How to sew gauze diapers. How to sew a reusable diaper for newborns from gauze? Advantages and disadvantages of homemade diapers

Until disposable diapers were invented, there were no other options: in a family where a child was expected, gauze diapers for a newborn were made in advance with their own hands. It was the first baby clothes at the beginning of life.

Now gauze diapers are increasingly giving way to disposable diapers and are considered a legacy of antiquity. But do not immediately discard the option of gauze diapers.

Is it possible to do without gauze diapers?

The first three days after birth, the baby's intestines are freed from meconium (original feces). These days, diapers or gauze diapers get dirty relatively rarely.

But after a week, a newborn's stool can reach 10 times a day.

In the maternity hospital, few people use gauze, self-sewn diapers. They choose diapers or use maternity hospital diapers, which are given out in the right amount. In addition, they do not need to be washed by yourself, which is very convenient.

Weigh all the pros and cons

So what, after all, to prefer for the hygiene of the newborn: gauze diapers or diapers?

Pros of a homemade gauze diaper:

  1. Cost savings: it is realistic to prepare 25 pieces from one package of gauze;
  2. Environmental and natural material, does not irritate baby's skin;
  3. The baby's skin breathes: the gauze product is able to ventilate the air, protecting the mucosa and skin of the newborn from overheating;
  4. The gauze diaper is easily "customized" to a specific baby;
  5. In the presence of a washing machine, there are no problems with washing.

Gauze diaper has disadvantages :

  • it is difficult to fix on the child and slides;
  • wet, it irritates the skin, diaper rash appears (you can read more in the article Diaper rash in a newborn >>>);
  • presence of leaks. When the child has urinated, he has to change clothes, including outer clothing;
  • the child is restless, wakes up wet several times during the night;
  • regular washing, 25 diapers are barely enough for a day;
  • long walks are impossible, babies pee often, you won't get far in a wet diaper. We have to go back to change the baby.

Against this background, the advantages of disposable diapers captivate: the child is constantly dry, sleeps soundly at night; no need to change his clothes and change the bed, wipe the puddles.

Do-it-yourself diaper for a newborn

It is the high cost that prompts many mothers to make a gauze diaper themselves. It's very simple. You will need a rectangular gauze flap.

  1. For a newly born - 60x100;
  2. Infant up to three months. - 80x100;
  3. For babies older than three months, there are three options for making gauze diapers - with different gauze consumption
  • Kerchief;

A 90x180 cut is folded in half horizontally, then diagonally folded in half. The kerchief came out, and its edges can be overcast (manually or on a typewriter). If the product is for single use and will not be washed, this is not necessary.

Let's put the baby on the scarf. We raise the lower end of the scarf between the legs, we wind the side edges behind the back, where the belt is tied up.

  • Rectangle;

Gauze 60x100 is folded four times in length to create a rectangle 20x60. We spread it along the length of the girl under the back, and the boy in front. We skip the second edge between the baby's legs, fix it with a belt or a diaper at the waist.

  • Hungarian diaper.

We take gauze 60x60 or 90x90 by the top and fold it in half, then around the right corner, and fold it in half. A square came out, which we bend diagonally to get a scarf. Then we turn the product over, and fold the free corner of the gauze several times. We put the child on the compacted middle. We pass the lower end between the legs, and overlap the side parts of the product with a belt.

We wrap the child like this:

  1. Lay a warm diaper down, and a thin one on top;
  2. The gauze triangle is spread under the back of the child;
  3. The lower end must be bent towards the navel between the legs of the baby;
  4. We wrap the waist of the newborn with the ends of the diaper;
  5. After that, you need to wrap the baby in diapers (read the article on the topic: Size of diapers for newborns >>>).

Suggested sizes vary, they depend on the physique of the baby. A meter by meter gauze fabric product is suitable for any newborn.

Diapers can be made not only from gauze. Don't hesitate to reach out to your friends and offer them to get rid of old, worn-out bed linen. It is softer - akin to gauze, so it does not scratch the delicate skin of the baby. And it will last for some time. If there are a lot of such reusable diapers, then the soiled ones can be thrown away.

When making a gauze diaper for a newborn, use gauze purchased at a pharmacy. Your mothers and grandmothers will not fail to notice that the quality of gauze was better in the last century. It was denser, well absorbed moisture and breathable, and after many washes retained its shape.

Today, many mothers tend to make underwear for the baby not from gauze, but from old, repeatedly washed sheets.

Caring for the first linen for a newborn

For a baby per day, you will need at least 25 gauze products. While some are in use, others dry after washing. How to wash them? Is it necessary to iron? These questions are of interest, first of all, to mothers giving birth for the first time.

  • From children's urine, rinsing in clean water will suffice;
  • It is better to wash them by hand.
  • After freeing the contaminated gauze diaper from feces and washing it under running water, the diaper is immersed in water at a temperature of 60 degrees with pre-crushed laundry soap, baby or special powder for washing baby clothes;
  • So you need to soak the diaper for a while, then wash it;
  • After that, products for newborns are disinfected by boiling;
  • They are dried and ironed on both sides;
  • If your baby is older, boiling is no longer necessary.

It is undesirable to wash gauze diapers in the machine, as they quickly lose their shape. And you can’t clean the dirt well with your hands. Therefore, my advice: renew the stock of gauze products every 2 months.

What to choose in the hospital?

Previously, in maternity hospitals, only dreamed of the joint stay of mother and child. Children were kept in a common ward, separate from mothers. Before feeding a newborn (like any mother of a newborn, it is probably important for you to learn everything about the correct attachment of the baby to the breast >>>) they unfolded and examined whether it was clean. Wrapped in a sterile thin diaper.

Important! I recommend washing all clothes for newborn babies (except diapers), iron both sides, tie them in a clean diaper, put them in a bag intended for the maternity hospital.

Of course, you are not happy with the fact that you will need to wash, dry and iron gauze diapers daily. I can offer a golden mean: it is better for a baby to wear a diaper at night and during walks. It is advisable to use gauze products at other times. This cost-effective combined approach to newborn care has been adopted by many women today. Perhaps it will be acceptable for you too?

There are many reasons for choosing reusable diapers, each mother has her own. This is the skin of a newborn sensitive to synthetic fabric, and saving money, perhaps, as well as caring for the environment. The market for children's hygiene offers options of different origin and materials, pharmacies sell ready-made liners made of gauze, however, "grandmother's" methods are still popular. Sewing a diaper on your own is easy, and it won't hurt your wallet.

How to sew a homemade diaper for a newborn from gauze, chintz, madapolam or other fabric

There are several types of home hygiene products that differ from each other in the way they are made:

  • triangular diaper with removable or sewn-in insert;
  • a rectangular diaper with a replaceable insert;
  • Hungarian diaper without insert.

Diapers in the form of panties are a special kind of children's toiletry item that resembles disposable hygiene products sold in stores and pharmacies.

Types of home diapers - photo gallery

The triangular diaper is the easiest baby hygiene item to make Sewing skills are required to make a rectangular diaper Velcro panties are similar to disposable diapers sold in stores The Hungarian diaper does not require stitching, but is folded in a special way

What can you make a rag diaper for a baby

Reusable diapers can be made from different materials:

  • gauze;
  • chintz;
  • flannels;
  • Madapolam.

Madapolam is an analogue of gauze, a material made of thin chintz, but much denser and stronger. It is ideal for reusable diapers.

Making different types of reusable diapers

Each type of reusable diapers has its own characteristics in the manufacture.

Homemade fabric diaper-triangle "Kerchief" and its dimensions

To make a triangular diaper, you will need a piece of fabric:

  • 60x120 cm for a newborn;
  • 80x160 cm for a child 1–3 months old;
  • 90x180 cm for a child older than three months.

To sew a toilet item, you need to perform a number of actions.

  1. Fold the piece of fabric in half lengthwise, forming a square. Top left corner to bottom right corner.
  2. Smooth the fabric, bring the corners to each other.
  3. Spread the fabric around the edges with pins so that it does not move out.
  4. Stitch the edges, leaving one gap of 4-5 cm unsewn, turn the product inside out and sew the remaining cut, screwing the fabric inward.
  5. If desired, attach ribbons to the side edges, for the convenience of swaddling.

For newborns, the triangular diaper insert can be omitted, as there is no risk of it slipping or twisting. But for children of mobile age, the gauze pad must be fixed. When changing the toilet item, the soiled liner is removed and a new one is applied.

How to sew a gauze diaper with your own hands - video

Swaddling technique using the "kerchief" method

  1. Place the product with the bottom corner towards you, put the child on the fabric so that the edge is at the level of the ribs.
  2. Attach an insert.
  3. Lay the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy.
  4. Draw the left corner of the triangle over the bottom and bring it behind the back, lay the right overlap on the left side under the diaper and fix it.
  5. Put on sliders or swaddle.

Rectangular diaper diapers for boys and girls

For the manufacture of rectangular diapers with removable liners, a piece of fabric 60x100 centimeters is used from cotton, flannel, chintz diapers or bed linen.

  1. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, then in width - you get a piece in 4 layers 30x50 cm.
  2. Sew along the edges, leaving a gap of 4-5 cm for turning right side out.
  3. Turn out, straighten the seams and corners, stitch the remaining space.
  4. Sew ribbons to the edges of one side of the rectangle.

Step-by-step instructions for making a disposable rectangular diaper - video

Swaddling technique using the "Rectangle" method: instructions and photos

  1. Fold over the edge without ribbons. For a girl - place it on the back, for a boy - on the tummy.
  2. Put a gauze liner, hold the fabric between the legs.
  3. Tie the ribbons and put on the sliders.

How to fold and tie a diaper using the Hungarian method

The Hungarian swaddling method does not include stitching, as the diaper is folded from a square piece of fabric 60, 80 or 90 cm, depending on the age of the child. The instructions below clearly show how to properly fold "origami" from a diaper. As a result of such manipulation, it turns out a finished toilet item already with an insert.

  1. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, then again widthwise. Folds are located on the top and right.
  2. Pull the lower left (single) corner, right and up. One side of the future scarf will turn out.
  3. Turn the diaper over to the other side so that the resulting corner is on the right.
  4. Fold the right side twice, you get a "scarf" with an insert in the middle.

The swaddling method itself is similar to the “kerchief”: after laying the baby on the diaper, lift the liner on the tummy, securing it with the corners of the product.

This method only seems complicated, the video clearly demonstrates it.

How to fold a baby diaper in Hungarian - video

Choosing material and making liners

The liner can be either disposable or reusable - it all depends on the chosen fabric:

  • a disposable liner is sewn from gauze or madapolam, and after a single use it is thrown away;
  • reusable is sewn from old towels, dense microfiber or other fabrics with good absorbency. Initially, a cut of 45x35 cm is taken, which for newborns needs to be folded 4 times in length (it will turn out long and dense), and for older children - 3 times in width (short and dense). The liner is sewn with an overlock or a zigzag seam along the edge so that the fabric does not diverge or stray.

Long inserts for babies to avoid leakage.

Care: wash, change and disinfect

The undeniable advantage of homemade hygiene products is their price, and the disadvantage is frequent washing. And if the diapers themselves are enough 10-15 pieces, then the liners will need much more, because they need to be changed after each urination, and they dry for a long time. If there was no leakage, then it is enough to wash the diapers with your hands or with other children's things in the typewriter. Care for the liners is somewhat stricter:

  • wash them by hand in warm water with baby soap or a special powder;
  • after bowel movements, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and wash the liner, and then soak in hot water;
  • after drying, it is ironed with an iron at maximum temperature.

On average, newborns urinate 16-20 times a day. The skin of the child due to constant contact with feces and regular washing with soap can suffer. In order to avoid diaper dermatitis and diaper rash, it is necessary to use a baby cream or a special diaper cream.

Creating home hygiene products does not require special skills or a lot of time, but more than pays off in the future. The only thing that experienced women recommend is to buy a pack of disposable branded diapers for a good healthy night's sleep and long walks in the fresh air in the cold season. Yes, and going to the doctor in a diaper will be much more comfortable.

All new parents are concerned about the choice of diapers for their baby, because it is so important that he grows up healthy and feels calm and comfortable. Nowadays, there are no problems with the choice of this hygiene product. The shelves of any pharmacy are replete with diapers of various brands, models and sizes. But, despite the wide selection of this product, many mothers in the old fashioned way choose to use gauze diapers for newborns. And this is not surprising, because disposable diapers appeared on our shelves relatively recently, and more than one generation of children has grown up in gauze diapers.

How to make a diaper with your own hands from gauze?

Currently, you can buy a ready-made reusable diaper, but such products are often too thin and not of very high quality. Therefore, the best solution is to make do-it-yourself gauze diapers. Finding this material is not at all difficult, just go to any pharmacy kiosk. Usually gauze is sold in the form of whole pieces of fabric several meters in size. After purchase, gauze should be washed thoroughly, even if it was well packaged.

The most popular ways to roll up diapers are:

How to fold a reusable diaper (video)

How to make a diaper from a diaper?

You can also make a diaper out of a diaper. Indeed, despite the general availability of gauze, some mothers believe that the quality of this material has noticeably deteriorated recently, and earlier it was denser and stronger. That is why, in the manufacture of diapers, ordinary diapers, old sheets, or cuts of any available fabrics are often used.

There is nothing special about their production. The technique for folding diaper diapers is the same as described above, only a soft cloth is used instead of gauze.

But, if you have time and desire, you can make more practical products. Try the option in which a reusable diaper is not just rolled up, but sewn on a sewing machine. In this case, you do not have to fold it again every time. Making such a hygiene product for a baby does not require significant effort, it is enough to have some free time and minimal sewing skills.

So, how to sew diapers for newborns with your own hands?

  1. First, create a pattern for the future product. Take a regular, store-bought diaper and, spreading it out on whatman paper or any other sheet of paper, circle around the contour from each edge, leaving a centimeter allowance. You can also use ready-made patterns. Here are some of them: option 1, option 2, option 3, option 4.
  2. After that, the resulting pattern is transferred to the selected fabric. From the fabric you need to cut 2 identical parts for the outside of the diaper, as well as 2 parts for the inside. All received parts are folded and sewn together.
  3. Now it's time to start making a lining that will absorb moisture. The edges of the fabric chosen for the lining should be thoroughly swept, then folded in half, placed in the center of the diaper and stitched.
  4. Finally, an elastic band is sewn along the bottom edge (along the folds where the baby's legs will be), and Velcro fastener along the top.

Everything, the gauze diaper is ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

How to make a reusable diaper (step by step photos)

How to wash?

It is necessary to change gauze diapers immediately after getting wet so that the delicate skin of the baby does not undergo irritation and diaper rash. Therefore, gauze diapers for newborns should be prepared in advance in sufficient quantities.

After replacement, the used diapers are sent to the laundry. They can be washed either with a washing machine or by hand. To begin with, heavily soiled areas of a homemade diaper should be washed under running water, and then you can briefly soak the product in hot water, adding detergent (baby powder or soap) to it. After soaking, the diaper should be washed by hand or by means of a washing machine. Dried diapers must be further disinfected by ironing with a well-heated iron.

Pros and cons of homemade diapers

The useful properties of homemade diapers for newborns include:

  • economy. The constant purchase of disposable "pampers" significantly depletes the family budget, and gauze diapers, on the contrary, cost almost nothing.
  • Hypoallergenic. Homemade diapers will never cause allergies, because these diapers for newborns are gauze, which means that the baby's skin will only come into contact with natural material that does not contain any synthetic additives.
  • Ability to pass air. Gauze diapers do not block the flow of air, which allows the baby's skin to "breathe".
  • Reusability in use. After washing and drying, such a diaper is ready for use again.

But do not forget about the shortcomings of gauze products. These include:

  • Possibility of leakage. Homemade baby care products can allow moisture to seep through. Therefore, they are problematic to use during long walks or during hours of night sleep.
  • The need to change the product immediately after getting wet. After all, if you do not change such a homemade diaper immediately, diaper rash will appear on the skin of the child.
  • Time costs. Moms do not always have enough time to regularly wash, dry and iron diapers.

Summing up, we note that, despite the wide range of disposable diapers, it will be useful for modern parents to know how to make diapers from gauze or fabric. After all, they can be the best solution in case of allergic reactions in a child or the need to save the family budget. But, of course, when choosing diapers, you should first of all focus on which one is best suited for the baby. After all, the most important thing is the health and comfort of the child!

In the first months after birth, the baby makes an average of about 18 bowel movements per day. Baby's sensitive skin needs special care during this period. Previously, diapers were used for these purposes, which not only warmed the child, but also absorbed excess moisture and baby feces. However, diapers must be constantly changed, washed and ironed, which takes a lot of time and effort. The advent of reusable diapers has greatly facilitated newborn care, but their cost leads to high costs that not all parents can afford.

Homemade diapers will help solve the problem of maintaining the family budget at the birth of a child. One of the most suitable materials for their manufacture is gauze.

Types of homemade diapers

There are two general types of diapers available for DIY:

Special requirements are imposed on the characteristics of the material of home-made products designed to maintain hygiene and maintain the health of the child's skin:

  • the absence of components that can cause and;
  • the fabric should be strong, but soft enough not to rub the delicate skin of the baby;
  • the material of the diaper should absorb moisture well, promote its removal and evaporation;
  • The breathability of the material should allow the skin of the child to breathe.

Gauze diapers fully meet these requirements and have a number of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of gauze diapers

Gauze is a very cheap and affordable material.

In favor of choosing gauze as a material for homemade diapers, we can name its following advantages:

  1. Profitability. One standard pack of gauze is enough for 20 homemade diapers.
  2. Environmental safety, the absence of harmful substances and allergens in its composition.
  3. Ease of fabric processing, allowing you to create diapers of the desired shape and size
  4. The softness of the fabric.
  5. Breathable to help ventilate the skin and prevent diaper rash.
  6. All feces are quickly absorbed into the tissue, keeping the baby's body clean.
  7. Gauze diapers, unlike standard diapers, are not addictive and allow you to quickly accustom the child to the potty.

The advantages of gauze baby diapers are obvious, but it is necessary to remember their disadvantages:

  • due to the frequent bowel movements of the child in the first months after birth, disposable gauze diapers must be constantly changed;
  • untimely change of a wet gauze diaper leads to various rashes and;
  • a reusable gauze diaper is not enough for a short time, while walking with a child or, for example, going to the pediatrician, you should stock up on spare products.

If you need to leave with a baby, you can use standard reusable diapers. It will cost much less than the constant use of such products.

Form options for disposable gauze diapers

Gauze blanks for the manufacture of disposable baby diapers do not require special processing. It is enough just to cut pieces of clean fabric of the required size and overcast their edges. Then you should properly fold and wrap the gauze on the child's body so that it does not stray or twist for a long time.

You can fold a gauze diaper in one of three traditional ways:

It should be remembered that a homemade diaper should be comfortable for the baby, do not rub his skin and do not squeeze the body too much. First you need to practice folding gauze fabric into a diaper and choose the most convenient way for yourself.

Sewing reusable gauze diapers

To create reusable gauze diapers, special patterns will be required, since such products provide for the presence of additional elements - a pocket and an insert.

The pocket must be made of waterproof material. To do this, you can use oilcloth or waterproof fabric. Liners, on the contrary, should absorb liquids well. For this purpose, you can use fleece, bamboo or gauze fabric. So that the material does not subsequently disperse due to exposure to moisture, it must be folded in several layers and stitched along the edges. In this case, you should constantly check and periodically change wet liners. On average, about 12 such sets may be needed per day. You can reduce their number with a piece of terry towel sewn inside the gauze liner.

To create patterns, thick paper or fabric is used, the blanks must match the size of the baby. The inserts can be sewn on or fastened using the installed buttons. The diaper will hold tighter on the baby if you sew buttons or Velcro on the sides of the product for fastening.

Caring for homemade gauze diapers

Caring for gauze diapers is extremely simple.

In order for homemade gauze diapers to last longer and at the same time not harm the health of the child, the following rules for caring for products should be followed:

  1. A set of disposable diapers and reusable diaper inserts must be updated periodically. It is advisable to completely change them for new products every 2 months.
  2. Wash gauze diapers only by hand, using detergents intended for children's clothes. Preliminary boiling of gauze, appropriate powders, gels, baby and laundry soaps can be used.
  3. The field of washing and drying products must be ironed, which will not only soften the fabric, but also its additional disinfection.
  4. When using homemade gauze diapers, various powders and creams can be used to prevent irritation and allergies.

Gauze diapers should be changed in a timely manner and the baby's skin should be carefully examined. If you find any rashes and repetitions of such a reaction, you should abandon the selected diaper material. It is necessary to change it to a new product or choose another option for hygienic protection.

The first months of life, the child makes about 18 bowel movements per day. Baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, it is important to keep it clean at all times.

For these purposes apply. They absorb excess moisture and feces. But store products are disposable, but are expensive. This results in high costs.

Homemade diapers will help save money. They are easy to make from improvised materials. It is useful for parents to know how to make a diaper out of or gauze.

Homemade diapers for newborns have their pros and cons. Parents need to know about all the pros and cons of such products. This will help you decide whether to use homemade diapers or buy factory-made diapers.

Benefits of using natural baby diapers:

  • environmental friendliness. Gauze and diaper do not contain toxic elements, allergens. Therefore, they are safer to use than store-bought options;
  • economy. About 20 diapers can be made from one package of gauze;
  • possibility of reuse. Homemade gauze diapers or diapers are easy to wash and iron. Therefore, they are allowed to be used repeatedly;
  • the ability to create a diaper of the required size and shape;
  • softness of the fabric. Gauze is pleasant for the child's body;
  • breathability. Gauze provides airing of the skin. This prevents the occurrence of and . Such problems often occur in children for whom parents buy factory-made diapers;
  • are not addictive, unlike regular diapers.

Disadvantages of using homemade diapers for newborns:

  • the need for frequent changes. The absorbency of natural diapers is lower than store-bought ones. In the first months, the baby is emptied often, so diapers have to be changed constantly. It is better not to use such products when going for a walk or visiting a pediatrician;
  • untimely diaper change can provoke skin irritation, the appearance of a rash;
  • homemade diapers have to be washed and ironed constantly.

Both natural and store-bought diapers have their pros and cons. Some mothers use both types of diapers for their babies.

Parents who make gauze diapers for a child will not have problems with that. Since such products cause discomfort in the child after natural physiological processes.

Step by step instructions on how to do it yourself

There are also reusable diapers. The first are a triangular or square piece of gauze, which is wrapped between the child's legs. They have to be changed after every emptying.

Reusable diapers are made from a denser fabric. For example, from chintz, flannel. Textiles are folded in two layers. Gauze diapers are put inside the panties. Such products can be changed a couple of times a day.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a diaper from a diaper in the form of a triangle with your own hands:

  • take the fabric and cut out of it a rectangle of such a size that corresponds to the age of the child.
    For babies: for the first month of life, a cut of 60x120 cm is suitable, for three-month-olds - 80x160 cm, for older ones - 90x180 cm;
  • fold the material in half so that you get a square;
  • connect the upper left corner of the fabric with the lower right.
  • smooth the diaper and fix its edges with pins.
  • stitch the edges, leaving a 5 cm long segment unsewn;
  • unscrew the product;
  • sew the remaining segment with a hidden seam;
  • sew ribbons on the sides.

The triangular diaper insert for newborns can be omitted. As practice shows, it slips, twists and begins to interfere with the baby. By three months, the child becomes more active. Therefore, for such babies, it is recommended to insert a gauze pad into a natural diaper and change it as it gets dirty.

How to fold from gauze?

The diaper can be made independently from the usual gauze cut. This does not require sewing skills. In order for the pelvis and hips to form correctly, pediatricians recommend fixing the baby’s legs in the “frog” position for the first two weeks of life.

How to fold a gauze diaper

To do this, it is important for parents to be able to properly fold and put on a diaper. There are several techniques. It is recommended to practice first on a baby doll. It is important that the gauze diaper does not cause inconvenience to the baby: it does not squeeze the body and does not rub the skin.

This diaper is easy to make. It is necessary to cut off part of the gauze and fold the material in several layers. It is advisable to overcast the edges of the fabric with a zigzag. Next, you can start folding the diaper.

Traditional ways to fold a diaper:

  • scarf. You will need a piece of gauze measuring 180x90 cm. The material is folded in half, then diagonally. It turns out a triangle shape. The baby is placed in the center of such a scarf. The lower corner is led between the legs to the stomach. The other two edges cover the child on the sides. All corners are tied together. To secure, you can use a belt or braid made of natural material;
  • rectangle. You will need a piece of gauze measuring 100x60 cm. The fabric must be folded several times along. One of the narrow edges needs to be tucked. The baby is placed on gauze so that the compacted end is under the back (for girls) or in front (for boys). The lower edge is wrapped between the legs on the stomach (back). Fix the diaper with a belt and pants;
  • Hungarian version. You will need a gauze cut 50x100 cm. The material is folded in half. Flip to the other side (seam side down). Fold in half again. The top corner is bent. The fabric is turned down. The free edge is wrapped several times. The baby is placed on the resulting seal. The lower end is stretched between the legs. The sides are folded over. The diaper is tied with a belt.

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Thus, homemade diapers have a lot of advantages. They are easy to make. You can create a diaper from gauze or a diaper. It is important to know and master different diaper folding techniques for effective operation.