How to make an inscription on a T-shirt: choosing an inscription, bright colors, spectacular stickers, methods of applying at home and ordering an inscription from professionals. How to make an inscription on a T-shirt

Besides loved ones, T-shirt with an inscription can give it to your best friend or girlfriend, who were always there and supported you, no matter what difficult situation you find yourself in. What you can write on a t-shirt for friend? Secondly, the same as for beloved, you can order instead of the inscription T-shirt with your joint portrait. Another option is write on a t-shirt funny crown the phrase your friend, whom a limited number of people know. If you settled on an individual inscription, but still have not decided what to choose, you can choose one of the following options: favorite phrase, a nickname that I love her I want her she is my many variations. Fimennaya T-shirt with logo beloved club. What you can write on a T-shirt to your beloved guy. What to make of old T-shirts... Sample T-shirt for photoshop. Scarf from T-shirts do it yourself. Silk shirts for men kiev.

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16. Favorite phrase“The window displays the smallest sizes. We went to the Wright store and my dad and I were stuck on men's T-shirts, he was looking for his size T-shirts with Lenin, and I admired T-shirt with Pushkin, before his eyes it was written“Russian But it would be better to take a person in general. All that I am writing on my blog can If can buy T-shirts cheaper and better in second-hand At some moments warm words are spoken aloud, and sometimes a short letter or a few SMS messages are enough to awaken a sleeping passion in the heart beloved... Let's try to figure out how pleasant phrases can be written beloved, so that from the very first words phrases he realized that you are not indifferent. What can write beloved boyfriend?

Black red t-shirt

On what and what write? Make a thematic inscription can on almost any subject, because the engraver offers his services, both on gold and just on metal. Particularly happy with the lettering of the person who received a gift from beloved or a loved one. In addition to showing your attention to a person, you are making, first of all, a memorable gift, because all your good attitude towards a person is expressed in written phrase... It will be funny to compose some story about how you got into the easiest option is to stick on the dark blue T-shirt white I don't know where to write, we have a wedding anniversary, 10 years old, I want my husband for an anniversary can something and come up with more original T-shirts I would also have an excuse for DR to come up with some kind of stupidity, pleasant stupidity, and if you remember phrase often sounding. on Russian radio Here you will find that write to your beloved man or beloved woman. Bracelets. Suppose you have chosen the coupon you like. Depending on your wishes, you can get by with one short phrase or to write a whole quatrain. You can find even more on the Internet, just enter the query into the search: "what write on a t-shirt, options for a girl (guy). " loved ones, T-shirt with an inscription can give a gift to your best friend or girlfriend, who have always been there and supported you, in I They may think that write on a t-shirt to your beloved guy, and you are here with your food! So everything is still ahead, and maybe that very love of yours will still have time before your husband arrives, and the inscriptions on t-shirts for beloved confuse a jealous spouse. For example, if you can't even imagine that to write boyfriend on a t-shirt, can use the standard options offered by shops and workshops.

We all love to give gifts, and some people like to receive them more, and others - on the contrary, to present them. There are a huge number of reasons for this, holidays can be both individual and universal. Many people like to deviate from the established rules, so they give gifts to their loved ones and relatives just so that they can cheer up and show their feelings. But what to do if all ideas are exhausted, embodied, donated, because no one wants to stoop to platitudes, giving perfumes or bouquets of flowers. There is one not yet hackneyed, rather original idea - a T-shirt with an original inscription. There is only one problem with image selection. In our article we will consider what kind of inscription can be made on a T-shirt to really please, surprise, even slightly shock.

Clothes with an inscription - an original and unusual gift

It may seem to someone that giving clothes is a little strange, they cannot become a memorable and good gift. But this opinion is fundamentally not entirely correct. It will always remind you of the person who gave it, the place and the circumstances under which it happened.

Important! Even being in a quarrel with this person, wearing it, you will remember all the best, the good that binds you, which will certainly affect the soonest reconciliation.

A thing with a similar decor can express sympathy or love for a person. How? It's easy, just make an appropriate inscription on it. People who decide to present a T-shirt as a positive presentation have difficulties with the choice of the inscription, since it should be pleasant, cool, and funny at the same time. There are tons of options.

Important! If you are at a loss with the choice, then, in principle, you can use the variations that are offered by workshops or shops. There are many funny or cute inscriptions that not only raise the mood, amuse, but are also able to express sincere feelings to a loved one.

Label options

On the Internet, you can often find the following question: what inscription can be made on a T-shirt for a guy (girl)?

Options suitable for men's t-shirts:

  • "Real boy".
  • “Girls, I'm free.
  • "A real man".
  • “The main one in the family is I.”
  • "Single, generous, rich."
  • "Do not touch".
  • "The more I sleep, the less harm I get."
  • "We are not ashamed of our complexes."

Lettering for women's T-shirts:

  • "Queen of beauty".
  • "Perfect in everything."
  • “Most beloved”.
  • "Father's daughter".
  • "I'm not like others".
  • "And beautiful, and smart, and free."
  • "I'm white and fluffy."
  • "Angel".

T-shirt - a manifestation of feelings

The T-shirt lettering options above are more suitable for loose young boys and girls. It is unlikely that your boyfriend or girlfriend will be pleased to see a similar picture on someone else. If you like an individual inscription, but you did not manage to choose something specific or to come up with nothing, then you should not immediately panic. What kind of inscription can be made on a T-shirt?

Use one of the following, which can be applied to the T-shirt:

  • A nickname that only you call him or her.
  • His / her favorite phrase.
  • A quote from your favorite movie or book.
  • Your joint photo.

Aphorisms as inscriptions on T-shirts

In addition to loved ones, original T-shirts can also be presented to best friends, and it is not so important whether it will be a boy or a girl. The main thing is that this person is always there, supports you in everything, does not refuse help in any difficult situation.

A logical question arises, what inscription to make on a T-shirt for a friend? There are even more options here:

  • You can choose some beautiful, gentle aphorism about friendship that accurately describes your relationship.
  • As is the case with your loved one, you can order a T-shirt with your joint portrait, in which you have fun, hug, enjoy life.

Important! A good option is to put on a T-shirt one of your friend's signature phrases, which is familiar only to your closest friends.

To quickly decide on the inscription, answer yourself a few questions:

  • Who is this gift for?
  • What kind of relationship do you have with a person?
  • What do you want to say with such an unusual presentation?

Important! Something majestic will suit the boss that cannot be questioned. Ambiguity is best avoided in this case, because many bosses like to misinterpret such things.

All people love gifts, and not only to receive, but also to present. Gifts are prepared for such holidays as: the traditional New Year, Valentine's Day, when all lovers express their feelings, March 8 is a holiday for all women, and February 23, which has long become a holiday for all men, and not only for the defenders of the Fatherland, as well as for Birthday is a favorite holiday not only for kids, but also for adults.

But there are also many people who like to give gifts just like that, as a sign of love or just to cheer up. But what if all sorts of ideas have already been implemented and donated, and you don't really want to sink to the level of a banal bouquet or perfume set? In this case, an original, not yet hackneyed idea will come to your aid - a T-shirt with an inscription as a gift.

Unusual gift

Many people doubt that a T-shirt can be a good and memorable gift, but they would be wrong. The T-shirt will always be a nice reminder of who gave it, when and under what circumstances the gift was given. Even during a disagreement, a person will put on a T-shirt and remember all the good things that can contribute to a quick reconciliation.

In addition, a T-shirt can express your love or sympathy for a person. How? Everything is very simple: make an original inscription on a T-shirt and present a present. Many who decided to present a T-shirt with a funny inscription as a gift do not know what to write on the T-shirt so that it looks cool and the person is pleased. I must say that there are a lot of possible options here. For example, if you can't even imagine what to write on a T-shirt for a guy, you can use the standard options that shops and workshops offer. There are many cute or funny lettering that can not only improve your mood and amuse, but also show your loved one the sincerity of your feelings.

What to write on a T-shirt? We offer several popular T-shirt inscriptions. You can find even more on the Internet, just enter the query into the search: "what to write on a T-shirt, options for a girl (guy)". Options for the girl's t-shirt:

  • "Perfect in everything";
  • "Queen of beauty";
  • "Father's daughter";
  • "And beautiful, and smart, and free";
  • "Most beloved";
  • "Harmful, but beautiful";
  • "I'm not like others";
  • "It's difficult with me, but those who love can cope!";
  • "Be simple and correct the crown for me";
  • "Perfect";
  • "Angel";
  • "I am white and fluffy!";
  • "Sweet girl" (inscription on a T-shirt with a photo of condensed milk).

Options for a guy's t-shirt:

  • "Girls, I'm free!";
  • "Wanted";
  • "Real boy";
  • "Do not touch!";
  • "They won't name a bad person Sasha (substitute the right name)";
  • "A real man";
  • "I am the main one in the family";
  • "Single, generous, rich."

T-shirt - a carrier of your feelings

But such T-shirts can be found on passers-by, which is unlikely to be very pleasant for your boyfriend or your girlfriend. If you settled on an individual inscription, but did not decide what to choose, you can choose one of the following options: his favorite phrase, the nickname you gave him, a quote from your favorite movie or book, or just a couple of words that express your feelings for him. In addition to words, you can put your joint portrait on the T-shirt, which will remind you that your feelings are mutual, and during small quarrels, support the hope of an early reconciliation. In addition to your loved ones, a T-shirt with the inscription can also be presented to your best friend or girlfriend, who were always there and supported you, no matter what difficult situation you find yourself in. What can you write on a T-shirt for a friend?

Aphorisms on a T-shirt

There are plenty of options here, too. First, you can choose some pretty aphorism about friendship that will accurately describe your relationship. Secondly, just like for a loved one, you can order a T-shirt with your joint portrait instead of an inscription. Another option is to write on your T-shirt a funny catchphrase of your friend that a limited number of people know.

Men's T-shirts are one of the most popular wardrobe items for the strong half of humanity. These are stylish and fashionable things, at the same time very comfortable and inexpensive. They also do not require special operating conditions. How can you stand out from the crowd with something original and interesting? In this matter, the inscription on T-shirts for men can come to the rescue.

Such clothes are gaining more and more popularity today. The inscription on T-shirts for men will suit both mature adults and very young guys. Capacious and modern humor will definitely be appreciated by those around you. Such a T-shirt is able to emphasize the main features of the character of its owner, his hobbies and values ​​in life. It remains only to choose exactly what you need.

The inscription on T-shirts for men is very original and interesting

Often a person has a desire to acquire some thing that you rarely see on others - something inimitable, unique, emphasizing individuality. The inscription on T-shirts for men is very relevant today. Such models are well remembered, they are unusual and creative. In addition, the inscription on T-shirts for men can be made to order, if you want to create an original thing, embodying your own ideas. These clothes will always be in the spotlight, raising the mood of their wearer.

Make your loved ones happy

Want to make a nice gift? Do you want to please your friend, brother, husband, father? Cool inscriptions on T-shirts for men will definitely appeal to them. Thanks to modern technologies, they will be preserved for more than one year. High quality American equipment is used to print the inscriptions. Special ecological paints are incredibly wash-resistant.

Cool lettering on T-shirts for men, customers prefer to order their own. Printing is carried out on cotton fabrics (or with a minimum content of lycra in their composition). Such T-shirts are made quite quickly, literally in one hour. In a word, it is very easy to make a nice present for your beloved man. Do not doubt that he will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Cheer up those around you

Funny inscriptions on T-shirts for men make both their owners and those who are next to them smile. And this is not surprising. After all, a bright phrase or apt word, as they say, strikes not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. The inscription on a T-shirt can tell others a lot about its wearer - for example, about his status, character, mood. For example, today you are angry for some reason at everything and at everyone. By putting on a Bad boy, you will let everyone know. And, on the contrary, it can be emphasized by the corresponding inscription.

In short, these T-shirts will definitely appeal to your friends with a good sense of humor. You will cheer them up, and this, you see, is so nice to do!

For all occasions

Thus, if you wish, you can easily pick up an inscription on a T-shirt for a man (Birthday, New Year, or any other holiday). In principle, it is possible without a reason. Just surprise the person with an interesting gift. A funny lettering will make you look beautiful, stylish and bright. Buy an interesting T-shirt and you will look great.

In general, practical cool T-shirts and T-shirts are quite relevant goods today. You can easily choose exactly what you need for yourself, or as a gift for your friend. In short, you will find exactly those models that can best reflect the personality, attitude to life and sense of humor of the person to whom the T-shirt is intended. Unique designer models with stylish inscriptions that meet the latest fashion trends will not leave any man indifferent. These original T-shirts are sure to color even the gray everyday life in rainbow and positive tones. You can choose any inscription - related to sports, music, club movement, cartoons, comics and TV series. By the way, T-shirts with wise philosophical sayings also look very interesting. Your beloved man will definitely appreciate such a gift.

You can make an inscription on a T-shirt at home. Show your imagination and come up with an interesting drawing or slogan, then you will not find a similar T-shirt in anyone else. What methods are there for printing on fabric? How to paint clothes with your own hands?

The easiest way to make an inscription on a T-shirt is to print it on a printer.

How can you make an inscription on a T-shirt?

You can apply an image to the fabric in the following ways:

  1. Make an inscription with gel colored glue. You can choose any color in the store, but it is also worth getting a dye for the fabric. The inscription should be applied by hand to clothing, so you need to have artistic skills.
  2. Use spray paint. Make a stencil for labeling clothes. The spray paint must be suitable for dyeing the fabric.
  3. Make an inscription with acrylic paint. To do this, you need a stencil rolled onto a mounting film. It is necessary to apply paint to the fabric with a brush with bristles in two layers.

For a stencil, it is better to purchase transfer paper, then a high-quality color image will be obtained on the printer.

What inscription can be made on a guy's T-shirt? You need to indicate positive character traits, the guy's motto for life, or come up with an interesting drawing. For example, put a road sign "Stop", in the center of which write the words "Married" or "Please do not disturb". The inscription "Future oligarch", "The best dad in the world (husband, boyfriend)" is also suitable.

You will need a white cotton T-shirt to work. A picture or text can be found on the Internet if you do not have enough imagination or the ability to come up with something on your own.

At home, such drawing technologies are suitable.

  1. Screen printing.
  2. Printing on a printer. The image is printed on transfer paper and applied to clothing with an iron. This method is simple, but the effect is not durable, the pattern will peel off after 15 washes.
  3. Using a stencil made of plastic or cardboard. It is applied to a T-shirt and sprayed with spray paint. This method is similar to graffiti.
  4. Hand-painted with gel glue. Draw directly onto the fabric without a stencil.
  5. Outline drawing. This method uses acrylic paints. Draw on clothes like a pencil. The finished ornament is ironed.