Do-it-yourself lumberjack costume from a red cap. Red riding hood costume with your own hands. Little Red Riding Hood costume for adults

The creation of beautiful carnival and festive costumes is always based on the display of various fairy-tale and cartoon characters. For example, one of the most popular characters, which can often be seen at New Year's parties in kindergartens, schools and even at theme parties, is Little Red Riding Hood. But how to make a Little Red Riding Hood costume without the help of professional fashion designers and milliners?

The image of Little Red Riding Hood: what is it?

In order to make a costume for this fairy-tale character, you need to remember what details the image of Little Red Riding Hood is made up of. So, our character will have a beautiful red headdress, a puffy skirt to match, a snow-white apron with ruffles, a black vest worn over a snow-white blouse with starched sleeves, a corset, white tights, black or red shoes and a wicker basket with pies for grandmother.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the way the festive attire is made. That is, at this stage it is necessary to decide whether the Little Red Riding Hood costume will be sewn from any fabric, whether it will be a knitted or crocheted product, whether it can be made from paper, etc. In our example, we will consider a variant of the costume, sewn from fabric.

How to make a fabric suit?

In order to make a similar suit out of fabric, you will need the following auxiliary tools:

  • red stretch gabardine (needed for sewing a hat and skirt);
  • white tulle (needed to create a petticoat);
  • multi-colored floss threads (for embroidering a pattern on an apron);
  • wide elastic band (with a width of not more than 2 cm) made of elastic material;
  • white calico (for napkins in a basket and apron);
  • red braid for decoration (you can decorate the edges of the napkin with it);
  • black braid, a piece of denim and thick black knitwear (for the belt).

What skirt for the image of Little Red Riding Hood to sew?

A skirt is an important detail of any women's wardrobe, as well as the Little Red Riding Hood costume. The easiest option to make a beautiful skirt for a suit is to choose a half-sun style. In this case, we will get a product with an elastic band and without a zipper. To do this, we need to take only two measurements: the length of the product (abbreviated as CI) and the waist circumference (OB). And of course, you can find a ready-made pattern and fit it to your child's measurements, or make it yourself.

How to make a pattern for a skirt yourself?

So you've decided to make your own Little Red Riding Hood costume. Returning to the skirt, we take special paper for patterns (if there is none, you can use unnecessary newspapers), a simple pencil, a ruler, a protractor, a compass and begin to build a right angle with a marked vertex at the “O” point. Further, from the starting point we set aside two radii, denoted by "R1" "R2". In this case, "R1" will conditionally designate the waistline, and "R2" - the lower part of our future skirt.

To calculate "R1" it is necessary to add about 5 cm to the obtained measurements of the volume of the hips and divide the resulting value by 2 π. In this case, "π" will correspond to ≈ 3.14.5 cm. Recall that it is this number that is usually used for the allowance. And it is with this value that almost all children's costumes are sewn. Little Red Riding Hood is no exception.

At the next stage, we set two additional points obtained in the calculation of "R1", denote them "T" and "T1". We do a similar procedure with the points formed during the calculations of "R2", we mark them as "H" and "H1".

After that, connect and circle all the points. We will make the belt for the skirt in the form of a small rectangle equal to the sum of “ABOUT” (hip circumference) + “π” (allowance) and with a width of about 7-8 cm.

What is the procedure for sewing a skirt for a suit?

At the first stage, we make a lining for the skirt, without which the Little Red Riding Hood costume, made with our own hands, simply will not look spectacular. To do this, take white tulle and cut out three quadrangles from it, each 1 m wide. At the same time, their length should be 1.5-2 cm longer than the length of the skirt.

You will end up with about three layers of petticoats. At the second stage, we carefully grind all three layers along the short side (each separately), and we lay a machine line along the long side and tighten it to the size of the “TT1” segment (as in the pattern). Then we connect all the details of the lining and sew them with a stitch.

At the next stage, we make the skirt itself according to the pattern and sew the lining to its inner side. And the final touch to the skirt will be a beautiful apron that will perfectly complement your Little Red Riding Hood costume. You can make it with your own hands using white fabric and ready-made ruffles.

For simplicity, cut a semicircle in one layer (taking into account a small number of folds); make a belt from a small narrow piece of fabric; sew the received parts. And, finally, for beauty, you can sew ruffles around the perimeter of the apron. If desired, you can also embroider floral motifs on a white background.

How to make the rest of the clothes for the costume?

Before the Little Red Riding Hood costume (photos are presented in the article) is ready, it is necessary to complement the skirt with an original blouse, vest, corset and hat. Blouse and vest can be purchased ready-made, and the corset can be made independently. To do this, take a thick fabric, cut a long strip out of it (size 56x12 cm), fold the edges, make 2-3 holes and thread a cord or ribbon into them.

So, the top and bottom of the suit are ready. It remains only to make a hat. To do this, we measure the girth of the child's head, measure the distance from one temple to another, as well as from the back of the head to the top of the head. Then we take a red fabric and cut out two parts according to the pattern: the front and the bottom of the cap. We sew all the details and decorate with white ruffles. Ready.

What details need to be taken into account when completing the image of the heroine?

However, to make the Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl more consistent with the chosen image, complete it with a basket. To do this, you can take a purchased wicker basket, line it with a white ruffled cloth and fill it with fake pies.

Please note that, depending on the season, a girl can wear white tights (or stockings) and shoes (or sandals) on her feet.

In the end, you will get a beautiful festive Little Red Riding Hood costume. You will find photos of the product and patterns in our article.

You can always sew a children's Little Red Riding Hood carnival costume with your own hands, even if your sewing experience is minimal. In our master class, we focused on the details, and got an elegant costume in which the child looks like a doll. The calculation is presented for a child of 3-4 years old, respectively, for girls younger or older, less or more material will go.

To sew a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands, you will need:

- tulle 1.5 m red;

- crepsatin or red satin 1-1.5m;

- white crepe 0.5-1 m;

- dense satin or artificial leather in black 30 cm;

- threads to match the color of the fabric;

— oblique inlay 15m red;

- satin ribbon 5 cm wide in white and black;

- white and black lace;

- satin ribbons and decorative elements in red and gold;

- elastic band 1.5 cm and 0.5 cm thick;

- adhesive dense fabric such as dublerin or the basis for the collars of men's shirts.

How to sew a Little Red Riding Hood costume: job description

Cut out Little Red Riding Hood's costume

Let's start with tulle. Our petticoat will be 30cm long. Therefore, we cut out 5 strips 30 cm wide and 1.5 m long along the cut of the fabric. The total length of the petticoat without assembly will be 7.5 m.

Then we move on to the red satin. A real Little Red Riding Hood simply cannot be without a fluffy red skirt. Therefore, the costume will consist of a fluffy sun-flared skirt. To do this, fold the fabric in half along the shared thread and mark a semicircle with a radius of 40 cm with a piece of soap or chalk. And one more - with a radius of 10-12cm. The centers of both circles lie at the same point.

We will also need a belt for the skirt and petticoat. These will be 2 rectangles measuring 80x8cm.

Now let's deal with the most important accessory of Little Red Riding Hood's carnival costume, in fact, the cap itself. It should be in the spirit of that time, i.e. with a large lapel and a small lace around the edges.

The cut of our hat will be very simple. This is a rectangle measuring 40x25 cm and a droplet 12x7 cm. Sizes are for a child with a head circumference of 47-48 cm.

Now the corset. The corset should be 5 cm less than the length of the child's waist so that the lacing looks beautiful. The corset will be slightly higher in front.

We cut out aprons from white crepe satin.

We will also make a blouse from white crepe satin. In order not to bother with the pattern, we take the base from the blouse, which fits the child. I only increased the size of the shoulder, so as to make folds in front and behind. We make a clasp on the back.

(left - front, middle - sleeve, right - back)

Sewing and assembling a Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl

We start with the petticoat. Sew together all 5 pieces of the cut. Then we process one edge with an oblique inlay.

Then we remove the thread tension to zero and make the maximum stitch step. In this mode, we make a line to assemble the petticoat, then gently pull on one thread and assemble the petticoat.

The already assembled petticoat will remain sewn to the belt. Insert the rubber band and you're done.

Let's get to the skirt. Before starting work, I processed the outer and inner edges of the skirt with a thermal method. Then we process the outer contour with an oblique inlay. It is better to sew a slanting inlay with a decorative seam.

We sew the belt.

Now we proceed to the decoration of the gold ribbon and white lace.

Everything, the skirt for the Little Red Riding Hood costume is ready.

The cap is the most important attribute of the costume, because it should look beautiful and elegant; I sewed lace on three sides of the rectangle.

Then we sew the remaining side of the rectangle to the "droplet". We turn out and process the edge. Here's what should happen.

We also process the apron with a thermal method, tuck the edge and sew on lace.

We make a belt for an apron and ties from a satin ribbon.

We begin to sew the blouse classically - from the shoulder seams. We lay the folds, sew and process the seams.

The sleeves are sewn along the side seam and gathered at the shoulder.

We turn the bottom of the sleeve and sew on lace.

We stitch the sleeves. We process the neck with an oblique trim and lace. The blouse is ready, all that remains is to insert the rubber bands into the sleeves and sew on the decor.

We sew a corset. Glue the adhesive fabric to one part of the corset. Then we sew both parts of the corset and turn it inside out. On the front side we sew lace with a decorative seam.

We process the bottom of the corset with a satin ribbon and a decorative seam. Ahead, we process the holes for the cord with eyelets.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to sew an original Little Red Riding Hood children’s costume with your own hands!

Natalia Druzenko specially for the site

To sew a Little Red Riding Hood costume, you will need:

  • white cotton fabric;
  • a ready-made skirt or charcoal fabric for her;
  • red fabric;
  • black vinyl;
  • a set of eyelets with a punch;
  • white lightning;
  • red silk ribbon;
  • red tape 25 mm wide;
  • elastic band (elastic band),
  • Velcro.

Fabric consumption will depend on the age and size of your Little Red Riding Hood. To determine the footage, start by making a pattern - this will help you understand how much fabric you need.

...picks flowers for grandma

See also:

Bodice for Little Red Riding Hood costume

1. Take an old newspaper or a piece of paper and draw a bodice pattern on it (use a basic pattern from any magazine or just circle the t-shirt to size).

2. Cut out 2 front pieces and 4 back pieces from white fabric (do not forget to leave 0.5 cm allowances). Sew 2 bodices from them - you will get a lining and the front side of the blouse. To do this, stitch the shoulder and side seams.

Back details - front details

3. Fold the details of the bodice facing each other and sew along the edge of the neckline. Cut off the allowance.

4. Turn the bodice right side out and iron it. Sew around the armholes and the bottom of the product.

5. Now you need to sew puff sleeves. To do this, cut out 2 "wings" of the desired height from the fabric. Finish the edge with an overlog or with a zigzag seam, then step back from the edge by 1.5 cm and sew a narrow elastic band in a wide zigzag. Fasten the ends of the elastic by hand.

6. Gather the upper part of the sleeve a little, and then sew the sleeve into the armhole of the bodice. Finish the edge of the fabric with a zigzag stitch.

7. Gather and sew the second sleeve.

8. It remains to arrange the back of the bodice. Fold in the allowances of the front and lining parts and sew on the zipper.

9. To make the dress look neater, and the lock does not unfasten, you can sew a zipper a little lower, and install a hook at the very top.

Suit skirt

You can sew a skirt for a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands, but it is much easier to use a finished one. Argue the belt, turn the skirt inside out and sew to the bottom edge of the bodice.

As a spectacular addition, you can make a fluffy lining skirt. It will come in handy for all the festive girly costumes more than once. Such a skirt is worn separately, and is sewn like a regular sun skirt with an elastic band. It requires at least three layers of rigid mesh. Ruffles will add splendor.


1. Lay out the red fabric and fold it in half. Place a plate on the fold line, the diameter of which is approximately equal to the circumference of the child's neck. Measure the length of the fabric along the fold from the plate to the edge.

The arrow shows the fold of the fabric

2. Grab the measuring tape with a plate. Measure the length of the coat with tape. Then connect the resulting points with an arc and cut off the excess fabric. You will get a blank for a raincoat about 3/4 of the circle. Circle the cup and also cut off the excess.

3. Treat the edges of the raincoat so that they do not crumble.

4. Now, from the same red fabric, cut out 4 parts for the hat: 2 for the front side and 2 for the lining. Try to make the bottom of the part match in shape and size with the neckline of the raincoat. Approximately the height of the cap part is 11.5 cm, and the width is 10.5 cm (at the widest point). The figures are approximate, as the size of the head of children may vary. Also remember to allow for seam allowances.

Only 4 parts: 2 for the "face", 2 for the lining

5. To assemble the cap, take 2 pieces each, connect with the right sides inward and sew the occipital seams. Then fold the received parts together also with the right side inward and sew. Leave the neck open.

6. Turn the product right side out, smooth the seams, and then sew at the base (neck).

7. Stitch the top of the raincoat so that one of the threads is taut and the second is loose. Pull on the loose thread and form even folds. The top of the cloak should match the length of the bottom of the hood. Connect the parts with pins and sew like this.

8. Finish the seam with red tape.

9. From the same tape, make Velcro fasteners or simply sew on long ribbons - they can be secured with a free bow.

10. Sew Velcro to the top of the blouse and to the back of the cloak. Velcro will make the suit look more solid.

Vest for Little Red Riding Hood

It's time to create the main highlight of the Little Red Riding Hood costume - an artificial leather (vinyl) vest with satin lacing.

1. From a piece of black vinyl, cut a vest that is simple in shape (you can use the previously used blouse pattern as a basis) - 2 parts. Then, in the middle of one part (this will be in front of the corset), cut a strip vertically. This is necessary so that there is a sufficiently large gap between the sides of the corset, and the lacing looks spectacular.

Also make a deeper cut on the details of the front.

2. Sew side and shoulder seams. Try on the vest to see if it fits well. Trim off excess if necessary. You don't need to finish the edges.

3. It remains to punch holes with eyelets and thread the tape into them. Use safety pins to mark the location of the loops.

4. Make small cruciform cuts at the puncture sites, cut off the triangular “petals” from the cuts to round the holes. Using a punch and hammer, secure the eyelets (if you've never done this before, practice on a piece of vinyl first - it takes a little skill).

5. Lace up the corset with a red ribbon from top to bottom, tie a bow at the bottom.

The Little Red Riding Hood costume for the girl is ready!

See also:

A masquerade party is a good occasion to have an interesting and fun time. It is only necessary to prepare for the upcoming celebration - you can easily and quickly make a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands. This is a great idea for the New Year, and for Halloween, and even for a festive matinee in a kindergarten or kindergarten.


Cute Little Red Riding Hood and her friend the Gray Wolf are a wonderful image for both an adult and a children's costume. For work you will need:

- White, dark and red fabric
- Vinyl
- Lightning
- Ribbons
- Rubber
- Velcro
- Eyelets

It is worth carefully making all the necessary measurements in order to assess the required fabric consumption. It all depends on the age and volume of the future owner of the outfit. That is why, to create Little Red Riding Hood, it is better to start by making a pattern, as well as performing calculations.

Stages of work

To make a do-it-yourself Little Red Riding Hood costume for a child, a pattern for the bodice is drawn on a piece of drawing paper or an old newspaper.

It is very easy to do this - just take an old T-shirt and circle it around the contour.
The basis of the outfit is made of white or light fabric.

Initially, the front is cut out, then the back - and they are sewn together. It is better to make a bodice in two versions - one of them will become a lining.

After all the details of the bodice are ready separately, you have to sew them together.

They are connected along the edge, but a wide neck remains, which makes it easy to put on the product.

Sleeves-lanterns are attached to the bodice. They are cut out of the fabric, processed with an overlock, after which a thin elastic band is sewn in.

Before sewing on the sleeves, you should carefully gather them.

It is important to carefully process all seams, otherwise the costume is unlikely to be durable and lose all its beauty immediately after the start of the holiday.

The second sleeve is sewn similarly to the first.

When the front and sleeves are ready, it remains only to finish the back.

A thin, invisible zipper is sewn in at the back or side.

It is advisable to install a fastener in the upper part of the product, above the zipper - then it will look much neater.

You can buy a simple Little Red Riding Hood costume or you have to work hard, but the result is really worth it.


Little Red Riding Hood - a do-it-yourself costume for a girl is very easy. But this is not only a bright headdress, but also a fluffy skirt. For this purpose, you can take a ready-made product, or sew it yourself from a fabric of a suitable shade. You can make a dress from a skirt and bodice, or they will remain separate parts of the outfit.

To make the suit fit better, the skirt should be fluffy - tulle is used for this purpose. This material is great for almost any girly outfit, so it will come in handy for any mother in any case. For sewing a petticoat, it is assembled in several layers - it is quite easy to put them together, and for the convenience of putting on, it is worth using a wide elastic band. The more laces and layers, the more original and unusual this image will look.


The red fabric is folded in half.

A semicircle is drawn on the fold line - the circle should correspond to the volumes of the head of the future owner of the costume. After that, it remains only to measure the length of the upcoming product and cut along the contour.

The result should be a long, beautiful raincoat.
The edges must be processed - otherwise the cloak will gradually fall apart along the threads.

It is best to use braid or red ribbons of a suitable shade for this purpose.
The top of the product is carefully stitched twice - one of the threads should remain free.

This will help to make neat and even folds. A hood is sewn onto the raincoat - it is important to consider that the upper neck must match the lower part of the product.

When looking for how to sew a red riding hood costume with your own hands, you should choose original ideas - you can make unusual fasteners from the ribbons used to process the seams.

In addition, they can be tied with original bows, giving the product originality and charm.

Velcro is much more convenient than fasteners, and therefore it is better to install it on the upper part of the neck.

Instead of an exquisite raincoat, you can buy a charming cape - it looks no less original and stylish.


The cap is made from the same fabric as the cape. To do this, you need to cut out four identical parts - two identical products are created, one of which will become a lining for the main headgear.

The height and width of the product should be almost identical - it all depends on the circumference of the child's head. And at the same time, it is important to leave a few centimeters of allowances for the seams.
When all the details are ready, they are joined together along the seam. The neck remains open - it is stitched only at the final stage, after the product is well ironed.

A hat and a cute basket are the main details of the image, which allow you to completely turn into a fairy-tale heroine.


The beauty of the Little Red Riding Hood costume will be emphasized by the corset. This element is sewn from dense artificial leather, and eyelets are inserted into the punched holes. It's pretty easy to do this:
The base of the future vest is cut out.

To make a do-it-yourself red riding hood costume, the pattern can be used the same as for the bodice. Two identical parts are drawn - in the middle of one of them a wide strip is removed. Thanks to this, lacing will look stylish and unusual.

The parts are connected to each other - a control fitting will allow you to evaluate how comfortable the product fits. The edges are trimmed - no additional processing is required for this material.

Holes with eyelets are punched, and a beautiful ribbon is used for lacing.

It can be both red and neutral tones.
Small incisions are made in the puncture area - they must be carefully rounded.

A hammer is used to insert the eyelets - this is one of the most difficult stages of work, which is difficult to complete in the absence of at least minimal skills.

Before starting work with the main product, it is better to practice beforehand so as not to spoil the expensive material.

It remains only to carefully lace up the corset - and the charming image of Little Red Riding Hood is completely ready.

The outfit looks stylish and spectacular, although it requires work.

And to simplify the task, you can buy a ready-made suit that will look attractive - and not a minute of time will be spent on it.

Not only for a children's holiday - a do-it-yourself red riding hood costume for adults will be no less relevant. It can be stylish, sexy or classic - it all depends solely on the flight of fancy and the preferences of the future owner. A traditional costume for a girl is always popular.

A holiday in kindergarten or school is always an important event for girls. They want to prepare a dress and jewelry in advance. Currently, almost all mothers go to the store for a ready-made outfit, without thinking that they can make it themselves. Sewing a Little Red Riding Hood costume with your own hands for a child is not as difficult as it might seem. Especially if this is done on the basis of a white dress from the Snowflake costume, left over from last New Year.

Sewing a Little Red Riding Hood costume

To make a New Year's costume, just pick up a master class that offers simple patterns.

Outfit for a girl

To make a Little Red Riding Hood costume for a girl with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  1. Red satin. A skirt and a hat will be sewn from it.
  2. White satin for making an apron.
  3. White lace.
  4. Hidden zipper or elastic band.
  5. Sequins.
  6. Adhesive interlining.
  7. Dark fabric to sew a vest.
  8. Two laces.

If there is no white dress, then you will need to sew or take a white blouse from another suit. The pattern is easy to pick up in the magazine "Burda". To make a blouse, you will need a white satin 150 cm wide.

From red satin sew a semi-sun skirt. If there is a white dress for the base, then a red skirt can be sewn over it. To do this, you need to unpick the bottom of the dress, and then sew it on again, but together with the red skirt. A petticoat is not needed.

In the absence of a ready-made white dress, the Little Red Riding Hood children's costume is sewn from scratch. In this case, a wide belt is sewn to the red skirt, an elastic band is threaded into it. This is if you choose the easy way.

For a more complex option, you need to sew a belt to the skirt at the waist and glue it with interlining. Here you need a hidden lightning, lateral. Decorate the bottom of the skirt with sequins, retreating 5 cm from the edge. Jewelry can be sewn on a sewing machine.

The petticoat is made of tulle. In width, the fabric must be taken three times the size of the girth of the hips, then collect it on a satin belt.

To sew the apron, you will need a piece of white satin measuring 20 cm long and 23 cm wide. Round off two corners of this rectangle. Sheathe the edges with lace, neatly folded folds . Lace will need approximately twice the perimeter to which it is attached. Next, cut out the ties for the belt along the oblique and sew them to the apron, slightly folded.

In order for the lace to lie well and not wrap, it is recommended to stitch the apron, stepping back 2 cm from the edge.

For the manufacture of the headdress, red satin is used. The red cap pattern for the costume consists of two parts. The back piece is single, in the form of a rectangle with two rounded corners. The height of the part is equal to the distance from the base of the head to the top of the head. The pattern of the front part is also in the form of a rectangle. It should be double, glued with interlining. The width of the rectangle is equal to the distance from the crown to the forehead, excluding the lapel. For a lapel, it is enough to leave a margin of 4-5 cm of fabric.

The front part of the cap is sewn to the back part, to its three sides. Therefore, the length of the front part must be equal to the sum of the lengths of the three sides of the back part.

To make the front part double, you need to fold its parts with the front side inward and sew together. Then turn inside out, iron and topstitch about 5mm from the edge.

The front part of the hat is sewn to the back, and the edges are processed with a zigzag. The remaining raw bottom edge of the back piece must be tucked up and stitched.

On the Internet you can find visual diagrams of how to sew a hat for Little Red Riding Hood, the patterns of this accessory are different. The headpiece can be crocheted. You need to sew ties to the cap or pin it to the hair with the help of invisibles.

The carnival costume will look original if you wear a vest. It is easy to find her pattern in any fashion magazine. Brown spandex is suitable for making a vest. The clasp can be sewn in the form of air loops, then laced. Decorate the finished item with sequins.

The costume is ready, you can complement the image with white tights, beautiful shoes and a basket.

halloween costume

You can sew a Little Red Riding Hood outfit for a girl. Here it is enough to copy the children's version, but make the sizes for an adult. Or change the pattern a little to emphasize the shapes. Halloween costume elements can be:

The blouse or dress should be with a deep neckline and puffy sleeves. The skirt can be made more magnificent if it is trimmed with narrow strips of organza. A simple hat is suitable, for example, with ears sticking out to the sides. It is desirable to fill the basket with fruits or sweets.

For any event, you can make a suitable version of the costume.

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