Porridge for a newborn - a holiday scenario. Scenario of solemn registration of newborns

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


The first "bride" of a newborn is not only an exciting event, but also a lot of questions. Moreover, both for the parents of the crumbs, and for his first guests. The main thing in this matter is that the first visit does not become too burdensome for mom and baby.

So, what should a young mother remember, and How should guests prepare for their first meeting with a baby?

When to arrange a newborn bride and who to invite?

Traditions accompanying the bride of the baby, each family has its own. In the old days, this event was celebrated magnificently, loudly and cheerfully, but in modern life, parents and guests still adhere to certain rules, taking into account possible risks.

  • When? The main issue occupied by young mothers. The ancestors protected the baby from prying eyes, fearing the evil eye - 40 days after the appearance of a new family member, access to the baby was strictly closed. Modern parents, for the most part, do not believe in signs, and the date of the bride is appointed based on the state of health of the baby. Of course, during the 1st month it is not worth introducing the baby to relatives - the child has not yet adapted to life outside the mother, and any infection brought from outside can undermine his health. But after at least a month, you can begin to prepare for the bride.
  • Whom to call? There are always a lot of people who want to - everyone can't wait to cuddle the baby, click the frame for memory, pull the cheeks and heels. But it is better not to introduce the baby to strangers - acquaintances, comrades, colleagues will wait. But close relatives, of course, you will not refuse. Grandparents crumbs - ideal.
  • How many people? Consider the emotional state of the baby - he is still too small for large companies to gather around him. A crowd of people unfamiliar to him, noise in the house - this will not do the child any good. Enough 3-5 guests.

  • Dinner or short visit?
    Of course, for the first acquaintance with the crumbs, a short visit of the guests is quite enough. But if there is a desire to "celebrate", you can also arrange a gala dinner for relatives (or close friends). The main conditions: the baby should not be taken out to the kitchen or a common room “for company” - it is enough to introduce him to his grandparents and take tons of excess noise and bacteria into the room. Yes, and it will be more convenient for you to periodically visit the baby for feeding and various procedures. It is not recommended to arrange a bride in a cafe or restaurant - the child will not benefit from such a noisy and nervous action, and the mother will have to disrupt his sleep and diet.
  • Security measures. Be aware of the risks - protect your baby from bacteria as much as possible. Cover the crib with a canopy, put all the crumbs’ personal hygiene items in the closet, and thoroughly ventilate the room before and after the visit. Do not forget about disinfection and wet cleaning. It also makes sense to anoint the crumbs under the nose with a special ointment so that the infection does not “stick” (ask the pediatrician). Definitely not worth it now to allow relatives to squeeze and kiss the baby: no matter how charming his heels are, only dad and mom can kiss them now.
  • Are decorations necessary? It all depends on how much time and effort mom has. You should not abuse decorations: even “harmless” balloons can cause allergies (especially since their quality is usually not very high) or a strong fright (if one of the guests accidentally bursts the balloon). But garlands, ribbons and decorated posters are very suitable and will add mood. A special "book of wishes" will not hurt, in which each guest can leave warm words to the baby and mother.
  • What time? Invite guests based on the sleep and feeding schedule of the crumbs. It will be embarrassing if guests stomp around in the kitchen for an hour and a half, waiting for you to feed the child. The ideal time is after feeding. The baby can be taken out to the guests, shown, and then taken into the room and put to bed.
  • About gifts. and newborn? If your wallet is hopelessly thin, you do not trust the taste of the guests, or you need something specific for the baby “right now”, then inform the guests about this in advance (of course, if you are asked what to give, it is incorrect to demand gifts).
  • What to cook for the table? The young mother simply does not have time to prepare for a grand feast. Yes, and it's still redundant. Enough light snacks and 2-3 simple meals or even just tea and cake. The guests are well aware that mom is too tired to cook for half a day, and then wash the dishes for another whole evening. And, of course, no alcohol!

Didn't manage to hold a show? Were the guests too busy or is mom too tired? Dont be upset! Arrange a bride in honor of the 1st tooth. And the baby will already be older, and the reason is no less solid.

10 best gift ideas for a newborn's first visit

They do not go to the bride empty-handed. If a young mother was too shy to hint which gift would be more desirable, she will have to choose it herself.

And we will help you.

Also useful: high-quality bottle horns, a night light in the children's room, a huge massage ball (fitball), a car seat, a high chair, clothes, bathing sets, etc.

From it can be noted:

  • cosmetic products (creams, powders, etc.). Mom knows better what the baby needs, and what will not cause allergies.
  • Various souvenirs (they are now just useless).
  • Baby clothes (toys) of dubious quality from the "Chinese" market around the corner.
  • mini cars , scooters and bicycles, huge plush "dust collectors" will also wait for now - not the time.
  • Flowers. Choose only those that will not cause allergies in the baby. And it is better to replace the bouquet with useful things.
  • Dummy. Not every mother will use them - many parents are categorically against the appearance of such a bad habit in a baby.
  • Children food. The choice of food is a strictly individual matter. It is bought on the recommendation of a pediatrician, and not based on the price and beauty of the packaging.
  • Stroller . If you don't know for sure what model mom wants, don't risk it.
  • Baby furniture. Again, you need to be sure that there is a place for this furniture, that it is really needed, and that it fits with the overall design of the room.

And most importantly. Buy a gift with love for the baby, not for show. Then its size and cost will not matter.

We go to visit a newborn - rules for guests and signs

The gift has already been bought and there are only a few days left until the bride? So, it's time to remember the rules for guests ...

Newborn look - signs and superstitions

Today, few people remember signs, superstitious people are a rarity. From the old times, only a few “reached” us (and those are not as a guide to action):

  • It is allowed to show the baby only after the 40th day from the moment of birth. And only after baptism. Then, as the ancestors believed, the baby will be ready to meet the world - protected from the evil eye, disease and damage.
  • Sleeping babies are not allowed to be photographed. Explanations about the ban are very vague.
  • It is forbidden to kiss the baby on the heels and cheeks. Otherwise, he will be late with the first steps and words.
  • The best gift for a baby - a spoon made of gold or silver (so that the baby becomes rich).

If a young mother constantly endures the bride or tries to limit you in something (not with children, not for a long time, not with a runny nose, etc.), don't be offended ! Be understanding.

If you really can’t wait to see the crumbs - agree to cross for a walk. You will have time to talk with mom and look at the baby.

What do you think about the first visit of a newborn? It is very important for us to know your opinion!

The guests gather at the table. Music sounds.

Gathering again all our relatives,
We invited you to Kasha,
After all, in our family growth
A month has already grown.
We start our holiday
Let's notify the whole world
There are no happier parents!

(addressing the parents of the newborn)

And your daughter is more beautiful!
May she be loved by all
And fate will give her happiness as a reward.
Let only joy always deliver
And the big one is growing fast!

Guests are applauded.

So that parental delight
For all of us to share
I ask the guests to pour full glasses.

The guests fill their glasses.

Cherishing this moment
We declare with tenderness:
The baby is more wonderful every day!
Let's all drink to it together!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause 2-3 minutes.

Well, friends, we continue
We fill the glasses again!

The guests fill their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke
For the parents of the little one!

The guests are drinking.

The beauty of a spring flower
You will bloom for sure
The long-awaited little daughter,
At least she's Thumbelina for now.
So that guests can see your baby,
Let's open the petals a little.

The host, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, takes out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.

She still has a miniature:
From head to toe.
Each of the toys
She could serve for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. With the help of their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

Guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read out the text of the note and pass everything on to the host.

walnut shell
Need a newborn for...

Everything. Success!

Let the velvety pollen
Serves as powder for... (persons).
But these petals
Let them decorate... (marigold).
In a dish where pure water
Let it reflect... (the beauty).
From the spark of this small
Let there be light... (soul).
On a holiday for Thumbelina
This sheet will replace... (boats).

The host moves the baby from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water, decorated with floating candles.

Let it move straight through life
This little lady!
And we won't let her down.
Let's drink to this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.

Friends! It is likely that a few days ago the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The host shows the guests the flower from which the baby was taken. This flower should really match the size of the newborn.

What do you think, the size of which part of the body of our baby corresponds to the core of the flower (or flower bud)? (Head)
What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What is the length of the leaves compared to? (With handles.)

Here is our Thumbelina
Not a button at all
And like a flower
Which hasn't bloomed yet.
To give him the strength to grow,
Words of the heart
It needs to sound.

I ask all those gathered to pay attention to the postcards in the form of a heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our little one and read them out.

Music sounds. Guests fill out postcards and take turns reading them.

Toast: For the heartfelt wishes of our guests!

From early childhood, many know
What flowers always surround them.
We will not hide for a long time today:
Our girl's name is Alina.
This name is like a picture
Will decorate the baby
And then our Alina
It will only flourish.
Many years will pass from now on
And sometime later
About the famous Alina
They will talk around.
Maybe Alina will grow up
And there will be a prima ballerina.
Or maybe become a doctor...
How would you like to know about that!

Leading(referring to parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess
You need to get a ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, fashion model, banker, president's wife, etc. They draw one of them with their eyes closed and read out the profession.

The baby will eat a lot of porridge,
So that all your dreams come true.
So don't sit too long
Cook delicious porridge.
Well, we will help you
If we drink 100 grams.

Sounds like a toast.

I see dad is happy
Immediately take a grip in your hands,
Pick up a cast iron for them,
Daughter to make porridge for the future.
We approve this
Papa will be tested quickly.
Dexterity needs to be shown
Pick up a cast iron.

The dad of the newborn is given a grip, a cast iron. He's doing the job.

Mom, so that your contribution
weighty to contribute,
Water for us for porridge
Must bring.

Mom is on a mission.

And now we, the guests, need
Cook porridge for everyone here together.
It seems that there is nothing easier than cooking ordinary porridge. But no wonder they say that everything should have its own zest. I hope today's dish will amaze you with its originality and simplicity.
After all, for a festive dinner
Grandma Varvara is coming
Share a simple secret
How to get us a profit.

Grandma Varvara appears against the background of music.

Grandma Barbara.
Good afternoon, and here I am!
I'll cook porridge for you, friends.
I won't hide anything from you
And I will reveal one secret.
The simplest thing is to cook porridge from an ax.

Shows an ax tied with a red ribbon.

Grandma Barbara.
Why cook an ax?
He will give a rebuff to all troubles.
Yes, and the fat will add porridge, and save time. So we put it in a pot filled with water, put it on the stove and wait for it to boil.

Grandma Barbara puts the ax into the pot.

Grandma Barbara.
To sweet child
Been for many years
We will add sugar
Into boiling waters.
And salt will have to
Alas, pass
So that the baby has tears
Never to be seen.

He adds sugar to the pot, and pushes the jar of salt aside.

Grandma Barbara.
So that milk teeth
To be strong
About milk we must
Not forget.

Pouring milk into a pot.

Grandma Barbara.
Something else is missing in our porridge. Here's to remembering! Maybe someone will tell me?

Guests are advised.

Grandma Barbara.
You say cereals? Well, let's choose the best one. I invite one who wishes to determine with closed eyes the types of various cereals.

The participant of the game is offered saucers with cereals under the numbers:
1) semolina; 2) buckwheat; 3) rice; 4) pea; 5) millet; 6) barley.
He's doing the job.

Grandma Barbara.
To find out which cereal is most suitable for our porridge, you need to add up the numbers of the year of the newborn (2003 - 2 + 0 + 0 + 3 = 5), add the number of her birth to the sum (5 + 2 = 7), subtract the number of children in her. real family (7 - 3 = 4), increase this by the number obtained by counting the wheels of the baby carriage (4 + 4 = 8) and subtract the number contained in the word "family" from the total (8 - 7 = 1).

Guests count, give an answer.

Grandma Barbara.
Yes, semolina -
The best way!
We'll add it right away.
In our we option.

Adds grits to the cast iron.

Grandma Barbara.
And who knows what you can spice up our dish? You say oil? Only the oil is different. For example:
1. Oil, which makes all dishes golden. What is it called? ("Gold".)
2. And the name of which oil symbolizes what people think is the best? ("Ideal".)
3. What is the name of the oil that all the gods on Olympus love? ("Rama Vitality.")

Grandma Barbara.
For God to love
Our sweet little one
We will add "Frames"
A little porridge.

(Adds oil.)

And now, to become tasty,
The dish needs to stand.

Takes the iron to another room.

Grandma Barbara(returning).
I suggest the cooks drink together 100 grams.

The guests support the toast. The soundtrack of the song "Somewhere in the world ..." sounds. Performing a song, 4 "peanuts" appear in caps, bibs, diapers.


1. Once upon a time in this world
In a small family
There will be kids
Seriously, not in a dream.
Parents will be happy
Happy family.
They didn't expect
What awaits their quadruple
Joy has come to this house.

2. Each child is large,
Strong in development
Very talented in many ways
Smart beyond his years.
Mom cooks porridge for them,
Dad is looking after it.
"In porridge, after all, all the power" -
So the rumor goes on.
Joy has come to this House.

1st toddler.
Toddlers! Look -
Uncles, aunts, what do they eat?!
Are adults today
Health is not monitored?

2nd toddler.
After all, they came to Kasha.
Let them try it.
All will become the same
On the big sumo wrestlers!

3rd toddler.
We don't mind eating
Our time has come.
Brothers, sisters, why be ashamed?
We must claim ours!

4th toddler.
Hunger seems to be not an aunt!
Give porridge to the kids!
And not that we are very loud
Here we will arrange a concert for you!

Depict a child crying.

Our dear children!
To try porridge for everyone,
You need to sit down at the table quickly
And eat well.
In honor of the newborn baby
We'll eat it all by the spoonful.

Against the background of music, Grandma Varvara carries out a cast-iron pot with real semolina in it.

Grandma Barbara.
Everything turned out the way I wanted -
The porridge seems to have arrived,
It turned out good.
Eat without haste!
But dear guests...
Do you want, don't you want
Let's start with the parents.
They've been saying for a long time
That this porridge was brewed.
So try to shoot them,
Sip porridge with a spoon.

Parents of a newborn are trying porridge.

It's the turn of the guests -
Eat porridge all friendly!

In exchange for porridge, guests give gifts to the newborn. The evening ends with tea.


1. An artificial flower the length of a newborn child, in the petals of which a baby girl is placed.
2. Miniature objects on the table with notes.
3. A dish of water, decorated with floating candles.
4. Postcards in the form of a heart.
5. Cards with the names of various professions.
6. Grip, cast iron.
7. An ax tied with a red ribbon.
8. Sugar, cereals, eye patch.
9. Butter "Rama", milk.
10. Bibs, diapers.
11. A pot of semolina.

congratulations today

We are with the birth of a child.

Let him grow with talent

To be proud of mom and dad!

And as a keepsake from us

Here is a gift of congratulations.

Wishing a Sea of ​​Happiness

In this short couple of lines!

Let the baby grow strong

And may health be excellent.

May you have happiness in the family,

After all, there are more of you - there are three of you!

Congratulations on the baby

Peanut, naked,

There will be joy in the house

No more peace

Trouble, worries,

The kid will set the work

You have patience and patience,

And once again with replenishment,

Eat, grow

Smile, sleep!

love mommy,

Appreciate your daddy!

A baby was born -

Events couldn't get better!

Let a healthy strong man grow

To the joy of both the sun and people!

Smiling angel to him

In a hurry to arrive with a lullaby,

To the crib his fringe

Weaves a spider-needleworker.

From rivers and meadows - silk diapers,

From loved ones - this simple congratulations!

Hello new person

Be happy forever!

You grow up healthy

And don't let your family down!

Congratulations mom and dad

And we wish you patience

And understanding

And, of course, admiration!

Your child will be the best

Coming out of diapers soon

To conquer our world

You are lucky to live and live!

What does the first cry of a child mean?

It means celebration

It means - the world has become richer

Another creature!

And in honor of your birth

We wrote congratulations!

Until you understand

Not a word from him

But your parents

Let him hear

May they be happy

Feeding you growing

Let fate keep you

Beautiful child!

Your baby has arrived.

We want many years

He did not know any troubles,

Was happy and healthy

Both beautiful and fun!

So that both in kindergarten and at school

He made friends

For pranks and for undertakings!

Grow up baby, hurry up!

Mom needs to wish

Find more strength

To raise a child.

Well, congratulations to dad

Wish the bag

I could make money!

Toast with a newborn

toast to baby

The wife sent her husband son Vovochka to pick up from the kindergarten:

Come see how your son is raised! And then everything is me and me ... A completely child without a father blossomed!

“It can’t be that it has already bloomed like that!” - thought the father, but still went to the kindergarten.

He sees a door on the first floor. And on it is the inscription "Good children." Pushed there:

I'm for Vovochka!

You are higher, they tell him.

Rises higher. There is a door with the inscription "Normal children". It's a shame, of course, that the son is not so wonderful, but okay ...

I'm for Vovochka...

you higher.

What to do? Dad goes up another floor. There's a door that says "Naughty Kids". Well, bully! Well, robber! However, there is nothing to do - knocks,

I'm for Vovochka, ...

You are higher, - he hears the usual answer. On legs weak from excitement, he climbed another floor,

And there is a door with the inscription "Terrible children." Dad gave himself an oath to improve, to work more with his son, and he knocks barely audibly.

Vovochka for me...

And the answer is the same: "Rise higher." And the father got up, and the father saw under the very roof a thick iron door and on it a simple sign - "Vovochka".

So let's drink to ensure that our baby and his father never find themselves in such a situation!

Porridge for a newborn - holiday script - birth - holidays - catalog of articles - miracle

The guests gather at the table. Music sounds.


Gathering again all our relatives,

We invited you to Kasha,

After all, in our family growth

A month has already grown.

We start our holiday

Let's notify the whole world

There are no happier parents!

(addressing the parents of the newborn)

And your daughter is more beautiful!

May she be loved by all

And fate will give her happiness as a reward.

Let only joy always deliver

And the big one is growing fast!

Guests are applauded.


So that parental delight

For all of us to share

I ask the guests to pour full glasses.

The guests fill their glasses.

Cherishing this moment

We declare with tenderness:

The baby is more wonderful with each!

Let's all drink to it together!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause 2-3 minutes.


Well, friends, we continue

We fill the glasses again!

The guests fill their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke

For the parents of the little one!

The guests are drinking.


The beauty of a spring flower

You will bloom for sure

The long-awaited little daughter,

At least she's Thumbelina for now.

So that guests can see your baby,

Let's open the petals a little.

The host, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, takes out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.


She still has a miniature:

From head to toe.

Each of the toys

She could serve for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. With the help of their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

Guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read out the text of the note and pass everything on to the host.

walnut shell

Need a newborn for...

Everything. Success!

Let the velvety pollen

Serves as powder for... (persons).

But these petals

Let them decorate... (marigold).

In a dish where pure water

Let it reflect... (the beauty).

From the spark of this small

Let there be light... (soul).

On a holiday for Thumbelina

This sheet will replace... (boats).

The host moves the baby from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water, decorated with floating candles.


Let it move straight through life

This little lady!

And we won't let her down.

Let's drink to this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.


Friends! It is likely that a few days ago the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The host shows the guests the flower from which the baby was taken. This flower should really match the size of the newborn.


What do you think, the size of which part of the body of our baby corresponds to the core of the flower (or flower bud)? (Head)

What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What is the length of the leaves compared to? (With handles.)


Here is our Thumbelina

Not a button at all

And like a flower

Which hasn't bloomed yet.

To give him the strength to grow,

Words of the heart

It needs to sound.

I ask everyone in the audience to pay attention to the shape of the heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our little one and read them out.

Music sounds. Guests fill out postcards and take turns reading them.

Toast: For our cordial guests!

The guests support the toast. Musical pause.


All flowers start

From seeds or roots...

So the time has come

Raise a toast to us as soon as possible!

The guests fill their glasses.

For grandparents

And all our great-great

It's time to raise a glass

The time has come!

The guests support the toast.


From early childhood, many know

What flowers always surround them.

We will not hide for a long time today:

Our girl's name is Alina.

This name is like a picture

Will decorate the baby

And then our Alina

It will only flourish.

Many years will pass from now on

And sometime later

About the famous Alina

They will talk around.

Maybe Alina will grow up

And there will be a prima ballerina.

Or maybe become a doctor...

How would you like to know about that!

Leading(referring to parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess

You need to get a ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, fashion model, banker, president's wife, etc. They draw one of them with their eyes closed and read out the profession.


The baby will eat a lot of porridge,

So that all your dreams come true.

So don't sit too long

Cook delicious porridge.

Well, we will help you

If we drink 100 grams.

Sounds like a toast.

I see dad is happy

Immediately take a grip in your hands,

Pick up a cast iron for them,

Daughter to make porridge for the future.

We approve this

Papa will be tested quickly.

Dexterity needs to be shown

Pick up a cast iron.

The dad of the newborn is given a grip, a cast iron. He's doing the job.


Mom, so that your contribution

weighty to contribute,

Water for us for porridge

Must bring.

Mom is on a mission.

Congratulations on the birth of a child, toasts to a newborn

See other newborn

: Newborn congratulations toasts

Pythagoras said: "Do great things without promising great things."

Let's drink to this promised, long-awaited and great - for the newborn!

The very birth of a child is a gift not only for mom and dad, but also for newly-made grandparents, as well as for all close friends gathered at the table. For gifts, you should thank with gifts, so today we have prepared a lot of gifts for the baby that will be useful to him in life!

For the happiness of the parents of the newborn, his grandparents!

The child will grow up and become an adult. But even then you will remain parents. Therefore, I want to congratulate your baby on the newly minted mom and dad!

It's time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself," wrote Leo Tolstoy.

So let's raise a glass to the most gift - life itself! For a newborn! Son, you have a child that you will raise on your own. "Children punish with shame, not with a whip!" - knowledgeable people assure. Let's drink to the new father and to the fact that he copes with the difficult responsibilities that have been added with the birth of the baby. Dear newly baked mom and dad! A thousand years ago, a Persian poet gave young parents very good advice:

Raise a child while he is stupid and small,

To be noble, so that he becomes reasonable,

As long as the trunk is young, as long as the fruit only ripens,

The trunk can be grown as the gardener wants.

The old trunk can not be straightened and the other cannot be bent,

It is impossible to instruct those who are mature on a different path.

Let's raise a glass to a wise wish! If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

Let's drink to the kids! Dear Parents! Now a part of both of you exists separately from you. Now you have a judge stricter than the opinion of others. Now each of you can say: "Everything that I could not do in this life can be done by my child."

I congratulate you on the birth of your first child, on the new quality of your life, on new worries and new joys! And outside the window it flies, the snow is spinning,

And outside the window is wonderful weather,

A man was born A man was born

And everyone is welcome at any time of the year!

Let them push back that day of the year!

But man lives and gives to people,

Your work, love, kindness,

That's exactly why we will never forget Him!

Let's raise the congratulations together

And say: Valya, we congratulate you!

For years, for a lifetime,

We wish you health, personal happiness!!! Having barely had time to be born, the baby has already become the subject of universal adoration, the idol of the family. This means that he will not be deprived of parental affection and will develop in an atmosphere of kindness. Let's wish the newborn to be as charming, beautiful and cheerful as his mother; smart and kind, like his father And youth, like a spring primrose,

It is fragrant, giving joy to everyone.

Let the dawn of love be boundless,

And the dawn will meet the horizon

In a holy, beautiful, hot kiss,

And this light will illuminate everything and everyone!

And from that let the earth rejoice

What a new person! May the savior angels

Keep your baby

And strict parents

They don't scold her too much.

Let grandparents

Without anyone's clue

To my beautiful girl

Tales are told.

And books and toys

Let the house be filled soon

cherished desires

Those who live in it will be fulfilled.

Birthday Scenarios for Children

Scenario for the birthday of a child from 7 to 10 years old

This is the script for a birthday at 7 years old, at 8 years old, at 9 years old, at 10 years old. Scenario birthday in nature.

Make a map of the place where the treasure is located and divide it into several pieces (or parts). Half of the card can be given as a birthday gift.

How to decorate the interior for a child's birthday

Room decoration for birthday

“Birthday is only once a year,” as the song goes. And that is why the preparation of this holiday deserves special attention! You need to start it two to three weeks before the date of the holiday. It is even advisable to draw up a detailed plan for the celebration and a scheme for painting rooms. The atmosphere greatly affects the holiday and creates its mood.

Where to celebrate a child's birthday?

Traditionally, entertainment and a feast are organized by the hero of the occasion. In recent years, more and more birthday people invite guests not home, but to restaurants and cafes. Of course, in connection with this, a lot of trouble for preparing the table and decorating the room disappears.

The history of the birthday

An interesting story about the birthday party for children.

In the old days in Russia, this holiday was celebrated only in wealthy noble families. Peasants sometimes did not know their birthday! Previously, when newborn children were mainly given names in honor of the saints revered on this day, the name day and birthday coincided.

Child's birthday. Scenarios

How and where to celebrate a children's birthday

Like any other holiday, your child's birthday should be approached with all responsibility. Gather a family council and decide how many you can invite, while also considering the location where you are going to spend the children's birthday

How to organize a child's birthday party at home

How to organize a children's birthday party at home?

So, let's discuss the organization and holding of a children's birthday.

A children's holiday at home is a task, although difficult, but very exciting and enjoyable. All children, no less than adults, like holidays, especially birthdays. Even more, kids like to feel like adults and independent on their holiday.

3 comments Child's birthday. Birthday tricks

Everyone loves tricks, both adults and children. And at a birthday party, along with games and contests, they will create a fun and intriguing holiday atmosphere.


Games and at the child's birthday

Child's birthday. Games, entertainment

What is a child's birthday without fun games and entertainment. For example, here are the games we offer you. Moreover, everyone is not funny, but they are aimed at the development of the child, the development of speech, coordination.

Child's birthday. Scenario

Children love cartoons very much. Leopold the cat is one of the favorite heroes of kids, he is appreciated for his kindness. And therefore, if the cat Leopold himself comes to visit your child for his birthday, then for him this will be a memorable gift.

Scenario for the birthday of the baby.


Children's holiday "from A to Z". What do you need to prepare for a child's birthday?

A children's holiday differs from an adult mainly in that children do not know how to entertain themselves. Therefore, the focus is primarily on the entertainment program, and not on gourmet snacks.

Birthday script for children from 3 to 6 years old

Scenario for a children's birthday from 3 to 6 years old "Carlson, who came down from the roof." The script is detailed, with a description of all the games and entertainment for children.

1 comment

First birthday. up to a year. children. 7ya.ru

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Everyone understands that a young mother is not up to receptions. But if close people sincerely want to express congratulations and look at the new little man, then they cannot be denied this desire either.

It is not necessary to arrange the bride of a newborn earlier than one and a half months after his birth. Our ancestors . Mother was also forbidden to appear in public all this time. This was done so that both the child and the mother would not get sick during this period.

The immune system of a newborn baby is still very weak. In order not to expose the baby to the risk of contracting any disease, at this time it is better for him not to come into contact with new microorganisms. Each person brings their own microbes, so you should not take risks and invite guests to see the baby while he is still not strong.

In an emotional sense, the baby can also have a hard time with a large crowd of new people. He is just beginning to adapt to the environment and get used to the close people around him. Breastfeeding is still getting better, a bond with mom is being created. During this period, you need to be very attentive and sensitive to your baby.

Pay attention to the general condition and behavior of the child. If, for example, the baby has been acting up a lot lately, or he is suffering from colic, or there are some other problems, then it is advisable to postpone the bride of the newborn until calmer times. The extra stress on the baby associated with the arrival of guests can only worsen the situation.

Some combine the bride of the child and his baptism. This option is quite suitable if you do not plan to baptize your baby at an older age. They used to do that before. On the 40th day after birth, the child was baptized and a holiday was organized on this occasion along with the bride. The question of when to invite relatives and friends to visit is up to you. However, don't do it too soon.

Whom to invite to the bride

There may be a lot of people who want to come to visit you. It all depends on your desires and financial capabilities. But usually only the closest people are invited to the bride. You can show the baby to numerous friends, colleagues and relatives later. It is not necessary to call them all together. Usually no more than 10-12 people are invited.

Organization of the show

Remember that all the main hardships of preparing for the holiday will fall on you. Therefore, choose the time when it is convenient for you. Of course, it is not nice to leave guests alone for 1.5 hours or make them wait for a long time. Therefore, consider how to organize everything so that the reception of guests. It is important to strictly adhere to the regime and not deviate from it because of the guests.

Think of a treat for guests. Decide whether it will be just a sweet table with a beautiful cake and tea, or whether it will be a solid feast. In the latter case, a young mother simply cannot do without assistants. If it’s hard to help, then it’s better to limit yourself to a cake or light snacks with quick dishes.

When the weather permits, a meeting in the country can be a good option. In the fresh air, the likelihood of getting sick is significantly reduced. If you are making a holiday at home, then you need to follow some basic rules that will protect your newborn from unwanted infection:

  • Hang a separate towel for guests in the bathroom in advance and be sure to send everyone who comes to wash their hands.
  • The room with the child must be closed. At the beginning of the holiday, take out a smart baby and present it to the guests. A few minutes of communication will be enough. Then bring the child back to his room. It is not necessary that all the guests go in turn to the nursery to look at the baby.
  • Do not let anyone kiss the newborn, this is still superfluous. A person may not know that he is sick, but be a carrier of various infectious diseases.
  • Inform those invited that you can only come to visit if you are absolutely healthy and, if possible, without other children. Feel free to set such harsh conditions, because in this case it is better to play it safe.
  • If you have a one-room apartment, then the meeting should take place in the kitchen, and not in the room where the child is. Do not allow smoking in the house and even on the balcony, send smokers outside.
  • To prevent diseases, you can anoint the nose of a newborn with oxolin ointment.
  • If the guests are late, then say that it's time for you to bathe the baby or put him to bed, your friends will treat this with understanding and will not consider you a bad hostess.
  • After the guests leave, it is good to do a wet cleaning throughout the apartment. It is clear that you are unlikely to have the strength for such a feat, it is better to ask your loved ones about it in advance.

You can buy or make your own special book for wishes for a newborn. When he becomes an adult, he will be very pleased to read these congratulations. Don't forget to use your camera or camcorder to capture memorable moments.

When you see off guests and are left alone with the baby, do not be alarmed if he cries, falls asleep hard, or refuses to breastfeed. This is the reaction of a small organism to the stress that he experienced. Be patient and take it with understanding. Most importantly, don't worry yourself. Good luck to you and your baby!

The guests gather at the table. Music sounds.

Gathering again all our relatives,
We invited you to Kasha,
After all, in our family growth
A month has already grown.
We start our holiday
Let's notify the whole world
There are no happier parents!

(addressing the parents of the newborn)

And your daughter is more beautiful!
May she be loved by all
And fate will give her happiness as a reward.
Let only joy always deliver
And the big one is growing fast!

Guests are applauded.

So that parental delight
For all of us to share
I ask the guests to pour full glasses.

The guests fill their glasses.

Cherishing this moment
We declare with tenderness:
The baby is more wonderful every day!
Let's all drink to it together!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause 2-3 minutes.

Well, friends, we continue
We fill the glasses again!

The guests fill their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke
For the parents of the little one!

The guests are drinking.

The beauty of a spring flower
You will bloom for sure
The long-awaited little daughter,
At least she's Thumbelina for now.
So that guests can see your baby,
Let's open the petals a little.

The host, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, takes out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.

She still has a miniature:
From head to toe.
Each of the toys
She could serve for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. With the help of their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

Guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read out the text of the note and pass everything on to the host.

walnut shell
Need a newborn for...

Everything. Success!

Let the velvety pollen
Serves as powder for... (persons).
But these petals
Let them decorate... (marigold).
In a dish where pure water
Let it reflect... (the beauty).
From the spark of this small
Let there be light... (soul).
On a holiday for Thumbelina
This sheet will replace... (boats).

The host moves the baby from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water, decorated with floating candles.

Let it move straight through life
This little lady!
And we won't let her down.
Let's drink to this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.

Friends! It is likely that a few days ago the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The host shows the guests the flower from which the baby was taken. This flower should really match the size of the newborn.

What do you think, the size of which part of the body of our baby corresponds to the core of the flower (or flower bud)? (Head)
What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What is the length of the leaves compared to? (With handles.)

Here is our Thumbelina
Not a button at all
And like a flower
Which hasn't bloomed yet.
To give him the strength to grow,
Words of the heart
It needs to sound.

I ask all those gathered to pay attention to the postcards in the form of a heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our little one and read them out.

Music sounds. Guests fill out postcards and take turns reading them.

Toast: For the heartfelt wishes of our guests!

The guests support the toast. Musical pause.

All flowers start
From seeds or roots...
So the time has come
Raise a toast to us as soon as possible!

The guests fill their glasses.

For grandparents
And all our great-great
It's time to raise a glass
The time has come!

The guests support the toast.

From early childhood, many know
What flowers always surround them.
We will not hide for a long time today:
Our girl's name is Alina.
This name is like a picture
Will decorate the baby
And then our Alina
It will only flourish.
Many years will pass from now on
And sometime later
About the famous Alina
They will talk around.
Maybe Alina will grow up
And there will be a prima ballerina.
Or maybe become a doctor...
How would you like to know about that!

Leading(referring to parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess
You need to get a ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, fashion model, banker, president's wife, etc. They draw one of them with their eyes closed and read out the profession.

The baby will eat a lot of porridge,
So that all your dreams come true.
So don't sit too long
Cook delicious porridge.
Well, we will help you
If we drink 100 grams.

Sounds like a toast.

I see dad is happy
Immediately take a grip in your hands,
Pick up a cast iron for them,
Daughter to make porridge for the future.
We approve this
Papa will be tested quickly.
Dexterity needs to be shown
Pick up a cast iron.

The dad of the newborn is given a grip, a cast iron. He's doing the job.

Mom, so that your contribution
weighty to contribute,
Water for us for porridge
Must bring.

Mom is on a mission.