A sample of a girl's birthday invitation. Child's birthday invitations - how to decorate (templates, print). Baby birthday invitation, templates

A beautifully designed invitation for a child's birthday, ready-made templates for which you can print or make a postcard yourself is an important element of the holiday. They will remind guests of the upcoming event and provide details of its holding. Choosing finished products or creating postcards with your own hands will set the birthday person and his family in a festive mood. You can make standard invitations the same for all guests. Or prepare individual tickets: for mom, dad, friends, relatives.

Invitation templates

Ready-made samples of postcards must be downloaded from the sites. Then print, cut and sign. If the birthday person has time and desire, he can draw invitations himself or ready to give an unusual design. The choice of templates depends on the type of celebration and the guests invited. The postcard indicates the age of the person responsible for the holiday (1 year old, 5 years old, 10 years old), the name of the invitee, the time when they are expected to attend the gala dinner and the venue.

For a birthday

The stencil is selected depending on the age and gender of the birthday person. If this is a girl, then a pink background for an invitation with princesses, magic fairies and other fairy-tale characters will do. If the birthday person is a boy, then they print blue invitations with ships, cars, airplanes.

For the anniversary

Invitation forms for anniversaries meet with a place for a photo, where a small photo of the hero of the occasion is pasted in. You can use editors and insert an image on your computer and print ready-made postcards.

For a year

The first birthday is an important event in the life of a child, but even more so for parents. The parents are in charge of preparing the invitation cards. The funny signatures will please the guests. For example: "I am waiting for the anniversary", or "I invite you to the first day."

For 18 years

Coming of age invitations are decorated in a fun or formal style. In the first case, invitations are selected with your favorite characters, logos, descriptions of hobbies and hobbies, text with jokes. You can get by with flowers or cars. In the second case, strict postcards are used, where the text is designed in an official style.

For girl

Guest girls choose postcards with princesses and princes, fairies, sorceresses and other heroines of fairy tales for girls. Invitation cards with funny cartoon characters will do.

For boy

Children will love invitation cards with cars, planes or their favorite cartoon characters: superheroes, rescuers, robots, supermen. The main thing is that they correspond to the hobbies of the little man.

For a teenager

Invitations depend on the style of the birthday. For a classic, standard tickets are suitable, for a rock party, dark tones with skulls and corresponding inscriptions are chosen, for a disco, bright multi-colored shades are needed.

For girlfriend

The best friend gets a special invitation. It is preferable to do it yourself, decorating with a bow, beads, ribbons, rhinestones and other decorative elements. If a ready-made postcard is printed, then you need to sign it in an original way, not forgetting to indicate that the birthday will not work without a friend.

For friend

Postcards are selected individually, taking into account the interests of friends: with cars, ships, planes, heroes of films and cartoons. Special attention is paid to the signature. For example: "I'm waiting for my best friend Zhenya!" or "I invite my friend Stas!"

For an adult

Usually adults are invited to the holidays orally, but invitations will be an original addition to the holiday. An official invitation or a funny one will do - with a glass of champagne, strawberries, a funny poem.


Templates in the form of sweets, cakes, chupa-chups look unusual. There are stencils on the Internet or you can make them yourself. Invitations in the form of the head of Mickey Mouse or other cartoon character will also look funny.


A cat from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" or a wolf from the cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog" are suitable for cool invitation cards. You can design a Minecraft invitation or postcards in the style of the Gravity Falls cartoon.


Such invitations depend on the age of the birthday person. Children can make comic invitations in the style of a cipher or a medieval letter.


Delicate flowers, funny cartoon characters, strong knights or good fairies and princesses - all this will suit beautiful invitation cards. It is important to supplement them with a signature in the correct handwriting without grammatical errors.


Funny invitations for children depict clowns, emoticons and other funny characters. You can give cards with minions to young and adult guests. These funny characters always make you smile.


Pirate style parties for kids are always popular. Such holidays are arranged for boys and girls at home, outdoors, at school. Invitations must match the style of the celebration. They can be depicted: a ship, a telescope, a pirate flag, parrots, maps and the pirates themselves.


Strict invitations are sent to adult guests, relatives, colleagues. These are classic tickets, decorated in soothing colors without photographs and bright drawings.

Photo invitations

A place for a photo is allocated on the invitation. If the hero of the occasion has pictures together with the guest, then it is advisable to glue them.

Black and white

Many people are used to bright and colorful postcards and invitation cards. But black and white invitations look no less original. This is a solution if you do not have a color printer at hand. These invitations have another advantage - little guests can color the printouts to their liking.


You can send funny invitations electronically. They come in music or video format. Tickets are sent by email or via social networks, instant messengers, skype.


Do-it-yourself fancy postcards. Bright colored paper is glued onto a cardboard template, decorated with cut out stars, hearts or balloons. Tickets in the shape of a popsicle look original - they are cut out of brown cardboard, and a wooden stick is glued to the base.

Postcards in verse

Holders of literary talent themselves compose short poems, writing them on invitation cards. If you can't come up with it yourself, then finding a funny quatrain is easy on the Internet. Postcards in verse are sent to any guests: daughter, mom, grandmother, dad.

Samples of SMS invitations

The shortest and most practical kind of invitations. In smsk indicate the main information - the address, time and date of the birthday. Short messages are written in a poetic or funny way.

Coloring Pages

Invitations are made in the form of coloring pages. It is interesting to give the task to the guests to paint the postcard at home, and to arrange a competition to choose the best one at the party. The winner is determined by the birthday person.

How to create an invitation to a children's party

There are several ways to create an invitation:

  • They buy ready-made tickets in a printing and stationery store, special departments for decorating holidays.
  • They make a homemade postcard by completing the design on their own using decorative elements and preparing the original text.
  • A ready-made template from the Internet is used, which is printed and signed. If desired, it is supplemented with the help of editor programs or decorated after printing.

With your own hands

This method is laborious and painstaking. For postcards, you will need colored paper and cardboard, scissors, stationery glue, pencils, felt-tip pens, and a ruler.

To begin with, they are determined with the shapes of postcards, draw a sketch on paper or cardboard, then cut it out.

The decoration of the postcard depends on the birthday boy's imagination. These can be freehand drawings or figures (stars, cars, flowers) cut out of paper or cardboard. You can decorate the invitation with openwork ribbons, bows, braid, rhinestones, stones.

The finished postcard is handed in an envelope or without. You can twist it with a straw and tie it with a ribbon. But then paper is chosen as the main material, not cardboard.

For a pirate party, it is advisable to issue an invitation in the form of a map, which indicates the path to the treasure.

Make online

On the Internet, they use special programs - online designers, where you can create an invitation or other postcard for free. In the programs, the ticket shape is chosen: vertical, square or horizontal. Then they select the background, inscription, text, suitable fonts and styles.

The ticket is bordered in a colored frame or made movable in GIF format, if we are talking about electronic and it is not planned to print it. There are programs that allow you to choose a background by choosing a picture from your personal gallery or the Internet.

Invitation texts

The important moment is how to sign and fill out the postcard. The text is drawn up in poetic form or prose. There are ready-made examples on the Internet, but it is more pleasant to receive a postcard that is signed by the birthday person sincerely, individually for each guest.

How to write

When making a postcard, be sure to write the name of the guest. If desired, add a beautiful epithet: "Dear Maxim" or "Beautiful Anastasia". For friends, a comic tone is appropriate: "Cheerful charm", "Real boy" and so on.

Next, the guest is invited to a birthday with the date, time and address of the celebration. If the holiday is held in a certain style, this is reported on the ticket. For example: "The dress code is comfortable, there will be games in nature."

Children like to indicate their age, you can write: "I invite you to celebrate 8 years", "I am waiting for you to celebrate 11 years" and so on.

Example 1

A real friend Seryozha! I invite you to your birthday, which will take place (date, place, time). I am turning 10 years old. The holiday will include refreshments, contests and games. Be sure to take a good mood with you. Your friend Kirill.

Example 2

Dear beauty Alena! I am waiting for you to celebrate my 9th birthday (date, place, time). You are my best friend and I will be happy to see you among the guests! I promise you a fun holiday with surprises and tasty treats. See you! Your friend Olya.

Example 3

Andryushka, I invite you to a party on my birthday! Pirates and treasure hunters will gather to complete many tasks and receive the coveted prize. I am waiting for you in the image of your favorite hero (date, time, place). Friend Ivan.

How beautiful to arrange

The text can be printed on a computer, in this case it is neatly formatted. Italics or a specially selected unusual font looks beautiful.

If the text is handwritten, it is important to pay attention to the handwriting and grammar. For the signature, multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens are chosen. You can put children's stamps in the form of flowers or animals on the card. It will not be as perfect as printed on a computer, but it will indicate to the guest special attention from the birthday boy.

In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to approach every little detail with special attention. The choice of the venue and the menu is not all that should be taken care of in advance. It's equally important to think about what your birthday or anniversary invitations will look like. The invitation must be original, so the best solution would be to make them yourself.

In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to approach every little thing with special attention.

It is better to write invitations to the celebration yourself, rather than purchase postcards with ready-made text. Only in this way it will be possible to present all the necessary information correctly, without unnecessary deviations and in the style in which the party will be held.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • date, place and time of the event;
  • a telephone number where guests can contact if necessary;
  • invite not only the child, but also his parents.

The style of the text can be absolutely anything. Any turns of speech and even a poetic form are allowed, but the main information should be presented clearly so that guests do not have unnecessary questions.

When writing the text, it is worth indicating in what style the party is planned to be held. Perhaps invite guests to choose the appropriate outfit or memorize some rhymes, come up with themed entertainment.

The text should be simple and interesting, making you want to attend a children's party. This can be done in different ways, just a little fantasy is enough.

Gallery: invitations to others with their own hands (25 photos)

DIY invitations: ideas (video)

Birthday invitations for girls

Cool, delicate and original envelopes for invitations to a children's party for girls can be made from ordinary lace napkins. To create the postcard itself, it is allowed to use picture templates or coloring pages, which will not be difficult to simply print on a printer.

What is necessary:

  • lace napkins;
  • cardboard;
  • tapes;
  • scissors.

Invitations for a girl can also be made on colored cardboard, decorated with an applique of butterflies.


  1. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard, the sides of which should be 10.5 and 11.5 centimeters.
  2. Place the cardboard rectangle in a napkin, then bend its edges like an envelope.
  3. Use a tape to close the lower and upper triangles.
  4. Insert a postcard inside and tie a ribbon on a bow.

Using this pattern, make the required number of envelopes.

How to make and arrange birthday invitations for a boy with your own hands

For children, birthday is the most long-awaited holiday, no matter how old they are. That is why invitations to this celebration should be not only beautiful, but also unusual. You can execute and draw them in the form of an old pirate map. At the same time, not a single boy will remain indifferent.

What is necessary:

  • paper;
  • tea bag;
  • red candle;
  • matches;
  • button with an unusual image;
  • bottle cap;
  • double-sided tape;
  • scissors (curly).

Invitations don't have to be boyish


  1. Cut the edges of the sheet using curly scissors.
  2. Place the tea bag in boiling water for a while, then take it out and spread it on the paper. This will make it look very old.
  3. Enhance this effect with matches by singling the edges of the paper.
  4. Wait until the paper is dry and then sign the invitation.
  5. Fold the paper sheet into a roll and secure with double-sided tape.
  6. Fill the bottle cap one-third with the melted wax of a red candle.
  7. Wait until it hardens and remove it from the lid.
  8. Melt the top layer of wax with a match and make an impression with a button.
  9. Decorate the rolled sheet with adhesive tape with the produced seal.

Tip: It is better to use an ink pen to write the text, deliberately making blots. This will create the right impression.

DIY invitations for the first birthday of the child

One year is the most memorable date not so much for the baby as for his parents. Naturally, in a year, the child still understands little, but nevertheless, he is already showing interest in everything that is happening around. Although the celebration in his honor will not remain in memory, it will bring a lot of positive emotions. That is why you should also be creative in making invitations to this holiday.

What is necessary:

  • colored cardboard;
  • checkered napkins;
  • White paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencils;
  • brushes;
  • compass;
  • lace;
  • bows and buttons for decoration.

One year old is the most memorable date not so much for the baby as for his parents.


  1. Mark a fold line on the cardboard, then bend it in this place.
  2. Draw a semicircle on one of the halves with a compass, and then cut it along the intended arc.
  3. Apply glue to a napkin and attach to the inside of the workpiece.
  4. Cover the napkin with glue also on top, then dry it and cut off all unnecessary around the edges.
  5. Cut a circle out of white paper and glue it to the inside.
  6. Place the invitation text on this site.
  7. Cut another circle out of paper, and in it - a triangle.
  8. Glue the resulting workpiece to the outside.
  9. Glue lace around the perimeter.
  10. Additionally, decorate the card with a bow and buttons.

How to make an original invitation card: step by step instructions

It is enough just to make samples of a postcard and print a pre-made text, and you can safely proceed to the final stage of work - the design of the invitation and its decor.

What is necessary:

  • paper;
  • a printer;
  • tapes;
  • hole puncher;
  • glue.

You can decorate the card the way you like using glitters, paints, markers, stickers, ribbons


  1. Print the template of the future invitation on a printer.
  2. Print the background image on a thinner sheet of paper.
  3. Cut out all the blanks.
  4. Glue the printed parts.
  5. Print or hand-write the invitation text.
  6. Using a hole punch, make the hole required for the ribbon.
  7. Stretch and tie a ribbon with a bow.

Additionally, decorate the finished card with glitter or stickers.

Monkey invitations: how to make with your child

The advantage of such an invitation is that the child can make it on his own. Naturally, the pre-holiday atmosphere will be felt in full, because not every kid is happy to become a participant in the preparatory events.

What is necessary:

  • envelope;
  • glue;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • rivets.


  1. Cut out all the details of the future monkey.
  2. Glue the mouth and eyes to the face of the animal.
  3. Connect the torso and legs with rivets, and then attach the muzzle to them in the same way.
  4. On the reverse side, write all the necessary information.
  5. Insert the finished product into an envelope.

5 birthday invitations (video)

Preparation for the holiday should begin with the production of invitation cards. Indeed, with their help, it is possible not only to inform all guests about the upcoming event, but also to show attention to each of them. And the information submitted in writing is perceived much better. You can be sure that no one will forget about the date and place of the celebration. The guests will arrive on time and will be ready for all the surprises invented by the organizers.

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How does the organization of any holiday begin? Of course, with drawing up a guest list. And when the list has already been compiled, it is the turn of the invitation cards. Here, many go the simplest way - they buy ready-made postcards in the store, sign and send or distribute them to guests. This option is also possible if the birthday is just around the corner and there is no time to create a unique card design. But every parent wants his baby's holiday to be special, which means that the option with standard invitations will not work. And the birthday man himself will enjoy the process of creating invitation cards with his own hands for his own holiday.

To get original and unusual cards, you need to make invitations for a children's birthday with your own hands. And it’s nice to include imagination. And we will just give you a few ideas for creating postcards that will inspire you to the creative process.

Before embarking on creativity, you need to acquire everything you need. Whichever option you choose, in any case you will need:

  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pens, pencils or markers.

If the design of the cards is planned to be non-standard and interesting, then you may also need: corrugated paper, bows, beads, ribbons, lace, sparkles. Well, in order to attach all this beauty, you need to have a glue gun, a hole punch, a stapler in the household. This is not a complete list of materials that may come in handy, but they will be enough to make beautiful invitation cards.

Choosing a shape and color

If you don't want to bother, opt for a standard square or rectangular shape. This shape is also beneficial in terms of saving material - cutting a large sheet of cardboard into rectangles, you get a minimum of waste. You can make a regular single postcard, or you can fold it in half to open it.

Well, if you think the standard version is too commonplace, make a postcard of some more creative form. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

  • for girls;
  • for boys;
  • universal.

Such blanks can be cut out twice as much as required for invitations, and fasten them together, for example, with a ribbon. Then you get invitations that you can open.

As for the color, it is advisable to make its choice depending on the theme and color scheme of the holiday itself. After all, this is why we choose the theme for the holiday, so that even such details as invitations can be kept in the same style. It would be illogical if you make blue invitations for a children's birthday in the style of a ladybug.


With the color and shape chosen, it's time to start working on the cards. First of all, you need to buy a base material. It is better to choose thick paper or cardboard so that your invitation card does not wrinkle during transportation. If you are going to make colored postcards, choose colored cardboard - this way you will not have to paint it in the desired color. Next, we take the template of the shape that we chose the day before and outline it on the cardboard. After that, all that remains is to cut out and the blanks for the cards are ready for us.


To fill out a postcard, you need to draw lines on the blanks in which we will write the invitation text. You can draw such lines by hand, or you can print them on a computer and stick them on top of the workpiece.

When there is room for the text, you can proceed to the text of the invitation itself.

What must be included in the invitation?

  • Date of the event. After all, the invitation itself is a message about when the celebration will take place. The guest may know when the birthday person is, but there are times when the celebration takes place on another day, so the date must be reported.
  • Time spending. Another required requisite of the invitation. Be sure to include the start time of the holiday.
  • Location. Let it be your home or a children's cafe, in any case it is worth writing it down in a postcard. If you are celebrating in a cafe or restaurant, then it is advisable to indicate its exact address so that the guest knows exactly where he needs to go.

Invitation text

We already know the main components of the text, but the originality of the invitation is given by a creative approach to the text. Here are some examples of an unusual invitation:

  • Beautiful princess! Come to our birthday ball …… .which will take place… ..in ……
  • A secret message to a secret agent ... ... We are waiting for you at the meeting of the scouts in honor of the birthday ... ....
  • Hello my friend! I am waiting for you at a merry birthday, which I will celebrate ... at ... Come, it will be fun!

Depending on the chosen theme of the holiday, you can come up with your own version of the text.


After that, you can already start attaching various beautiful things. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Let it be a couple of bows or one ribbon and a bead, because if you need to send invitations by mail, then they should not be too voluminous and fit into an envelope without any problems.

Invitation templates

If you do not have the time or opportunity to create cards, but you want original invitations for children's birthday, templates will come to your rescue. You just need to print them, enter your text, and the postcards are ready.

These templates are perfect for a girl's birthday. Delicate, in pink tones, with hearts and flowers, little guests will surely like them.

But such cards will be appropriate for the birthday of a little gentleman. The first option is on the automotive theme, the second and third are more neutral.

A card like this will work for both a boy and a girl, so if your guest list includes children of both genders, then take this versatile option.

And this option is suitable for those who do not have a color printer at home. Black and white postcards will look stylish, but you can paint them by hand if you wish. This design option is simple and your birthday boy will like it.


Whichever option of invitation cards you choose, the main thing is to put your soul into your creation, then the guest who received the card will definitely feel it and understand how they are expected at the event. And the birthday man, who has made invitations with his own hands, will wait even more for the upcoming birthday, because he also took part in its organization.

Are you organizing a children's party and, of course, you want it to be interesting, fun and memorable for everyone - children and adults, your family and friends? This is an exciting and joyful experience for the whole family.

For it to be successful, you need to decorate the room where the celebration will be held in an original way, think over an entertainment program, musical accompaniment and, of course, a menu.

And preparation for the holiday begins with drawing up a list of guests. After the list is ready, you should carefully re-read it again, adding those you forgot about, or, conversely, delete someone. You can verbally invite guests to the celebration, but it will be much more pleasant for them to receive written invitations that will help create the appropriate mood.

How to write an invitation to a children's party?

For this, postcards with the appropriate design are suitable, where you write the texts by hand. Or you can print invitation cards in the printing house according to the templates of your choice. It is desirable to make the image clear, vivid and memorable.

You can also, by choosing a suitable template on the Internet, print invitations for a children's party yourself on a color printer.

Finally, you can make these postcards by hand. They can have a square, rectangular, round shape, the shape of medals, butterflies, any animals or scrolls under an old letter.

You can decorate such an invitation with stickers with flowers, funny animals or cartoon characters, use other design elements: beads, ribbons, sequins, bugles, beads, watercolors, special varnish for paper, etc. Bright colors should prevail in the color scheme of cards for children. , spectacular colors: red, pink, orange, lilac, turquoise, mother-of-pearl.

As for the text, it should be short, but at the same time succinct and informative, as well as funny and friendly. We will show you how it would be better to write an invitation to a holiday for children on behalf of their parents or the hero of the occasion in poetry or prose.

Invitations to a children's party in a poetic form

We invite you to our (first) birthday!
We have been waiting for the holiday for a whole year with joyful excitement.
Well, now we are preparing the table, games, treats.
Let's have fun with all the heart, arrange entertainment.

Our hero of the day - at least where,
Let his years be small.
On the very first anniversary
Looking forward to the guest.
Come celebrate
The first grade is 5.

Recall ____ date
It's time for you to come to visit us,
After all, it's our baby's birthday.
We will sit just a little.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.
We want to see you at this hour ___
And there is no better congratulations,
Than your visit and your greetings.

Our baby is already big!
And he was born in the spring! (in winter)
We will celebrate the holiday -
Celebrate your birthday!

Come to us soon,
Bring all your friends!
It will be fun with us.
We are looking forward to seeing you today!

What should be written in an invitation to a children's party? Do not forget to indicate the date and time of the celebration. Such texts can be sent by email or SMS.

We invite you to a holiday -
Birthday holiday!
After all, our boy has already grown up.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Come with the little ones
Let's celebrate!
We will treat you with pies
Let's sing, scream
Run, jump, have fun!
We ask you to hurry up!

We invite you to a holiday
Happy birthday
Have some fun in _____________
You are perky without a doubt.

We are waiting for you at exactly ___ hours,
In a good mood
Don't forget to take smiles
For service.

An important event with us:
Our baby was born today!
There will be a colorful holiday for you,
To light up the world with a smile!

Come with your kin
Don't forget about gifts too!
We will gather as a big family.
It's worthless to miss a birthday!

You received an invitation
Have a wonderful birthday!
Be sure to come
The holiday will be wonderful!

Invitation to a holiday for children on behalf of parents in prose

(Date of the event) we will celebrate the first birthday of our dear and beloved (name of the birthday girl). We invite you to spend this wonderful day with us (address of the event venue).

We are waiting for you by (start time of the celebration). We kindly ask you to inform us in advance about your presence. Families with children of one or two years old are also invited to the holiday.

We are pleased to invite you to a celebration on the occasion of the birthday of our son. The celebration will take place on ______ (date), at ________________, beginning at ____ hours. We promise fun, interesting games and contests, exciting adventures and the most delicious cake ever. We are waiting for you!

An invitation to a children's holiday can also be written on behalf of the hero of the occasion, no matter how old he is. If your child is already big enough, you can prepare party invitations for the children together. This lesson will give everyone a lot of joyful minutes.

Dear (guest name)! I want to inform you that (date of celebration) I am eight years old. I want to spend this day with my closest friends, including you. And I will be very pleased if you come to congratulate me at (the exact time of the beginning of the holiday) at the children's entertainment complex located at (address of the institution).

Buddy! I invite you to celebrate my birthday on _________ at _______________.
Be sure to come, mountains of ice cream, rivers of delicious juice and a sky of bright balloons are waiting for you!
Your friend, ______.

How else can you write an invitation to a children's party? You may prefer texts to verses. We will give examples of such invitations for a holiday for children.

Soon my birthday
Best friends will get together.
And I invite you, baby,
You love the holidays, I know that!
It will be fun, my friend, no doubt about it
There will be a super-duper mood
Let's dance, sing songs,
We'll see cartoons, we'll drink some juice.

Come to my birthday party
There will be different sweets, treats,
There will be contests funny and laughter,
Everyone's spirits will rise.
I could verbally call you,
But it's more fun to invite in poetry.
So come without "excuses"
And take a gift with you!

Come to me friend
Have a fun holiday!
I'm making a sweet table
Many different games.
If you don't come, I'll be very upset
I will not accept a refusal.
So, throw away all your affairs,
I'm really, really waiting for you!

Good day! Not everyone likes to celebrate their birthday. But there are those who are eager to meet with their date of birth. Of course, these are our children! Whoever they are in a hurry to grow up as soon as possible! If you want to make a great holiday for your baby, then I invite you to a post about an invitation to a birthday.

Today there will be a festive mixture of invitation texts in verse and prose, and templates. So if you want to understand in all details the preparation of this important holiday detail, then you are welcome to my website. And choose the coolest invitation cards by clicking

Pretty Birthday Party Invitations in Verse

Recall ____ date

We will sit just a little.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.

And there is no better congratulations,
Than your visit and your greetings.

Children's holiday is coming.
The birthday boy invites
Visit all your friends
To make it more fun.

Come don't forget
We are waiting for you very, very much.
Let's celebrate birthday
Let's play and sing.

The treat will be delicious.
Let's have a great time.
And no one will be bored
We give an honest word.

____________________ -
Come without a doubt
We will wait very, very much!
The child has a birthday -
Let's celebrate together.

______________________ -

We are inviting you to the holiday.
There will be everything: flowers, gifts,
And we will dance and sing!

Baby's birthday
We are happy beyond measure
And we want to invite you,
For a holiday, by all means,

You come don't hesitate
We will be happy to see you,

Refusal will not be accepted!

SMS invitations for the birthday of the child (in poetry and prose)

Recall ____ date

It's time to come to visit us,
After all, it's our baby's birthday.
We will sit just a little.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.
We want to see you at this hour ___
And there is no better congratulations,
Than your visit and your greetings.

Your friend, ______

____________________ -
Come without a doubt
We will wait very, very much!
The child has a birthday -
Let's celebrate together.

______________________ -
This day is beautiful, bright
We are inviting you to the holiday.
There will be everything: flowers, gifts,
And we will dance and sing!

Baby's birthday
We are happy beyond measure
And we want to invite you,
For a holiday, by all means,

You come don't hesitate
We will be happy to see you,
So that we are waiting for you anyway,
Refusal will not be accepted!

Prose invitations only (template)

We are pleased to invite you to a celebration on the occasion of the birthday of our birthday boy. The celebration will take place on ______ (date), at ________________, beginning at ____ hours. We promise fun, contests, adventure and the most delicious cake ever. We are waiting for you!

We invite you to a wonderful and joyful holiday, but a celebration in honor of the birthday of our beloved child. The holiday will be held at_ date_. May you not have a bad mood on this day, may your presence make the holiday even more fun and brighter, and this day - happier and more interesting.

Dear friend! I invite you to celebrate my birthday, which will take place on _________, at _______________.
Be sure to come, mountains of ice cream, rivers of delicious juice and a sky of bright balloons are waiting for you here!
Your friend, ______

Our dear and wonderful guests, we invite you to celebrate the birthday of the most adorable and cute child on the planet. The holiday will take place at ________ at__ hours ______ (date). Please arrive on time and be prepared for magic and little miracles.

We invite you to a children's party - a child's birthday! In a wonderful place, at the address: _______________. Positive emotions, a sea of ​​laughter and fun await you on the ______ number. Come, we'll wait!

Boy's Birthday Invitation (rhyme templates)

Birthday will take place

The tough kid!
We will play, have fun
The whole country will hear us!
Our party will unfold
That's what time _______
And that's where _____________
I will wait for your faces
Come all to me!

In the glorious city ____________
A walk is planned
We are on the street. ___________
We are making a date for you.

The birthday boy is exactly ________
He will meet the guests himself,
Congratulations to accept.

It will be fun and tasty
Cake, candy and cookies,
And so that you are not sad
Come in mood.

Let's sing and have fun
Different games to play
Frolic with the birthday boy,
Happy birthday to congratulate.

The son has a name day,
This is an important reason
Find the street ___________.

We are waiting with great impatience
Birthday for my son!

The young knight hastens to invite
His birthday to visit.
All guests to dress up on this day
And get ready to have some fun.
And, of course, so as not to get lost,
Report to the specified address:

So that you do not miss the holiday,
On the day and hour, this is how to come:

The boy invites everyone
Have fun with all the heart
Celebrate birthday
Cake, sweets exterminate.
In this honorable mission,
You must help him.
Come don't hesitate
Exactly at __________
So that you don't get lost,
Here is the name of the cafe

SMS birthday invitation to the cool kid

Birthday will take place

The tough kid!
We will play, have fun
The whole country will hear us!
Our party will unfold
That's what time _______
And that's where _____________
I will wait for your faces
Come all to me!

The son has a name day,
This is an important reason
Find the street ___________.
So that in ____ exactly come to us.

We are waiting with great impatience
Birthday for my son!

In a day _____________
The holiday will take place.
Your mood is excellent
It will definitely come in handy for us.

In a glorious place ___________
we are waiting for you on your birthday.
We will be with our birthday boy
have fun until you're blue in the face!

The boy invites everyone
Have fun with all the heart
Celebrate birthday
Cake, sweets exterminate.
In this honorable mission,
You must help him.
Come don't hesitate
Exactly at __________
So that you don't get lost,
Here is the name of the cafe

Prose Boy's Birthday Invitation

We invite you to visit a very fun and unforgettable event, the birthday of a beautiful boy, which will take place on ___________, at ____, at ___________________. Look forward to! We guarantee bright emotions!

We invite you to a wonderful and wonderful holiday, to a celebration in honor of the birthday of a brave hero and a brave boy. The holiday will take place at_ _date_. We ask you to prepare for the holiday, free yourself from sadness and grief, tuned in to a wave of optimism and fun. We ask you to show up for your birthday promptly and in a good mood.

Dear ________! I so wish that on the most important day for me, you were there. Come to my merry birthday. And please don't leave a good mood at home! I will be waiting at _______ at ______ (time, date).
Looking forward to seeing you soon, your ___

We invite you to a wonderful holiday in honor of the birthday of a mischievous, cheerful boy. Our hero is waiting for you very much, so we hope that on ______ (date) we will see you at _______________________ in a good mood, with a kind smile and a willingness to have good fun with our little boy.

We are in a hurry to invite you to a cheerful boy's birthday. With you, this holiday will become even more wonderful and interesting, together with you the birthday person will open a new page in his life and have fun with you from the bottom of his heart, and a delicious cake cheers up all of us. We warn you right away - the entrance is paid - a sincere smile and good mood. We are waiting for you at ______________. Date_________.

Birthday Party Invitation for Princess Girl (Poems-Template)

Happy birthday princess

Summons everyone to the ball.
It will be very interesting
Come - big and small!

Get ready, dress up.
Here is the appointed hour: ___,


I send invitations
To the closest ones and friends.
Come to your birthday
I will be glad to all the guests!
The holiday will take place -
______________ v ______,
by the address _____________

Accept my invitation
On my holiday - Birthday,
Believe me, they are waiting for you there
Miracles, magic and fireworks
A sea of ​​music and sweets
Dances, laughter and a storm of joy!
Come and have some fun!
Remember - the holiday will take place
« ___»___________________

Family, dear guests,
We would like to invite you now,

You need enthusiasm, fun,
More songs, moods!

Our daughter has a birthday
We are waiting for friends without delay.

The holiday will be interesting!

Our main princess
Very much waiting for you for the holiday.

My daughter has a birthday -
Let's get together with the whole crowd!
Games are waiting for you, treats -
It will be great, a feast in the mountains!

Birthday SMS invitation for a girl

Happy birthday princess
Summons everyone to the ball.
It will be very interesting
Come - big and small!

Get ready, dress up.
Here is the appointed hour: ___,
Day: ____, cherished address:

I send invitations
To the closest ones and friends.
Come to your birthday
I will be glad to all the guests!
The holiday will take place -
______________ v ______,
by the address _____________

Family, dear guests,
We would like to invite you now,
On the holiday of our dear daughter.
To say that we are glad to see you.

We are waiting for you _________, which is important,
And we will tell you the address _____________.
You need enthusiasm, fun,
More songs, moods!

Our daughter has a birthday
We are waiting for friends without delay.
It will be fun with us, come exactly at _____,
The address is also known to everyone _______________,
The holiday will be interesting!

Our main princess
Very much waiting for you for the holiday.
__________ - will take place at this place,
__________ - certainly at this hour.

My daughter has a birthday -
Let's get together with the whole crowd!
Games are waiting for you, treats -
It will be great, a feast in the mountains!

Invitation to the Girl's Birthday in your own words according to the template (in prose)

We are waiting for wonderful guests at _date_ at _ o'clock at the celebration in honor of the birthday of the beautiful girl. The holiday will take place at ________________. Come on time with a smile on your face. At the birthday party we will have fun with the princess, play and laugh happily, eat treats and improve our mood.

The wonderful girl has a birthday soon. We are glad to invite you to a wonderful holiday and a merry celebration, which will take place on _date at_. The sweet and charming princess is looking forward to sincere congratulations, good wishes, happy smiles, bright gifts and magical moments. We are waiting for you at the appointed hour and in a great mood.

We invite you to the birthday of a wonderful girl, our star. Bright emotions, balloons, various sweets and goodies, children's laughter, interesting contests, fascinating journeys through the pages of good fairy tales and much more awaits you at_. We are waiting for you _date without delay, otherwise you will have to fulfill the wish of our birthday girl.

We invite you to a wonderful holiday in honor of the birthday of a wonderful girl, a lovely princess. The celebration will take place at_ date_ and we hope that this day will become a fairy tale and a memorable day of good miracles for the birthday girl and all guests. And let the wonderful cake and other goodies on the table only sweeten everyone's mood and the holiday itself.

We hasten to inform you that on ________ (date) at _______________________ we will be waiting for you, and believe me - there is a reason! After all, our wonderful princess has a birthday. She cooks in full and looks forward to her welcome guests for fun and delicious cake.