Master class - New Year's crafts “Good Santa Claus. How to sew Santa Claus from fabric with your own hands Toy Santa Claus with your own hands from improvised materials - a master class with step by step photos

In December, as usual, the kindergarten was told to make some crafts to decorate the group. After a little thought about what to do, I came up with this...

We will need:

  1. Two bottles of baby yogurt. One more - for Santa Claus. Another smaller one is for the Snow Maiden.
  2. Sintepon per meter, about 30 cm.
  3. A little nylon from nylon tights.
  4. Material for fur coats (velvet, velor, fleece, satin, etc. - to your taste). I have velor.
  5. Eyes. You can take ready-made eyes (like mine), you can mold them from clay or salt dough and paint them.
  6. Glue or glue gun.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Needle for handmade.
  9. Sewing machine. If there is none, you can sew all the details manually.
  10. Any knitting threads of white color for the hair of the Snow Maiden.
  11. Threads to match the fabric.

So let's start.
I have two of these bottles:

I publish a pattern of fur coats and sleeves. Change the pattern of the sleeves, and make the pattern of fur coats yourself. Measure the circumference of the neck of the bottle, add 1 cm for the "smell". The length of the fur coat is the height of the bottle plus 3-4 cm. Flare down from each edge 2-3 cm. Cut out the paper pattern. Lay on fabric. Trace around with a pencil or marker. Allowances do not need to be made. Cut out the outline of the fabric.

Tuck the upper cut 3-4 cm. Spread the top of the bottle with glue and wrap the bottle with material.

Here's what happened:

Now we take a synthetic winterizer and cut off a strip of 2 cm.

We apply glue to the fabric in places where we will have an edge, and glue the synthetic winterizer.

Fold the fabric in half. We take a pattern of hands and put it on the fabric. We circle. Then, without cutting, we sew on a sewing machine along the contour.

Cut out with 3-4 mm seam allowances.

Turn inside out and stuff lightly with padding polyester.

We sew the holes with a hidden seam.

Let's make a tightening for the thumb.

Now we will spread the glue on the place where we will have the edge of the sleeve.

We glue the synthetic winterizer in this place. We do the same with the second hand.

Now glue the arms to the body. To do this, apply glue to the upper part of the arm and place your hands on the shoulder area.

Here's what we got:

In the same way, we make the body for the Snow Maiden.

Engage your children in making New Year's crafts in advance, so that later you can celebrate the holiday in a special way. You can cut out snowflakes and shiny stars from foil, prepare greeting cards, glue multi-colored garlands. But you can't do without the figure of Santa Claus.

There are many different ways to make the main symbol of the New Year. One of the simplest and most affordable is Santa Claus made of cotton wool.

Decades ago, voluminous toys, including Santa Claus, made of cotton papier-mâché were very popular. Try to make a bright, original craft from cotton pads.

Master class: Santa Claus on the Christmas tree

In order for the toy to be hung on the Christmas tree, it must be light. Therefore, in addition to cotton pads, take:

  • a plastic empty bottle, for example, a bottle of vitamins;
  • felt-tip pens, paints;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

If you plan to put the craft, and not hang it, then you need to weight the bubble or take a glass one.

The bubble will be the body of the craft, it must be carefully pasted over with cotton pads. To make hands, divide the cotton pad into two parts. Twist each thin part with a bag and glue the wide part of the resulting bag on the sides of the body.

The head can be made in two ways:

  1. Blind from plasticine, preferably from light, and then paste over with cotton pads. Such a head can be easily attached to the lid - the “neck” of the figure. Also make a hat for Santa Claus from plasticine.
  2. The head is made of cotton wool using the felting method. Roll a ball out of pieces of cotton wool, gradually forming a craft of the desired size with soapy hands. After the head of the figurine is dry, coat it with a 1:1 solution of glue and water. Apply the solution with a brush. Glue the dried ball to the bubble cap. A hat can be made from a piece of material or knitted. To keep it better, put it on glue.

The craft is ready, but there is still not enough beard and fur coat for the figure to take on the appearance of Santa Claus.

Prepare paints or gouache. Decorate the fur coat red, leaving a white edge on the clothes. If you want to add expressiveness to the craft, glue a white edging of cotton pads on the sleeves and along the bottom of the fur coat on the dried paint. You can cut a large collar. Do not forget to paint the part of the hands where Santa Claus has "mittens".

Start painting your face. Add blush, carefully highlight the eyes, nose. From cotton pads, cut and glue a mustache and beard. It is enough to use 2-3 layers of cotton pads for a beard so that it is “fluffier”. Start gluing the beard from the bottom layer. Draw a mouth between the mustache and beard.

The real Santa Claus does not come without gifts, so make a bag for a toy - take any colored paper napkin, put a dense ball of cotton wool in it and tie it with a bright thin ribbon. The gift bag is ready.

A craft that will surely become a holiday decoration can be made not only using plastic bottles or glass vials. There are many options: paper, thread, clay, textiles. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating a Santa Claus figurine. Make a craft using cotton wool, colored paper or cardboard - this is one of the easiest ways, even kids will take part in it with pleasure.

Before making an application, draw the outlines of Santa Claus on paper. Here you can show all your imagination. Choose material for the cap, decorate the background of the application. Underline the contour of the figure with paints, a felt-tip pen or braid. Yes, and Santa Claus himself can be depicted standing, walking.

Master class: the original figure of Santa Claus

The unusual craft is that the face is not painted, but sculpted. If an artist takes up the work, then the New Year's character will be similar to a real grandfather.

For this craft you will need various materials:

  • foil;
  • salty dough;
  • wire;
  • beads, buttons;
  • brush, paints;
  • plastic bottle;
  • sintepon.

The frame of the head can be made of foil. In a ball of this shiny material, “pack” a piece of wire. Prepare salt dough for crafts and wrap it around the ball. Insert beads or small buttons in place of the eyes. And start sculpting the grandfather's face. Form cheeks and lips from pliable dough.

Using water, attach pieces of dough - nose, ears. Make small wrinkles on your face. Make sure that the facial expression is good-natured: Santa Claus is a kind character.

Then send the head to the oven to dry.

Now it's time to paint and varnish it.

The head must be attached to the body. To do this, select the appropriate size plastic bottle. Remove the cover from it and make a few holes in it. Insert the wire into the holes and twist.

Screw the cap together with the head to the bottle; you can use pebbles and pebbles for weighting.

With the approach of the New Year and Christmas, a special pre-holiday atmosphere reigns around - shop windows sparkle with colorful lights of garlands and bright Christmas tree decorations, businesslike passers-by rush with packages and bundles in their hands, and the spirit of magic is felt in the frosty air. As a rule, the last days of the outgoing year pass in pleasant chores and worries. Drawing up a New Year's menu, purchasing products for dishes, cleaning, decorating a Christmas tree - these are the main items on the list of pre-holiday things. However, both adults and children are happy to devote time to creating funny New Year's crafts for decorating the room before the holidays. Among the many characters of the New Year, Santa Claus is the most popular - everyone can make such a fabulous old man with their own hands. On the eve of the New Year holidays, we offer the best master classes with step-by-step photos and videos on making Santa Claus with your own hands from improvised materials: paper, fabric, nylon tights, a plastic bottle. In addition, here you will find patterns and detailed instructions for sewing the original Santa Claus costume. And individual elements complete the image of the famous "giver" of gifts - a beard, a hat, a staff, a bag. What is Santa Claus without these traditional "requisites"? So, let's get down to implementing our New Year's ideas!

DIY toy Santa Claus from improvised materials - a master class with step by step photos

Decorating the Christmas tree is considered one of the most beloved pre-holiday rituals. Every year we sort out a box with bright balloons, shiny garlands and multi-colored tinsel - how beautiful the toys look between fluffy coniferous branches! However, such a purchased "magnificence" can be beautifully supplemented with original handicrafts from improvised materials. Today on the “agenda” of the day is a do-it-yourself toy Santa Claus. On the eve of the upcoming holidays, we have prepared for you a simple master class with step-by-step photos on making Santa Claus from paper and cotton wool. Such a cute handicraft of the author's work will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree or a gift to relatives and friends for the New Year.

Necessary materials for a master class on creating a toy Santa Claus with your own hands:

  • colored paper (red, pink or blue) - 1 sheet
  • scissors
  • base for crafts of a cylindrical shape (you can take an empty container from under a deodorant or other cosmetic product)
  • ribbon

Master class on making Santa Claus from improvised materials with your own hands - step by step instructions:

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands from nylon tights - an original master class on video

Nylon tights are a truly versatile material from which you can make wonderful crafts and toys for the New Year or any other holiday. Our video presents an original master class on making Santa Claus dolls using hosiery technique. The finished toy can be used as an element of a festive room decor or a Christmas tree decoration.

Do-it-yourself Santa Claus from a plastic bottle - a detailed master class with a photo

Every day the New Year is getting closer and in the cycle of pre-holiday troubles there is not much time left to create various cute crafts. However, making Santa Claus with your own hands from a plastic bottle requires minimal effort and finances, and the result will be a touching toy that will take its place under the Christmas tree. We invite you to an interesting master class with a photo - "Santa Claus with his own hands from a plastic bottle." With the help of our interesting lesson, you can make a traditional fairy-tale Santa Claus from the simplest materials at hand that can be found in every home.

To create Santa Claus with our own hands, we stock up on such improvised materials:

  • 0.5 l plastic bottle
  • synthetic winterizer
  • nylon stockings (white and flesh-colored)
  • decorative braid
  • faux fur
  • cuts of velvet and satin (red)
  • beads (for eyes)
  • cardboard

Making Santa Claus with your own hands from a plastic bottle - a step-by-step description of the master class:

How to sew Santa Claus with your own hands - a master class with patterns and step by step photos

Soft toys as a New Year's gift are always popular and loved. With the help of our master class, you can sew Santa Claus from improvised materials - according to patterns and step-by-step photos. Such an original Christmas tree gift will be a real pleasant surprise for relatives and friends.

The list of materials and tools for the master class "Do-it-yourself soft toy - Santa Claus":

  • piece of red fabric
  • narrow jersey in beige or pink
  • synthetic winterizer
  • white paper
  • artificial eyes
  • scissors
  • threads
  • needles
  • ruler

Master class on sewing Santa Claus with your own hands, the order of work:

Beautiful Santa Claus costume with your own hands - a master class on video

Santa Claus is a long-awaited "guest" on the New Year tree in kindergarten, school and even at home. Every year everyone looks forward to the fabulous Grandfather with a bag of gifts and surprises. And what is Santa Claus without his luxurious attire? After all, a red or blue caftan in a “set” with a white beard and a “magic” staff is a traditional “Dedmorozovsky” outfit for the New Year. How to sew a Santa Claus costume with your own hands? We offer you to go through a master class on a video on sewing a beautiful costume for this main New Year's character - with a detailed step-by-step guide (patterns are attached in the form of a photo). Especially our video lessons will be useful to those who act as Santa Claus at children's matinees and home "exit" congratulations.

The most important holiday of the year is, of course, the New Year. Only his children are waiting with special impatience, because in addition to gifts from their parents, the guys are waiting for a surprise from Grandfather Frost. And so that this holiday hero comes to your house with pleasure, you can make Santa Claus crafts from paper or other materials with your children.

Can be made from colored paper and cardboard. We cut out the figure of Santa Claus from paper, paste small details and get a beautiful appliqué.

Using felt, Santa Claus crafts for the new year can be used as decorations on the Christmas tree.

A disposable paper plate can also serve as a material for creating a Santa Claus applique.

Craft Santa Claus in the garden should look a little more presentable than just a piece of paper.

What you need to make a cute Santa Claus craft with your own hands:

  • colored felt,
  • glue,
  • toilet paper can/sleeve,
  • lace,
  • scissors,
  • pom-poms (white, red)

How to make Santa Claus crafts, consider in stages

Stage 1. Prepare materials

Stage 2. Cut out a piece of red felt that fits your cylinder

Stage 3. Glue the red piece of felt

Stage 4. We take a light pink felt and cut out a muzzle from it. Glue it on the body of our crafts for the new year of Santa Claus

Stage 5 Glue the lace along the contour of the muzzle

Stage 6 Make eyes out of black felt and glue on the face. Also make a nose. And pink felt is needed to make pink cheeks. Make a smile out of red felt.

Stage 7. Glue all the details

Cut out a triangle from red felt. Glue its edges to get a cone cap. Glue the hat to the figure.

It is not difficult to make New Year's crafts of Santa Claus with your own hands. But on the other hand, the child will have a lot of joy from the result. Especially if you need to take the crafts of Santa Claus to the garden. After all, all children with their parents will make Santa Claus crafts, and yours should be original. You can also see how to sew Santa Claus from felt.

New Year at DOW

Author: Frolova Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher of the MDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 42 "Teremok", Serpukhov MO.
Description of work: I bring to your attention the New Year's exhibition of crafts: "Gifts to Santa Claus." This material will be useful to educators, students, parents. This is an exhibition of creative works aimed at developing the creative abilities of children; strengthening ties with the families of pupils, decorating the interior.
Purpose: Interior decoration, production of New Year's souvenirs and gifts.
Target: Organization of an exhibition of applied art. Interior decoration for the New Year holidays, making gifts with your own hands.
- Involving children and parents in creativity.
- Formation of children's creative abilities.
- Attracting the attention of parents to children - the younger generation.
- Development of creative abilities, fine motor skills, color perception.
- Cultivate artistic taste, interest in making crafts with your own hands.
Gift to Santa Claus
New Year is coming
Everyone is waiting for it!
Frost brings gifts to everyone,
But no one will ask him
And no one notices
Maybe grandpa is dreaming
Get a gift too?
Seryozha ran up to him,
Divides the gum in half:
-Here, take this for you!
From attention and gift
Grandpa even got hot
He smiled at Seryozha,
And Santa Claus suddenly became younger!

Here is an invitation to take part in the New Year's competition prepared for parents.

creative works

"Sweet Teremok"(from cookies)

Here comes the gray winter
White hats were worn at home.
"The Compound of Santa Claus"

"Magic Bird Phoenix"

Spinning like a snowflake - I'll dissolve
And maybe a little under the melt.
And turn into a dandelion
I flutter lightly with fluff.
"Puss in Boots"

Well, here it comes! Your time has come!
We are going to Santa Claus now!
"Cute Sheep"

cute sheep,
The year to come is calling us
Beckoning after him
Happiness will call our house!

"Winter Guest"

We will not meet him in the spring,
He won't come in the summer
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
"Will Santa Claus be coming soon?"

He is neither small nor big
Snowy white snowman.
He has a carrot nose
He loves frost
Santa Claus is waiting for you!
"Mail of Santa Claus!"

Behind the forests, behind the gardens,
Beyond the snow and beyond the ice
Good Santa Claus
He collected gifts.
I will work in the forest
I'll give gifts to everyone!
"Santa's Helper"

Good Santa Claus accept gifts!