The best girls with big hips. The widest hips in a woman from the Guinness Book of Records

Women's complexes

Many teenagers experience complexes about their own appearance. They are unhappy with one or the other. Especially girls, having seen enough of fashionable images, are looking for flaws in themselves. What most often causes a feeling of dissatisfaction with your appearance? These include the following:

Very small or very large breasts;

Uneven legs;

Very wide hips;

Small or very tall.

The way out is a competent disguise of shortcomings

At present, it is not difficult to hide such shortcomings. For example, to give small breasts a bold look, choose a padded bra that makes your tiny breasts look appetizing. For large breasts, you need a bra that will support it well and give it a beautiful shape. In the end, some do operations, but these are already extreme and expensive measures, we will not dwell on them. The curvature of the legs is usually a hereditary flaw, there's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, you will have to choose clothes that hide the shape of the legs. Wide hips in women is also a very common phenomenon that begins to bother girls closer to twenty years. But who said that this is a disadvantage? On the contrary, it is quite normal. But most girls and women want to get rid of this, as it seems to them, disadvantage. Physical activities, diets, and well-chosen clothes will help here. And growth is not at all a problem or cause for frustration. If you do not come out in height, heels, platforms, wedges will help, and with high growth - flat-soled shoes.

How to hide wide hips

Wide hips in women are beauty, femininity and sexuality. Especially if the lady has a thin waist. However, everything is good in moderation. If they are very wide, then you will have to adjust them using suitable clothing. It is very important to figure out which styles you need to wear and which ones are undesirable. You need to take this process seriously, be creative, thinking through everything to the smallest detail.

Correction techniques

There is always a way out. You can make your shoulders appear wider. Or try using clothing to expand the areas of the body adjacent to the thighs so that they appear narrower. Wide hips in women should not be emphasized even more: you need to choose the right style of clothing so that it does not narrow the shoulders and does not expand the hips.

Physical exercises

Sports will always come to the rescue! To make wide hips in women look beautiful and neat, they need to be worked on. There are various exercises that can help your thighs become slim and firm. Here is some of them:

A well-known exercise, popularly referred to as a "bicycle": you need to lie on your back, raise your legs and imitate pedaling;

Exercises with swings and rotational movements of the legs, lunges;


Various exercise equipment.

It really works

Exercising your thighs and buttocks is very effective when done regularly. But you shouldn't ignore cosmetic body care. The conclusion is that only comprehensive care that includes proper nutrition, exercise, beauty treatments and the ability to dress properly will make your wide hips look beautiful!

In many African tribes, large hips are considered the key to a happy family life; in ancient China, when choosing a bride, the size of the hips and pelvis must be taken into account ... Modern Western fashion dictates different standards - thin models with a boyish figure are revered, and the owners of the "hourglass" figure are complex because of their parameters. However, this does not apply to 39-year-old Los Angeles resident Mikel Ruffinelli (Mikel Ruffinelli).

Mikel is simply delighted with her hips, which, moreover, are recognized as the largest in the world - their volume is 2 m 54 cm. The American woman has a loving husband who adores her, and four glorious children. Of course, her life is not without difficulties: for example, narrow doorways, a small selection of clothes or the high cost of air travel (you have to buy tickets for two seats, which is quite expensive). Wherever Mikel appears, the people around do not leave the woman unattended - be it criticism, jokes or admiration. When asked if she would like to lose weight and get rid of "shortcomings", Mikel states: "I feel great in my body and I don't even think about diets."

(9 photos total)

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1. Mikel Rufinelli poses for a photo, sitting on a chair, Los Angeles, California, USA. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

2. 40-year-old Reggie Brooks (Reggie Brooks) measures the width of his lover's hips. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

3. Mikel plays with his children. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

4. An American woman demonstrates how she has to overcome doorways. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

5. Mikel driving a truck. There is not enough space for it in public transport and cars. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

6. Believe it or not, Mikel Rufinelli is a model. She can be seen in specialized magazines and sites about people with curvaceous figures. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

7. Family dinner. On average, Mikel eats 3,000 calories a day. (Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft Media)

Once upon a time, owners of wide hips were considered the standard of female beauty. But fashion is a changeable thing, and today girls with roundness in this area of ​​the figure often experience complexes.

But what if you try to adjust your silhouette with the help of modern fashion and proudly flaunt your luxurious hips? Moreover, against the background of full hips, with the right choice of clothes, the waist will look much narrower. And this is the notorious silhouette of an hourglass, which no man can resist.

To keep full hips from being conspicuous, their owners should choose a wardrobe that would visually correct non-standard body proportions. What should be worn in this case?

  • First of all, you need avoiding oversized, baggy, and layered clothing which adds even more volume to the figure. You should choose things in calm, monochromatic colors of a tight-fitting (but not constricting) silhouette.
  • Do not wear high-rise pants or breeches, such models only further emphasize the imbalances in the figure. It is better to choose trousers and jeans with a low waistline.
  • Avoid oversized patch pockets both front and back of products.
  • In the color palette, it is better to choose dark shades, because, as you know, they are able to visually stretch the figure and "remove" a couple of extra centimeters. This does not mean that you have to wear exclusively black clothes, you can choose beautiful dark green, navy blue or burgundy models.
  • Don't forget to add original accessories... They help to harmoniously complete the image and attract attention, focusing on the neckline or face, distracting the eye from non-standard hips. So, a bright wide belt, located just above the waist, will emphasize the beauty of the chest, and a thin belt, left in a slightly free position (you do not need to tighten the belt too much so as not to create unnecessary folds), will emphasize the waist and make you forget about the hips.
  • Put on long earrings and beads to draw attention to the top of the shape.
  • As is known, heeled shoes is able to give the silhouette a slenderness, so feel free to wear heels. It may not have to be a stiletto heel, you can opt for a more stable wide heel. In any case, your figure will noticeably tighten, and your legs will lengthen.
  • Oddly enough, but even with a bag, you can change the visual proportions of the figure. Choose bags with long straps but not too large models.

What clothes should girls with wide hips choose?

The first option for adjusting the figure is to visually increase the volume of the upper part of the body.

A scarf or stole draped over the shoulders is suitable for almost any outfit. This will add extra femininity to the look.

A bright and unusual top draws attention to itself.

You can focus on the beautiful collar of a blouse or dress. Clothes with shoulder pads will also help to visually expand the shoulder area.

Just keep in mind: do not wear too short blouses or jackets, the length should at least reach the beginning of the hips. The V-neck of a cardigan or dress will also help to shift the focus to the chest and distract from the main problem area.

V-shaped neckline favorably emphasizes the beauty of the chest, visually stretches the silhouette and distracts attention from the bottom.

Kimono sleeves and outer pockets can also solve the problem of wide hips. Skillful use of contrasting colors (black and white) can distract from non-standard proportions. All of these methods are ideal for girls of medium to tall stature.

With low stature, you need to work on the hips - visually reduce their volume. To do this, you can choose loose-fitting items with vertical stripes. A good accessory can be added to a skirt or trousers - a belt with hanging ends.

Jeans for fat girls with wide hips

Prefer a casual style of clothing? Jeans will help create the right look.The most successful color is dark blue.

Fitted jeans will make the silhouette slimmer and visually reduce the hips. It is recommended to complement them with an elongated top (T-shirts, shirt, cardigans).

When choosing denim pants, make sure that the fabric does not stretch too much, otherwise you risk buying jeans one size smaller. And this is not allowed if you have wide hips.

Perfect dress for full hips

Looking for a feminine look? Then give preference to a dress of a simple style, medium length, complement it with a wide belt. The presence of a vertical fold in the style of the dress is encouraged.

Wrap dresses focus on the upper body, while the lower body remains off-screen.

Shoes with medium heels are suitable for such images.

Rules for choosing outerwear

In outerwear, give preference to a straight-cut coat. In it, you will be able to look slimmer and taller, and the hip line will not be conspicuous.

You can also opt for A-line silhouettes. It is better to give preference to models of medium length - up to the middle of the knee.

Swimsuit selection

For the beach season, you can choose an indoor swimsuit with a dark bottom.

A translucent flying tunic or a beautiful pareo tied along an oblique line will complement the look.

What should be avoided with wide hips?

Girls with too prominent hips are best avoided:

  1. trousers tapered from top to bottom;
  2. skirts cut along the side, as well as pleated skirts;
  3. patch pockets and other bulky elements on trousers and dresses in the hip area (with the exception of skirts and dresses with a peplum - such models can (and even should!) be worn by girls with lush hips).

When choosing trousers, pay attention to the groin area. If wrinkles are gathering there, then the model is not suitable for you.

Too large a drawing can turn the situation not in your favor. It is better to choose plain clothes in darker shades. But for the top, you can easily choose brighter colors.

As you can see, wide hips are not a reason to hide under baggy clothes. Correctly selected styles of clothing will help you look stylish and elegant. And then you will feel confident and catch admiring glances on yourself!

Created 05/18/2016

For us, women, the question of masking figure flaws often arises. Most of us have some problem areas - massive thighs, fat on the sides, a big belly, small or oversized breasts, and so on.

First of all, you need to learn to love your body and dress correctly.

Let's talk about how you can use clothing to visually shrink your large thighs and balance them with the rest of your body.

What will be discussed concerns not only women with massive hips, which look like a clear flaw in the figure, but everyone else. Indeed, in some outfits, the thighs become much wider and more voluminous than they really are, and sometimes they simply lose their shape. So, even mouth-watering feminine curves, big but slender thighs, can be ruined and look strange.

Typical mistakes that girls and women with large hips make

1. Bright or light bottom.

Light expands, bright attracts attention. Stick to darker colors like black, dark gray, deep maroon, dark blue, chocolate, dark green.

But this does not mean that you cannot wear skirts or trousers in light shades at all. It can be pastel and beige tones combined with a lighter top. If you want a light bottom, then it should be solid and not blurry. And be sure to follow the advice below.

A simple rule of thumb for wide hips: the bottom should always be darker than the top

If you have large hips, don't wear bulky, shapeless skirts. The skirt should fit fairly tightly. You will have to give up miniskirts / dresses, especially those that fit you like a sausage. The hem should end below the ankle (maxi) or just above / below the knee.

Tulip skirts, skirts with opposite pleats will not look very good. A-line skirts and dresses that hug the waist and veil the buttocks and hips at their widest point are the best choices. A pencil skirt may work for you.

The optimal replacement for a skirt with large hips is trousers. Many women with large hips are embarrassed to wear trousers, believing that they seem even larger in them. But this is not true. Pants with wide hips should be worn, but they must be with arrows. Trousers that are tapered to the bottom will not fit. Your option is loose trousers, straight cut, or flared from the hip.

However, if the thighs are only slightly larger, if the legs are slim, then you can afford jeggings or skinny in dark colors. Stay away from heavily frayed and ripped jeans, as these details draw attention to the wide hips.

Full length of trousers and jeans is preferred. But if you want to wear cropped models (meaning the length is just above the ankle), you need to take into account your height, leg length and what you combine them with. But breeches (knee-length or slightly below the knee) and capri pants (mid-calf length) will not work for you.

Do not wear pants / jeans with a low rise, in which you will "fall out of the sides", especially if you are short, you have short legs.

Striped trousers (low-contrast vertical stripes) will make your wide hips look smaller.

If you choose a wide bottom and if the top is the same width, it visually makes you look even bigger. So, in any case, do not choose wide blouses if you have too wide hips - they will make your figure rectangular.

Top length also matters. For most, a few centimeters below the waist is best. The top can be longer (for example, a cardigan below mid-thigh in combination with dark trousers), here you need to evaluate how you look yourself. Most importantly, the top should cover the widest part of the hips and in no case end on this line.

If you still chose a light bottom, then the top should focus on itself with a cut or details. You can also do this with a necklace or earrings.

If the bottom is dark, then the top can be chosen in bright shades. And if they are the same color, it will lengthen your silhouette.

Open shoulders and V-neck always balance the hips. Ruffles, ruffles, voluminous and interestingly shaped sleeves, and fur collars will give the same effect.

2. Bright and / or large floral print.

If you want to use any floral prints, wear them on top, in order to draw attention away from the hips to the top.

3. The texture of the fabric - lurex, lycra, shine.

The shiny texture visually expands the hips, focusing attention on them, deprives the silhouette of a clear structure - it becomes shapeless.

If you want to use shiny bright textures, use them only on the top, not the whole image. Accentuate the bodice, shoulders, or belt. If the belt shines and there is a glare in the center, then this visually narrows the waist.

4. Too much decor on the bottom.

The presence of pockets, contrasting elements, bows, ruffle - all this only makes the hips heavier. Especially when combined with a laconic top.

Doll dresses with a rich decorated bottom will not work. But if you don't have very large hips, but just a slight imbalance in this area, you can sometimes use this technique to make your legs slimmer.

5. Overly bulky clothing.

Many women who are trying to hide their hips choose completely shapeless huge things. At the same time, the volume of the hips, due to this, only increases. Yes, lightweight, flowing fabrics make the silhouette more elegant, but this rule works if the top is tightly wrapped, preferably with an oblique drapery, in order to shape the waist. In this case, the light bottom really looks lighter. But if this dress is "Athena" silhouette, that is, gathered under the bust, too voluminous bottom will turn you into a woman on a teapot.

But you need to understand the measure. Clothing should be tight-fitting, slightly tight-fitting, but not very tight-fitting.

Emphasize your strengths: no matter what weaknesses you have, in any case, there will be one or two advantages. That is, if you have large hips, then in contrast to them, the waist probably looks more advantageous. Look for dresses that are '60s-inspired — with a more waist and a looser bottom. Moreover, such a silhouette is always in fashion.

Many girls with a large bottom choose very loose jeans / skirt pants. In such jeans and trousers, the thighs will appear even larger. For a tighter hip look, as mentioned above, wear jeans / trousers that are flared from the thigh, which fit snugly at the top. If at the same time there is an arrow, a slightly exaggerated flare below the knee, this balances the hip and makes the leg neater and slimmer, especially when combined with the heel. Don't mix it up! Trousers and jeans that are tight-fitting buttocks and hips, and are strongly flared from the knee, will not work. Moreover, this style shortens the leg.

The sure weapon of women with lush hips is heeled shoes. The heel lengthens the silhouette, adds height and contours to the leg. But you need to be careful. If you have very large thighs, a very thin heel will look unreliable. Choose more stable heels, wedges.

If you have full calves, short legs, do not wear shoes in a contrasting color, the boot of which ends above the ankle bone or mid-calf, or shoes with wide ankle straps - these will make your legs shorter and add width. Shoes with thick small heels with a square toe should be abandoned altogether, as well as massive soles.

A bright contrasting scarf will balance the bottom and make the figure more proportional.

The bag you use in your look is also a striking contrast. In order to balance the figure, carry the bag at arm's length.

Choose thin straps and wear them at the waist (the belt should fit loosely around the figure, not overtighten it). Wide thigh straps will make them more bulky. But a wide belt above the waist, under the chest, will form a silhouette and divert attention from wide hips.

In the end, let's turn to the most popular owner of wide hips - Kim Kardashian, and give an example of her outfits, which we did NOT recommend for a massive lower part of the figure.

Below are examples in which Kim's figure looks more harmonious.

What should the most feminine figure that distinguishes the fair sex look like? Who is the standard of beauty today? Kim Kardashian is breaking Instagram popularity records, and Monica Bellucci and Jennifer Lopez will be named among the most captivating images. Their figures are united by one thing - a narrow waist, wide hips. The 21st century has become a real revolution in the approach to understanding female attractiveness.

Types of shapes

It has long been noticed that even with a change in the weight category, the same woman has an even distribution of additional kilograms. The contours of the figure remain the same. This made it possible to distinguish certain types of female constitution. It directly depends on the genetic predisposition and is slightly corrected with the help of the nutritional system and physical activity. The most common classification, in which there are six variants of different shapes: "apple", "rectangle", "pear", "inverted triangle", asthenic type, and "hourglass". The penultimate one is the choice of fashion designers who brought skinny teenage girls with long arms and legs to the catwalk.

But today, plus size models are becoming more and more popular - women with a narrow waist and wide hips that have mouth-watering shapes. With no less grace, they showcase new clothing lines for the fair sex. Two types of figures out of six are distinguished by a narrow waist, wide hips - "pear" and "hourglass". Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This type is often called gynecoid, because it is absolutely not typical for the strong half of humanity and shows all the advantages of female beauty: narrow, slightly sloping shoulders, a graceful waist and a flat stomach, but at the same time a captivating sharp bend of the hips. Representatives of this type are rarely tall and can be both broad-boned (Irina Rodnina) and thin-boned (Salma Hayek). Sometimes a different width of the bones of the skeleton is observed in the same woman: thin arms and massive legs. Due to low metabolism, extra pounds "settle" in the buttocks, upper legs and chest. At the same time, a narrow waist is maintained. Wide hips differ in the direction of increase by at least 30 cm.

The emphasis placed on the upper body (shoulders, jewelry on the neck and in the décolleté area, bright colors of blouses, scarves and breast pockets) will make the woman's figure more proportional. watch".


Approximately the same size of the hips and shoulders against the background of a thin waist (the difference is 25 centimeters or more) characterizes the representatives of this type. An example can be called Lyudmila Gurchenko, who retained enviable proportions until the last years of her life, and the incredible Audrey Hepburn, just as fragile and feminine. The figure of Monica Bellucci can also be put on the same row with them, but she is distinguished by luxurious forms. A narrow waist, wide hips (the photo can be seen in the article) make her a breathtaking beauty at the age of 50+. Rounded buttocks and bust, a curved line from the waist to the hip - what could be more feminine? It is an indicator that extra pounds are extremely evenly distributed throughout the body, keeping exciting lines. Owners of this type of figure suit any outfit; in this regard, they can be called real lucky women.

Slimmest waist and widest hips

New trends in fashion are forcing certain representatives of the female part of the population to make incredible efforts in the struggle for beauty. Singer Rupa Boyko once weighed about 90 kg. Her dream was a slim waist and feminine proportions. Despite the fact that her performance was 40 cm, she is not a world record holder. Katie Jang, whose age is 75+, has not taken off the corset for almost 50 years, having become the owner of a waist of 38 cm.At the same time, she did not need to remove ribs or resort to other surgical interventions. Her achievement is a narrow waist.

The wide hips, measuring 2.5 meters, belong to the American Mikel Ruffinelli. In order for her to make a flight, the airline has to make up two seats. With a height of 156 cm, Ruffinelli's proportions cannot be admired. Rather, sympathy. Where is the line that should separate feminine forms from excessive fullness? There is only one criterion - this is the preservation of health, and with it elastic and delicate skin, devoid of cellulite.