How to care for a cat's fur? Fluffy, wavy and curly: the right care for dry hair

A fluffy cat will become a real decoration of the house only if its fur is properly looked after. So that the care process does not turn into torture for both the cat and its owner, you must follow simple rules and know about the specifics of caring for long-haired cats. In this article you will find useful information about proper feeding and caring for long-haired cats.

When starting a long-haired cat, not many owners think that these cats require special care. If such a cat is not provided with proper care, it can turn from a fluffy beauty into an animal of a rather unsightly look, with matted hair and mats. In order for your pet to delight the eye with a thick and shiny coat and be generally satisfied with life, you must follow a few simple rules of care.

How to care for your cat's fur

A cat's coat is a visual indicator of her health. But, even if the cat is healthy, without regular brushing, it can have problems with the coat - tangles give the cat a lot of anxiety and prevent her from enjoying life. Regular brushing can help prevent tangles. It is necessary to accustom animals to combing from childhood. If you are looking for a pet, get a good quality fine-toothed comb and a comb to get rid of tangles. To teach an adult cat to comb, you need to turn this not always pleasant process into a game of communication with a pet - alternate combing with stroking and reward your pets with a treat for patience.

Unfortunately, sometimes tangles appear even with regular brushing. To remove tangles, you need to unravel the matted hair with a comb or hands and very carefully cut off the resulting tangles, placing the comb between the scissors and the animal's skin to avoid possible skin injuries. If you cannot remove the mats on your own, then it is best to contact a groomer or veterinarian.

How to feed long-haired cats

To maintain the beauty and health of the coat, long-haired cats require special nutrition, taking into account their characteristics. The new Perfect Fit ™ Hair & Beauty food, specially designed for long-haired cats, meets all the needs of these special cats: it improves the coat, reduces the risk of hairball formation in the digestive tract, and maintains a healthy coat and skin. The composition of the new feed includes cereals and vegetables; also contains:

Fiber, which ensures the elimination of hairballs from the digestive tract of the animal

Biotin, Zinc and Omega Acids for Long Hair and Long Hair

Vitamins A, E and Taurine to Help Provide Excellent Vision

Vitamins E and C specifically to strengthen the immune system

Proper feeding and regular grooming will help your cat look great, healthy and cheerful. You can find out more about long-haired cats and take part in a cat beauty contest at

In this article I will tell you how to properly care for pussies, that is: care, nutrition, health.

To begin with, if we want to have a pet, we must understand that we are taking responsibility for its life.

First of all, after the purchase, he must be taken to the veterinary clinic to make sure that he is completely healthy. Having brought it home, you need to buy it with dusty soap, after two days treat it with a flea and tick repellent, and after a week put on a collar, they are for kittens and adult cats. It is also necessary to give a pill for worms and repeat after ten days.

If your cat lives in a house, he needs to put a special toilet with sand, you can buy a special antibacterial filler in the store. Change the sand every day, otherwise it turns into granules. You can toilet train the cat in the following way: put the cat in the toilet itself and poke the sand with its front paws so that he understands why he needs it.

As for food, the bowls should not be very deep and there should be water nearby. It is better to put the dishes on the bare floor, because during lunch they often pull out pieces of food from the dishes, and we need something convenient to immediately remove after it. By the way, different cats have different feeding characteristics, you can find them out when buying, from the seller.

Everyone who has fluffy cats at home has faced the problem of wool cleaning. First, you need to purchase a comb to comb out the wool. If, nevertheless, the problem remains and there is still a lot of wool, I advise you to purchase a special attachment for the vacuum cleaner, it is very convenient, I use it myself.

Our pets also love to sharpen their claws on furniture. In order to avoid this, you can purchase a special device for sharpening claws, which are sold in pet stores. If he still does not sharpen them, the claws may bend, because of this he will not be able to walk. Whatever this is, there are special side cutters, and if you do not know how to use them, it is better to contact.

And also do not forget that cats need to regularly walk in the fresh air. To do this, you can purchase a special portable container, which will later come in handy for transporting your pet. You can also buy a special leash or take it out for a walk, just by hand, no special trick is required here.

And it is also worth remembering that our furry friends love to play, they require a lot of attention, care and affection.

Finally, I want to wish you to easily fulfill all duties and enjoy it!

Today we will talk about the reason and rules for caring for fluffy hair. The owners should not complain about the fate of their owners, but they cannot be left unattended either. More thorough grooming and regular (at least four times a year) visits to a stylist who is familiar with fluffy hair problems are the secret to the health and beauty of your hair.

Hair becomes fluffy due to the special porous structure of the hair follicle shaft. This structure is influenced by genetics, as well as improper hair care.

The main task is to smooth out irregularities in the hair and eliminate porosity by filling with special agents that make them soft, smooth and shiny.

Choose special products containing hyaluronic acid, which is a magnet for liquids, which means that the hair is filled with moisture when applied. Hyaluronic acid nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, strengthens the hair structure, prevents dryness and breakage.

Hair porosity can also cause frequent coloration. In this case, choose a shampoo that, according to the manufacturer's request, does not dry the hair, gently cleanses it from dirt, gives it density, smoothness and shine. The composition of the funds should not contain sulfates, formaldehyde, formalin, parabens, petrochemical products, etc. We love CocoChoco's shampoo, conditioner and Boost-Up mask.

Do not rub your hair while washing. From this they will push even more. Better to massage them gently with your fingertips. You need to lather the shampoo in your hands, not on your head.

Do not wash your hair with hot water, which dries out the scalp and hair, making it even frizzier. When washing, use warm water and rinse with cool water.

Avoid a terrycloth towel and opt for a microfiber towel that can easily absorb excess moisture without damaging or drying your hair.

Even the best shampoo will not provide complete care. Do not forget to apply conditioner to your hair, make masks, saturate them with serums and oils. High-quality oil does not leave marks on the paper if you touch it with your fingers, between which a few drops were previously rubbed. This oil will not weigh down your hair and grease it.

Protect hair from high temperatures. Dry them with a hair dryer in a semi-moist state from a distance of at least 20 centimeters, setting the temperatures to medium. And it is best to dry the strands using the "cold air" function.

If your hair needs styling, then blow dry from top to bottom. This will smooth out the flakes of your hair.

Do not use hair products that contain alcohol. Check carefully the composition of hair sprays and sprays.

Choose the right combs. For fluffy hair, forget about metal and plastic combs. Buy a quality wood comb and a good silicone brush.

Find a good haircutter who knows how to handle fluffy hair and has a haircut that is tailored to your hair structure.

We hope you find our fluffy hair care tips helpful. Take the time to choose the right products or seek advice from your stylist. Let your hair radiate beauty and health, and the reflection in the mirror only pleases. Good luck!

Hair can frizzy for a variety of reasons. It happens that the matter is in the lack of moisture or vitamins, but most often this is due to their natural type. As a rule, such hair is also a little curly. This is due to the fact that the structure of the hair along the entire length is somewhat different. In some places the hair is drier, it is there that it will curl, in such places bends and twists occur.

Choose a complex of hair care products, it is best if they all belong to the same line. Choose one that has special markings: for unruly, curly or curly hair.

This complex should include:

  • shampoo
  • balm for washing
  • conditioner for dry hair
  • hair masks

Beautiful wavy hair can be a source of pride if you choose the right care products.

Coarse hair: tips

  • More details

If everything is simple regarding the use of shampoo, then the rest of the means need explanations. Always wash your hair with a balm. It will contribute to the fact that the hair scales will adhere more tightly to each other, this will remove excessive fluffiness.

Apply hair masks once or twice a week. It is desirable that they contain chamomile, burdock oil, oil solutions of vitamins A, E, B. This will nourish the hair with vitamins and make it smooth and shiny.

Dry conditioner can help tame hair that is too thick and leave it feeling soft when you style it.

How to style fluffy hair

If you still need to dry your hair, then before that, a protective agent is applied to them. Dry hair, keeping the hair dryer at a distance of about 30 cm from the head, with not very hot air.

The complexity of styling depends on how thick and unruly hair you have, how long it is. Short to medium length hair is much easier to style. It is advisable to prefer hairstyles that practically do not require styling.

With the right haircut, you will always look great, especially if your hair is a little curly.

Well-groomed fluffy hair can be styled just like normal hair. The most important thing is not to forget about the special care and styling products designed specifically for this type of hair.