How to have sex for the first time? Tips, rules and recommendations. First and only

Flight is the fastest, and often the only way to get to a distant, but necessary point on the map. Of course, there are people who have flown tens of thousands of kilometers and know airports like the back of their hand. But what if this is your first flight, and you have a very vague idea of ​​what should happen between buying a ticket and taking the plane off the ground?

We have prepared detailed instructions for using airports for you.

1. Tickets

Every trip starts with a ticket. A ticket can be bought on the airline's website, or on special sites that allow you to choose from several carriers at once. If you buy a tour, then the agency will most likely take care of the ticket. In any case, the ticket will be electronic, which means that information about your trip is stored in the electronic database of the airline.

Before boarding the aircraft, you will be asked once again to present your boarding pass and passport. They will leave you a boarding pass stub, it also indicates the row and seat that you have to take on the plane.

Depending on the airport, passengers are taken to the plane by bus, or the plane can drive up to the building, and then boarding is carried out through a telescopic ladder (sleeve).

Both airlines and airports try to make your flight as convenient as possible. All airports have a signage and navigation system, and every employee will be happy to help any passenger with any question.

Pleasant flight.

The first sexual intercourse is remembered for a lifetime by both men and women. A lot of thick books have been written about how to prepare for the first sex, how to behave and what to do, which not everyone has the desire and opportunity to read. But in order to have exactly pleasant memories of the first intimacy, you need to try. Therefore, we decided to help you, and in our article we will briefly tell you what to do for the first time.

Losing your virginity is an important decision that should not be rushed, you need to weigh everything and think it over. In addition to physical readiness, you must be mentally prepared, have no doubts and be sure that at this very moment you want to surrender, say goodbye to the hymen and childhood. If you have already decided everything, then start preparing for this day so that nothing can spoil the impression of the first intimacy and in the process know what to do. To begin with, discuss with your young man in what environment you would like to do this, so that both of you are comfortable. Next, take care of contraception, which plays an important role, because you don’t need an unwanted pregnancy, you just decided to give yourself to each other and enjoy the moment. You should take care of your health and go to the gynecologist to make sure that you have no pathologies, problems and contraindications. If everything is in order, that's great. Many at the first time are very afraid of pain, you should not do this and wind yourself up that this is a hell of a feeling. In fact, if you are really ready to lose your virginity and trust your sexual partner, then everything will go smoothly. The main thing is that your young man should be gentle, caring and affectionate with you so that he can relax you. There should not be any sudden, quick movements in the process, the partner should take into account your wishes, so feel free to talk about everything that you like and dislike, what is pleasant and what is not very. The main thing is that the partner listens, because it is in your interests to have fun and keep this pleasant moment in your memory. Choose a comfortable position, relax and trust your partner completely. (it is better, of course, if this sexual intercourse is not the first for him, and he knows what to do). A rupture of the hymen does not have to happen immediately, for many it only happens after a few times. There is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is not to be afraid - because from the fact that you are nervous and worried, the muscles contract and do not allow the penis to penetrate you, and this causes pain. But if you feel comfortable emotionally and calmly mentally, then everything will pass quickly, painlessly and wonderfully. In some women, when the hymen deflorates, a little blood appears, and in some, only a few days after the first sexual intercourse. Be prepared for this and better put a towel under your ass in advance and carry daily pads with you.

Remember that the first night should be magical and memorable, so approach the preparation responsibly and carefully.

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning because you can't raise your own body to an upright position? Lifting your cup of coffee in the morning caused you a sprain? After going to the store, do you have to rest for a few days? Maybe it's time to head to the gym. But what if you are going there for the first time? How not to disgrace yourself in front of the harsh jocks, who have iron not only in their hands, but also in their blood? How to behave in the gym?

Forget slippers

Seriously, forget it. Are you not at home. Not only does a person in flip flops or house slippers look extremely unsportsmanlike and similar to a sauna fanatic, but it is also extremely unsafe. It’s easy to stumble in such shoes, after which you can fall on the nearest simulator or pitching, who will not like it very much. It will be worse if you injure yourself during exercise.

For training, light sneakers or sneakers with good grip are well suited. It is also desirable to hide the laces somehow, so as not to inadvertently step on them.

Warm up in the gym

Forget about useless bravado. There is nothing honorable in the fact that at the entrance to the gym immediately rush to the iron and simulators. Take proper time to warm up. Do not take on the maximum weight to show others your coolness. This will only result in all sorts of injuries and sprains. After this, you run the risk of becoming disillusioned with sports and returning to incubate your tummy in your home chair.

Don't give up base

Any beginner who comes to the gym immediately wants to jump on the simulator, thinking that a smart machine will do everything for him. In fact, wise bodybuilders devote more time to basic exercises with dumbbells and a barbell. The deadlift, the weighted squat, the bench press, all of these will put you closer to the gym regulars who can help with the right advice without having to involve a trainer.

Don't confuse trainers

Usually in the gym there are a wide variety of simulators, but some of them are used exclusively by girls. For example, exercises to reduce the hips are only suitable for the female sex to drive fat from the buttocks and the surrounding area. Sometimes hardened professionals use these simulators to catch up with the figure before the competition. In normal situations, men do not use them, and they look extremely comical on them.

Don't copy jocks in everything

Many beefy iron fans like to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with the GASP and Animal logos. This is a kind of characteristic accessory for bodybuilders, like a leather jacket for bikers. If you are a beginner and put on a similar T-shirt, you will look extremely awkward in the eyes of the regulars of the hall. If you don't have a muscular body, don't even try.

Don't make it up

The worst thing you can do to a newcomer to the gym is to start inventing your own exercises that you think are the most effective. Do not twitch with dumbbells and do not try to use all muscle groups at once, otherwise you risk being on YouTube with a light feed from rocking chair regulars.

Clean up after yourself

No, you don't need to sweep the floor. But if you started the exercise on the bar, hung the required number of pancakes on it, and after that just left the bar on the rack and left, this can cause disapproving glances and exclamations from the rest of the visitors to the hall. Always disassemble the barbell, this is considered a good practice.

Don't cross the bar

It is strictly forbidden to sit on the bar, kick it or step over it. This was done not only because of safety precautions, but also because of a popular sign. Athletes are extremely negative about those who do not respect the barbell. There is a belief that the barbell can take revenge for such a careless attitude. Especially if you crossed not your own, but someone else's projectile. Previously, they could even give a cuff for this. And a slap on the back of the head with a stern hand of a pumped-up kid can spoil the impressions of going to the gym.

Feel free to ask

In the hall, everyone is equal, here no one will laugh at you and mock you. If you came to the gym, then you took the first step towards correcting the current situation, and athletes respect such people. There is always a trainer in the gym who will give some advice on exercises. If you don’t know how to approach a particular projectile, it’s better to ask so that awkward situations do not arise later.

Don't Forget Your Legs

To date, this is one of the most caricatured situations in which a novice athlete can put himself. Never forget about leg training, otherwise you risk becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of not only other visitors to the gym, but also ordinary people. A man with pumped arms and thin legs looks extremely disproportionate and comical.

Every child has to face a new period of his public and social life - the first trip to school, and this will help online stationery store. For children, this event is usually exciting, and the child may be frightened and tell his parents that he is afraid. In such cases, there is no need to worry and panic, because the child can be helped to overcome the excitement associated with innovation, an interesting and exciting event in life.

Supplies.Beautiful stationery influences the child's motivation to learn. It is better to choose them with the baby, then the likelihood that the child's fear will decrease increases. Thus, goods for school perfectly motivate the child and help to cope with excitement and fear.

It is important to remember that when performing an act or action for the first time, the support of those whom he trusts is important. Parents can cheer up the baby, help make the first trip to school solemn and memorable. Flowers, beautiful clothes and stationery, as well as words of support - all this will help the child be less afraid of the first trip to school.

Reasons why children are afraid to go to first grade

1. First time.

It is especially scary to go to the first grade for children who for some reason missed kindergarten and did not go to the zero grade. It is difficult for such kids to imagine what awaits them if they are in a team, among a huge number of strangers.

2. Uncommunicative children.

A child who spent most of his time playing "by himself" may be afraid of the upcoming communication, crowds of people. Some children are not very sociable, and may be intimidated by the children, parents and teachers, of which there are so many in the school.

Of course, children who have not yet experienced development in society do not know what awaits them until their parents tell them about it. Most often, these kids learn about events from cartoons or books, and they cause them excitement. It is important to remember that the development of the child occurs through the team, because this is one of the most important components of education and the successful process of personal development.

3. Uncertainty in their abilities.

Children can be very excited because they do not know what awaits them in a new team. Those kids who attended kindergarten say goodbye to friends they are used to. Well, if at least some children from the child's group enter the same class, then the child will not feel lonely. He will have someone to communicate with at first, and then he will be able to find friends and not feel insecure.

How to help your child stop being afraid of going to school

Conversation. A child at the age of 6-7 years (the age when children usually go to first grade) already perfectly understands what adults want to convey to them. They listen to the opinion of people who are dear and important to them, for example, their parents. Parents should talk to the child, set him up in a positive way,

Elder brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters who are already in or out of school can explain to their children that there is nothing wrong with school and that it is important to study well and combine learning with fun and friendship. Also, adults can tell funny and funny situations that happened to them at school, remember friends from school, with whom they may still keep in touch.
Thank you for the information provided

Relations with a new admirer have already reached their climax, and now comes the first night that you are waiting for and looking forward to. The most rosy pictures are always drawn in the imagination, but the reality can be disappointing. The first sex with a new partner often turns out to be unsuccessful, which can adversely affect the development of relationships or even slow them down. Should we jump to conclusions? The author of the site, a psychologist-consultant of the St. Petersburg "Sundeev Center" Rodion Chepalov and a practicing psychologist, consultant for personal and professional development Ekaterina Zalota understand the problem.

The problems of the first night are different - everything goes either too quickly, or somehow indistinctly, sometimes rudely, and sometimes you just feel disappointed. In sex, anyone can be who they are, and it is not surprising that at the first time we may not be ready for new experiences.

Reasons for failure

Statistics show that every second couple fails to have sex for the first time. In sex with a new partner, we show our old habits, and sometimes they do not serve us in the best way. In addition, for the first time, both partners are under the influence of a passionate desire, which can both “liberate” too much, and, conversely, pinch and prevent their desires from manifesting. There is also such a feature: partners want to show themselves to each other in the most favorable light with all their might, to please at any cost, and they are very “overstrained”. This interferes with the natural process.

Sometimes partners (and especially women) are very disturbed by comparisons with "former". These sentimental journeys into the past are not the best fuel for a new relationship, but it is hardly possible to completely abstract from this.

In why sex does not work out, physiological reasons are no less important. If a man has not had sexual contact for a long time, ejaculation can happen much earlier than orgasm, not to mention the fact that you may simply not have time to get involved in the process properly. The degree of tension is great, and this is normal for the situation. This can please a woman in its own way, because if he waited so long, it means that he is faithful and really wants her very much.

Spontaneity does not always have a good effect on sex. It is quite possible that one of the partners was simply not mentally prepared for sex, but succumbed to this very spontaneity. Often the causes of failure are fears, for example, before pregnancy. Even if the issues of protection were discussed in advance, with a new partner you still cannot be sure that you will be taken care of.

“The reasons for an unsuccessful first sex may be tactlessness, inattention to feelings - one’s own and a partner’s, emotional immaturity, excessive haste,- says Rodion Chepalov. - People with repressed sexuality do not know how to negotiate, do not feel a partner, cannot ask for help, take care of themselves and their partner, and give pleasure. Also, one of the reasons may be an unfinished story in the past or feelings for a former partner. Some generally enter into new sexual relationships not out of love, but "to forget the old." All this does not contribute to harmony in bed. Hurry and the formal-physiological approach are bad.

The reasons for unsuccessful sex can also be purely external circumstances, for example, unsuccessful conditions. In order for everything to work out for the first time and at the highest level, you still need to be fully relaxed.

"Everything affects equally, - says Rodion Chepalov. - Unfortunate conditions create tension in terms of being caught off guard, alcohol intoxication is disorienting, fears (“what do I look like”) are pinching.”

Preventive measures

Is it possible to insure as much as possible from an unsuccessful first time? First, you can talk about your expectations and try to clarify your partner's wishes. Secondly, listen to your intuition, and not think about the “technicality” of the process, do less “thinking” and analyzing why you can’t have sex the way you want. Finally, try with all your might to distract yourself from all sorts of memories and comparisons - there is no place for a third person in bed.

Do not expect "everything at once" and try to try everything. Not everyone is ready for sex experiments.

“Emotional maturity, psychological readiness for complex actions, the ability to behave, the ability to take responsibility, offer help, the desire to please a partner, will help in this process,- says Rodion Chepalov. - In second place is sexual culture: knowledge of how the body works, what difficulties may arise and how to overcome them. It is also important to completely end previous relationships so that they do not dominate new ones and do not spoil your sex life with unpleasant memories.

Is it worth the rush?

Probably not. A rush of passion is a well-known thing, but there is plenty of evidence that women are more likely to regret, for example, sex on a first date. It is better when partners know each other better.

“I would suggest doing this not “by calculation” (“struck”), but “out of love”,- says Rodion Chepalov. - The motivation may be: “I love this person, so I want to be with him right now in a special relationship, I want to be happy with him and make him (her) happy.” It seems to me that the emotional fullness of the relationship is most important. But also we must not forget about pregnancy planning, prevention, hygiene issues on critical days - this can and should stop any sex, even if there is love.

Reactions and aftermath

Someone is able to step over a bad experience and turn a blind eye to it, but for someone it becomes a source of deep feelings.

“After unsuccessful sex, frustration, disappointment, a feeling of hopelessness, uselessness and inferiority often come,- says Rodion Chepalov. - It is especially unpleasant when non-constructive comparisons come into your head. There can be both apathy and indifference, and, conversely, claims or tears. Depressive states roll in: “if this didn’t work out, it means they don’t like me”, “I’m bad”, but at the same time, if there is an emotional involvement that is not limited to attraction, you can pay attention to other things - treat with understanding, help. Then failure will not be so experienced and everything can be corrected.

How to fix mistakes

Take into account the fact that when meeting with a new partner, a woman experiences an orgasm, on average, only ten times. It takes time to get used to each other, and if sex does not work out the first time, this does not mean that there will be problems in the future.

If the first night was unsuccessful, you should not act next time on the principle of sharp contrast and under the slogan "everything needs to be changed urgently." It's better to do it gradually.

A sense of humor is everything! Any failure can be turned into a cute joke.

“Immediately after an unsuccessful event, it is worth treating the situation with understanding, perhaps talking with a partner (but later and if you think it is appropriate), asking to correct behavior, develop tactics for further actions, ask for help,”- says Rodion Chepalov.

If this is a casual connection, you can try to reduce the level of significance of what happened: “think about it ...”, “it's okay ...”, “this is not the worst thing that can happen.” It is important that you do not transfer dramatic experience from one story to another and do not drag the tail of experiences with you.

If you intend to continue the relationship, criticism and claims can escalate the situation and leave an unpleasant aftertaste. It is also hardly worth focusing on failure. It is better to review the romantic tape and repeat everything with a different mood.

The "unsuccessful" first time is an estimate. So, there was some idea of ​​​​how it should be, and in relations with another person this is obviously a failure, not the first time, but the second, - Ekaterina Zalota sums up. - Whether to give it a chance depends on what meaning you put into it. Is it again an expectation of what will be according to your ideal idea, or are you ready to see in the so-called failure a chance to look deeper and wider at your relationship? It is important to think about what ideal you are looking for compliance with, what is closeness for each of you, whether your ideas about it coincide. And at the same time, look at whether you can convey your desires, your ideas to another person.