Beautiful knitted socks with knitting needles. How to knit socks for children and adults? Patterns of knitted socks using enterlak technique

Socks, there was a question - how to close knitting in a circle? To whom I did not address, the answers were extremely vague - "divide the loops into 4 knitting needles and knit", and even when they seemed to be explained to me on the fingers, I did not understand. For example, why do you need a fifth spoke? How to make a circle continuous? All the time I got just a wide open canvas, I was tormented, thinking where to adapt the working thread, and until I “finished” myself, I was very tired. And now for those who, like me, are once looking for an answer to the question - how to knit on five knitting needles - the first part of my lesson!

Dear needlewomen! I want to warn you that in this master class I knitted loops in the "grandmother's way" - behind the back wall of the loop. This method is not a classical one, and in many sources the products are knitted in the "classical way". When knitting in a "grandmother's" way, the fabric can twist in a circle! Read more about how to knit loops.

We collect loops on 2 knitting needles. I will knit socks for a woman with size 38 feet, cast on 15 by 4 = 60 loops. For different yarns, and for different leg widths, the number of loops will be different. I will only say that I use 15-16 (for 4) loops with woolen yarn for a man, 14-15 for a woman, 8 for a 1-2-year-old child, 10 for 3-4 years.

Take the knitting needles in your hands so that in your left hand there is a knitting needle with the right side not connected with others, and put the working thread over your index finger. Knitting needle with a working thread under the left knitting needle.

And knit it. In knitting in a circle, there are no edge loops and therefore no loops are removed - everything is knitted.

Continuing clockwise, finishing knitting on one knitting needle, move on to another. For the first loop of each knitting needle, take the working thread from the previous knitting needle.

And all subsequent rows of elastic. The height of the gum is a matter of taste. For example, my husband asks to knit him a small elastic band - rows of 10, and for myself and my daughter I generally knit knee-highs (if you want to knit knee-highs, you need to dial 4-16 more loops, depending on the girth of the calves, and then either in an elastic band, or make contractions in the front loops). Here I have knitted 25 rows of elastic.

Then I go to the front surface - all the front loops and also knit in a circle. In knitting in a circle, there are no purl rows - all the rows are front, since we, in fact, do not knit in front and behind the fabric, but only on one side - the outside.

If you still don't know how to knit the heel of a sock, spiral knitting based on a simple elastic band is a great way for you to get a warm, oversized woolen yarn product. Master the alternation of the front and back loops: front 2 and back 2 (2x2); 5 knit and 5 purl (5x5).

Having made a sample of 2x2 elastic, determine the required shin coverage and the number of starting loops. Divide them into 4 equal parts. Cast on the required number of thread bows, place on four stocking needles and in a circle sew a 2x2 elastic with a height of 3-4 cm.Now you will continue to knit socks in a spiral.

Make 4 circles, but with 5x5 alternations. When you've finished knitting on the fourth knitting needle, attach a piece of colored thread at the end of the row to mark an important work point. At this point, you will begin to offset the loops for the spiral pattern. Work the next round of elastic, but move the pattern 1 loop to the left.

Complete 4 rounds and move the marker thread to the beginning of the current round. Move the elastic pattern to the left again by 1 thread arm. Knit further, looking at the finished sample. You should have a pipe-canvas that will twist in a spiral manner.

Having knitted the product of the right size, make a toe:

On needles # 1 and # 3, knit 2 stitches together;

On the needles No. 2 and No. 4, remove the second loop without knitting;

Knit the next one with the front one and pull the removed one through it;

Work in the pattern until the number of stitches in knitting is reduced to 8;

Pull the working thread through the remaining bows, pull off the toe and cut the yarn;

- Tuck the “tail” into the finished spiral sock.

Follow the pattern for a paired product.

note: you will have a simple, spiral-shaped, like the whole sock. Such a product is especially recommended for children: it is dimensionless along the length of the sole, it will become small only with an increase in the coverage of the lower leg.

2-knitting socks: an easy way to knit

The second way to knit socks on knitting needles will quickly and easily help to cope with the task, but in this case you will get a stitched product. Start with a 2x2 gum sample and use it to find out the girth of the lower leg and the desired length of the inlaid edge. Cast on loops on 2 knitting needles connected by a fishing line, and make a canvas 4-6 cm high in straight and reverse rows.

Continue knitting the sock on 2 knitting needles for about 22 rows (to the beginning of the heel). Allocate half of the work on the line and knit it with the front 12 rows high. In the same knitted part of the fabric, mark a dozen central loops and begin to decrease the thread bows along the edges:

Work 8 stitches;

Work 9 and 10 stitches together;

Work in the next 8 stitches;

Knit 2 loops together;

Tie the remaining loops.

Decrease the heel blade in each row, reducing the number of side loops of the piece until there are 8 thread bows left. Type the edge parts of the product on the knitting needles and continue knitting the sock on 2 knitting needles until you finish the work to the toe. To form it, divide the knitting into 4 segments and in each one knit a pair of adjacent loops until there are 4 remaining on the needles. Pull the toe and tighten its tip with a working thread. Sew a bridging seam. Make a paired product according to the sample.

Helpful advice: You can knit socks with a simple pattern of alternating strips of different yarns. To increase the durability of the heel, the part can be made with a thread in two folds.

Do you love warmth the way we love it? Then it's time to learn how to knit socks and quickly apply this knowledge in practice! You have at least 3 reasons to learn how to knit socks do it yourself.

  1. Handmade items are much prettier, warmer and more pleasant to wear.
  2. Hand-knitted socks will cost you much less than the finished product, because you have to spend only on yarn.
  3. Knitting is soothing and relaxing.

Have we convinced you that hand-knitted socks are cool? Then let's get down to business as soon as possible.

Oddly enough, the easiest way to knit socks is to use 5 knitting needles. However, do not be intimidated by so many tools: on 4 knitting needles, we will dial loops, and the fifth knitting needle will be working. Next, we will tell you how to knit socks with knitting needles for beginners on 5 knitting needles step by step and demonstrate simple master class.

  1. The first thing we need to do is measure the leg in order to get the required number of loops. We will take measurements in two planes:

The average leg circumference is determined as follows: we find the sum of the two above-defined measurements (lifting circumference and leg circumference) and divide the resulting number by 2. For example, our first measurement will be 31 cm, and the second - 21. Then we add these two numbers and divide the sum by 2. As a result, it turns out 26 cm. We recommend rounding off the resulting number of centimeters by a multiple of 4. After all, it is for this length that we will collect the required number of loops, and distribute them to 4 knitting needles.

  1. We collect loops in the amount in which we have defined.
  2. Divide the loops evenly between 4 knitting needles and knit an elastic band. This will be the top of the toe, and we will move to the toe of our product, using circular knitting... This knitting method is suitable for both adults and children's socks. The socks are tight and neat, fit well on the leg.
  3. The standard length of the upper elastic of the sock is on average 5-6 cm.
  4. After the elastic, knit 7-8 cm with face loops, up to the heel. The heel will be knitted using two loops, that is, when using half of the loops from the number that we have typed.
  5. Using the two knitting needles set aside for knitting the heel, knit with front loops 5.5-6 cm, which will be the height of the heel. This figure is unchanged for those with foot sizes 35 and over.
  6. The next step is to give our heel the desired shape. To do this, we make a heel descent, dividing the loops into 3 equal parts. We send the extra loops to the central part, and the loops located on the sides are gradually knitted together with the central loops. Thus, we we form the sides of the heel. You can consider more detailed instructions on knitting a heel in the article further.
  7. We lower the loops from the seamy side and finish the descent from the front. We knit 2/3 loops with purl loops.
  8. We knit 2 loops together: among them there will be the last loop of the central part and the first loop of our third part. It is these loops that we knit together with the purl.
  9. We turn the work and knit the front side of the heel, removing the first loop. We will not knit it. The subsequent knitting is carried out with facial loops, and at the very end we knit together the last loop of the central part and the first loop of the first part. This method is called broaching, when the first loop is removed, the second is knitted with the front one, and the removed loop is thrown onto the knitted one.
  10. We turn the work again and remove the first loop without knitting.
  11. We continue to knit according to the previous scenario, with front loops. We knit until all the side loops are closed.
  12. We draw the loops from the side of the heel onto the knitting needle so that from each second row there is one loop and one additionally, that is, 3 loops from two rows.
  13. We return to circular knitting, using loops from those knitting needles that we have not yet used. And also we take into work the loops from the sides of the heel and the loops of the central region of the heel. We make one row with knit stitch.
  14. In order for the sock to fit better to the heel, we knit every second circular row like this: the third and second stitches from the end are knitted together from the end of the first knitting needle with the front loop, as well as the second and third loops of the fourth knitting needle, are knitted together with a broach.
  15. Decrease the loops until we get the number of loops originally cast.
  16. We move on to knitting the foot (front knit in a circle). We tie it to the end of the little finger or to the bone of the thumb.
  17. Knitting of a toe of a sock. Decrease the loops according to the following scheme: in every second row, we knit the third and second loops from the edge of the odd knitting needles with front loops (together). Similarly, we knit the second and third loops of the even knitting needles with a broach.
  18. After the number of loops reaches half, decreases begin in each circular row until there are only 4 loops on the needles.
  19. We tighten the loops with a thread and fasten.

Here is such pretty quick and easy way to knit socks we showed you. For clarity, the creators of the master class used multi-colored yarn, so it turned out to be a rather funny version. You can use any color of thread or try patterned socks. Next, we will show you beautiful sock knitting patterns.

We already told you a little about knitting the heel in the previous section. I would like to dwell in more detail on how to knit the heel at the toe with knitting needles: you will find a detailed description in the photo with professional explanations and knitting patterns.

We knit socks for every taste: photo schemes of beautiful patterns

As promised, patterned socks patterns will help bring some color and creative harmony into your life. After all, socks are not such a boring wardrobe item.

Just look at how many varieties of socks you can knit with your own hands.

  • Footprints

  • Regular socks on two needles
  • Fishnet socks
  • Super soft sock without seam

  • Pigtail socks
  • Socks or
  • Socks for babies 1 year and older

  • Men's socks (for men with foot sizes 42 and over).
  • Women's socks with various patterns, high, or, on the contrary, short sports socks.

Agree, this hosiery variety is impressive! And you can create all this yourself, the main thing is to learn how to correctly calculate the loops, carefully knit the heel and toe, find a good, well-fitting model... After you have mastered the simplest basics of knitting socks, you will be able to create real masterpieces for yourself, your child, and the whole family.

What yarn is best for knitting socks?

Many novice craftswomen, starting knitting, often ask themselves which yarn is better to knit socks from? After all, I want this piece of clothing to be worn for a long time, and it was comfortable and warm in it.

  1. Wool socks... Very warm, but wear out quickly on the heel.
  2. Wool socks. Practical and soft.
  3. Yarn socks z the addition of down, angora, synthetic fibers... Such mixtures greatly strengthen the thread and make the product durable, warm and durable.
  4. Derevenka yarn socks with the addition of synthetic threads on the heel and toe.

How to knit socks for beginners: a step-by-step video with explanations

We have already told you a lot about socks, it remains to show how to knit socks for beginners: a step-by-step video will demonstrate everything in great detail. We wish you every success!

If you want to please your family and friends with knitted socks that will warm them in cold weather, reminding you of your love and care, our photo and video tutorials will help you understand this difficult matter. We invite you to learn from scratch and consider in detail how to knit correctly for adults (male and female) and children.

So, how to knit (for beginners step by step) socks using two, five and circular knitting needles.

Detailed master class "how to knit socks with knitting needles" (photo in stages)

If you learn the basics, in the future you will not be afraid of beautiful products with a jacquard pattern, unusual in the "patchwork" style, new models with braids, very cool with an ornament, etc.

Knitting socks on 5 needles

This technique involves knitting the product without a single seam. The socks are knitted in a spiral, as a result of which they ideally lie on the leg.

Socks on five knitting needles are knitted on top of the sock to the toe in circular knitting, loops are drawn on four knitting needles, the fifth is working.

The number of loops is calculated based on the circumference of the leg. Take two foot measurements:

1st - lifting circle; with a centimeter, measure the leg from the heel to the rise along an inclined plane.

2nd - leg circumference; is measured at the foot, at the thinnest point of the leg, above the bone.

Then we determine the average circumference: add the lifting and leg circumferences and divide the resulting figure by 2. For example, the lifting circumference is 31 cm, the leg circumference is 21 cm; we get 31 + 21 = 52, 52_2 = 26 cm. For this number of centimeters, we calculate the set of loops. It is advisable to round the resulting number of loops to a number divisible by 4, so that it is convenient to knit on 4 knitting needles.

We collect the required number of loops, distribute them to 4 knitting needles and knit an elastic band in a circular stitch. Usually the elastic is 5-6 cm, but you can knit even smaller - if you wish. Then knit 7-8 cm knit to the heel. We knit the heel on two knitting needles from half of the loops, and leave the other half on unused knitting needles. On two knitting needles we knit a knitted fabric 5.5 - 6 cm, this is the height of the heel. Depending on the rise of the leg, it may be less, but starting from the 35th leg size, this is a constant value.

Then, to give the heel a shape, we make a heel descent: we divide all the loops into three parts. If there are extra loops, then we attach them to the central part (if the number of loops is not divisible by 3). We will knit the loops of the central part further, and gradually attach the loops of the side parts (they will form the sides of the heel) to the loops of the central part.

We start the descent of the loops from the seamy side to finish it from the front. We knit two thirds of the loops with the purl, then 2 loops together - the last loop from the central part and the first loop from the third part - we knit them together with the purl. After that, we turn the knitting and knit along the front side of the heel, while at the turn we remove the first loop without knitting.

Knit with the front one, the last loop of the central part and the first loop of the first part we knit together with a broach (remove the first loop, knit the second with the front one, then transfer the removed loop to the knitted one). We turn knitting again, remove the first loop without knitting, etc.

We continue knitting until all the side loops are closed. Now we collect loops from the side of the heel, from each second row we collect 1 loop + 1 additional loop, i.e. from 2 rows we collect 3 loops. We turn to circular knitting, we take into work the loops from the left knitting needles, the newly recruited loops from the lateral parts of the heel and the loops of the central part of the heel. Knit one row with knit stitch. Then, in each 2nd circular row, for a better fit of the heel, we knit the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the 1st knitting needles together with the front loop and the 2nd and 3rd loops of the 4th knitting needles together with a broach.

We repeat the decrease until the original number of loops is reached (set to start knitting the product). Next, we knit the foot with the front knit in a circle to the bone of the thumb or to the end of the little finger. Then we knit the toe of the sock. We reduce the loops as follows: in each 2nd row of the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the 1st and 3rd knitting needles we knit together with the front loops, and the 2nd and 3rd loops of the 2nd and 4th knitting needles together with a broach. When half of the loops remain on the needles, we perform such reductions in each circular row until 4 loops remain. We tighten them with a thread and fasten them.

Using two knitting needles (easiest way)

You have already learned how to knit the simplest model on five knitting needles, so we proceed to knitting on 2 knitting needles (you can use circular knitting needles). The knitting of such a model allows you to make patterns of any complexity, but many are confused by the seam. But if you manage to finish beautifully and connect the seams correctly, the seam will be invisible visually and to the touch.

To start knitting, we calculate the number of loops based on the circumference of the leg.

For example, we take 48 loops, we collect them + 2 hem (50 loops in total) for 2 knitting needles, we knit a straight fabric 5-6 cm with an elastic band, then with the front satin stitch or the chosen pattern of 7-8 cm.We start knitting the heel: the number of loops (without hem) we divide into 4 parts, it turns out 12 loops each. We will knit the heel on the two middle parts. Knit 12 + 12 + 12 loops (three parts), turn the work and knit 12 + 12 loops (two middle parts). Again we turn the work and knit 12 + 11 loops.

Again we turn the work and knit 11 + 11 loops, etc. That is, in each row we knit 1 less loop (we make shortened rows) until we have 8 loops left in the work. Now we will begin to increase the number of working loops, in each row knitting the loop removed earlier. So that there are no holes in the knitting, we do this: we put on the side loop on the left knitting needle, and we knit this put on and the next one together with the front one. Those. the number of work loops will increase by 1.

Then we turn the knitting, remove the first loop, then purl 8, lift the side loop onto the left knitting needle and knit the purl 2 loops together. And so on, until all the loops (12 + 12) are in operation.

Now you start knitting the toe. We again divide the loops into 4 parts - 12 + 12 + 12 + 12. We reduce the loops as follows: in each 2nd row, we knit the 3rd and 2nd loops from the end of the first and third parts together with front loops, and we knit the 2nd and 3rd loops of the second and fourth parts together with a broach. When half of the loops remain on the needles, we perform such reductions in each row until 6 loops remain.

We pull them together with a thread, we sew a sock with the same thread. The seam is made along the top of the sock.

Men's socks, size 27. You can clearly see where the 100 g skein of yarn ended. A detailed description of the knitting process in the same article is below.

I will tell you how to knit 5 knitting socks with a straight heel, horseshoe heel and boomerang heel in detail.

To knit children's socks, you will need 1 skein of bright yarn, preferably acrylic or children's. These are connected by their ANGORA RAM (100 g = 500 m) in 2 strands. I knit socks for adults from 100% wool (133-170 m in 100 g). 100 grams are enough for women's socks, for men's socks it takes more (we take 2 skeins of 100 grams, see the photo above). The thinner you take the knitting needles and knit tighter, the denser the socks. Now I knit with needles # 2.5.

Knitted socks are simple.

To knit children's socks, we collect 32 loops, women's socks - 40 loops, men's socks - 48 loops (the number of loops for woolen country (home) yarn or purchased with a footage of 130-170 m per 100 g). If the yarn is thinner, then there will be a different number of loops (more).

We distribute the loops evenly over 4 knitting needles. Thus, on each knitting needle it turned out: children's socks - 8 loops, women's socks - 10 loops, men's socks - 12 loops. We close knitting in a circle. We knit with an elastic band 2 * 2 or 1 * 1, I like 2 * 2 more. We determine the length of the elastic band arbitrarily: someone likes low socks in boots, someone long, almost to the knees (then more yarn is needed). I knit both socks at once, on 10 needles. I knitted an elastic band for one sock, switch to other knitting needles and knit exactly the same elastic band for the second.
I will tell you how to knit baby socks. The child is 2 years old. Scored 33 loops, closed in a circle. There are 32 loops left. Each knitting needle has 8 loops. Knitted with an elastic band 2 * 2 27 rows. Now we knit with the front stitch so that the socks sit well on the leg, 5 rows. (For adults, knit 8-10 rows).

How to knit a heel with sock needles, straight heel

We will knit the heel from half the loops, on two needles. We do not touch the rest yet. We knit front loops in one direction, unfold the work, knit purl loops. Do not forget about the edge loops (we remove the first of them, we knit the last one with the purl of the classic one, it is also possible with the front loops, most importantly, the same ones to get a beautiful, even edge)! With the front stitch we knit 10 rows for children's socks (for women - 14-16 rows, for men - 16-20 rows. If the rise of the leg is high, then 2-4 rows more). We divide these loops into 3 parts. For children's socks, we knitted 16 heel loops, distribute them as follows: 5 + 6 sole + 5 loops. (For women 7 + 6 + 7 = 20, for men 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.)

We continue to knit the heel. In the front row, we make the first subtractions. 4 front, 2 together front for the front wall, 4 front, 2 together front for the back wall. We turn the work over. We reshoot 1 loop on the left knitting needle, tighten the thread so that there are no holes. Purl 4, purl 2 together.

We turn the work over. We reshoot 1 loop, pull up the thread, 4 front, 2 together front.

We turn the work over. So we knit until there are 6 loops on two knitting needles. (For men's socks 8 loops).

If you knit like me, on 10 knitting needles, then it's time to move on to another sock and knit exactly the same heel.

How to knit socks on 5 knitting needles. Continuation

We collect loops from the hem heel. Ideally, you should get the same number of loops as you subtract. If there are more loops, this is fixable. In the next rows, we will decrease through the row one loop on each side until the required number of loops is obtained. If there is a high rise of the leg, then be sure to collect more loops. Loops can be typed both front and back. It will turn out beautifully in any case, I will show in the photo.

purl loops were drawn from the edge heel of the sock

On the needles now: 6 heel loops, cast on 5 loops along one edge of the heel, 16 loops, cast on 5 loops along the second edge of the heel. Now knit 38 rows. If needed longer, knit more rows. We will decrease evenly on 4 knitting needles so that there is no difference between the right toe or the left. In each row, on each knitting needle, we knit the last 2 loops together. So we knit to the end. We fasten the thread, hide it on the seamy side. Socks are ready!

When I knit socks for an adult, in order not to count many rows, I make a pattern in the middle.

Sock knitting pattern

From 3 facial we knit 3 facial ("stars"):

We knit the 3 persons of the loops together, we do not fold the loop from the left knitting needle, the yarn over and again we knit the faces from it. Now throw off the loop from the left knitting needle. Repeat the pattern after a few front rows. I do it every 5 rows in the sixth or 4 rows in the fifth. There is no difference, the main thing is the same number of rows between the "stars".

I closed these socks in a different way: on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles I reduced the last loops, and on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles - the first loops.

Here's another way to use this pattern.

The socks are knitted from the remains of yarn. Here, instead of an elastic band, I knitted "stars" in a checkerboard pattern.

Children's socks with a slanting elastic band.

Slanting elastic pattern

Since the rapport is 6 loops, I cast 36 loops on two needles with a double thread. First, 3 rows of elastic * 2 front, 2 purl *. Then 12 rows of oblique elastic, 8 rows of elastic * 2 front, 2 purl *, 5 rows of garter stitch and knit the heel. Everything as usual. When I ran the socks, I left 2 loops between the decreases: one at the end of the knitting needle, the second at the beginning.

Beautiful socks, by Natalia Levina

I knit for children from 40 loops, 10 on a knitting needle. Knitting needles for this knitting should not be ordinary, thin, but thicker.
I want to point out that these fishnet socks knit much faster than ordinary socks, the heel is very strong, no additional thread is needed.
I knit socks for adults according to the pattern of 48 loops (12 on the knitting needle). The heel is knitted the same way.


Adults - 12 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 yarn, 3 persons., 2 together;
2nd row: 1 out., 1 person., 1 nak., 2 vm (together);
3 row: 1 out, 2 persons., 1 nak., 1 persons., 2 vm;
4 row: 1 out., 3 persons., 1 nak., 2 vm.

Children - 10 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 nak., 2 persons., 2 vm .;
2nd row: 1 out., 1 person., 1 nak., 1 person., 2 vm.;
3 row: 1 out., 2 persons., 1 nak., 2 vm.

1 row: 1 shoot, 1 persons., Remove, persons. etc. (thread behind the knitting needle);
2 row; 1 remove and the entire row with facial ...

I propose to watch the MK, if something was not clear.

Children's socks with short elastic

There are many MK videos on knitting socks on the Internet, I liked this one.

Beautiful pattern for sock

Cast on 12 stitches on each knitting needle.

If teeth are needed on top, then we knit like booties: first with front satin stitch 5 rows, then * yarn over, 3 together * until the end of the row, then with front stitch 5 rows. Then fold the edge and sew on the seamy side.

Description of the pattern of socks

1 row-3 persons, 2 together the front for the front wall, yarn, 1 persons
2 row-2 persons, 2 persons together, yarn, 2 persons
3 row-1 persons, 2 together persons, yarn, 3 persons
4 row-2 persons together, yarn over, 4 persons
5 row-1 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 3 persons
6 row-2 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 2 persons
7 row-3 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach, 1 persons
8 row-4 persons, yarn, 2 persons together with a broach
Choose any height and then knit like a regular sock.


Socks for men or women on a wide leg. Woolen socks. You will need woolen yarn, about 100 g. If you plan to knit a high elastic, then more.

Cast on 49 sts on needles # 3. Knit 30 rows with elastic band, 1 person. for 1 out. Mark with colored thread or marker the 25th loop (center).
In each front row, knit 5 loops from it (front, yarn, front, yarn, front). Purl rows knit according to the pattern. When there are 97 stitches on the knitting needle (size 37), knit 6 rows in garter stitch, that is, all knit stitches. Run the sole on 13 loops (like a heel). Sew at the back.
Comment: Without tying 6 stitches on the needles, subtract the middle 3 stitches of the sole on each face. row, until one loop remains from the sole, and then do not sew with a needle, but connect with knitting needles, like a shawl's border.
At the same time, we make a decrease on the sides.

How to knit the heel of a sock with knitting needles.

Here I boast with my socks! YarnArt EVEREST yarn (200 g / 320 m, 70% acrylic, 30% wool) these socks came out of one skein and I liked the yarn very much: it does not fade, keeps its shape, warm, it is pleasant to knit from it. But! I did not succeed in choosing the color so that the socks came out the same, although I honestly tried.

Boomerang heel socks.

A beautiful heel, tied like a boomerang heel. These socks are knitted from NAKO Tweed yarn 100 g = 260 m. 32 loops, needles no. 2.5, child's age 3 years.
How to knit the heel of a sock on the needles step by step. Boomerang heel.

First, divide the number of loops in half. We will knit on two of 4 knitting needles. First, I will explain how we will knit. It's just, the main thing, to understand the meaning. We divide the number of loops into 3 parts, the middle part will always be connected with the front satin stitch, and the two extreme ones in the upper part of the heel will be knitted in shortened rows, adding yarns, and in the lower part of the heel, on the contrary, adding loops.

How to knit socks for kids. The easy way.

For knitting you will need:

Yarn - any non-thorny, preferably merino, 300 m / 100 grams. Only 50 grams.

A set of hosiery needles number 3.

On one needle # 3, we collect 44 loops

We knit with an elastic band * 1 front, 1 purl * in a circle of 18 rows. Next, knit 4 rows of garter stitch.

Knitted heel toe.

To do this, loops with 3 and 4 knitting needles can be knitted on one knitting needle with the front stitch in straight and reverse rows. At the same time, the first (edging) loop is peeled off without knitting, and the last one is knitted with the classic purl. So we knit 12 rows of 22 loops.

Further, these 22 loops are divided into 3 parts: 7, 8, 7. We knit only the central 8 loops like this: knit 7 +7, and the 8th loop together with the first loop of the third part of the front for the back wall of the loops. We unfold knitting, remove the first loop without knitting. We knit 6 loops, and we knit the last loop of the second part together with the first loop of the third part of the purl. Repeat rows until center 8 sts remain. The heel is tied.

We knit the central 8 loops in the front row with the front ones, we collect 10 loops from the edge ones like this: we knit two loops with the front one, add the third one from the hole between the loops and also knit the front one. We knit 22 loops (this is the top of the sock), again we collect 10 loops from the hem.

Raising the foot. Through a row, you need to subtract 3 loops from the sides. In the place where it is indicated by the arrow, we subtract the outer loop from the knitting needles on which the heel was knitted. When positioned as in the photo, we knit the first loop of the front part with the last loop of the knitting needle, on which the heel was knitted, together with the front loop behind the front wall.

On the second side of the sock, we do the decrease in the same way, but knitting two loops together behind the back wall. We knit to the end of the row.

We knit the next row with the front ones without subtraction. Such reductions will need to be repeated 2 more times. Each spoke should have 11 stitches. (As at the very beginning.) Knit in a circle with the front 20 rows.

How to knit a toe of a sock.

We make decreases in each row, 2 loops together from the sides. (At the beginning of the 1st knitting needle 2 together with the front knitting needles for the front wall, at the end of the 2nd knitting needles 2 together with the front knitting needles 2 for the back wall. there will be no 4 loops left Pull the remaining loops by passing the thread through them with a crochet hook.

Cut the thread, hide the ends from the seamy side. We erase the socks.

Beautiful socks with a semicircular heel (another way of knitting the heel, the so-called horseshoe heel).

Men's socks, foot size 43.

Yarn "Winter comfort" 100 g = 220 m, 2 skeins, sock knitting needles No. 2.5.

I knit 11 rows with an elastic band * 2 front, 2 purl *.

Then 3 rows of garter stitch: 1 row with purl loops, 2nd with knit stitches, 3rd row with purl stitches again. So that when passing from the purl to the front one does not get a step, we will knit the last loop in the row of purl loops together with the broach raised after it.

3 rows of garter stitch.

11 rows according to scheme 1.

And we repeat 3 rows of garter stitch, 5 rows of front stitch, 3 rows of garter stitch.

Moving on to the heel. We take loops on 1 and 4 needles.

On the toe on the left, the front side of the heel is visible, the toe on the right is a view of the reinforced heel from the inside out.

It turns out that the heel can: firstly, tighten, and secondly, knit in another way. Almost straight heel, only the line of the sole will not be clearly visible.

A heel seal is a good idea. We will seal it with a picture:

Front rows: all loops are front.

Purl rows: purl 1, reshoot 1 without knitting.

We knit the edge loops more tightly so that holes do not form when we then lift the loops out of them.

On the front side, convex paths are obtained (see photo above). Knit the desired length. I need a high rise, I knitted 24 rows. The last row is front.

How to knit a heel on a toe. Step by step.

A horseshoe heel is knitted almost as well as a straight one. Only in a straight heel, after we have tied the two together, we immediately turn the work, but here we need to knit another loop and then turn the work. You need to start from the middle of the heel, leaving single central 2-4 loops.

If not clear, watch the video.

Now we will knit a pattern on knitting needles 2 and 3, and knit stitch on the heel on knitting needles 1 and 4. When we collect loops from the edge loops, insert the knitting needle under both walls of the edge loop. We are gaining tight. If the loops are raised freely, you can knit the first row crossed.

I had 14 loops on each side. Ideally, the knitting needles should have the same number of loops as they were typed, that is, 48. We will subtract the extra loops with a wedge. On 1 knitting needle, we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one with the front one. On 4 knitting needles: 1 knit, 2 knit together with a tilt to the left. We make reductions through a row.

The drawing on the top of the sock is done according to the scheme

To make the drawing symmetrical, add one loop from the broach in the middle. It turned out on needles 2 and 3 only 25 loops.

We alternate the pattern according to the scheme with 3 rows of garter stitch and 5 rows of the front surface. So we knit the desired length, up to about the little finger. Before the toe, it is recommended to shorten the hosiery by two loops on both sides, so that it is more comfortable in the shoes. That is, in the row of purl loops, knit the first 2 and last 2 loops with the front ones. You can switch to a little thinner knitting needles. I knitted the whole sock with the same needles.


We decrease the loops on both sides: on 1 knitting needle we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one - with the front one. On 4 knitting needles: 1 knit, 2 knit together with a tilt to the left. Also on 3 knitting needles we knit the 2 penultimate loops together with the front one with a tilt to the right, the last one - with the front one. On 2 knitting needles: knit 1, knit 2 together with a tilt to the left. In each row until the loops run out. Cut the thread, hide it inside the sock. Wash socks.

How to knit socks for beginners step by step.

A very detailed master class. We knit socks on two needles