What shades of lipstick are suitable for light brown. Choosing a lipstick color for dark and fair skin

Over time, fashion changes not only for clothing items, but also for makeup. Changes in trends are especially noticeable in the tone of the lipstick. Look at the photo of your mom's youth - only bright, mostly red shades. Saturation was all the rage just a couple of years ago. But now more and more models appear on the covers of gloss, who have lipstick of a nude shade - the color of the lips. And like any other, you also need to choose the right one.

Nude lip makeup - natural in brief

From English, the word "nude" is translated as "naked", "bodily". For a make-up artist, it means cosmetic products, the color of which is as close to natural as possible. They are usually non-distinctive, light, delicate.

If you choose and apply them correctly, you can very successfully mask all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages. The advantage of a natural make-up is that you can have the most effective look, while using a minimum of cosmetics.

The main thing in natural makeup is nude lipstick. In common people it is called "beige" because of its natural color.

Girls fell in love with such funds for the fact that they fit well on the lips, increase their volume and allow them not to look vulgar at work.

In addition, light colors visually create the effect of tanned skin, while rich colors make it very pale.

Young ladies who do makeup every day, and not from time to time, know that it is much easier to make a mistake with nude shades than with bright ones.

The main rule for choosing such products is that lipstick should be one tone darker or lighter than the complexion.

This trick will highlight the lips and will not allow them to "get lost."

For lipstick to look the most advantageous on the lips, you need to choose a color that matches your type of appearance. Often, due to the wrong choice, make-up can look at least ridiculous. If you do not like using this decorative tool, then it is likely that you just haven't found your perfect tone yet!

Basic lip makeup basics

No lipstick will be able to "lie" on your lips well if they are dry or chapped. That is why it is important to take care of the lips in order to eliminate any peeling and dryness - they will be given a well-groomed appearance by the timely use of a scrub, massage with a toothbrush, application of various balms and nourishing masks. Only after achieving the softness and smoothness of the lips can you move on to their makeup.
    Previously, cosmetologists recommend applying a little concealer or foundation - thanks to this, the color of the lipstick will last longer and the natural pigment of the lips will not distort it. Now you need a contour, which is usually created with a pencil. If the lipstick is dense enough, then the contour can be applied with it using a brush. Draw the borders you want, starting in the middle of the upper lip. If you want the lips to appear a little larger, then the lines of the pencil should slightly protrude beyond the natural shape of your lips. You can blend the outline all over the lip area, so the lipstick will last longer. However, in this case, it is important that the shades of the pencil and lipstick are identical. In general, the tone of the pencil should either match the tone of the lipstick, or be one tone darker - you should not use the shade lighter. Further, cosmetologists recommend carefully applying the lipstick with a brush. If you don't like using a brush, you can do without it. After applying lipstick, lightly blot your lips with a regular paper towel - this is done to eliminate excess. Rubbing with lips is not recommended.

How to match lipstick color to your face

Before choosing a lipstick, it is important to determine your color type. Simply put, with a cold type of appearance, cold shades will look most harmonious, and with warm ones - warm ones. We will consider all these nuances below, and start with the skin tone. If you are the owner of pale skin (these girls are often called "snow white"), then you will probably suit cold lipstick shades - from light pink to wine or plum. It is better to choose gentle and slightly muted colors. For girls who have a dark or golden skin tone, warm and bright colors are suitable - coral, peach, brown, red and burgundy shades. Faded colors, most likely, will look less advantageous, "lost" on the face. If you have light pinkish skin, then the choice is also very wide - light brown cold tones, plum, dark pink will suit you.

How to choose the right lipstick for your hair color

Which lipstick color suits blondes

If you have blue eyes and cold blond, then you will look most impressive with lips in pink and lavender tones. If the hair color is closer to wheat, then coral, pink-beige, light red will look spectacular. Green-eyed blondes it is better to do makeup in warm colors. Pay attention to muted orange tones, peach, beige, pale pink. Gray-eyed blonde can adhere to approximately the same recommendations as the blue-eyed. In your case, dark tones are appropriate only in evening make-up, and it is desirable that they be matte. Blondes with brown eyes it is recommended to pay attention to beige, red and brown shades. A warm pink lipstick is also appropriate.

Lipstick colors for brunettes

If you have blue-black hair and brown eyes then choose rich shades for makeup, close to cherry and raspberry. If you have light eyes (gray, green, blue), then we recommend using a lilac or pink lipstick. Brunettes there are not only cold hair tones, but also warm ones. If, in addition to this, you also have dark eyes, then the choice of lipstick shades is very large - coral, dark pink, cherry. When choosing lipstick for the evening, pay attention to chocolate, dark red and ruby. If you have light eyes (gray, green, blue), then lips with brown shades will probably look best. Evening option - lilac-pink tones.

If you have dark blond hair, then we note that in this case, the choice of lipsticks can be significant. Peach, golden, beige and light pink tones will suit you. Wine, terracotta, brick, coral and chocolate tones are suitable for the evening. blonde hair, then pink shades will be more appropriate. Nude makeup is ideal for everyday life. Pay attention to the apricot and pink hues. For the evening, you can experiment with fuchsia and burgundy shades.

Owners gray eyes lipstick in pink, golden, cherry shades will work well. Neutral tones that are only slightly different from the natural lip tint will look appropriate. Green-eyed we advise people to experiment with lipstick of salmon, coral, raspberry, red, brick shades. For neutral make-up, you can choose a beige tone. blue eyes and fair skin, then some bright shades will look inappropriate (this rule is irrelevant if the skin is still tanned). In daytime makeup, a beige or pale pink color will look good. For the evening, you can experiment with raspberry, red, wine shades. Brown-eyed girls can afford hot pink, coral, red, chocolate shades.

How to choose lipstick - test online

1. Determine your skin tone
a) Golden b) Swarthy c) Pinkish d) Pale 2. The color of your eyes?
a) Blue, green, amber, cariyb) Blue-gray, gray, gray-green c) Bright blue, turquoise d) Dark brown, blue 3. Your hair color?
a) Red, chestnut b) Light brown - natural color or close to it c) Shades of blondag) Black, dark chocolate 4. Which of these celebrities do you think you most resemble?
a) Jessica Albab) Cara Delevingne) Rosie Huntington-Whitelig) Monica Bellucci 5. What style do you prefer?
a) Glamor) Casual c) Romantic d) Vintage


1.) If option "A" predominates in your answers, then the following shades of lipstick will most likely suit you: beige, coral, chocolate, brown, caramel color, burgundy, brick, terracotta. 2.) For most answers "B": blue, plum or purple lipstick color, maroon, shades of lilac, wine color, cold pink. 3.) If you answered "B" more often: any natural color, neutral matte lipstick (both dark and light), nude shades, peach, pink or raspberry. 4.) In the case of the predominance of answers "G", you may choose warm and cold shades: cherry or chocolate color, red, fuchsia, pink-brown or dark pink.

How to choose your shade of red lipstick

When choosing a red lipstick, there is no doubt that hair and skin color should be considered. Some girls, once applying red lipstick to their lips, believe that this color does not suit them, but this is almost impossible - you just need to choose the right tone! The easiest method is to alternately apply different shades of red to the lips and determine which of the shades looks the most harmonious. However, there are some general guidelines that will help you make the right choice. Blondes most often saturated berry shades (raspberry, cranberry) are suitable. In some cases, a carrot-red hue will also look great. Brown-haired women often look spectacular with a classic red lipstick. Also pay attention to the tomato and coral tones. Brunettes can favorably emphasize their merits by opting for a cherry, burgundy or wine shade of red. Redheads girls usually look best with lipstick in a red-pink or amaranth shade. Note that more and more popular are velvety-matte lipsticks, which look somewhat muted and do not emphasize skin imperfections. In some cases, lacquer lipsticks with a glossy finish are quite appropriate.

How to choose a lipstick for makeup

If you set out to make a neat daytime make-up, then, of course, you should give preference to natural shades, such as: warm pink, coffee, beige, cream. If you don't want to draw attention to your lips, you can use a transparent lip gloss or lipstick that matches your lip color tone-on-tone. choose rich tones for your color type - red, fuchsia, burgundy, wine and so on. By the way, there is one important nuance - if you want lipstick to look almost the same on your lips as in a stick, then first apply a little foundation on your lips so that the natural lip pigment does not distort the selected color. then for organic makeup you should not use lipsticks with mother-of-pearl - then the lips will be lost on the face. Also, avoid yellowish tones as they can make your look sickly. Choose calm and muted tones (they can be dark). Swarthy girls are recommended to use rich and bright tones in their makeup. It is important to note that if you decide to focus on the lips, then the eye makeup should be more moderate. Parties and discos can serve as an exception, but in this case it is important to think over the combination of colors.

Which lipstick is suitable for age

Less than 20 years old It is better for very young schoolgirls to use lipsticks of moderate and delicate shades of peach, pink, cream in their makeup. "Flashy" colors at this age may look somewhat vulgar and inappropriate.

20+ Girls in their twenties and more can be much freer to experiment with lipstick shades and textures. You can be bolder in choosing bright and even neon lipstick colors. Raspberry, fuchsia, plum, gray and many other fashionable and popular shades can suit your face and quite by age. Swarthy girls can be guided in choosing lipstick by celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lopez, and pale-faced - by Cara Delevingne and Megan Fox. 30+ If you are over thirty, then, for sure, noble shades of red will look appropriate in your look. By trial, you can choose your ideal tone - from classic red to brick. What to look for when choosing a shade? If you have olive or golden skin, then, most likely, colors with an orange undertone will suit you. For women with dark skin, we recommend choosing a red lipstick with a brown undertone or burgundy. Light-skinned people are advised to choose "cold red", without redhead. Mila Jovovich, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman can become a guide in choosing. 40+ If you are over forty years old, then romantic lipstick tones like “dusty rose” or “beige-pink” will probably be appropriate in your makeup. It is desirable that the cosmetic product gives a satin or slightly damp finish, as matte lipsticks can accentuate wrinkles. Remember that at this age it is not uncommon for lips to lose volume, so dark lipsticks can make them look even smaller. Also, do not forget about the pencil, which will ensure the definition of the outline. Such recognized beauties can become a guide for you: Cate Blanchett, Monica Bellucci, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Salma Hayek. In general, nude lipsticks can be worn at any age - the main thing is to choose “your” nude, which will ideally be combined with color of skin, eyes and hair.

What to look for when choosing lipstick

Try to buy lipsticks from major cosmetic stores - they usually have the opportunity to test many products. Swipe the tester over the skin of your hands - if the color lays down evenly and without bald spots, then, probably, such lipstick will not cause problems in use. Usually, this type of cosmetics can be stored for two years, so be sure to find out the date of production of the product - of course, it is advisable that it was released no more than a year ago. The smell of the cosmetic product is also important - it should be light and unobtrusive - highly scented lipsticks can provoke an allergic reaction. Refrain from buying if there are moisture droplets or cracks on the surface of the product

Lipstick is an indispensable component of expressive makeup. If you have not found your color yet, then we will help you decide on it.

Basic color groups

Colors can be roughly divided into three groups: warm, cold and neutral.

Warm shades include coral and orange, cold shades include pink shades, and neutral shades include beige and brown colors in their various manifestations.

Also, colors can be divided according to the degree of saturation. It can be low (light shades), medium and dark (deep saturated colors).

Things to Consider When Choosing Lipstick

First of all, its external data, namely the color of the eyes, skin, hair and teeth, as well as the size of the lips, the age and type of makeup for which the lipstick is intended, since at different times of the day and under different lighting conditions, colors can look different, in some cases, a good shade for evening makeup in the morning will look ridiculous and inappropriate.

How to choose lipstick according to eye color

For gray eyes, natural beige and plum shades are best. Pink and cherry tones are suitable for blue eyes.

Green-eyed girls should pay attention to coral and red-orange shades, and those with brown eyes should pay attention to brown, bright red and pale pink tones.

How to choose a lipstick that matches your skin color

Dark-skinned girls will suit chocolate, wine, red, plum and pastel colors.

Light pink, beige and soft coral shades will go well with fair skin.

There is also a general rule - if the skin tone is warm, then the shades of lipstick should be chosen warm. With a cold shade, respectively, cold lipstick colors are selected.

By the way, the same rule applies to the selection of lipstick to clothes. The color range from yellow to deep brown is considered warm, while the cold one is represented by blue and green colors. Black, beige and gray are considered neutral colors. Lipstick of any shade suits them.

How to determine the perfect lipstick color to match your hair color

All shades of pink, plum and coral are suitable for blondes with blue or green eyes and fair skin. Girls of this type are not recommended to use lipsticks of very bright colors.

Blondes with golden skin go best with beige and gold shades, and for fair-haired ladies with hazel or hazel eyes, pink and warm red tones.

Owners of fiery hair are better off turning their attention to plum, dark red, brown and coral colors, but orange and hot pink shades are best avoided.

Brown-haired women with fair skin are pink, dark pink, plum and light brown lipstick.

Brunettes with gray and blue eyes and fair skin should choose the classic scarlet or purple color. Dark-eyed and dark-haired girls are more suitable for plum, chocolate, orange and dark red tones.

Keep in mind that medium saturated colors are universal and, as a rule, suit everyone, but dark saturated shades are better for dark-haired and dark-skinned women.

What colors are suitable for different shades of tooth enamel

It is easier for ladies with a snow-white smile to choose lipstick - it is enough to be guided by the color of the skin, eyes and hair, that is, rely on their color type.

If you have darker, yellowish tooth enamel, you should avoid purple and brown shades, as well as bright red lipsticks. Reddish tones, light red and natural pink will suit you best.

If you are not happy with the shape of your teeth and do not want to draw attention to it, then give preference to light shades and lip gloss.

Which lipsticks are suitable for different types of lips

Remember that light lipstick visually enlarges the lips, while dark lipstick, on the contrary, makes it smaller. In order to visually enlarge the lips, outline their contour with a pencil before applying lipstick, and then add a little gloss in the center of the lower and upper lips.

Lipstick with glitter and shine will also help to visually enlarge the lips, but remember that pearlescent tones expose the imperfections of the lips, they should not be used if the lips are too dry and chapped.

If you are the owner of plump lips, then you should use darker shades. Matte lipsticks are suitable for morning make-up, and glossy ones for evening make-up.

How to choose a lipstick according to age

Of course, it's only a matter of your taste and your own ideas about the framework of what is permissible and beautiful. However, there are a number of universal recommendations that say that young girls are recommended to use lipsticks of light and delicate shades, young women - juicy colors, and mature ladies - dark and pastel colors. It is believed that light tones do not accentuate wrinkles and visually refresh the face.

Lipstick color and lighting

In cold light, such as cloudy skies, artificial light, it is better to use lipstick in warm shades, and in warm light, tones of the brown spectrum.

The choice of lipstick must be treated responsibly, since with the help of the right color you can make your image unique and unforgettable, or vice versa, spoil the whole look. If your goal is to look younger, then you need to choose lighter shades, but if you are older, then you better turn your attention to dark lipstick.

To choose the right shade of lipstick, you need to pay attention to factors such as age, color of eyes, skin, hair, as well as the shape and size of the lips.

What are the main types of shades

Lipstick colors are divided into three main types:

  • Cool colors (these include shades of pink);
  • Warm colors are lipsticks of peach, coral and orange;
  • Neutral colors are lipsticks in beige, terracotta and brown shades.

In addition, the shades can also be light, medium and dark.

Matching by color of eyes, skin, hair, size of lips and age

In order not to be mistaken in choosing a lipstick, first of all, you should pay attention to the color of your skin. If you are the owner of fair skin, then you should give preference to gentle and natural tones, namely from pale pink to plum.

For owners of dark or tanned skin, beige or brown lipstick is best suited, and a golden sheen will also look good. With darker skin, lipstick of a plum and burgundy shade will go well.

Eye color

Owners of brown eyes will go with brown and beige shades of lipstick. Girls with darker eyes should choose lipstick in pastel colors, namely light beige or pale pink. As for blue-eyed ladies, pink shades are best suited to them, and any saturation, in addition, lipstick of bright red, cherry or wine will look great on their lips.

Girls with green eyes should give preference to pink tones, and bright red, terracotta, orange lipstick will look good on their lips.

We select lipstick according to hair color

1. Blondes with soft whiteness all unsaturated shades of pink work well for the skin. For daytime make-up it is better to use peach or pink lipstick, but for evening make-up - plum or coral lipstick. The main thing is that all these colors are unsaturated shades, otherwise you will be too pale. This color should refrain from hot pink, orange and bright red lipstick shades.

2. Red-haired girls with pale skin recommend opting for lipsticks of brown, coral, brown-peach, dark pink and plum colors. Hot and warm tones of red will also harmonize well with a rich red hair color. To create a spectacular evening make-up, you can use burgundy lipstick. Not recommended: fiery red, orange and hot pink lipstick.

3. Black hair and dark skin. With this hair color, lively shades look good, for example, deep pink and red. A rich plum and dark pink lipstick color looks more impressive on such girls. It is recommended to avoid brown and coral lipstick tones, as they make the skin ashy.

4. Brunettes with fair skin. The advantage of this hair and skin color is that almost all lipstick shades are suitable for them. Of course, there are more beneficial colors like pink, plum and bright red. For evening makeup, it is best to use ruby ​​shades. It is recommended to avoid bright orange lipstick and dark shades.

Lip size

The main thing here is to know that dark colors visually reduce the size of the lips, and light ones, on the contrary, add volume to the lips and thereby increase them. Therefore, owners of thin lips should not wear dark matte lipstick, as this color can significantly reduce them. For volume, it is best to use lipsticks of light colors and bright shades, and apply gloss on top.

This rule also applies to asymmetrical lips. Bright colors are prohibited here. Owners of such lips are advised to opt for translucent shine in light shades. Under the shine, you can apply a thin layer of lipstick or without it. If you have naturally thin miniature sponges, then you can use it. After applying the plumber, the lips will become more defined and voluminous.

We take into account the age

Unfortunately, over the years, a woman's lips can become thinner and lose their volume, so when choosing a shade and color of lipstick, it is imperative to take into account the woman's age. To make your lips voluminous, you should choose lipsticks in beige, cream and pastel shades, and pearlescent lipsticks or with gloss will also look good.

How to choose a brunette

Brunettes with fair skin

It is best for this type of woman to give preference to pink, coral lipstick shades. It is these colors that will harmonize well with fair skin, especially when the girl's eyes are green or blue. You won't go wrong if the lipstick is glossy. For evening makeup, it is best to use brighter colors such as bright red or purple.

Dark-skinned brunettes

It is a sin for this type of girls not to use bright colors of lipsticks, since they will perfectly harmonize with dark skin. Tones from bright pink to dark red will look good. It is not recommended to use pale pastel shades of lipstick, as they will look unnatural if the brunette looks bright.

How to choose a blonde

Blondes with fair skin it is recommended to opt for light lipsticks. All shades of pink and peach work well for daytime makeup. For a successful evening make-up, it is better to use coral, red or terracotta lipstick.

Blondes with dark or tanned skin it is worth giving preference to muted tones, namely, delicate peach, light brown and rust color. You can soften these colors a little bit with gloss.

How to choose the right tone for red lipstick?

The red shade of lipstick is at the peak of its popularity. With the help of this color, you can create not only an image of vamp women, but also an office one, as well as an unforgettable party look. For many girls, this is a really difficult task. But as experts assure, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to know your skin tone and then you can easily choose the right shade. After all, also each shade of lipstick has its own subtone, so you can know for sure whether this or that shade of red is right for you.