How to make your hair smooth at home. How to make your hair smooth and shiny? Honey, aloe and castor oil mask

I am sure: modern women have every chance to make their hair smooth and strong, like the Russian beauties of past centuries. All you need is to learn the rules of care and be patient.

So, the topic of today's conversation: how to make hair smooth.

First tip from JustLady magazine: Get a good comb for your hair.

Did you know that the condition of your hair depends a lot on the brush? And daily brushing can even hurt your hair if the wrong brush is used. The thing is that only wooden brushes or brushes with natural bristles are suitable for hair. It is not so difficult to buy them - they can be found in almost any store, however, they cost a little more than plastic ones. But we strongly advise you not to save. A good hairbrush is worth the price! By combing your hair with a wooden brush, you improve the condition of the hair, making it smoother and more elastic. So if you are thinking about how to make hair smooth, to get started, buy a good combs.

Second tip from JustLady magazine: Try not to wash your hair with hot water. Ideally, the water should be boiled or settled, but sometimes this is difficult, so try to at least keep an eye on the temperature of the water. And one more thing: comb your hair well before washing.

You are concerned about the question of how to make hair smooth? Then heed the third tip from JustLady magazine: try as little as possible with a hairdryer.

In general, drying with a hairdryer is far from the most useful procedure. Therefore, if you have time, then dry your hair naturally. If you cannot do without this device in any way, then regulate the air temperature - it is advisable to dry your hair with cool air. It is best if you leave your hair slightly damp to dry at room temperature.

Fourth tip: rinse your hair with cool water.

One good way to smooth your hair is to rinse with cool water. After all, if you look at it, smooth hair is hair with a closed cuticle. And cool water is good for this. Hair after rinsing becomes shiny, elastic, manageable, does not electrify.

Talking about how to make hair smooth, we cannot but talk about the products that the cosmetic industry offers us today. First of all, to achieve the goal of smooth hair, its structure should be aligned. To do this, you need a good conditioner to help close the flakes. A smoothing conditioner with jojoba or rosemary extract works best. If you are thinking about how to get smooth hair with professional products, then try a smoothing serum. It is applied to damp hair. The serum makes the hair much smoother and silky, and to achieve an excellent effect, just a few drops of the product are enough.

Also, remember that hair with split ends will never be smooth. Unfortunately, only scissors can solve this problem. So go to a beauty salon and cut your split hair without regret. So that you don't have this problem again, choose a good moisturizing and smoothing mask. Try hot scissors for an effective method of dealing with split ends. Then the hair will be more well-groomed.

You do not know, how to make hair smooth when they got dry and tough like straw? There can be many reasons for this condition of the hair, for example, the high temperature of the air of the hair dryer, the sun's rays, insufficient. Make yourself a mask to deeply repair damaged hair. Women's magazine JustLady recommends you the following mask: 1 tsp. jojoba, 4 drops of rosemary essential oil, 4 drops of sage essential oil. Rub this mixture with your fingertips into the roots and distribute through the hair. Leave the mask for half an hour, then wash off with shampoo.

How to get smooth hair in a beauty salon

Now in beauty salons, a screening procedure has become widespread, which deeply moisturizes the hair, making it smooth, shiny and silky. The essence of the procedure is as follows: a colorless nourishing composition is applied to the hair, which penetrates deeply into the hair structure, filling it with moisture. This procedure can be carried out both independently and after staining. The shielding effect lasts for at least a month.

JustLady magazine wishes you smooth, shiny hair!

Alisa Terentyeva / JustLady Women's Magazine

How to make your hair smooth and shiny? This question worries many girls. Poor hair condition is not uncommon. Many factors impair the health of your hair and scalp.

You can correct the situation at home using the available means. Pamper your curls with balms, masks, and other pleasant and healthy treatments. Hair will regain strength, natural shine. For you - a selection of interesting recipes for all types of hair.

Causes of dull hair color

Various factors worsen the condition of the curls.


  • exposure to ammonia paints, perm;
  • frequent use, hair dryer, curling iron,;
  • low temperatures, ultraviolet light, sea and hard tap water;
  • polluted air, atmospheric precipitation with chemical impurities;
  • improper or insufficient hair care;
  • refusal to use homemade or ready-made balms, masks.


  • frequent stress, lack of sleep;
  • smoking;
  • unhealthy diet, hypovitaminosis;
  • unwillingness to heal hair in time at the first sign of problems;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • iron deficiency anemia after heavy periods or childbirth;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • long-term use of potent drugs, a course of chemotherapy;
  • deterioration of the blood supply to the scalp and hair follicles;
  • low levels of hemoglobin.

How to restore a pleasant shine and smoothness to strands

How to make your hair silky smooth at home? Remember a few rules:

  • give up the frequent use of hairdressing tools for heat styling;
  • add foods rich in vitamins to your diet. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, vegetable oils, dairy products;
  • rinse the strands with herbal decoctions, acidified water;
  • be less nervous, try to sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • do not go in the sun without a hat;
  • in winter, protect curls from frosty air;
  • do not comb wet curls, do not rub wet strands;
  • while relaxing at sea, be sure to use a balm to weaken the drying effect of sea water;
  • monitor the health of internal organs, quit smoking;
  • choose a balm, shampoo, conditioner for your type of hair;
  • regularly perform aroma combing, make masks for smoothness and shine. Rinse the strands with decoctions of herbs, apply a ready-made or homemade hair balm.

Home treatments for the recovery of hair

Effective and healthy shine mask recipes

Best recipes:

  • with henna. Lightly heat ½ cup of kefir, add half a teaspoon of colorless henna. Mix, apply to the strands, hide the curls under a warming cap. After half an hour, wash off the kefir mixture, rinse with chamomile broth; (Read more about colorless henna; kefir masks are described on the page);
  • vegetable mask. Prepare gruel from fresh beets and carrots, squeeze the juice, pour 2 tbsp. l. nutrient fluid. Add 3 drops of lavender or rosemary ether to the vegetable juice, moisten the strands. Comb gently, warm your head. Wash your curls after a third of an hour; (recipes for nutritional masks to address);
  • oil mask for dry strands. Heat 1 tbsp a little. l. peach, olive or almond oil, add 2 drops of ylang ylang ether. Using a comb, spread the oil to the very ends, put on a homemade insulating cap. Wash your hair after an hour; (Read the article about the use of peach oil);
  • honey mixture for shine and hair growth. Prepare the onion juice, lightly heat the olive oil and honey, take 1 tbsp each. l. these components, add 1 tbsp. l. mild shampoo. Process the roots with the mixture, comb through the strands along the entire length, wrap up the hair. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, rinse, rinse the strands with acidified water; (Recipes for honey masks page);
  • yoghurt mask. Heat slightly 3 tbsp. l. natural product without fillers, add 3 drops of rose ether. Apply a moisturizing compound to the curls and scalp, cover the strands with a plastic bag, wrap your head with a towel. The duration of the yoghurt mask is 20 minutes. (Moisturizing masks are described at).

A few more recipes:

  • with coconut oil. Heat a dessert spoon of a natural product a little, put two tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or yogurt. Treat the hair with a moisturizing mixture, insulate. Wash off the smoothness and shine after 30 minutes; (Read the page about the use of coconut oil);
  • moisturizing mask with aloe juice. Buy an ampoule of vitamins B1 and B2 from the pharmacy. Prepare juice from the pulp of aloe, take 1 tbsp. l., mix with vitamins. Add 3 dessert spoons of hair balm to the active mixture. Spread a homogeneous mass with your fingers on the scalp and curls, comb the hairs down with a thin comb. Wash your hair after 40 minutes; (Read about the use of vitamin B1);
  • coffee mask for dark-haired girls. Prepare strong coffee: a couple of tablespoons of ground beans, a glass of boiling water. Add 1 tsp to the strained drink. hair balm, apply to clean curls, wrap your head in the usual way. Rinse off the coffee mask after half an hour. The strands will be silky, shiny;
  • yolk plus shampoo. Rub the yolk, add a teaspoon of a suitable shampoo, lightly lather the mixture, and lubricate the hair. Massage the scalp, rinse off after 5 minutes;
  • honey and egg mixture. Beat 2 yolks, combine with warmed honey (2 tablespoons), add 3 drops of orange ether. Apply a little mixture to the root zone, lubricate the strands, distribute with your fingers throughout all areas of the hair. Be sure to keep your head warm. Rinse your curls after a third of an hour. (More recipes for egg masks are written at).

Herbal tinctures and rinses

Complement the action of the masks with a simple procedure. Prepare a healing broth or solution, apply to the strands after washing the strands. It is not necessary to wash off the natural composition.

Proven recipes:

  • components: peel from three apples, a liter of water. As it boils, turn off, cool, strain;
  • chop, select two tablespoons, pour a liter of water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, remove from heat, filter;
  • - 2 tbsp. l., boiling water - 500 ml. Pour over the flowers, let it brew. After 30-40 minutes, use strained liquid;
  • hop cones (1 tablespoon) pour 0.5 liters of water, let it boil for 10 minutes. Strain the present broth after 30 minutes, use for rinsing;
  • acidified water for shine: per liter of water - a tablespoon of lemon juice or a teaspoon.

Essential oils and aroma combing

A simple, effective anti-frizz treatment to preserve and restore natural shine. Apply 8-10 drops of ether or a mixture of base and essential oils to a wooden comb, comb through the hair.

If you took the prescribed number of drops, you do not need to wash your hair: the curls will be soft, shiny. Gradually, elasticity will return, the structure of the hairs will be restored.

Each type of hair needs a certain type of esters and base oils:

  • dry strands-, ylang-ylang, chamomile, sage. Base oils - olive, wheat germ;
  • oily curls-, geranium, mint, juniper, bergamot. Base oils -, calendula;
  • normal type of hair- rosemary, lemon, rosewood, ylang-ylang. Base oils - jojoba, almond.

Home lamination

An excellent treatment for perfect smoothness and luxurious shine in curls. To achieve the result, you will need the available components. No chemistry, only natural substances.

The first recipe retains its effect until the first shampooing. Apply an exotic mask with a lamination effect three times a week, and in 15–20 days your hair will be healthier and more pleasant to look at.

The effect of using the second composition is more persistent. Do home lamination no more than 1 time per month. (For more details on hair lamination, see the article).

Recipe number 1. Indian hair mask

Step by step:

  • put the sliced ​​banana into the blender bowl, add 2 dess. l. coconut milk, 2 tbsp. l. fragrant honey;
  • make sure that after beating there are no lumps left: it is very difficult to remove them from the strands;
  • dilute the finished mass with cow's milk to medium density;
  • cover your shoulders with an old towel;
  • lean over a sink or bathtub. Moisten dry, clean curls with a moisturizing mass, massage the skin;
  • create an insulating cap from cellophane and towels;
  • after 35-40 minutes, remove the mass, wash the curls with shampoo, apply conditioner, rinse;
  • dry your hair naturally;
  • the result after the procedure will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe number 2. Lamination with gelatin

How to proceed:

  • put a tablespoon of crystals in a glass container, add 3 tbsp. l. warm water;
  • wait until the mass swells, stir occasionally;
  • at this time, wash the strands with shampoo, dry them so that the curls are slightly damp;
  • check the gelatinous mass. If some crystals remain, heat the mixture in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, cool a little;
  • add a teaspoon of the finished balm or mask, mix;
  • comb wet strands with a fine-toothed comb or a comb, gently apply the gelatin mixture to the very ends;
  • be sure to step back 1 cm from the roots;
  • put on a warming cap, dry your hair slightly with a hair dryer;
  • the duration of lamination at home - 45 minutes;
  • rinse the curls with warm water. The balm in the gelatin mask makes it easy to wash off the laminating mixture;
  • each hair will receive a protective sheath, the strands will become soft and shiny.

Application of balm - rinse

An indispensable tool for luxurious shine and smooth strands. Ready-made and homemade balms quickly put the hair in order, get rid of the "dandelion effect", give a healthy look to the hair. (You can find out the recipes for homemade hair balms on the page).

It is easy to use a useful tool:

  • treat wet curls after shampooing with a nutritious composition;
  • massage the scalp, use your fingers to spread the product along the entire length;
  • if you applied a ready-made balm, rinse the curls after 3-5 minutes;
  • homemade compositions, depending on the problems and type of hair, can be kept for 5-40 minutes.

Now you know how to restore natural shine and perfect smoothness to curls. The time spent on caring for your hair will not be wasted. After two to three weeks of home procedures, the strands will become healthy, soft, and a delicate shine will appear. Be sure to change your diet, adjust your regimen, and take care of your hair. The result will certainly be successful.

A few more tips for shine and smooth hair in the following video:

Every woman has a right to be proud of her sleek and shiny hair. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, because the sun and wind, temperature changes and improper nutrition, as well as impaired blood circulation in the scalp and diseases make the hair brittle and dull. How to make your hair shiny and smooth?

There are several simple secrets, adhering to which, you will not need to solve the problem of giving the curls a healthy look. After all, the most important thing is to prevent the onset of the disease, and not to cure it. Lack of shine and strength in hair is a sign of unhealthy hair that many women ignore. So what should you do?

  • Wash your hair only in warm water, and avoid hot water. This way you will never get healthy hair, but only damage it. The advantage of warm water is that it steams hairs and removes dirt.
  • As for rinsing your hair, you need to do it with cool water - it evens out the steamed curls and gives them shine.
  • Choose your shampoos, conditioners and masks carefully. They need to be washed off very carefully, otherwise a greasy and unhealthy shine will appear, and the condition of the hair will only worsen.
  • Remember to moisturize your hair and apply appropriate masks. The substances in the care products will help restore the structure of the curls.
  • It is better not to comb wet hair. If you are thinking about how to make your hair shiny and smooth, then do not rub it while drying with a towel - the surface of the hair will be damaged and become dull.
  • Do not dry your hair too often with a hairdryer, style it with an iron - it becomes brittle.
  • In frosty and sunny weather, wear hats, otherwise your hair will fade and lose color.

Hair and nutrition

If you think that the condition of the curls does not depend on what you eat, then this is not the case. Eat the right foods to keep your hair shiny. Include protein-rich foods in your daily diet - chicken, fish, beef, cheeses and mushrooms, and dried fruits. For smooth hair, you need food grade gelatin. You will find it in foods that contain vitamin B, such as cereals, vegetables, legumes, and bran.

Should hair be treated?

If you have health problems, then there can be no question of any smooth and shiny hair. In order for the appearance of the hair to become the way you want, you need to carry out general prevention. Drink vitamins and mineral complexes in tablets - their doctors advise those women who are thinking how to make their hair shiny and smooth.

It is better to immediately restore damaged strands, for example, with the help of special medical cosmetics. Substances such as lipids, amino acids or mineral complexes will give your hair shine. Try rinsing them with decoctions of chamomile, rosemary, or thyme.

When the hair is too late to heal, there is only one way out - a haircut with hot scissors. This method "seals" the ends of the hair, and they heal. There is, however, one more way out - the use of oils.

What are the benefits of using hair oil?

First of all, it is the best of all natural remedies that regenerates, moisturizes and tames hair, as well as gives it shine and smoothness. Most often, hair oil is used as a styling agent or for protection after coloring. Different types of oils have different effects on hair, but all on the positive side. Let's see how exactly:

1. Burdock oil. It is not only able to fight hair loss, but also relieves excessive oily scalp. True, it is worth rinsing your hair thoroughly, about three times - burdock oil is very oily. In addition to looking healthy, you will get long and thick curls if you use this oil once a week.

2. Cedar oil. It will help you get healthy hair that is manageable when styled. Use this tool, and your hair will shine delightfully, easy to comb, and your hair structure will be protected and smooth.

3. Ylang-ylang oil. This tool will relieve you of brittle hair, split ends, and also perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the scalp - curls will shine.

4. Lemon oil can cleanse oily hair, eliminate dandruff and brittleness, and also give a lively shine.

5. Lemon balm oil normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, so it should be used not only to tone the hair, but also to make it shine healthy.

Besides oils, there are many other ways to make your hair smooth and give it a healthy shine. Which? Let's consider.

Home hair care: beauty secrets

All of the following methods are aimed at independently maintaining the health of the hair. So how to make your hair shiny and sleek? Experts recommend:

Originality in everything, even in hair care.

Many were helped by such home methods, even if somewhat extravagant. Here is some of them:

How does professional hair cosmetics work?

Until recently, this type of cosmetics was considered the prerogative of beauty salons, since it takes care of the curls in the complex. For this reason, the concentration of nutrients in such masks, shampoos and balms is higher than in conventional ones. Why else is professional hair cosmetics so valuable?

1. Hypoallergenic.

2. Economical to use.

3. Long shelf life.

4. The presence of vitamins, oils and minerals.

Where can I get such cosmetics?

Most often, women purchase professional cosmetics from their master - for the reason that it was created to eliminate hair and scalp problems. Only a professional can tell you what to use for shine and smooth hair. As a rule, such products are quite expensive, so find out from the hairdresser how the product works and order it from the online catalog. Prices there will be slightly lower.

What is the best professional cosmetics to choose?

First, these are the brands that we all know. And secondly, you need to carefully study the instructions and know in what cases to choose this or that remedy. Try several products and choose the one that works best for you.

  • L'Oreal Professionnal. This cosmetics not only strengthens the hair, but also makes it smooth. If you are thinking about how to make your hair smooth and shiny, then stop at ammonia-free dyes, shampoos with argnin, almond oil and collagen.
  • Matrix. This brand will be a real godsend for those women who want to give their hair smoothness and shine, protect it during styling or strengthen thin curls. Try strengthening shampoos, masks, and conditioners for shine.
  • Redken. Products from this brand include masks, conditioners, sprays and shampoos that make hair smooth by working on it from the inside.

Here are just a few ways to give your hair a vibrant shine and regain its natural smoothness. Do not forget that all means and methods can be combined, as well as eat right, and then your curls will look royal.

All women, without exception, want beautiful, healthy and shiny hair. Moreover, this shine must certainly be natural, without the use of styling and styling products. The lack of natural shine may indicate that your head of hair is not all right with health.

Perhaps recently, your curls have been especially badly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment, or you have been following a strict diet.

Constant stress, bad habits and improper care are also some of the most common causes of hair loss and a healthy look. Can this be fixed? How to make your hair shiny and silky?

It is really possible to return the natural shine to the curls, but for this you have to work a little and spend a certain amount of free time. You can achieve incredible results, in the absence of serious health problems, without leaving your home and without spending a certain amount of money on expensive salon procedures.

Nutrition must be correct

If you want your hair to shine, the first thing to do is rethink your diet. It must contain foods rich in natural animal proteins, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats.

These products include:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Pure water and freshly brewed herbal teas;
  • Protein products - meat, cheese, eggs, fatty sea fish;
  • Porridge - oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat;
  • Any greens and mushrooms;
  • Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes, and sprouted wheat.

It is necessary to exclude fast food, alcohol, smoked meats, chips and other "harmfulness" from your diet, minimize coffee consumption, quit smoking.

Proper nutrition is the first and very important step on the path to beautiful, healthy and glowing curls. However, nutrition alone is not enough. What can you do to make your hair shine? It is necessary to provide them with the right care and "support" using the right products.

Proper care is the key to health

Oddly enough, many women know the following rules of care, but for some reason, in most cases, they do not follow them, and at the same time they are sincerely surprised: “ Why doesn't the hair shine ?!».

The basic rules of care include:

  • It is impossible to comb wet hair after washing carelessly or in a hurry, as well as actively rub it with a towel in order to dry it as soon as possible. These manipulations will inevitably lead to damage to their surface. Combing should be started 7-10 minutes after the hair has been washed and slightly squeezed out. It is best to brush them using a special spray that makes this process easier;
  • It is necessary to wear a headdress at any time of the year, because in winter, our curls are exposed to low temperatures and begin to "hurt", in spring they are fluttered by changeable winds, in summer the inexorable sun beats down, making them dry and brittle, and in autumn, high humidity affects their condition;
  • The use of a hair dryer, curling pans and irons should be minimized; you should not expose your curls to high temperatures unnecessarily. It is best if they dry naturally, and you just touch up their appearance with the help of gentle styling with cool air;
  • To care for your hair, use high-quality and proven cosmetics. It is important that the shampoo and conditioner are selected as accurately as possible, in accordance with their type and needs at a given moment in time;
  • Do not use too hot water for washing, and try to keep rinsing cool. This will help the scales close and smooth out and make the hair even shinier.

In addition to thoroughly washing your hair with the right products, you need to "feed" your curls with the help of special masks, both industrial and homemade.

At home, it is quite possible to return shiny hair, you just need to be patient and regularly carry out health-improving procedures.

Home masks

In order for your hair to shine, you will need folk remedies that cope with this task no worse than purchased cosmetics.

To give your hair a mirror-like shine, you can use such familiar and familiar products as kefir, milk whey and yogurt. These products must be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes. After that, the mixture must be washed off with warm water and the usual shampoo that you use. You can add colorless henna to curdled milk, because it strengthens the hair well.

A mask based on raw yolks and cognac is also highly effective, the mixture is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair, lightly rubbed in and wrapped in for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with ordinary water.

An excellent restorative and shine-giving remedy is a mask made from milk, mashed sea buckthorn berries and clay (only 2 tablespoons each). All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair, the mask is washed off with your usual shampoo.

Highly effective is a mask based on coconut oil, which is applied to damaged curls at night.

Rinsers and conditioners

The rinse to add shine can be easily made at home, for this you need to stock up on useful herbs, namely rosemary, nasturtium and calendula. They need to be mixed in equal amounts, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting broth must be cooled, filtered and used for rinsing.

Every girl dreams of smooth shiny hair, which is not surprising - light reflects better from a flat surface, and any, even the simplest hairstyle looks perfect. ELLE has selected 15 smoothing products to help you achieve a salon-like effect at home.

Londa Professional's Sleek Smoother Straightening Treatment mask, based on Radialux Micro-Ions technology, will help restore strength and shine to your hair, as well as smooth unruly curls. Its active ingredients - avocado and wheat germ oil - effectively affect the hair structure, eliminating brittleness and dryness from the inside.

Israeli brand Moroccanoil is known for its oil-based beauty products that moisturize and nourish hair from the inside out. Therefore, it is not surprising that this particular brand has released a whole line of products for smoothing hair (shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave-in lotion) Smooth Collection. Each of them is based on the innovative component AminoRenew, which strengthens the hair and saturates it with amino acids, which in turn give the hair a glossy shine and softness for 72 hours.


Oribe's Creme for style universal styling cream contains extracts of geranium, lavender, chamomile, green tea and vitamin E. Thanks to this mix, hair literally radiates health and looks luxurious.

Wella Professionals Enrich Silk Leave-In Smoothing Cream will help soften coarse, unruly hair. You just need to apply it along the entire length of damp hair and start styling.

Some hair smoothing products also provide thermal protection. One such beauty product is Sebastian Professional's Taming Elixir Smoothing Serum, which contains avocado oil extract. It is it that instantly nourishes the hair, making it manageable and silky.


Already from the name of the cream Satin Polish from SP (System Professional) it becomes obvious that the product contains silk extract, which gives the hair a pearly shine and softness. The fundamental difference between this beauty product and others is that it should be applied to dry hair.

You can find a full range of hair smoothing products from the American brand Paul Mitchell. Their Smoothing range includes a unique moisturizing complex that smoothes the hair surface first during shampooing and then during styling. In addition, all these funds have the ability to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation.


The pleasant spicy-floral scent of Aveda Smooth Infusion Styling Hair Cream is a nice bonus to the main action of this product: straighten and smooth. This beauty product has a long-lasting effect, straightening hair more and more after each new use.

You can also do a salon keratin straightening procedure at home using Marc Anthony's 30 Day No Frizz Smoothing Treatment. The set includes shampoo, special gel and shower cap. As follows from the instructions, you should first wash your hair with shampoo, then apply the gel to the hair dried with a towel, put on a hat and rest in it for 30 minutes. Then, without washing off the composition, proceed with styling. Manufacturers guarantee that, in the case of strict adherence to all instructions, the hair remains smooth for a month.

If you have naturally curly hair, and you dream of straight, the Frizz Ease Modeling Spray from John Frieda with a keratin complex will help to draw out the hated curls. This product promises to keep your hair perfectly smooth until your next shampoo.

Matrix's professional line of styling products for smoothness, Style link, is designed specifically for home use. At the heart of every beauty product is a hybrid molecule that gives hair softness and shine without sticking it together. Dreams Come True!


Aloxxi Styling Cream contains a moisturizing complex that prevents hair from electrifying, preventing frizz, and gives the hair a well-groomed look. In addition, this tool protects the color of dyed hair from washing out, and also neutralizes the harmful effects of UV rays, which is especially important in the hot season.