Brown discharge during pregnancy at 12 weeks. week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby? Sexual contact, vaginal ultrasound

Brown discharge during pregnancy can appear due to a variety of reasons. Diagnostics should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. And the following possible reasons will help you navigate the situation a little. Unfortunately, such discharge during pregnancy: the color is brown, bloody, always indicates some kind of pathology. By the way, the vaginal discharge is stained in this color due to the contained blood. Now more about the possible reasons.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the most dangerous pathologies of an expectant mother. The problem is that in the early stages it is very problematic to determine where the ovum is developing. But there are still ways to diagnose.

If a woman has pain or spotting from the vagina, the doctor not only conducts a gynecological examination, but also directs her for an ultrasound examination and a blood test for hCG. If, according to a blood test, there is a pregnancy, and its period is 2-4 weeks or more, while there is no fetal egg in the uterus on an ultrasound scan, this is an indication for diagnostic laparoscopy. With the help of this operation, performed, one might say, without an incision, the doctor will be able to find and remove the ovum, which for some reason began to develop outside the uterine cavity. If this is not done, rupture of the tissues of the organ (most often, the fallopian tube) and severe bleeding may occur. This is a deadly condition.

Frozen pregnancy

A very common pathology, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although sometimes for this reason, brown discharge during pregnancy appears at 12 weeks and later. For several weeks a woman can consider herself pregnant, while the baby inside her is already dead.

The embryo dies for various reasons. Sometimes due to the toxic effects of alcoholic beverages or drugs, but more often due to severe malformations. Thus, nature weeds out non-viable human individuals, no matter how rude it may sound.

Diagnosis is by ultrasound and hCG blood tests. On ultrasound, the child has no heartbeat. And the level of hCG is too low for a given gestational age.
Abroad, in the case of diagnosing a frozen pregnancy at a short time, doctors take such a woman under control and wait until the body itself gets rid of the failed pregnancy. In Russia, however, they are usually sent to "cleanse the uterus" in order to avoid the development of an infectious process.

The threat of termination of pregnancy

This is the first thing doctors think about when they notice brown discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester or in the first. A similar symptom can be observed with partial chorionic detachment. And the longer the gestation period, the more dangerous this detachment can be for a woman, since the placenta, like the baby, grows. This means that the area of ​​its detachment can be large, and therefore the bleeding is more massive. Discharge during pregnancy, brown in late stages is of particular concern to gynecologists.

If other causes of discharge in a woman are excluded, she is advised to give up sex life and bed rest. With abundant discharge, hospital treatment is mandatory.

For the prevention of miscarriage, drugs containing the hormone progesterone are used - it plays an essential role in maintaining pregnancy. However, these measures do not always make it possible to keep the child. The worst prognosis is given if, in addition to discharge, women are diagnosed with cervical dilatation and cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

Retrochorial hematoma

This is a cavity with blood that forms between the chorion and the ovum as a result of its partial rejection. A small hematoma may not make itself felt in any way, but become an accidental finding during ultrasound examination.

Brown and bloody discharge may begin when the hematoma is emptied. And if everything ends well, then the discharge stops on its own. Unfortunately, it is impossible to "cure" the hematoma. Doctors, on the other hand, usually provide standard therapy to maintain the pregnancy. It is important not to allow physical exertion and tension of the uterus.

Placenta previa

Normally, the placenta is located on the anterior, posterior wall of the uterus or in its bottom. If placenta previa occurs, then it is formed in the lower segment of the uterus, while partially or completely overlapping the internal pharynx.

The so-called marginal placenta previa, when only a small "piece" of the child's place falls on the internal pharynx, is the most favorable situation, since up to 28 weeks of pregnancy the placenta tends to migrate higher in the uterus, corresponding to its growth.

But while the presentation persists, a woman may periodically experience small placental abruptions, so the woman notices brown discharge.

The mode of delivery and its timing depend on where the placenta is located before childbirth. If it blocks the internal pharynx, natural childbirth can be dangerous or completely impossible, a cesarean section is performed.

Pathologies and injuries of the cervix

The cause of brown and bloody discharge in pregnant women may lie in the pathology of the cervix. Many women have it, but rarely have symptoms. Even when the oncological process begins. That is why it is so important to undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist and take a PAP test - a smear that helps to identify atypical cells on the cervix - precancer or cancer.

If the cervix is ​​bleeding, the doctor sees it during examination using a gynecological speculum. The neck can bleed when it is injured, as a result of intercourse, for example. Or due to an existing disease. The doctor should take a smear, if indicated, carry out a colposcopy.

Often in women in such a situation, a cervical polyp is found. But this malignant formation or a benign doctor will be able to say for sure only from the results of a biopsy. In most cases, if there are no signs of cancer, the pregnant woman is advised to wait with further diagnosis and treatment until the baby is born. Since frequent examinations, taking smears, colposcopy and other necessary procedures can lead to spontaneous abortion.

A polyp is removed from the expectant mother if cancer is suspected, or if not only brown discharge sometimes appears, but there is bleeding, which can lead to anemia.

As for sexual activity with benign formations of the cervix, it is not prohibited unless there are other reasons for its restriction, and touching the polyp does not cause bleeding.

The 12th week of pregnancy is approaching, all the main systems and organs of the fetus have already been formed and now they are actively working.

Imagine, your baby is now constantly moving: wiggling her legs and arms, tumbling, even sucking her finger! True, it is still so small that you do not feel it at all. Now, when the pregnancy is 12 weeks, the development of the fetus is proceeding at an active pace!

12 weeks pregnant: what's going on?

What does the fetus look like at 12 weeks of gestation:

  • The baby's epidermis (the top layer of the skin) is renewed, and his old cells will peel off.
  • At the site of the cilia and eyebrows, above the upper lip and on the chin, a hairy fluff appears.
  • The already formed toes and handles are covered with small nails, and a unique pattern is created on their pads.
  • The gestation period is twelve weeks, and the thyroid gland and pituitary gland actively produce iodine and hormones.
  • The liver begins to produce bile, the kidneys work.
  • In the blood of the fetus, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes begin to appear.
  • Bone tissue actively ripens, muscles are strengthened.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid increases, and at 12 weeks is 50 ml.

Now your baby is growing very quickly, which is confirmed by a photo of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now its length is becoming a more important indicator than weight.

The gestation period is 12 weeks, the dimensions of the fetus are as follows: the fetus is about 6 cm long and weighs about 14 g.

From this time on, a woman will begin to gain weight every week about 500 g. Until week 12, your weight gain since the beginning of pregnancy was approximately 1.5 - 3.5 kg.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of your belly will show that your belly is rounded. The time comes when you need to start controlling yourself in food intake.

Nutrition at the 12th week of pregnancy: the expectant mother should forget about various snacks, not overeat, remember the mandatory daily intake of calcium and iodine, and not forget about the threat of constipation. Drink dried fruit compotes, eat vegetables, do not forget to exercise.

Feelings in the twelfth week of pregnancy

If all the time of pregnancy you were overcome by toxicosis, then now, at last, the twelfth week of pregnancy has come and you have reached that long-awaited period when its unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear.

From now on, vomiting, nausea, emotional instability and irritability will become an unpleasant memory for the expectant mother. You will have to endure a little only if a woman is expected to have twins or triplets, then for some time toxicosis can make itself felt.

What happens to a woman's body?

  • All internal organs of the expectant mother continue to work in an enhanced mode. Increasing blood volumes can trigger heart palpitations.
  • The uterus is actively increasing in size, but this has little effect on the size of the abdomen. You may already feel a certain roundness, hardly noticeable to others.
  • Your breasts are enlarged and full as the breasts prepare for lactation. In the process of this preparation, the expectant mother may feel a certain itching of the skin on her chest.
  • Do not be alarmed by the appearance of age spots or vascular formations on the face and skin - they will gradually disappear after childbirth. If the pigmentation on the face has become very noticeable, just do not take a photo at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The uterus stopped pressing on the bladder, and you began to run to the toilet less often, compared to the beginning of pregnancy.
  • The time has come to beware of constipation and increased gas formation, because now the enlarging uterus presses on the intestines, which leads to a deterioration in its peristalsis.
  • Do not be alarmed by the manifestation of heartburn, which is caused by a weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus. In this case, gastric juice, moving along the esophagus, causes a burning sensation in the woman.
  • By the way, a photo of tummies taken at 12 weeks of pregnancy pleases all expectant mothers, so do not forget about a picture as a souvenir!

During this period, a woman may experience pain of a different nature and location. Most often, expectant mothers are worried about a painful stomach at the 12th week of pregnancy. We would like to draw your attention to some cases of such pains:

  • If painful sensations are observed periodically and arise on the sides of the abdomen, slightly giving in to the groin or the lumbar region, they do not carry any danger. Their cause lies in the effect of progesterone on the stretched ligaments that support the enlarged uterus.
  • A woman should be alarmed by pulling and cramping pains arising in the lower abdomen. The presence of such pains, accompanied by spotting bloody or brown vaginal discharge, requires immediate medical attention to prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

So, we are on the verge of the most fertile period of all pregnancy - the second trimester. Now the expectant mother must have a good rest and sleep. Take care of your new wardrobe, fill it with loose clothing and comfortable shoes on a low run. Think more often about your future baby, about a friendly and happy family.

Discharge in the twelfth week of pregnancy

You should know that at this stage of pregnancy there is a norm for vaginal discharge:

  • their consistency is uniform,
  • discharge is slightly thick,
  • their color is light or milky,
  • there may be a slightly sour odor.

Any obvious changes in vaginal discharge require an immediate response from the pregnant woman.

If the color of the discharge becomes green-gray or yellow, an unpleasant odor appears, some flakes and frothiness are noticeable, there are impurities of pus - this indicates the addition of an infectious disease.

Now the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so the appearance of genital infections, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the perineum, is possible.

The exact diagnosis will be confirmed, in this case, by tests at the 12th week of pregnancy. Therefore, you should rush to the doctor who will prescribe specialized treatment to prevent possible infection of the fetus.

We draw your attention to the behavior of the expectant mother if brown discharge or bloody vaginal discharge appears at the twelfth week of pregnancy. If they appear together with aching pains in the lower abdomen, then this indicates an increased threat of pregnancy failure.

If such bloody discharge is observed after intercourse or gynecological examination and is not accompanied by abdominal pain, then they may indicate the presence of cervical erosion in the expectant mother. In any of the options, you will definitely need a specialist consultation.

Screening at 12 weeks gestation

This procedure allows you to identify the risk of developing various congenital defects in the baby. Screening testing will show any hormonal abnormality during the period of gestation.

The result is determined by a comprehensive study, which includes:

  • ultrasound indications,
  • a blood test from a vein.

Ultrasound at the twelfth week of pregnancy

If before this time you have not yet undergone an ultrasound scan, then now the time has come for a planned study. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: the indicators of such a study provide important information about the condition of the mother and the unborn child.

Right now you will have the opportunity to see your baby on the monitor for the first time! You can ask your doctor to take an ultrasound scan for you at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, the doctor examines the condition and tone of the uterus, the location of the placenta, calculates the estimated date of your birth. With the help of ultrasound research, the size of the fetus, the dynamics of its development are determined. Ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy: decoding the data allows you to determine the risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities or congenital abnormalities.

The results of an ultrasound scan for an expectant mother cannot be regarded as a final diagnosis - the doctor may be wrong! If there are any suspicions after an ultrasound examination by a specialist, to clarify them, a woman needs to be examined in depth and in detail and undergo additional tests.

12 obstetric week of pregnancy- the penultimate one in the first trimester, this is a very important time. But you will most likely find out that everything is fine with the baby and even hear his heartbeat. The body of the expectant mother is completing the restructuring, even a small, but already fully formed person lives in its innermost depths, and the state of health is gradually returning to normal.

Fetal size and development at 12 weeks gestation

Twelfth week of pregnancy fetal weight already about 14 grams, height 5-7 centimeters. The baby is still very thin, disproportionate, the head is still larger than the body, but he is actively growing and gaining weight.

He diligently lifts his head from his chest, tries to straighten up and does first attempts to breathe while using amniotic fluid.

At 12 weeks of gestation, the baby is already definitely in pain and finally gets sex.

Placenta formed, its thickness by this time is more than 15 cm, through the circulatory system, the fetus receives all the nutrients, and all changes in the mother's condition, her emotions also feel through the placenta.

Organ and body shaping

Brain the crumbs are already a copy of an adult: it consists of two hemispheres, has a pituitary gland and a cerebellum. Have heart two ventricles and two atria, it beats at an intensity of up to 160 beats per minute, moving its own blood through the small body.

The baby has almost real bones, the bone substance continues to mature, develops and grows stronger, the body enters a period of ossification.

Limbs formed and fingers on them, the membranes between the fingers have disappeared, marigolds have appeared, and even an individual skin pattern of future "fingerprints" begins to form, just like vellus hairs - in the place of future eyelashes, eyebrows, on the chin.

In the photo of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy, you can already see how it looks like a tiny baby.

Intestines has ceased to be outside the body, he has taken his place, is actively working, contracting, preparing to promote food.

Are active pituitary and thyroid gland, hormones and iodine are produced, the kidneys work, the baby learns to urinate while in the amniotic fluid. Liver begins to secrete bile. This important organ makes up a tenth of your body weight at 12 weeks. The nervous system develops, muscles become stronger, salivary glands and vocal cords, lips and earlobes gradually appear, the shell of which continues to form.

At 12 weeks, it is formed and thymus, thymus, which is responsible for production. It independently produces iodine tyrosine, regulates metabolic processes, and ensures the growth and development of tissues.

Baby behavior

The baby pushes off the walls of the uterus and actively moving... His eyes, still closed, are already reacting to light. He feels the touch. It responds with spontaneous movements to any irritation of the uterus, vibration of the mother's body, cry, cough. The kid knows how to somersault, suck fists, make faces, open his mouth.

Learns to swallow and breathe, tastes the waters, which are constantly renewed, and even expresses his attitude to this taste. His face is constantly changing, mimic muscles are developing, this is really a face with a high forehead and eyes still wide apart for the time being.

Pain and bleeding

Minor bleeding can accompany placental implantation without pain. A certain amount of bloody discharge is possible after overly active sex and even after examination by a gynecologist. These are signs of cervical erosion.

Discharge indicating a threat of miscarriage, also bloody, but they appear along with pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and require immediate medical attention.

12 weeks are characterized by back pain and perineum. These pains may have physiological causes. For example, an increase in the uterus, a change in the center of gravity, stretching of the ligaments. Also, increased tone is possible, more details about its symptoms.

However, any pain during this period should be listened to very carefully. For pain in the lower abdomen, especially of a cramping nature, go to bed immediately and call a doctor.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy

Doctor visits obstetrician-gynecologist during this period - every 3-4 weeks. If necessary, he can make an appointment with another specialist.

At 12 weeks gestation can be performed.

  • Ultrasound screening examines the "collar zone" of the fetus. It helps to exclude serious pathologies that are often incompatible with life.
  • A biochemical blood test is needed in order to determine the degree of likelihood of developing Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18).

Based on the results of screening, if necessary, more detailed studies are prescribed in a genetic consultation.

We suggest you watch a video of an ultrasound of the fetus at 12 weeks of gestation, and above you can see the photo.

Risk of miscarriage

Sometimes a miscarriage occurs at 12 weeks. The first symptoms in this case may be spotting or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, be sure to contact your doctor or call an ambulance. If you react in time, you can save the pregnancy.

The reasons for a miscarriage can be:

  • infectious diseases;
  • chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus;
  • hormonal disorders of the mother and other abnormalities.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to thoroughly undergo all examinations, take tests and visit a doctor on time in order to significantly reduce the risks of complications.

Mom's diet and exercise at 12 weeks of gestation

The expectant mother should, fractionally and, if possible, at the same time. Eat small meals often and do not skip meals. Forget fast food, semi-finished products and dry snacks.

At 11-12 weeks, the baby begins to declare his own tastes and eating habits, with the mother unusual desires appear... It is simply necessary to satisfy them, in a timely manner and within reasonable limits. Trust your instinct and intuition.

The growing uterus can press on the intestines, resulting in. Vegetables and fruits containing a lot of fiber - apples, bananas, melons, prunes, carrots, apricots - will also help solve this problem.

The expectant mother needs only natural products, without preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers.

  • Eat avocado, lentils, pumpkin.
  • Muesli is very useful as it contains many essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat more greens and fresh vegetable salads with natural vegetable oil.
  • Do not forget about seafood, they contain a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • It is better to replace confectionery (sweets) with honey, raisins, dates or dried apricots.
  • Try to eat one egg a day. Be sure to eat meat (lean and not fried).

At 12 weeks, it is possible and even desirable not to forget about. Best fit yoga for pregnant women or aquafitness... If you ran daily before pregnancy, then you should not stop doing it. You just need to look a little more closely at your well-being and not give unnecessary stress.

Costs refrain from swinging the press and exercise that can tone the uterus. For those who practice at home, you can choose on the Internet the exercises that are most suitable for you, which are specially designed for the first trimester of pregnancy.

Sexual relationships at week 12

The main contraindication for at 12 weeks - the threat of termination of pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe a "rest mode" for specific indications, for example, with a low-attached placenta, with multiple pregnancies.

If there are no such indications, with the improvement of well-being after early toxicosis, the natural desire to maintain warm relationships and good mood with the help of marital intimacy returns. Doctors do not prohibit and even recommend!

  • At the end of the 12th week it costs report your pregnancy and at work, and friends and relatives. It's too early to do this in the first trimester.
  • Regardless of whether you are seen by a local gynecologist or in a private clinic, make sure that you have exchange card, in which the test results and all data about your health condition are entered.
  • If you haven't done it before, choose the appropriate courses or school for expectant mothers.
  • You can already switch to clothes for pregnant women... Purchase specialty underwear. Make sure that all the fabrics you wear are as natural and soft as possible, remember that your baby will experience unpleasant sensations and limiting comfort with you.
  • Sleep problems can arise when the tummy is significantly enlarged, but even now sleep is shallow, full of excitement and emotions. It's time for a sleep ritual, carefully think over the decor of the bed, provide additional pillows, drink milk with honey or soothing herbal tea before bedtime. Adequate sleep will help strengthen the body before childbirth and will be the key to the baby's health.
  • From 12 weeks try sleep on your back or side.
  • For pain relief and discomfort, choose a comfortable bandage, comfortable low-heeled shoes.
  • Remember that the load on your body, heart, lungs, kidneys, skeletal system increases every day, do not overwork, overeating, other violations of the regime.
  • Spend more time in nature breathe fresh air, walk, keep straight.

Video about 12 weeks pregnant

We invite you to watch a video where they will tell you about what happens at the 12th week of pregnancy, how your baby is growing and changing. Also, you will learn what can lead to problems and miscarriage.

There are still a few months before maternity leave. How I want to do everything possible so that the baby is born healthy, smart and cheerful: get enough sleep, look at everything beautiful, eat the most useful, not see unsympathetic people, smile and not get angry, never overwork and not get upset about anything.

What about work? Moreover, work at the computer. Sedentary. Creative. After all, I also love my job, and I am not going to give it up, even for the sake of my beloved baby. Share your experience how do you manage to combine work, pregnancy and family life? What mood did you have in the first trimester? What advice would you give to those who are only in the first weeks of pregnancy?

A clear or whitish vaginal discharge is uncomfortable but physiological. They can be used to judge the state of the body. Changes in their color, smell, consistency indicate pathological processes, but sometimes such metamorphoses are considered as a variant of the norm.

Especially carefully you need to treat them during the period of bearing a child. Although changes are not always a pathology, it is better to protect yourself and the future baby by telling the observing gynecologist about the alarming signals.

A woman should know what is the norm and what conditions refer to pathology, so that when symptoms of the disease appear, she can respond to them in time.

Excessive discharge as a typical sign of pregnancy

After conception, the body goes into a completely different mode of operation and undergoes a number of metamorphoses. Naturally, this is not complete without disturbing changes. Discharge during pregnancy is normal. Moreover, when they are abundant, they can indicate a successful conception. But when the secreted secret changes, you need to contact a specialist.

What is the norm?

Abundant liquid discharge that occurs during pregnancy, which is not accompanied by itching, burning, without an unpleasant odor, can be called normal. From about 12-13 weeks of gestation, the body begins the process of hormonal changes necessary for the normal development of the baby in the womb.

Accordingly, during this period, there is an increased production of the hormone progesterone, which provokes an abundant secretion of secretions. This is a completely normal condition for a woman during this period, so do not panic.

Abundant transparent discharge that appeared during pregnancy at 12-13 weeks does not differ from usual. Normally, they are colorless, slimy, without any odor.

Abundant, which sometimes appear during pregnancy, are also natural. The fact is that the body must provide protection for the developing fetus. Therefore, from the 13th week, a plug of mucus forms in the cervix. Accordingly, for some time the components of the secret are white.

Pathological discharge

As it has already become clear, vaginal secretion is a natural reaction of the body both during gestation and in ordinary life.

But when it changes, you need to contact the specialists:

  • Profuse yellow vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Most often, they indicate a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea. A woman should see a specialist and take vaginal swabs. It is worth noting that in the last weeks of pregnancy, they may indicate mild urinary incontinence;
  • Beige. Basically, they do not indicate the presence of pathology, but they are a signal that there are disorders in the body. For example, they may indicate a lack of progesterone. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the deficiency of this hormone is easily compensated for with special drugs;
  • Abundant white discharge without other symptoms during pregnancy, as already noted, does not pose a danger, but if accompanied by itching, burning, have a cheesy consistency, indicate a disease - candidiasis (thrush);
  • Green. Their appearance is an alarming symptom. This phenomenon is characteristic of a number of diseases - inflammation of the genitourinary system (fallopian tubes, appendages, vagina, cervix), sexually transmitted diseases, various bacterial infections, violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • Abundant during pregnancy. They are a sign of a serious violation, therefore, a specialist examination is necessary. They are included in the symptomatology of conditions and diseases such as ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, matomas, release of mucous plugs before childbirth, damage to the cervix;
  • Bloody, liquid are the most dangerous. If they are scanty, pinkish, short-lived and, most importantly, came on the days when menstruation should have been, then you should not worry. Otherwise, medical attention is needed. Occur with ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage, placental abruption.

When a pathological secret appears, it is necessary to contact the observing gynecologist. When bloody or brown, call an ambulance.

Abundant discharge during early pregnancy

In the first trimester, as we have already found out, they can be both normal and pathological. Changes in the first weeks after conception are natural.

On about 10 days bloody may appear, but they are not classified as pathology. They are associated with the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. At the time of attachment, vessels and capillaries can be damaged.

This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. Its duration is no more than two days. Exceeding this period or significant abundance is a sign of a violation.

Pathological is a yellow, brown, green secret that has a pungent odor and a curdled consistency. Yellowish, with an unpleasant odor, it often accompanies inflammation of the uterus and appendages. Inflammatory processes lead to abortion.

Bloody, lasting more than 3 days, may be a sign of an early miscarriage. Usually there are severe pains in the lower abdomen of a pulling character, nausea, loss of appetite, intestinal disorders. In the early stages, it may indicate cervical erosion.

Bloody, dark red, brown discharge that appears some time after conception usually indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Blood appears when a fertilized egg is rejected. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous and reduces the chances of conceiving a child in the future.

White, stringy, homogeneous, odor-free discharge in the first trimester is the norm. Cheesy, yellow, with a pungent odor can be a sign of uterine inflammation or candidiasis. Bloody and brownish is an alarming symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

Late discharge in a pregnant woman

Late is the period from 35 weeks to the birth itself. At this time, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming process. Perhaps the woman even experienced false contractions. The discharge in the last weeks has not changed much. The norm is abundant mucous discharge in the last stages of pregnancy, milky in color, without a pungent odor. There is no discomfort, burning, itching and other irritating conditions.

For many, at about 37 weeks, a brown secret with a slimy consistency appears. Do not be alarmed, this is the beginning of preparation for the birth process. First, it softens, then it opens slightly, and then the mucous plug comes out, which protected the baby throughout the entire intrauterine period. A similar phenomenon serves as a signal of the imminent onset of childbirth.

The cervix of the female body produces mucus systemically - this is a natural and natural process. During the menstrual cycle, several types of secretions are generated - an abundant / liquid secretion, facilitating the penetration / movement of sperm for conception (the first half, estrogen dominates) and an opaque / rather viscous secretion that protects the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms (the second half, progesterone dominates).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of the uterus with the appendages maintains progesterone, respectively, from the thirteenth to fourteenth weeks, estrogen takes the leading role. It is the above hormones that are responsible for the process of secretion from the vagina.

The following list of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of secretions is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy and refers to the norm, however, it may vary in the indicated time intervals due to the individual characteristics of a particular female body.

1st week

2nd week

The secret becomes slimy, sometimes with small impurities of blood. During this period, ovulation / installation of the egg occurs to the walls of the uterine cavity.

3rd week

Light or moderate implantation bleeding, sometimes accompanied by a pulling pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. Alternatively, a creamy discharge of pink, brown or yellow hues that disappears a few days after the start of the process.

4th week

The consolidation of the implantation process is accompanied by an abundant thick transparent or slightly whitish secretion without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with an admixture of blood. From this period, a global hormonal change begins, and an increase in mucus occurs due to a large blood flow to the organ.

5th week

The norm is transparent, odorless discharge in a small amount, any other color of the secret indicates infectious, sexually transmitted problems or the threat of termination of pregnancy (in the case of blood clots).

6th week

In pregnant women during this period, a transparent or slightly white secret is usually secreted in small volumes, odorless and of a standard structure.

7th week

Changes in the hormonal background entail an increase in the flow of secretions, they become not only more abundant, but also thinner. A thick secret of any shade can indicate pathology.

8th week

The discharge is moderate, mostly light in color and slightly sour odor, not liquid, of normal consistency. A brown secret is very dangerous, usually accompanying the separation of the fetus from the walls of the uterus, followed by the termination of pregnancy.

9th week

The secret has a liquid watery consistency, is odorless, has a light shade and should not cause any discomfort.

10th week

During this period, the pregnant woman often undergoes a primary gynecological examination. The discharge is similar to the 9th week, but in rare cases, a small bloody spotting secretion can be observed - it is not dangerous if there are no abdominal pains and can be caused by microdamages of the walls of the uterus that have become loose due to mechanical stress during a gynecological examination, after intercourse or due to erosion of the cervix.

11th week

The secret is sparse, colorless or light, stands out in a small volume.

12th week

Good discharge of a moderate character, light or whitish, sometimes with a slightly sour odor. During this period, venereal diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, mucus / pus and leucorrhoea of ​​unnatural colors.

13th - 25th week

The discharge remains transparent, but its volume, due to the increase in the effect of estrogen, begins to increase, to acquire an increasingly liquid consistency. Leucorrhoea acquires a slightly sour odor.

25th - 36th week

Moderate or abundant discharge of light, less often white shades with a pronounced sour odor. In rare cases, there may be a partial waste of amniotic fluid (yellowish tint, liquid consistency), which is a pathology and requires immediate medical attention. With severe constipation / hemorrhoids, the secret may include blood clots, if the discharge is brown or any other color - this is a signal of a serious pathology.

36th - 40th week

Moderate discharge of a whitish tint can alternate with a mucous-type secretion, sometimes with the addition of blood clots, signaling the process of preparation for the passage of the plug and the onset of labor. Semitransparent liquid discharge in large quantities is a waste of amniotic fluid or a change in the structure of the membranes. In any case, if they occur, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Below, the main types of vaginal discharge are described, most often appearing in the fair sex during pregnancy.

Light, white discharge

The causes of occurrence are the generation of mucus by the glands of the glandular system, the renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the genital organs, the reproduction of microflora.

The following are considered the norm:

  • A thick and viscous secret of a light milky shade.
  • Abundant discharge of a watery consistency.

The volume of secreted secretion depends on the concentration of a certain type of hormone - progesterone or estrogen.

As a rule, doctors associate this type of discharge with the menstrual cycle (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy) - in its first part, a low-abundance secret of a watery consistency is observed, which is later replaced by a thick and viscous substance, completely white or beige. By the end of the cycle, the volume of discharge increases again.

Also, white, light discharge can form after intercourse or the use of hormonal contraceptives. An abundant secret of white color, a curd structure with a pungent sour or beer odor is already a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. White, translucent liquid watery discharge in large quantities with an unpleasant odor - most often vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

Is this type of discharge accompanied by a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen or pain? See a doctor immediately!

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Causes of occurrence - an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, inflammatory processes, leakage of amniotic fluid.

A small amount of opaque, light yellow discharge without a pungent odor, itching, pain and discomfort is considered a relative norm.

Yellow discharge from the fair sex is not considered natural, but if they are not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and go away after a while on their own, then they should not cause serious concern. Be sure to immediately contact a gynecologist in the case when the secret has a pronounced dark yellow tint - this is a possible sign of spontaneous abortion or a serious allergic reaction.

If the yellow discharge changes its tint to green, this usually indicates the presence of some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Often in this case, there is a corresponding additional symptomatology, in particular, pain and itching during urination, burning sensation in the genital area.

The bright yellow color of the secret also indicates a connection to the pathology of a bacterial infection with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Very abundant light yellow watery discharge most often means a partial withdrawal of amniotic fluid, which is considered the norm immediately before delivery - in any other situation, a pregnant woman requires immediate hospitalization.

Green discharge during pregnancy

Causes of occurrence - sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial infections, the threat of termination of pregnancy, inflammatory processes, pregnancy over 42 weeks. Unambiguous pathology, discharge cannot be considered normal.

Green discharge during pregnancy is always a pathology and can cause a whole number of reasons.

First and second trimeter

Colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed here. The former are infectious in nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), while the latter are an inflammatory process in the cervix. Less commonly, women with green secretion are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, which is considered a violation of the normal balance between beneficial and pathological microflora in the internal cavity of the vagina.

Generalized bacterial infections, in the absence of proper treatment, can overcome the placental barrier and cause serious pathologies in the developing fetus (flesh before the termination of pregnancy and the death of the unborn baby), therefore, if the secretion of green occurs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, chorioamnionitis can be added to all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of green discharge - an acute inflammation of the fetal structural membranes of an infectious nature, which almost always turns into endometritis, which is an inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus. An infectious-inflammatory process, accompanied not only by the secret of the aforementioned color, but also by an increase in temperature, in the absence of effective conservative counter-therapy, affects the amniotic fluid and can infect the fetus itself.

With a significant delay in the delivery process, over 42 weeks, even normal amniotic fluid turns green, indicating the processes of hypoxia of the acute / chronic spectrum. In this case, doctors carry out an artificial call to the birth process, in extreme cases, in its absence - a cesarean section.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

The causes are impending childbirth, ectopic pregnancies, abnormalities of placental structures, severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, direct threat of miscarriage, erosion of the 2nd and 3rd type, microtrauma of the mucosal walls, precursors of bleeding.

The relative norm is considered to be small volumes of a secret of medium consistency of light brown color before childbirth, after implantation of the ovum, as well as microtraumas of the mucous membranes during intercourse / examination by a gynecologist.

Most often, the discharge of this shade belongs to pathologies. So, this type of secret is a basic symptom of an ectopic pregnancy with egg rejection. In addition, in pregnant women with normal indicators, brown discharge of dark shades of medium or high intensity indicates a threat of miscarriage - in this situation, you should immediately contact the hospital for conservative treatment or surgical help.

A translucent liquid secret in an extremely small amount, appearing regularly throughout pregnancy, usually accompanies erosion of the cervix - a fairly well-known gynecological problem, which is eliminated after delivery by moxibustion.

Red strong discharge with brown local areas, blood clots and a rare intense pain syndrome in the lower abdomen usually indicate an incomplete miscarriage and the need for a procedure for scraping the uterine cavity and removing the dead fetus.

In late pregnancy, but before the beginning of the 36th week, a brown secret of a viscous consistency, secreted in small volumes, indicates a placental abruption or a malfunction. A very profuse discharge of any brown shades after the 36th week requires immediate hospitalization - the most likely cause is a ruptured uterus.

Bloody issues

Causes of occurrence - physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the ovum into the wall of the uterus, infectious diseases, the threat of termination, ectopic or frozen pregnancy, placental abruption, microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus.

The norm is this type of discharge during the menstrual period (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy), a small translucent secret after intercourse or gynecological examination.

Bloody discharge is a frequent physiological phenomenon in pregnant women in the first trimester and is primarily caused by hormonal changes, too active blood supply to the genitals with an increase in their sensitivity, as well as loosening of the epithelium of the uterine cavity. In all the above situations, little secretion is released, it is translucent and does not have blood clots.

Certain concerns can be caused by an increase in the intensity of the discharge and a change in their color to a more saturated one. So, in the middle and late stages, a secret of pink color of medium intensity may indicate a placental abruption. The appearance of large blood clots in the secretions, as well as the secretion of mucus with rich shades, closer to brown, signal an ectopic / frozen pregnancy or a hematoma of the uterine structure.

In rare cases, gynecologists diagnose the so-called cystic drift - structural changes in the fetal receptacle with overgrowth of placental tissue. In this case, the discharge may not be of an intense red hue, but it is very abundant and lasts for weeks, while the pain syndrome does not arise. In the absence of professional medical care, the fetus may die.

The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and may indicate a number of pathologies, from genital trauma to fibroids.

Additional criteria for assessing discharge


The norm is considered to be the absence of such or discharge with a slight sour smell. In the case of sharp unpleasant odors (beer, purulent, sulfuric, etc.), it is better to contact a gynecologist to diagnose the problem and identify pathology.


  1. Minor - usually the norm, regardless of the color of the secret with a normal consistency.
  2. Medium - the norm for transparent and whitish discharge of normal consistency.
  3. High intensity - only clear discharge from the 13th week of pregnancy is normal and is caused by an increase in estrogen production. Also, a short-term powerful flow of a yellowish secret from the 36th week indicates the withdrawal of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process.


  1. Liquid - is considered the norm in most cases. Usually appear from the thirteenth week after fertilization and continue almost until delivery.
  2. Thick - indicate the direct effect of progesterone, are the norm in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Mucous, pasty - may indicate a variety of diseases (for example, candidiasis), are the norm after intercourse, during the period when the placental plug leaves.

Immediately after delivery, for a month, a woman has a special type of dynamically changing discharge, characterized by the secretion of a bloody nature and the presence of so-called lochia. The appearance of the latter is due to the process of natural healing of the internal structure of the uterus and the physiological rejection of excess tissues. Key stages with descriptive characteristics:

  1. Profuse bloody discharge with blood clots, bright red. Usually lasts up to three days after immediate delivery.
  2. Serous-bloody secret with a predominance of pinkish and brown shades. The discharge itself turns pale, normally there are no hemorrhagic clots and bright red blotches. They begin from the fourth day after childbirth and disappear by 10-11 days.
  3. Discharge of a yellowish color with an admixture of white shades, smearing, mostly liquid and odorless. Disappear by the third week after delivery.

From the third week after childbirth, the above-mentioned lochia begins to disappear, and the discharge becomes more scanty and watery with admixtures of vitreous mucus from the cervical canal, leukocytes are absent or appear in isolated cases. After the sixth week, the uterine discharge should completely stop, but the secretion at the same time comes to the prenatal rate only by the second month after the normalization of the woman's hormonal background.

Useful video

Vaginal discharge

Elena Malysheva about the smell from the vagina