Onyx stone what colors are. White and black onyx, the magical properties of stones

Onyx is one of the most mysterious and controversial stones. Esotericists call it the talisman of leaders and leaders, and the Arabs call it a stone of sadness and sorrow. From the Greek word "onyx" means "nail". And this is no coincidence, since the striped gem looks like a layered nail plate.

According to legend, when Eros accidentally cut off Aphrodite's nails, Zeus turned them into onyx. That is why outwardly the gem resembles white holes on the nails.

The first samples of stone were found by archaeologists in Egypt, Greece and Babylon and date back to the 5th-4th centuries BC. In ancient times, onyx provided a special value - they were decorated with castles and tombs of rulers. It was also used as a material for making jewelry, furniture, bowls, vessels and vases.

Onyx is mentioned in the Bible: the throne of King Solomon was decorated with it.

Currently, the stone is mined in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, Afghanistan. In Russia, onyx reserves are insignificant and are represented by two deposits - in Yakutia and the Irkutsk region.

magical properties

Among the ancient Greeks and Hindus, onyx was a symbol of leadership, success and wisdom. It is believed that this stone takes away negative energy, fears, phobias and insecurity, giving its owner determination, fortitude and calmness. The mineral brings good luck only to kind, positive and honest people. Who else is this stone suitable for?

  • Businessmen and leaders helps to make decisions and manage people. Protects from dangers and risks, gives physical strength and increases activity.
  • Creative people the gem bestows eloquence, promotes the development of talents and creative thinking.
  • family people gives calmness, confidence, reliability and strengthens the spiritual connection between spouses.
  • Interested in magic and esotericism onyx will endow with intuition and clairvoyance.
  • Great for seniors and experienced people. It is believed that this stone brings good luck to those who have experienced a lot on their way.

Medicinal properties

Ancient healers used onyx to cleanse the soul and body of a person. They believed that the stone is able to pass energy through itself and direct it to the patient's body.

Today, onyx is actively used in lithotherapy for the treatment of many diseases. Consider its healing properties:

  • Relieves pain;
  • Reduces fever and inflammation;
  • Treats insomnia and depression;
  • Helps with disorders of the nervous system;
  • Improves hearing and memory;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Extends life.

In addition, onyx is used during diets. If you need to lose weight, then this talisman will help reduce your appetite.

Meanings for the signs of the zodiac

In astrology, onyx is considered the talisman of Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer. How does it affect the representatives of these constellations?

  • Capricorn the stone will help you find the right solutions to difficult and confusing situations. In addition, he will help him defend his point of view in conflicts and discussions, and will also give strength to achieve his goals.
  • Virgo onyx is necessary to maintain the balance of the material and spiritual. With this stone, she will feel the joy of life and see many opportunities for the realization of her ideas.
  • Aquarius this gem will help keep emotions under control, as well as give spiritual harmony and direct his energy in the right direction.
  • Raku will help develop self-confidence. The representative of the sign, who owns such a talisman, will be able to break out of the shackles of his complexes, doubts and fears.

Proper Care

This is a fairly fragile stone, so it needs special care. If you often wear onyx jewelry, then soon scratches may appear on its surface.

  1. It is impossible to allow a stone to rub against another stone, so it is better to avoid wearing an onyx ring on one finger along with another piece of jewelry;
  2. Onyx should be periodically cleaned with a toothbrush and soapy water;
  3. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is recommended to polish it with a special impregnation for stones.
  4. To make onyx shine, use a special polish.

Varieties of onyx

There are several types of onyx. You can find stones of green, brown, yellow, pink and beige shades:

  • orange-red and brown stone is sardonyx;
  • white-red - carneonyx;
  • white and black - Arabic onyx;
  • gray-white - chalcedonyx.

There are also solid stones. In jewelry stores, you can often find a green stone. In fact, it is a marble breed, which is not natural onyx. Despite the inexpensive cost, this stone is often faked. You can distinguish the original from the copy according to several criteria:

  1. Color saturation. A fake can quickly fade and fade.
  2. Transparency. The veins of the original gem are visible at a depth of up to 3 cm. The structure of the fake is much denser.
  3. The weight. Onyx is a rather heavy stone, a fake is much lighter in weight.
  4. Color. Black onyx is not natural. If you see a piece of jewelry with this black stone in a jewelry store, then most likely it is a painted agate.

Talismans and amulets

It is believed that jewelry with onyx fills with vitality and removes misfortune, damage and the evil eye. Esotericists and magicians recommend purchasing this gem as a talisman on the 19th lunar day, and putting on jewelry 4-5 days after purchase.

Usually onyx is carried with them as a decoration - rings, pendants, earrings or a bracelet. The amulet, constantly located next to its owner, helps to avoid trouble and attracts good luck.

Often onyx is purchased for the home. It is known that it has a positive effect on the atmosphere of space, protects against uninvited guests and damage. And also the gem is able to purify the energy of the house.

How to wear

It is best to choose silver jewelry with onyx, as other metals will weaken its magical and healing effects. The stone is also “not friendly” with gold.

  • If you wear earrings with this gem, you can get rid of deafness and ear diseases.
  • Onyx beads are recommended to be worn by uncommunicative and burry people. Such decoration will instill confidence and develop eloquence.
  • A ring with a stone will strengthen physical and emotional strength.
  • To protect against dark forces, energy vampires and enemies, onyx is recommended to be worn on the chest as an amulet.
  • An onyx bracelet will help get rid of fears and indecision, and direct the energy of its owner in the right direction.

Chemical properties

This mineral is a variety of agate. It is believed that the thinner its strips, the more valuable the stone. Onyx is formed as a result of carbonate deposits in hot mineral springs.

The chemical composition of the stone is silicon dioxide. The pattern and color of onyx depends on the composition of impurities in it. If it contains a lot of magnesium and copper, then it acquires a dark green hue. The high content of iron with copper gives it a light green color. If there is a lot of iron oxide in the composition of onyx, then it becomes brown or yellow.

An interesting shade, composition and methods of application make this stone attractive to many people. Products from onyx from ancient times to this day are popular due to its unusual magical and healing properties.

Onyx stone is chalcedonic quartz. Its geological characteristics are associated with the formation of karst rocks. . No wonder the ancestors revered him for the royal stone. It enjoys a certain popularity even today.

Onyx stone is chalcedony quartz

Not everyone knows that since pre-Biblical times, the onyx gemstone has been one of the favorites of skilled glyptics. Since ancient times, carvings of animals, elegant cameos, buttons, decorations for the robes of worshipers and kings were made of onyx. Plastic and grateful in processing, he has always been loved by builders-decorators. The great temple of King Solomon was laid out with his slabs.

Translucent yellow onyx allowed the sun's rays to penetrate the walls, illuminating the vaults of the majestic halls with a mysterious diffused light. Ancient people perceived this property of the stone as nothing more than magic, and its magical description lived for centuries.

The beauty of this semi-precious stone has attracted the attention of the powers that be from time immemorial.

Regardless of its inherent color, this mineral looks attractive in jewelry, interior details, and furniture and decor elements. Even artificial onyx, as a modern composite material, is so amazing in molded products that it breaks all records of popularity. Bathtubs, sinks, countertops made of it are practical and beautiful.

What is onyx used for (video)

Stone healer and mage

Mineral of white, black colors, green specimen equally well absorb sunlight, as if glowing from within.

Considered a stone of light forces, he is loved by healers of all stripes.

The powder of stone ground into powder heals wounds. Infused with water, it can help fight obesity.

An onyx medallion applied to the affected area sucks pain out of the body, calming and cooling.

The healing properties of onyx have long been known and are partly explained by the laws of chemistry and medicine.

For those who are prone to mood swings, the magical properties of onyx stone will help to cope with depressive attacks and improve psychological well-being.

Suffering from severe asthma attacks, chronic bronchitis? Onyx pyramid has an antibacterial effect. Put it on the solar plexus area. The disease will recede.

Red stones normalize the rhythm of the heart, sharpen hearing and improve vision.

Leave the mineral in a glass of water, drink it in the morning. You will recharge your batteries and cleanse your body of negativity.

Gallery: onyx stone (25 photos)

The healing properties of onyx have long been known and are partly explained by the laws of chemistry and medicine.
The beauty of this semi-precious stone has attracted the attention of the powers that be from time immemorial.

Beauty in legends and religions

The color range of silicon-containing minerals is diverse. In the first stanzas of biblical stories, the mineral is not without reason referred to as a paradise stone.

White onyx is extremely rare in nature. It is generally not found in pure color without impurities. It has obligatory veins and layers.

Onyx black is exclusive. It is extracted from black and white layered stone clusters. Only processing reveals its radiance and beauty. Only a person with pure thoughts can find such an instance.

According to legend, the origin of the black onyx stone is associated with the beautiful Aphrodite. Tradition says that the stones are the nails of the goddess, which she cut off as a joke for the sake of Eros, while she was resting.

Arabian black onyx is a shrine for Muslims around the world. Granted by Allah, it is embedded in the sacred Kaaba. His younger brother is located at the entrance to the Sacred Mosque of Mecca. This black onyx is an amazing stone in size: 24 cm in diameter. The scientist who found it was gifted with an island.

In all religions, the meaning of onyx stone is the same. This is a symbol of peace.

The perfect amulet is a silver ring

colorful rainbow

The most famous ornamental material, whose texture is surprisingly diverse, is green onyx. Jewelry, various dishes, caskets, and furniture are made from it. This is facilitated by the amazing suppleness of the material and its diversity - overflows of greenish hues with brown streaks.

Brown color for veins is the most characteristic. Their width is related to the temperature of stone formation.

Pink onyx usually has many ornate veins and is prized by jewelers. Beige, almost honey shades of the mineral look elegant and noble in any jewelry setting.

The magic of blue onyx is magnetically attractive. This is a stone of sorcerers and magicians, endowed with magical powers. Touching it prolongs life. And constant carrying with you sharpens intuition and protects from the evil eye.

Blue onyx, red onyx - no matter what color the semi-precious stone you like, according to various beliefs, it is a talisman that brings self-confidence, determination, clarity of mind to the life of its owner.

The magical properties of onyx (video)

Star interpretation

Onyx amulet who suits according to the horoscope? If your zodiac sign is Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Aries, then it fits unconditionally. This is a stone of strong natures, kings and winners. It smooths out the sharp corners of the character and helps in making decisions.

The magic of the zodiac circle indicates that this mineral is suitable only for a person of mature age, endowed with wisdom, able to discern the symbols suggested by the stone. Young and hot it is better not to choose it as an amulet.

Scorpions can pay attention to the varieties of onyx - ribbon agate and sardonyx. But with the black stone you should be careful. Its energy is too strong and requires considerable will of its owner.

The connection of the three luminaries - Mercury, Mars and Venus - explains the trinity of the gem. It awakens sensuality, sharpens the intellect, but can provoke greed.

The ideal amulet is a silver ring worn on the middle finger of the left hand. Its benevolent aura, positive natural energy attract good luck and health.

Artificial or natural?

Amazingly beautiful stone in chemical composition is just silicon oxide. But the combination of two chemical elements - silicon and oxygen - gave rise to a natural formation of amazing beauty. Onyx draws its color from additives that got into the rock during volcanic processes.

The Aztecs in the 13th century revered this gem as a temple. Onyx offering to the gods meant purity of thoughts and was considered the highest manifestation of respect and love. And today such gifts have not lost their value.

Artificial onyx is easy to get. Countertops, washbasins, tables are made from non-natural stone. In the process of gluing several layers of onyx of different colors, you can get amazing crafts.

Epoxy glue can easily cope with the task of restoring damaged stone products. The repair site must be thoroughly cleaned, degreased and glued.

The halls of many museums around the world, including the famous Hermitage, are proud of the amazingly beautiful exhibits carved from this mineral.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is generally accepted that the most famous semi-precious stone is onyx, the magical properties of which have been known since ancient times. One of the clearest examples of this is the mention of stone in the biblical stories about King Solomon, whose temple was built from it.

A distinctive feature of onyx is the presence of stripes on it. Among natural minerals, there is no monotonous stone. Thanks to the multi-colored stripes, each stone has an amazing pattern. It can be classified as follows:

  • The presence of brown and reddish stripes, or red and orange, brown and white, is characteristic of sardonyx;
  • The presence of black and white stripes is typical for aristocratic onyx. Its second name is Arabic onyx;
  • Red and white stripes distinguish carnelian, which is called red onyx;
  • Gray and white stripes define chalcedony;
  • Green onyx and all its shades are characteristic of marble onyx;
  • The predominance of black is characteristic of black onyx;
  • Blue onyx, pink, blue and yellow shades of the stone are typical for ordinary multi-colored onyx;
  • artificial onyx.

The main difference between this mineral and agate is the presence of clear lines, while blurred stripes are characteristic of agate.

History reference

The word "onyx" in ancient Greek means "nail" and, according to legend, this stone was named after the nails of the beautiful goddess of love, Aphrodite. This legend says that her son Eros, while his mother was sleeping, went wild and inadvertently cut off her beautiful nails with an arrow. The gods saw this and could not allow the pieces of the goddess to simply rot, and turned these scraps into beautiful multi-colored onyxes.

This mineral was widely known in many countries. So, for example, the Arabs called it "eljazo", which meant "sad stone".

This mineral is the type of onyx stone that is used daily not only in jewelry, but also in medical practice, as well as in various ritual actions.

Also, in honor of this mineral, jewelry stores, shops and other institutions are often called. In particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a Perm Regional College of the same name. Perm Regional College "Onyx" has nothing to do with either the deposit of this stone or the mineral itself, except for the name, which adds to it a certain exclusivity compared to other educational institutions.

Onyx is a variety of agate, a semi-precious stone. There are several varieties found in nature. Most often, we can find a stone of green color: from light marsh to dark green shades. And few people know that onyx is black, white and red. It is easy to recognize this stone by the stripes, which can also be used to determine the variety. If black and white stripes alternate, then in front of you are red ones - carnelian, and brown and white ones - sardonyx. The thinner the strips, the more expensive the stone is valued.

Its name comes from the ancient Greek word "swollen" ("nail"). The most expensive specimens are now mined in the USA, Brazil, Uruguay, India and

Previously, the walls of religious buildings were laid out from this stone. The fact that it was used in the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible. In addition, this mineral adorns the famous Kaaba.

In the old days, the attitude towards onyx was ambiguous. In the East, he was considered unlucky. The Chinese believed so much that it brings trouble that they were even afraid to approach the place where it was mined. The Arabs dubbed it "sad", in Yemen they tried to get rid of it, they believed that the stone resembled the eye sockets of a dead woman.

But the ancient Romans believed that onyx had magical properties and was the most powerful of the amulets. It was used in ceremonies and rituals, for the manufacture of amulets. According to popular beliefs, he protected a person from sudden death, from slander and slander. In addition, the patient, who drank the drug infused with onyx, certainly recovered. True, onyx showed the properties of the amulet only in the hands of good people, they did not apply to evil ones.

The French called the mineral "a stone of light and sincerity", in this country they believed that only a person with an open heart could find it. However, all nations believed in its magical power.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that the mineral heals both the body and the soul, it “pulls out” all the negativity. It is recommended to wear in the onyx area. has to improve the functioning of the liver, intestines, stomach, kidneys. In addition, it strengthens bones, helps weather-dependent people cope with ailments on cloudy days.

Amulets from it are advised to be worn by those who are prone to melancholy and depression. Onyx relieves even severe stress, puts nerves in order and cures insomnia. They say that the stone also helps in cases where a person is at the last line, it can save someone who seeks suicide.

He is also credited with the properties to increase potency, however, only in cases where its decrease is caused by psychological problems. How else can onyx help? The properties of water infused with this mineral will allow you to lose weight. The infusion should be taken internally, it reduces appetite and relieves cravings for fatty and sweet.

magical properties

In India, amulets were made from this stone, they brought good luck and luck to their owners. A product with onyx can give happiness and attract love, get rid of shyness and make you strong.

Onyx brings peace and prosperity to the family, it is given to newlyweds on their wedding day. It is good if such a talisman becomes a relic and is passed from hand to hand - from the elders to the younger ones.

The stone is recommended to be purchased by people who have the makings of a leader, it will give them confidence, discipline, and help achieve stability. It gives its owner courage, optimism, the ability to never give up.

But the main thing is that onyx is a strong amulet, protects against witchcraft, sorcery and love spells. They say that the one who wears it in a ring does not face an early death. It will protect the owner from an attempt on life, and from an accident. However, onyx does not show its properties for everyone, only for those who are pure in soul. In general, they say that he resembles a dog - first he “looks closely” at the owner, and then he can already accept him and fall in love.

This mineral is primarily suitable for those born under the signs of Capricorn, Virgo and Aries, it helps them accumulate positive energy. It is not advised to wear misfortune, it will not bring, but it will not protect either. In general, onyx loves people of elegant age, those who have already achieved something in life and want to find peace. He is also considered the protector of the elderly and the lonely.

Myths and stories

Onyx has been used in magical rituals since ancient times. In the Bible, you can find a mention of the Jerusalem Temple, in which the walls were made of translucent onyx. In the Muslim temple, which is located in the Kaaba, black onyx is inserted into the wall. In ancient Rome, this stone was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

This mineral has been known since antiquity, but different nations treated it differently. So, in the East, he was considered an unlucky stone. The Arabs called onyx "al jazz" - sad. The Yemeni peoples believed that it resembled the eyes of a dead woman, so they tried to sell it as soon as possible. In China, they did not come close to the mines where they mined onyx, fearing a bad omen. But the French believed that only "a person pure in heart and sinless in thoughts" could find this stone.

In the Middle Ages, onyx symbolized vision - the eyes. Onyx cabochons were inserted into the eye sockets of the sculptures. Since ancient times, onyx gems have been very popular among many peoples. Known throughout the world "Gonzaga Cameo", it is rightly called the pearl of glyptics. It is carved from three-layer onyx by a remarkable craftsman of the 3rd century BC. BC e. in Alexandria. It depicts in profile King Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("Loving Sister") with his wife and sister Arsinoe. They seem to embody the masculine and feminine principles.

The history of this cameo is long and complicated. It is known that in the middle of the XVI century. she was in the treasury of the Dukes of Gonzaga in Italy, and after repeated changes of owners fell into the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1814 in Paris, his wife Josephine presented the cameo as a gift to Emperor Alexander II, on whose orders it was sent to the Hermitage for safekeeping. "Onyx is the owner's watchman from fire and madness."

Onyx was known as an ornamental and facing stone in ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. In Rome, it was used for inlays and mosaics. According to legend, in Jerusalem, in the temple of Solomon, the walls did not have windows, but let in enough light, being made of this stone. In the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, interior decoration was made from it. Onyxes have been known and widely used since antiquity. During the heyday of glyptics, it was onyx that served as the main material for products.

Locality and origin

Translated from Greek, the word "onychion" means "nail", since with its layered pattern the stone really resembles a nail. The most famous deposits of onyx are Kap-Kotanskoe and Karlyukskoe, where numerous halls, grottoes and galleries are covered with streaks of this mineral. In the Cap Cotan cave, onyx forms stalagmites and stalactites. Onyx was popular among the Romans and Greeks. In ancient Greece, all chalcedony from flesh-white to dark brown was called onyx. Later, the Romans began to attribute only dark brown and black chalcedony to onyx. Sardonyx was highly valued in ancient Rome, especially in the form of seals, since wax never stuck to it.


Arabic onyx (or onyx itself) - layers are white and black,

Chalcedonyx - gray and white,

Onyx agate - layers of different shades of gray.

Nogat and onychion (onychius) are obsolete names for onyx.

Combination with other stones or metals

This mineral in a silver frame gives the desire to live and drives away "black thoughts".

stone care

Proper care of stones is equally important for their proper wearing and use. Onyx is a fragile gem. It can break or scratch easily, so try to never let two copies touch each other. Onyx products should be cleaned with a soft toothbrush, mild soapy water and warm water, or in a home ultrasonic cleaner.


Dmitrieva N. Yu. "Stones - healers"

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