How to properly disguise bags under the eyes. Quick fixes: folk recipes. Reducing puffiness at home

Not everyone is so rich that they can afford 8 hours of normal, healthy sleep. Of course, everyone knows what the consequences of a short sleep are fraught with, only what are they worth! In this article we will look at: bruises under the eyes, a couple of life hacks-accents.

Hide bags under the eyes

Disguise rules

Moisturizing is a must for eye care. There are creams specialized for the skin around the eyes, which also have the properties of moisturizing, relieving swelling and slightly correcting blue due to reflective pigment and a pink tint in their composition.

Overlapping with concealer is the next step. Depending on the depth of blue, you can use a concealer formulation from thinner to denser.

How to apply concealer

To do this, apply the concealer on the pad of the index finger and rub it with our fingers - with this action we warm up the product, which gives us a light coverage, then apply it to the problem area with point movements.

It is also very important: you need to apply in a triangle along the nose and shade not along the eye, but perpendicularly. To make the concealer roll less and not drive into wrinkles, you need to apply a matting or fixing powder on top.

Additional tricks

1. Expressive eyebrow corner

Remember that eyebrows are a kind of face frame. As a rule, few people have a pronounced corner. To do this, use a pencil or eyebrow pomade. Also, one more rule: the bend and tail of the eyebrow should be pronounced, and the beginning should be more natural.

2. Bronzing powder

A light shade of tan on the periphery of the face further distracts attention from imperfections under the eyes, and also corrects the oval of the face, making it more graceful. Apply the product to the most protruding part of the cheekbone, to the periphery of the forehead and shade.

3. Blush

It is better to choose a blush with a pink tint. Apply blush to the part that sticks out in the cheek area when you smile.

Paradoxically, to get rid of edema, you need to drink more water. Because often they appear due to salt, which inhibits the excretion of fluid. And water helps to flush out salt from the body (along with toxins).

If you ate a salty dinner the day before, cried or drank too much alcohol, clean drinking water should be your best friend for the whole day.

2. Apply something cold

Cold constricts blood vessels and helps with any edema. The area around the eyes is no exception. You can cool it with metal spoons. It is better to put 4–6 pieces in the freezer in advance, and then apply them to the eyes one by one: when one spoon heats up, it can be replaced with a new one.

Another option is to wash your face with ice cubes. In this case, both frozen water and milk or herbal decoctions are suitable.

An alternative to ice is cold compresses. They can be made by dipping a regular cotton ball in cold milk or rose water.

Keep the compress on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

By the way, it is also better to freeze such well-known fighters against edema as cucumber, potatoes: the effect will be more noticeable.

3. Make a mask from natural ingredients

Aloe works well with swelling, and at the same time moisturizes the skin and helps smooth out fine wrinkles. You can squeeze the gel out of the leaves of a live plant, immediately spread it over the skin, hold it for a few minutes until it dries, and rinse it off with water. Another option is to soak cotton pads with aloe juice, put them in the freezer, and use these compresses as needed.

An anti-edema shock mask is obtained by mixing 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with ½ teaspoon of cucumber juice. The mixture can be applied before bed and washed off in the morning.

The whipped egg white also helps tighten skin and lightens. It is necessary to distribute it with your fingers or a brush under the eyes, wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

In addition, the protein can be mixed with used natural coffee (2 teaspoons of coffee waste is enough for 1 protein). After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

4. Use cosmetics

If you don't feel like wasting time on homemade cosmetics, buy ready-made products. For example, masks or eye patches. As a rule, they not only remove edema, but also have a moisturizing and anti-aging effect.

Do not forget about the cream for the skin around the eyes. To enhance its effect, store it in the refrigerator.

You can disguise the bags if you apply concealer to their borders, and not to the edema itself.

If your eyes are not only swollen in the morning, but also red or itchy, it is possible that you are allergic to an eye cosmetic product. Try not to use your usual remedies for several days. If the problem goes away, get rid of this makeup.

5. Take care of your sleep

First, try to get enough sleep. 8-9 hours of sleep can already help to cope with bags and circles under the eyes.

Second, pay attention to your sleeping posture. Sleeping on your stomach helps fluid flow to your eyes. It is best to sleep on your back with an extra pillow under your head. Then the liquid that accumulates under the eyes will tend downward.

6. Take good care of the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very, rough handling can lead to stretching and, as a result, the appearance of bags. So try not to stretch your skin or rub your eyes, use harsh products like scrubs, and don't forget about a moisturizer.

7. Fight bad habits

Often the cause of swelling is the love of salty food, smoking or alcohol abuse. Get rid of these bad habits, and you will not only forget about bags under your eyes, but you will look better in general.

8. See a doctor

Sometimes swelling around the eyes signals diseases or changes in the body. Talking about pregnancy, dermatitis, allergies, mononucleosis - the list goes on.

If the swelling appears suddenly despite the fact that you are leading a healthy lifestyle, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

Look for other ways to deal with bags and dark circles under the eyes in our video:

Or maybe you have your own method? Then tell us about it in the comments.

If there are health problems, namely with the kidneys, then you need to know how to do makeup with bags under the eyes. Puffiness can appear not only as a result of impaired renal activity, but also as a result of lack of sleep, illness, or other negative influences. Puffy eyes, of course, are not easy to disguise, but it is quite possible if you approach it wisely and competently. In this case, you cannot do without preparatory measures - various compresses for the eyelids help a lot to cope with the problem, tea bags, chamomile decoction and other medicinal herbs are often used for this purpose. Well, of course, you need to find out the very cause of the swelling of the eyes and, if this is not elementary physiology, give it enough time and attention to somehow try to correct the situation for the better.

If the reason lies in the individual features of the structure of a woman's appearance, then you do not need to be upset, but you should find the most suitable makeup for puffy eyes. Fortunately, to date, the achievements of cosmetology make it possible to cope even with such a problem visible on the face as bags under the eyes and puffy eyelids directly. In this case, it is important to decide on the appropriate colors for decoration and the technique of their application. Slightly puffy eyes can be easily corrected with dark shadows with a matte effect, but overly bright and saturated colors should be avoided. When shading the eyelids, their folds are well shaded, going beyond the edges of the outer corner and stretching the shading up, towards the temple.

When performing makeup for puffy eyes, the brow area needs to be lightened, but it is better to leave eyelashes without mascara at all - it will only make the look heavier. If nature has endowed with large centuries, then the best make-up option will be. The dark haze will perfectly darken the moving eyelid and with it the problem, collecting and narrowing the swelling. Such a design can be safely used for everyday and for an evening out of the house, but in the latter case, the colors and shades, nevertheless, should be more saturated, but remain as natural as possible, close to natural. Also, the pencil eyeliner on the inner eyelid looks great in business, but the ciliary contour itself can be circled wider and shaded, which corresponds to the style of smokey ice.

Other troubles with the eyes and how to hide them with cosmetics

A woman's appearance may have other not very pleasant and troublesome features, in particular, it may be necessary to correct dark circles under the eyes. Make-up in this case should always begin with a high-quality treatment of the skin of the eyelids with specially designed means - tonal and matting creams, correctors, concealers. The most advanced products have a complex purpose, are easy and evenly applied, hold for a long time, moisturize and refresh the skin. Such products have different shades, the most suitable is the one that is slightly lighter than your own skin tone. But makeup artists do not recommend powdering dark circles, since the particles of this product settle in the skin folds and attract even more attention to the problem area.

A little makeup trick for bags under the eyes or their cyanosis is to apply blush on the cheekbones, which will divert attention from the problem area, give the face a radiance and refresh it, which will make the skin look healthier. For correction, products with the lightest texture are best suited, since dense concealers leave a film on the surface, which later tears off the layer of cosmetics. The neutralizing colors of the concealer are lilac and purple, a peach shade is suitable for dark-skinned women, and a pink tone is just right for pale skin. Corrective agents are applied from the inside of the eyelid to the outer corner. And already on top, a concealer is applied, which should be a couple of tones lighter than the base, all along the same lines as the concealer.

So, in order to hide bruises under the eyes, makeup must certainly be based on a corrective foundation with a sufficient content of beneficial pigments, with a yellow tint. Such funds perfectly neutralize not only the blueness of the skin, but also its yellowness, and even excessive darkening. If you use a yellow concealer on yellowish skin, you can get rid of redness and irritation. Thus, makeup for puffy eyes with unpleasant dark or blue circles is a real salvation for those with a similar appearance. Using modern achievements in cosmetology, the problem can be easily veiled, made as invisible as possible, distracting attention to more worthy features and features in appearance.

Neglect of healthy sleep, fatigue, stress and many other unfavorable factors are reflected in our appearance with you, girls, not in the best way. Alas, only a few of us can boast of a fresh complexion, healthy blush and no bags under the eyes. Of course, good rest and a state of inner harmony is the best make-up for any woman.

However, what if these conditions are difficult to achieve, and you need to look good right now? Then such a necessary and irreplaceable thing for all of us as decorative cosmetics comes to the rescue. We suggest you learn how to hide bags under the eyes with makeup.

1. Concealer

When choosing a concealer for bags and dark circles under the eyes, go for matte products with a soft, creamy texture. Dry concealer pencils are generally not suitable for this area of ​​the face, as they can crack and create a fine mesh of fine wrinkles on the surface of the face. The color of the concealer should match your natural skin tone as much as possible. If bags under the eyes are accompanied by pigmentation, use a colored pencil. Concealer of one shade or another has its own purpose:

peach - masks blue and bluish circles under the eyes;
orange - neutralizes dark circles;
yellow - hides red circles;
sand / beige / ivory - makes the eyes shine.

The correct technique for applying concealer is to apply the product pointwise directly to the bags and up to the wings of the nose. Afterwards, the corrector should be thoroughly shaded with warm fingertips or a cosmetic brush. To prevent under-eye stretching, apply the concealer with gentle, hammering movements. Intensively rubbing the product into bags is strongly discouraged. To prevent the area under the eyes from creating a contrast with the overall complexion, accompany the use of concealer by applying foundation to the skin. A thin layer of translucent powder on top of the concealer will keep the product in place throughout the day.

2. Makeup base

An alternative to concealer can be a make-up base. And in this case, the matte texture of the product remains preferable. Pearlescent primers tend to "highlight" the skin, due to which the defects become even more pronounced. To apply a make-up base, squeeze a small amount of the product onto your hand and let it oxidize a little in air - in this way you will increase the concentration of the masking pigment. Then apply the base pointwise on the face (forehead, chin, nose, cheeks, bags under the eyes) and blend with your fingers, a brush or a slightly damp sponge. On problem areas, it is allowed to apply the primer in several layers.

3. Eye cream with lifting effect

Drainage cream should be applied before applying concealer or makeup base. Often, such lifting creams contain caffeine. It is this component that has a tonic effect on the skin and reduces puffiness under the lower eyelids. To enhance the effect of the product, store it in the refrigerator and apply cold under the eyes.

Stress, constant lack of sleep, spending most of the day at the computer - sounds painfully familiar, right? These are the realities of life for most modern women. And among the mass of side effects, one is immediately visible to the naked eye - "bags". The ones under the eyes. It is good that it is very possible to hide this sad circumstance from others. And so that nothing in your face betrays fatigue, follow these 4 valuable tips from makeup artists.

Everyone knows that for the fight against "circles", "bags" and other joys of lack of sleep a couple of helpers called concealer has long been invented. Or almost everything. But not every one of us uses this miracle correctly. And if the shadows under the eyes do not lend themselves to "smearing" in any way, it may be worth trying out these little tricks from professional makeup artists. Try it, you have nothing to lose.

Trick # 1: be sure to use a cream

And not just moisturizing, but "against black circles" or with a reflective effect. This will not only help to disperse the swelling, but will also create the correct base so that the concealer is smoother and lasts longer.

Trick # 2: triangles

Before applying concealer to problem areas, look at yourself in the mirror and mentally draw two inverted triangles under your eyes. Apply the product along these lines, and not with the usual "crescent": yes, the consumption of cosmetics will be higher, but the masking effect is much better. And a brush will help to do this much more conveniently.

Trick # 3: two shades of concealer

Everyone knows about contouring? It turns out that the play of light and shadow can be used to disguise the "bags" under the eyes. The secret is that due to stress, lack of sleep and age-related changes, fatty tissue goes away under the skin around the eyes. And the skin itself literally becomes thinner. But you can create the illusion of volume. To do this, you need to use concealers in two shades: one is slightly lighter than your skin, and the other is the same shade as the skin on your cheeks. Apply the dark one immediately under the lash line and slightly below, and draw the top of the "triangle" with a lighter medium.

Trick # 4: bake

Draw "triangles" under the eyes? Don't rush to blend them. Give the concealer at least 5 minutes to “bake” (warm up from your body temperature and better grab onto the skin). Do the rest of your makeup during this time. And before completing the look with mascara, gently blend the triangles with your fingers, a brush, or a slightly damp beauty sponge.

Now you know how best to "mask" using cosmetics. But it is always better to deal with the cause rather than the effect. Therefore, if you can't find an extra hour for sleep, at least do this.