A present for the new year to a woman school principal. What to give the director for his birthday. Birthday Gifts

Giving gifts is a whole art. Indeed, it is necessary to answer such a number of all kinds of questions to oneself in the process of searching for a worthy presentation. Especially, if the actual task sounds like this: "what can be presented to the headmaster." The status of the recipient, it would seem, obliges one to expensive presentations, but at the same time the position itself implies the presentation of rather memorable souvenirs, which will be accepted without any unnecessary suspicion. Here it is worth adhering to that laudatory golden mean, which will allow a person to do something pleasant and at the same time not ruin his own budget, and not cause associations with a bribe.

The Valley of Presents online store is ready to help you in this delicate and not simple matter. Turning to our website, the question of what can be presented to the school principal will be promptly and successfully resolved, in addition, you can place an order without leaving your home.

First of all, we advise you to take a closer look at the gift rewards. This is a great replacement for the trite and less timeless postcards that tend to get lost, wrinkled and fade. A gift award in the form of an order, medal, cup or award statuette will become an original memorable present that will forever take a prominent place in the recipient's office. You can present, for example, a gift figurine with the inscription * To the best school principal * or an order or medal with the corresponding engraving. You can also choose an award with an individual design and order an exclusive inscription on the product. In this case, the souvenir will turn out to be unique, which will delight the recipient even more.

The question of what can be presented to the headmaster of the school may have several answers at once. A great option for someone who loves to travel, for example, is the Traveler's Globe. This model of the globe is offered in a completely white version. Here, neither countries nor continents are painted, only borders are given, like contour maps. The owner of an extraordinary thing will have to paint those countries that he has visited, or plans to visit, or is not even going to be for nothing. Moreover, the globe is a traditional attribute of any teacher's desktop. So, this is a good option as a gift not only to the director, but also to the geography teacher, for example.

However, the Dolina Podarkov online store also offers other globes. Such a little thing, of course, cannot be put outside the classroom, not in the office, but rather a personal gift that will become a worthy decoration of the home interior. We are talking about a globe-bar, it is very pleasant to meet guests with it. Such a product will contain not only your favorite drink, but also wine glasses. There are table and floor models in the range.

Naturally, this is only a small part of what our online store is ready to offer to the director. We invite you to get acquainted with the full assortment in the selection

The atmosphere in the school, the attitude towards students and even the quality of knowledge in the school largely depend on its captain - the school director. Grateful schoolchildren on September 1, on Teacher's Day and at graduation, want to make a gift not only to their favorite teachers, but also to the school principal, the person on whose shoulders this stronghold of knowledge rests. What can you give to a school principal? Read our selection of ideas and take your pick.

Gifts for September 1

September 1 is coming, and the director will have a lot of trouble. Therefore, gifts that facilitate the workflow will be useful to him. Such gifts can be called universal, they are suitable for a person of any age and gender.

Desktop organizer. The director always has a lot of papers on his desk, and in preparation for the beginning of the school year, there are even more of them. An organizer made of natural wood will save space and at the same time serve as a decoration of the office.

Tablet. To run a school, you have to constantly deal with documents, so the ability to store information electronically will simplify everything. The current tablet model, presented by September 1, will make the work easier from the very first quarter.

Notebook. It is possible that a person of the old school does not want to give up the usual ways of storing information in favor of a newfangled gadget. In this case, present a leather-bound notebook with his initials.

Director's Yearbook. Such a yearbook will be useful to any leader who has to plan a lot of things every day.

Office clock. With such a gift, it will be easier for the director to establish the learning process and not forget about rest. When choosing a gift design, you need to take into account the director's personal tastes and the general style of his office decoration.

September 1 causes excitement not only among students, but also among the teaching staff. For the celebration to be remembered for a long time, make a gift from the heart and it will bring sincere joy!

Teachers' Day gifts

Even if the head of the school does not teach personally, Teacher's Day remains his holiday and the gift should be associated with this event. This could be:

Expensive print edition. The head of the educational institution must constantly expand his horizons in order to share knowledge with his wards. It is worth giving the headmaster of the school on Teacher's Day a book in an embossed cover, having previously inquired about the topic of interest, and his joy will be genuine.

Award statuette or order. An engraved item will complement the main present or become a separate gift. You can also purchase an exclusive award, where the name of the gifted person, the date and designation of the class presenting the memorable thing will be added to the inscription “The Best Director”.

Branded handle. It is worth presenting this gift on Teacher's Day, and the head of the school will gladly take it out during the next meeting. And if the director continues to teach, then the pen will come in handy in order to correct mistakes and give grades!

Such an accessory will decorate the director's desk at school or at home and will help him to relax during or after a working day.

Air ionizer. Almost every headmaster spends a lot of time in his office. An air ionizer is one of the most practical and useful gifts that students can give to their principal.

Birthday Gifts

The principal will be pleased if the students remember to make a present for his birthday. In this case, the present must be individual.

Service with monogram. Although tea sets are considered a trivial gift, this rule does not apply to porcelain. A set of dishes decorated with a monogram with initials will emphasize the status of its owner.

Jewel. The female director will be delighted with a gold engraved pendant presented for her birthday. It should be small and elegant, so when choosing, rely on laconic forms, subtlety of work and uniqueness of design.

Gift basket. If you know the preferences of the hero of the occasion, present him with a basket with a set of chocolates, different types of tea or exclusive coffees.

Painting in a classic style. When choosing a work to be presented to the director, it is better to purchase an oil painting by a not very famous artist, and not a copy of famous works. Pay attention to the style of execution and design of the picture frame, because the gift should be combined with the design of the director's office.

Table lamp. An excellent and very useful gift that will definitely come in handy for the director in his work and will remind him of grateful students every day.

A birthday present should not be associated with a school theme, so the usefulness will fade into the background. Personal attention is always pleasant and the director will appreciate it!

Anniversary gifts

When the head of the school prepares to celebrate the anniversary, the present should emphasize the importance of the event.

Desktop device. Although the principal does not use a pen and ruler as often as a teacher, he also has to handle stationery. Present for an anniversary a tabletop device with a congratulatory inscription, and its owner will remember the students every time he stretches out his hand to it.

Portrait. An oil painting from a photograph will decorate an office or home. Just do not forget that this gift must be prepared in advance!

Leather briefcase. An anniversary is a great occasion to present a branded product made from natural materials, and the castle can be decorated with engraving.

Leather executive chair. A comfortable and functional chair will make the director's work even more enjoyable and fulfilling. A good chair is not a cheap gift, so you should combine with other classes to purchase it.

Work laptop or ultrabook. Today it is impossible to imagine the work of a school leader without the use of modern technologies. A fast laptop or ultrabook equipped with all the necessary programs for work will definitely help the school principal.

When presenting a gift, it is important to supplement it with a congratulatory speech and celebrate the achievements of the birthday person. When celebrating the anniversary, everyone wants to receive attention and respect, so do not skimp on kind words.

Gifts for New Years

When going on winter holidays, students may want to congratulate the school management on the upcoming holidays. A New Year's present should be thematically related to the event:

Table fireplace... A play of flame in a small glass container will help create the right atmosphere. This product is completely safe to use, so it will take its place on your desktop!

A set of elite tea. The new year brings frost, and the strict head of the school may miss the warmth. Then he will take a break, make a cup of fragrant tea and remember that his students appreciated all their efforts.

Office clock. This item will allow you to count down the time until the holiday, because even the director is looking forward to when the New Year comes.

Gift basket. A universal gift that will delight any director. On New Year's Eve, this basket can be filled with oranges, chocolates, coffee and other goodies. And for decoration use cones, Christmas decorations and New Year's tinsel.

Gift set of honey. Several varieties of fresh honey in a wooden box with personalized congratulations will make the New Year's celebrations even sweeter. It is better to order such a box in advance in specialized gift shops and fill it yourself with honey.

Prom gifts

Farewell to school causes a slight sadness, because yesterday's students part with those who put a lot of time and effort into them. Before going to the prom, they should show respect to the person who organized this difficult process.

Appliances or gadgets. The equipment required by the educational institution would be a good expression of appreciation. Whether it is a laser pointer or a multimedia projector, the director will definitely find practical use for them!

DIY movie. The graduation ceremony becomes an occasion to recall the events of past years, so former schoolchildren who are familiar with computer programs can themselves edit a film from old videos.

Educational materials. If the director has not left teaching, he will be pleased with a thing related to professional activities. But it is not worth presenting the geographer with another globe, and the teacher of literature - a collection of works of the classics with whom he is already familiar! Regardless of the director's specialization, a set of training disks will be more useful for him, because it will be easier to clearly present the material.

Often, carried away by such holidays as February 23, March 8, birthday and others, Teacher's Day, and along with it and other professional holidays, is given very little meaning. This is actually wrong.

It is the duty of every self-respecting person to congratulate the representative of the teaching profession, because once this person helped to acquire basic knowledge, helped to grow and develop as a person. In fact, there can be quite a few reasons to congratulate the teacher. The main gift, of course, will be received by the headmaster, which corresponds to his status. It remains only to think about what to give the headmaster. Among the proposed options, only the best are presented, those that will really be appropriate, accepted correctly and, most importantly, will be useful and interesting.

Gifts for decorating school premises

The principal is the person who stands at the head of a large school building. His task is to keep him in order, strives to transform and make him even better. When choosing a gift for the main teacher, it is worth remembering that, as a rule, his thoughts are about school and, therefore, it will be appropriate to give the following things:

  • furniture for arranging a rest room (soft armchairs and sofas, ottomans);
  • tapestries for decorating school walls;
  • flowers and plants;
  • a large wrought iron stand for flowers (which can take its rightful place in the hallway or on any of the floors);
  • new blackboards;
  • interactive whiteboards;
  • sports equipment for full-fledged physical education (balls, skis, etc.);
  • equipment for classrooms (computers, teaching aids, thematic literature, portraits of prominent scientists in each specific field).

A real, born headmaster will gladly accept such gifts for his school, no matter what the holiday is: February 23, March 8, birthday, Teacher's Day or even New Year. However, it is better to give such gifts together, uniting the efforts of all parents.

Original gifts

Original gifts include the following:

  • a large musical card with congratulations;
  • a bouquet of chocolates;
  • a set of elite tea (black, green, hibiscus or mixed);
  • elite grade of coffee;
  • fruit basket;
  • a large bar of chocolate in a gift wrap ("Happy Birthday, beloved teacher and best director");
  • a cookie box (decorated with flowers or some kind of beautiful picture, or perhaps a masterpiece of one of the most famous artists);
  • a jar of jam ("For Birthday");
  • healing balm;
  • marzipan rose;
  • handmade chocolate;
  • candied fruits;
  • sweet assorted sweets.

A custom-made cake can seem like an original and interesting idea. Creamy, multi-tiered, it is perfect for the upcoming holiday, in addition, the director himself does not have to think about treating his work collective.

Alternatively, you can also provide a choice of gifts for children and, for example, invite them to draw a large greeting poster with signatures and wishes. Made by the students themselves, the poster will certainly delight the director, a woman or a man, and will become a worthy decoration of the office interior. This also includes a homemade photo collage made up of your favorite school photos (for example, from all kinds of Olympiads, competitions, etc.). Skillfully done, such work will become a kind of real pride of the school, which will be especially pleasant for the director.

Universal gifts

"Universal" gifts are things and objects that will always come in handy in the teaching profession, regardless of the holiday. These include:

  • a set of printing paper;
  • office supplies (pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, etc.);
  • a notepad for writing down important points;
  • planning;
  • leather-bound organizer;
  • diary;
  • pointer;
  • markers for interactive whiteboards;
  • chalk supply;
  • folder for storing paper and documentation.

Of the technical devices in the director's office, it will always come in handy:

  • powerful printer (capable of printing large volumes of sheets);
  • scanner;
  • DVD-player;
  • powerful laptop;
  • projector (for displaying images from a computer on a large screen);
  • a flash drive with a lot of memory.

Also, for the needs of the school, a camera and a video camera will always be useful in order to record the most important moments of school life (competitions, days of "health", Olympiads, etc.).

Hobby and leisure gifts

A director is a person who must be erudite and educated, have many hobbies and interests. On any of the holidays, be it February 23, March 8 or his birthday, he will be pleased to receive an item in which he is really interested. If there is a desire to choose a gift specifically for the director himself, to do something pleasant only to him alone on exclusively his holiday, then there is simply no better option. Much in this case will depend on the director's hobbies, his inclinations and tastes. Possible gift options include the following:

If the director is a man:

  • set for wood carving;
  • set of tools;
  • collectible mark (or any other new copy of the collection);
  • camera;
  • new gadget (smartphone, tablet, laptop);
  • accessory for the gadget;
  • a book on a favorite / taught subject.

If the director is a woman:

  • a gift certificate to a large hypermarket with a large assortment of all kinds of goods;
  • a set for needlework;
  • leather bag / folder;
  • purse;
  • a flower vase (in which you can immediately put a beautiful bouquet).

Business gifts

Among this group of goods, the best options are:

  • set: rollerball + mirror;
  • souvenir globe;
  • a book disguised as a safe;
  • wine bar;
  • a box for storing important things;
  • loose-leaf calendar;
  • leather case for glasses;
  • "Thank you" paperweight;
  • a set of books;
  • subscription to a popular science magazine;
  • decorative magnifier on a stand;
  • metal figurine;
  • leather roomy briefcase;
  • handmade business notebook;
  • a small safe with a lock;
  • smart watch;
  • set (leather wallet + neck scarf);
  • set of pens "Parker";
  • a pencil case in a simple style for storing writing instruments;
  • wall clock with a large dial for the principal's office or school foyer;
  • tabletop device with clock, calendar and notepad.

Another useful option for a "business" gift for a male director is cufflinks. In addition, to maintain the image, the following will be appropriate:

  • tie;
  • tie storage case;
  • set for the care of leather shoes;
  • leather belt.

Souvenir gifts

Souvenir gifts are a kind of those objects and things that are very beautiful, give positive emotions, but at the same time do not oblige to anything. Among them there may be.

1. The boss must be wise
How often do we hear from our colleagues or just acquaintances - "My boss is an idiot!" Of course, this is often a biased opinion, but nevertheless, sometimes there is some truth in such statements. Therefore, a collection of sayings of an ancient Greek philosopher, a book with aphorisms of a famous writer, a diary of a prominent politician will be an excellent gift. Let your chef learn a lot of useful knowledge from the gift.

2. Items for the study
The bosses spend most of the time in their office, and therefore you can choose a gift that will decorate the interior of their workplace. A good option would be a large political map, a floor globe, a painting or engraving, or a beautiful wall photograph. Such a present will decorate the boss's office and will not allow him to forget about your warm feelings for him.

3. Antiques and retro things
Antique items have always been valued by senior executives - after all, they look solid and impressive. Therefore, it is worth giving your birthday boy a souvenir saber or saber, a dagger of the early 19th century, a bayonet-knife from the Second World War, a telephone or a gramophone of the early 20th century, and the like. Such a gift will decorate not only the chief's office, but will also come in handy in his home interior.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol has always been and remains a classic gift at all times. But only good and high quality alcohol! It is worth giving the chef a collection cognac, vintage whiskey or branded vodka - it all depends on the birthday person's preferences. The gift can be accompanied by a box of good chocolates, a pack of cigars or aromatic cigarillos. A gift like this is always appreciated and will delight your boss.

5. Stationery and office supplies
Since most bosses spend a lot of time at their desks, it is worth giving him a good stationery set and other "desk" things. A fountain pen from a reputable manufacturer, a set of office supplies, a leather-bound diary, or a sturdy notebook are perfect. In general, everything that is useful in everyday work, and that can be attributed to consumables.

The director's birthday is approaching, and a dilemma is brewing in the team, what to give. After all, a gift is an important detail in the relationship between a boss and employees, it sets the tone and atmosphere, so you should carefully consider the choice of one. Thus, you can please your director and show gratitude for the years of cooperation, make a present from the team, especially if you celebrate an anniversary - 50 or 60 years.

As usual, the team is divided into opinion groups. The loudest statements are given by young people who want to add life and a touch of fun as a gift prepared for the director. The opposing camp is headed by a "veteran of labor", where they unanimously talk about a business, solid present that can be given by expressing respect and respect for the wards.

That's when you need to refer to this article to analyze each case in order to find the best option for each type of bosses.

Specifics of choosing a gift for a director

We always puzzle over what to give to loved ones, but here the case requires more scrupulousness and consideration of nuances. First, most often the director is a person you don't know very well, and you don't know his hobbies, hobbies, or interests. Secondly, the gift prepared for the director of the company should emphasize his high position. Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account his age, perhaps this is a gift for an anniversary.

Gifts will definitely be different if you present them, for example, to the general or school director, man or woman, on a 50 or 60 anniversary.

Asking the question of choosing a gift for the director, you always need to take into account the personal qualities of your boss, his sense of humor, in what style he likes things. Therefore, be patient, and you will be able to cheer up not only the director, but the entire team, respectively, if you can give an excellent gift.

What can not be given as a birthday present to the director

As already mentioned, a boss is a superior official, whose congratulations need a completely different approach than close relatives and friends.

And there is a certain list of prohibited gifts, taking into account which, you will not cause resentment and irritation. Therefore, it is not worth giving from the team:

  • a set of underwear and other intimate things;
  • personal hygiene products;
  • linens;
  • funny gifts with offensive connotations.

What to present to the CEO

A gift for a CEO of a large company must be different from gifts for other officials. The need for certain things always depends on the status and standard of living, so it is difficult to imagine the same gift for an ordinary employee and for a superior person - a director who manages all bosses.

While thinking, you can pay attention to handmade things. Such a gift is always amusing and deserves a satisfactory nod. It is pleasant for everyone to feel like a special person, because such a person has only unique things, the only ones in the world.

Another option for the question of what to present to the CEO may be an exclusive souvenir, for example, a fountain, which is neatly placed on the table and fits into the interior of the company's director's office. If such a gift is presented at a 50th anniversary, then you will be called a creative employee.

In a stylish small box, you can present an expensive business card holder made of high-quality materials as a gift to a man-leader or a woman-leader.

An excellent present for the general director of the company will be a watch with gilding, which will become a useful and beautiful detail of the office. You can donate both desktop and floor ones. But do not undertake to give a wristwatch, many consider it a bad omen, so you have a chance to get on such a superstitious representative.

For a woman, you can purchase a sculpture of extraordinary beauty - Fortune, which will promise good luck and success.

Another memorable item will be a commissioned portrait of your boss. At all times, this was considered an indicator of a noble family and a high position in society. Provide an artist with a photograph of the director and they can easily display it on canvas.

You already know what to give the CEO, so stock up on the support of your imagination and come up with an original birthday present.

What to give to the headmaster

Quite often, the pedagogical team, students or their parents have to puzzle over the choice of a gift for the school principal. Especially if the occasion is an anniversary, 50 or 60 years old, then there is a desire to present something memorable and significant. The task is complicated by the fact that the students are not aware of the preferences of the head of the school.

You should not give something more related to the school than to the personality of the leader. The gift should be individual and special, designed for the delight of the director.

If you have to give to a woman, then pay attention to the following examples:

  • jewelry - such a present would be a suitable solution for an anniversary. A beautiful necklace or set of chain with earrings will not remain without delight and gratitude;
  • houseplant - if the budget is limited, and you can't make a gift, then choose a rare plant that a woman director can place in her office;
  • desktop organizer - will help in work and planning important matters;
  • flowers and sweets - this set should be at the celebration, no matter how banal it may seem, but not one woman has yet been upset by a huge bouquet of flowers;
  • leather diary - this gift for a woman director will turn into an irreplaceable companion who will keep important information and not disclose it to anyone.

You can also please a male director if you choose something from this list and give it with great respect for his personality, namely:

  • an encyclopedia - it will definitely be a collectible or rare book in a colorful cover. Let the book correspond to the subject taught by the director;
  • magnetic marker board - now meetings will be visual, and it will become much more convenient to place announcements;
  • shelf for books - the shelf should correspond to the interior and not be conspicuous in any way;
  • pen - a fountain pen or a personalized pen with engraved initials will remind you of you all the time that the product will serve you faithfully;
  • bouquet - it will be original if instead of flowers there are real chocolates. In the same style, you can present a plant in a pot with sweet buds, which will be a delicious addition to tea drinking.

For the director, be he a man or a woman, the gift presented should remind of his status, and at the same time show the good attitude of others.