How to make your feet soft and maintain a pedicure at home. How to soften rough skin of your feet at home

Rough skin on the heels is a very unpleasant and ugly phenomenon, especially in the hot season, when every woman wants to show herself in all her glory. Taking care of their hands, hair and face, many beauties completely forget about the heels, and this is fraught with much more serious consequences than the formation of ordinary calluses or layers of "dead" skin. It is for this reason that if you notice that your heels have rough skin, you need to start therapy immediately, because this problem can become the root cause of the further appearance of corns, cracked heels and painful corns.

Why is the skin growing on the heels?

There are many reasons for this problem, but in most cases, the heels are overgrown with skin and peeling if a woman has malfunctions in the body. They can be expressed by the following unpleasant factors:

  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • diabetes mellitus (or other endocrine diseases);
  • disorders in the thyroid gland.

If you do not observe any pathologies from this list, then rough heels can signal improper or inappropriate foot skin care.

Why is the skin on the heels peeling? Nuances that should be a signal to action

In addition to the above reasons for this problem, there are a number of adverse factors that can cause serious harm to human health. So what are they signaling?

  1. Rough skin on the heels may indicate overweight. In this case, there is a strong load on the heels, which causes the skin to dry out.
  2. The so-called "standing job": hairdresser, sales assistant, culinary specialist.
  3. If the heels are often cracked and dry, then this is a direct signal that there is a malfunction of the kidneys. Be sure to see a doctor!
  4. Dry and flaky heels occur in people who like to walk barefoot on hot sand or hot asphalt. Sometimes it is useful to walk without shoes, but only in the dew, and only in the morning.
  5. High heel or platform. Today the so-called "louboutins" are in fashion - shoes, boots or boots with high heels and soles. They put an unbearable strain on the legs, which leads to cracks and the growth of dead skin layers on the feet, toes and heels. Be careful when choosing shoes, because a frivolous approach to this issue can be very expensive for your feet and your body as a whole.

Fungal infection can also cause peeling of the skin of the heels, so if you notice an unpleasant odor, itching, burning sensation in the toes or feet, then do not wait until they disappear on their own, but consult your doctor about the selection of effective antifungal ointments or gels.

What to do with rough heels?

First, provide them with 24/7 care. Purchase special foot creams that you need to smear on the skin 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. They are applied to clean skin, on which a thick layer of dead skin has not yet formed.

If this process has already begun, then first you need to cleanse the heels of the hardened skin by taking a warm bath and pumice. You can purchase a special electric file for the feet: then the process of caring for the skin of the heels will be faster and more efficient.

Avoid wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes. It compresses the tissues, which leads to their death. Gradually, they accumulate on the surface of the skin in the form of keratinized skin on the heels, and the more layers they create, the more difficult it will be to get rid of them later.

How to tidy up your heels?

Before doing cosmetic procedures for the heels in order to get rid of rough skin, you need to take good care of their cleanliness. To do this, do warm foot baths every evening (or at least 2-3 times a week). The water should not be too hot, but not too cold (in the first case, you will burn the skin, in the second, the manipulation will not give any results). You can add the following additional components to it:

  1. Baking soda. This product perfectly softens the skin of the heels, opens the pores, clearing them from the accumulation of dust and subcutaneous fat. After using it, the heels are easier to treat with a pumice stone.
  2. Essential oils. Choose any type of this aromatic oil (for example, orange, lemon, mint, fir), then prepare a special mixture for baths: dissolve 3-5 drops of your chosen essential oil in a glass of milk. This is necessary in order not to burn the skin, because in their original form, such preparations are dangerous for the skin. Pour the prepared suspension into a bowl or basin with hot water, lower your feet into it and wait 15-20 minutes. After that, use the same pumice stone, or a special file that helps get rid of the rough skin on the heels and feet.
  3. Foot baths from a decoction of medicinal plants. Chamomile, celandine, marigolds, St. John's wort are those herbs that have a wound healing, antiseptic, exfoliating and sedative effect. They can be brewed all together or separately. The main thing that you should know for sure is if you are allergic to any of the above plants.

It is very simple to prepare the broth: you just need to pour 1 tbsp. raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes until the broth is infused. Without letting the mixture cool down, pour it into a prepared bowl of warm water.

You can make such a bath without diluting the broth with plain water. This is especially helpful if hardened heels are a recurring problem.

Now that the initial stage of heel care has been successfully completed, you can proceed directly to the process of cleansing this part of the body from rough skin. For this, special cosmetics are used: masks and scrubs. They help to gently exfoliate dead cells without injuring healthy areas of the epidermis.

The same pumice stone effectively helps to remove rough skin from the heels. This is exactly the tool that has been tested over the years and is very popular.

The procedure with a firm foot brush also gives excellent results. It helps to get rid of flaky heels, making them smooth and soft. To do this, you need to steam your legs by choosing one of the above methods, then treat them with a brush. After carrying out this manipulation, rinse your feet with cool water, then dry with a soft towel.

Such procedures should be performed as needed, trying to prevent the growth of a large number of layers of dead skin.

How to clean and soften your heels with homemade masks?

It is best to prepare your own heel masks at home. Of course, ready-made mixtures can be purchased in the store, but the first option is more reliable: it gives you complete confidence that your skin will receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients exclusively from natural ingredients.

There are many options for such funds, and they are all easy to prepare.

Egg yolk based heel mask. This mixture should be used 2-3 times a week. To prepare it, you need to separate the yolk of 1 chicken egg, mix it with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous yellow mass is formed.

It is necessary to apply the finished mask exclusively on clean skin of the heels. Tie on top with a bandage or natural fabric. Leave for half an hour. Wash off gently with cool water. After that, be sure to lubricate the heels with a nourishing foot cream.

The olive oil-based honey mask is an excellent remedy for peeling heels. Prepares as follows.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and spread the resulting mass on clean heels. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and again spread cream on the heels.

This tool does an excellent job with flaking, does not irritate the skin and nourishes it well. But be extremely careful: honey, like other bee waste products, is a strong allergen, so make sure you are not allergic to it.

Recipe for a vinegar-glycerin heel mask. It is rather not even a mask, but a kind of compress for the heels, but this does not reduce its effectiveness.

To prepare the mixture, take glycerin and apple cider vinegar and mix them in a 3: 1 ratio, respectively. Beat until smooth. Moisten a clean piece of gauze in the finished mass and wrap the heels with it. Wrap it on top with polyethylene and put on socks made of natural fabrics. Leave it overnight.

In the morning, wash your heels well in clean water without soap, wipe dry and grease with nourishing foot cream.

Glycerin with vinegar is ideal for heels and feet. It helps to relieve sweaty feet, foul odors, cracks, wounds and peeling. It is probably not for nothing that folk remedies are so popular, and are widely used as a panacea for softening rough heels. If they are applied correctly and regularly, then there will be much less problems with the skin of the legs!

The heels are subjected to serious stress every day. Prolonged standing in uncomfortable shoes affects the condition of the feet. The skin coarsens quickly and the heels become stiff. The problem is especially relevant with the onset of the summer season. In the warm season, you want to wear open shoes. Women are wondering how to make the heels soft at home.

Basic principles of care

It is quite possible to get beautiful heels without going to the salon. An integrated approach to foot care is important. The skin on the feet needs regular cleansing, hydration and nutrition. The epidermis is constantly renewing itself. The top layer, as a rule, is represented by dead cells. A large number of them is an insurmountable obstacle for the active components of caring cosmetics. Keratinized scales must be removed.

An experienced pedicure master will tell you how to properly care for your feet. The whole process will consist of several stages.

  • Steaming the skin. This is an important prerequisite element. After steaming, it is easy to remove the dead layers of the epidermis.
  • Exfoliation. To get smooth heels, you need to get rid of the keratinized skin.
  • Moisturizing. The skin on the legs will become soft only if there is a sufficient amount of liquid in its layers. For the purpose of moisturizing, a cream is usually used.
  • Nutrition. The ideal way to deliver valuable substances deep into the skin is to use masks.

There are many ways to soften your heels. Many cosmetic companies produce lines of foot care products. Folk recipes are also effective. With regular grooming, getting soft heels at home is not difficult at all.

Steaming legs

High-quality steaming is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Most often, heel baths are used for this purpose. Under the influence of water, the maceration process begins in the skin. The epidermis is gradually loosened. After that, the stratum corneum is easily removed. The water can be hot, warm or room temperature. To enhance the effect, various steaming components are added to the bath. An overview of the most popular is given in the table.

Substance Added quantity Bath effect
Milk and soap 1 tablespoon crushed baby soap and ½ liter milk The soap allows you to qualitatively cleanse the skin, and milk nourishes its deep layers.
Baking soda and soap 150 grams of each component Soda contributes to the rapid exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis.
Olive oil 5 tablespoons The oil nourishes the skin of the heels. This bath helps to maintain the smoothness.
Salt ½ cup Salt accelerates the healing of small wounds, abrasions and cracks in the feet.
Medicinal plants 300 ml decoction of linden blossom and marshmallow root Plant extracts have antiseptic and emollient properties.
Glycerol 1 teaspoon The glycerin added to the water makes the feet soft and smooth.

After thorough steaming, the feet are wiped off. Next, you need to exfoliate the dead skin cells.

Exfoliate rough skin

To soften the heels, you need to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Many people are interested in what they can use. Pedicure masters warn that it is dangerous to cut off the skin with sharp objects. There is a risk of damage to the epidermis and infection.

Special grinding files are good for removing rough skin. There are electrical models. This file removes the skin from dry feet. in this way it is easy and convenient. Alternatively, use a pumice stone or power file. Before the procedure, the legs must be steamed in a bath.

Many women use a variety of scrubs to keep their heels soft. You can purchase a ready-made product from one of the cosmetic brands or prepare it yourself.

For exfoliating mixtures, the following are used:

  • ground grain coffee;
  • apricot pits;
  • sea ​​coarse salt;
  • baking soda.

The abrasive particles of homemade scrubs are usually large. It is not necessary to rub the skin of the heels vigorously. For softening, it is enough to do a light massage of the feet in a circular motion. This method allows you to clean your heels with high quality. The tool will not only remove dead skin particles, but also eliminate impurities. The remains of the scrub are washed off with water. The feet are then ready to moisturize.

Means for moisturizing the epidermis

Often, even steamed feet remain stiff and rough. The question arises of how to soften the heels of the feet at home. The problem is lack of moisture and nutrients. To replenish the deficiency, a moisturizing and caring cream is applied to the skin.

Many beauty brands have heel remedies. You can choose the best cream in any price category. The advantage of ready-made cosmetics is ease of use. In addition, all active ingredients are selected in the required proportions.

Many people note that such creams work only with minor peeling of the skin of the feet. If the upper layer of the epidermis is very hard, then the concentration of active substances in purchased creams is not enough.

Pedicure masters know how to quickly restore beauty to your feet. They advise you to prepare the cream yourself. The base for the moisturizer is calendula ointment. This substance is obtained from a pharmacy. Vitamins A and E are added to the ointment. Coarse feet need such ingredients.

The mixture is applied to steamed and cleansed skin. This can be done 1-2 times a week. With severe heel defects, the procedure is carried out daily. This ointment helps to heal cracks and soften corns.

Folk recipes for foot masks

Moisture alone is not enough to soften hardened heels. It is necessary to saturate the skin with nutrients. Masks or compresses for the legs do an excellent job with this role. There are several effective recipes.

  • A compress from apple cores will help soften the skin on the heels. Rye flour is added to the chopped fruit. The mixture is applied to the feet. From above, the compress is covered with plastic wrap and left overnight.
  • Many people know how to soften the skin with fruit masks. This recipe is also suitable for heels. The apricot pulp is chopped and heated over low heat. The cooled gruel is applied to dry feet. The mask works for 40 minutes.
  • An inexpensive and effective remedy is the pulp of zucchini. The vegetable is crushed. Next, you need to squeeze out excess moisture. The zucchini compress is left on the feet for half an hour.
  • Good softening effect with honey based masks. Various base or essential oils are added to the beekeeping product. These products allow you to simultaneously cleanse and soften the skin.

Before using any recipe, it is imperative to clean the skin of the feet from dirt, sweat and grease. Masks help even with very rough skin. They need to be done at least 2 times a week.

There are some more simple tips on how to soften the skin on your heels. So, many people prefer to lubricate their feet with vegetable oil at night. This allows you to moisturize and nourish the layers of the epidermis. You can treat the soles with hydrogen peroxide. This measure will enhance the effect of the cream or mask. Remember that peroxide is a corrosive reagent. Use it carefully.

The main rule is the regularity of foot care. Hygiene also plays a role. Keep your feet clean. It is important to choose socks and shoes made from natural materials. If all recommendations are followed, the heels will remain soft and smooth for a long time, and the legs will look well-groomed.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


Summer is the time of the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in winter, many of the fair sex can still afford a not too thorough pedicure, then in the summer the legs should be just perfect. The most common problem during this period is the problem of rough skin on the heels, which, alas, cannot be hidden even with a beautiful varnish on the nails.

How to return smoothness to your heels, and what you need to know about the secrets of caring for them?

Causes of rough skin and cracked heels - why are heels stiff?

No matter how we dream of smooth heels - unfortunately, after a certain age, our heels suddenly lose their childish tenderness and softness by themselves.

Moreover, sometimes the heels remain rough even with intensive and regular grooming.

What is the reason for this, and what are the true causes of rough skin on the heels?

  • Lack of proper care.
  • Drying of the skin. The reason is inherent not only in the summer period: sometimes this happens in winter when the air in the apartment is dry.
  • The wrong shoes. As you know, tight and low-quality footwear contributes to the disruption of the water-fat balance of the skin and its injury. In addition, materials that are unnatural and harmful to the skin can cause irritation, allergies, excessive sweating and, as a result, dry skin.
  • Improper nutrition. Lack of vitamins always affects the skin with cracks, dryness, irritation and other manifestations. Rough heels are often found in girls who are constantly dieting.
  • Excessive heel care. Yes, it happens! For example, in the case of too frequent and intensive peeling, which takes time to regenerate the skin (more often than once a week, this procedure is not recommended).
  • Water too hard in the water supply.
  • Frequent hypothermia - or, on the contrary, overheating of the legs.
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics (including soaps and gels).

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth?

Possible medical reasons:

  1. Fungus. The most common cause of dry and rough skin with cracks. Unfortunately, the fungus manifests itself not only with these symptoms, and in the absence of proper treatment, the legs acquire a very unsightly appearance, which is also accompanied by itching, sweating and other troubles.
  2. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with skin problems, and you cannot do without the advice of a specialist.
  3. Endocrine system problems. Aesthetics (heels, in this case) are resolved after (or simultaneously) with treatment.
  4. Obesity. With this disease, the full blood supply of the lower extremities and their connection with the central nervous system are disrupted, the skin on the feet becomes thinner, and there is a tendency to cracking the skin.
  5. Psoriasis. With this disease, the entire immune system works poorly, and you cannot get rid of the roughness of the skin on the heels with creams and hygiene alone - an integrated approach is needed.

It is important to understand that serious problems with the skin of the feet can be very alarming. Therefore, in the case when you cannot cope with cracks on your own, and the accompanying symptoms cause you inconvenience, it makes sense to contact a dermatologist and therapist.

Proper cleansing of the heels at home - instructions

Taking care of your heels in a beauty salon is a pleasant experience. But not everyone has the money, time, and desire for salons.

And it's much easier to take care of your heels at home. Especially if you know exactly how.

First, steam the legs in a bath.

And if you also arrange a foot massage before the bath, the result will be even more amazing, pleasant and long-lasting.

The massage can be replaced with the usual walking on a hard massage mat or with the feet of peas, balls, etc.

Which bath to choose? Best recipes:

  • Dairy. Rub the classic baby soap on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp / l of shavings and 0.5 liters of lukewarm milk to the bowl, then hot water. We hold the legs until the water cools down.
  • Herbal. We take 1 tbsp / l of dry herbs: oak and chamomile bark, celandine and calendula, St. John's wort. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for a day, and in the evening pour the strained broth into a bowl and dilute with boiling water.
  • Soda and soap. For 1 bowl - ½ cup of soap shavings and the same amount of soda, plus boiling water. We keep the legs for about 10 minutes.
  • Citrus. 2-3 hours before the procedure, we brew citrus peels in boiling water, and then simply add the broth to the water, plus 1-2 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Nettle. In a bowl of hot water - 1 liter of nettle broth (from 2 tablespoons / liter of dry nettle).
  • Oil. Aroma bath for feet and soul. For 1 bowl - 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you have time for your daily heel-care routines, it is better to use scrubs instead of files and pumice stones to exfoliate rough skin. They act more gently (a thick layer of coarse skin cannot be removed), but with regular use of scrubs, the dream of “a baby's heel” becomes a reality.

You can cook scrubs at home with your own hands if you want to save on store funds - which, by the way, often contain.

Important! We apply the scrub only on the already steamed feet, and after the massage with the scrub we leave the mixture on the heels for 7-10 minutes - that is, we are not in a hurry to wash it off.

  1. Sugar and butter. Mix 1: 2 olive oil and sugar, apply to feet, massage.
  2. Coffee with sea salt. Mix 1: 1 in a tablespoon - coarse sea salt and coarse ground coffee, add 2 tbsp / l of kefir, apply, massage.
  3. Cocoa with sugar. For 2 tsp of sugar - 1 tbsp / l of cocoa (not nesquik, but normal confectionery cocoa powder) and milk for the bunch. We mix, apply, massage.
  4. Citruses with salt. For 1 tbsp / l of fine salt - peel of 1 orange, ground in a blender.
  5. Salt with honey ... For 2 tablespoons of honey - 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
  6. Sand with sour cream. If you live by the sea, then this option is for you. In the absence of sea sand, we take the usual one. For 1 handful of sand - 2 tbsp / l of fat sour cream. We mix, apply, massage.

What's next?

  • If there is no scrub (or doing it too lazy) , then we use a file after the bath to remove the hardened skin. It is advisable to use only the fine-grained side: coarse sanding of the heels contributes to the appearance of scratches, cracks - and even greater dryness. Smoothness and tenderness of the heels are given only by regular procedures with an easy and non-traumatic scrubbing effect.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use pumice. Firstly, they injure the skin of the feet, and secondly, they are a source of bacteria growth.
  • When using a file, first grease dry heels with cream and wait for absorption - so the procedure will be more effective.
  • We use a slightly damp file, but not three heels under water ! We grind the heels until the hardened skin is completely removed.
  • Now rinse the legs in warm water , wipe dry, grease liberally with fat cream and put on cotton socks.

At least 2-3 such procedures per week - and you will not be ashamed to put on open shoes outside.


  • Cracked heels they should be treated with a disinfectant immediately after the procedure, and only the cream should be used that contains components that promote the healing of cracks (for example, salicylic acid).
  • It is not recommended to cut off rough skin and calluses! Such a procedure will only accelerate the regeneration of injured skin, which will regain its "protective roughness" even faster. Use gentle means and methods - regularly and competently, and the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

7 popular recipes for soft and smooth heels - how to make baby-like heels quickly at home?

There are a huge number of recipes for a quick return to the heels of smoothness today.

But it is worthwhile to understand that if you haven’t worked on your heels for a month, then you will simply not be able to return their blooming look “like from the cover” in 1 procedure.

The most popular home remedies for heel smoothness are:

  1. Steam your feet in a bath for 15 minutes, wipe them off, massage with cream, process with a soft dry grater. Next, take a warm shower, wipe it dry again and apply a pre-prepared mixture: 1 tbsp / l of starch, 1 tbsp / l of lemon juice, 1 raw yolk. Now we wrap the legs with foil for a couple of hours, or better for the night. All you have to do is to remove the exfoliated skin with a light file, rinse the legs under the shower and, after drying, grease with cream.
  2. We wrap the feet with plates of fresh zucchini and fix with foil for 2 hours. Then rinse the legs, dry, file with a file, grease with cream.
  3. We heat olive oil (about 100 ml) in a water bath, add a piece of beeswax, then 1 tsp each of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Apply the warm mixture to steamed and dried feet, leave it under cotton socks overnight. We store the mixture in the refrigerator (you can also smear it cold).
  4. We cook not too thick oatmeal without sugar and salt, cool it and apply it lukewarm on the feet. We fix it with a film, on top - socks, after an hour wash off, dry the legs and grease with a fat cream.
  5. Mix honey and olive oil in half, apply on the feet, fix with a film, wash off after 2 hours, process the legs with a file, then, according to the usual scheme, shower, towel, cream.
  6. We brew strong green gulls, filter and steam the legs in a bath with this broth. The brewing itself further (immediately after the bath) - in a film and around the feet for a couple of hours. Then rinse your feet, dry, apply cream.
  7. Mix oatmeal with milk (5 tbsp / l - 1 handful) and crushed aloe leaves. Apply the mixture to the feet, fix with foil for 2-3 hours. Next, we process with a file, rinse, dry and grease with a fat cream.

How to restore softness to the heels - pharmacy remedies

For the treatment of cracks and softening the skin in modern pharmacies - a lot of drugs.

Take note!

  • Sea wolf (nourishes, moisturizes, restores).
  • Bepanten (softens, heals).
  • Calendula ointment (heals, softens, tightens cracks).
  • Salicylic ointment (heals).
  • Balzamed (moisturizes, nourishes, protects).
  • Radevit (stimulates skin regeneration, removes inflammation).
  • Lamisil (against infections and fungus).
  • BioAstin (against fungus and infections).
  • Zazhivin (from cracks).
  • Ambulance (heals, softens).
  • And etc.

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth - caring for your heels at home

Heel care - how to prevent cracks and rough skin on your heels and feet?

  1. We wear the right shoes.
  2. More often we walk barefoot on grass and pebbles, we massage our feet.
  3. We use gentle abrasive products.
  4. We regularly apply a rich nourishing cream (preferably at night).
  5. We follow the diet and personal hygiene.
  6. We wear slippers in swimming pools, saunas and other public places.
  7. We avoid synthetic materials when choosing shoes.
  8. We use washable rugs in the bathroom.
  9. 2-3 times a week (ideally - every day) we make foot baths (warm! Not with hot water!) And use a scrub.
  10. After the bath and a regular bath, be sure to pour cool water on the legs. Especially before bed.
  11. Always dry feet and toes after the bath.
  12. We do not use coarse pumice stones, sanding stones and blades.
  13. After each procedure, we treat the applied file with a disinfectant solution (or at least wash it with soap and pour boiling water over it).

In the summer, we intensify the intensity of heel care.

Perfect heels are a source of pride for any woman. The smooth, delicate skin on the heels allows you to go barefoot on the beach and wear open shoes without hesitation. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the skin of the feet is a kind of indicator of health.

The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks, hyperkeratosis and, as a result, dry heels indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rough and dry skin on the heels in most cases is a cosmetological problem that develops as a result of poor foot care or the wearing of poor-quality tight shoes. Pathological conditions develop with the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dermatoses of an allergic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • hormonal disorders in women during menopause.

To achieve a successful result from foot care, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of painful conditions of the skin. By contacting a dermatologist, a histological examination of the hardened skin will be carried out.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. Adhering to the doctor's recommendations, in parallel, you need to carry out thorough foot care. Without appropriate therapy, rough skin will reappear in case of diseases.

If the ugly skin on the heels is the result of neglect, cleansing procedures will quickly give a good effect. To do this, it is not necessary to go to specialized salons; thorough home care is enough.

Method number 1: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, inexpensive remedy sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is used mainly for disinfecting damaged skin. Antiseptic and exfoliating properties in the complex give an excellent result when cleaning the skin of the feet.

For a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare a special solution, which includes 5 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of hot water. For ease of use, you can choose wiping or foot baths.

In any case, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam dry skin on the heels in order to achieve maximum effect. For rubdowns, you can take a cotton pad or cotton cloth and, moistened with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, cleanse all the skin of the feet on both feet.

For, it is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a clean dish and place your feet there for 10 minutes. At the end, the skin of the feet is cleaned off with a pumice stone or a file, after which it is lubricated with a fat nourishing cream.

The number of procedures will depend on the condition of the feet, usually a full course can take up to one and a half months. Once every 3 days - the optimal frequency to achieve a good result, more intensive use will only dry out the skin.

Having achieved smooth skin on the feet, the ideal condition must be maintained regularly. The skin of the feet is subject to constant pressure and friction during walking under the weight of its own weight, so it is more vulnerable than other parts of the body.

Hydrogen peroxide will become an indispensable aid in the fight for healthy heels.

Method number 2: Epsom salt

Epsom salts are great for removing rough skin on your heels. Bitter salt can be purchased at the pharmacy, its other name is magnesium sulfate. A unique chemical compound of sulfur and magnesium gives the skin a radiant look and a strong structure to the nails.

Epsom salts interact with the skin of the feet to cleanse, soften and have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, magnesium sulfate relieves puffiness and fatigue after a long day on your feet. Sulfur with magnesium is effectively used to combat unpleasant foot odor.

Cleansing manipulations for dry heels are carried out in the form of warm evening or Epsom salt crystals are used as a scrub. A handful of bitter salt is rubbed into the surface of rough heels for several minutes into previously steamed skin. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and generously lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Cleaning rough heels with a salt solution at home is easy and pleasant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Add a pinch of Epsom salts to hot clean water and stir until dissolved.
  2. We place our feet in the solution and steam the heels for half an hour, keeping the mixture hot.
  3. After finishing, mechanically remove the thickened skin with a pumice stone or a brush.
  4. We wash our feet with fresh water and wipe dry with a clean towel.
  5. Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream. To enhance the nutritional effect, 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E can be added to the cream.

In a few days, a good result will be noticeable. The course is completed when the desired result is achieved, on average it lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Method number 3: onions

How to cleanse hardened skin with onions? Onions are in every home. The information that it can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic procedures is not known to everyone.

Fresh onions are a source of calcium, fluoride, zinc, magnesium and essential oils. The high content of these elements makes common onions a bactericidal agent that improves the condition of the skin epithelium and has a cleansing effect.

When applied topically, onions regulate the activity of the sweat glands and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To remove rough and dry skin on the heels, a large onion is cut in half and placed on top. Then, on top of the onion, you can wrap your legs with cling film and put on socks made from natural materials.

Another method is to use chopped onions. The gruel-like mass is applied to cheesecloth folded in several layers. The bandage is applied to the heels, the contact time with the bow should be no more than 30 minutes.

Onions, as a remedy for removing rough skin, are suitable for everyone. Try not to overdo it, and perform manipulations no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Daily use can lead to inflammation as a result of irritation of the sweat glands. For the fastest effect, try to choose shoes made from natural materials that can let air pass through.

Method number 4: baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its unique skin cleansing properties. The emollient action prepares rough skin to remove unwanted growths.

Antiseptic properties will remove pathogenic bacteria and fungus that cause not only skin changes, but also an unpleasant odor. The anti-inflammatory effect will promote healing and regeneration of the skin of the feet.

How to clean rough heels with baking soda at home? There are several popular recipes:

  1. Dry mixture of baking soda and soap. A small amount of soap should be grated on a coarse grater. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the crushed soap and apply to the skin on the heels. Wrap with foil, put on socks and leave the compress for 20 minutes, then clean the feet with pumice stone and grease with nourishing cream.
  2. Foot. Add a little soda to the hot water and take a bath for 15 minutes while the solution remains warm. After steaming, wash your feet with clean water, and the rough skin on the heels is mechanically removed. After softening with cream, be sure to wear warm socks.
  3. Soda with milk. An excellent effect can be achieved by using milk instead of water. The use of dairy products to nourish and soften the skin has been known since ancient times by Egyptian beauties. with milk are carried out in the same way.
  4. Olive oil and baking soda: Mix 15 grams of baking soda with 5 ml of olive oil and rub into rough skin. The abrasive properties of dry baking soda act like a scrub, and the oil softens the skin and makes the cleansing process more gentle.

Method number 5: natural honey

How to get rid of rough heels with honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic that combines an emollient and nourishing cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

When cleansing the skin of the legs, to accelerate the effect, not pure honey is used, but its mixture with viburnum or prunes. When exposed to honey, rough keratinized layers are noticeably exfoliated, freeing clean epithelium and eliminating inflammatory processes from the skin. Viburnum is a real storehouse of trace elements that stimulate the growth of young layers of epithelial tissue.

How to quickly and easily remove rough skin from your heels with a compress:

  • Crush 50 g of viburnum berries, after removing the seeds, and mix with half a glass of honey;
  • before application, the gruel should be heated in a water bath until it is warm;
  • the mixture is applied to a bandage or natural fabric, and applied to the heels;
  • to get the effect of a compress, the legs are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a blanket for 30 minutes.

In a similar way, instead of viburnum, it is useful to use prunes. The mixture of honey and prunes breaks down the thick keratinized layers of damaged skin and acts as a chemical peel to remove the rough skin on the heels. The skin begins to peel off in large pieces, freeing the smooth surface of the feet.

The advantage of this method is absolute safety and painlessness. Compresses with honey can be applied daily without harm to the feet. The duration of the course is extended until the desired effect is achieved.

Prevention of corns, calluses and rough skin of the feet

Having done a tremendous job, you can achieve amazing results. Smooth and healthy feet will delight and delight, but many people face the problem of hardened skin over and over again. Having achieved the desired result, it is necessary to maintain the effect with preventive procedures.

Daily foot care allows you not to think about how to clean the heels of rough skin again. The obligatory evening toilet includes:

  • with medicinal herbs and essential oils;
  • regular use of scrubs and fine-grained foot files;
  • daily use of foot creams with vitamins A and E;
  • using a personal towel to dry the skin of the feet.

Increased demands must be made on footwear. It is ideal if it is made of natural materials and an anatomically correct last. In this case, the feet will be provided with air circulation, and the orthopedic layout will ensure the correct distribution of the load on the foot when walking, eliminating the appearance of corns.

It should be added that the daily work of caring for your feet will be rewarded with admiring glances from others at the sight of your feet.

According to Japanese philosophy, women's feet are one of the most erotic parts of the body. In the old days, a geisha could bring a man to ecstasy only by showing a furtively bare pink foot. Are you ready to show your heels to an adored man? Right now?

The modern pace of life requires us to take a quick step, and not always in comfortable shoes. Our feet carry out a mission of great importance: they support the weight of the body and cushion when walking. Of course, the skin of the feet needs special care. A daily hygienic shower or bath cleanses the skin, but does little to moisturize it. As a result, the skin of the foot becomes rough and rough. In places of compression, "corns" and calluses are formed. How to soften the skin of the feet?

How to soften the skin of the feet: foot baths

Foot baths are a simple, but quite effective way to soften the skin of the feet and prepare it for a pedicure. For their implementation, no special devices are required. It is enough to have a convenient container (basin) and time “under your feet”. The bath water should be pleasantly hot. Do not put up with the scalding temperature - you should be comfortable. What to add to the water?

A 2-4% soda solution softens the skin well. To prepare it, you must use the following proportion: 1 tsp. baking soda in 1 glass of water. It takes 5-10 minutes to keep the legs in such a bath.

Medicinal plants, such as chamomile, not only soften the skin, but also relieve inflammation. If there are scuffs or inflammatory elements on the skin of the feet, chamomile will come in handy.

Oats will help to make the skin of the feet soft and tender. The medicinal properties of this plant are well studied, which makes it possible to actively use oats in cosmetology. Add one to two tablespoons of oatmeal to a bowl of hot water. Stir well so that white streaks of oatmeal "milk" appear in the water. Soak the legs for 10-15 minutes.

Important! It is not at all necessary to use only one moisturizing ingredient. Combine the products to your taste, use your imagination: you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the bath on any basis.

You can organize a real spa at home with the help of a hydromassage bath. The basic functions of such a unit allow you to maintain the temperature of the water, conduct bubble and vibration massage. At the bottom of such a bath, there are usually nozzles of different size, shape and softness, with which you can perform mechanical massage.

How to soften the skin of the feet: medicinal cosmetics

To increase the effectiveness of "home" methods of softening the skin, you can use medical cosmetics.

  1. Gehwol Fußbad - foot bath. The components effectively moisturize and deeply nourish tired foot skin. The alkaline component contains essential oils: eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary. The application does not cause difficulties: 1 portion sachet of the product is dissolved in 4 liters of water. The result is a frothy, aromatic foot bath. It is recommended to keep the legs in it for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Nourishing foot cream Salon SPA Collection "Ideal heels"... The cream nourishes and prevents dryness. After applying the cream, the skin becomes smooth and tender.
  3. Gehwol Lipidro-Creme Hydro-Balance Cream... Intensively moisturizes the skin of the feet, restores and maintains lipid and water balance. The active ingredient is urea. The cream also contains sea buckthorn and avocado oils, algae extract.
  4. Nourishing emollient foot cream "Juniper" (Yalivtsev) - Vigor Cosmetique Naturelle... The cream contains a herbal moisturizing complex. Juniper and black cumin oils heal small cracks, nourish and intensely moisturize the skin of the feet.
  5. Foot cream-peeling "Skin renewal and softening" - Natura Siberica... Thanks to herbal ingredients, the cream effectively, but gently, exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin of the feet and softens it. At the heart of the extracts and oils of such plants: chamomile, Siberian adonis, marshmallow, lemon balm. The composition includes vitamin E and allantoin. The cream must be applied to cleansed skin of the feet, intensively massage and rinse with water.

How to soften the skin of the feet: cosmetic procedures

If the skin of your feet stubbornly does not want to succumb to your hands and remains dry and unkempt, contact a specialist. Sometimes, it is impossible to achieve perfect softness of the skin in the area of ​​the feet without first clearing it of calluses and corns. In the salon, a pedicure master uses special tools to mechanically cleanse the skin, which gives it the ability to "breathe". In the future, it will be easier to maintain the beauty of your legs at home. Do not ignore the advice of a specialist. The complex of pedicure services usually includes moisturizing masks or paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy is a physiotherapy method that has become firmly established in cosmetology practice. Paraffin melts at a temperature of just over 50 degrees. Applied to the skin, liquid paraffin maintains the temperature for a long time, resulting in deep heating of the skin. Under the influence of temperature, metabolic processes in the layers of the skin and blood circulation are activated. At the same time, paraffin prevents the loss of liquid from the surface of the skin, therefore, contributes to its intense hydration. Cooling down, paraffin exerts mechanical pressure on the skin, which stimulates the outflow of lymph and intercellular fluid. The skin of the feet, after paraffin applications, looks well-groomed and sufficiently moisturized. A course of paraffin applications of 10-15 sessions is recommended. You can ask for help at the salon or conduct them at home on your own.