatever you plan and whatever you strive for necessarily go smoothly and be crowned with success, may there be no place in your life for grievances, disappointments and defeats. A man like you must be happy and loved, so let them love you, let them be proud and cherish you. I wish you confident strength and prosperity.

Let the years fly by, and with them you gain confidence and peace! We cordially congratulate you on another year that has flown by - on your birthday! Let it give you tender nostalgia for touching moments of the past and pleasant emotions of the present. Remain as kind and proud, noble and fair as you are now. Happy wonderful birthday to you!

Heartfelt touching birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Sometimes it seems that time flies by like a fast-winged bird, but there is no need to regret it. After all, every year of life is marked by something good. May there be an infinite number of joyful components in your glorious destiny. Let truly amazing events happen, kind and positive people meet, what you want is achieved, and happy stability inspires new successes! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you strength in career struggle and weakness in the face of sincere feelings, wisdom in life and madness in love, courage in moments of difficulty and fear of offending someone dear to your heart. Know how to combine different qualities in yourself, but at the same time always remain true to your life values ​​and to yourself.

Happy birthday. I would like to wish you to always remain the man you managed to become: smart and reasonable, kind and sensitive, attentive and confident, brave and decisive, persistent and invulnerable. I wish that the path of your activities follows the path of good luck and success, that your life flows as a living and long river of happiness. May the wind of good changes blow in your direction from the four corners of the world, may this year of life bring you more health, strength, confidence and personal prospects. Be a loved and happy man, a noble and worthy gentleman, a brave and invincible knight.

With joyful emotions and sparkling eyes, celebrate your personal holiday - your birthday! Let any, even the most desperate, wishes come true on this solemn significant day! Let “old lady” luck take you by the hand and never let you go. May friends and family always bring only good news, and may life flow with sweet, never-ending syrup!

Comic funny birthday greetings for a man in prose

On your wonderfully inspiring holiday, I wish you to meet a good genie who will make all your dreams come true, to have a self-assembled tablecloth at home so that at any time you can throw a feast on the mountain and invite friends, to get an artist and a beauty as your wife so that everyone will envy, to have an easy job and highly paid, and so that vacation takes up most of her time! Be joyful! Happy birthday!

I wish to always be a hero: restless like Forrest Gump, mysterious like James Bond, invincible like the Terminator, kind and sweet¸ like Shrek and loving like Don Juan. Let each life story reveal your hidden talents and allow you to perform in a new role. I wish you beautiful and successful roles on the stage of fate. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday man. I wish you Mondays without stress and extra expenses, Tuesdays with good football and beer, Wednesdays with fishing and winning hundred grams, Thursdays in bathhouses or saunas, Fridays without reports and blockages, Saturdays with a good mood and romance, and Sundays with cheerful music and the same company. In general, all the best to you, handsome, good health and luck.

Again, words of congratulations to you! You'll have to listen to all the tearful, sweet speeches to the end! Live like in paradise: without sin and in warmth. Love like the first time: recklessly and desperately! Don’t you dare overwork, otherwise you’ll have little time left for rest! In general, live, enjoy, grow rich where you really need it - don’t be timid! Happy birthday!

Original short birthday greetings to a man in prose

Happy birthday! Delight everyone with confidence and strength, achieve what you want and find time to relax, communicate with friends and be proud of your family! Let every moment be marked by pleasant and cheerful events!

On your birthday, I wish you cheerful and promising sunrises, busy and fruitful days, cozy and relaxing evenings, ardent and hot nights. Let every moment of life be unforgettable.

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you health and prosperity, work successfully and live beautifully, achieve victories and never doubt yourself. Be loved and happy, brave in heart and kind in soul, promising in your activities and talented in life.

Please accept our most joyful congratulations on your birthday! We wish you all the most optimistic and positive, funny and humorous, super cool and the kindest and most welcome! Let your dreams come true and your soul laugh!

On your birthday, I wish everything to be perfect! So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent, if the friends are loyal, if the family is strong. If the cognac is aged, the car is new, the rest is the most active. And may the bird of luck always circle around you!

Today I want to sincerely congratulate the wisest, bravest, most courageous and strong person I know. I wish you the fulfillment of the most secret and most daring plans that I can think of. Achieve all the goals you strive for. Let your family appreciate, love and understand you, and let everything in your life be positive, pleasant and kind!

Happy Birthday to You! Health, love, good luck, fulfillment of all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, charming, kind and wonderful person!

We wish you unwavering health, a hundred years of life, a pack of shares, a new car, good luck, a dacha and money to boot!

Dear (Name)! I want to talk about you in kind and simple words. We all love you very much. Live long, happy, calm, smart, ageless. Invite us to visit more often and fascinate us with your inner wealth for many years to come!

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of life will be wonderful, that all your wishes will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate fair winds, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children please you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!

Happy birthday to one of the most courageous men! After all, courage is fortitude, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to make friends, the ability to be a support and support for loved ones. And I also want to wish you to always remain the happiest person throughout your long life!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don’t even think about it! Let your beloved woman be nearby, let prosperity and prosperity reign in the house, let all your plans and dreams come true with ease! And may we still celebrate your successes and rejoice at your good fortune every year for many, many years to come!

Today I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful and enchanting man on his birthday. I wish there were fewer ordinary everyday life and as many bright colorful days as possible. So that your soul does not know insults, but always only sings from a wonderful life. I wish you to always remain the same gallant and interesting man!

For a man like you, I don’t regret the best words! Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one way - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! Let everything you want come true in your life! Always be the darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place at the right time. Congratulations!

On your birthday, I want to congratulate you and sincerely wish you financial prosperity, stability in business and the achievement of all your goals. Let your work bring you joy, let your deepest dreams come true, let harmony and mutual understanding reign in your family, and let your friends always be with you!

I wish that no wishes, no matter how big they are, from your enemies will ever come true... and the smallest ones from your friends will come true!

They don’t live that long!.. I mean: that many don’t live in constant joy, happiness, prosperity... The person who was able to do this deserves only one thing - congratulations!

Today we congratulate you and want to wish you with all our hearts happy days and tender caresses of the beautiful and sweet princess. So that in a difficult struggle you get an easy victory!

On your birthday, I so want to exclaim: “Open the doors to the world with your shoulders, conquer it with your smile, and may the meadow of your life always be blooming and green!”

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the engine in your chest work without interruptions and without repairs, may your life be a wide and smooth road without bumps and ruts. I also wish that you don’t skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Have a good and happy journey!

“Grow big!” - wished for in childhood. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: “Continue to grow above yourself!” Happy Birthday to You!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t relive life again. Always love and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Life may be harsh at times, but be strong. And quickly discover a reliable path for yourself. Learn not to survive, but to live, always go forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness! Good health to you!

I wish your life to be as bright as a clear sunny day, full as a glass of champagne, cloudless as the sky over the desert. And let the lights of hope always shine in the windows of your friends and family, like the stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

I wish that you were always young and handsome, that you were a bit of a spendthrift and a fool, that you were both a playboy and a guy, and, as always, generous and broad-minded.

The car is driving, the driver holds the steering wheel firmly, where necessary he turns, where necessary he drives straight, where he overtakes, where he slows down. We wish our birthday boy that he also firmly holds the steering wheel of his life in his hands. Where necessary, he accelerated, where he braked, and so that he did not skid when turning, did not fly into a ditch, and so that the engine and other components worked reliably!

Best wishes! Health, happiness, a sea of ​​smiles and love the size of the ocean! And the main thing is to always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Happy birthday! You, of course, know what the secret of happiness is - you are not that many years old, but you have already fulfilled the lion’s share of your cherished desires, gained recognition and success, for which you can only be congratulated a thousand times! I wish you to continue to remain the Creator, the Master of your happiness! Multiply it, live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new amazing stories to the baggage of good memories!

Today, on your birthday, we will tire you with our attention, flood you with bright congratulations and wishes! Today we really want to give you the whole world and the most important and magical thing that is in it - happiness! Be happy every day, don’t be sad and smile, dream and boldly walk along new roads! Remember that your best years, events and achievements are still ahead! So hurry to them with ardor, and our wishes for good will certainly help you with this!

People are different. There are sadly existing people, there are gray existing people. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our “newborn” is exactly this type of person. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives such a charge from him. So let's say hello to our hero. We wish him good health, happiness, and many years of life. We wish you to always carry the torch of a joyful attitude and always warm our hearts!

May God grant you to live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them! God bless you with excellent health! May God give you always plenty to eat and drink! Love your wife seven days a week and a thousand percent per annum!

We wish our birthday boy to always maintain spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, this feeling that everything is possible, you can do everything. We wish you health, happiness, may success and good luck always accompany you!

On this beautiful, joyful day - your birthday - we wish you a sea of ​​gifts, beautiful flowers, a sea of ​​confessions and smiles, a sea of ​​pleasant meetings and wonderful minutes, and on vacation days - a warm sandy beach of the Black or Mediterranean Sea.

On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your home, and let worries always remain outside the door!

On this day we want to wish that happiness never leaves you, that your health does not decline over the years. May every new day be more beautiful than the previous one!

All your friends are glad that they can congratulate you on your birthday! We all wish that you remain the same faithful friend, caring husband and affectionate father! May you hear warm words from your family and friends on this day for many years to come!

On your birthday, I want to wish you that you are simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light-footed, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open air. And may all the thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

This day has finally come. You waited so long for him that you frayed all my nerves. I really wouldn’t want you to be dissatisfied with today’s holiday. After all, for the first time I take full responsibility for what is happening. Today we will go to a party to celebrate your birthday. And that's why I hope for your help. Guests. Relatives and friends who will gather will bring you many gifts that you are so looking forward to. And now I’m ready to give you my little surprise, I hope you’ll like it. And at the end of all that has been said, I would like to tell you once again to live your life in such a way that later you will not be ashamed of it! From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you happiness, health and love! After all, this is almost the most important thing in life! Good luck to you, whatever you do.

Every person in the world has his own holiday, which he loves most. As far as I know, you have such a holiday, and it’s called your birthday. Since childhood, this holiday has been your favorite. You always ran to the door when guests arrived and waited for them to give your gift to you. Now, of course, you don’t do this, but you still continue to be that person who can be easily pleased with even a small gift. And now I would especially like to congratulate you. My gift may not seem too big for you, but believe me, I tried very hard to please you. And finally, I’ll tell you, always remain a happy and joyful person. May everything in your life always be good. And I love you very much!

Today should be special. Because it was on this day that you were born many years ago. And since you are a very cheerful and sociable person, you will be the center of attention today. A lot of people will come to congratulate you. These will be relatives, friends, and just your acquaintances. That's why I tried very hard to make this holiday truly wonderful for you. I hope that you will be able to appreciate all this. And now you must put yourself in proper shape. And in the end I would like to tell you a lot more. But knowing how much you dislike these long speeches, I'll just tell you, live happily. Spend all your days in such a way that you will not be ashamed of them later. And now for now. Live happily! May everything be great for you! I always root only for you!

Unfortunately, I woke up today and saw that the weather outside was very bad. The sunshine we've been waiting for is gone. But instead, huge clouds have gathered in the sky, preventing people from walking peacefully along the city streets. Most people hid in their homes in fear, afraid of getting wet. But, you and I are the kind of people who are not at all afraid of the weather. Or rather, it doesn’t matter for us whether the sun is shining or it’s raining, the main thing is that you and I are always together. So don't even think about getting upset. And now I would like to congratulate you and wish you all the best. Let there be only sunny days in your life instead of bad weather. And finally, I will hug and kiss you tightly. I wish you happiness in everything, even if it happens without me. Because life is very unpredictable and anything can happen. So don't be upset and move on with your life.

What wonderful weather it is outside the window. It’s so warm there that it’s hard to believe that the weather was cold recently. The sun is jumping in the clouds, as if on a big white feather bed. And small rays, sunbeams jump across the earth, having fun. Everyone is enjoying life. Birds are singing in the trees, cats and cats are strolling along the river with an important air. And some are so impudent that they simply lay down on empty benches and are not going to get off them at all. On such a wonderful day, we want to congratulate you on your birthday. May everything always be fine with you. I really really want this. Because when you are happy, then I am happy. Good luck to you in everything you start doing. Know that your faithful friend will always be near you to help you at any time!

Hello my dear man! Well, why are you still lying there and not even going to get up? After all, today you and I will celebrate your birthday. And, even though you don’t really like this holiday, I will still make you feel the joy of the past evening. And for this I tried to prepare many pleasant surprises. In addition, in the evening we will have a small feast, at which we will give you gifts. So you'll have to get up and start getting ready. You are so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off you. And I’m not alone. When people pass by you, they involuntarily look back with silent admiration in their eyes. I would really like our life together to always be filled with such a pleasant atmosphere, and such pleasant and sweet surprises. And I love you very much, know this. I wish you good luck in everything!

This holiday has come, which you and I have been waiting for so long. Yes, today we will all gather together to celebrate your birthday. I really hope that you will like everything that we have prepared for you. You know, on this day I always remember the first time we met. Then you celebrated your name day, and I came to visit with my girlfriend. It was then that you apparently liked me, because you didn’t take your eyes off me for a long time, after which you asked me out on a date. After that time, you and I began to spend all our free time together. And now, on your name day, I am so happy to remember those days. Remembering them, the following thought immediately appears in my head: what if I hadn’t gone then to congratulate you? But everything that is not done is done for the better. Thank you for being you. I wish you good luck in everything!

The weather is beautiful outside. The bright sun is shining high in the sky. It lets its sunbeams come through our window to wake you up. Now you've already woken up. Dear, I want to congratulate you on your birthday. Knowing how much you love this holiday, I would especially like to please you. Your mother told me that since childhood you looked forward to this holiday so impatiently that you simply tormented everyone. But now you are, of course, much calmer and more reasonable. But at heart you still remain a big child. Maybe I liked you because you are always sincere like a little child. And now I would especially like to congratulate you and wish you only the brightest and most impressionable moments in life. May you always be happy, regardless of whether you are with me or not. And finally, I would like to hug you tightly. Know that you are the most precious thing I have!

Dear birthday boy! I want... No, I insist! So that today becomes that significant starting point when all the bad things are now left behind. So that only positive emotions, excellent impressions, and joyful, happy days await you ahead. So that every moment you live is bright and rich! So that work brings satisfaction and money, children enjoy success, and harmony in the soul never ends. Happy birthday!

One is not born a man, no matter how much. Men have to go through a lot: fight in the eighth grade, say, with Vovka, protect a girl from a yard dog, bungee jump into a lake with friends, present a bouquet of flowers for mom when she’s not expecting it at all. Therefore, I proudly congratulate you on your birthday, for all your courage, valor, and battles!

We are happy that we had the honor to congratulate and give gifts to our wonderful friend - a sweet, but at the same time strong man! We will not be original, and therefore we will wish what is most often wished on such a day... Good health, prosperity in the family, more happy moments and mutual love! Happy birthday!

In the East, they believe that a man who lives to be 20 years old gains the necessary maturity and wisdom. After all, by this time he had already known both grief and happiness. He lost loved ones and found new friends. He does what he likes. He found love and learned to listen to his heart. So let’s wish our birthday boy that he has a lot of joys, and as few troubles and losses as possible! And so that his wisdom comes exclusively from positive emotions, Happy Birthday!

My dear and irreplaceable, the best man in the world, the kindest, strongest, most generous and most beloved! Happy Birthday and I wish that your every day begins and ends with a smile and that your heart is always fragrant with joy! May your body and soul not grow old, but grow younger year by year to the joy of all those who love you! I wish you: vigor for the body, peace for the soul, wisdom for the head, and skill for the hands! And to all of you together - happiness and love!

Happy birthday, I want to wish you self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, a stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country house, a house full of friends, confidence in the future.

We wish that you will always be popular like Chanel perfume, that for girls you will be in great demand like the new Louis Vuitton collection, and for men like a new Land Cruiser. So that women don’t give you the wrong gifts, instead of socks and shower gel they give you a spinning rod, so that you never run out of cigarettes, don’t lose your keys, and the whole house can be controlled with one remote control. Always in a good mood and positive attitude towards life.

How much time has passed, but in your eyes there is still the same boy who loved receiving toys for his birthday. Today nothing has changed, only the toys have become much more serious. And it doesn’t matter whether you are driving a pedal car for children or driving an adult car - you do not grow old, remaining the same sincere person!

On your birthday, you only need to wish a real man great happiness, iron nerves, strong male friendship, a steel horse, so that the engine does not act up, victories on all fronts, in life, so that you are lucky, and have as much money as you can wish for yourself!

You are a person, not a creature. There is good in you, but not evil. There is no need for evidence or arguments to argue when you are right. You have never lied to the faces of your loved ones. You greet any news with a smile, but a children's story can also touch you. But the main thing is that on your birthday, you are not at all lazy to congratulate you on a significant event!

Every woman knows what an ideal man should be like. He must be brave like Superman, swift and agile like Spider-Man, handsome like Johnny Depp, charming like Harry Potter, smart like Albert Einstein, brutal like Gerard Butler, a true gentleman like James Bond, have a sense of humor like Jack Sparrow, and Ian Somerhalder's sexuality. Unfortunately, few people have seen such men, but now he is in front of me.

Happy birthday! Although you are not an architect, I wish you to build a beautiful life. May you have a sweet destiny that makes you happy. I wish you complete harmony and good luck in life. Achieve your goals, move forward and dream. May everything be wonderful for you no matter what.

Birthday is like a bright flash, like a comet. There are millions of other lights in deep space, but this one shines the brightest. So, don't forget where and who you are from. This day was not given to you in vain, but to reflect on the past, to smile, because a comet is a bright stripe that will turn fate into the right vector, cutting off all the black stripes.

Courage is the most important quality of a man, which lies in the ability to truly love, to be wise and strong in spirit, the ability to be a worthy friend, and simply a person with a warm heart. Happy Birthday to the most courageous man in the world! We hug you tightly and give you the most sincere and warm wishes of good luck, love, health, may all your plans come true, and may your work and perseverance bring good rewards.

Honor and dignity are what distinguishes a real man from the everyday pompous crowd. On your birthday, I want to tell you that the real man in my eyes is you. You can be set as an example for children, your character traits can be instilled in teenagers, and others can look up to you. So, on this holiday, may you be in a great mood, and may fate pamper you and remove all troubles and misfortunes from your life.

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you great happiness, an interesting and bright life, let a smile shine on your face, everything in life works out in the best way!

On your birthday, I will not wish you to have luxury cars and houses: they can crash, collapse, burn. I will not wish you the love of a beauty: it can disappear, cool down, turn into hatred. I will not wish you youth and health: your body becomes decrepit, and the years pass by. I wish you that wealth that cannot be destroyed and stolen, which will always remain with you. I wish you wisdom!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose can be prepared by relatives, friends, and work colleagues. If you find out that a person, even if not the closest one, has a holiday like a birthday on this day, then prepare for him beautiful and short congratulations to the man in prose and send him via SMS. Kind words will lift the spirits of every birthday person.

Not everyone will be able to come up with an original quatrain, given the constant busyness of a modern person, there may simply not be time for this. Our site offers you original and beautiful congratulations in prose for any occasion. In this section you can find beautiful short congratulations in prose to your husband, brother, friend, relative, colleague. If you can’t congratulate the birthday person in person, you can always say congratulations over the phone or send them via SMS. In any case, your concern and warm wishes will not go unnoticed.

Well? Congratulations! The years fly by, but it’s good that you still have a lot of time to do new - already adult and completely conscious nonsense! I wish you a life filled with bright events, meetings and travels. Always act as your heart tells you, so that in old age, as they say, there will be something to remember (but it would be better not to tell your grandchildren about this). Happy birthday!
Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of your long life will be wonderful, that your cherished desires will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate fair winds, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children delight you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!
It is with great pleasure that I congratulate a man of wonderful spiritual qualities on his birthday, in whose big heart there was a place for so many! We, in a festive mood, want to wish you a long and happy life, full of joyful moments and pleasant impressions!
Today I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful and enchanting man on his birthday. I wish that gray everyday life turns into bright colorful holidays. So that your soul does not know any grievances, but always only sings from a wonderful life. I wish you to always remain the same gallant and interesting man!
We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful beloved and children, live with pleasure and reap the well-deserved fruits of victory. Enjoy every unique moment of a wonderful life! And may you always have plenty of strength and opportunity to fulfill all your desires!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you all the best, so that your life will be illuminated with happiness and joyful moments. May the days ahead be full of sunshine. I wish you to remain as persistent, courageous and brave, so that your family is proud of you. I wish you to conquer one peak after another and achieve your goals. And of course, I wish you simple family happiness, love and understanding.
Happy Birthday! Be a healthy, strong, successful person. We wish you prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May you always be surrounded by loyal friends, respected by your colleagues at work, and cherished and protected by your family at home.
Happy Birthday. I wish that your strength and endurance do not decrease, that your desires and dreams do not disappear. So that not only your birthday, but also every subsequent day brings satisfaction from life, inspiration for achievements and the desire to live, love, and create.
Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. May you always be happy with what you already have, but at the same time never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and let your beloved be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!
It's the man's birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you great happiness, luck and good luck in everything. May your path be illuminated by a guiding star, may joy accompany you, may all your plans come true. I wish you all the best, good health and good friends. May your life flow like a full river among the banks of hope, faith and love. I wish you a wonderful mood, my dear, a life without worries. Let all sorrows and bad weather forget your address.
Our dear only man, you are the adornment of the entire female team. We love, respect and protect you. Today is your birthday, allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on such a significant event. May you always be lucky in everything. May your work bring you inspiration and your personal life give you solace. I wish you good health, a lot of joy, good luck and all the best. May your good mood never leave you, may your life be long and beautiful. Be happy.

Congratulations to a man in prose, beautiful and short

Always be on horseback in life, but don’t gallop through it, it’s better to walk at a slow pace, stopping only to stretch out the moments when you’re happy.
May your loved ones and family always be healthy, and may happiness come to your home without an invitation. We wish you strength and health so that you can maintain this happiness for the rest of your life!
Happy birthday to the coolest guy! I wish you to be an example of strength and perseverance! So that girls love and bosses appreciate!
Those who don't try don't win! This has been your motto in life for many years, and it brings you only success. I wish that luck never leaves you, but don’t forget to find time to enjoy your ideas and plans!
Today, everything that the soul strives for must come true. After all, steely character and leadership spirit do not prevent you from believing in magic. Smile, this day is beautiful.
My friend, congratulations! Obviously, you are a young, successful, damn attractive and charismatic guy. I sincerely wish that your ambitions are realized and that you achieve everything you dream of! I wish you love and romance that will inspire and guide you! Happy birthday!
Our nice man, happy birthday to Vareniya and Cake! Let this day be the beginning of a new happy life! Take all the best from the past with you, and forget all the negativity. Dream your future and make it come true! And I also wish you material wealth for all the years of your life!
*** Happy Birthday, beloved birthday boy! Today everyone praises you and wishes you many pleasures. I'm not an exception. You live a talented life and it’s worth learning! Let your talent spread to other people, and as a sign of gratitude, let them bring you a lot of joy and benefits! Be healthy, loved and lucky!
Happy birthday!!! The world moves thanks to energetic and positive people like you! May everything in your life work out, succeed and be achieved! Love and be loved! Congratulations!